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Using the hydrogeological and socio-economic data derived from a European Commission research project on the measurement, monitoring and sustainability of the coastal environment, two optimization models have been applied to satisfy the future water resources needs of the coastal zone of Bardez in Goa, India. The number of tourists visiting Goa since the 1970s has risen considerably, and roughly a third of them go to Bardez taluka, prompting growth in the tourist-related infrastructure in the region. The optimization models are non-linear mixed integer models that have been solved using GAMS/DICOPT++ commercial software. Optimization models were used, firstly, to indicate the most suitable zones for building seaside resorts and wells to supply the tourist industry with an adequate amount of water, and secondly, to indicate the best location for wells to adequately supply pre-existing hotels. The models presented will help to define the optimal locations for the wells and the hydraulic infrastructures needed to satisfy demand at minimum cost, taking into account environmental constraints such as the risk of saline intrusion.
Résumé A l’aide de données hydrogéologiques et socio-économiques, dérivées d’un projet de recherche de la Commission Européenne sur l’étude, la surveillance et la durabilité de l’environnement c?tier, deux modèles d’optimisation ont été appliqués en vue de satisfaire les besoins futurs en ressources en eau de la zone c?tière de Bardez au Goa en Inde. Le nombre de touristes qui visitent le Goa depuis les années 70 a considérablement augmenté et environ un tiers d’entre eux se rend à Bardez taluka, ce qui encourage la croissance des infrastructures liées au tourisme dans la région. Les modèles d’optimisation sont des modèles non linéaires mixtes en nombres entiers qui ont été résolus en utilisant le logiciel commercial GAMS/DICOPT++. Les modèles d’optimisation ont été utilisés pour indiquer premièrement les zones les plus appropriées pour construire des stations balnéaires et des puits pour approvisionner en quantité d’eau suffisante l’industrie touristique, et deuxièmement pour indiquer la meilleure localisation de puits pour l’alimentation des h?tels préexistants. Les modèles présentés aideront à définir les localisations optimales des puits et des infrastructures hydrauliques nécessaires à la satisfaction de la demande à un co?t minimum, tout en prenant en compte les contraintes environnementales, tel que le risque d’intrusion saline.

Resumen Se han aplicado dos modelos de optimización en base a datos socio-económicos e hidrogeológicos derivados de un proyecto de investigación de la Comisión Europea sobre medición, monitoreo y sostenibilidad del ambiente costero para satisfacer las necesidades futuras de recursos hídricos de la zona costera de Bardez en Goa, India. El número de turistas que visita Goa desde la década de 1970′s ha subido considerablemente y cerca de un tercio de ellos van a Bardez taluka impulsando el crecimiento en la infraestructura turística de la región. Los modelos de optimización son modelos de números enteros mixtos no-lineales que se han resuelto usando el programa comercial GAMS/DICOPT++. Los modelos de optimización se usaron, primero para indicar las zonas más adecuadas para la construcción de centros de diversión en las márgenes del océano y pozos para abastecer la industria turística con una adecuada cantidad de agua, y segundo, para indicar la mejor localización de pozos para el abastecimiento de hoteles pre-existentes. Los modelos que se presentan ayudarán a definir las localizaciones óptimas para los pozos y las infraestructuras hidráulicas necesarias para satisfacer la demanda al mínimo costo, tomando en consideración restricciones ambientales tal como el riesgo de intrusión salina.

