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M. V. Samokhin 《Earth, Moon, and Planets》1977,17(4):409-423
The plasma flow in the equatorial plane of the magnetosphere is examined within the framework of a one-dimensional model in which all quantities are supposed to depend only on the distance along the Sun-Earth axis. The following models are considered: (1) the gasdynamical model in which the Ampère force is ignored, (2) the magnetohydrodynamical model in which the normal component of the Ampère force on the magnetopause is taken into account. The flow regime is calculated in the region including two regions: (1) the layer of the return flow where flow velocity is directed from the Sun, (2) the region of convection where the velocity is directed toward the Sun - on the assumption that the form of the magnetopause and the distribution of the solar wind pressure on the magnetopause are known.The following physical mechanisms are taken into account: (1) the appearance of a centrifugal force owing to the magnetopause curvature, the centrifugal force partly compensating for the solar wind pressure; (2) the existence of the critical point which is analogous to the point of transition through the local sound velocity in the Laval nozzle or in the Parker model of the solar corona. The thickness of the layer of the return flow and the velocity of convection in the magnetosphere are calculated; and the following peculiarities are found: (1) in the gasdynamical model the convection regime is only possible with high velocities corresponding to the substorm, (2) in the magnetohydrodynamic model the convection velocity and the thickness of the layer of the return flow are reduced; the reduction being connected to the fact that the pressure of the solar wind is partially compensated for by the jump of the magnetic pressure on the magnetopause. 相似文献
A magnetospheric model including convection and corotation electric fields is developed. Drift shells and pitch-angle evolution are obtained through perturbation methods. The asymmetry of the shell is maximum in a plane different from the noon-midnight meridian. As a consequence the dip in fluxes is not maximum in this meridian and the amount of shift is shown to be directly proportional to the convection electric field intensity. It is inversely proportional to the energy or the pitch-angle of the particles. 相似文献
Yu.P. Maltsev 《Planetary and Space Science》1985,33(5):493-498
The magnetospheric plasma convection is studied, taking into account the finite conductivity along magnetic field lines. Field-aligned currents flowing at the inner boundary of the magnetospheric plasma sheet give rise to parallel electric fields which insignificantly affect the convection on the ionospheric level but change drastically the convection system in the magnetosphere. Intense azimuthal convective streams arise along both sides of the plasma sheet boundary. A part of convection lines appears to be completely closed in the inner magnetosphere. 相似文献
A detailed study of the mechanism of electromagnetic stratification of the large-scale stationary magnetospheric convection due to a friction of the convective flow in the ionosphere layer was performed. Magnetosphere-ionosphere interaction was taken into account by means of the effective boundary conditions on the ionosphere top and bottom boundaries including the actual height profile of charge particles velocity in the ionosphere. It has been shown that the magnetospheric convection is stratified into small-scale current sheets which are respective in the linear approximation to an oblique Alfvén wave. The dispersion equation was deduced for the Alfvén mode and its solution obtained determining the space-time scales and the increment of instability. The maximum increment is realized for the disturbances stretched along the convection velocity that is correspondent to the actual orientation of the auroral arcs. In the conditions of rapid growth of Alfvén velocity above the maximum of the ionosphere F layer, it was shown that small-scale disturbances with the transverse scales l⊥ ? 1 km are localized at the altitudes up to several thousand kilometers whereas the large-scale stratification penetrate into the equatorial plane of the magnetosphere. A mechanism is proposed to intensify the parallel electric field acting at that stratification stage when the field-aligned currents in the Alfvén wave are sufficient to form abnormal resistance along geomagnetic lines of force. 相似文献
The hydrogen bulge is a feature in Jupiter's upper atmosphere that co-rotates with the planetary magnetic field (i.e. the hydrogen bulge is fixed in System III coordinates). It is located approximately 180° removed in System III longitude from the active sector, which has been identified as the source region for Jovian decametric radio emission and for release of energetic electrons into interplanetary space. According to the magnetic-anomaly model, the active sector is produced by the effect of the large magnetic anomaly in Jupiter's northern hemisphere. On the basis of the magnetic-anomaly model, it has been theoretically expected for some time that a two-cell magnetospheric convection pattern exists within the Jovian magnetosphere. Because the convection pattern is established by magnetic-anomaly effects of the active sector, the pattern co-rotates with Jupiter. (This is in contrast to the Earth's two-cell convection pattern that is fixed relative to the Sun with the Earth rotating beneath it.) The sense of the convection is to bring hot magnetospheric plasma into the upper atmosphere in the longitude region of the hydrogen bulge. This hot plasma contains electrons with energies of the order of 100keV that dissociate atmospheric molecules to produce the atomic hydrogen that creates the observed longitudinal asymmetry in hydrogen Lyman alpha emission. We regard the existence of the hydrogen bulge as the best evidence available thus far for the reality of the expected co-rotating magnetospheric convection pattern. 相似文献
