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An experiment in mountain ash forests in Melbourne's water supply catchments in south-east Australia investigated the impact on long-term water yield of reducing forest density. Fifty-four per cent of basal area was removed from a 17 ha catchment (Black Spur 1) by patch cutting, and the patches were regenerated with mountain ash. A 50% reduction was implemented in Black Spur 3, an 8 ha catchment, through uniform thinning. Uniform thinning was shown to be more effective in enhancing streamflow than patch cutting. A streamflow increase of 25–30% (130–150 mm year−1) was observed after treatment in both catchments. Eleven years later, a treatment effect of 15% was still evident in the selectively thinned catchment (Black Spur 3), but the effect had completely decayed in the patch cut catchment (Black Spur 1).

Research by Melbourne Water has established that streamflow is significantly influenced by forest age. It is hypothesised that this relationship, and the observed decay after patch cutting in Black Spur 1, is largely the result of variation in transpiration. To study the relationship between forest age and transpiration in detail, sap velocity was measured over two summers in four mountain ash plots using the heat-pulse method. The trees on these plots were 50, 90, 150 and 230 years old. On days when measurements were made, the mean sap velocity was not significantly different in the 50-, 90- 230-year-old stands, but was significantly smaller by 14% in the 150-year-old stand. Overstorey sapwood area gradually decreased with plot age, and was 57% lower in the 230-year-old plot than in the 50-year-old plot. When combined with the sap velocity measurements, these data indicated that over the six warmest months of the year, transpiration in the 50-year-old plot was 190 mm more than in the 230-year-old plot. These results support a hypothesis that differences in streamflow between 50-year-old and 230-year-old mountain ash forest can largely be accounted for by differences in transpiration. Further heat-pulse studies in young regrowth and in thinned and unthinned 1939 regrowth will be needed if the streamflow changes in Black Spur 1 and Black Spur 3 are to be fully explained.  相似文献   

The jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) forest on a small catchment was thinned early in 1983 to study the effect on catchment hydrology. The thinning reduced canopy cover, basal area and stocking about two-thirds. Rainfall during the pre and post-treatment periods was 21% and 10%, respectively, below the long-term average. Streamflow increased from 0.5% of rainfall (4.3 mm) before thinning to 7.6% of rainfall (90 mm) 9 years after thinning. Streamflow duration increased, with the largest increases in streamflow in the wet winter months of June-October. The deep groundwater level at a midslope location increased by 8 m and at a valley location by 4 m in the 8 years after thinning. There was no indication of a new equilibrium being reached for either streamflow or groundwater, thus further increases in streamflow and groundwater level are likely.  相似文献   

kif7 is a member of the kinesin superfamily members which are molecular motor proteins that move along microtubules in a highly regulated manner through ATP hydrolysis. In this paper, we report on the cloning of the Oryzias melastigma kif7 (omkif7) using primers designed according to the Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes) database. The cloned omkif7 has an open reading frame of 3762bp and is deduced to encode a polypeptide of 1254 amino acids that possesses the putative ATP-binding and microtubule-binding motifs in its motor domain at the N-terminal region. We characterized the cloned omkif7 by comparison with the zebrafish kif7. Both omkif7 and zebrafish kif7 are shown to be expressed in all embryonic stages and adult tissues examined with higher expression level in the testis and ovary. Whole-mount in situ hybridization revealed that the expression of omkif7 is ubiquitous during the early stages of embryonic development, but became more restrictive and localized to the brain, fin bud and eye at later development. This study suggested that the brackish O.melastigma can serve as a good seawater model organism for developmental studies by utilizing the resources developed from its close relative of the Japanese medaka.  相似文献   

Six polycyclic musk compounds [Cashmeran (DPMI), Celestolide (ADBI), Phantolide (AHMI), Traseolide (ATII), Tonalide (AHTN), and Galaxolide (HHCB)] were analysed in marine green-lipped mussels (Perna viridis) from Hong Kong. ADBI, HHCB and AHTN were detected in almost all samples, while AHMI, ATII and DPMI were not detected. Concentrations of ADBI, HHCB and AHTN in mussels ranged from below detection limit–0.0743 (mean: 0.0246), 0.247–6.08 (mean: 1.15) and 0.0591–0.738 (mean: 0.190) mg/kg lipid weight, respectively. Mussels from two sampling sites in central Victoria Harbour contained the highest total polycyclic musk levels, suggesting that these waters are heavily influenced by domestic sewage. Concentrations of HHCB and AHTN detected in the mussel samples were the second highest and the highest levels, respectively, compared to global concentrations. A preliminary risk assessment indicated that HHCB and AHTN in mussels pose little or no threat to the health of shellfish consumers. Nevertheless, more comprehensive studies are required to further assess the ecological and human health risks associated with polycyclic musks.  相似文献   

