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1、湖泊与入湖河流概况 洞庭湖是长江流域三大淡水湖之一,据1977年量测,湖泊水域面积2740平方公里,容积178亿立米,在我国淡水湖中居第二位。今日洞庭湖及其入湖河流情况由图1所示。赤山以西称西洞庭湖,因受泥沙淤积,目前已分裂成许多小湖,有目草湖、大连湖与七里湖等。水面积共345平方公里,占洞庭湖面积的12.6%。赤山以东至湘江口称南洞庭湖,水面积917平方公里,占全湖面积33.5%。湘江口至城陵矶七里山称东洞庭湖,水面积为1476.9平方公里,占全湖面积的53.9%。  相似文献   

洞庭湖的演变及其整治   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:19  
杨达源 《地理研究》1986,5(3):39-46
本文指出洞庭湖发育的地质构造基础是新第三纪以来洞庭盆地的拗陷沉降。晚更新世末期,洞庭湖区为河网切割的波状平原。全新世以来,先是顺左河槽谷地发育河川型“沉溺湖”。近几百年来,主要由于四口分流携入大量泥沙在湖区北部淤填,形成宽广的漫滩平原,并导致西部入湖的水流在湖区绕行及在湖区南部出现湖面的扩张。根据目前情况,作者认为解决水流在湖区的绕行问题是洞庭湖实施整治的关键。  相似文献   

By using field-survey hydrological data of the related control stations in Dongting Lake and the Yangtze River mainstream in 1951–2010, the evolution characters of water exchange abilities between the two water bodies and their response to the operation of the Three Gorges Reservoir(TGR) from different time scales are analyzed based on their hydraulic relations. The results are shown as follows. Firstly, during July-September, the replenishment ability of Three Outlets to Dongting Lake is stronger, and in January-March, the replenishment ability of Dongting Lake to Yangtze River is stronger. Secondly, there has been an obvious inter-decadal wave on the water exchange coefficient between Dongting Lake and Yangtze River. In 1951–1958 and 1959–1968, the replenishment ability of Three Outlets to Dongting Lake was stronger, but in 2003–2010, the replenishment ability of Dongting Lake to Yangtze River has been strengthened. Thirdly, the spill-division ability of Three Outlets weakens, and the water of Dongting Lake coming from Three Outlets decreases either in typical years or under different dispatching modes of the TGR after the operation of the Three Gorges Reservoir. Furthermore, the water of Dongting Lake coming from Four Rivers takes the dominant position, which obviously enhances the replenishment ability of Dongting Lake to Yangtze River. Fourthly, if the effect of the runoff fluctuation in the basin is not considered, the evolution characters of the exchange capacities and the exchange process between Dongting Lake and Yangtze River in different time scales are generally changed with the variation of the water exchange amount between them, although the factors influencing the water exchange capacities between them is very complex. These show that there is an in-line growth or decline relation between the river-lake water exchange ability and the river-lake water exchange amount.  相似文献   

洞庭湖年径流泥沙的演变特征及其动因   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16  
通过对洞庭湖1951~1998年径流泥沙演变过程及其驱动力的全面分析表明, 径流泥沙关系密切, 其相关系数r = 0.9013。年径流量、年输沙量总体均呈同步减少趋势, 在演变过程中表现出明显的阶段性。由于湘、资、沅、澧四水流域产水量大, 森林覆盖率达52%以上, 连年兴建的水利工程及工农业、生活用水量的增加, 未能对四水河流水文特征产生根本性的影响, 其入湖径流泥沙基本处于稳定状态, 故没有对湖泊径流泥沙的演变造成深刻影响。而由长江中游河段的调弦口堵口, 下荆江系统裁弯和葛洲坝截流所引起的3次江湖水沙关系调整, 即是导致洞庭湖径流泥沙缓减速减的主动因子。  相似文献   

洞庭湖与长江中游洪灾治理策略研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
分析1998年长江中游及洞庭湖洪灾特征及其成因,指出人口激增与土地等资源不合理开发导致了生态环境恶化,并探讨灾害治理策略。  相似文献   

分析1998 年长江中游及洞庭湖洪灾特征及其成因,指出人口激增与土地等资源不合理开发导致了生态环境恶化,并探讨灾害治理策略。  相似文献   

本文从工业结构演变的视角来研究我国经济增长对环境质量的影响及变化,通过利用工业结构特征偏向指数和各省29个制造业行业的相关数据,对1995-2010年我国工业结构演变与环境变化二者之间的关系进行了定量分析,探讨了各省工业结构的污染排放强度特征的差异及其变化趋势,在此基础上对各区域工业内部各行业的发展状况进行了分析。研究结果表明,1995-2010年我国西北地区工业结构废水排放强度降低的趋势减弱,东南部分地区和西南地区工业结构的二氧化硫排放强度和固体废弃物排放强度有所增强,高污染行业增长趋势较为明显地区是黄河中游、西北与西南等地区。最后本文构建地区环境污染强度影响因素的回归分析模型,结果表明工业内部结构的演变是影响区域环境质量的重要因素,尤其对于经济发展相对落后的中西部地区而言,在今后产业结构升级过程中要及时监控和预防产业结构演变产生的环境污染。  相似文献   