From observations of two-ribbon solar flares, we present a new line of evidence that magnetic reconnection is of key importance in magnetospheric substorms. We infer that in substorms reconnection of closed field lines in the near-Earth thinned plasma sheet both initiates and is driven by the overall MHD instability that drives the tailward expulsion of the reconnected closed field (0 loops). The general basis for this inference is the longstanding notion that two-ribbon flares and substorms are essentially similar phenomena, driven by similar processes. We give an array of observed similarities that substantiate this view. More specifically, our inference for substorms is drawn from observations of filament eruptions in two-ribbon flares, from which we conclude that the heart of the overall instability consists of reconnection and eruption of the closed magnetic field in and around the filament. We propose that essentially the same overall instability operates in substorms. Our point is not that the magnetic field configuration or the microphysics in substorms is identical to that in two-ribbon flares, but that the overall instability results from essentially the same combination of reconnection and eruption of closed magnetic field. 相似文献
P. Oberc 《Planetary and Space Science》1983,31(8):885-888
An estimate of an upper bound on the length of the Earth's magnetotail has been made under the assumptions that (1) the flux of open magnetic field lines in the polar caps never vanishes and (2) the annihilation of the open field line flux is extremely low during magnetically quiet periods. These two basic assumptions are discussed and justified. It is found that the tail may be as long as 6000 Re (0.25 a.u.) after a prolonged quiet time period. On the other hand, the length of the shortest tail, which would result from a sequence of strong magnetospheric substorms, is estimated to be ~ 600 Re. These events are thus capable of shortening the tail by an order of magnitude. 相似文献
Tohru Sakurai 《Planetary and Space Science》1975,23(4):611-612
The convection electric field in the vicinity of the plasmapause in the midnight sector during magnetospheric substorms has been obtained on the basis of spectral analysis of Pc1 hydromagnetic (HM) waves observed at the low latitude station, Onagawa (Φ = 28.°3, Λ = 206.°8). Variations of the field are consistent for four independent substorm events studied. The calculation implies that the convection electric field increases westwards up to ~1.0 mV/m during the expansion phase of the substorms, changes polarity near the end of the expansion phase, and then points eastwards during the recovery phase. 相似文献
M. V. Samokhin 《Astrophysics and Space Science》1976,44(1):141-150
The distributions of the current and the neutral winds driven by the electric field of convection are calculated in the dynamo-region of the ionosphere. At high latitudes the convection field drives the current and wind systems which consist of two cells with the centres at about 6 and 18 hours LT. In the northern hemisphere in the dawn cells winds and currents are clockwise, in the dusk cells they are counterclockwise. The appearance of the wind system shows that the upper atmosphere moves in the direction inverse to the displacement of the ionospheric ends of the magnetic flux tubes taking part in the convection. In the disturbed conditions the calculated wind system has the directions and velocities of the winds which are in a satisfactory agreement with the data of the irregularity drifts in the lower ionosphere in the winter season. 相似文献
We model stagnant-lid convection for water ice I using a multicomponent rheology, combining grain boundary sliding, dislocation and diffusion creep mechanisms. For the superplastic flow-dislocation creep rheology, dislocation creep (n=4) dominates the deformation within the actively convecting sublayer whilst superplastic flow (n=1.8) is the dominant process within the stagnant-lid whilst for the superplastic flow-diffusion creep rheology, superplastic flow is the dominant deformation mechanism within the convecting sublayer while diffusion creep (n=1) is the dominant deformation process in the stagnant-lid. These results suggest deformation in the actively convecting sublayer is likely to be dominated by the mechanism with the largest stress exponent. We also provide heat flux scaling relationships for the superplastic flow, basal slip, dislocation creep-superplastic flow and superplastic flow-diffusion creep rheologies and provide a simple parameterized convection model of an icy satellite thermal evolution. 相似文献
R.J. Pellinen 《Planetary and Space Science》1979,27(1):19-30
