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Comparative polynomial trend analyses of textural parameters were conducted on adjacent foreshore, berm, and dune sediment populations along a coastal barrier chain of the Middle Atlantic Bight. The analyses indicate that systematic textural patterns exhibited by the barrier sediments consist of both regional trends and local cyclicity.The regional trends appear to reflect progressive variability of both the hydraulic and aeolian regimes. Variability of the hydraulic regime consists of a progressive southward increase in average wave energy, with a concomitant decrease in energy consistency; this is attributed to the coastal wave refraction pattern, and to a progressive southward decrease in shelf width. The aeolian regime is characterized by a constant average energy level along the barrier chain, but exhibits a progressive northward decrease in wind energy consistency, and a corresponding increase in winnowing efficiency. Local cyclicity along the barrier appears to reflect textural variations in the barrier source materials excavated from a heterogeneous Pleistocene substrate. The cyclic patterns suggest the presence of a buried ancestral Albemarle fluvial channel near the present mouth of Albemarle Sound.In developing systematic textural variations along the barrier, size characteristics of the source material appear to be the most influential factor, while the influences of both the hydraulic and aeolian regimes are subordinate. The berm and dune field environments are most amenable to the development of systematic variation, while the foreshore is most susceptible to random component variation.  相似文献   

A lack of understanding exists of the origin and textural characteristics of Saudi Arabian Red Sea coastal sediments. This paper concerns the southern coastline of Jizan on the Saudi Red Sea. It is some 160 km long characterised by either narrow rocky headlands with intermittent pocket beaches or wide low-lying beaches dissected by wadis. Granulometric testing of samples from 135 locations showed that beach sand size was mainly very fine to medium grained (M z = 3.93 Ø), sorting ranged from 1.65 to 0.41 and skewness values from ?051 to 0.39, being mainly negative; dune sands were medium to fine grained (M z = 1.13 Ø; average sorting 2.8), while skewness variations within dune samples indicated symmetrical to fine skewed values (б Ι = 0.55 to 0.89). Most foreshore samples were derived from wadis. Wadi mud levels can be high, e.g. Baysh (84%), and wadi Samrah (90%) with mean grain size ranging from very fine to medium sand (M z = 3.9 Ø), sorting being well to poor (0.45 to 1.52) due to sediment influxes. Sabkha had a wide range of sand/mud and significantly higher carbonate percentages than other environments. Sediment source differences and littoral reworking contributed to grain size variation. The carbonate content varied between 1.5 and 31.5% due to hinterland contributions, and spatial analysis showed increasing quantities of carbonate minerals towards the south. On the wider geographical front, findings from Jizan are similar to those of the Northern United Arab Emirates (UAE), including sabkhas, being composed of sand, skeletal carbonate, fine fluvial material and wind-blown silt and clay components of wadi origin. Further work on the northeastern Red Sea edge can hopefully confirm these findings.  相似文献   

蔡则健 《江苏地质》2008,32(1):29-33
通过多期遥感资料,在潮水位基本相同的前提下,对江苏沿海中段低潮滩的时空演变从三个方面进行了分析,进一步指出其演变趋势已由淤转蚀,并已威胁到中潮滩,滩涂资源呈逐年减少的趋势;强调海涂资源并非是取之不尽用之不竭,唤醒人们要更加珍惜和使用好每一寸自然资源的意识。  相似文献   

One of the most important aspects of coastal zone management is the analysis of shoreline dynamics. Over the last years, beaches of the Ravenna coast (NE Italy) experienced large modifications, in some places narrowing or even being completely lost, thus threatening tourism, coastal assets and nature. Coastal erosion has direct consequences for Ravenna tourist-based economy, which largely depends on the attraction provided by sandy beaches. In this study, long-term (>?50 years) coastal analysis was used to identify the sectors along the coast where the shoreline position has changed, either advancing or retreating. Shoreline changes were measured on GIS environment by means of Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) extension. Net Shoreline Movement (NSM) and Linear Regression Rate (LRR) strategies were employed to examine shoreline variability and reveal erosional/accretional trends. The results show that significant shoreline changes affected the entire coastal region, with most of the study area under retreat, mainly in the most valuable tourist assets of the littoral. The effects were found to be worsened by impacts of land subsidence, presence of harbor infrastructure and deficit in sediment budget. A simple shoreline classification was performed over the DSAS results and cross-checked with local knowledge of the area. The measurement of erosion or accretion rates in each studied segment is found to be useful for land use planning and coastal management plans, especially regarding the prediction of future shoreline positions. Especially important is the potential of the classification to identify areas of significant position change, with current and future implications for the design of sustainable shoreline management and mitigation measures.  相似文献   

