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利用1998年夏季第2次青藏高原大气科学试验当雄观测站的边界层观测资料以及拉萨、改则和武汉等地探空资料,分析讨论西藏高原斜压对流边界层风、温、湿廓线的特征. 研究结果表明,高原地区白天对流边界层发展可高达2200m,显著超过中纬度平原地区和海面上对流边界层高度. 高原对流边界层中温度廓线具有较好的混合特征,湿度廓线有时在某一高度上出现湿度极大值. 高原对流边界层内热量和水汽收支分析表明,水平平流作用对边界层结构具有重要作用. 在对流边界层中平均风速垂直分布存在风切变现象. 水平温度梯度形成较强的斜压性是形成边界层风切变的主要原因.  相似文献   

在美国Kansas和Nebraska交界处于1992年进行的STORM-FEST(STorm-scale Operational and Research Meteorology-Fronts Experiment System Test)资料基础上,分析了 斜压对流边界层中温度、湿度和风速的垂直分布.分析表明,在对流边界层中温度和湿度常 显示很好的混合;但风速分量有时混合很好,有时则存在切变.计算了存在和不存在风切变 两种情况下的湍流动能收支.最后,讨论了对流边界层中风切变形成的可能原因.  相似文献   

在美国Kansas和Nebraska交界处于1992年进行的STORM-FEST(STorm-scale Operational and Research Meteorology-Fronts Experiment System Test)资料基础上,分析了 斜压对流边界层中温度、湿度和风速的垂直分布.分析表明,在对流边界层中温度和湿度常 显示很好的混合;但风速分量有时混合很好,有时则存在切变.计算了存在和不存在风切变 两种情况下的湍流动能收支.最后,讨论了对流边界层中风切变形成的可能原因.  相似文献   

北京边界层大气污染物的垂直廓线监测与分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
基于扫描差分光学吸收光谱(DOAS)系统,于2007年8月27日~9月4日期间对北京市朝阳区大气污染物SO2,HCHO,O3和NO2的垂直分布进行了连续监测,并对污染物垂直廓线进行了分析,详细探讨了SO2垂直分布特征以及夜间NO对O3的滴定作用.结果表明,SO2浓度通常没有明显垂直分层分布特征,但在清晨风速较低时呈现负梯度变化.研究发现夜间O3、NO和NO2之间存在稳态作用,表明城市区域O3的滴定主要来自于地面NO的直接排放,显示出NO的滴定作用对夜间O3、NO和NO2的垂直变化起到重要作用.  相似文献   

以Diviner红外亮温数据为基础,结合半有限固体的热传导模型,模拟了月壤温度廓线并分析了影响月壤温度廓线的三种因素,为"嫦娥"卫星微波探测仪数据稳定性分析提供可靠依据.利用Diviner通道7红外亮温反演月表温度,代替月表辐射热平衡模型求解月表温度的过程,减少了由于辐射热平衡模型中月表太阳辐照度理想假设引起的误差.通过月壤逐层迭代10000次月球昼夜周期,月球赤道地区6.0 m深月壤底面温度趋于246 K,与以表面辐射热平衡为条件的底面温度模拟值250 K近似.基于Diviner实测数据的月表温度与辐射热平衡模型模拟月表温度对比结果为:赤道地区Diviner实测表面温度比模拟值差异主要分布在月球白天,在受月表地形起伏影响较大的月球昼夜交替的时间段更为显著,约50 K;在月球夜晚,两者差异约2 K.利用Diviner数据与热传导模型模拟得到的月壤温度廓线可当作月壤温度廓线的真实值,作为进一步分析"嫦娥一号/二号"微波探测仪数据的依据.  相似文献   

海陆风及沿海风速廓线在风电场风速预报中的应用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
为了建立沿海风功率预报系统,本文探讨了中国沿海风电场风速预报问题,并利用数值模式RAMS对海陆风进行了模拟研究.发现海陆风发生时,海风和陆风阶段风速廓线存在较大差异,海风阶段风速的垂直切变明显小于陆风阶段.海陆风发生时,风速会呈现有规律的变化,即海风和陆风分别有两个时段:风速增加时段和风速减少时段.在为沿海风电场提供风速预报时,当模式预报到海陆风发生时,可以利用海陆风的这种特点,使用统计方法对预报出的风速进行有效的订正.并发现即使没有海陆风发生,当风向为海洋吹向陆地时,风速随高度的垂直切变同样小于陆地吹向海洋的时段.利用统计方法根据不同风向时风速廓线的特性,把数值模式计算高度上的预报结果,精确地插值到风机涡轮高度,会很大程度上减少风速预报的误差及风功率预报环节的误差.  相似文献   

