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将一个大气植被相互作用模式(AVIM)与大气所LASG的R15九层大气环流模式GOALS相耦合.用来模拟多年平均的全球气候状况。AVIM是一个陆地表面陆面和生理过程相互反馈的模型。作为陆气耦合的第一步,暂不考虑AVIM中的生理过程,而首光将其物理过程[相当于通常的SVAT(土壤—植被—大气—传输方案)模型]与大气所LASG的九层大气环流模式耦合起来.其中海洋模式部分不参与积分,海面温度是多年平均的气候伯。考虑到GCM的分辨率较低(7.5°×4.5°)而植被分布必须有较高的分辨率(1.5°×1.5°),采取广大气与地表面粗细网格的嵌套耦合。模式积分15年,取最后10年的平均值作分析。将模拟的气候要素场与观测值和NCEP再分析资料作了比较,气候模拟结果反映了全球环流与温湿场的主要特征,特别是降水和地面气温的模拟效果较好。这为今后气候模式与生物圈的耦合奠定广一个良好的基础。 相似文献
嵌套域大小对区域气候模式模拟效果的影响 总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3
This paper presents a numerical study on the 1998 summer rainfall over the Yangtze River valley in central and eastern China, addressing effect of a nested area size on simulations in terms of the technique of nesting a regional climate model (RCM) upon a general circulation model (GCM). Evidence suggests that the size exerts greater impacts upon regional climate of the country, revealing that a larger nested size is su perior to a small one for simulation in mitigating errors of GCM-provided lateral boundary forcing. Also,simulations show that the RCM should incorporate regions of climate systems of great importance into study and a low-resolution GCM yields more pronounced errors as a rule when used in the research of the Tibetan Plateau, and, in contrast, our PσRCM can do a good job in describing the plateau′s role in a more realistic and accurate way. It is for this reason that the tableland should be included in the nested area when the RCM is employed to investigate the regional climate. Our PσRCM nesting upon a GCM reaches morerealistic results compared to a single GCM used. 相似文献
An Overview of BCC Climate System Model Development and Application for Climate Change Studies 下载免费PDF全文
WU Tongwen SONG Lianchun LI Weiping WANG Zaizhi ZHANG Hu XIN Xiaoge ZHANG Yanwu ZHANG Li LI Jianglong WU Fanghu LIU Yiming ZHANG Fang SHI Xueli CHU Min ZHANG Jie FANG Yongjie WANG Fang LU Yixiong LIU Xiangwen WEI Min LIU Qianxi ZHOU Wenyan DONG Min ZHAO Qigeng JI Jinjun Laurent LI ZHOU Mingyu 《Acta Meteorologica Sinica》2014,28(1):34-56
This paper reviews recent progress in the development of the Beijing Climate Center Climate System Model(BCC-CSM) and its four component models(atmosphere,land surface,ocean,and sea ice).Two recent versions are described:BCC-CSM1.1 with coarse resolution(approximately 2.8125°×2.8125°) and BCC-CSM1.1(m) with moderate resolution(approximately 1.125°×1.125°).Both versions are fully coupled climate-carbon cycle models that simulate the global terrestrial and oceanic carbon cycles and include dynamic vegetation.Both models well simulate the concentration and temporal evolution of atmospheric CO_2 during the 20th century with anthropogenic CO2 emissions prescribed.Simulations using these two versions of the BCC-CSM model have been contributed to the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phase five(CMIP5) in support of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change(IPCC) Fifth