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Numerical modeling of water infiltration in slopes under rainfall conditions, especially under rainstorm conditions, is a fundamental problem for slope stability assessment. To obtain representative results, surface water–groundwater flow models are incorporated in the simulation. Based on finite element representation of Richards’ equation and of kinematic wave equations, an integrated 2D numerical model (IMCR2D) of the surface water–groundwater system was established. The model has a symmetrical matrix that modifies the flux boundary according to the runoff solution on the slope. IMCR2D was verified using two laboratory experiments, and it showed good agreement with numerical and experimental results. Additional numerical examples were used to study the effect of flux supply from runoff on infiltration. In comparison with SimMd (an existing method), IMCR2D displayed advantages in cases where surface runoff develops in an upper low-permeability section of the slope and flows down into a high-permeability section of the slope. To illustrate the advantages of the new method, the seepage field and stability condition of a case study in the Three Gorges Hydroelectric Reservoir were analyzed using IMCR2D and SimMd. The deformation of a landslide in part reflects its stability, and therefore, we also used displacement monitoring data to estimate the variation of stability conditions from that aspect. Comparison of the two numerical models indicated that flux supply greatly affects the seepage field, and that rainfall plays an important role in landslide stability evaluation, but only when considering flux supply from upper slope surface runoff.  相似文献   

Hydrological interactions between surface water and groundwater (GW) can be described using hydrochemical and biological methods. Surface water–groundwater interactions and their effects on groundwater invertebrate communities were studied in the Nakdong River floodplain in South Korea. Furthermore, the GW-Fauna-Index, a promising new index for assessing the strength of surface-water influence on groundwater, was tested. The influence of surface water on groundwater decreased with increasing depth and distance from the river. While hydrochemistry prevailingly reflected the origin of the waters in the study area (i.e. whether alluvial or from adjacent rock), faunal communities seemed to display an affinity to surface-water intrusion. Fauna reacted quickly to changes in hydrology, and temporal changes in faunal community structure were significantly linked to the hydrological situation in the floodplain. The metazoan faunal community and the GW-Fauna-Index allow a distinction between surface and subsurface waters with varying degrees of exchange. The results indicate that hydrological conditions are reflected by faunal assemblages on a high spatiotemporal resolution, and that surface-water intrusion can be estimated using the GW-Fauna-Index.  相似文献   

Environmental isotopes including \({\updelta }^{18}\)O, \({\updelta }^{2}\)H and \(^{3}\)H of precipitation, streams and springs were determined in the mountainous Bringi catchment of Kashmir Himalaya, dominated by carbonate lithology. The isotopic signature of winter precipitation is reflected in stream and spring water in late spring and is, therefore, representative of snow melting. The spring waters in September bear the enriched isotopic signatures of summer rainfall. The strong correlation (\(r^{2} = 0.97\)) between the isotopic composition of streams and springs indicates the streams and springs either share similar catchments or the springs are recharged by the streams. Chloride mass balance and isotopic mass balance studies suggest that the surface recharge component averages 337.35 m\(^{3}\)/s, which is about 75% of total stream discharge during the high flow period. Similarly, the contribution of surface water to groundwater recharge during the low flow period averages 7.5 m\(^{3}\)/s, which is about 18.6% of total stream flow. Furthermore, the mean residence time of the springs calculated from the tritium decay equation is very short (<1 year). The residence time is longer for Kongamnag and short for Achabalnag, which is further supported by dye testing.  相似文献   

A study that tests the applicability and consistency of independent but complementary approaches in the assessment of interactions between surface water and shallow groundwater within a water-stressed basin is described. The mostly agricultural Limarí basin in arid north-central Chile was chosen as a suitable case study. The analyses involved: (1) a connectivity index method, (2) hydrochemistry, and (3) water isotopic geochemistry. Chemical and isotopic data were obtained from two sampling campaigns conducted in April (fall) and December (summer) of 2011 in 22 sampling locations, which included surface water and groundwater. The results obtained by each of the methodologies were mutually consistent and indicate high connectivity conditions. Additionally, the relative contribution by different sources was assessed through end-member mixing analysis, and for reaches of the river that showed gaining conditions, the contribution of groundwater inflow to stream discharge was estimated. It is suggested that this multi-method approach is useful for the characterization of surface-water–groundwater interactions, since it at least represents a suitable starting point for obtaining basic information on these relationships. Thus, it may become the base for further studies in arid and semi-arid basins facing water management challenges.  相似文献   

