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This paper investigates mercury contamination in recent marine sediment of the Tyrrhenian continental shelf near the mouths of three rivers draining an area with cinnabar deposits (M. Amiata, Italy). By means of chemical leaching, two fractions of the total mercury were distinguished: a ‘non-leachable’ fraction, consisting of mercury held in relatively stable forms and a ‘leachable’ fraction, composed of forms that are more weakly bound to the sediments. The two Hg fractions are correlated to the organic matter content, the distribution of which is strictly dependent on the sediment surface area.In order to eliminate the effects of grain size variations among the samples, the Hg concentrations were normalized to the unit of surface area (ng/m2). Following this procedure, the ‘non-leachable’ Hg was found to be concentrated mostly in a belt along the coast, while the ‘leachable’ Hg fraction was shown to accumulate largely in the zones with high depositional dynamics near the mouths of the rivers.Hypotheses to account for the discrepancy between the low concentrations of ‘leachable’ Hg in the sediment of the outer continental shelf and the high concentrations in the fauna of the same area, reported in previous papers, are presented.  相似文献   

This study examines the distribution of leachable particulate iron (Fe) in the Columbia River, estuary, and near-field plume. Surface samples were collected during late spring and summer of 2004–2006 as part of four River Influence on Shelf Ecosystems (RISE) cruises. Tidal amplitude and river flow are the primary factors influencing the estuary leachable particulate Fe concentrations, with greater values during high flow and/or spring tides. Near the mouth of the estuary, leachable particulate Fe [defined as the particulate Fe solubilized with a 25% acetic acid (pH 2) leach containing a weak reducing agent to reduce Fe oxyhydroxides and a short heating step to access intracellular Fe] averaged 770 nM during either spring tide or high flow, compared to 320 nM during neap tide, low flow conditions. In the near-field Columbia River plume, elevated leachable particulate Fe concentrations occur during spring tides and/or higher river flow, with resuspended shelf sediment as an additional source to the plume during periods of coastal upwelling and spring tides. Near-field plume concentrations of leachable particulate Fe (at a salinity of 20) averaged 660 nM during either spring tide or high flow, compared to 300 nM during neap tide, low flow conditions. Regardless of tidal amplitude and river flow, leachable particulate Fe concentrations in both the river/estuary and near-field plume are consistently one to two orders of magnitude greater than dissolved Fe concentrations. The Columbia River is an important source of reactive Fe to the productive coastal waters off Oregon and Washington, and leachable particulate Fe is available for solubilization following biological drawdown of the dissolved phase. Elevated leachable Fe concentrations allow coastal waters influenced by the Columbia River plume to remain Fe-replete and support phytoplankton production during the spring and summer seasons.  相似文献   

The characterization of solid phase-associated transition metals is important in understanding solid—seawater interactions. This has proven to be a difficult problem because of the complex nature of most sediments and suspended particulate matter. Many chemical techniques have been proposed to describe sedimentary metal phases. Most rely on characterizing equivalent chemical reactivities from the various metal phases rather than the characterization of the actual physical phases with which the metals are associated. In this study, several of the most widely used trace metal extraction techniques are compared for many of the most commonly measured transition metals using a variety of naturally occurring major marine sediment types. All solid concentrations are normalized to total metal values as obtained by neutron activation and X-ray fluorescence analyses.One weak, four intermediate strength, and two strong metal extraction methods were studied individually. The weak method had the lowest degree of extraction efficiency, but dissolved all solid carbonate phases. Its probable inability to retain released metals quantitatively in solution is a major problem. Three of the four intermediate methods are similar. The other and simplest of the four methods (0.5 N HCl), released much lower amounts of most metals studied when compared to these other three. It cannot be classified as a weak method, however, as it does attack some moderately resistant solid phases. Only one of the other three intermediate methods (a reducing acetic acid solution), was relatively free from analytical difficulties and it is preferred for this reason. The two strong extraction methods are quite similar, with neither yielding total metal concentrations.A five-step sequential extraction scheme was also evaluated. The results were generally quite good, both with regard to metal phase fractionation and overall total extraction of available metals. Based on the results of this study, a sequential extraction scheme is a useful method for characterizing solid phase-associated transition metals.  相似文献   

