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A review of the assessment and mitigation of floods in Sindh, Pakistan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

研究了煤层结构,构造,顶底板岩性变化,掌握煤层、煤质的变化规律,指出了煤矿区存在的问题和开采建议。对未来的矿山建设和资源开采具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

吉林省煤炭、铁矿资源储量严重不足,原煤、铁矿石自给率低,严重影响地方经济发展,通过加大勘查投资,煤、铁资源储量有望取得重大突破,提出了全省2008年煤、铁矿勘查部署和保证措施。  相似文献   

吉林省煤炭资源赋存规律及含煤远景   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
吉林省主要成煤期为晚古生代晚石炭世至早二叠世、晚中生代晚侏罗世、新生代古近纪;沉积类型以海相、海陆交互相、陆相均有存在,控煤构造及成煤环境是吉林省煤炭资源赋存的两大控制因素,通过总结吉林省煤炭资源赋存规律及主要成煤期含煤地层聚煤作用特征,提出了吉林省重点应在推覆构造下、玄武岩盖层下及新近纪盖层下寻找新的煤炭资源。  相似文献   

Kharsar hill is one of many granitic plutons comprising the Nagar Parkar igneous complex. The eastern part of the hill is occupied by grey-pink granite (earlier) and the western part by pink granite (later). They are composed of perthite, quartz, and plagioclase, with minor opaque oxide, biotite, titanite, local amphibole, and secondary chlorite, epidote, leucoxene/titanite. The pink granite is characterized by the presence of mafic clots. Both the granitoids are intruded by microgranite/aplite, and porphyritic mafic and rhyolite dykes, locally in swarms. These are abundant in a NE trending 200 m wide zone cutting the entire granite hill. The dykes may extend over 1 km in length and >10 m in thickness, but most are < 100 m in length. The felsic dykes are of several generations; some are associated with the two varieties of granite, others are contemporaneous with the rhyolite and mafic dykes. The mafic dykes can be grouped into two types one of which contains hornblende and the other augite as the principal mafic mineral. Major element analyses suggest that the granitic rocks are metaluminous. The Kharsar granites, like the others in Nagar Parkar, may be an extension of the Malani igneous suite of Rajasthan. The occurrence of bimodal mafic-felsic dykes and petrographic variation in the mafic dykes are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

贵州省煤炭资源赋存规律   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过系统收集、整理贵州省50余年来的各项煤田地质勘查资料和科研成果,以聚煤规律和构造控煤作用为切入点,对贵州省煤炭资源赋存规律进行研究。结果表明:贵州含煤区主要位于扬子陆块南部被动边缘褶冲带上,赋煤单元划分为4个赋煤带9个煤田,共有5类15种控煤构造样式,控煤构造方向有近南北向、北东向、北西向和近东西向4组;本区主要含煤地层为上二叠统,沉积古地理自西向东由陆相逐渐向海相过渡,其中三角洲平原相聚煤最好,聚煤中心在西部盘县、水城一带,煤层以中灰分、中-高硫煤为主,煤的变质作用类型主要为深成变质作用和区域岩浆热变质作用。研究结果为贵州省煤炭资源潜力评价提供依据,对煤炭资源进一步勘查具有指导意义。  相似文献   

贵州省煤炭资源优度评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于贵州省煤炭资源分布和赋存特点,构建了煤炭资源评价体系。运用灰色聚类分析方法,对贵州省166个勘查区进行分析评价,确定其优劣顺序。结果表明:单元优度值介于44.46~83.13,各单元间差异不大;贵州省具有良好的煤炭资源条件,“优”和“良”级资源占参评总资源量一半以上;煤炭资源在毕节和六盘水分布优势明显,适于优先带动开发。  相似文献   