我们用自制仪器于1977年首次在西藏高原进行了大地电磁测量。本文给出了那曲、曲水、江孜、帕里、亚东5个测点的测量和反演结果。 5个测点均反映为五层地电模型。得到如下结果: 1.那曲、曲水、江孜、帕里及亚东前四层总厚度分别为:66、65、62、57、50公里; 2.各测点电性特征相似,均属低—高—低型; 3.各测点的地壳中均存在一低阻层,其埋深约为10—20公里; 4.以雅鲁藏布江为界,南北两地区电性层厚度变化程度有显著差异,北部平缓,南部较剧; 5.表面沉积层厚度在4公里左右。  相似文献   

我们用自制仪器于1977年首次在西藏高原进行了大地电磁测量。本文给出了那曲、曲水、江孜、帕里、亚东5个测点的测量和反演结果。 5个测点均反映为五层地电模型。得到如下结果: 1.那曲、曲水、江孜、帕里及亚东前四层总厚度分别为:66、65、62、57、50公里; 2.各测点电性特征相似,均属低-高-低型; 3.各测点的地壳中均存在一低阻层,其埋深约为10-20公里; 4.以雅鲁藏布江为界,南北两地区电性层厚度变化程度有显著差异,北部平缓,南部较剧; 5.表面沉积层厚度在4公里左右。  相似文献   

青藏高原北部地区地震窗口特征及其预报意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用青藏高原北部地区弱震活动资料筛选出3个具有中短期预报效能的地震窗口,分析了Ms≥5.0地震前各个窗口的异常特征,提取出半定量的中短期预报指标.即:在中强地震前80%的异常出现在地震前1~6个月,以中心异常出现时间向后推1~6个月作为预测的发震时间;异常幅度与未来震级之间没有明显的对应关系.对于7级以上大地震,古浪窗的显异常主要对应边界水平剪切走滑活动断裂上发生的地震;舟曲窗和乌海窗的显异常主要对应活动块体内部挤压逆冲断裂上发生的地震.而5~6级的中等地震没有明显的对应规律.  相似文献   

青藏高原北部浅层地温异常特征及中短期地震预测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用浅层地温时空演化特征与中强地震活动的关系,研究了青藏高原北部地区1980年以来发生的几次中强地震前浅层地温异常特征。结果表明:分布在不同地质构造单元的地温测站在地震前有不同的表现形式,中强地震发生的中短期异常指标在空间上表现为地热涡的出现、活动和迁移,在时间上多数地震以高值异常为主,持续时间随震级大小而变化,中强地震一般持续1-6个月,强震持续时间可达1-2年。  相似文献   

The northern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is currently the leading edge of uplift and expansion of the plateau. Over the years, a lot of research has been carried out on the deformation and evolution of the northeastern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, and many ideas have been put forward, but there are also many disputes. The Altyn Tagh Fault constitutes the northern boundary of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, and there are two active faults on the north side of the Altyn Tagh Fault, named Sanweishan Fault with NEE strike and Nanjieshan Fault with EW strike. Especially, studies on the geometric and kinematic parameters of Sanweishan Fault since the Late Quaternary, which is nearly parallel with the Altyn Tagn Fault, are of great significance for understanding the deformation transfer and distribution in the northwestward extension of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Therefore, interpretation of the fault landforms and statistical analysis of the horizontal displacement on the Sanweishan Fault and its newly discovered western extension are carried out in this paper. We believe that the Sanweishan Fault is an important branch of the eastern section of the Altyn Tagh fault zone. It is located at the front edge of the northwestern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and is a left-lateral strike-slip and thrust active fault. Based on the interpretation of satellite imagery and microgeomorphology field investigation of Sanweishan main fault and its western segments, it's been found that the Sanweishan main fault constitutes the contact boundary between the Sanweishan Mountain and the alluvial fans. In the bedrock interior and on the north side of the Mogao Grottoes, there are also some branch faults distributed nearly parallel to the main fault. The main fault is about 150km long, striking 65°, mainly dipping SE with dip angles from 50° to 70°. The main fault can be divided into three segments in the spatial geometric distribution:the western segment(Xizhuigou-Dongshuigou, I), which is about 35km long, the middle segment(Dongshuigou-Shigongkouzi, Ⅱ), about 65km long, and the east segment(Shigongkouzi-Shuangta, Ⅲ), about 50km long. The above three segments are arranged in the left or right stepovers. In the west of Mingshashan, it's been found that the fault scarps are distributed near Danghe Reservoir and Yangguan Town in the west of Minshashan Mountain, and we thought those scarps are the westward extension of the main Sanweishan Fault. Along the main fault and its western extension, the different levels of water system(including gullies and rills)and ridges have been offset synchronously, forming a series of fault micro-geomorphology. The scale of the offset water system is proportional to the horizontal displacement. The frequency statistical analysis of the horizontal displacement shows that the displacement has obvious grouping characteristics, which are divided into 6 groups, and the corresponding peaks are 3.4m, 6.7m, 11.4m, 15m, 22m and 26m, respectively. Among them, 3.4m represents the coseismic displacement of the latest ancient earthquake event, and the larger displacement peak represents the accumulation of coseismic displacements of multi-paleoearthquake events. This kind of displacement characterized by approximately equal interval increase indicates that the Sanweishan Fault has experienced multiple characteristic earthquakes since the Late Quaternary and has the possibility of occurrence of earthquakes greater than magnitude 7. The distribution of displacement and structural transformation of the end of the fault indicate that Sanweishan Fault is an "Altyn Tagh Fault"in its infancy. The activities of Sanweishan Fault and its accompanying mountain uplift are the result of the transpression of the northern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, representing one of the growth patterns of the northern margin of the plateau.  相似文献   