We have investigated Pb concentrations and isotopic compositions in settling particles collected by sediment traps experiments over a period of two years, from May 2005 to April 2007, at two depths, 770 and 5100 m, at station KNOT in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean (44°N, 155°E). To the identify provenances of Pb, the samples were separated into two fractions by chemical leaching techniques, with the leachate expected to contain Pb of anthropogenic origin. Isotopic compositions of Pb and concentrations of Pb, Sc, Mn, La, Yb, and Th were measured by quadrupole ICP-MS. The isotope ratios of leachable Pb in settling particles were 207Pb/206Pb = 0.860 ± 0.001; 208Pb/206Pb = 2.116 ± 0.002 (mean ± 95% confidence intervals), which are similar to those of aerosols in China that are greatly affected by pollution from coal combustion. We estimated the mean contribution from anthropogenic Pb sources to the Pb in settling particles, using the conventional binary (anthropogenic and natural Pb) mixing equation for Pb isotopes, as 90% in the upper trap and 78% in the lower trap. Furthermore, we found a significant negative correlation between the isotope ratios of Pb and concentrations of leachable Mn, normalized to those of leachable Pb, suggesting that manganese oxides play an important role in transporting Pb from the upper layers of the ocean to the deeper layers. Our results support the speculation published in a previous study that Pb might be scavenged by Mn oxides in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   

Three multivariate procedures (cluster analysis, discrimination and classification) were used to identify and characterize various types of marine sediments in Kuwait. Samples from 201 offshore locations were first clustered into five types of sediments with different metal concentrations (Ag, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, V, Zn and Hg) and sedimentological characteristics (% TOC, carbonate, mean grain size and % size fraction < 63 μ). Discriminant functions were then developed in terms of trace metal concentrations to describe mathematically differences between the various sediment types. A classification procedure was also used to calculate the probability that each of 186 additional samples from coastal areas adjacent to suspected point sources of pollution may belong to each of the five sediment types. This analysis identified a sixth type of sediment dominating the area inside and near the entrance of Shuwaikh Port. Characterized by elevated levels of Ag, Cd, Cu, Hg, Pb and Zn, this type indicated the presence of a high level of metal pollution in the area.  相似文献   

Since an important fraction of the organic matter produced by salt marshes is decomposed in situ, macro-benthic communities are particularly exposed to the trace metals retained by these systems. Yet, few studies have investigated the macro-benthic communities using the between-root sediment habitat of the salt marsh halophytes (salt-tolerant plants), or the effect of trace metal pollution on its population dynamics. In the present study, samples were collected in vegetated and unvegetated sediment, in three salt marshes in the Tagus estuary, for trace metal concentration determination in the sediment and in the halophytes roots, grain size determination and macro-benthic organism identification. Data analysis revealed that the distribution of macro-benthic organisms is mainly determined by metal contamination, metal type and by the presence/absence of halophytes, not by the halophyte species. Five different associations were identified: resistant organisms were associated with the highest concentrations of lead (sediment); tolerant organisms with zinc, copper (sediment and roots) and lead (roots); cadmium in the sediment with a lack of macro-benthic life; sensitive organisms with low levels of metals except for cadmium in the roots; and macro-benthos typical of intertidal mudflats with unvegetated areas with low metal contamination.  相似文献   

The responses of atmospheric pCO2 and sediment calcite content to changes in the export rain ratio of calcium carbonate to organic carbon are examined using a diffusion-advection ocean biogeochemical model coupled to a one-dimensional sediment geochemistry model. Our model shows that a 25% reduction in rain ratio decreases atmospheric pCO2 by 59 ppm. This is caused by alkalinity redistribution by a weakened carbonate pump and an alkalinity increase in the whole ocean via carbonate compensation with decreasing calcite burial. The steady state responses of sedimentary calcite content and calcite preservation efficiency are rather insensitive to the deepening of the saturation horizon of 1.9 km. This insensitivity is a result of the reduced deposition flux that decreases calcite burial, counteracting the saturation horizon deepening that increases calcite burial. However, in the first 10,000 years the effect of reduced calcite deposition on the burial change is more prominent; while after 10,000 years, the effect of saturation horizon deepening is more dominant. The lowering of sediment calcite content for the first 10,000 years is effectively decoupled from the 1.9 km downward shift of the saturation horizon. Our results are in part a consequence of the more dominant role that respiration CO2 plays in sediment calcite dissolution over bottom water chemistry in our control run and support the decoupling of calcite lysocline depth and saturation horizon shifts, as suggested originally by Archer and Maier-Reimer (1994) and Archer et al. (2000).  相似文献   