Runoff at the three time scales(non-flooding season,flooding season and annual period) was simulated and tested from 1958 to 2005 at Tangnaihai(Yellow River Source Region:YeSR),Zhimenda(Yangtze River Source Region:YaSR) and Changdu(Lancang River Source Region:LcSR) by hydrological modeling,trend detection and comparative analysis.Also,future runoff variations from 2010 to 2039 at the three outlets were analyzed in A1B and B1 scenarios of CSIRO and NCAR climate model and the impact of climate change was tested.The results showed that the annual and non-flooding season runoff decreased significantly in YeSR,which decreased the water discharge to the midstream and downstream of the Yellow River,and intensified the water shortage in the Yellow River Basin,but the other two regions were not statistically significant in the last 48 years.Compared with the runoff in baseline(1990s),the runoff in YeSR would decrease in the following 30 years(2010-2039),especially in the non-flooding season.Thus the water shortage in the midstream and downstream of the Yellow River Basin would be serious continuously.The runoff in YaSR would increase,especially in the flooding season,thus the flood control situation would be severe.The runoff in LcSR would also be greater than the current runoff,and the annual and flooding season runoff would not change significantly,while the runoff variation in the non-flooding season is uncertain.It would increase significantly in the B1 scenario of CSIRO model but decrease significantly in B1 scenario of NCAR model.Furthermore,the most sensitive region to climate change is YaSR,followed by YeSR and LcSR.  相似文献   

By using the observed monthly mean temperature and humidity datasets of 14 radiosonde stations and monthly mean precipitation data of 83 surface stations from 1979 to 2008 over the Tibetan Plateau(TP),the relationship between the atmospheric water vapor(WV) and precipitation in summer and the precipitation conversion efficiency(PEC) over the TP are analyzed.The results are obtained as follows.(1) The summer WV decreases with increasing altitude,with the largest value area observed in the northeastern part of the TP,and the second largest value area in the southeastern part of the TP,while the northwestern part is the lowest value area.The summer precipitation decreases from southeast to northwest.(2) The summer WV presents two main patterns based on the EOF analysis:the whole region consistent-type and the north-south opposite-type.The north-south opposite-type of the summer WV is similar to the first EOF mode of the summer precipitation and both of their zero lines are located to the north of the Tanggula Mountains.(3) The summer precipitation is more(less) in the southern(northern) TP in the years with the distribution of deficient summer WV in the north while abundant in the south,and vice versa.(4) The PEC over the TP is between 3% and 38% and it has significant spatial difference in summer,which is obviously bigger in the southern TP than that in the northern TP.  相似文献   

洞庭湖地区农业功能时空演变的影响机制研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
农业功能的时空演变规律和影响因素研究是引导地区分工、凸显地域价值、促进区域协调发展的科学依据。以洞庭湖地区24个县市区为研究区域,分别从粮食生产功能、就业与社会保障功能、生态保育功能和旅游休闲功能构建评价指标体系,运用熵值法、农业功能变化时空差异诊断模型、地理探测器等方法模型对洞庭湖地区1997—2017年农业功能的动态变化过程、影响因素与作用机制进行研究。结果表明:①1997—2017年洞庭湖地区农业功能时空变化特征显著:洞庭湖地区粮食生产功能整体呈增强趋势,且中部地区增强明显;就业与社会保障功能整体呈减弱变化趋势,市辖区尤为明显;生态保育功能整体呈减弱趋势且变化幅度大,石门县、安化县等丘陵地区减弱明显,而洞庭湖中部平原区域增强;旅游休闲功能整体呈增强变化态势,石门县、桃江县等地区以及各市辖区旅游休闲功能大幅度提升。②农业发展基础是农业功能演变的决定性因素,地区发展水平是农业功能演变的重要因素,生产环境质量是洞庭湖地区农业功能演变的基础因素;地区发展水平对农业功能演变的影响程度逐渐上升,生产环境质量因素的影响程度逐渐下降;各影响因子之间存在交互作用,农业功能时空的演变过程及结构受到多...  相似文献   