以珠三角广花盆地城市应急水源地为例,通过野外现场抽水和室内临界水力梯度试验对比,分析了地下水安全开采的控制条件。结果显示:广花盆地的岩溶塌陷是可通过控制水位降深等方法进行防控的,当地下水开采水位降深控制在9 m以内时,可大幅度降低岩溶塌陷概率。该结果可直接作为企业进行地下水安全开采的控制性指标和政府管理部门安全管控的决策性指标。由于地质条件的差异性,在实际开采地下水过程中,不能机械地依赖单一的地下水水位降深控制指标,应根据抽水影响半径以及各地不同的临界水力坡度分地段控制地下水位降深,或者改变开采方式,以达到充分利用地下水资源的目的。建议在实际抽水期间制订突发灾害预案,加强地下水监测工作,实时掌握地下水和其他影响因素变化动态。  相似文献   

The Chtouka-Massa area in Southern Morocco has shown an increase in water scarcity during the last decades, caused mainly by withdrawal of water resources aggravated by agricultural intensification and climate change impacts. To better understand the changes of groundwater quality, a sampling campaign was conducted in many wells during March 2015 and compared to historical chemical data from the hydraulic basin agency, as well as previous studies performed at Ibn Zohr University. All data were used to assess the spatial-temporal evolution of nitrate and salinity relevant to the recent sampling. This paper describes the current state of groundwater quality in the Chtouka-Massa zone with an overview of different sources of water mineralization and the nitrate evolution in an agricultural area. Our results indicate a general increase in mineralization from the north to the south, and from the east to the west. The plain, dominated by farms, shows a relatively high conductivity (up to 2000 μS/cm), while in both costal area and Anti-Atlas Mountain the water salinity shows a gradient increase from the north to the south. However, the highest electrical conductivity is observed along the Massa River. The water type is bicarbonate, chloride, and sodium for farm samples, while from the other parts, it is mostly dominated by chloride and sodium. The spatial-temporal analysis of nitrates generally shows an increasing trend. However, the levels remain overall lower than the limit. The temporal evolution of control points set by the hydraulic agency shows a decreasing trend decline that can be explained by the improvement of agriculture practices, including the conversion towards drip irrigation mode. Different chemical tracers highlighted some processes involving the changes of mineralization of groundwater (e.g., irrigation water return, marine intrusion, and water/rock interaction). The results will be used to improve water management in this area showing water quality degradation.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic pollution of shallow groundwater resources due to industrial activities is becoming a cause of concern in the east coastal belt of the state of Tamil Nadu, India. Integrated hydrogeological, geophysical and tracer studies were carried out in the coastal region encompassing an industrial complex. The objective has been to gain knowledge of aquifer characteristics, ascertaining groundwater movement and its flow direction, which would in turn reveal the possibility of contamination of groundwater regime and its better management. The results of multi-parameters and model study indicate that the velocity of groundwater flow ranges from 0.013 m/d to 0.22m/d in and around the industrial complex in upstream western part of the catchment and 0.026 m/d to 0.054m/d in the downstream eastern part, near the coast. These parameters are vital for the development of groundwater management scheme.  相似文献   

Being sensitive to environmental changes, foraminifera have been extensively used to monitor pollution level in the marine environment, including the effect of mining in coastal areas. In the Goa state of India, the rejects from opencast mining on land largely find their way to the estuaries, as washout during monsoon. Additionally, the Mormugao Port at the mouth of the Zuari estuary is the hub of activities due to the transport of ore from hinterland areas by barges and its subsequent loading for export. On the directive of the Supreme Court of India, all the mining-related activities abruptly stopped throughout India, including that in Goa in 2012, and got reinstated in 2015. Therefore, it provided a fit case to test the effectiveness of benthic foraminifera as an indicator of environmental impact due to mining activities. A total of ten surface sediment samples from five locations in Zuari estuary were collected from a depth range of 4.5–8.5 m in the years of 2013 and 2016 and were analyzed for both the living (stained) and dead benthic foraminifera. The year 2013 represents a time interval immediately after the closure of extensive mining activity, and the sampling during 2016 represents minimal mining. The living benthic foraminiferal abundance was higher (19–54/g sediment) during 2013 and decreased substantially during 2016 (3–22/g sediment), suggesting an adverse effect of activities associated with mine closure on benthic foraminifera. Additionally, the relative abundance of Ammonia was also significantly low during the year 2016. The temporal variation in dead foraminifera was, however, different than that of the living foraminifera. The differential response was attributed to the terrigenous dilution as a result of change in sedimentation rate. Therefore, we conclude that living foraminifera correctly incorporate the changes in mining pattern and may be used as an effective tool to monitor the impact of mining. We further suggest that the potential counter effect of terrigenous dilution on total and living benthic foraminiferal population should be considered while interpreting temporal variations in foraminiferal abundance in marginal marine settings.  相似文献   