湖泊底泥中微囊藻DNA的分子检测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过改进裂解温度和延长裂解时间并增加苯酚/氯仿洗脱次数的DNA提取方法获得南京玄武湖底泥中的DNA,通过PCR法来扩增微囊藻的16SrRNA基因.结果表明在所有采样点中均得到微囊藻基因组DNA,并且纯度较高,OD260/OD280均高于1.54,最高值达到1.89.PCR的扩增结果显示所有样点的DNA都得到212 bp大小的微囊藻16SrRNA基因片断,表明这种方法可以有效的从底泥中提取微囊藻的DNA,从而为研究底泥微囊藻生理生态及其越冬、上浮、形成水华的机理提供更有利的方法.  相似文献   

The heat-pulse technique was used to estimate year-long water uptake in a discharge zone plantation of 9-year-old clonal Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh. near Wubin, Western Australia. Water uptake matched rainfall closely during weter months but exceeded rainfall as the dry season progressed. Average annual water uptake (1148 mm) exceeded rainfall (432 mm) by about 2.7 fold and approached 56% of pan evaporation for the area. The data suggest that at least 37% (i.e. (1/2.7) × 100) of the lower catchment discharge zone should be planted to prevent the rise of groundwater.

Water uptake varied with soil environment, season and genotype. Upslope trees used more water than did downslope trees. Water uptake was higher in E. camaldulensis clone M80 than in clone M66 until late spring. The difference reversed as summer progressed. Both clones, however, have the potential to dry out the landscape when potential evapotranspiration exceeds rainfall. This variation in water uptake within the species indicates the potential for manipulating plantation uptake by matching tree characteristics to site characteristics.

Controlled experiments on the heat-pulse technique indicated accuracy errors of approximately 10%. This, combined with the ability to obtain long-term, continuous data and the superior logistics of use of the heat-pulse technique, suggests that results obtained by it would be much more reliable than those achieved by the ventilated chamber technique.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to examine the use of imposex in the tropical neogastropod whelk Morula granulata as bioindicator of tributyltin (TBT) contamination. Samples were collected from sites throughout the Dampier Archipelago; both impact sites close to intensive shipping activity and remote control sites. TBT in this area originates mainly from commercial vessels using the Port of Dampier that are >25 m in length and exempt from legislation controlling the use of TBT in antifouling paints. A field survey was undertaken in July 1997; 100 M. granulata were taken at each of 18 sites with varying vessel activity, and examined for imposex. The level of TBT contamination in the Archipelago was low; ranging from <0.3 to 25 ng Sn l−1 in water,<0.3 to 80 ng Sn g−1 in oyster tissue (Saccostrea cuccullata – prey of M. granulata), and <0.3 to 33 ng Sn g−1 in whelks. Percentage of imposex in M. granulata ranged from 0% to 57%, and was correlated with distance to vessel activity (r=0.646, p<0.05). The only significant relationship of imposex with butyltin concentrations was with TBT in oysters (r=0.826, p<0.05), and dibutyltin (DBT) in whelks (r=0.783, p<0.05). It is postulated that this is because of interspecies variation in ability to metabolize TBT to DBT and MBT (monobutyltin), as well as induction of imposex in earlier life stages, so that imposex in adults could be a reflection of prior contamination. M. granulata is a suitable bioindicator of TBT contamination in the Dampier Archipelago, which could be used throughout the Indo-Pacific given its abundance in the region.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a mass stranding of seabirds in the North Sea in December 1998. Hundreds of birds were washed ashore alive in Zeeland (SW Netherlands), covered in a whitish, sticky substance, and were transported to a rehabilitation centre. About 10 days later, more (dead) casualties washed ashore further to the north on Texel and along the mainland coast, again covered in a glue-like substance. Common guillemots Uria aalge, northern fulmars Fulmarus glacialis and common scoters Melanitta nigra were the most numerous birds affected in this incident. Both strandings were temporarily (10 days) and geographically separated (ca. 120 km apart), but were apparently caused by a single source of pollution. The meteorology at the time was consistent with the course of a single incident. At least 1100 seabirds were affected by this substance, soon identified as polyisobutylene (C4H8)n. PIB is known as a non-toxic, non-aggressive substance. Volunteers cleaning the birds in the rehabilitation centre reported serious discomfort and dizziness and the soft parts of the PIB-affected birds found dead (bill, eye, throat, feet, webs) appeared to dissolve in a few days time. Both effects cannot be attributed to PIB, and are therefore unexplained. Although the dumping of PIB in the marine environment is not explicitly prohibited under MARPOL, the effects on wildlife observed are enough to plead for counter-measures.  相似文献   

The correlation between the indices, characterizing the intensity of the symmetric (SYM) and asymmetric (ASY) parts of a magnetic disturbance during a magnetic storm, and the indices, reflecting the intensity of the eastward (AU) and westward (AL) electrojets in the auroral zone, are analyzed. The role of the magnetospheric-ionospheric current systems in the generation of a geomagnetic disturbance asymmetry during the magnetic storm main and recovery phases has been assessed based on this analysis. Original Russian Text ? N.A. Barkhatov, A.E. Levitin, O.M. Tserkovnyuk, 2008, published in Geomagnetizm i Aeronomiya, 2008, Vol. 48, No. 4, pp. 520–525.  相似文献   

