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The sensitivity of microwave sensors to changes in the complex dielectric constant of soil/water mix with change in water content has been used in several studies for soil moisture estimation and in the detection of wetlands. In the study, reported here, an attempt has been made to delineate various categories of wetlands, namely ‘bils’ (acquaculture ponds), lakes/ponds, creeks, and mangroves through visual interpretation of ERS‐1 SAR images acquired on 29th April, 1993 over part of Sundarban delta, abutting Bay of Bengal. An overall accuracy of 91.2% with respect to delineation of wetlands has been achieved. Further, the cloud penetration and day‐and‐night observation capability of ERS‐1 SAR, though well known, is also illustrated.  相似文献   


A procedure for continental‐scale mapping of burned boreal forest at 10‐day intervals was developed for application to coarse resolution satellite imagery. The basis of the technique is a multiple logistic regression model parameterized using 1998 SPOT‐4 VEGETATION clear‐sky composites and training sites selected across Canada. Predictor features consisted of multi‐temporal change metrics based on reflectance and two vegetation indices, which were normalized to the trajectory of background vegetation to account for phenological variation. Spatial‐contextual tests applied to the logistic model output were developed to remove noise and increase the sensitivity of detection. The procedure was applied over Canada for the 1998‐2000 fire seasons and validated using fire surveys and burned area statistics from forest fire management agencies. The area of falsely mapped burns was found to be small (3.5% commission error over Canada), and most burns larger than 10 km2 were accurately detected and mapped (R2 = 0.90, P<0.005, n = 91 for burns in two provinces). Canada‐wide satellite burned area was similar, but consistently smaller by comparison to statistics compiled by the Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre (by 17% in 1998, 16% in 1999, and 3% in 2000).  相似文献   


The objective of this study was to explore the utility of multi‐temporal, multi‐spectral image data acquired by the IKONOS satellite system for monitoring detailed land cover changes within shrubland habitat reserves. Sub‐pixel accuracy in date‐to‐date registration was achieved, in spite of the irregular relief of the study area and the high spatial resolution of the imagery. Change vector classification enabled features ranging in size from tens of square meters to several hectares to be detected and six general land cover change classes to be identified. Interpretation of the change vector classification product in conjunction with visual inspection of the multi‐temporal imagery enabled identification of specific change types such as: vegetation disturbance and associated increase in soil exposure, shrub removal, urban edge vegetation clearing and fire maintenance, increase in vegetation cover, spread of invasive plant species, fire scars and subsequent recovery, erosional scouring, trail and road development, and expansion of bicycle disturbances.  相似文献   


The paper presents a GIS model for mapping soils in the semi arid region of Israel. The model is based on a priori knowledge of the soil generating factors in the study area, namely (1) the parent‐material (lithology) which determines the origin of the soil; and (2) the relief (including the drainage patents) which is responsible for erosion, deposition, and leaching processes along the catena. A special attempt was made to represent soil belts in small subwatersheds with different parent‐material. The width of these belts can be varied as a function of the local relief.

We believe that GIS techniques, in contrast to conventional survey and mapping methods, have the potential to overcome the manpower and fiscal restrictions which limit monitoring of large areas and areas which are for different reasons difficult to access. However, systematically generalizing a spatial model for a large area may introduce some errors, either due to local variations which were not taken into account, or regional variations.  相似文献   


This paper investigates the combination of metric aerial photography and near‐infrared (NIR) videography data to improve the design of field‐survey sampling frameworks. Spatial data collection can contribute up to 80% of the cost of deploying a Geographic Information System (GIS) based Decision Support System (DSS). The use of remotely sensed information, field survey using differential Global Positioning System (dGPS) and geostatistical interpolation methods maximises data quality for a given rate of sampling.

