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1. IntroductionThe development of global climate and weathermodels requires accurate monitoring of atmospherictemperature and moisture profiles, as well as the con-tents of trace gases and aerosols. It is quite difficultto monitor continuously these parameters on a globalscale.Until recently. AIRS (Atmospheric InfraredSounder) offers a new opportunity to improve globalmonitoring of temperature, moisture, and ozone distri-butions and changes therein. The high spectral resolu-tion (v/Δv ? 12… 相似文献
该文介绍了卫星风推导和应用的进展, 包括卫星风的算法, 卫星风在数值天气预报中的应用, 卫星风在天气分析和预报中的应用以及卫星风的研究工作动向。目前各个卫星数据处理中心卫星风的算法大体一致和稳定。风矢量的追踪用相关匹配法, 而风矢量的高度指定依靠双通道物理方法。卫星风的质量是从图像定位和定标开始的许多工作阶段的综合结果, 确保每个工作段的高质量对于风矢量的计算都十分重要。卫星风的高度指定仍然是最有挑战性的课题。因为物理定高方法进展不明显, 近期内尤其要重视几何定高技术的研究和使用。静止气象卫星的风对数值预报的影响在热带和南半球是正反馈; 由于在极地地区各种资料都十分匮乏, 极地卫星风对数值天气预报有非常明显的正反馈。卫星风与云图叠合显示, 在主要雨带、副热带高压、强对流和热带气旋的诊断、分布、预报中十分有用。 相似文献
人工神经网络法反演晴空大气湿度廓线的研究 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
高光谱分辨率大气红外探测器AIRS(Atmospheric Infrared Sounder)作为第一个超高光谱大气红外探测仪,开辟了卫星大气探测的新时代.以无线电探空值与SARTA(Stand-Alone Radiative Transfer Algorithm辐射传输模式)v1.05版的前向模式模拟出的AIRS辐射... 相似文献
遥感方程或大气辐射传输方程是属于第一类非线性Fredholm积分方程,这类方程的显著特征是不适定的,尤其此类问题解的不稳定性,增加了反演的难度.因此需要研究控制反演不稳定性和提高反演精度的有效方法.为了使解稳定,光滑参数γ作为约束因子是必要的.文中结合牛顿非线性迭代法反演大气廓线,利用偏差原则来最优选择光滑参数γ,即在同步反演大气廓线的同时对γ采用分步迭代的原则.最后利用中分辨率和成像光谱仪(MODIS)红外资料进行反演试验,反演结果表明采用偏差原则选取γ明显优于经验法,反演的表层温度和大气可降水量与美国国家宇航局(NASA)的MOD07产品类似. 相似文献
基于国际大气化学—气候模式比较计划模式数据评估未来气候变化对中国东部气溶胶浓度的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
气候变化引起的地面气溶胶浓度变化与区域空气质量密切相关。本文利用“国际大气化学—气候模式比较计划”(Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate Model Intercomparison Project, ACCMIP)中4个模式的试验数据分析了RCP8.5情景下2000~2100年气候变化对中国气溶胶浓度的影响。结果显示,在人为气溶胶排放固定在2000年、仅考虑气候变化的影响时,2000~2100年气候变化导致中国北部地区(31°N~45°N, 105°E~122°E)硫酸盐、有机碳和黑碳气溶胶分别增加28%、21%和9%,硝酸盐气溶胶在中国东部地区减少30%。气候变化对细颗粒物(PM2.5)浓度的影响有显著的季节变化特征,冬季PM2.5浓度在中国东部减少15%,这主要是由硝酸盐气溶胶在冬季的显著减少造成的;夏季PM2.5浓度在中国北部地区增加16%,而长江以南地区减少为9%,这可能与模式模拟的未来东亚夏季风环流的增强有关。 相似文献
Further Studies Of Atmospheric Turbulence In Layers Near The Surface: Scaling The Tke Budget Above The Roughness Sublayer 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
The second of two experimental studies of the TKE budget conducted on sites of different roughness is described, and results are compared. The first took place within a shallow layer above a small field of mostly bare, cultivated soil; the second was carried out above a roughness sublayer of significant depth on an extensive plain of tall dry grass. Budget terms observed in the second study were scaled with a modified u which compensated for effects of an unusually large stress gradient and ensured that the m functions would be collinear. By showing that the modification becomes negligible in smaller gradients, it is demonstrated that in normal conditions, budgets observed above significant roughness sublayers should be normalized by scaling in terms of the unreduced Reynolds stress at the sublayer's upper surface. This procedure is shown to be consistent with the expectation that TKE budgets in layers near the surface all scale in fundamentally the same way.Other findings include: (1) the fact that most m functions previously reported are not quite collinear is attributed to a type of overspeeding known to affect three-cup anemometers; (2) revised m functions, collinear and largely free of the effects of overspeeding, are determined from a well-established characteristic of the linear m relation for the stable case; (3) data that define collinear m functions can also be represented with single hyperbolic curves; (4) dissipation is found to be 10 to 15% too small to balance total TKE production in unstable and neutral conditions and to decrease with increasing z/L in thestable regime; and (5) new relations for based on the observed behaviour of the dissipation deficit provide an improved closure for the set of equations that express the budget terms as functions of m and z/L. 相似文献