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利用Weaver海浪模型,对拖曳式Overhauser海洋磁场传感器海浪磁噪声与深度、波幅等之间的关系进行了理论分析,证明了在极端海况条件下对海浪磁噪声进行抑制的必要性.为提高海洋磁测灵敏度,提出了一种基于改进的Sage-Husa自适应Kalman算法的海浪磁场噪声抑制方法.仿真结果表明,该方法能在不需要先验的噪声统计或实时参考噪声的情况下,实现磁场噪声协方差的快速收敛;且与常规的Sage-Husa算法相比,改进后的Sage-Husa算法降低了对初始参数的依赖性.另外,设计了一种拖曳式Overhauser海洋磁场传感器测试仪来测试上述算法.对比结果表明该方法不仅实现了磁场噪声统计参数的自适应估计,而且比经典Kalman滤波具有更好的滤波效果;此外,海浪磁噪声的功率谱密度由50 pT/Hz1/2@1Hz下降到6 pT/Hz1/2@1Hz.   相似文献   

感应式磁场传感器广泛应用于地球物理电磁法勘探中,受物理原理制约,该类磁场传感器的噪声水平与其长度和体积成正比,长度通常为800~1400 mm,质量在3~6 kg.本文采用一种磁通聚集技术,突破了传统感应式磁场传感器的设计瓶颈,能大幅度降低传感器的长度,研制的用于AMT方法的超小型感应式磁场传感器单个分量长度<240 mm,长度约为传统AMT磁场传感器的30%,直径<110 mm,质量约3 kg,工作频率范围为0.1 Hz~10 kHz,噪声水平在1 Hz处为0.8 pT/Hz.将三个参数相同的磁场传感器相互垂直安装到一块底板上,构成三分量感应式磁场传感器,其体积为255 mm×255 mm×255 mm,质量约10 kg.通过安装定向器测量其倾角和方位角,并进行磁场数据校正,实现其在任何姿态下的测量数据有效;通过安装防水外罩实现其在浅水区有效工作.野外实验表明:该三分量磁场传感器既可布置在地面上,又可布置在浅水区开展AMT工作,可极大地提高野外施工效率,具有广阔的应用前景.  相似文献   

海底环境参数采集电路的硬件实现及其驱动软件设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张启升  邓明  陈凯  王猛 《地球科学》2007,32(4):499-503
海底大地电磁探测与陆上同类探测的技术差别之一是其测量过程受环境因素的影响较大.为真实地获取海底岩石介质的电性模型, 在对海底大地电磁实测信号进行数据处理的同时, 需参考海底仪器的方位朝向、倾斜姿态等信息, 以便认识海底电磁场真实的矢量变化方向, 进而实现对整个测网多站位的统一资料解释.为达到这一目的, 海底大地电磁仪内部设有环境参数采集通道, 该通道对诸如方位、倾斜、温度等信息实施分时循环采集.电路包括PC104嵌入式计算机、多路选择开关、逻辑控制门阵列等硬件单元.在硬件架构搭建完成后, 开发出相配套的电路驱动软件, 实现对海底环境参数的实时记录与存储.近期的海洋试验效果显示, 所研制的电路硬件及其驱动软件已达到设计要求.   相似文献   

郑海飞  谢鸿森 《矿物学报》1996,16(2):109-117
在温度850~1300℃,压力1.5~3.5GPa和含约2%水的条件下进行了碱性玄武岩和拉斑玄武质岩的熔融实验,实验和研究结果表明:(1)含饱和水的拉斑玄武岩在低的部分熔融程度下可以熔出花岗岩,而含不饱和水时只能熔出英云闪长质岩;(2)含不饱和水的钾质和钠质碱性玄武岩在低的部分熔融程度下分别可以熔融出花岗岩和奥长花岗岩,因此,太古宙广泛发育的奥长花岗岩说明当时的玄武岩质地壳是贫钾的,太古宙地壳不存  相似文献   