A number of ‘weathering’ horizons have been identified within glacigenic sediment sequences in North Wales and have been instrumental in determining various proposed Late Quaternary event chronologies. This paper applies the techniques of mineral magnetic analysis to such a sediment sequence at Glanllynnau. The presence (or otherwise) of evidence for weathering processes on the upper surface of the Criccieth Till, which is overlain by further glacial materials, is examined. Despite a marked colour variation between the ‘weathered’ and non-weathered components of the Criccieth Till, their mineral magnetic properties suggest little or no variation in iron oxide assemblages. The consequences of this for the environmental interpretation of the sediment sequence are discussed.  相似文献   

A peat core from a cutoff paleochannel of Little River on the upper Coastal Plain of North Carolina provides a continuous pollen record of environmental change for the past 10,500 years and includes a sedimentary record of overbank floods. Palynological and sedimentary data indicate that the early to middle Holocene was wetter than previously suggested from lake sites in the southeastern United States. The period from 9000 to 6100 cal yr B.P. is characterized by high pollen percentages of Nyssa and Quercus, but low percentages of Pinus. Fifteen large overbank flood events are present within this period (5 floods/1000 yr). In contrast, only 6 large overbank flood events occurred since 6100 cal yr B.P. (1 flood/1000 yr). The increases in moisture and flood events probably were controlled by changes in atmospheric circulation related to shifts in the position of the Bermuda High, sea surface temperatures, and El Niño activity that together may have affected the frequency of large floods generated from tropical storms in the region.  相似文献   

Following the McCormick County, South Carolina, local magnitude 4.3 earthquake on August 2, 1974, continuous seismic activity has been observed in the area. The epicenters are located within 3 km from the Clark Hill reservoir. The shallow seismic activity appears to be related to water level fluctuations in the reservoir, and follows them by about two days. The frequency of earthquakes is related to the rate of change of water level, while the energy release is seen to depend on the water level itself. Pore pressure fluctuations at focal depths in a regime of high tectonic stresses is the suggested cause for the triggering of earthquakes.  相似文献   

The behavior and properties of sediments depend on their compositional characteristics and formation processes, as well as the environmental conditions during their geological history, i.e. post-formation processes. A vertical cut made in a hill in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, reveals a vivid picture of the inherent heterogeneity of sediments that have been deposited at different geological ages. A review of the geology of the area, as well as laboratory tests, help to determine the possible causes of the variability of soil types and properties in the area. Laboratory tests include basic geotechnical tests, chemical tests, X-ray diffraction analysis, scanning electron microscopy, and thermal analysis. These tests are used to identify different rock types and soils from the face of the cut. The results of this study indicate that the material from this cut varies from clayey shale and limestone rock (Tertiary, lower Eocene) formed some 52 M.Y. to calcite-cemented sand and pure calcite rock formed in the Quaternary age.  相似文献   

Annually-laminated lake sediments (non-glacial varves) have in recent years been discovered in increasing abundance, especially since the development of in situ freezer samplers. So far, the majority of examples have been found in three main areas (Eastern North America, Northern and Central Europe, and East and Central Africa). A much more widespread distribution seems highly probable however.The formation of annual laminations in freshwater lakes is governed by a number of factors, the most important of which appears to be morphometry. Seasonality of sediment supply, which may be controlled by physical, biological or even cultural processes in the lake, or in its catchment, is also clearly significant.Four main types of laminations (here termed ferrogenic, calcareous, biogenic and clastic) have so far been recorded, although it is quite clear that others exist. Special field and laboratory techniques are needed in order that the particular properties of varved sediments may be fully exploited.Annually-laminated sediments have so far been applied to the investigation of a number of aspects of the Quaternary. These include the study of (a) geochronology (b) climatic change, (c) vegetation history, especially the role of fire in forest ecosystems, (d) the calculation of rates of sediment influx to lakes, and of rates of erosion from their catchments, and (e) the monitoring of processes in the modern environment such as heavy metal pollution, eutrophication, and ‘acid rain’.Annually-laminated lake sediments combine an internal, independent chronology with the preservation of discrete, visible increments of seasonal and annual sedimentation. Given this unique property, and the likelihood that many more examples will be discovered, the prospects for further applications of studies of these sediments to the investigation of the Quaternary seem very good indeed.  相似文献   