In view of observations which show that a substorm often begins in a small local time sector, a model is assumed in which the neutral sheet current is diverted around a small region we call a bubble. The simplest assumption is that of a linear variation of current with distance from the centre of the bubble in the x-direction in a SM coordinate system, with the diverted current being channelled within narrow paths of width δy on the dawn and dusk sides of the bubble. This assumption leads to vector potential integrals that can be evaluated analytically. The addition of this current loop into the magnetotail results in a magnetic field structure where new neutral lines of X- and 0-type can be observed; these are connected to each other as a continuous neutral ring in the xy equatorial plane. The magnetic and electric field components around the neutral regions are calculated, and the time dependent evolution of the neutral ring is studied. Comparison with some published satellite observations shows good agreement. Taking typical values for the various quantities on the basis of actual observations within the magnetotail, we show that the induced electric field is at least comparable to the average cross-tail electrostatic field, and it may well be one or two orders of magnitude greater. The response of the plasma to the induction field is discussed qualitatively. It is concluded that field aligned currents may be produced due to inertial forces of the expanding disturbance. Interpretation of the ground based precipitation patterns of energized particles during auroral breakup is given. 相似文献
The structure of a sequence of four spatially and temporally connected magnetospheric substorms has been determined through the use of a set of mid-latitude magnetometer station data, an auroral zone magnetometer line data set, and the ATS-5 magnetometer record. In two of the substorms, two parallel westward electrojets were observed to develop during the initial part of the expansion phase. In another, the expansion phase consisted of the development of a westward electrojet westward and equatorward of the pre-existing current system. 相似文献
A unified theory of low frequency instabilities in a two component (cold and hot) finite-β magnetospheric plasma is suggested. It is shown that the low frequency oscillations comprise two wave modes : compressional Alfvén and drift mirror mode. No significant coupling between them is found in the long-wave approximation. Instabilities due to spontaneous excitation of these oscillations are considered. It is found that the temperature anisotropy significantly influences the instability growth rate at low frequency. A new instability due to the temperature anisotropy and density gradient appears when the frequency of compressional Alfvén waves is close to the drift mirror mode frequency. The theoretical predictions are compared in detail with the Pc5 event of 27 October 1978 observed simultaneously by the GEOS 2 satellite and the STARE radar facility. It is shown that the experimental results can be interpreted in terms of a compressional Alfvén wave driven by the drift anisotropy instability. 相似文献
《Planetary and Space Science》1965,13(2):131-141
The magnetospheric boundary which is the interface between solar wind and the magnetosphere is viewed as a surface of hydromagnetic Kelvin-Helmholtz discontinuity. The crucial effect of compressibility on its stability is discussed. It is shown that substantial portions of the dayside of the boundary are unstable under all conditions of solar wind. The spatial extent of the instability on the dayside is almost completely independent of the speed and density of solar wind. But it is critically dependent on the angle between the geomagnetic field and the compressed interplanetary field at the boundary. The stability of the nightside of the boundary is dependent on solar wind speed among other factors; the higher the speed, the more extensive is the stable region. 相似文献
Yu. A. Rylov 《Astrophysics and Space Science》1984,107(2):381-401
A self-consistent pulsar magnetospheric model with electron-positron pair production is considered. Unlike conventional models, the primary particles (electrons) are accelerated towards the neutron star and their curvature radiation towards a star generates electron-positron plasma near the neutron star. Inside an outflow channel, the generated plasma flows away from the pulsar magnetosphere. A part of the plasma electrons returns and, being accelerated towards the star, regenerate the plasma by their curvature radiation. It is shown that plasma production near the star causes an appearance of positron and electron equatorial belts. The plasma concentration and the flux of the returning electrons are estimated. The portion of the energy entering into the pulsar magnetosphere and its dependence on pulsar parameters are estimated. 相似文献
Armando L. Brinca 《Planetary and Space Science》1977,25(9):879-885
Analysis of the modifications introduced in a turbulent whistler noise spectrum with the injection of a coherent whistler leads to a nonlinear dispersion equation for the stochastic modes. These modes are submitted to real frequency shifts and corrections to their growth rates which are in qualitative agreement with observations made in the Siple Station VLF wave injection experiment showing the creation of noise-free bands when CW whistler modes are transmitted. 相似文献