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The paper evaluates the quality of groundwater for agricultural use in Tierra Nueva, San Luis Potosi, Mexico, where the agricultural productivity zone presents problems of salinity soil. Twenty groundwater samples and 11 soil samples at 2 depths at each point were collected and analyzed. In this type of water quality study, Wilcox classification diagram and the method of Salinity Laboratory United States for the quality of agricultural land were used. However, in some cases, these rankings do not reflect the actual condition, as in the case of Tierra Nueva, where the soil is classified as normal while water is classified at intermediate good. To analyze the real conditions of soil and water quality indicators of water for agricultural use risk of salinization, sodium adsorption ratio, adsorption ratio magnesium, permeability index, sodium percentage, soluble sodium percentage, residual sodium carbonate, and Kelly ratio were used. Sodicity rates including sodium adsorption ratio indicate no problem in soil extract. However, 25% of water samples are dangerous, with levels ranging from medium to high. For indexes of sodium percentage, residual sodium carbonate, and Kelly ratio, a distribution of classes ranging from questionable to inadequate was applied. Salinity levels show that effective salinity has good classification; potential salinity (PS) is conditional and therefore not recommended; and osmotic potential and electrical conductivity are classified as high in saline water, which is an increasingly important problem. The combination of different indices emphasized serious problems of salinity conditions, particularly sodicity.  相似文献   

The climatic conditions of arid regions are characterized by high temperatures, low precipitation and high evapotranspiration rates that can explain the reduced recharge of aquifers. Thus, in these regions, there are some problems related to the groundwater quality and recharge that makes worse the problem of groundwater supply. A model, taking into account ternary mixtures, is presented and applied to a case study: the aquifer of San Luis Potosi valley located in the highlands of the central part of Mexico. In this valley, four hydrochemical facies were identified that correspond to the Ca–Na + K–HCO3, Na + K–Ca–HCO3, Ca–HCO3 and Ca–SO4 types. From this characterization, it was found out that the recharge area (known as Bledos Graben) is located at the SE of the valley; the deep water flow comes from there (Villa de Reyes and Alvarez Range) to the center of the valley. Mixture fractions were obtained by using chlorides and fluorides as conservative elements, from which it was possible to quantify the contribution of each member to the groundwater quality. According to these results, the contributions to the water extracted from this aquifer are as follows: shallow flows 50%, deep flows from Villa de Reyes 27%, and flows coming from the Alvarez Ranges about 15%.  相似文献   

The Ag---Pb---Zn---Cu---Au mining district of Santa María de La Paz has been extensively exploited for approximately 200 years. Consequences of these activities are several deposits of tailings with high As and heavy metal concentrations, which are completely unstable. The climate is semiarid and as the dumps have no protective cover, material from the dumps is dispersed by strong winds. It is also washed out during seasonally heavy rainfalls. By these processes approximately 100 km2 of surrounding have been contaminated by dump material. The As and heavy metal content of the soils was determined as well as their level in crops (Zea Maize) from agricultural lands in the vicinity of the dumps. In the direction of prevailing winds concentrations up to 1000 ppm Zn, 400 ppm Pb, 16 ppm Cd, 550 ppm Cu and 300 As have been detected in top soils. Using fuzzy cluster analysis the different contamination sources could be identified. Grains of corn from contaminated sites showed no critical concentrations, but leaves which are also used tor fodder, have As-concentrations up to 20 ppm.  相似文献   

A total of 113 samples of waste and soil were collected from a site in the state of San Luis Potosi, Mexico, that was occupied for several years by the metallurgical industry. Specific magnetic susceptibility (MS), electrical conductivity (EC) and pH were determined, as well as the total and available concentrations of potentially toxic elements (PTEs) such as As, Cd, Cu, Fe, Pb and Zn, which may cause a health risk for humans, animals and ecosystems, and the concentrations of major ions in aqueous extracts of soils and wastes. The solid phases of the samples were also characterized. The results revealed that the soils and wastes exhibited elevated values of PTEs, MS and EC. For soils these values decreased with increasing distance from the waste storage sites. The MS values were elevated primarily due to the presence of Fe-oxyhydroxides, such as magnetite, hematite and goethite, which contain PTEs in their structure leading to a high correlation between the value of MS and the As, Cd, Fe and Pb contents (r = 0.57–0.91) as well as between the PTEs values (r = 0.68–0.92). The elevated EC values measured in the metallurgical wastes were the result of presence of the sulfate minerals of Ca, Mg and Fe. The pollution index, which indicates the levels of simultaneous toxicity from elements such as As, Cd and Pb, was determined, with extreme hazard zones corresponding to areas that exhibit high MS values (0.91 correlation). In conclusion, MS measurements can be used as an indirect indicator to evaluate the PTE contamination in metallurgical areas, and EC measurements can aid in the identification of pollution sources.  相似文献   