The Mahoning River is one of the five most contaminated rivers in the U.S. This study characterized the contaminated sediments in the river banks and investigated the hydraulic interconnection between shallow aquifer in the banks with the river water. The study was conducted along the most polluted section of the river, which is 50-km long, using over 50 monitoring wells. The characterization part of the study investigated the sedimentology, hydraulic conductivity, and spatial distribution of the contaminated sediments. Results of the characterization revealed that the contaminated sediments consist of fine-grained sand, silt, mud, and clay. The spatial distribution of the contaminated sediment is heterogeneous and positively correlates with the hydraulic conductivity values, i.e., the greatest contamination occurs in high conductivity areas. Hydraulic conductivity was determined by the Hazen formula using 82 sediment samples. Bioremediation, which is one of the remedial options considered for the banks, is found to be hydraulically feasible because of sufficient hydraulic conductivity values (≥10?4 cm/s) that ensure reasonable rates of nutrient delivery. Monitoring of water levels in the river and groundwater for a 10-month period shows that flow occurs from the river to groundwater and vice versa. The exchange of flow is influenced by rainfall. Flow of groundwater to the river will continually transport the dissolved contaminants in groundwater to the river. Therefore, findings of this study show that one of the remedial options that proposes dredging of channel sediments and permits no action for bank sediments cannot be chosen due to river water–groundwater interactions.  相似文献   

In the southern Upper Rhine Valley, groundwater has undergone intensive saline pollution caused by the infiltration of mining brines, a consequence of potash extraction carried out during the 20th century. Major and trace elements along with Sr and U isotopic ratios show that groundwater geochemical characteristics along the saline plumes cannot reflect conservative mixing between saline waters resulting from the dissolution of waste heaps and one or more unpolluted end-members. The results imply the occurrence of interactions between host rocks and polluted waters, and they suggest that cationic exchange mechanisms are the primary controlling process. A coupled hydrogeochemical model has been developed with the numerical code KIRMAT, which demonstrates that cationic exchange between alkalis from polluted waters and alkaline-earth elements from montmorillonite present in the host rock of the aquifer is the primary process controlling the geochemical evolution of the groundwater. The model requires only a small amount of montmorillonite (between 0.75% and 2.25%), which is in agreement with the observed mineralogical composition of the aquifer. The model also proves that a small contribution of calcite precipitation/dissolution takes places whereas other secondary mineral precipitation or host rock mineral dissolution do not play a significant role in the geochemical signature of the studied groundwater samples. Application of the model demonstrates that it is necessary to consider the pollution history to explain the important Cl, Na and Ca concentration modifications in groundwater samples taken over 2 km downstream of waste heaps. Additionally, the model shows that the rapidity of the cationic exchange reactions insures a reversibility of the cation fixation on clays in the aquifer.  相似文献   

The complex geochemical interactions in the groundwater of the industrial area of Šalek Valley (Slovenia) between natural and anthropogenic fluids were studied by means of major (Ca, Mg, Na, K, HCO3 , Cl and SO4 2−) and trace elements’ (As , Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn, Hg, Se and V) abundances, geochemical classification and statistical analysis of data. Cation abundances indicate mixing between a dolomitic end-member and an evaporitic or geothermal end-member. Anion abundances indicate mixing between bicarbonate waters and either sulphate-enriched waters (suggesting hydrothermalism) or chlorine-rich waters. Principal component analysis (PCA) allowed the extraction of seven factors, which describe, respectively: water–rock interaction mainly on dolomitic rocks; redox conditions of water; Cd–Zn enrichment in chlorine-rich waters (probably from industrial wastes); hydrothermal conditions in waters close to major faults; Pb and Cu pollution; V and K enrichments, indicating their common organic source; the role of partial pressure of CO2 dissolved in water, which is highest in three wells with bubbling gases. Average underground discharge rates of solutes from the Valley range between 0.09 t/a (V) and 1.8 × 104 t/a (HCO3 ) and indicate how natural fluids can significantly contribute to the levels of elements in the environment, in addition to the amount of elements released by human activities.  相似文献   