Assessment Report(AR5).These simulations are available for use by both national and international communities for investigating global climate change and for future climate projections.Simulations of the 20th century climate using BCC-CSMl.l and BCC-CSMl.l(m) are presented and validated,with particular focus on the spatial pattern and seasonal evolution of precipitation and surface air temperature on global and continental scales.Simulations of climate during the last millennium and projections of climate change during the next century are also presented and discussed.Both BCC-CSMl.l and BCC-CSMl.l(m) perform well when compared with other CMIP5 models.Preliminary analyses indicate that the higher resolution in BCC-CSM1.1(m) improves the simulation of mean climate relative to BCC-CSMl.l,particularly on regional scales. 相似文献
北京气候中心气候系统模式研发进展——在气候变化研究中的应用 总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2
吴统文 宋连春 李伟平 王在志 张华 辛晓歌 张艳武 张莉 李江龙 吴方华 刘一鸣 张芳 史学丽 储敏 张洁 房永杰 汪方 路屹雄 刘向文 魏敏 刘茜霞 周文艳 董敏 赵其庚 季劲钧 Laurent Li 周明煜 《气象学报》2014,72(1):12-29
较全面地介绍了北京气候中心气候系统模式(BCC_CSM)研发所取得的一些进展及其在气候变化研究中的应用,重点介绍了全球近280 km较低分辨率的全球海-陆-气-冰-生物多圈层耦合的气候系统模式BCC_CSM1.1和110 km中等大气分辨率的BCC_CSM1.1(m),以及大气、陆面、海洋、海冰各分量模式的发展。BCC_CSM1.1和BCC_CSM1.1(m)气候系统模式均包含了全球碳循环和动态植被过程。当给定全球人类活动导致的碳源排放后,就可以模拟和预估人类活动对气候变化的影响。BCC_CSM1.1和BCC_CSM1.1(m)已应用于IPCC AR5模式比较,为中外开展气候变化机理分析和未来气候变化预估提供了大量的试验数据。还介绍了BCC_CSM1.1和BCC_CSM1.1(m)参与国际耦合模式比较计划(CMIP5)的大量试验分析评估结果,BCC_CSM能够较好地模拟20世纪气温和降水等气候平均态和季节变化特征,以及近1000年的历史气候变化,所预估的未来100年气候变化与国际上其他模式的CMIP5试验预估结果相当。初步的分析表明,分辨率相对高的BCC_CSM1.1(m)在区域气候平均态的模拟上优于分辨率较低的BCC_CSM1.1。 相似文献
It has been shown by the observed data that during the early 1990’s, the severe disastrous climate occurred in East Asia. In the summer of 1991, severe flood occurred in the Yangtze River and the Huaihe River basin of China and in South Korea, and it also appeared in South Korea in the summer of 1993. However, in the summer of 1994, a dry and hot summer was caused in the Huaihe River basin of China and in R. O. K.. In order to investigate the seasonal predictability of the summer droughts and floods during the early l990’s in East Asia, the seasonal prediction experiments of the summer droughts and floods in the summers of 1991-1994 in East Asia have been made by using the Institute of Atmospheric Physics-Two-Level General Circulation Model (IAP-L2 AGCM), the IAP-Atmosphere/Ocean Coupled Model (IAP-CGCM) and the IAP-L2 AGCM in?cluding a filtering scheme, respectively. Compared with the observational facts, it is shown that the IAP-L2 AGCM or IAP-CGCM has some predictability for the summer droughts and floods during the early 1990’s in East Asia, es?pecially for the severe droughts and floods in China and R. O, K.. In this study, a filtering scheme is used to improve the seasonal prediction experiments of the summer droughts and floods during the early 1990’s in East Asia. The predicted results show that the filtering scheme to remain the planetary-scale disturbances is an effective method for the improvement of the seasonal prediction of the summer droughts and floods in East Asia. 相似文献