接地导线源产生的频率域垂直磁场具有对地层敏感、垂向分辨率高、高阻穿透能力强、随收发距增大信号衰减迅速的特点。在接地条件较差、地形起伏很大的区域,测量水平电场和水平磁场的传统CSAMT工作方式不易实现,而测量垂直磁场是一种有效的测深方式。笔者从广域电磁法的原理出发,首先对频域垂直磁场的特性进行了分析,然后利用迭代法求取适用于全场区的视电阻率;将这种测量垂直磁场的广域电磁法工作方式应用于某冻土层地区的金属矿探测,取得了很好的效果。  相似文献   

阿拉善──敦煌陆块的性质、范围及其构造作用和意义   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
阿拉善—敦煌陆块是前寒武就已经形成陆壳的刚性块体。西界位于若羌—星星峡断裂带、东界位于贺兰山构造线、南缘楔入青藏高原之下,北缘插入兴蒙古生代褶皱系之下,范围极其广大(E91°—105°30‘;N38°—42°)。颇大的阿拉善—敦煌陆块,是华北地台的重要组成部分,它不但阻挡了印度板块挤压应力的向北传递,而且把塔里木地台和华北地台紧密的连接在一起,组成更加颇大的中华地台。  相似文献   

候渭  谢鸿森 《岩石学报》1991,7(2):12-18,T001
选用吉林陨石富金属相,在3GPa压力、405℃~1850℃温度下,采用两种组装方式进行实验。并与先前肇东陨石全岩样的高压熔融实验进行比较。三个系列实验结果的综合对比表明,高温高压下球粒陨石中金属和硫化物经历了固相扩散、熔融和熔体聚集的过程。固相扩散使金属与硫化物彼此结合,形成了若干个小的FeNi-FeNiS二元系,使其在比Fe-Ni熔点低的温度下熔融形成Fe-Ni-S熔体。该熔体与硅酸盐熔体不相混溶,因而发生自身的合并与聚集。其合并和聚集速率与硅酸盐粘度有关。实验过程中陨石里的磷酸盐矿物可以被还原,使单质P进入金属硫化物相。这些实验结果为讨论地核的形成机理提供了依据。  相似文献   

针对1998年夏季造成我国严重洪涝灾害的副热带高压异常活动,基于动力系统重构思想和遗传算法,从1998年观测资料时间序列中反演重构了副热带高压活动的非线性动力模型,并结合天气实况进行了副热带高压活动变异的动力特性分析。结果表明,针对副热带高压异常个例实际观测资料反演重构的副热带高压活动的非线性动力模型,可客观描述副热带高压活动(特别是异常活动)特征并予以合理的机理解释。进一步的分析讨论表明,随着强迫参数的逐渐增加,副热带高压动力系统将会发生平衡态的分岔、突变,平衡态的上述变化与实际天气过程中的副热带高压北跳、南落以及副热带高压双脊线现象有很好的对应关联,并可对其进行合理的机理解释,进而为副热带高压等难以准确构建解析模型的复杂天气系统的机理分析和动力特性讨论提供参考。  相似文献   

论塔里木地台与华北地台的关系   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
张振法 《物探与化探》1998,22(5):384-393,383
地质、地震测深、大地电磁测深、重磁场特征和古地磁综合研究结果表明,阿拉善—敦煌陆块是具有完整、统一的前寒武系结晶基底的刚性块体。它的西界位于若羌—星星峡断裂;东界位于贺兰山;南缘楔入青藏高原之下;北缘插入兴蒙古生代褶皱系之下,范围颇大(91°E~106°E,38°N~42°N)。阿拉善—敦煌陆块是华北地台重要组成部分,它不但阻挡了印度板块挤压主应力的向北传递,而且把塔里木地台和华北地台紧密连接在一起,组成更加巨大的中华地台。  相似文献   