Thirty-one surficial sediment samples were collected from the floor of Izmit Bay with a grab onboard the R/V Bilim in summer 1987 and analysed for their grain size, total carbonate, and organic carbon distribution.Low calcareous-terrigenous mud (2–45% CaCO3) with a relatively high silt percentage was the principal sediment type found on the floor of Izmit Bay. Sediments rich in sand and gravel usually occur in the narrow and shoal areas of the bay, where biogenic and topography-related hydrodynamic conditions are dominant factors controlling the nature of bottom deposits. The carbonates are made up almost entirely of the remains of calcareous organisms. Organic carbon concentrations of the sediments (0·35-1·62%) are probably associated with the high primary production rates in this region. Thus, the rates of sedimentation in the Izmit Bay calculated from the organic carbon and primary productivity data are estimated to be up to 70 cm/1000 years.  相似文献   

In this study we test the hypothesized negative relationship between seagrass status and porewater hydrogen sulfide (H2S) levels, through a comparative analysis within a range of seven Posidonia oceanica meadows growing over carbonate sediments in the NW Mediterranean Sea around Mallorca Island. The studied meadows range from meadows growing on sediments with very low sulfide porewater concentrations (4.6 μM) to those growing over higher sulfide conditions (33.5 μM). Organic matter content, sulfate reduction rates and sulfide porewater concentrations in the sediments were determined concurrently with the assessment of demographic plant dynamics (specific mortality and net population growth rates). Sulfide porewater concentration increased with increasing organic matter content in the sediment, while net population growth decreased significantly with low increases of sulfide concentrations. Our results confirm the previously suspected vulnerability of seagrass meadows growing on carbonate sediments to increased sulfide levels. An excess of 10 μmols H2S L−1 porewater is identified to already conduce P. oceanica meadows to decline, which this study identifies, particularly, as strongly sensitive to sulfides. The results reported here suggest that even moderate increases in organic carbon inputs may lead to enhancement of dissolved sulfides and may be an important factor for seagrass status in these iron-depleted carbonate sediments from the Mediterranean Sea.  相似文献   


The October 2011 sinking of the container ship MV Rena on Astrolabe Reef, New Zealand, provided a rare opportunity to examine the fate of shipwreck-derived contaminants on an offshore rocky reef and food chain. Analyses of trace metals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and organotins indicated significant but localised contamination of Astrolabe Reef but not of nearby Mōtītī Island. Three years after the grounding, PAH concentrations were greater in sediments at Astrolabe (up to 131?mg kg?1) than at control locations, while organotins from the ship's antifouling hull paint were found exclusively in Astrolabe Reef sediments and biota. Over 80% of Astrolabe sediment samples contained tributyltin at concentrations above guideline sediment levels (>0.07?mg kg?1). Tributyltin and its decomposition products were also recorded in sea urchins, gastropods, lobster and fishes at concentrations up to 0.2?mg kg?1. Wreck and cargo-derived metals, particularly copper, tin and zinc, were present in some Astrolabe sediment samples above Australia and New Zealand Environment and Conservation Council guideline concentrations. However, there appeared to be only limited transmission of metals through the food chain. Copper, tin and zinc were recorded at greater concentrations in Astrolabe sea urchins and gastropods compared to control specimens, while metal concentrations in other biota were comparable across impact and control sites. Despite over 3 years having passed since the Rena grounding, the data series does not show any upward or downward trends in contaminant concentrations on Astrolabe Reef. Consequently, there is uncertainty about the long-term implications of the Rena grounding for the ecology of Astrolabe Reef.  相似文献   