基于我国多年在青藏高原地区的深部地球物理探测研究及其所揭示的岩石层结构、构造和地球物理场特征,讨论了高原地壳短缩、增厚与隆升的深层过程和动力机制,提出了对青藏高原深化研究必须重视的几个问题.  相似文献   

新墨西哥州SOR中间层钠层结构的季节和夜间变化   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
利用1998年1月至2000年5月美国新墨西哥州Starfire Optic Range (SOR:35°N,106.5°W)钠风场、温度激光雷达共46个观测夜的数据,分析大气中间层钠层结构的季节变化特征. 结果表明,钠层丰度变化显示出很强的年振荡现象,其平均值为5.06×109cm-2,最大值出现在11月份,最小值出现在6月和7月份. 钠层均方根宽度的平均值为4.30km,中心高度的平均值为91.60km. 均方根宽度和中心高度变化显示出较明显的半年振荡特征. 年平均钠层夜间变化显示出潮汐的影响,丰度夜间变化在午夜前最小,日出前达到最大. 白天光离化作用和夜间复合过程,与潮汐动力学一起,导致钠层丰度发生较大的夜间变化.  相似文献   

青藏高原季节冻融过程与东亚大气环流关系的研究   总被引:34,自引:1,他引:34       下载免费PDF全文
利用青藏高原46个气象站的最大冻土深度观测资料、中国160个气象站降水资料和NCAR/NCEP资料,对青藏高原冻土的季节性冻融过程进行合成分析,发现青藏高原土壤的季节冻融过程对青藏高原上空及东亚大气环流有显著的影响,在高原最大冻土深度较小的年份中,7月份,南亚高压强且偏西,500hPa印度低压强,西太平洋副热带高压弱且偏东,高原南部的东风较强;最大冻土深度较大的年份,南亚高压弱且偏东,印度低压弱,西太平洋副热带高压强且偏西. 在不同的冻融年份,850hPa上纬向风的差异显著区反映了西南季风的活动. 最大冻土深度与中国夏季(7月份)降水有3条显著相关带,雨带的分布与中国夏季平均雨带相吻合. 由此,青藏高原季节冻融过程引起的水热变化是影响东亚气候的一个重要外源.  相似文献   

Qilian Shan and Hexi Corridor, located in the north of Tibetan plateau, are the margin of Tibetan plateau's tectonic deformation and pushing. Its internal deformations and activities can greatly conserve the extension process and characteristics of the Plateau. The research of Qilian Shan and Hexi Corridor consequentially plays a significant role in understanding tectonic deformation mechanism of Tibetan plateau. The northern Yumushan Fault, located in the middle of the northern Qilian Shan thrust belt, is a significant component of Qilian Shan thrust belt which divides Yumushan and intramontane basins in Hexi Corridor. Carrying out the research of Yumushan Fault will help explain the kinematics characteristics of the northern Yumushan active fault and its response to the northeastward growth of the Tibetan plateau.Because of limited technology conditions of the time, different research emphases and some other reasons, previous research results differ dramatically. This paper summarizes the last 20 years researches from the perspectives of fault slip rates, paleao-earthquake characteristics and tectonic deformation. Using aerial-photo morphological analysis, field investigation, optical simulated luminescence(OSL)dating of alluvial surfaces and topographic profiles, we calculate the vertical slip rate and strike-slip rate at the typical site in the northern Yumushan Fault, which is(0.55±0.15)mm/a and(0.95±0.11), respectively. On the controversial problems, namely "the Luotuo(Camel)city scarp" and the 180 A.D. Biaoshi earthquake, we use aerial-photo analysis, particular field investigation and typical profile dating. We concluded that "Luotuo city scarp" is the ruin of ancient diversion works rather than the fault scarp of the 180 A.D. Biaoshi earthquake. Combining the topographic profiles of the mountain range with fault characteristics, we believe Yumu Shan is a part of Qilian Shan. The uplift of Yumu Shan is the result of Qilian Shan and Yumu Shan itself pushing northwards. Topographic profile along the crest of the Yumu Shan illustrates the decrease from its center to the tips, which is similar to the vertical slip rates and the height of fault scarp. These show that Yumu Shan is controlled by fault extension and grows laterally and vertically. At present, fault activities are still concentrated near the north foot of Yumu Shan, and the mountain ranges continue to rise since late Cenozoic.  相似文献   

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