This paper describes the simultaneous determination of cobalt,nickel,copper,zinc and cadmium byspectrophotometry and the Kalman filter method.Co(Ⅱ),Ni(Ⅱ),Cu(Ⅱ),Zn(Ⅱ)and Cd(Ⅱ)react with 5-bromo-2-(2-pyridylazo)-5-diethylaminophenol(5-Br-PADAP)in the presence of cationic surfactant cetylpyridinium bromide(CPB)to form five different coloured ternary complexes.The absorption curves ofthese complexes overlap severely in the scanning range 500-620 nm.The Kalman filter algorithm issuccessfully applied to resolve the overlapped absorption curves and therefore makes the simultaneousdetermination of these metallic ions possible without tedious pretreatment.The proposed method isapplied to analyse the titled elements in synthetic samples and in environmental samples such as hair,fingernail and river water samples with satisfactory results.  相似文献   

洞庭湖与长江水体交换能力演变及对三峡水库运行的响应   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
运用洞庭湖区与长江干流相关控制站1951-2010 年实测水文数据, 在分析江湖水力关系的基础上, 从不同时间尺度分析江湖水体交换能力的演变特征及其对三峡水库运行的响应。结果表明:① 7-9 月长江荆南三口对洞庭湖的补给能力较强, 1-3 月洞庭湖对长江的补给能力较强;② 江湖水体交换系数具有明显的年代际波动, 其中1951-1958 年、1959-1968 年荆南三口对湖泊的补给能力较强, 而2003-2010 年湖泊对长江的补给能力增强;③ 三峡水库运行后无论是典型年还是在水库不同调度方式运行期, 三口分泄能力减弱, 入湖水量减少, 而因四水入湖水量占绝对优势, 湖泊对长江的补给能力明显增强;④ 尽管影响江湖水体交换能力的因素极为复杂, 但从总体上讲, 除受流域降水波动影响外, 江湖水体交换能力在不同时间尺度上的演变特征及其过程均随着江湖水体交换量的变化而变化, 说明江湖水体交换能力强度与江湖水体交换量之间存在着彼此消长的关系。  相似文献   

吕萍  董治宝 《中国沙漠》2015,35(4):843-849
沙丘形成与发育过程强烈依赖于初始动力条件及地表特性。沙丘动力学数值模拟方法可以充分考虑其形成所依赖的这些初始条件,实现对沙丘场形成演变及沙丘间的相互作用过程和未来发展进行定量模拟和预测,是研究沙丘的一种及其有效途径。本文主要介绍了沙丘形成发育动力学数值模拟研究工作所采用的方法及所取得的主要成就。  相似文献   

黄河内蒙古河段冲淤演变及其影响因素(英文)   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
Rivers with fluvial equilibrium are characterized by bed deformation adjustment. The erosion-deposition area in cross-section reflects this characteristic, which is a base of researching the river scour and deposition evolution by time series analysis. With an erosion-deposition area indicator method proposed in this paper, the time series of erosion-deposition area quantity at Bygl and Shhk stations were obtained with the series duration of 31 years from 1976 to 2006. After analysis of its trend and mutation, three different ten- dencies about the evolution were observed in general from the quasi-equilibrium phase through a rapid shrinkage to the final new quasi-equilibrium. It is also found that the trend of erosion-deposition area series will change once a big flood occurred in some of the tributaries, and its ever greater influence is due to the decrease of deluge with the completion of upstream reservoirs. Almost all the turning points were coincident with the time when hyper-concentrated sediment flood occurred in some tributaries. With the time series of clear mutations since the late 1990s, the Inner Mongolian Reach has been in a new equilibrium phase. This can be concluded in two aspects. 1. The absence of big floods and sediment transportation from tributaries result in the river shrinkage, and to regain the channel flow-carrying capacity in Inner Mongolian Reach a large flood is needed both of high peak discharge and of lengthy interval to destroy the new equilibrium. 2. The proposed method of erosion-deposition area indicator is of great help to channel scoureposition evolution analysis because it can demonstrate real time deformation of cross section in quantity.  相似文献   

黄河口近期环境演变与河口治理   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李广雪  韩业深 《地理学报》1996,51(2):182-189
本文分析了近几年来尾闾河道及河口滨海区实测资料,认为尾闾河道河相关系趋向于转好,河口变化造成的溯源冲淤作用影响范围仅有20几km,并且只有在汛期水流强度较大时,才发生溯源调整作用,非汛期淤积严重。由于河口砂咀向海凸出,三角洲前缘形成强流带,加上波浪作用及异重流发育,河口砂咀延伸速度明显减缓。最后,作者对目前河口治理中存在问题的解决提出了建议,尤其指出不应轻易放弃目前良好的河口行水环境。  相似文献   

多功能农业越来越受到关注,被认为是未来农业的发展方向。河南省是我国的农业大省,对国家的粮食生产安全意义重大。自建国以来,河南农业取得了辉煌成绩,但也有深刻教训。从经济功能看,河南粮食产量持续增加,为国家粮食安全做出了重大贡献,但农业的收入功能已大为弱化;从社会功能看,农业的就业和社会保障功能对河南来说具有特殊意义;从生态功能看,自改革开放后,其负面效应远大于正面效应,严重后果正在显现;农业的文化传承功能在市场经济冲击下衰落明显,但休闲旅游功能则异军突起。  相似文献   

