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Low-dispersion spectra of the order of 1000 Å mm-1 have been obtained for stars in several faint galactic clusters with a transmission grating placed in front of the photographic plate at the Cassegrain focus of the Kavalur 102-cm telescope. The intensity distribution in the shorter wavelengths has been taken as the principal criterion for the spectral classification of the individual stars in the area covered by the photographic plate. The uncertainty in this procedure has been found to be about two spectral subclasses. A combination of these spectral classes with the visual magnitudes derived from the image diameters on the POSS charts provide the HR diagrams for each cluster area. These diagrams are adequate to establish the cluster membership of any star to a first approximation. This technique has been tested on six galactic open clusters, four of which are well-studied. We find good agreement both in terms of the ages of the clusters and individual stellar membership.  相似文献   

Summary In the solar neighborhood, approximately half of all intermediate mass main sequence stars with initially between 1 and about 5 Mbecome carbon stars with luminosities near 104 L for typically less than 106 years. These high luminosity carbon stars lose mass at rates nearly always in excess of 10–7 M yr–1 and sometimes in excess of 10–5 M yr–1. Locally, close to half of the mass returned into the interstellar medium by intermediate mass stars before they become white dwarfs is during the carbon star phase. A much greater fraction of lower metallicity stars become carbon-rich before they evolve into planetary nebulae than do higher metallicity stars; therefore, carbon stars are much more importan t in the outer than in the inner Galaxy.  相似文献   

Observations of the frequency with which globular clusters surround galaxies are reviewed. With a single exception the data do not favour the view that elliptical galaxies are formed from merging disc systems. Attention is also drawn to the unusually high frequency of globular clusters in central galaxies of rich clusters.  相似文献   

Members of the Galaxy components are identified according to stellar ages, metallicities and galactic orbits. The local thin disk is found to have a maximum age of 11 billion years and a small abundance scatter partially controlled by the radial gradient of abundances. Metal-rich and old metal-poor stars belong to inner galactic populations and SMRs represent the ultimate star generation in the bulge. The thick disk forms a smooth transition between the halo and thin disk.  相似文献   

《New Astronomy Reviews》2000,44(4-6):303-313
We review the yields of intermediate mass elements (from C to Zn) from massive stars and their associated uncertainties, in the light of recent theoretical results. We consider the role of those yields for our understanding of the chemical evolution of the solar neighbourhood and of the halo of our Galaxy. Current yields reproduce in a satisfactory way the solar system composition, but several problems remain concerning abundance ratios in halo stars.  相似文献   

The Galactic globular clusters are believed to be among the most ancient objects for which reliable ages can be determined. As the Universe can not be younger than the oldest object it contains, the oldest Galactic globular clusters provide one of the few most important constraints that one can have on cosmological models. Latest estimates indicate that the absolute age of the oldest globular clusters is 14 ± 3 Gyr. The calibration of absolute ages is still subject to observational and theoretical uncertainties at the ≈ 20% level, and represents a major limitation on our ability to test cosmological models. However, relative ages are starting to be much better known due to the super colour-magnitude diagrams that have been obtained through the use of CCD detectors on large telescopes and the Hubble Space Telescope. The available data are consistent with the majority of Galactic globular clusters being virtually coeval but with a minority having significantly lower ages. The existence of “prehistoric” clusters with ages of around 50 Gyr, as hypothesised in the quasi-steady state cosmology, should be readily recognised.  相似文献   

Data on the positions, radial velocities, and proper motions of open star clusters and OB stars are used to obtain the rotation curve of the Galaxy fitted by a polynomial in inverse powers of the distances from the Galactic rotation axis. We determine the locations of the corotation region and the inner and outer Lindblad resonances using a previously estimated pattern speed. Based on data for objects of the Carina-Sagittarius and Orion arms, we have determined the distortion amplitudes of the velocity field of the Galactic disk, ?R = ?3.97±4.79 km s?1 and fθ=+13.27±2.57 km s?1.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of galactic globular clusters has been studied by means of Walsh-Hadamard transforms. Consistent indications have been collected suggesting the existence, at least in a first approximation, of two disting populations of clusters — the metal poor clusters showing a spherical distribution whereas metal rich clusters are flattened along the disk.Simulated cluster-halos have been computed in order to study the dependence of observed radial velocities on the eccentricity of cluster orbits, showing that only a general high value of eccentricity seems able to reproduce the observational features.  相似文献   