This study aims to carry out a seismic risk assessment for a typical mid-size city based on building inventory from a field study. Contributions were made to existing loss estimation methods for buildings. In particular, a procedure was introduced to estimate the seismic quality of buildings using a scoring scheme for the effective parameters in seismic behavior. Denizli, a typical mid-size city in Turkey, was used as a case study. The building inventory was conducted by trained observers in a selected region of Denizli that had the potential to be damaged from expected future earthquakes according to geological and geotechnical studies. Parameters that are known to have some effect on the seismic performance of the buildings during past earthquakes were collected during the inventory studies. The inventory includes data of about 3,466 buildings on 4,226 parcels. The evaluation of inventory data provided information about the distribution of building stock according to structural system, construction year, and vertical and plan irregularities. The inventory data and the proposed procedure were used to assess the building damage, and to determine casualty and shelter needs during the M6.3 and 7.0 scenario earthquakes, representing the most probable and maximum earthquakes in Denizli, respectively. The damage assessment and loss studies showed that significant casualties and economic losses can be expected in future earthquakes. Seismic risk assessment of reinforced concrete buildings also revealed the priorities among building groups. The vulnerability in decreasing order is: (1) buildings with 6 or more stories, (2) pre-1975 constructed buildings, and (3) buildings with 3–5 stories. The future studies for evaluating and reducing seismic risk for buildings should follow this priority order. All data of inventory, damage, and loss estimates were assembled in a Geographical Information System (GIS) database.  相似文献   

Groundwater quality of Tehran city is considered in this study. Nine sampling stations were selected, and composite sampling campaign was performed in summer 2012. Groundwater sampled from northern stations appeared to have acceptable characteristics for agricultural and drinking uses. The southern station samples did not meet the required guidelines. Concentration of SO4 2?, Na+ and Cl? obey a sharp ascending trend southwards. Accordingly, the electrical conductivity of the last station at the very southern areas is more than fifteen times greater than that of the first northern station. Tehran city is located in a semi-arid climate and experiences long hot summers. High rates of evapo-transpiration within urban green spaces and agricultural lands facilitate the salinization phenomenon in root zones. As a result, excess irrigation water eases the consequent percolation into aquifers. Furthermore, saline water intrusion from salt marshes located down south of the city is an expected consequence of wells overpumping. Such case is especially remarkable in hot seasons when an increased urban water demand is observed. Remarkable sulfate concentrations in saline water are mainly justified by percolation of sulfate containing fertilizers which are broadly used by local farmers in an uncontrolled manner. Surface run-offs and municipal wastewater leakage may also trigger the salinization process.  相似文献   

Forty major perennial springs, under different lithological controls, in a part of Kashmir Himalaya in India were studied to understand the response of spring discharges to regional climate variability. The average monthly spring discharge is high in Triassic Limestone-controlled springs (karst springs) and low in alluvium- and Karewa-controlled springs. In general, the measured monthly spring discharges show an inverse relation with the monthly precipitation data. However, a direct correlation exists between the spring discharges and the degree of snow/ice melt. The results suggest that the creation of a low and continuous (but stable) recharge from the Triassic Limestone and Panjal Trap aquifers, due to blockage of groundwater flow between strata with contrasting hydraulic conductivity, attenuates the discharge and gives rise to small fluctuations in the alluvium- and Karewa-controlled springs. The average monthly discharge of the karst and alluvial springs showed an overall decreasing trend for two and a half decades, with the lowest discharge recorded in 2001. The study revealed that the regional/global warming and below-normal precipitation in the period of snow accumulation (PSA) has triggered the receding of glaciers and attenuation of spring discharges.  相似文献   