According to the connotation and structure of science and technology resources and some relevant data of more than 286 cities at prefecture level and above during 2001–2010, using modified method—Data Envelopment Analysis(DEA), science and technology(ST) resource allocation efficiency of different cities in different periods has been figured out, which, uncovers the distributional difference and change law of ST resource allocation efficiency from the time-space dimension. Based on that, this paper has analyzed and discussed the spatial distribution pattern and evolution trend of ST resource allocation efficiency in different cities by virtue of the Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis(ESDA). It turned out that:(1) the average of ST resource allocation efficiency in cities at prefecture level and above has always stayed at low levels, moreover, with repeated fluctuations between high and low, which shows a decreasing trend year by year. Besides, the gap between the East and the West is widening.(2) The asymmetrical distribution of ST resource allocation efficiency presents a spatial pattern of successively decreasing from Eastern China, Central China to Western China. The cities whose ST resource allocation efficiency are at higher level and high level take on a cluster distribution, which fits well with the 23 forming urban agglomerations in China.(3) The coupling degree between ST resource allocation efficiency and economic environment assumes a certain positive correlation, but not completely the same. The differentiation of ST resource allocation efficiency is common in regional development, whose existence and evolution are directly or indirectly influenced by and regarded as the reflection of many elements, such as geographical location, the natural endowment and environment of ST resources and so on.(4) In the perspective of the evolution of spatial structure, ST resource allocation efficiency of the cities at prefecture level and above shows a notable spatial autocorrelation, which in every period presents a positive correlation. The spatial distribution of ST resource allocation efficiency in neighboring cities seems to be similar in group, which tends to escalate stepwise. Meanwhile, the whole differentiation of geographical space has a diminishing tendency.(5) Viewed from LISA agglomeration map ofST resource allocation efficiency in different periods, four agglomeration types have changed differently in spatial location and the range of spatial agglomeration. And the continuity of ST resource allocation efficiency in geographical space is gradually increasing.  相似文献   

付庆龙  潘响亮  周斌 《中国沙漠》2012,32(5):1379-1383
通过荧光光谱法研究了80 ℃处理下沙漠边缘土壤腐殖酸荧光性质及其与Cu(Ⅱ) 络合行为的变化。热处理导致类富里酸的发射波长发生蓝移,类富里酸和类腐殖酸的荧光强度降低,它们与Cu(Ⅱ)络合的条件稳定常数(lg Ka)降低,结合常数(lg Kb)增加,腐殖酸中参与Cu(Ⅱ) 络合的荧光基团和位点数增多。研究表明,干旱区高温环境会导致腐殖酸结构及组成发生变化,从而影响Cu(Ⅱ) 在土壤中的迁移。  相似文献   

杨振常  李玉霖  崔夺  陈静  赵学勇 《中国沙漠》2012,32(5):1384-1392
利用Penman-Monteith公式和常规气象资料计算和分析中国北方半干旱典型沙区(科尔沁沙地、浑善达克沙地和毛乌素沙地)50多年来主要气象要素和潜在蒸散量的变化趋势及其原因。 结果表明,自20世纪50年代以来,北方半干旱典型沙区年平均气温均呈上升趋势,年降水量均呈波动变化特征,但年平均风速呈明显下降的趋势。浑善达克沙地年潜在蒸散量随时间呈现显著增加趋势,科尔沁沙地年潜在蒸散量随时间呈现小幅的增加趋势,但毛乌素沙地年潜在蒸散量随时间呈现微弱的下降趋势。偏相关分析显示,毛乌素沙地潜在蒸散量与日照时数和风速呈显著的正相关,与平均温度呈显著的负相关;浑善达克沙地和科尔沁沙地潜在蒸散量与年平均温度显著正相关,但与日照时数无显著相关性。因此,毛乌素沙地日照时数减少和风速降低有可能是区域潜在蒸散量近几十年呈现减少的主要原因,科尔沁沙地和浑善达克沙地潜在蒸散量变化可能主要受温度的影响。  相似文献   

中国旱涝格局演变(1961-2050年)及其对水资源的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
翟建青  曾小凡  姜彤 《热带地理》2011,31(3):237-242
利用中国气象局提供的483个气象站1961-2000年月降水数据以及ECHAM5/MPI-OM气候模式输出的1961-2050年月降水数据,分别计算其月SPI值,分析中国过去40年来及未来3种排放情景(A2:温室气体高排放情景;A1B:温室气体中排放情景;B1:温室气体低排放情景)下旱涝格局的演变;同时分析了8个水文站...  相似文献   

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