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模式所需要的参数被合理地设置之后, 根据GAME/ Tibet (GEWEX亚洲季风试验/青藏高原试验) 那曲近地层观测站的资料, 将大气强迫变量代入SiB2(Simple Biosphere model version2), 文章模拟了该观测站地表能量收支。结果表明:SiB2能够较好地模拟青藏高原的能量收支情况, 净辐射、潜热通量和土壤热通量的模拟值和观测值吻合, 它们的相对误差分别为8% (低估)、6% (低估) 和3 %(低估)。同时, SiB2高估感热通量达40%。文章还给出了能量各分量的详细比较分析。  相似文献   

利用简单生物圈模式SiB2模拟青藏高原地表能量收支   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用简单生物圈模式SiB2模拟了西藏短草大草原安多观测站1998年7月15日至9月10日期间的地表能量分配、 地表有效辐射温度和土壤湿度。季风期, 平均冠层高度和叶面积指数大约分别为0.05 m和0.5。实验地点基本代表了夏季藏北高原大面积特征。所用资料为全球能量与水循环实验GEWEX (Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment) 亚洲季风实验GAME (Asian Monsoon Experiment) 的西藏观测期间安多观测站微气象实地测量。采用这些资料确定SiB2所需要的参数和初始值后, 由该资料中半小时一次的太阳短波辐射、大气长波辐射、水汽压、气温、水平风速和降水驱动SiB2, 最后将模拟结果与实际测量的湍流通量、 地表温度和土壤湿度进行了对比, 进一步检验SiB2对季风期间青藏高原稀疏草原地表能量分配的模拟能力。对比结果表明: (1) 当模式低估净辐射0.2%时, 模式分别高估感热、 潜热和土壤热通量4%、 13%和8%; (2) 模式得出的地表温度偏高5%; (3) 土壤湿度估计合理。总的来说, SiB2对辐射分量模拟结果的偏差相对较小, 相关程度普遍比感热通量、 潜热通量和土壤热通量的模拟结果高。  相似文献   

利用简单生物圈模式SiB2模拟锡林浩特草原地表湍流通量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用简单生物圈模式SiB2模拟了2007年7月1日至9月30日期间锡林浩特草原的地表能量分配、CO2通量、地表有效辐射温度和土壤湿度.采用锡林浩特国家气候观象台野外试验基地实地测量资料确定SiB2所需要的参数和初始值后,由该资料中30 min一次的太阳短波辐射、大气长波辐射、水汽压、气温、水平风速和降水驱动SiB2,最...  相似文献   

Continuous observation data collected over the whole year of 2004 on a cropland surtace m Tongyu, a senti-arid area of northeastern China (44°25'N, 122°52'E), have been used to investigate the variations of surface albedo and soil thermal parameters, including heat capacity, thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity, and their relationships to soil moisture. The diurnal variation of surface albedo appears as a U shape curve on sunny days. Surface albedo decreases with the increase of solar elevation angle, and it tends to be a constant when solar elevation angle is larger than 40°. So the daily average surface albedo was computed using the data when solar elevation angle is larger than 40° Mean daily surface albedo is found to decrease with the increase of soil moisture, showing an exponential dependence on soil moisture. The variations of soil heat capacity are small during Julian days 90 300. Compared with the heat capacity, soil thermal conductivity has very gentle variations during this period, but the soil thermal diffusivity has wide variations during the same period. The soil thermal conductivity is found to increase as a power function of soil moisture. The soil thermal diffusivity increases firstly and then decreases with the increase of soil moisture.  相似文献   

Data from July 2006 to June 2008 observed at SACOL(Semi-Arid Climate and Environment Observatory of Lanzhou University,35.946°N,104.137°E,elev.1961 m),a semi-arid site in Northwest China,are used to study seasonal variability of soil moisture,along with surface albedo and other soil thermal parameters, such as heat capacity,thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity,and their relationships to soil moisture content.The results indicate that surface albedo decreases with increases in soil moisture content,s...  相似文献   

张晓惠  高志球  魏东平 《大气科学》2012,36(5):1053-1062
陆—气之间的能量交换是通过近地层湍流热量和水汽通量来实现的.以往的研究表明近地层阻抗对湍流能量通量有着不同程度的影响,但是关于陆面模式中阻抗系数的取值范围却始终没有统一的标准.为了深入了解简单生物圈模式 (SiB2) 中近地层阻抗系数取值变化对湍流能量通量的影响,我们以那曲站为例,分别采用传统的逐个因子分析法和考虑参数间相互作用的部分因子分析法定量地研究了夏季该观测站近地层湍流能量通量分别对冠层阻抗系数C1和地表阻抗系数C2的敏感性响应.结果表明,感热通量对地表阻抗系数C2更为敏感,而潜热通量则对冠层阻抗系数C1较为敏感;感热通量随C1增加而增大,随C2增加而减小,而潜热通量则随C1或C2的增加而减小;不管是感热通量还是潜热通量,它们对阻抗系数的敏感度随阻抗系数的增大而减小,而对阻抗系数的相对敏感度则随阻抗系数的增大而增大.最后,结合那曲站夏季下垫面稀疏短草的分布特点分析了造成感热通量和潜热通量敏感变化各异的原因.  相似文献   