一个用于气候模式的简单冻土过程参数化方案的建立和检验 总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13
在NCAR/LSM的基础上,发展了一个简单的冻土过程参数化方案,并使用苏联6个站的水气象观测资料考察了耦合了新方案模式的气候效应。在新方案中,加入了对含冰量的求解和在相变过程中的能量变化;并使用Johanson的方案替代了模式中原有的土壤导热率的参数化方案,考虑了含冰量对土壤水热性质的影响。原模式和改进后模式的模拟结果的比较得到,冻土过程方案能够合理的模拟土壤列中的能量收支及水热性质随含冰量的变化。随着入渗的减少和径流的增加,春季的土壤湿度减小。因此,热通量的分配和土壤温度也产生了相应的变化。 相似文献
Based on previous research results on river re-distribution models, a modification on the effects of topographic slopes for a runoff parameterization was proposed and implemented to the NCAR's land sur face model (LSM). This modification has two aspects: firstly, the topographic slopes cause outflows from higher topography and inflows into the lower topography points; secondly, topographic slopes also cause decrease of infiltration at higher topography and increases of infiltration at lower topography. Then changes in infiltration result in changes in soil moisture, surface fluxes and then in surface temperature, and eventual ly in the upper atmosphere and the climate. This mechanism is very clearly demonstrated in the point bud gets analysis at the Andes Mountains vicinities. Analysis from a regional scale perspective in the Mackenzie GEWEX Study (MAGS) area, the focus of the ongoing Canadian GEWEX program, shows that the modi fied runoff parameterization does bring significant changes in the regional surface climate. More important ly, detailed analysis from a global perspective shows many encouraging improvements introduced by the modified LSM over the original model in simulating basic atmospheric climate properties such as thermodynamic features (temperature and humidity). All of these improvements in the atmospheric climate simulation illustrate that the inclusion of topographic effects in the LSM can force the AGCM to produce a more realistic model climate. 相似文献
正确认识气候变化对流域森林植被和水文的影响对于林业经营管理与流域生态修复具有重要意义。为了揭示气候与植被覆盖变化对西南亚高山区流域碳水循环过程的影响,用生物物理/动态植被模型SSiB4/TRIFFID(Simplified Simple Biosphere model version 4, coupled with the Top-down Representation of Interactive Foliage and Flora Including Dynamics model)与流域地形指数水文模型TOPMODEL(Topographic Index Model)的耦合模型(以下记为SSiB4T/TRIFFID)模拟了不同气候情景下西南亚高山区的梭磨河流域植被演替和碳水循环过程。结果表明,所有试验流域植被经历了从C3到苔原灌木最后到森林的变化;控制试验流域蒸散在流域植被主要为苔原灌木时达到最大而径流深最小;增温5 ℃并且增雨40%试验[记为T+5, (1+40%) P试验]流域蒸散在流域为森林覆盖时达到最大而径流深最小。随着温度增加,森林蒸腾、冠层截留蒸发和蒸散的增加幅度明显大于草和苔原灌木,导致森林从控制试验的增加径流量变为减小径流量。从控制试验到T+5, (1+40%) P试验,温度增加使森林净初级生产力有所增加,但对草和苔原灌木的净初级生产力影响很小;植被水分利用效率随温度增加明显减小。西南山区随着海拔高度降低(温度升高),森林从增加径流量转变为减少径流量,植被水分利用效率也相应明显减小。西南山区气候的垂直地带性对森林—径流关系和水分利用效率的空间变化有着重要的影响。 相似文献
Simulations of the Tropical Intraseasonal Oscillation by the Atmospheric General Circulation Model of the Beijing Climate Center 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1 下载免费PDF全文