赵淑萍  南卓铜  马巍 《冰川冻土》2011,33(3):582-588
冻土实验是冻土研究的重要基础,长时间的野外冻土监测和高频率采集的室内冻土测试会产出大量数据,传统数据处理程序往往无法有效处理这些大数据文件,因此开发了一个用于冻土实验大数据文件处理的软件系统.首先描述了该软件系统的组成,包括温度转换和显示、冻土力学实验数据转换和冻胀实验数据转换3个功能模块,并介绍了实现过程中涉及的主要关键技术,然后通过一个示例说明此软件具备的实用性和优异的性能.借助系统具备的扩展性设计,未来更多的实用功能将被添加到系统里面.  相似文献   

Although magnetotelluric sounding method applied to the land is advanced, there are many difficulties when it is applied to marine environment, one of which is how to lay magnetic field sensors down to the seafloor to complete measurements. To protect the magnetic field sensors from intense erosion and high pressure, suitable high-pressure sealed cabins must be designed to load them. For the consideration of magnetic measurement and marine operation, the sealed pressure cabin should be nonmagnetic and transportable. Among all optional materials, LC4 super-hard aluminum alloy has the highest performance of price/quality ratio to make the sealed pressure cabin. However, it does not mean that the high-pressure sealed cabin made using LC4 will be perfect in performance. In fact, because of its weak magnetism, the pressure cabin made using LC4 has distorting effect on frequency responses of the magnetic field sensors sealed in it. This distorting effect does not affect the use of the magnetic field sensor, but if we want to eliminate its effect, we should study it by experimental measurements. In our experiment tests, frequency sweep magnetic field as excitation signal was used, and then responses of the magnetic field sensor before and after being loaded into the high-pressure sealed cabin were measured. Finally, normalized abnormal curves for the frequency responses were obtained, through which we could show how the high-pressure sealed cabin produces effects on the responses of the magnetic field sensor. Experimental results suggest that the response distortion induced by the sealed pressure cabin appears on mid- andhigh-frequency areas. Using experimental results as standardization data, the frequency responses collected from seafloor magnetotelluric measurements can be corrected to restore real information about the seafloor field source.  相似文献   

为探讨在粉土及粉质黏土中桩端阻力随贯入深度的变化规律,通过在试验桩P1的桩端安装轮辐压力传感器,以及在试验桩P1、P2距桩端200 mm处安装光纤光栅(FBG)传感器,采用两种不同的测试技术全程监测了两根闭口预应力高强度混凝土(PHC)管桩现场贯入过程中的桩端阻力。试验结果表明:桩端阻力与土层的变化密切相关,土层越硬,桩端阻力越大,当桩端从粉质黏土层进入粉土层时,桩端阻力明显增大,粉土中的桩端阻力达到粉质黏土层的2倍;整个贯入过程中,同一土层不同位置的差异性对桩端阻力也存在较大影响,在距离地面1.50 m处,P1和P2桩FBG传感器桩端阻力的差值达到了89.29 kN,而在距离地面3.50~4.50 m处,两桩的桩端阻力则相差较小。  相似文献   

Abstract: Based on the comprehensive study of core samples, well testing data, and reservoir fluid properties, the construction and the distribution of the abnormal pressure systems of the Huatugou oil field in Qaidam Basin are discussed. The correlation between the pressure systems and hydrocarbon accumulation is addressed by analyzing the corresponding fluid characteristics. The results show that the Huatugou oil field as a whole has low formation pressure and low fluid energy; therefore, the hydrocarbons are hard to migrate, which facilitates the forming of primary reservoirs. The study reservoirs, located at the Xiayoushashan Formation (N21) and the Shangganchaigou Formation (N1) are relatively shallow and have medium porosity and low permeability. They are abnormal low-pressure reservoirs with an average formation pressure coefficient of 0.61 and 0.72 respectively. According to the pressure coefficient and geothermal anomaly, the N1 and N21 Formations belong to two independent temperature-pressure systems, and the former has slightly higher energy. The low-pressure compartments consist of a distal bar as the main body, prodelta mud as the top boundary, and shore and shallow lake mud or algal mound as the bottom boundary. They are vertically overlapped and horizontally paralleled. The formation water is abundant in the Cl– ion and can be categorized as CaCl2 type with high salinity, which indicates that the abnormal low-pressure compartments are in good sealing condition and beneficial for oil and gas accumulation and preservation.  相似文献   