Buo  Isaac  Sagris  Valentina  Burdun  Iuliia  Uuemaa  Evelyn 《Natural Hazards》2021,105(2):1299-1321
Natural Hazards - This research is focused on identifying urban sprawl pattern and extent in two rapidly growing major Ghanaian cities (Accra and Kumasi) and how urban expansion affected heat...  相似文献   

The occurrence of uranium in groundwater is of particular interest due to its toxicological and radiological properties. It has been considered as a relevant contaminant for drinking water even at a low concentration. Uranium is a ubiquitously occurring radionuclide in the environment. Four hundred and fifty-six (456) groundwater samples from different locations of five districts of South Bihar (SB) were collected and concentrations of uranium (U) were analyzed using a light-emitting diode (LED) fluorimetric technique. Uranium concentrations in groundwater samples varied from 0.1 µg l?1 to 238.2 µg l?1 with an average value of 12.3 µg l?1 in five districts of Bihar in the mid-eastern Gangetic plain. This study used hot spot spatial statistics to identify the distribution of elevated uranium concentration in groundwater. The hypothesis whether spatial distribution of high value and low value of U is more likely spatially clustered due to random process near a uranium hotspot in groundwater was tested based on z score and Getis-Ord Gi* statistics. The method implemented in this study, can be utilized in the field of risk assessment and decision making to locate potential areas of contamination.  相似文献   

The water leakage in the urban areas causes a continuous rise in the water table, with harmful effects. An experimental drainage system, based on horizontal well technology, was designed and implemented in a populated area. Groundwater flow modeling was used to assess the hydrodynamic efficiency of the system through drain conductance parameter estimation.  相似文献   

Modeling fate of nitrogen in unsaturated and saturated zone is a complex process, which requires detailed geochemical data. Complexities of the process as well as data insufficiencies are two major issues, which make quantitative assessment of the problem more complicated. In this work, a lumped-parameter model (LPM) is proposed that has been evaluated for a data-limited case to study temporal and steady-state behavior of Nitrate and Ammonium in unsaturated zone. The concentration of components in the model are assumed as the depth-averaged concentrations, and dispersive fluxes have been neglected. The case study area is Tehran City aquifer, which is highly contaminated by domestic wastewater discharge into the groundwater. Three sources for Nitrogen contamination have been studied, namely domestic wastewater, park/recreational applications, and wet deposition. Results show that Nitrate production in the first few meters (<5 m) is quite large. To compare the model results with the measurements, error estimation analysis based on Vornoi map has been fulfilled. Finally, it is shown that there is a fairly good correlation coefficient between simulation and measurements, which approves the validity of the LPM.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the water-quantity issues facing Dhaka because of the rapid exploitation of the Dupi Tila aquifer. Dhaka is one of the world's largest groundwater-dependent cities, relying on water withdrawn from this underlying semiconfined sand aquifer. A meteoric rise in well construction in both the private and public sectors in recent years has produced an estimated 1,300 boreholes that tap the aquifer in urban and suburban parts of the city. Analysis of construction records for public-supply wells drilled between 1970 and 2000 shows that water levels are falling in several areas of the city despite apparently favorable recharge conditions. The productivity of boreholes as measured by specific capacity has also declined significantly. Even though the aquifer system is vital to the infrastructure of the city it remains a poorly quantified resource, and until this is resolved by investment in evaluation studies, attempts to efficiently manage the resource in a sustainable way will be frustrated.
Resumen Este artículo trata de los aspectos cuantitativos relacionados con la sobreexplotación del acuífero de Dupi Tila, que suministra a la ciudad de Dhaka (Bangladesh). Ésta es una de las mayores ciudades del mundo con dependencia de las aguas subterráneas, y se abastece de un acuífero semiconfinado formado por arenas. El aumento meteórico en la construcción de pozos durante los últimos años, tanto en el sector público como en el privado, ha provocado que haya unas 1.300 captaciones del acuífero en las zonas urbana y suburbana de la ciudad. El análisis de los registros constructivos de pozos de abastecimiento público entre 1970 y 2000 muestra que los niveles piezométricos están descendiendo en diversas áreas de la ciudad, a pesar de la existencia de condiciones aparentemente favorables de recarga. La productividad de los pozos, determinada por su capacidad específica, también ha disminuido significativamente. Aunque el sistema acuífero es vital para la infraestructura de la ciudad, los recursos aún no han sido cuantificados adecuadamente. Hasta que este asunto no sea resuelto mediante la inversión en estudios de evaluación, los intentos por gestionar eficientemente los recursos de forma sustentable serán infructuosos.