A study of the San Pedro River (SPR), which is located in a semi-arid region in Sonora, Mexico, was conducted to evaluate the chemical, spatial and temporal (mobilization) trends of potentially harmful metals in its sediment in the rainy and dry seasons. High total concentrations of metals were detected in the following order: Fe > Cu > Mn > Zn > Pb > Cd. All studied metals except for Pb were increased during the dry season showing the effect of climate on the metal distribution in sediments. The results of sequential extraction indicated that the residual and Fe/Mn oxide fractions were the most important with regard to retaining potentially harmful metals in the sediments. In the exchangeable carbonate and Fe oxide fractions, high concentrations of metals were detected, representing high environmental risk. The geoaccumulation index shows slight to moderate contamination in most samples, and sampling point E4 (related to cattle activity) shows strong contamination for Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn. Enrichment factors (EFs) demonstrate anthropogenic origins for Pb (EF: 3–57), Cd (EF: 6–73) and Cu (EF: 1.5–224). This study shows that sediments are impacted by anthropogenic activities related to the mining industry, untreated wastewater discharges from the city of Cananea and cattle activities. Metal mobility in the SPR can disrupt the development of aquatic species in the river.  相似文献   

Joe Bryan 《Geoforum》2011,42(1):40-50
Recent critiques of participatory mapping point out the degree to which, as a practice, it has become disciplined by legal prospects for recognition often adopted as part of neoliberal reforms. Yet while neoliberalism certainly disciplines the practice of mapping, they are not reducible to expressions of its dominance. Through a discussion of a participatory mapping project in the Mosquitia region of Honduras, I show how the practice of producing and using maps involves negotiating a spatially complex terrain shaped by multiple and overlapping forms of territory and authority. Insofar as mapping involves movement through this terrain, it engages multiple spatialities that inform assessments of the potential for legal recognition and critically awareness of its constraints. Questions of what to map and how to go about doing it are thus never merely technical concerns. Instead they are diagnostic of broader relations of power that position participants in mapping projects. Rather than producing an authoritative account of that process, my argument here is aimed at learning from it, developing the prospects for a critically-informed, collaborative approach to mapping.  相似文献   

In the present study, damages associated with land subsidence phenomena in residential structures within the San Luis Potosi-Soledad de Graciano Sánchez Metropolitan Area (San Luis Potosí state, Mexico) were estimated based on a methodology that has been adapted to the Mexican context. As Blong??s (Nat Hazards 30:1?C23, 2003) methodology does not include the Central Damage Values to land subsidence, these were calculated based on observations made in 282 damaged houses. According to the Central Damage Values, 27?% of the affected property is low damage, 33?% moderate, 21?% high, 15?% severe and 4?% have been demolished. The affected properties correspond to 39,537?m2 of construction and 40,782?m2 of surface. The Replacement Ratio is estimated at 1,307 average homes. The damage in equivalent homes is 282, and monetary cost is $2,516,944 USD ($30,203,329 MXN). The collected data, comprised into a GIS, offer the possibility to spatial and temporal monitoring of the damage provoked by land subsidence in homes.  相似文献   