Medium‐format colour aerial photography and NIR videography were orthorectified to the national map base and mosaiced using ERDAS Imagine. The green and red layers of the aerial photography were combined with the NIR videography to form a false‐colour composite image. Two sampling strategies were tested. The first stratified sampling on a per field basis, creating four points per hectare, randomly located within each field. The second strategy used the remotely sensed information to identify within‐field variability classes for each field, using red‐green difference or normalised difference vegetation index (NDVI) models. These variability classes were used as a sub‐stratification framework with each class sampled at the same rate of 4 per hectare. For both strategies the sample points were generated within ESRI ArcView and were located in the field using dGPS. Maps of stone content were created using geostatistical methods and validated against samples collected on a 100 metre grid. It was concluded that combining the two image sources to create a within‐field stratification framework improved the precision of the results obtained from field‐survey.  相似文献   


Attempts to analyze urban features and to classify land use and land cover directly from high‐resolution satellite data with traditional computer classification techniques have proven to be inefficient for two primary reasons. First, urban landscapes are composed of complex features. Second, traditional classifiers employ spectral information based on single pixel value and ignore a great amount of spatial information. Texture plays an important role in image segmentation and object recognition, as well as in interpretation of images in a variety of applications. This study analyzes urban texture features in multi‐spectral image data. Recent developments in the very powerful mathematical theory of wavelet transforms have received overwhelming attention by image analysts. An evaluation of the ability of wavelet transform in urban feature extraction and classification was performed in this study, with six types of urban land cover features classified. The preliminary results of this research indicate that the accuracy of texture analysis in classifying urban features in fine resolution image data could be significantly improved with the use of wavelet transform approach.  相似文献   


A classification method was developed for mapping land cover in NE Costa Rica at a regional scale for spatial input to a biogeochemical model (CENTURY). To distinguish heterogeneous cover types, unsupervised classifications of Landsat Thematic Mapper data were combined with ancillary and derived data in an iterative process. Spectral classes corresponding to ground control types were segregated into a storage raster while ambiguous pixels were passed through a set of rules to the next stage of processing. Feature sets were used at each step to help sort spectral classes into land cover classes. The process enabled different feature sets to be used for different types while recognizing that spectral classification alone was not sufficient for separating cover types that were defined by heterogeneity. Spectral data included the TM reflective bands, principal components and the NDVI. Ancillary data included GIS coverages of swamp extents, banana plantation boundaries and river courses. Derived data included neighborhood variety and majority measures that captured texture. The final map depicts 18 land cover types and captures the general patterns found in the region. Some confusion still exists between closely related types such as pasture with different amounts of tree cover.  相似文献   

Given the level of contemporary technological accomplishment in computing, it is now possible to undertake image‐processing tasks on a variety of “smaller” systems. While a typical hardware configuration includes 24 bits of refresh memory for color. 8 bits each for red, green, and blue, it is feasible to construct color‐composite images comprised of three spectral bands of remotely sensed data using workstations configured with only a single eight‐bit graphics plane for color. Such systems are commonly available in colleges and universities, since they are less expensive than fully configured color workstations.  相似文献   


Professional aerial photography missions are generally outside the reach of most students and faculty involved with teaching and research. Oblique aerial photography using handheld cameras for image acquisition from a light high‐wing aircraft offers an excellent learning experience for students in a first course in remote sensing and offers a useful research tool for graduate students and faculty engaged in environmental investigations. This paper is essentially a guide, covering all aspects of hand‐held camera aerial imaging and the subsequent processing needed to produce low‐obliques, stereograms, anaglyphs, and flight line mosaics. Scales, ground coverage distances, and stereogram and mosaic timing intervals, are included along with a section on the calculations used to produce these numbers. A list of additional resources concludes the paper.  相似文献   


Studies on land surface processes using remote sensing data gains importance in the context of Geosphere Biosphere Programme. Present study addresses the applicability of split‐window method, in a tropical environment for mapping of surface temperature over heterogeneous surface from satellite data. The accuracy of the method is about +2.2°K, which is reasonable value taking into account the atmospheric attenuation in tropical environment. An attempt has been made to derive emissivity from normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) by taking into account the fraction of vegetation cover of each pixel, which is determined by satellite data. The emissivity values estimated from satellite data found to be in reasonable agreement with an estimated error of less than 1%. The results of the study indicate the potential use of NDVI as a modulating parameter in the land surface temperature estimation from satellite data.  相似文献   