Résumé Cet article porte sur les pertes en quantité subies par Dacca du fait de l'exploitation rapide de l'aquifère de Dupi Tila. Dacca est l'une des villes dépendant de l'eau souterraine les plus importantes du monde, prélevant l'eau d'un aquifère sableux sous-jacent semi-captif. On estime à 1,300 forages l'accroissement des creusements de puits aussi bien dans le secteur privé que public dans ces dernières années; ils prélèvent dans l'aquifère dans la partie urbaine et à la périphérie de la ville. L'analyse des déclarations de creusement de puits pour l'AEP forés entre 1970 et 2000 montre que les niveaux d'eau ont chuté dans plusieurs zones de la ville malgré des conditions de recharge apparemment favorables. La productivité des puits mesurée par la capacité spécifique a également diminué significativement. Même si le système aquifère est vital pour l'infrastructure de la ville, il reste une ressource médiocrement quantifiée, et tant que ceci ne sera pas résolu par un investissement dans des études d'évaluation, les tentatives pour gérer efficacement la ressource de façon durable échoueront.


Waterlogging is a complex phenomenon, the severity of which depends on a number of natural as well as anthropogenic factors. The present study pertains to the evaluation of control exerted by various factors, viz geomorphology, relief, groundwater fluctuation, rainfall, catchment area and canal–road network density, on waterlogging in the north Bihar region of Gangetic Plains. Satellite images IRS P6 LISS III acquired in the years 2005 and 2006 were used to map temporal variability in surface waterlogging which revealed a reduction of 52 % in the waterlogging area during the pre-monsoon. The seasonal groundwater fluctuation was examined using 2005–2006 pre- and post-monsoon water level data. It clearly indicated that a large portion of the area was also under highly critical groundwater level occurring at a depth of less than 1 m belowground surface during the post-monsoon periods. The percentage of waterlogged area per square kilometer in each geomorphological unit clearly depicts that the Kosi megafan (Lower), because of a high density of paleochannels, comprises the highest post-monsoon waterlogged area. The Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) data were analyzed for the period 1998–2009 to examine the spatial variability of rainfall over the entire catchment during the monsoon period. The high incidence of post-monsoon surface waterlogging delineated through satellite data and high average rainfall (>1,100 mm) in the same area indicates a positive relationship between rainfall and surface waterlogging. Waterlogging is more prominent in the lower relief zones, but anomalous relative rise in waterlogging within 40–50 m of relief zone was attributed to anthropogenic factors primarily related to the development of canal network.  相似文献   

城市突发性地质灾害应急系统探讨   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
城市突发性地质灾害是当今减灾的重点,已引起了广泛的关注。人们意识到灾后及时地采取应急抢险救援措施,可以有效地减少人员伤亡。灾害应急行动包括建立应急指挥机构,明确职责,并进行资源调配。灾害应急抢险救灾时实性强,其快速反应行动涉及危机管理、预警、撤离、避险,以及维护法律与社会秩序、信息通报、灾情评估。应急救援行动还包括城市基础和生命线的恢复,以确保受灾居民和社区的基本需求。论文在分析城市突发性地质灾害应急管理进展和存在问题的基础上,探讨了当前城市地质灾害应急反应系统中的监测预警系统、快速反应系统、应急指挥系统、应急避难系统、信息发布系统、空间信息系统和宣传教育系统:通过实施这些应急系统并制定预案可以达到减轻城市突发性地质灾害的目的。  相似文献   