《New Astronomy Reviews》2000,44(4-6):213-220
The relatively brief history of infrared observations and quantitative analysis of massive stars in the Galactic Center is reviewed. Current observational and the theoretical status is also reported: A new generation of NLTE wind blanketed models, together with high S/N spectra of the hot star population are allowing one, for the first time, to perform metal abundance determinations (Fe, Si, Mg, Na, etc). Metallicity studies of hot stars in the IR will provide major constraints not only on the theory of evolution of massive stars but also on our efforts to solve the puzzle of the central parsecs of the Galaxy. Preliminary results are presented.  相似文献   

It is textbook knowledge that open clusters are conspicuous members of the thin disk of our Galaxy, but their role as contributors to the stellar population of the disk was regarded as minor. Starting from a homogenous stellar sky survey, the ASCC‐2.5, we revisited the population of open clusters in the solar neighbourhood from scratch. In the course of this enterprise we detected 130 formerly unknown open clusters, constructed volume‐ and magnitude‐limited samples of clusters, re‐determined distances, motions, sizes, ages, luminosities and masses of 650 open clusters. We derived the present‐day luminosity and mass functions of open clusters (not the stellar mass function in open clusters), the cluster initial mass function CIMF and the formation rate of open clusters. We find that open clusters contributed around 40 percent to the stellar content of the disk during the history of our Galaxy. Hence, open clusters are important building blocks of the Galactic disk (© 2010 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The chemical evolution of the 3-component system of halo-bulge-disc is calculated. If the bulge accretes primordial halo matter quickly and forms stars rapidly before the gas is ejected by a galactic wind after 109 yr, the metallicity distribution of the bulge K-giants (Rich, 1988) is reproduced. The metal-enriched matter in a wind from the bulge is mixed with the halo gas which is accreted into the disc. The metallicity distribution of the G-dwarfs and Twarog's age-metallicity relatin in the solar neighbourhood can be well reproduced by assuming reasonable bulge-to-disc mass ratio.  相似文献   

We use recent observations of high-redshift galaxies to study the evolution of galactic discs over the redshift range 0 <  z ≲1. The data are inconsistent with models in which discs were already assembled at z  = 1 and have evolved only in luminosity since that time. Assuming that disc properties change with redshift as powers of 1 +   z and analysing the observations assuming an Einstein–de Sitter universe, we find that for given rotation speed, disc scalelength decreases with z as ∼ (1 +  z )−1, total B -band mass-to-light ratio decreases with z as ∼ (1 +  z )−1, and disc luminosity (again in B ) depends only weakly on z . These scalings are consistent with current data on the evolution of disc galaxy abundance as a function of size and luminosity. Both the scalings and the abundance evolution are close to the predictions of hierarchical models for galaxy formation. If different cosmogonies are compared, the observed evolution in disc size and disc abundance favours a flat low-Ω0 universe over an Einstein–de Sitter universe.  相似文献   

Measurements of lithium in stars of different galactic populations such as young open clusters ( Per, Pleiades, Praesepe, Coma, Hyades), very young stellar associations (Taurus-Auriga, Chamaeleon, Ophiuchus clouds), intermediate and old open clusters (NGC 752, M 67, NGC 188), old disc stars and halo stars give us the observational framework from which the galactic evolution of lithium has to be inferred. This element is produced mainly via three mechanisms: primordial nucleosynthesis, spallation reactions in the interstellar medium and thermonuclear reactions in some particular stellar evolutionary stages (novae, red giants). The complicated nucleosynthesis and the fact that astration of lithium in stars is not well understood, makes a direct interpretation of the lithium evolutionary abundance curve difficult. The constraints set by recent lithium measurements in very old open clusters and metal-deficient stars on galactic lithium production mechanisms are discussed. Current problems in the determination of the primordial lithium abundance are briefly reviewed.  相似文献   

Supernova rates (hypernova, type II, type Ib/c and type Ia) in a particular galaxy depend on the metallicity (i.e. on the galaxy age), on the physics of star formation and on the binary population. In order to study the time evolution of the galactic supernova rates, we use our chemical evolutionary model that accounts in detail for the evolution of single stars and binaries. In particular, supernovae of type Ia are considered to arise from exploding white dwarfs in interacting binaries and we adopt the two most plausible physical models: the single degenerate model and the double degenerate model. Comparison between theoretical prediction and observations of supernova rates in different types of galaxies allows to put constraints on the population of intermediate mass and massive close binaries.