通过张家口至唐山付营子隧道现场大型激振试验,模拟研究了V级围岩条件下轴重为250、270、300 kN重载列车作用时隧道基底结构压力响应,并提出了各测点动压力在轴重下降时的衰减规律。根据现场实测的压力-时程图,分析了各结构面动压力的横向和竖向传递规律。结果表明:双线隧道重载线路因直接受重载列车荷载作用而使半幅测点动压力均大于客车线路,重载线路轨道下方相应测点在不同轴重作用下的动压力均大于其他测点,对比IV级围岩表面的试验结果得出破碎围岩条件下重载位置的结构和围岩容易出现压力集中,从而引发结构开裂或围岩空洞。列车荷载在基底结构竖向传递过程中先受到道床结构和仰拱填充的缓冲作用,衰减较大,在仰拱结构中衰减较少,以目前的基底结构设计厚度难以满足轴重提升的需求。  相似文献   

裴熊伟 《探矿工程》2016,43(3):56-59
压水试验水压式栓塞较其他类型栓塞可靠、灵活,但一直存在试验结束后排水泄压难题,使该类型栓塞使用局限于浅孔及地下水位高的钻孔。本文对该问题进行了研究,提出了解决方案,设计了新型水压式栓塞结构。解决了一直以来水压式栓塞的排水泄压难题,突破了试验孔深限制,使水压式栓塞能得到广泛应用。介绍了该新型水压式栓塞的结构和工作原理以及工程应用效果。  相似文献   

在磁异常的反演计算中,为了避免由于选错了磁性体的形状而产生很大的误差,前人已研究了多种所谓自动反演的计算方法.与传统的方法不同,用这些方法,可以同时确定磁性体的几何形状和埋藏深度等参数.但是前人研究的方法需要计算磁异常的三阶导数,因此所受高频噪声干扰十分严重,以至于影响到计算结果的可靠性.因此很难用到实际资料处理中.本文提出的场比值法可以同时确定磁性体的形状和埋藏深度.场比值法通过场比值field-ratio来确定磁性体的形状,field-ratio的物理含义与Euler反褶积公式中的形状因子类似.场比值法的优点是在反演计算中只需要计算磁异常的一、二阶导数,因此比前人的方法受高频随机干扰小,可以用于实际资料的处理中.模型实验证明了场比值法的正确性,在河北省宽城地区用场比值法对磁异常反演计算,展示了方法的实用性.  相似文献   

针对庆深气田深部地层的地质特点,开展深层天然气勘探钻井配套技术研究。在非储层试验深层提速配套钻井技术、空气钻井工艺技术;在储层采用欠平衡钻井、充气钻井工艺和储层保护技术。通过近2年来在庆深气田深探井试验了23口井深层提速钻井配套技术,13口井欠平衡钻井技术,1口充氮气钻井技术,1口空气和充空气钻井技术,大幅度提高了钻井速度,及时发现和有效保护了气层,取得了重大的技术突破,为松北深层徐家围子地区天然气勘探展现1000亿m3储量规模起到了关键技术作用。  相似文献   

