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This paper is a critical analysis of the rational model in planning. As political science and theory have contributed little to the environmental debate, natural resources problems have often been misunderstood as technical instead of political in every sense. The ‘implementation gap’, or the failure of plans and policies to produce intended outcomes, is blamed on problems of process. Solutions are sought in improved institutional arrangements and rational techniques. Yet there are significant political, administrative and technical/scientific constraints to rational planning and implementation. This is illustrated by an assessment of the British planning system in regulating mineral development in coastal areas. A brief case study examines the 30-year attempt of Dorset County officials to phase out beach gravel extractions from the internationally significant Chesil Beach coast. The analysis reveals that a decision which is ‘rational’ from a planning point of view has been influenced by the exercise of political discretion, scientific uncertainty and an administrative legacy of multiple and overlapping jurisdictions.  相似文献   

Detrital organic fragments or “coffee grounds”, common in the swash zone, and in the lee of barrier islands off the Mississippi Delta consists of up to 40% high-volatile bituminous coal particles of medium to coarse sand size (0.25–1 mm). These coal fragments produce both a well preserved Cretaceous-Paleocene flora and a less well preserved Pottsville (Early Pennsylvanian) flora. This Pottsville flora has close affinities with one described by Kosanke (1950) from the Early Pennsylvanian Illinois Basin coals. If the provenance assignment is correct, these coal particles were transported by the Mississippi River a minimum of 1000 miles from the Interior Coal Province to their present locality in the south Pass area of the Mississippi Delta. However, spillage contamination during a century of barge transport within the Mississippi drainage cannot be ruled out as a possible source for the “coffee grounds” coal.High-volatile coals crop out in the Black Warrior Basin in Alabama to the northeast of the delta. If this is a source of the coal, then an entirely different drainage-transport system would be involved. It would invoke drainage from the Appalachian Province southward, with subsequent longshore current transport, westward — along the Gulf Coast shoreline.Heavy-mineral differences exist between these two sedimentary provinces, with the Appalachian-derived heavy minerals dominated by kyanite, staurolite, and tourmaline; and the Mississippi River Canadian Shield source dominated by amphiboles and pyroxenes. The heavy-mineral assemblage recovered from the “coffee grounds” material is more like those of the Mississippi River Province, and dominated by green hornblende.Vitrinite particles of the coals show no evidence of oxidation rims although they have been in oxygenated waters for an extended period of time during transport. The spore preservation is adequate for specific identification, and is further evidence of minimal oxidation.Coal rank analysis and palynoflora identifications provide a dual approach in reconstructing provenance, transport history, and origin of these detrital organic deposits.  相似文献   

The regional hydrology and ecosystems of the northeastern margin of the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau have changed over the past 40 years driven by intense human activity and regional climate changes. Annual mean air temperature has increased in the region. Streamflow from the northeastern margin of the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau has decreased significantly. Overall, a number of Alpine step meadows and Alpine frigid meadows have seriously degraded. Degeneration of vegetation and grassland led to desertification and frequently induced dust storms. With the continuous increase in cultivated land area, grassland area in the region has dropped significantly since the 1960s. At present, degraded grassland occupies about 83% of total usable grassland area. As the number of livestock increased, range condition deteriorated and the carrying capacity was reduced. The forest area in the northeastern margin of the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau has decreased by 20%, and the local ecosystem has become very fragile. Given the relatively stable weather conditions, the northeastern margin of the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau can be characterized by its three major ecosystems: grassland ecosystem, forest ecosystem and wetland ecosystem, which are crucial in maintaining the ecological stability. Changes in these ecosystems could influence sustainable development in the region. To avoid further deterioration of the environment and ecosystems, it is important to establish and implement ecosystem protection planning. Some effective measures are essential in this respect, including technical and political considerations.  相似文献   

An increasing amount of interactive ‘2.0’ crowdsourcing platforms raise awareness and funds for conservation and development projects worldwide. By enabling two-way online collaboration and communication, these ‘conservation and development 2.0’ platforms hoped to provide new impetus and popular legitimacy for conservation and development initiatives in the face of budget cuts and general criticism of the ‘formal’ aid sector after the financial crisis. This paper presents the case of the flagship ‘elephant corridor’ project on the Dutch pifworld.com platform to investigate whether and how the ‘2.0’ element has changed conservation and development in line with these expectations. The paper describes and analyses online and offline dynamics of the project and shows that while online excitement about the project remained high, the concomitant conservation and development promises and imaginations ill related to offline local realities. This rather ‘traditional’ conservation and development disjuncture, however, needs to be understood against the system peculiarities of the politics of online ‘do-good’ 2.0 platforms. The paper concludes that as these peculiarities are significantly intensifying and changing conservation and development dynamics, they do not elude familiar (1.0) disjunctures and might even obscure these further from sight.  相似文献   