This paper gives an account of the assessment and quantification of the water balance and the hydrogeological processes related to lake–groundwater interaction in the Pampa Plain by using hydrogeochemical, isotopic and flow numerical modeling techniques. La Salada is a permanent shallow lake, with an area of 5.8 km2, located on the SE of Buenos Aires Province. A total of 29 lake water samples and 15 groundwater samples were collected for both hydrochemical analysis and environmental stable isotope determination. Water table depths were measured in wells closed to the lake. Groundwater samples appear grouped on the Local Meteoric Water Line, suggesting a well-mixed system and that rainfall is the main recharge source to the aquifer. Water evaporation process within La Salada is also corroborated by its isotopic composition. The model that best adjusts to La Salada Lake hydrochemical processes includes evaporation from groundwater, calcite precipitation with CO2 release and cationic exchange. The annual water balance terms for the lake basin indicates for each hydrological component the following values: 1.16 E08 m3 rainfall, 8.15 E07 m3 evapotranspiration, 1.90 E06 m3 runoff, 1.55 E07 m3 groundwater recharge, 6.01 E06 m3 groundwater discharge to the lake, 9.54 E06 m3 groundwater discharge to the river, 5.00 E05 m3 urban extraction and 4.90 E06 m3 lake evaporation. Integrated analysis of hydrochemical and isotopic information helped to calibrate the groundwater flow model, to validate the conceptual model and to quantitatively assess the basin water balance.  相似文献   

Las Tablas de Daimiel National Park (TDNP) in Spain is one of the most important semiarid wetlands of the Mediterranean area. The inversion of the regional groundwater flow, primarily due to overexploitation and inadequate aquifer management, has led to degradation. The system has turned from a groundwater discharge zone into a recharge zone, and has remained mostly dry since the 1980s. High heterogeneity and complexity, enhanced by anthropogenic management action, hampers prediction of the surface–groundwater system response to flooding events. This study analyses these interactions and provides empirical evidence to define a conceptual model of flooding-infiltration-groundwater dynamics through the application of a few simple analysis tools to basic hydrological data. Relevant surface water–groundwater interactions are mainly localized in the left (west) margin of TDNP, as confirmed by the fast responses to flooding observed in the hydrochemic, hydrodynamic and isotopic data. During drying periods, small artificial and/or low-flow natural floods are followed by infiltration of evaporated poor-quality ponding water into saline low-permeability layers. The results allow an improved understanding of the hydrological behaviour essential to support efficient management practices. The relative simplicity of the methodology allows for its application in other similar complex groundwater-linked wetlands where detailed knowledge of local geology is still absent.  相似文献   

In the Gran Sasso fissured carbonate aquifer (central Italy), a long-term (2001–2007) spatio-temporal hydrochemical and 222Rn tracing survey was performed with the goal to investigate groundwater flow and water–rock interaction. Analyses of the physico-chemical parameters, and comparisons of multichemical and characteristic ratios in space and time, and subsequent statistical analyses, permitted a characterisation of the hydrogeology. At the regional scale, groundwater flows from recharge areas to the springs located at the aquifer boundaries, with a gradual increase of mineralisation and temperature along its flowpaths. However, the parameters of each group of springs may significantly deviate from the regional trend owing to fast flows and to the geological setting of the discharge spring areas, as corroborated by statistical data. Along regional flowpaths, the effects of seasonal recharge and lowering of the water table clearly cause changes in ion concentrations over time. This conceptual model was validated by an analysis of the 222Rn content in groundwater. 222Rn content, for which temporal variability depends on seasonal fluctuations of the water table, local lithology and the fracture network at the spring discharge areas, was considered as a tracer of the final stages of groundwater flowpaths.  相似文献   