As a result of the 1991 Persian Gulf war, between mid‐January and June 1991, the Persian Gulf was contaminated with an estimated 4 to 6 million barrels of crude oil, released directly into the Gulf from refinement facilities, transhipment terminals, and moored tankers along the coast of Kuwait, and precipitated from oil fire smoke plumes. To assess the environmental impact of the oil, an international team of marine scientists representing 14 nations was assembled under the auspices of the United Nations International Oceanic Commission and the Regional Organization for Protection of the Marine Environment to conduct detailed surveys of the Persian Gulf, the Strait of Hormuz, and the Gulf of Oman, including hydrographic, chemical, and biological measurements. To supplement the field surveys and to serve as an aid in data interpretation, astronauts aboard the Space Shuttle Atlantis photographed water features and coastal habitats in the Persian Gulf during mission STS‐45 (24 March to 02 April 1992). The astronauts collected 111 hand‐held, color photographs of the Gulf (72 70 mm photographs and 39 5‐inch photographs) from an altitude of 296 km (160 n.mi.). The photographs reveal distributions in water turbidity associated with outflow from the Shatt‐al‐Arab and water circulation along the entire coast of Iran and the Strait of Hormuz, coastal wetlands and shallow‐water habitats, and sticks appearing in the sunglint pattern, which appear to be oil.  相似文献   

全球导航卫星系统(global navigation satellite system,GNSS)‐声学海底定位是面向海底俯冲带板块形变监测需求提出的一种定位技术,也是建设海洋时空基准网的一种重要技术,有着广阔的应用前景。虽然目前GNSS‐声学海底定位技术的研究成果还不能满足海洋时空基准网的建设需求,但其数据处理方法尤其是声速误差精细处理方法,对海洋时空基准网海底部分(海底大地基准)的建设具有重要借鉴意义。介绍了GNSS‐声学海底定位技术的起源,并将其分为静态测量和动态测量两类,同时将声速误差处理方法作为该技术的发展脉络进行梳理,提炼了该技术的3个发展阶段:仅假设海洋声速垂向分层、考虑声速的时域变化、考虑声速的水平梯度。对于仅假设海洋声速垂向分层的阶段,国外学者采用几何结构对称的方式来削弱声速误差的影响;国内学者则主要对声速以外误差源(杆臂矢量误差、时标偏差、姿态角误差等)进行了研究,并用优化随机模型的方式削弱系统误差对定位的影响。对于考虑声速时域变化的阶段,国外学者利用拟合方法(多项式拟合或三次样条拟合)结合参数平滑约束来解算声速的时域变化量,提高定位的稳定性;国内学者基于此细化了参数拟合的方法(考虑参数长周期项的变化特征),并创新性地提出了水下差分定位算法。对于考虑声速水平梯度的阶段,国内外学者在GNSS‐声学海底定位中解算了声速水平梯度参数,提高了水平方向定位的稳定性,并利用海洋数值模型验证了结果的可靠性。展望了将GNSS‐声学海底定位高精度数据处理方法应用于海底大地基准建设的前景,并引入了小时空尺度声速层析的概念(基于海洋时空基准网的声速误差处理方法),以期解决数值预报模型不能提供小时空尺度产品的问题,进而为水下潜器提供更高精度的声速误差改正服务。  相似文献   


Image mapping using data from visible and infrared sensors has, as a major drawback, the frequent cloud cover experienced in many countries. This is one of the main reasons why topographic maps at 1:100,000 scale and larger are often outdated. The results of a study which investigated the possibilities of fusing up‐to‐date spaceborne microwave data with existing images from optical sensors for topographic map updating at a scale of 1:100, 000 are presented in this paper. A key issue researched was the influence of geometric distortions and corrections of remote sensing data on the results of pixel based digital image fusion. After having terrain‐geocoded and radiometrically enhanced imagery from the Landsat, SPOT, ERS‐1 and JERS‐1 satellites, the data were fused applying a variety of colour transformation techniques as well as statistical or arithmetic methods. Initially, the image fusion was implemented using images covering a test site in the north of The Netherlands in order to calibrate specified combinations and techniques in a rather flat area. With the experience gained, the remote sensing data acquired over the research site were processed. The research test site is located in a typical Developing Country in the humid Tropics, on the mountainous south‐west coast of Sumatra in Indonesia. The results of the various applied techniques and image combinations were evaluated with reference to their capability to overcome the cloud cover problem. New combinations of techniques and images were developed as result of an optimisation process. The research produced two prototypes of annotated 1:100,000 scale image maps containing fused, cloud‐free optical/microwave imagery.  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates the applicability of a black‐and‐white visible‐infrared sensitive video camera, filtered to record radiation in the 1.45–2.0 μm mid‐infrared (MIR) spectral region, for detecting burning wood coals. Airbome imagery of a burned rangeland area and a wood fire at a dump site showed that hot spots (smoldering wood coals) could be delineated from other landscape features. MIR video imagery should be useful to detect burning wood coals at temperatures as low as 900K. These results indicate that the MIR video system may be a potential tool to aid wild‐land managers in the thermal analysis of wildfires.  相似文献   