Eighteen short cores were analyzed for major and trace metals (Al, Fe, Ca, Mg, Mn, Si, K, Ti, Pb, Zn, Cu, Ni, Cr), 210Pb, 137Cs, and other sediment characteristics, so as to describe the chronology of pollution and calculate metal concentration factors and fluxes. Substantial evidence was found that trace metal profiles are influenced by anthropogenic sources and by changes in sediment composition. Only Zn presents concentrations (up to 13.1 μmol g) and concentration factors (1.3 to 13.2) that can be attributed to heavy contamination. Pb, Cu and Ni, in this order, are less significant. The areal distribution of concentrations and inventories reflects the importance of direct sources, in particular the industrial area of Porto Marghera and the Dese river. The inventories of excess metals, above pre-industrial levels, were determined for each core and the three different parts of the study area, the amounts of Zn accumulated in sediments are 11.0 Mmol, 5.1 Mmol and 0.37 Mmol in the Campalto, S. Erasmo, and Palude di Cona areas, respectively. Ruxes were also calculated and compared with those suggested for the atmospheric delivery by Cochran et al. [(1995)b. Atmospheric fluxes of heavy metal contaminants to the Venice Lagoon, Rapp. Comm. Int. Mer Médit., 34, 136.], the atmospheric contribution is predominant or significant in many cases, especially at sites far from the major local inputs. Concentrations and fluxes show a significant increase in the anthropogenic metal supply starting from the second decade of this century, with maximum inputs in the period between the (1930)s and the (1970)s. At some stations a decrease in heavy metal contamination of surficial sediments was found and this could be ascribed to a reduced input of pollutants in recent years.  相似文献   

As in many other areas, the perennial cord grass Spartina anglica C.E. Hubbard has been extremely successful at colonising the English and Irish south coasts, but it is dying back for reasons that are not completely understood. The present study considers the relationship between die-back and metal concentrations in estuarine sediment. No obvious impact of the metal contamination on the S. anglica growth/die-back could be detected in the study zone, Poole Harbour, although the die-back did seem to have substantially influenced the metal concentrations in the sediments of the estuary. Based on core profiles, the remaining patches of S. anglica still retain elevated concentrations and the overall cadmium concentrations in the sediments have risen since 1925. However, considerable quantities of the cadmium stored in the sediment by S. anglica appear to have been washed out rapidly in the die-back zones. Should serious erosion of the saltmarsh occur, triggered for example by sea-level rise, then sudden and high levels of cadmium release may cause harmful effects to marine biota.  相似文献   

The concentrations of rare earth elements (REEs), sulphate, hydrogen sulphide, total alkalinity, calcium, magnesium and phosphate were measured in shallow (<12 cm below seafloor) pore waters from cold-seep sediments on the northern and southern summits of Hydrate Ridge, offshore Oregon. Downward-decreasing sulphate and coevally increasing sulphide concentrations reveal sulphate reduction as dominant early diagenetic process from ~2 cm depth downwards. A strong increase of total dissolved REE (∑REE) concentrations is evident immediately below the sediment–water interface, which can be related to early diagenetic release of REEs into pore water resulting from the re-mineralization of particulate organic matter. The highest pore water ∑REE concentrations were measured close to the sediment–water interface at ~2 cm depth. Distinct shale-normalized REE patterns point to particulate organic matter and iron oxides as main REE sources in the upper ~2-cm depth interval. In general, the pore waters have shale-normalized patterns reflecting heavy REE (HREE) enrichment, which suggests preferential complexation of HREEs with carbonate ions. Below ~2 cm depth, a downward decrease in ∑REE correlates with a decrease in pore water calcium concentrations. At this depth, the anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM) coupled to sulphate reduction increases carbonate alkalinity through the production of bicarbonate, which results in the precipitation of carbonate minerals. It seems therefore likely that the REEs and calcium are consumed during vast AOM-induced precipitation of carbonate in shallow Hydrate Ridge sediments. The analysis of pore waters from Hydrate Ridge shed new light on early diagenetic processes at cold seeps, corroborating the great potential of REEs to identify geochemical processes and to constrain environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Estuaries have long been thought to be effective traps for river-borne contaminants; however, accurately predicting removal efficiencies remains problematic. In the Quinnipiac River, CT, marsh system, patterns of metal accumulation (Ag, Cd, Cu, Pb) in sediments were used to estimate heavy metal removal efficiencies. Linear and multivariate regression models were fit to sediment metal concentrations to estimate removal curves and surfaces, which avoided the large temporal variability commonly encountered when using direct water column measurements. Second order regressions normalized to the shortest distance to the river channel were found to have the best fit (r>0.67) with the lowest standard error (<32%). The heavy metal removal efficiencies estimated by comparing total metal accumulation in marsh sediments with riverine flux were Ag=21%, Cd=6%, Cu=14%, and Pb=17%, which are comparable to the maximum removal efficiency of riverine suspended particulate matter (28%).  相似文献   