Investigations were undertaken into the quality of surface water and groundwater bodies within the Upper Tigris Basin in Turkey to determine their suitability for potable and agricultural use. In the study area, the majority of the groundwater and surface water samples belong to the calcium–magnesium–bicarbonate type (Ca–Mg–HCO3) or magnesium–calcium–bicarbonate type (Mg–Ca–HCO3). Chemical analysis of all water samples shows that the mean cation concentrations (in mg/L) were in the order Ca2+ > Mg2+ > Na+ > K+ and that of anions are in the order \( \text{HCO}_{3}^{ - } \) > \( \text{SO}_{4}^{2 - } \) > Cl? > \( \text{CO}_{3}^{ - } \) for all groundwater and surface water samples. The Mg2+/Ca2+ ratio ranges from 0.21 to 1.30 with most of the values greater than 0.5, indicating that weathering of dolomites is dominant in groundwater. The analysis reveals that all of the samples are neutral to slightly alkaline (pH 7.0–8.7). Groundwater and surface water suitability for drinking usage was evaluated according to the World Health Organization and Turkish Standards (TSE-266) and suggests that most of the samples are suitable for drinking. Various determinants such as sodium absorption ratio, percent sodium (Na %), residual sodium carbonate and soluble sodium percentage revealed that most of the samples are suitable for irrigation. According to MH values, all of the well water samples were suitable for irrigation purposes, but 80 and 81.82% of Zillek springs and surface water samples were unsuitable. As per the PI values, the water samples from the study area are classified as Class I and Class II and are considered to be suitable for irrigation.  相似文献   

In this study, the chemical and Sr isotopic compositions of shallow groundwater and rainwater in the Ordos Desert Plateau, North China, and river water from the nearby Yellow River, are investigated to determine the dissolved Sr source and water–rock interactions, and quantify the relative Sr contribution from each end-member. Three groundwater systems have been identified, namely, GWS-1, GWS-2 and GWS-3 according to the watershed distribution in the Ordos Desert Plateau. Ca2+ and Mg2+ are the most dominant cations in GWS-1, while Na+ is dominant in GWS-3. In addition, there is more SO42− and less Cl in GWS-1 than in GWS-3. The shallow groundwater in GWS-2 seems to be geochemically between that in GWS-1 and GWS-3. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios of the shallow groundwater are high in GWS-1 and GWS-2 and are low in GWS-3. By geochemically comparing the nearby Yellow River, local precipitation and deep groundwater, the shallow groundwater is recharged only by local precipitation. The ionic and isotopic ratios indicate that carbonate dissolution is an important process controlling the chemistry of the shallow groundwater. The intensity of the water–rock interactions varies among the three groundwater systems and even within each groundwater system. Three end-members controlling the groundwater chemistry are isotopically identified: (1) precipitation infiltration, (2) carbonate dissolution and (3) silicate weathering. The relative Sr contributions of the three end-members show that precipitation infiltration and carbonate dissolution are the primary sources of the shallow groundwater Sr in GWS-3 whereas only carbonate dissolution is responsible for the shallow groundwater Sr in GWS-1 and GWS-2. Silicate weathering seems insignificant towards the shallow groundwater's chemistry in the Ordos Desert Plateau. This study is helpful for understanding groundwater chemistry and managing water resources.  相似文献   

The characteristics of δD and δ18O in precipitation, groundwater and surface water have been used to understand the groundwater flow system in the Ordos Plateau, north-central China. The slope of the local meteoric water line (LMWL) is smaller than that of the global meteoric water line (GMWL), which signifies secondary evaporation during rainfall. The distribution of stable isotopes of precipitation is influenced by temperature and the amount of precipitation. The lake water is enriched isotopically due to evaporation and its isotopic composition is closely related to the source of recharge and location in the groundwater flow systems. River water is enriched isotopically, indicating that it suffers evaporation. The deep groundwater (more than 150?m) is depleted in heavy isotopes relative to the shallow groundwater (less than 150?m), suggesting that deep groundwater may have been recharged during the late Pleistocene and early Holocene, when the climate was wetter and colder than at present. All groundwater samples plot around the LMWL, implying groundwater is of meteoric origin. Shallow groundwater has undergone evaporation and the average evaporation loss is 53%. There are two recharge mechanisms: preferential flow, and the mixture of evaporated soil moisture and subsequent rain.  相似文献   