Serpentines are hydrous phyllosilicates which form by hydration of Mg–Fe minerals. The reasons for the occurrence of the structural varieties lizardite and chrysotile, with respect to the variety antigorite, stable at high pressure, are not yet fully elucidated, and their relative stability fields are not quantitatively defined. In order to increase the database of thermodynamic properties of serpentines, the PV Equations of State (EoS) of lizardite and chrysotile were determined at ambient temperature up to 10 GPa, by in situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction in a diamond-anvil cell. Neither amorphization nor hysteresis was observed during compression and decompression, and no phase transition was resolved in lizardite. In chrysotile, a reversible change in compression mechanism, possibly due to an unresolved phase transition, occurs above 5 GPa. Both varieties exhibit strong anisotropic compression, with the c axis three times more compressible than the others. Fits to ambient temperature Birch–Murnaghan EoS gave for lizardite V 0=180.92(3) Å3, K 0 = 71.0(19) GPa and K′ 0=3.2(6), and for chrysotile up to 5 GPa, V 0 = 730.57(31) Å3 and K 0 = 62.8(24) GPa (K′ 0 fixed to 4). Compared to the structural variety antigorite is stable at high pressure (HP) (Hilairet et al. 2006), the c axis is more compressible in these varieties, whereas the a and b axes are less compressible. These differences are attributed to the less anisotropic distribution of stiff covalent bonds in the corrugated structure of antigorite. The three varieties have almost identical bulk compressibility curves. Thus the compressibility has negligible influence on the relative stability fields of the serpentine varieties. They are dominated by first-order thermodynamic properties, which stabilizes antigorite at high temperature with respect to lizardite, and by out-of-equilibrium phenomena for metastable chrysotile (Evans 2004).  相似文献   

Dissolved inorganic nutrient elements were analyzed from the samples collected in the South Passage of the Changjiang (Yangtze River) Estuary in March 2003, including NH4 , NO3-, NO2- and PO43-. The water samples were collected with a Niskin sampler hourly at the near-surface, middle and near-bottom depths at the three stations -A1, A2 and A3-during two complete tidal cycles of neap tide and spring tide. Results showed that 1) the concentrations of NH4 , NO3- and NO2- were a little higher respectively during the neap tide than those during the spring tide, while PO43- showed an opposite trend, and each was higher in the ebb tide than in the flood tide, either for the neap tidal cycle or the spring tidal cycle; 2) higher stratification of the nutrients existed obviously in this area, with the concentrations of which increased from the bottom to the surface, especially for NH4 and NO3-; 3) the coefficient of variation (C.V.) values of all dissolved inorganic nutrients varied from 4.06% to 36.8% beyond different influences of the tidal current and Changjiang runoff; 4) with increasing suspended matter in the water column, the concentrations of PO43- became lower in the filtered water; and 5) the total transport of each tidal cycle was much more in the spring tide than in the neap tide, and the positive values indicated that the nutrients had been exported to the East China Sea. Studies on the variations and net transport of dissolved inorganic nutrients in the South Passage of the Changjiang Estuary will provide the scientific basis for the study of the mechanism of red tide in the East China Sea.  相似文献   

Chih Yuan Woon 《GeoJournal》2018,83(5):1133-1150
The 2011 Singapore General Election (GE2011) has often been hailed as an ‘Internet Election’, highlighting the role of networked technologies in enabling democratization practices/processes for the unprecedented consolidation of oppositional politics in the city-state. Building on theorizations that broach the interface between social media and digital democracy, this paper critically examines Singaporeans’ myriad engagements with the internet during GE2011 in order to tease out the constructions of social and political debates within these online communities and the extent to which they facilitate democratic discussions. These computer-mediated colliding and emerging of perspectives related to Singapore’s (electoral) politics can in turn set the scene for the (re)production and negotiations of the multifarious meanings of democracy in place. Hence, in addressing these research inquiries, this paper goes beyond GE2011 to reflect on the ways in which web technologies and social media can make a difference to political debates, deliberation and representation in societies where there are limited public avenues for citizenry to articulate their voices/concerns. It also enables documentation of ordinary people’s aspirations and hopes for political change and the sort of democracy they want to see progressively initiated in the Singaporean society.  相似文献   