The performance of BCC (Beijing Climate Center) AGCM 2.0.1 (Atmospheric General Circulation Model version 2.0.1) in simulating the tropical intraseasonal oscillation (TIO) is examined in this paper.The simulations are validated against observation and compared with the NCAR CAM3 (Community Atmosphere Model version 3) results.The BCC AGCM2.0.1 is developed based on the original BCC AGCM (version 1) and NCAR CAM3.New reference atmosphere and reference pressure are introduced into the model.Therefore,the origi... 相似文献
MM5BATS对东亚夏季气候及其变化的模拟试验 总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3
将陆面过程模式BATS耦合到中尺度模式MM5V3中与另一区域气候模式RegCM2一起对1995—2000年夏季东亚的区域气候作了模拟试验,并与实际资料作了比较。模拟试验结果表明:(1)两个模式均能较合理地模拟出6年夏季平均的环流、温度和海平面气压等的变化,MM5BATS的模拟结果要略优于RegCM2的结果;(2)MM5BATS模式较合理地模拟出了6年夏季平均的降水分布,而RegCM2模式的模拟结果偏强;(3)MM5BATS模式较好地模拟出了1997年和1998年夏季环流场的变化,对降水的模拟也比较合理。RegCM2对1997年和1998年降水的模拟基本上都偏强。模拟试验结果还表明,在区域气候模拟中有必要采用更新的模式。 相似文献
An advanced three-level global atmospheric general circulation model has been used to studythe summer precipitation anomaly in Northwest China.based on the synoptic fact and thestatistical analysis of the precipitation,the surface albedo in Northwest China,and the synopticsystems over the Tibetan(Qinghai-Xizang)Plateau.The results show that either the anticycloneintensified over the plateau or the surface alhedo enhanced in Northwest China results in summerprecipitation reduction east of Northwest China.Especially.when both of them appearsimultaneously,summer precipitation was obviously reduced and severe drought occurred in mostareas of Northwest China.Moreover.the simulated difference of precipitation rate of NorthwestChina is similar to the actural precipitation distribution in Northwest China in 1995,which is themost severe drought year in Northwest China in the past fifty years.So the tendency in droughtseverity intensified,drought frequency accelerated,drought persistence period extended,anddrought areas expanded in Northwest China in recent years is maybe a result of the influences ofhuman activities(e.g.vegetation was reduced,and desertification worsened)on droughtcirculation pattens over the Tibetan Plateau. 相似文献
利用随机天气模型, 将气候模式对大气中CO2倍增时预测的气候情景与CERES-小麦模式相连接, 研究了气候变化对我国冬小麦和春小麦生产的可能影响.结果表明, 气候变化后小麦发育将加快, 生育期缩短, 冬小麦平均缩短7.3天, 春小麦平均缩短10.5天, 春小麦生育期缩短的绝对数和相对数均大于冬小麦.籽粒产量呈下降趋势, 冬小麦平均减产7%~8%, 雨养条件下比水分适宜时减产幅度略大.春小麦的减产幅度大于冬小麦, 水分适宜时平均减产17.7%, 雨养时平均减产31.4%. 相似文献
北京气候中心大气模式对季节内振荡的模拟 总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6
对北京气候中心大气模式(BCC AGCM2.0.1)模拟热带季节内振荡的能力进行了检验.北京气候中心新一代气候模式(BCC AGCM2.0.1)是在原中国国家气候中心模式的基础上参考NCAR CAM3改进形成的.新模式中引进了一个新的参考大气和参考面气压.因此原模式的预报量中的气温(T)和地面气压(p_s)则变为它们对参考大气气温的偏差和对参考面气压的偏差.模式还加入了新的Zhang-Mcfarlane对流参数化方案,并对其参数计算方法进行调整和改进.此外还对模式边界层处理、雪盖计算等进行了改进.上述模式在实测的月海温作为下边界条件的情况下运行52年(1949年9月-2001年10月).然后对运行结果中的季节内振荡的状况进行分析,主要结果如下:NCAR CAM3模式模拟热带季节内振荡的能力很差,主要表现在模拟的热带季节内振荡强度很弱;东移波与西移波的强度很接近,而实际观测中是东移波的能量要远大于西移波;季节内振荡的季节变化及空间分布与观测相差很远.北京气候中心大气模式(BCC AGCM2.0.1)模拟热带季节内振荡的能力有显著的提高.模拟的热带季节内振荡很明显,强度接近于观测结果;模拟东移波的能量要大于西移波,这与观测较为一致;季节内振荡的季节变化和空间分布与观测相差不大.总的来看,BCC AGCM2.0.1模式在模拟热带季节内振荡方面比CAM3模式有明显的改进. 相似文献
大气季节内振荡的数值模拟比较研究 总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13