New petrographic and major element geochemical data from modern Peru margin upper slope-outer shelf phosphorites are presented, which provide insight into their origin and paragenetic relationship with other authigenic minerals (glauconite, pyrite and dolomite) occurring in organic-rich sediments. Glauconites are precipitated relatively early following the partial reduction of ferric iron and, following this process, phosphate, pyrite, and then dolomite precipitation take place at progressively deeper levels in the sediment in association with microbial reduction of sulfate. As in many ancient economic phosphorite deposits, the phosphatic facies here consist of nodules, crusts, coatings and strata composed of phosphatic pelletal grains (ooids, structureless grains, intraclasts, clumps and biogenic grains) in association with organic-rich biosiliceous sediments. All are considered to have formed within a few centimeters or within a few tens of centimeters below the sediment-water interface. Important factors that influence which morphology will tend to develop include the amount of available pore space, the presence of suitable nucleation sites, the amount and size of siliciclastic detritus incorporated as inclusions and the relative solution chemistries of the precipitating solutions. Bacterial mediation may play an important, but as yet unspecified role in the precipitation process. Textural data and factor analysis of chemical data suggest that structureless pellets are relatively inclusion-free Na-F-Mg-CO3-substituted pore-water precipitates whereas ooids are inclusion-rich pore-water precipitates poor in lattice-substituted components. Variations in nodular cement birefringence and crystallinity are suggested to have been produced by similar lattice substitutions that directly reflect pore-water carbonate ion concentrations and thus relative degrees of organic-matter degradation. Phosphate and dolomite are intimately mixed, yet mineralogically distinct phases in phosphatized dolomicrites.

Depth-stratified threshold carbonate ion concentrations may control the lower limit at which phosphatic minerals may precipitate. Below depths of a few centimeters, excessive carbonate ion concentrations and diminished reactive iron and sulfate concentrations favor the development of dolomite while precluding further development of phosphatic minerals and pyrite. Periodic sediment reorganization (bioturbation, current winnowing and erosion, mass wasting, etc.) plays an important role in both concentrating pelletal grains and maintaining nodules and crusts at critical depth levels in the sediment, as well as mixing ordered mineral parageneses into complicated sequences.  相似文献   

Enzymatic mobilisation of trace metals from estuarine sediment   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
Andrew Turner   《Marine Chemistry》2006,98(2-4):140-147
Proteinase K, a non-specific protease that is representative of enzymes encountered in the digestive environment of deposit-feeding organisms, has been employed to determine the nature and extent of enzymatic mobilisation of trace metals (Al, Fe, Mn, As, Cu, Pb and Zn) from contaminated estuarine sediment. The extent of metal release by the enzyme was critically dependent on whether and how the sample had been dried and, for all metals except Mn, mobilisation was greatest when the sample had not been dried. The fraction of metal available to the enzyme, fe, defined as the amount of metal released from undried sediment after 4 h incubation relative to the total metal concentration, was less than 1% in all cases. Significantly, however, there was a strong correlation between fe and published factors defining the enrichment of metals in the gut fluids of the deposit-feeding lugworm, Arenicola marina. This suggests that, at least qualitatively, the mechanics of metal mobilisation in situ are replicated by the commercial enzyme. Thermally denaturing the enzyme resulted in mobilisation that was greater than (As and Cu) or similar to (all other metals) release engendered by the active enzyme, suggesting that the principal mechanism of metal mobilisation is not related to proteolysis but more likely involves complexation or exchange with component amino acids of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Elevation of metal concentrations in coastal environments associated with anthropogenic enrichment pose a significant threat to estuarine organisms. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the relationships between cellular responses that may be potentially valuable as indicators of chronic stress and metal-contaminated sediments. For these studies, hatchery-reared juvenile oysters were deployed in situ at 15 sites for approximately 1 month around Charleston Harbor, SC. The effects on lysosomal destabilization and glutathione concentrations were determined; and the relationships between the cellular responses and sediment metal concentrations were described. Both single metal and multiple metal parameters (based on total metal concentrations, aluminum normalizations, and summed sediment quality guidelines) were considered. Generally, significant correlations were observed for individual metal analytes and multiple metal parameters. Since many of the individual metal analytes covary, the responses may reflect overall contaminant loading rather than responses to individual metals. Methods for estimating overall contaminant loading based on multiple analytes provide a more realistic estimate of potential adverse effects.  相似文献   