The geometric and kinematic characterization of landslides affecting urban areas is a challenging goal that is routinely pursued via geological/geomorphological method and monitoring of ground displacements achieved by geotechnical and, more recently, advanced differential interferometric synthetic aperture radar (A-DInSAR) data. Although the integration of all the above-mentioned methods should be planned a priori to be more effective, datasets resulting from the independent use of these different methods are commonly available, thus making crucial the need for their standardized a posteriori integration. In this regard, the present paper aims to provide a contribution by introducing a procedure that, taking into account the specific limits of geological/geomorphological analyses and deep/surface ground displacement monitoring via geotechnical and A-DInSAR data, allows the a posteriori integration of the results by exploiting their complementarity for landslide characterization. The approach was tested in the urban area of Lungro village (Calabria region, southern Italy), which is characterized by complex geological/geomorphological settings, widespread landslides and peculiar urban fabric. In spite of the different level of information preliminarily available for each landslide as result of the independent use of the three methods, the implementation of the proposed procedure allowed a better understanding and typifying of the geometry and kinematics of 50 landslides. This provided part of the essential background for geotechnical landslide models to be used for slope stability analysis within landslide risk mitigation strategies.  相似文献   

The objective of the study is to investigate spatio-temporal variations of PM10, PM2.5, and PM1 concentrations at seven residential sites, located in the vicinity of opencast coal projects, Basundhara Garjanbahal Area (BGA), India. Meteorological parameters such as wind speed, wind direction, relative humidity, and temperature were collected simultaneously with PM concentrations. Mean concentrations of PM10 in the range 215 ± 169–526 ± 412 μg m?3, PM2.5 in the range of 91 ± 79–297 ± 107 μg m?3, PM1 in the range of 68 ± 60–247 ± 84 μg m?3 were obtained. Coarse fractions (PM2.5–10) varied from 27 to 58% whereas fine fractions (PM1–2.5 and PM1) varied in the range of 51–73%. PM2.5 concentration was 41–74% of PM10 concentration, PM1 concentration was 31–62% of PM10 concentration, and PM1 concentration was 73–83% of PM2.5 concentration. Role of meteorology on PM concentrations was assessed using correlation analysis. Linear relationships were established among PM concentrations using least square regression analysis. With the aid of principal component analysis, two components were drawn out of eight variables, which represent more than 75% of variance. The results indicated that major sources of air pollutants (PM10, PM2.5, PM1, CO, CO2) at the residential sites are road dust raised by vehicular movement, spillage of coal generated during transportation, spontaneous combustion of coal, and biomass burning in village area.  相似文献   

This paper presents an investigation into increased deformation of Aquifer II caused by groundwater pumping from the aquifer in Changzhou, China. As groundwater levels of aquifers have been decreasing in recent decades due to uncontrolled water pumping, land subsidence is becoming a serious geohazard in Changzhou. Based on recently reported field data, the compression of aquitards has not increased compared to that of aquifers with the same scale of layer thickness. The Cosserat continuum model was adopted to analyse the observed phenomenon in this study. A classic Cauchy continuum model is also used for comparison. The comparison between these two models indicates that the proposed approach can interpret the increased deformation well, and the classic Cauchy continuum model underestimates the aquifer deformation as it does not consider shear displacement and macro-rotation. A discussion on the relationship between the groundwater level in the aquifer and subsidence is then undertaken. The results show that the severity of the annual subsidence is correlated with the variation in groundwater level in Aquifer II. To mitigate the subsidence hazards, countermeasures should be adopted to avoid the shear stress in aquifers which results from the high hydraulic gradient, by the appropriate allocation of pumping wells and by restricting groundwater withdrawal volume from each pumping operation.  相似文献   

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