The Neuse River estuary, North Carolina, United States, has demonstrated various symptoms of eutrophication during the past 20 yr. We contributed to an environmental assessment program, through ecological network analysis, a group of algorithms to evaluate networks of material flows within a structured system. Networks of nitrogen (N) cycling for 16 consecutive seasons were constructed based on previous field and laboratory studies. Network analysis provided understanding of the relationship between N loading and recycling, the fates of N and the expected interseasonal variation of both model inputs and outputs. Various indices indicated that recycling of imported N was very high, supporting measured observations. There was little correlation between estimates of loading and N uptake by phytoplankton, although loading of total and particulate N did correlate positively with export. Because of the high degree of recycling of N, the rate of loading of new N is a small fraction of the total processing of N or of the needs for primary production alone. We predict that on a short-term basis the controls on primary production tend to be associated with conditions in the estuary rather than import. This condition is likely to postpone easily observable responses to loading reduction over the entire estuary and in the short term, although improvements in water quality should occur over time.  相似文献   

We report measurements of pH, total dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), total or titration alkalinity (TAlk), Ca2+, Mg2+, sulfate, and sulfide data at the seawater-freshwater interface in a shallow groundwater aquifer in North Inlet, South Carolina. These measurements and a diagenetic modeling analysis indicate that the groundwaters at North Inlet are mixtures of seawater and freshwater end-members and are seriously modified by carbon dioxide inputs from organic carbon degradation via SO42− reduction across the entire salinity range and fermentation and CaCO3 dissolution in the low-salinity region. DIC and TAlk are several times higher than the theoretical dilution line, whereas Ca2+ is slightly higher and SO42− is somewhat lower than the dilution line. Partial pressure of CO2 in the groundwater is extremely high (0.05 to 0.12 atm). These deviations are consistent with theoretical predictions from known diagenetic reactions. Estimated groundwater DIC fluxes to the South Atlantic Bight from either the surficial aquifer (via salt marshes) or the Upper Floridan Aquifer (direct input) are significant when compared to riverine flux in this area.  相似文献   

The 1989 Loma Prieta, California earthquake (moment magnitude, M=6.9) generated landslides throughout an area of about 15,000 km2 in central California. Most of these landslides occurred in an area of about 2000 km2 in the mountainous terrain around the epicenter, where they were mapped during field investigations immediately following the earthquake. The distribution of these landslides is investigated statistically, using regression and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) techniques to determine how the occurrence of landslides correlates with distance from the earthquake source, slope steepness, and rock type. The landslide concentration (defined as the number of landslide sources per unit area) has a strong inverse correlation with distance from the earthquake source and a strong positive correlation with slope steepness. The landslide concentration differs substantially among the various geologic units in the area. The differences correlate to some degree with differences in lithology and degree of induration, but this correlation is less clear, suggesting a more complex relationship between landslide occurrence and rock properties.  相似文献   

Taking for example the Luobosa chromite deposit in Tibet combined with other deposits of the same type in the world, the paper discusses the genetic mechanism of podiform chromite deposits. The study indicates that chromite and dunite-harzburgite are both the products of different degrees of partial melting of the same primary pyrolite(spinel lherzolite) and that chromite and dunite are the end product of higher degree of partial melting.The melting mechanism lies in the convcrsion of the two subgroups of pyroxenes(Cpx and Opx) into olivine and spinel respectively as a result of their incongruent melting, accompanied by regulation and reformation of accessory chrome spinel and such rock-forming minerals as Ol, Opx and Cpx, thus resulting in the close association of chromite deposits and dunite. The results of this study are of general significance for understanding the genesis of chromite deposits of the same type in the world.  相似文献   

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