Almost three years of continuous measurements taken between January 2001 and May 2003 at the Gaize (or Gerze) automatic weather station (32.30 °N, 84.06 °E, 4420 m), a cold semi-desert site on the western Tibetan Plateau, have been used to study seasonal and annual variations of surface albedo and soil thermal parameters, such as thermal conductivity, thermal capacity and thermal diffusivity, and their relationship to soil moisture content. Most of these parameters undergo dramatic seasonal and annual variations. Surface albedo decreases with increasing soil moisture content, showing the typical exponential relation between surface albedo and soil moisture. Soil thermal conductivity increases as a power function of soil moisture content. The diffusivity first increases with increasing soil moisture, reaching its maximum at about 0.25 (volume per volume), then slowly decreases. Soil thermal capacity is rather stable for a wide range of soil moisture content.  相似文献   

基于中国587站日最高、最低气温观测资料、月平均的ERA_interim土壤湿度(Soil Moisture,SM)再分析资料及扩展重建的海表面温度(Sea Surface Temperature,SST)资料(ERSST),对极端气温指数进行了定义,利用变形的典型相关分析和集合典型相关分析方法(Ensemble Canonical Correlation,ECC),分析了1979-2009年我国夏季极端气温与前期(春、前冬)SM、SST间的线性联系,建立了中国夏季极端气温预测模型,并对独立样本检验的效果进行了评估。结果表明:1)与中国夏季极端气温联系密切的前期SST异常的空间分布为类PDO(Pacific Decadal Oscillation)型,前期土壤湿度异常的区域为华南、青藏高原、东北和西北地区。2)交叉检验结果表明基于前冬预测因子的极端气温预测模型技巧高于春季,基于SM的极端气温预测模型技巧高于SST。3)独立样本检验表明基于前期SM、SST的ECC模型对中国东部夏季极端气温有一定的预测能力。因此,可以在夏季极端气温的预测业务中考虑前期SM、SST的影响。  相似文献   

1. Introduction In our previous paper, MSPAS (Modi?ed Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Scheme) was fully introduced andthe e?ectiveness of the model was also well proved (Liuet al., 2004). In this paper, some sensitivity experi-ments are performed to test the sta…  相似文献   

This paper uses a Modified Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Scheme (MSPAS) to study the interaction betweenland surface and atmospheric boundary layer processes. The scheme is composed of two main parts:atmospheric boundary layer processes and land surface processes. Compared with SiB and BATS, which arefamous for their detailed parameterizations of physical variables, this simplified model is more convenientand saves much more computation time. Though simple, the feasibility of the model is well proved inthis paper. The numerical simulation results from MSPAS show good agreement with reality. The schemeis used to obtain reasonable simulations for diurnal variations of heat balance, potential temperature ofboundary layer, and wind field, and spatial distributions of temperature, specific humidity, vertical velocity,turbulence kinetic energy, and turbulence exchange coefficient over desert and oasis. In addition, MSPAS isused to simulate the interaction between desert and oasis at night, and again it obtains reasonable results.This indicates that MSPAS can be used to study the interaction between land surface processes and theatmospheric boundary layer over various underlying surfaces and can be extended for regional climate andnumerical weather prediction study.  相似文献   

膜内5cm地温稳定通过10-12℃即可播种为棉花适宜播种温度指标,找出地膜内5cm地温与气温的定量关系并进行地温预报,同时确定对应的日平均气温的稳定界限指标值,就成为开展棉花适宜播种期预报的关键所在。以石河子绿洲覆膜栽培棉区为研究对象,分析了2008-2014年棉区春播期膜内5cm地温、气温的变化趋势以及气温与覆膜内、外地温的关系,并建立了膜内5cm地温预报模型。结果表明:近年来石河子棉区春播期内气温和膜内外5cm地温变化趋势一致,均有所上升,且膜内5cm地温显著高于膜外地温和日平均气温。棉田覆膜内外5cm地温与气温之间显著相关(P≤0.01),石河子棉田覆膜内5 cm地温稳定通过10-12℃时,对应的日平均气温界限范围为6.3-8.2℃;利用逐日气温建立膜内5cm地温预报模型,回代检验绝对误差平均为1.01℃,2014和2015年预报检验绝对误差分别为0.5、0.7℃。预报模型可为更好地开展棉花播种期气象服务提供参考依据  相似文献   