This work discussed the origins, alteration and accumulation processes of the oil and gas in the Kekeya gas condensate field based on molecular compositions, stable carbon isotopes, light hydrocarbons, diamondoid hydrocarbons and biomarker fingerprints. A comparison study is also made between the geochemical characteristics of the Kekeya hydrocarbons and typical marine and terrigenous hydrocarbons of the Tarim Basin. Natural gas from the Kekeya gas condensate field is derived from Middle–Lower Jurassic coal measures while the condensates are derived from Carboniferous–Permian marine source rocks with a higher maturity. In the study area, both natural gas and condensates have experienced severe water washing. A large amount of methane was dissolved into the water, resulting in a decrease in the dryness coefficient. Water washing also makes the carbon isotopic compositions of the natural gas more negative and partially reverse. Considering that the gas maturities are higher than once expected, gas generation intensity in the study area should be much stronger and the gas related to the Jurassic coal measures could promise a greater prospecting potential. As a result of evaporative fractionation, the Kekeya condensates are enriched in saturates and lack aromatics. Evaporative fractionation disguises the original terrigenous characteristics of the light hydrocarbons associated with the natural gas, making it appear marinesourced. Thus, alteration processes should be fully taken into consideration when gas–source correlations are carried out based on light hydrocarbons. With the condensates discovered in the study area all being "migration phase", the pre-salt Cretaceous and Jurassic reservoirs may promise great exploration potential for the "residual phase" hydrocarbons. This research not only is of significance for oil and gas exploration in the southwest Tarim Basin, but also sheds light on the oil/gas-source correlations in general.  相似文献   

毛先成 《地质与勘探》2009,45(6):704-715
文章针对矿产资源GIS评价中成矿信息尤其是地质信息提取不充分的问题,提出了一种基于场模型的成矿信息提取方法即成矿信息场分析方法,并以桂西-滇东南地区锰矿为例进行了成矿信息的场分析提取实例研究.通过成矿信息的距离渐变性和影响叠加性的特征分析,引入场论概念,讨论了成矿信息的场模型表达方法,包括成矿影响场模型和成矿距离场模型.利用场论叠加原理和空间距离分析方法,借助参数方程和积分方法,推导出了地质体(点状、线状和面状)的成矿影响场数学模型和成矿距离场数学模型.在成矿背景分析的基础上,利用成矿信息场分析方法,建立了同生沉积断裂和成锰沉积盆地的成矿信息场模型,分析了同生沉积断裂和成锰沉积盆地的成矿信息场与锰矿化分布的空间关联关系.实例分析表明,成矿信息场分析方法可有效地提取研究区同生沉积断裂、成锰沉积盆地的控矿信息,提取结果具有显著的统计效果和明确的地质意义.  相似文献   

Six low abundance rock reference materials (basalt BIR-1, dunite DTS-1, dolerite DNC-1, peridotite PCC-1, serpentine UB-N and basalt TAFAHI) have been analysed for high field strength elements (Zr, Nb, Hf, Ta, Th and U), Rb, Sr, Mo, Sb, Cs, Tl and Bi at ng g−1 levels (in rock) by magnetic sector inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry after HF/HClO4 high pressure decomposition. The adopted method uses only indium as an internal standard. Detection limits were found to be in the range of 0.08 to 16.2 pg ml−1 in solution (equivalent to 0.08 to 16.2 ng g−1 in rock). Our data for high field strength elements, Rb, Sr, Mo, Sb, Cs, Tl and Bi for the six selected low abundance geological reference materials show general agreement with previously published data. Our Ta values in DTS-1 and PCC-1 (1.3 and 0.5 ng g−1) are lower than in previously published studies, providing smooth primitive mantle distribution patterns. Lower values were also found for Tl in BIR-1, DTS-1 and PCC-1 (2, 0.4 and 0.8 ng g−1). Compared with quadrupole ICP-MS studies, the proposed magnetic sector ICP-MS method can generally provide better detection limits, so that the measurement of high field strength elements, Rb, Sr, Mo, Sb, Cs, Tl and Bi at ng g−1 levels can be achieved without pre-concentration, ion exchange separation or other specialised techniques.  相似文献   

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