The Kaoiki, Hawaii, earthquake with magnitude 6. 6 of November 16, 1983 was a strike-slip faulting event on a fault with large dip angle. The results for mechanisms of smaller events before and after the Kaoiki mainshock show that there were two kinds of mechanisms: (1) strike-slip on the fault with large dip angle; (2) slip on the crustal discontinuity plane with smaller dip angle, and systematic and alternative changes in the mechanisms were observed. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,13, 139–149, 1991.  相似文献   

The aphid Hyalopterus pruni migrates to its secondary host Common Reed in late spring and early summer. Reed fields are known to be more heavily infested at the edges compared to the centre, as the migrants are attracted to the colour of the reed. There is also evidence that reeds growing at wet sites are more heavily infested than at dry sites. This paper shows that both proceses interact in determining the distribution of aphids in different habitats.The observations were carried out in the vast reed field of the Zuidelijk Flevoland polder (The Netherlands) during a number of years after its reclamation in 1968. In the period of migration flying aphids were caught with sticky traps situated in and around the reed field. The distribution of aphids on the reed was determined at different times during the season along transects through the centre of the polder. The existence early in the season (June) of a higher infestation at the edges than in the centre of the field was confirmed. The density of winged aphids in this early period was higher in wet than in dry habitats, which may have been a result of a preference of the settling migrants for reed standing in water. Later in the season (August) the dry habitat still had a relatively low infestation in the centre, but at the wet sites the infestation was high everywhere. This could be attributed to the much quicker population growth that was found in the wet habitat and subsequent short range movement of newly born winged aphids.  相似文献   

Lake Breiter Luzin, located in north-eastern Germany, is known for the rare occurrence of sympatric populations of European cisco, Coregonus albula and C. lucinensis. Moreover, the lake is inhabited by the glacial relict crustacean Mysis relicta, currently found in only three other lakes in Germany. In the present study, the role of M. relicta in the diet of ciscoes was investigated. Between 2001 and 2002 ciscoes, mysids and zooplankton were caught in Lake Breiter Luzin and stomach contents of ciscoes were analysed. There were seasonal changes in the food items in the stomachs, largely reflecting changes in prey availability. The main food items were copepods (45–81%) and mysids (5–26%). Cladocerans had high amounts in the diet only in summer. Seasonal changes in selectivity were also noted for most prey groups. There were also some consistent patterns of prey preference, with an overall preference for mysids. In general, the prey composition in cisco stomachs did not show significant diet changes, but there were some significant differences between day and night feeding in single prey groups, such as cladocerans. Diet composition of ciscoes varied with the different depth strata in which the fish were caught. With increasing depth, the proportion of mysids in the diet significantly increased, whereas that of copepods significantly decreased. Between C. albula and C. lucinensis, no distinct differences in feeding were evident. Mysids provided an additional and important food resource to ciscoes, and were mainly consumed when the availability of other prey organisms decreased, as in autumn and in the deeper strata of the water column. However, mysids preyed on the same food organisms as ciscoes, indicating a strong competition for food between fish and mysids.  相似文献   

Patterns and levels of chlorinated aromatic contaminants (DDTs, PCBs, non-ortho PCBs and PCDD/Fs) in blubber tissue were compared among six sample groups of male harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) from the Baltic Sea, the Kattegat-Skagerrak Seas and the west coast of Norway. A principal component and classification analysis showed that mature harbour porpoises from the Baltic had significantly different contaminant patterns than animals from the Kattegat-Skagerrak and Norway. ANOVAs showed that mature porpoises from the Baltic had higher levels of ΣPCB and several individual PCBs and PCDD/Fs than the Kattegat-Skagerrak and the Norwegian samples and higher ΣDDT than the Norwegian. A comparison between immature porpoises showed that Baltic animals had higher levels of ΣPCDD/F than the corresponding sample from the Kattegat-Skagerrak. The levels of ΣDDT, ΣPCB and Σnon-ortho PCB were significantly higher in animals collected during 1978–81 compared to animals collected in 1988–90 indicating a temporal decline of these organochlorines in the Kattegat-Skagerrak Seas. The contaminant levels recorded in the Baltic Sea are a serious cause for concern and could have management implications for the already threatened harbour porpoises in this area.  相似文献   

A suite of six biomarkers was measured in shore crabs (Carcinus maenas) and mussels (Mytilus edulis) deployed at, or native to, the Tees Estuary in north-east England, as well as at several control sites. LC-50 tests on water samples from the field sites were carried out using the marine copepod Tisbe battagliai and Microtox™ assays. Biomarker responses varied among the sites. Results were analysed using novel multivariate statistical procedures. A clearer overall picture was obtained from multi-dimensional scaling plots than by examining the data for different biomarkers individually. It was possible to distinguish among contaminated and control sites, with the contaminated sites being further differentiated to reflect a pollution gradient. It was concluded that multi-dimensional scaling procedures are a valuable additional tool for improving the analysis and interpretation of complex suites of biomarker data.  相似文献   

The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,13, 395–398, 1991.  相似文献   

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