New estimations of radiative forcing due to CO2 were calculated using updated concentration data of CO2 and a high-resolution radiative transfer model. The stratospheric adjusted radiative forcing (ARF) due to CO2 from the year 1750 to the updated year of 2010 was found to have increased to 1.95 Wm-2, which was 17% larger than that of the IPCCs 4th Assessment Report because of the rapid increase in CO2 concentrations since 2005. A new formula is proposed to accurately describe the relationship between the ARF of CO2 and its concentration. Furthermore, according to the relationship between the ARF and surface temperature change, possible changes in equilibrium surface temperature were estimated under the scenarios that the concentration of CO2 increases to 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5 and 4 times that of the concentration in the year 2008. The result was values of +2.2℃, +3.8℃, +5.1℃, +6.2℃, +7.1℃ and +8.0℃ respectively, based on a middle-level climate sensitivity parameter of 0.8 K (Wm-2)-1, Non-equilibrium surface temperature changes over the next 500 years were also calculated under two kinds of emission scenarios (pulsed and sustained emissions) as a comparison, according to the Absolute Global Temperature change Potential (AGTP) of CO2. Results showed that CO2 will likely continue to contribute to global warming if no emission controls are imposed, and the effect on the Earth-atmosphere system will be difficult to restore to its original level.  相似文献   


Sea surface temperature (SST) from four Nucleus for European Modelling of the Ocean (NEMO) model simulations is analyzed to study the bulk flux parameterization to compute SST over the Hudson Bay Complex (HBC) for the summer months (August and September) from 2002 to 2009. The NEMO simulation was forced with two atmospheric forcing sets with different resolutions: the Coordinated Ocean-ice Reference Experiment, version 2 (COREv2), as the lower resolution and the Canadian Meteorological Centre’s Global Deterministic Prediction System Reforecasts (CGRF) as the higher resolution. The CGRF forcing is also implemented in the third and fourth runs using different runoff data and different NEMO resolutions (1/12° versus 1/4°). Results show that all four modelled SSTs followed observed SST patterns, with regional differences in SST bias between simulations with different atmospheric forcing. The SST differences are small between simulations forced with the same atmospheric forcing but with different model resolution or runoff. This implies that the model resolution and runoff have a small effect on the simulated SST in the HBC. Moreover, to better capture the effect of near-surface temperature (Tair) on simulated SST, we conducted three analyses using the Haney flux linearization formula. Results from these assessments did not indicate any direct influence on the model-simulated SSTs by Tair. Looking at the heat flux as a signature for SST showed that both averaged spatial distribution and time series of net heat flux produced by the three CGRF forcing simulations were higher than the net heat flux generated by the CORE 2 simulation. This was generally true for all four components of the total heat flux (sensible, latent, shortwave, and longwave) individually as well. Total heat flux in summer is governed by the shortwave heat flux, with values up to 120?W?m?2 in August, and the longwave heat flux is the main contributor to the total heat flux differences. These heat flux differences lead to corresponding colder model SSTs for the CGRF runs and warmer SSTs for the CORE 2 simulations.  相似文献   

喻自凤  余晖 《气象学报》2009,67(5):851-863
文中利用中尺度数值模式MM5模拟了台风泰利的登陆过程,模拟的台风路径、天气形势和降水都与观测基本一致,能够很好地反映出真实的天气过程.再利用数值模拟结果,研究了第二类热成风螺旋度(H_2)对登陆台风泰利降水的诊断能力,结果表明它对深入内陆的台风强降水具有较好的诊断能力,而对刚登陆前后的台风降水诊断能力不如经典螺旋度.特别地,H_2在提前1 h时与泰利降水达到最高相关系数,且在提前1-5 h时,它与降水的相关性比经典螺旋度的高,表现出十分显著的预示降水增幅的能力.进一步分析表明,在刚登陆前后,泰利台风中心850-200 hPa的风场垂直切变较小(约5 m/s),其最强降水出现在路径右侧300 km半径范围以内,与低空的正温度平流、低空辐合、高空辐散等无明显的关系,而低空相对涡度能够很好地反映降水的变化,这是经典螺旋度与降水在这一阶段相关性优于H_2的主要原因.而在深入内陆后,台风泰利本体环流减弱,受北部西风槽的影响逐渐增强,环境风场垂直切变迅速增大,发生强降水的庐山和大别山区处于顺垂直风切变方向左侧.在东北向的垂直风切变情况下,庐山和大别山强降水区上空有向东的高空急流出流,强高空辐散诱发垂直次级环流,从而激发对流,形成强上升运动区,因此H_2的诊断优势在这一阶段表现得最清楚.  相似文献   

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