用国内外两个较好的大气环流模式、在观测海表温度的强迫下进行了长时间(1978-1989年)的数值积分,然后对数值模拟结果与NCAR/NCEP再分析资料进行比较分析,其结果清楚表明,模式模拟结果的均方根误差中有30%-40% 是来自于模拟的大气季节内振荡的均方根误差.尤其是,大气季节内振荡模拟的均方根误差的分布形势与总的均方根误差的分布形势几乎完全一致.对热带地区大气季节内振荡动能的模拟结果与NCAR/NCEP再分析资料的比较分析表明,其差异也十分明显,说明模式对热带大气季节内振荡的模拟能力也还比较差.因此可以认为,大气季节内振荡在天气气候模拟中极为重要,而如何在数值模式中模拟好大气季节内振荡还需要进行很好地研究. 相似文献
为了真实模拟干旱、半干旱地区以及湿润地区的陆面与大气之间的能量和物质交换 ,发展了一个具有普适性的南京气象学院 ( NIM)陆面过程 ( LSP)模式。该模式是由等温植被参数化方案和本文建立的土壤模式所组成。土壤模式又分为五层模式和两层模式两种。利用 1 979年 5~ 8月“青藏高原气象科学实验”资料作验证 ,同时将五层模式与 Deardorff( 1 978)陆面模式、两层模式作了对比 ,结果表明五层土壤模式的模拟效果较好 ,它比 Deardorff模式优越 ,也比两层土壤模式模拟效果稍好一些。 相似文献
为了进一步检验裸土参数化的气候模拟性能,本文在文献[1,2]的基础上,利用NCEP再分析资料和Xie等全球降水资料与CCM3模拟结果进行了对比。结果表明:加入裸土参数化方案的CCM3能较好地再现冬季东亚和中国地区区域气候的主要特征,模式较原CCM3能更好地模拟地表温度和东亚及中国西北地区的降水,对东亚季风环流的模拟也较接近实际。同时,该方案在CCM3中的加入改进了青藏高原冬季降雪带及夏季高原东南部降水中心的模拟,提高了模式对高原冬夏季降水的模拟能力,从而再次说明利用观测资料对模式参数修正及参数化方法的改进是提高数值模式模拟能力的一个重要途径。 相似文献
IPCC《气候变化与土地特别报告》对陆气相互作用的新认知 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
贾根锁 《气候变化研究进展》2020,16(1):9-16
IPCC向全球正式发布了其最新的《气候变化与土地特别报告》(SRCCL),从陆气相互作用、荒漠化、土地退化、粮食安全、综合变化和协同性、可持续土地管理等方面评估气候变化与土地的相互关联。报告是在IPCC 3个工作组共同主导下,首次系统评估气候变化与陆面过程和土地利用/土地管理之间的相关作用。报告的评估结果表明,全球陆地增温幅度接近全球海陆平均值的两倍,气候变化加重了综合土地压力,并严重影响全球粮食安全,而全球很多区域的极端天气气候事件频率/强度持续增加,加重了农业生产的灾害风险和损失。采取行业间和国家间协同一致的行动,通过可持续土地管理,可以有效地适应和减缓气候变化,同时减轻土地退化、荒漠化和粮食安全的压力。 相似文献
土壤热异常影响地表能量平衡的个例分析和数值模拟 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
The statistical relationship between soil thermal anomaly and short-term climate change is presented based on a typical case study. Furthermore, possible physical mechanisms behind the relationship are revealed through using an off-line land surface model with a reasonable soil thermal forcing at the bottom of the soil layer.In the first experiment, the given heat flux is 5 W m-2 at the bottom of the soil layer (in depth of 6.3 m)for 3 months, while only a positive ground temperature anomaly of 0.06℃ can be found compared to the control run. The anomaly, however, could reach 0.65℃ if the soil thermal conductivity was one order of magnitude larger. It could be even as large as 0.81℃ assuming the heat flux at bottom is 10 W m-2. Meanwhile, an increase of about 10 W m-2 was detected both for heat flux in soil and sensible heat on land surface, which is not neglectable to the short-term climate change. The results show that considerable response in land surface energy budget could be expected when the soil thermal forcing reaches a certain spatial-tem poral scale. Therefore, land surface models should not ignore the upward heat flux from the bottom of the soil layer. Moreover, integration for a longer period of time and coupled land-atmosphere model are also necessary for the better understanding of this issue. 相似文献
为使数值模式适应异构架构在高性能计算领域的快速发展趋势,本文基于OpenACC语言,对气候模式BCC_AGCM3.0中动力框架三段程序段进行GPU加速优化试验。通过异步执行设置、循环内移、数据管理及向量参数化配置等方式,对模式中计算密集部分程序段进行GPU加速并行化,并进行了优化运行效率对比及正确性验证。试验结果表明,BCC_AGCM3.0模式中三段程序段GPU加速后效率提升均在3倍以上,BCC_AGCM气候模式全球涡度均方根相对误差控制在一定范围之内。加速方法及策略对于数值天气气候模式在异构环境下的移植与优化具有一定参考价值。 相似文献