The ability to map and monitor terrestrial carbon is important in tropical regions where land conversion is intense and tropical moist forests store much of Earth's terrestrial carbon. The release of terrestrial carbon in the form of carbon dioxide could alter local, regional, and global weather, and enhance the greenhouse effect. This study analyzed the ability of coarse‐resolution Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) remote sensor data to quantify carbon stored in the Guaporé / Itenez River Basin in Bolivia and Brazil. This area was selected because of the amount of land conversion that has occurred there relative to other areas of the Amazon Basin. A supervised vegetation classification map was created with training sites acquired through fieldwork done in the area in summer 1998. Image pixels were classified as tropical moist forest, degraded tropical moist forest, cerrado, grasslands, degraded savanna, or bare ground. Estimated above and below‐ground carbon values of the different land cover types were applied to each class to calculate total carbon values. It was concluded that data such as AVHRR may be used to calculate the amount of carbon in terrestrial ecosystems in regional scale areas.  相似文献   

The paper summarizes a technique for implementing the “DRASTIC” groundwater‐vulnerability model within the context of an automated raster‐based geographic information system. Discussion focuses on a methodological development and a statewide project completed recently in Nebraska. The final products, a comprehensive flow chart illustrating procedures and a map of calculated potential pollution hazard, are presented. The methodology can be executed successfully with minimal training and experience. Areas of Nebraska considered vulnerable to groundwater pollution are identified.  相似文献   


An important methodological and analytical requirement for analyzing spatial relationships between regional habitats and species distributions in Mexico is the development of standard methods for mapping the country's land cover/land use formations. This necessarily involves the use of global data such as that produced by the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR). We created a nine‐band time‐series composite image from AVHRR Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) bi‐weekly data. Each band represented the maximum NDVI for a particular month of either 1992 or 1993. We carried out a supervised classification approach, using the latest comprehensive land cover/vegetation map created by the Mexican National Institute of Geography (INEGI) as reference data. Training areas for 26 land cover/vegetation types were selected and digitized on the computer's screen by overlaying the INEGI vector coverage on the NDVI image. To obtain specific spectral responses for each vegetation type, as determined by its characteristic phenology and geographic location, the statistics of the spectral signatures were subjected to a cluster analysis. A total of 104 classes distributed among the 26 land cover types were used to perform the classification. Elevation data were used to direct classification output for pine‐oak and coastal vegetation types. The overall correspondence value of the classification proposed in this paper was 54%; however, for main vegetation formations correspondence values were higher (60‐80%). In order to obtain refinements in the proposed classification we recommend further analysis of the signature statistics and adding topographic data into the classification algorithm.  相似文献   


The paper presents a geospatial modeling approach for the assessment of plant richness in Barsey Rhododendron Sanctuary in Sikkim, a Himalayan State of India located in the “Indo‐Burma” biodiversity hotspot. Remotely sensed data from Indian Remote Sensing Satellite IRS‐1C Linear Imaging Self‐Scanner (LISS‐III) and field‐based methods were synergistically used to model plant richness on 1:50,000 scale. It was found that the sanctuary is dominated by East Himalayan Moist Temperate Forest (55.50%), followed by Rhododendron Forest (23.77%), Degraded Forest (6.66%) and Hemlock Forest (0.78%). The vegetation map prepared through digital interpretation of satellite imagery was subjected to landscape analysis and assessment of biotic disturbance in terms of disturbance index. The disturbance index together with species richness, ecosystem uniqueness, total importance value and terrain complexity was modeled to assess the plant richness in this unique sanctuary. Out of the 120 km2 of the total geographical area of the sanctuary, 28.45 per cent was found to possess very high plant richness followed by high (50.84%), medium (6.96%) and low richness (13.75%). It was noted that plant richness assessment at ecosystem level presents a more realistic picture than at landscape level. The study demonstrated that remote sensing coupled with landscape analysis, ground inventory data and geospatial modeling holds good potential for rapid and operational assessment of plant richness.  相似文献   

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