At the San Luis Potosí (SLP) volcanic field (Central Mexico), Quaternary basanites and tuff breccias have sampled a suite of ultramafic xenoliths, predominately spinel lherzolites, spinel-olivine websterites, spinel pyroxenites, and hornblende-rich pyroxenites. Spinel lherzolites from the La Ventura maars have protogranular to equigranular textures, those from the Santo Domingo maars are strongly sheared. Both spinel-lherzolite types show similar whole-rock major and trace-element abundances. They are fertile to slightly depleted with mineralogical and geochemical heterogeneities induced by partial melting processes. Pyroxenites with either magmatic or metamorphic textures are high-pressure cumulates. Hornblende-rich pyroxenites are genetically linked to the host basanites. Most of the protogranular spinel lherzolites contain veinlets of glass along grain boundaries. These glasses are chemically homogeneous and have trachybasaltic to trachyandesitic compositions. Mg- and Fe2+-partitioning between olivine and glass suggests chemical equilibrium between the melts represented by the glasses and the spinel-lherzolite mineral assemblage at about 1,000°C and 10 to 15 kbar. The melts are interpreted to be of upper mantle origin. They may have been formed by in-situ partial melting in the presence of volatiles or represent percolating melts chemically buffered by the spinel-lherzolite mineral assemblage at uppermost mantle conditions. Mineral chemistry in all rock types of the whole xenolith suite reveals distinct disequilibrium features reflecting partial re-equilibration stages towards lower temperatures estimated to be from 1,050°C to 850°C at 9 to 15 kbar. The presence of similar zoning and exsolution features mainly documented in pyroxenes along with similar maximum and minimum temperatures requires all sampled xenoliths to have undergone the same temperature regime within the upper mantle. The sheared spinel lherzolites from the Sto. Domingo field are interpreted as formerly protogranular material which was sheared during uplift and cooling. The estimated mantle temperatures are higher than those predicted by low heat-flow measurements at the SLP fild, indicating that surface heat flow has not equilibrated to elevated temperatures at depth. This strongly supports a young perturbation event beneath the SLP area and connects the onset of uplift and cooling of the SLP-mantle segment with the back-arc extensional regime of the Quaternary volcanic cycle of the Transmexican Volcanic Belt.  相似文献   

Tourmalinites that are distally associated with tungsten deposits of the Pampa del Tamboreo area, San Luis, Argentina, contain tourmalines retaining evidence for its origin and evolution. Tourmaline grains uncommonly contain small grains of detrital tourmaline. Analysis of a single detrital tourmaline grain reveals that it is a Ca-rich “oxy-dravite”. Proximal to the detrital cores there are inner domains of asymmetric tourmaline overgrowths that developed during low grade metamorphism. Volumetrically dominant tourmaline overgrowths in the outer domain are concentrically zoned aluminous dravite and “oxy-dravite” with Al/(Al + Fe + Mg) = 0.71–0.74 and Mg/(Mg + Fe) = 0.64–0.71. Variability of Al is primarily controlled by the deprotonation substitution R + OH = Al + O2− (where R = Fe + Mg), and is a function of the activity of H2O. A likely evolutionary scenario is one in which volcanogenic material is altered by hydrothermal fluids in the sea floor resulting in an aluminous and magnesian residuum. With further hydrothermal circulation and incipient metamorphism, boron-rich fluids are expelled from metasedimentary and metavolcanic basement rocks and develop Mg-rich tourmalinites in the aluminous, magnesian host rocks. The tourmalinization process occurs over a range of metamorphic conditions and with fluids of variable activity of H2O.  相似文献   

 Several experiments of arsenic (As) adsorption by aquifer material of the San Antonio-El Triunfo (SA-ET) mining area were conducted to test the feasibility of this material acting as a natural control for As concentrations in groundwater. This aquifer material is mineralogically complex, composed of quartz, feldspar, calcite, chlorite, illite, and magnetite/hematite. The total iron content (Fe2O3) in the fine fraction is ∼12%, whereas Fe2O3 in the coarse fraction is <10 wt%. The experimental percent total As adsorbed vs. pH curves obtained match the topology of total As adsorbed onto iron oxi-hydroxides surface (arsenate + arsenite; high adsorption at low pH, low adsorption at high pH). A maximum of about 80% adsorbed in the experiments suggests the presence of arsenite in the experimental solutions. The experimental adsorption isotherm at pH 7 indicates saturation of surface sites at high solute concentrations. Surface titration of the aquifer material indicates a point of zero charge (PZC) for the adsorbent of about 8 to 8.5 (PZC for iron oxyhydroxides =7.9–8.2). Comparison between experimental and modeled results (using the MICROQL and MINTEQA2 geochemical modeling and speciation computer programs) suggests that As is being adsorbed mostly by oxyhydroxides surfaces in the natural environment. Based on an estimated retardation factor (R), the travel time of the As plume from the SA-ET area to La Paz and Los Planes is about 700 to 5000 years. Received: 17 March 1997 · Accepted: 8 September 1997  相似文献   