Junxi Qian  Liyun Qian  Hong Zhu 《Geoforum》2012,43(5):905-915
In this article we investigate local citizens’ place politics and discourses of place identity during the 2010 language conflict in Guangzhou, China. Drawing on geographical scholarship on the relational construction of place and the progressive politics of difference, we conceptualize place as an assemblage of trans-local connections and disparate trajectories which constitute the radical hybridity of any particular place. In concretizing a relational rethinking of place into a local politics of difference, we suggest that Doreen Massey’s thesis of a global sense of place provides an important epistemological basis for destabilizing the normative local/non-local boundary in order to realize a relational constitution of place-based cultural identity and subjectivity. Based on a social and political campaign against state-led hegemonic language standardization, the 2010 language conflict in Guangzhou is a socially and culturally constructed process in which the Guangzhou locals’ imagination and representation of place and identity are reproduced within a local geometry of social relations involving the state language policy, the local community and the city’s migrant population. Both exclusionary and progressive discourses of place identities have been articulated in this process of re-negotiation and re-imagination of place-based identities. This paper acknowledges that some place-bounded politics may demonstrate a counter-hegemonic dimension and are therefore not inherently regressive. But we also contend that any place politics needs to ask which elements are to be welcomed and which can be excluded in a fluid regime of politics within specific networks of social relations. The cultural boundary of insiders/outsiders must be constantly re-negotiated and rendered relational with the attentiveness to ethical responsibility towards otherness.  相似文献   

Sergeeva  V. M.  Leitchenkov  G. L.  Dubinin  E. P.  Groholsky  A. L. 《Geotectonics》2020,54(6):741-753
Geotectonics - This study focuses on physical modeling of interaction between the Indian and Pacific spreading axes, which resulted in separation of the Tasmania and Adélie blocks during the...  相似文献   

An overview is presented of a 4-year study by the Äspö Task Force on Modelling of Groundwater Flow and Transport of Solutes, whose primary aim was to build a bridge between the approaches used for site characterisation (SC) and performance assessment (PA) associated with nuclear waste repositories. Eleven modelling teams representing six national radioactive waste organisations participated in eight modelling exercises whose objectives were: to assess simplifications used in PA models; to determine how, and to what extent, experimental tracer and flow experiments can constrain the range of parameters used in PA models; to support the design of SC programmes to assure that the results have optimal value for PA calculations; and to improve the understanding of site-specific flow and transport behaviour at different scales using SC models. The modelling tasks were concerned with flow and transport through single and multiple near-planar features on SC and PA timescales, including the diffusion of solutes into multiple immobile zones adjacent to fracture surfaces. In general, tracer tests provide only limited quantitative constraints on retention parameter values relevant to PA but nevertheless provide insight about the flow and transport processes, which is a key element of the bridge between SC and PA.  相似文献   

This essay explores the role of the coca economy in the politics of basic foodstuff production in the lowlands department of Santa Cruz, Bolivia. Efforts throughout the 1980s and 1990s to diminish the coca economy in Santa Cruz have led to a significant decrease in the physical presence of coca in the region. This paper argues that while coca has been physically eradicated, the relationships and inequalities that characterized the coca economy at its height in the 1980s and 1990s continue to haunt present-day agrarian relations and decisions in the region. Using the framework of haunting and drawing on stories narrating the intersections between the livelihood challenges of rice farmers in the province of Ichilo, Santa Cruz, regional agrarian politics, and regional-state governance conflicts, I explore how the coca economy matters to the dynamics of principal agrarian foodstuff production. While coca cultivation in Ichilo is expressly assigned to the past and modern agrarian politics are explicitly articulated as “post-coca,” this paper offers a reminder about how the coca economy continues to shape present day agrarian politics, even as it is considered “successfully” eradicated.  相似文献   

Protected areas are considered some of the most versatile as well as important instruments of nature conservation and environmental policies. The `classic' model of nature conservation aims at the isolation of large areas in order to preserve their `pristine' nature from human interference. However, the transfer of this model to developing countries led to serious conflicts with local people. From a socio-geographical viewpoint, protected areas can be understood as regulative tools for the shaping and controlling of space. This approach helps to recognise the influence of distinct modes of appropriation of space and nature on the emergence and course of conflicts. In the present article it is used to analyse the leading role played by Brazilian NGOs in the transformation of the classic model of protected area management at the beginning of the nineties. Two case studies – dealing with the implementation of the Amazonian Mamirauá Reserve and with the reform of the Brazilian protected area legislation – are used to illustrate not only the success of the new approaches, but also the expectations and contradictions which surround the future development of protected areas in Brazil.  相似文献   