The temporal evolution of the absolute galactic rates of different types of supernovae (including the type Ia rate) is presented in such a way that the results can be directly implemented into a galactic chemical evolutionary model. Particularly for type Ia’s the inclusion of binary evolution leads to results considerably different from those in earlier population synthesis approaches, in which binary evolution was not included in detail.  相似文献   

From the observed age distribution of galactic clusters within 1 kpc we deduce that the typical total lifetime of a galactic cluster is about 2×108 yr. The individual lifetimes vary between 108 and 1010 yr. The observed lifetimes are compared with the evaporation times which are found from numerical experiments with star cluster models. These models contain up to 250 stars with a realistic mass spectrum. The effect of the galactic tidal field is taken into account and enhances the rate of escape significantly. Escapers are identified by using the Jacobian integral. We give the evaporation time in years as a function of the median radius for different values of the total mass of a cluster. The agreement between the resulting theoretical lifetimes and the observed values is sufficiently good. We estimate that the tidal field of passing interstellar clouds should be in most cases less efficient in dissolving a galactic cluster than the internal evaporation process combined with the effect of the general galactic field.  相似文献   

New absolute proper motions of the two globular clusters NGC 4147 and NGC 6218 and a specific model of galactic mass distribution are used to integrate their orbits numerically. The resulting values of orbital parameters and their variation due to the uncertainty of the initial values are discussed. Furthermore, the deviations from the time average of the virial theorem are determined.  相似文献   

It is generally accepted that structure formed in the matter dominated Universe, for obvious reasons. In this paper, we would like to suggest an alternate theory: that structure could have formed in the radiation dominated Universe if it was protected from destruction. This protection is envisioned as a crystal, of sorts, made up of primordial black holes (PBH's), which form a cavitation into which any matter particles in the nucleosynthesis period of the Universe (around 100 seconds after the Big Bang) could have taken refuge. A sort of oasis in a sea of radiation. Such a scenario could solve several problems in cosmology, namely: how matter got a foot-hold over anti-matter in the Universe; the structure/galaxy formation problem; and possibly suggest ideas on the gamma-ray count and distribution.  相似文献   

According to the work of Truran and Cameron, and of others, on the chemical evolution of the Galaxy, the first generation of stars in the Galaxy contained principally massive objects. If big-bang nucleosynthesis was responsible for the formation of helium, the first generation of stars would contain about 80% hydrogen and 20% helium, to be consistent with the approximately 22% helium found in recent stellar evolutionary studies of the Sun. The present investigation has followed the pre-main sequence evolution and the main sequence evolution of stars of 5, 10, 20, 30, 100, and 200M . Normal stars in this entire mass range normally convert hydrogen into helium by the CN-cycle on the main sequence. the present hydrogen-helium stars of 5 and 10M must reach higher central temperatures in order to convert hydrogen to helium by the proton-proton chains. Consequently, the mean densities in the stars are greater, and the surface temperatures are higher than in normal stars. In the stars of 20M and larger, the proton-proton chains do not succed in supplying the necessary luminosity of the stars by the time the contraction has produced a central temperature near 108K. At that point triple-alpha reactions generate small amounts of C12, which then acts as a catalyst in the CN-cycle, the rate of which is then limited by the beta-decays occurring within the cycle. During the evolution of these more massive stars, the central temperature remains in the vicinity of 108 K, and the surface temperature on the main sequence approaches 105 K. The star of 200M becomes unstable against surface mass loss through radiation pressure in the later stages of its main sequence evolution, and these mass loss effects were not followed. Young galaxies containing these massive stars will have a very high luminosity, but if they have formed at one-tenth the present age of the universe or later, then the light from them will mainly reside in the visible or ultraviolet, rather than in the infrared as has been suggested by Partridge and Peebles.  相似文献   

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