程俊  王淑红  黄怡  颜文 《海洋科学》2019,43(5):110-122
综述了天然气水合物赋存区甲烷渗漏活动的地球化学响应指标的研究进展,分析了应用单一指标识别甲烷渗漏活动各自所存在的问题,包括浅表层沉积物孔隙水中CH_4、SO_4~(2–)、Cl~–等离子浓度随深度的变化;浅层沉积物全岩W_(TOC)(W表示质量分数,TOC表示总有机碳)和W_(TS)(TS表示总硫)之间的相关性及比值;自生碳酸盐岩δ~(13)C和δ~(18)O;自生矿物重晶石、黄铁矿、自生石膏的δ~(34)S;有孔虫壳体和生物标志化合物的δ~(13)C等。结果表明孔隙水中的CH_4、SO4_~(2–)浓度及溶解无机碳的碳同位素组成可以用来识别目前正在发生的甲烷渗漏活动;而沉积物中的WTS、自生矿物的δ~(34)S、钡含量及其异常峰值和生物标志化合物的δ~(13)C等指标的联合使用可以更真实准确地反映地质历史时期天然气水合物赋存区的甲烷渗漏活动。因此,在实际研究过程中,可将孔隙水和沉积物两种介质的多种指标相结合。随着非传统稳定同位素(Fe、Ca、Mg等)和沉积物氧化还原敏感元素(Mo、V、U等)等研究的发展,甲烷渗漏活动地球化学响应指标的研究也将得到拓展,而多种地球化学指标的联合使用将为天然气水合物勘探及其形成分解过程识别研究提供重要的科学依据。  相似文献   

Sediment deposition and production in SE-Asia seagrass meadows   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Seagrass meadows play an important role in the trapping and binding of particles in coastal sediments. Yet seagrass may also contribute to sediment production directly, through the deposition of detritus and also the deposition of the associated mineral particles. This study aims at estimating the contribution of different seagrass species growing across an extensive range of deposition to inorganic (carbonate and non-carbonate) and organic sediment production. Total daily deposition measured with sediment traps varied from 18.8 (±2.0) g DW m−2 d−1 in Silaqui (Philippines) to 681.1 (±102) g DW m−2 d−1 in Bay Tien (Vietnam). These measurements correspond to a single sampling event and represent sedimentation conditions during the dry season in SE-Asia coastal areas. Enhalus acoroides was the most common species in the seagrass meadows visited and, together with Thalassia hemprichii, was present at sites from low to very high deposition. Halodule uninervis and Cymodocea species were present in sites from low to medium deposition. The mineral load in seagrass leaves increased with age, and was high in E. acoroides because it had the largest and long-lived leaves (up to 417 mg calcium carbonate per leaf and 507 mg non-carbonate minerals per leaf) and low in H. uninervis with short-lived leaves (4 mg calcium carbonate per leaf and 2 mg non-carbonate minerals per leaf). In SE-Asia seagrass meadows non-carbonate minerals accumulate at slower rates than the production of calcium carbonate by the epiphytic community, consequently the final loads supported by fully grown leaves were, as average, lower than calcium carbonate loads. Our results show that organic and inorganic production of the seagrasses in SE-Asia represents a small contribution (maximum of 15%) of the materials sedimented on a daily base by the water column during the sampling period. The contribution of the carbonate fraction can be locally significant (i.e. 34% in Silaqui) in areas where the depositional flux is low, but is minor (<1%) in sites were siltation is significant (i.e. Umalagan and all the visited sites in Vietnam).  相似文献   

通过对东北太平洋胡安·德富卡隆起西翼沉积柱样中的碳酸盐含量和浮游有孔虫氧同位素测试以及浮游有孔虫丰度、溶解指数和粗组分的统计,发现在晚第四纪约65 ka以来碳酸盐含量变化幅度大(0 4%~77 2%),相差非常悬殊,但其变化未呈现出冰期时溶解作用减弱、间冰期时溶解作用强烈这样明显的旋回性。粗组分分析结果显示,地层中有明显的浊流沉积发育。另外,碳酸盐含量和浮游有孔虫丰度分析结果揭露了研究区的 CCD在3 500 m左右。研究认为,在约65 ka来水深浅于3 500 m的区域碳酸盐含量的无规律性变化应与浊流沉积影响有直接的关系,而水深深于3 500 m的区域碳酸盐含量主要受控于深海碳酸盐的溶解作用。  相似文献   

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