The study of hydrochemical models and probable pollution in Euphrates River from Qaem–Al-Falluja was performed through regime observation in ten water points. The hydrochemical properties of Euphrates River waters are determined by using the analysis results of 21 physico-chemical variables during the water year (2008). The interpretation of the hydrochemical phenomena is achieved in accordance with the statistical results of Polynomial Regression Statistic, calculating the coefficient of variation among the physico-chemical components of the water terminating by 14 models. The results of monitoring during the water year 2008 indicate a pollution case by SO4 and Cd in Ramadi and downstream stations; TDS, Mg, Na, Cl, Mn, and CO2 in Ramadi station; TDS, Ca, Na, Cl, and Fe in Baghdadi station; and Ca and H T in Qaem station and Mg in Obaydi station. The research suggests the best locations for hydrochemical monitoring as continuous hydrologic stations used for the long-term monitoring. These stations are in Qaem city as inlet location and Al-Baghdadi and Ramadi cities terminating in Falluja city as outlet location. Furthermore, daily record system is recommended for the other stations in each city to complete the regime observation of Euphrates water type. From the configuration approach of hydrochemical models with the pollution phenomena, there are potential point sources of pollution such as municipal effluent pipes and reused water from mining process for building materials in the first sector of river, which extends between Qaem and Haditha dam. Also groundwater seepages and springs discharge of mineralized water mixed with sewage water from cities act as potential point sources of pollution on the river water in the second sector extended between Haditha and Ramadi scheme. The third sector of the river is affected by all reasons in the first and second sectors as well as the effectiveness of agricultural activities throughout drainage canals and irrigation projects extended between Ramadi and Falluja cities.  相似文献   

The near-surface water cycle in a geologically complex area comprises very different sources including meteoric, metamorphic and magmatic ones. Fluids from these sources can react with sedimentary, magmatic and/or metamorphic rocks at various depths. The current study reports a large number of major, minor and trace element analyses of meteoric, mineral, thermal and mine waters from a geologically well-known and variable area of about 200 × 150 km in SW Germany. The geology of this area comprises a Variscan granitic and gneissic basement overlain in parts by Triassic and Jurassic shales, sandstones and limestones. In both the basement and the sedimentary rocks, hydrothermal mineralization occurs (including Pb, Cu, As, Zn, U, Co and many others) which were mined in former times. Mineral waters, thermal waters and meteoric waters flowing through abandoned mines (mine waters) are distributed throughout the area, although the mine waters concentrate in and around the Schwarzwald.The present analyses show, that the major element composition of a particular water is determined by the type of surrounding rock (e.g., crystalline or sedimentary rocks) and the depth from which the water originates. For waters from crystalline rocks it is the origin of the water that determines whether the sample is Na–Cl dominant (deeper origin) or Ca–HCO3 dominant (shallow origin). In contrast, compositions of waters from sedimentary rocks are determined by the availability of easily soluble minerals like calcite (Ca–HCO3 dominant), halite (Na–Cl dominant) or gypsum (Ca–SO4 dominant). Major element data alone cannot, therefore, be used to trace the origin of a water. However, the combination of major element composition with trace element data can provide further information with respect to flow paths and fluid–rock interaction processes. Accordingly, trace element analyses showed, that:
  • −Ce anomalies can be used as an indicator for the origin of a water. Whereas surface waters have negative or strongly negative Ce anomalies, waters originating from greater depths show no or only weak negative Ce anomalies.
  • −Eu anomalies can be used to differentiate between host rocks. Waters from gneisses display positive Eu anomalies, whereas waters from granites have negative ones. Waters from sedimentary rocks do not display any Eu anomalies.
  • −Rb and Cs can also be indicators for the rock with which the fluid interacted: Rb and Cs correlate positively in most waters with Rb/Cs ratios of ∼2, which suggests that these waters are in equilibrium with the clay minerals in the rocks. Rb/Cs ratios >5 indicate reaction of a water with existing clay minerals, whereas Rb/Cs ratios <2 are probably related to host rock alteration and clay mineral formation.
The chemical compositions of carbonate precipitates from thermal waters indicate that rare earth elements (REEs), Rb and Cs concentrations in the minerals are controlled by the incorporation of clay particles that adsorb these elements.  相似文献   