This article examines the relationship between the human right to water and indigenous water rights as articulated in the legal strategies of indigenous Yaqui (Yoemem) leadership in Mexico, and in the jurisprudence of the Inter-American Human Rights System. Accelerated urban growth and climate change in the area of study are rekindling historical water conflicts between rural indigenous communities and state authorities encouraging urban development. This configuration is not unique to Northwestern Mexico and, thus, offers an instructive case for exploring contradictions and alignments between indigenous right claims and the human right to water. This article addresses the following questions: What role does the human right to water play in the competing claims of state authorities and indigenous Yaqui leadership in Mexico? To what extent can the human right to water be reconciled with the collective rights of indigenous peoples? And in particular, what can be learned from international jurisprudence in this regard? Through content analysis of legal documents and media sources I show that even when Yaqui claims over water are advanced in the arena of international human rights, the human right to water does not have a primary role in framing their demands. In fact, I show that the human right to water was primarily mobilized to uphold rural-to-urban water transfers and undermine indigenous opposition to large-scale infrastructure development. This article produces new empirical knowledge to contribute to scholarship examining what a human right to water means in practice. This line of research is particularly timely as the human right to water becomes institutionalized in the context of growing public debate and legal discussions on collective indigenous rights.  相似文献   

刘振波 《吉林地质》2019,38(3):111-113
《矿业权人勘查开采信息公示办法(试行)》实施近三年来,有力推动了矿业权人诚信体系建设,提高了矿产资源勘查开发监督管理效能,但在实际工作中也存在一些问题。本文通过对近三年来工作的梳理,提出了解决问题的方法。  相似文献   

Lomnitz  Cinna 《Natural Hazards》1997,16(2-3):287-296
Some analogies in the distribution of damage in the 1985 Mexico, 1989 Loma Prieta, and 1995 Kobe earthquakes may be attributable to similarities in the history of reclamation of bayshore or lakeshore environments by emplacing artificial fill on soft mud. In all three cases, a transitional environment has generated similar soil types and analogous forms of human settlement. These similarities may translate into hazardous situations because of amplification of seismic waves in wedge-shaped low-velocity layers; nonlinearity of seismic wave propagation in soft water-saturated soils; transitions from solid-like to liquid-like behavior, including liquefaction and the emergence of prograde surface waves; and other unforeseen conditions arising from surface geology. Severe stability problems may arise in tall, top-heavy structures and in structures with horizontal spans of the order of the wavelength of surface waves. Effective strategies of hazard reduction include a recognition of the many unanticipated ways in which earthquake hazard may become an emergent property of complex nature-society systems.  相似文献   

Bethany Haalboom 《Geoforum》2012,43(5):969-979
With neoliberal reforms and the growth of multinational mining investment in developing countries, corporate social responsibility (CSR) has become notable (and debatable) for its potential to fill a social and environmental governance gap. As yet, there has been limited analytical attention paid to the political struggles and power dynamics that get reflected through specific CSR guidelines and their implementation in local contexts; this is particularly apparent with respect to the human rights dimension of CSR, and more specifically, indigenous rights. This study documents the debates, issues of accountability, and different interpretations of CSR between NGOs representing indigenous rights and a mining corporation. These debates focus on environmental impact assessments; indigenous rights to land; and the indigenous right to Free, Prior, and Informed Consent. These exchanges illustrate the socio-political, as well as economic, positioning of these actors, and the different agendas associated with their positions that determine issues of accountability and shape alternate interpretations of CSR guidelines. The outcomes of these debates also reflect the different degrees of power that these actors hold in such contexts, irrespective of the strength or validity of their arguments about CSR. This dialogue is thereby a lens into the more complex and contentious entanglements that emerge with CSR as a mode of governance, as it plays out ‘on the ground.’ These findings also reinforce questions regarding what we can expect of CSR as a mode of governance for addressing human rights issues with resource extraction projects, particularly within the constraints of overriding political and social structures.  相似文献   