The Antaramut–Kurtan–Dzoragukh (AKD) coal deposit is a previously unrecognized coal field in north-central Armenia. Coal has been known to exist in the general vicinity since the turn of the century, but coal was thought to be restricted to a small (1 km2) area only near the village of Antaramut. However, through detailed field work and exploratory drilling, this coal deposit has been expanded to at least 20 km2, and thus renamed the Antaramut–Kurtan–Dzoragukh coal field, for the three villages that the coal field encompasses. The entire coal-bearing horizon, a series of tuffaceous sandstones, siltstones, and claystones, is approximately 50 m thick. The AKD coal field contains two coal beds, each greater than 1 m thick, and numerous small rider beds, with a total resource of approximately 31,000,000 metric tonnes. The coals are late Eocene in age, high volatile bituminous in rank, relatively high in ash yield (approximately 40%, as-determined basis) and moderate in sulfur content (approximately 3%, as-determined basis). The two coal beds (No. 1 and No. 2), on a moist, mineral-matter-free basis, have high calorific values of 32.6 MJ/kg (7796 cal/g) and 36.0 MJ/kg (8599 cal/g), respectively. Coal is one of the few indigenous fossil fuel resources occurring in Armenia and thus, the AKD coal field could potentially provide fuel for heating and possibly energy generation in the Armenian energy budget.  相似文献   

正The Nagar Parkar complex consists of Neoproterozoic igneous and metamorphic rocks dissected by episodic mafic and felsic dykes.The latter can be classified broadly into porphyritic felsic dykes and aplitic felsic dykes(minor)  相似文献   

江苏省煤炭资源及开发现状与思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王传礼  叶水泉 《江苏地质》2005,29(3):186-189
介绍了江苏省煤炭资源的基本概况,主要煤层的简要特征,煤的类型和质量。叙述了江苏省煤炭资源储量的特点,讨论了解决煤炭短缺问题的方法和建议。分析了煤炭资源的开发利用现状,总结了江苏煤炭企业占用资源和经营的基本情况。  相似文献   

The Nagar Parkar Igneous Complex consists of Neoproterozoic igneous and metamorphic rocks dissected by mafic, felsic, and rhyolitic dykes. The latter can be classified broadly into porphyritic felsic dykes intruding gray and pink granites at Nagar Parkar and the surrounding areas, and the orthophyric felsic dykes intruding amphibolites, deformed pink granites, and the alkaline mafic dykes in the Dhedvero area, north of Nagar Parkar. The porphyritic felsic dykes are composed of perthites, quartz, and albitic plagioclase whereas the orthopheric felsic dykes contain K-feldspar (dominant), plagioclase, and minor quartz. Geochemically, the porphyritic and orthophyric felsic dykes are subalkaline and alkaline demonstrating post-orogenic A2- and OIB-A1-type characteristic on Nb–Y–Ce and Nb–Y–3Ga ternary plots, respectively. One orthophyric felsic dyke contains normative acmite and sodium metasilicate. This study suggests two distinct tectonic regimes for the origin of the felsic dykes of the area. The porphyritic felsic dykes show similarities with the ~800–700 Ma granites of the area, the rhyolite dykes of the Mount Abu, western Rajasthan in India, and the granites of the Seychelles microcontinent. The orthophyric felsic dykes show chemical resemblance with the Tavidar volcanic suite of western Rajasthan and the Silhouette and North islands of the Seychelles microcontinent. This study confirms spatial and temporal links among the Rodinian fragments exposed in the Nagar Parkar area of Pakistan, western Rajasthan of India, and the Seychelles microcontinent.  相似文献   

安徽淮北煤田二叠系沉积环境与聚煤规律分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对大量钻孔资料分析,运用沉积学、煤田地质学的基本理论和方法,分析了淮北煤田二叠系的沉积特征、沉积序列和沉积环境及其演化,鉴别了沉积相,初步进行了聚煤规律分析。研究表明,淮北煤田二叠系广泛发育三角洲沉积体系,而且三角洲沉积体系的废弃阶段是聚煤作用的最佳时期,三角洲平原是聚煤的最佳场所。  相似文献   

构造作用是控制煤矿床形成、演化和现今赋存状况的首要地质因素。煤田构造以研究煤盆地和煤层构造的几何形态、组合型式、分布规律、成因机制和发展演化进程为主要内容,以此服务于煤炭资源勘查和开发。  相似文献   