In this case study, silica concentration, oxygen and strontium isotopes of water samples were used to study surface water–groundwater interaction at the Xin’an karst water system. The silica concentration in rain water is commonly less than 1 mg/l. In the areas around the south tributary of the Zhuozhang River, silica concentrations in the groundwater in Quaternary aquifers range between 4.04 and 7.66 mg/l while that of the surface water varies from 1.49 to 6.9 mg/l. Silica concentrations of most surface water samples increase with TDS, indicating the effect of groundwater recharge on river water chemistry. On the contour map of silica concentration of groundwater in Quaternary aquifers, samples located close to surface water often have lower silica concentrations as a result of surface water recharge. Both overland flow and surface water have impact on karst water according to our hydrogeochemical study of stable oxygen isotope, Sr isotope and strontium contents. Calculation results of three end member mixing model show that the contribution of karst water, surface water and overland flow water is 45, 28 and 27%, respectively.  相似文献   

Water samples from precipitation, glacier melt, snow melt, glacial lake, streams and karst springs were collected across SE of Kashmir Valley, to understand the hydrogeochemical processes governing the evolution of the water in a natural and non-industrial area of western Himalayas. The time series data on solute chemistry suggest that the hydrochemical processes controlling the chemistry of spring waters is more complex than the surface water. This is attributed to more time available for infiltrating water to interact with the diverse host lithology. Total dissolved solids (TDS), in general, increases with decrease in altitude. However, high TDS of some streams at higher altitudes and low TDS of some springs at lower altitudes indicated contribution of high TDS waters from glacial lakes and low TDS waters from streams, respectively. The results show that some karst springs are recharged by surface water; Achabalnag by the Bringi stream and Andernag and Martandnag by the Liddar stream. Calcite dissolution, dedolomitization and silicate weathering were found to be the main processes controlling the chemistry of the spring waters and calcite dissolution as the dominant process in controlling the chemistry of the surface waters. The spring waters were undersaturated with respect to calcite and dolomite in most of the seasons except in November, which is attributed to the replenishment of the CO2 by recharging waters during most of the seasons.  相似文献   

The concentrations and distribution of natural and artificial radionuclides in sediment and water samples collected from Fırtına River in the Eastern Black Sea region of Turkey were investigated with an aim of evaluating the environmental radioactivity and radiation hazard. Natural gross α and gross β activities were determined for 21 different water samples, and the activity concentrations were obtained for 226Ra, 214Pb, 214Bi, 228Ac, 208Tl, 40K and 137Cs in 20 different sediment samples. The obtained results showed that natural gross α and gross β activity concentrations in water samples range from 12.4 ± 3.4 to 66.2 ± 9.2 mBq l−1 and from 27.9 ± 3.3 to 133.3 ± 4.1 mBq l−1, respectively. The mean activity concentrations were 32.6 ± 3.8 mBq l−1 for gross α and 69.9 ± 4.4 mBq l−1 for gross β. Generally, the gross β activities were higher than the corresponding gross α activities. The average concentrations of 238U and 232Th daughter products vary from 11 to 167 Bq kg−1 and from 16 to 107 Bq kg−1, respectively. The concentrations of 40K and 137Cs vary from 51 to 1,605 Bq kg−1 and from 0.8 to 42 Bq kg−1, respectively. Sediment characterization was also investigated using grain size, thin section and XRD analysis.  相似文献   

In most arid zones, groundwater (GW) is the major source of domestic, agriculture, drinking, and industrial water. Accordingly, the monitoring of its quality by different techniques and tools is a vital issue. The purpose of this paper is the evaluation of the combination of principal components analysis (PCA) and geostatistics as a technique for (1) identifying the processes affecting the groundwater chemistry of the detrital unconfined Middle Miocene Aquifer (MMA) of the Hajeb elyoun Jelma (HJ) aquifer (Tunisia) and (2) mapping the controlling variables for groundwater quality. This work is based on a limited database recorded in 22 wells tapping the aquifer and unequally distributed in the field. The proposed approach is carried out in two steps. In the first step, the application of PCA revealed that rock–water interaction, agriculture irrigation and domestic effluents could explain 85 % of the observed variability of the chemical GW quality of the MMA. As a result, two new variables are defined: V1 (rock–water interaction influence) and V2 (irrigation and domestic effluent influence). In the second step, the spatial variability of these variables over the extent of the MMA is mapped by applying a kriging interpolation technique. The results of this study suggest that, while both natural and anthropogenic processes contribute to the GW quality of the MMA, natural impacts can be considered as the most important.  相似文献   

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