Cordula Gdaniec 《GeoJournal》1997,42(4):377-384
Reconstruction of the historic centre of Moscow and the construction of apartment blocks on the citys outskirts are the citys two main programmes within what must be regarded as its urban policy. With these priorities, the strategy of relying on a mixture of city and private investments, the city governments policies contribute to an increasing exclusiveness of the city centre. This process, which includes a process of gentrification, reflects the impact of the transition to a free-market economy. City planning and reconstruction projects are subject to the new, still chaotic, market opportunities and constraints while the soviet planning principles and organizations have not yet been replaced by efficient new ones. There is a lack of control and regulation, as well as a concentration of power in the mayoral cabinet on the one hand, but on the other hand, the finance strategies make large-scale regeneration possible. With entering the global economy, post-soviet Moscow is acquiring more traits of western, capitalist cities. These include marketing the centres historic character, subsidising private investment, and a new residential segregation based on capital.  相似文献   

This article explores the constraints and contingencies of contemporary urban governance, with reference to the partial privatization (1999) and partial remunicipalization (2012) of the Berlin Water Company (BWB). It outlines the processes through which this major shift in Berlin politics occurred, showing how the mainstream consensus on privatization was disrupted and alternatives to apparent neoliberal conformity emerged. Dynamics apparent in the BWB case – commercialization, privatization, re-regulation, public contestation and remunicipalization – are indicative of the challenges and opportunities of making policy in and beyond the global norms of neoliberalism. It is argued that this case is important because it reveals something about what we might call the “politics of possibility” within the paradigm of neoliberal urban governance: the continuing potential for change within the constraints of an urban governance configured to the logics and needs of markets. Given this, the paper concludes that local contingencies in urban governance problematize sweeping notions of a post-political condition. However observable post-political strategies and outcomes in Berlin and elsewhere are, researchers should not assume that they are inevitably dominant or universal.  相似文献   

Rapid urbanization and industrialization in South China has placed a great strain on the environment and human health. In the present study, the total suspended particulate matter (TSP) in the urban and suburban areas of Hong Kong and Guangzhou, the two largest urban centres in South China, was sampled from December 2003 to January 2005. The samples were analyzed for their concentrations of major elements (Al, Fe, Mg and Mn) and trace metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, V and Zn), and for Pb isotopic composition. Elevated concentrations of metals, especially Cd, Pb, V and Zn, were observed in the urban and suburban areas of Guangzhou, showing significant atmospheric trace element pollution. Distinct seasonal patterns were observed in the heavy metal concentrations of aerosols in Hong Kong, with higher metal concentrations during the winter monsoon period, and lower concentrations during summer time. The seasonal variations in metal concentrations of the aerosols of Guangzhou were less distinct, suggesting the dominance of local sources of pollution around the city. The Pb isotopic composition in the aerosols of Hong Kong had higher ^206Pb/^207Pb and ^208Pb/^207Pb ratios in winter, showing the influence of Pb from the northern inland areas of China and the Pearl River Delta (PRD) region, and lower ^206Pb/^207Pb and ^208Pb/^207Pb ratios in summer, indicating the influence of Pb from the South Asian region and from marine sources.  相似文献   

Luke Sinwell 《Geoforum》2012,43(2):190-198
Academic analyses of the potential for agents to transform development processes have been dominated by social movement theorists who focus on the prospects for creating an alternative to development that challenges the status quo. This has downplayed the role of political parties in the transformation process. This article takes the South African Communist Party (SACP) as a unit of analysis by drawing from a case study in Alexandra township, Johannesburg, where the local SACP has assisted with mobilizing a community-based organization in an informal settlement called S’swetla where the ruling African National Congress (ANC) purportedly imposed development onto residents. The local SACP viewed its intervention as pro-poor and bottom-up. It appeared initially to offer a transformative alternative to the official approach taken by the Alexandra Development Forum (ADF), an invited participatory space adopted by the Alexandra Renewal Project (ARP) – a flagship project of the ANC. This paper uses this example to problematize the simplistic dichotomy between top-down and bottom-up development in the context of a political party that claims to be committed to pro-poor and people-driven development. In doing so, it argues that theorists must pay closer empirical attention to the politics of both invited and invented participatory spaces in order to understand the implications that this has for transforming development.  相似文献   

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