Paleomagnetic analysis of samples from the original 600-m-long core from the San Agustin Plains, New Mexico, showed an unquestionable reversal stratigraphy dating the record back to at least 1.6 my. Analysis of pollen, ostracodes, and algae of a duplicate sample section in the vicinity of the original coring site and spanning the last 18,000 yr B.P. shows a much higher resolution than the earlier results.  相似文献   

Groundwater systems in the San Luis Valley, Colorado, USA have been re-evaluated by an analysis of solute and isotopic data. Existing stream, spring, and groundwater samples have been augmented with 154 solute and isotopic samples. Based on geochemical stratification, three groundwater regimes have been identified within 1,200 m of the surface: unconfined, upper active confined, and lower active confined with maximum TDS concentrations of 35,000, 3,500 and 600 mg/L, respectively. The elevated TDS of northern valley unconfined and upper active confined systems result from mineral dissolution, ion exchange and methanogenesis of organic and evaporate lake sediments deposited in an ancient lake, herein designated as Lake Sipapu. Chemical evolutions along flow paths were modeled with NETPATH. Groundwater ages, and δ13C, δ2H and δ18O compositions and distributions, suggest that mountain front recharge is the principle recharge mechanism for the upper and lower confined aquifers with travel times in the northern valley of more than 20,000 and 30,000 14C years, respectively. Southern valley confined aquifer travel times are 5,000 14C years or less. The unconfined aquifer contains appreciable modern recharge water and the contribution of confined aquifer water to the unconfined aquifer does not exceed 20%.  相似文献   

Richard Howitt 《GeoJournal》2012,77(6):817-828
In many Indigenous territories, continuing processes of primitive accumulation driven by governments?? claims to resources and territory simultaneously deny Indigenous rights and insist on market forces as the foundation for economic and social futures in Indigenous domains. Drawing on research in North Australia, this paper identifies the erasure of Indigenous governance, the development of wickedly complex administrative systems, continuing structural and procedural racism and state hostility to Indigenous rights as constructing Indigenous vulnerability to poverty, addiction and underdevelopment. Shaping sustainable Indigenous futures in remote areas that are characterised by long-term development failure requires rethinking of remote local and regional economic relationships. Recognising remote regional economies as hybrid economies that rely on environmental, social and cultural wealth is an important first step in reorienting policy settings. It is also crucial that we acknowledge sustainable Indigenous futures cannot arise from policy interventions that rely on creating wealth for state and corporate appropriation and assume enough of this wealth can be redistributed to local Indigenous communities to constitute ??development??. Politically constructed crisis interventions, such as Australia??s recent actions in remote Northern Territory communities, represent a failure of state relationships rather than an appropriate and sustainable response to the challenge of Indigenous vulnerability. This paper argues that attention to Indigenous rights and development of good relationships and good processes of governance, autonomy and responsibility within communities as well as between them and governments is fundamental to sustainable Indigenous futures. Without this, neither government programs nor large-scale natural resource-based development projects can deliver sustainable futures for remote Indigenous groups.  相似文献   

墨西哥地质、矿产及矿业经济概况   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
墨西哥合众国矿产资源丰富,经济环境相对稳定,矿业是其经济支柱。墨西哥地质格局由古老的基底残片与古洋壳不断增生拼合而成。活跃的地质过程造就了分布广泛、数量众多、类型各异的矿产,按成因来看这要有低温热液型、矽卡岩型、MVT(密西西比河谷型)、VMS(火山岩块状硫化物型)、SEDEX(沉积喷流型)、IOCG(铁氧化物铜金矿)等类型。本文介绍了墨西哥的地质概况、六个主要的成矿期、各矿种分布特征;另外,墨西哥政府对矿产的勘查、开发等有相对开放、优惠的政策;在墨西哥未来经济中,矿业仍将扮演重要角色。  相似文献   

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