山东省聊城市东部地热田地热资源特征   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
王奎峰 《中国地质》2009,36(1):194-202
山东省聊城东部地热田内蕴藏着丰富的地热资源,地质构造条件、热储地质条件都比较有利,是开发地热资源的有利地段.通过对已有钻探资料的分析,结合近年来的勘查项目研究成果,笔者认为聊城东部地热田属于岩溶裂隙层状传导型地热田,区域地质构造主要为聊考断裂和茌平断裂,热储层主要为奥陶纪马家沟组灰岩地层,该区的地温梯度主要受构造控制,断裂导热是形成本区地热田的一个重要因素,地下热水矿化度较小,含有多种对人体有益的矿物、元素,并且根据开发现状提出了合理的开发利用与保护政策.  相似文献   

The Nagar Parkar area contains three distinct groups of rocks, from oldest to youngest, (1) basement rocks ranging in composition from mafic to (quartz)diorite, tonalite, granite, and younger granodiorite, (2) granite plutons similar in general features to those of the Malani Igneous Suite of Rajasthan, and (3) abundant mafic, felsic and rhyolitic dykes. The basement rocks show strong brittle and local plastic deformation, and epidote amphibolite/upper greenschist facies metamorphic overprint. The chemistry of the basement rocks contrasts the commonly agreed within plate A-type character of the Neoproterozoic granites (group 2) that are emplaced into them. The basement rock association is calc-alkaline; the granodiorite displays the compositional characteristics of adakites, whereas the tonalite has intermediate composition between typical adakite and classical island arc rocks. This paper presents detailed petrography of the basement rocks and compares their geochemistry with those of the group 2 granites as well as with rocks from other tectonic environments. It is proposed that the Nagar Parkar basement is part of a 900–840 Ma magmatic arc that was deformed before it was intruded 800–700 Ma ago by the A-type continental granitic rocks followed by mafic to felsic dykes.  相似文献   

河南煤炭资源状况与形势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对河南省煤炭资源的开发,利用现状及尚未利用煤炭资源状况进行了综合评价,对煤炭资源的合理利用方向进行了评述,为河南省的煤炭工业规划规划和可持续发展战略的制定提供了依据。  相似文献   

煤炭工业可持续发展必须有煤炭资源作为基础和支撑。近年来我省煤炭资源开发强度大,尚未利用资源中可供建井的资源、储量严重不足,受我省煤炭资源聚煤规律、赋存总量、地质条件和主要预测区勘查程度低等条件的限制,资源勘查形势严峻。通过对吉林省煤炭资源开发情况、煤炭供需形势及预测和存在的突出问题进行分析、研究,提出建议和对策以加大、加快地质勘查力度,保证煤炭资源的接续和供给。  相似文献   

石彪  盛建海 《中国煤田地质》2001,13(2):33-33,52
通过对河南省煤层气地质条件及资源状况分析,对河南煤层气资源开发前景进行了符合实际的评价,指出了先期开发靶区,为今后煤层气勘探开发工作提供了依据。  相似文献   

苏永荣  刘琰 《安徽地质》2013,(3):208-210
以反映煤炭资源的勘查、利用状况为依据,将安徽省煤炭资源进行了分类统计;介绍了煤质总体特征及煤类;分析了煤炭资源勘查、利用现状;并提出了煤炭资源勘查建议。  相似文献   

运用层序地层原理,通过岩心和测井资料的综合分析,对新疆准东煤田西黑山勘查区西山窑组进行了层序地层研究,识别出3个体系域-)-低位、湖扩和高位体系域,并进一步进行了高频层序单元的划分。在层序地层格架的约束下,分析了西山窑组沉积体系的配置关系,识别出辫状河三角洲和湖泊沉积体系,进而细分为4个亚相和8个微相类型。同时,对煤岩样品进行了煤质分析和显微组分定量统计,确定了研究区煤相类型主要为潮湿森林沼泽相和干燥森林沼泽相。该区煤相的垂向演化规律受湖平面升降变化所控制,而湖平面的升降受层序地层格架的约束,在不同体系域中湖平面的变化控制泥炭沼泽的发育,从而决定了煤质煤相的演化规律。  相似文献   

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