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According to Madeley’s (2003) comparative framework of state–church relations in Europe, Poland is part of the historic Northeast-Southeast multi-confessional culture belt. The aim of this paper is to analyse the historic relationships between the Polish state and church in relation to this framework with special attention to the post-Second World War period and to the consequences for the Polish religious landscape. In contrast to the multi-confessionality of the historic Polish polities, after the Second World War Poland became a mono-confessional, Roman-Catholic country. Territorial changes, the resettlement of people and the annihilation of the Jewish population by the Nazis were responsible for this religious homogenisation. Consequently, the relationship between state and church was almost completely confined to the relationship with the Roman-Catholic Church. During the 45 years of communist dominance, that church became the largest public organisation independent of the state authorities and played the most important role in the struggle against the ‘atheisation’ of Polish society as a consequence of the strong support for the church by the majority of people. The post–1989 period is characterised by a liberalisation towards non-Catholic religious communities and – after an initial reluctance – a positive attitude of the Polish Roman-Catholic Church (strongly supported by the Polish Pope John Paul II) towards the Polish membership of the European Union.
Elżbieta Bilska-WodeckaEmail:

Debris flow occurs frequently in mountainous regions in China. Because of the difficulties involved in predicting and catching live debris flows, an assessment of the potential for debris flow is crucial in hazard mitigation. Magnitude–frequency (MF) relations are of special significance in such assessments. In previous studies, MF relations have been inferred by analyzing environmental factors and historical records and using empirical relations. This paper is concerned with the derivation of MF relations at regional and valley scales, using a large database of statistics. At the regional scale, it is represented by the distribution of the valley area, because the area is often taken to indicate the potential magnitude of debris flow. Statistics from over 5,000 debris flow valleys in various provinces in China show that a power law holds for the distribution, i.e., p(A) ∼ A −n , where p(A) is the percentage of valleys with area A and n varies with region and thus describes regional differences. At the valley scale, a case study focusing on Jiangjia Gully (JJG) was conducted, and the MF relations derived from it were expressed by the distributions of discharge and runoff (i.e., the total volume) of living debris flows observed over the last 40 years. The distributions can be expressed as exponential functions where the exponents vary with the events. These MF relations provide not only a potential quantitative reference for practical purposes but also hint at the intrinsic properties of the debris flow.  相似文献   

This study explores the spatial transformation of urban South Africa since the ending of Apartheid rule two decades ago. It places this experience within the context of countries which have also gone through a “loosening” of political control and of related controls over spatial arrangements. The paper provides a discussion of South Africa’s spatial trends between 1996 and 2011, focusing on urbanisation; urban form; and socio-spatial segregation, and exploring the extent to which changes identified are shaped by the state, private sector investment, and the everyday actions of households and individuals. It shows that South Africa’s urban spatial transformation, post-Apartheid, is both idiosyncratic and comparable. The consequences of spatial controls, and of their loosening, have been diverse across countries, but also within countries. Loosening has led to differing relationships between state, citizenry and private enterprise, and to complex new crossing points between these groupings, affecting spatial change. In South Africa, significant trends have been: movement to the major cities where employment growth is stronger; levels of racial desegregation; and densification of parts of cities and towns, along with peripheral growth and employment decentralisation. Many of the changes however are differentiated across space and between settlements. While proactive state policies have had some impact (not necessarily in the direction of desired spatial transformation), and there are complex interrelationships, our empirical studies suggest that the major weight of evidence is towards the roles of private enterprise and people in shaping spatial change, enabled in part by forms of state loosening.  相似文献   

The trend of decreasing permeability with depth was estimated in the fractured-rock terrain of the upper Potomac River basin in the eastern USA using model calibration on 200 water-level observations in wells and 12 base-flow observations in subwatersheds. Results indicate that permeability at the 1–10 km scale (for groundwater flowpaths) decreases by several orders of magnitude within the top 100 m of land surface. This depth range represents the transition from the weathered, fractured regolith into unweathered bedrock. This rate of decline is substantially greater than has been observed by previous investigators that have plotted in situ wellbore measurements versus depth. The difference is that regional water levels give information on kilometer-scale connectivity of the regolith and adjacent fracture networks, whereas in situ measurements give information on near-hole fractures and fracture networks. The approach taken was to calibrate model layer-to-layer ratios of hydraulic conductivity (LLKs) for each major rock type. Most rock types gave optimal LLK values of 40–60, where each layer was twice a thick as the one overlying it. Previous estimates of permeability with depth from deeper data showed less of a decline at <300 m than the regional modeling results. There was less certainty in the modeling results deeper than 200 m and for certain rock types where fewer water-level observations were available. The results have implications for improved understanding of watershed-scale groundwater flow and transport, such as for the timing of the migration of pollutants from the water table to streams.  相似文献   

Water resources management in coastal wetlands requires the degree of interdependence between groundwater and terrestrial ecosystems to be known. This is especially so in semiarid areas where surface inflows are restricted, marine influence is marked and the evaporation rate is high. Thus, chemistry of surface waters is very variable in the Cerrillos-Punta Entinas wetlands system. Using classical hydrogeochemical tools, the main processes that favor a diversity of water types were described, related to: presence of salt deposits on the lagoon beds, marine origin of the water, and local influence of groundwater. All these factors make it difficult to establish what reference conditions should be used to define “good” water quality of the surface waters—as required by the Water framework directive—and to understand the influence of groundwater on these coastal wetlands. Knowledge about the influence of the different interaction of these factors on the hydrogeochemical dynamics is required for the sustainable management of this protected natural site.  相似文献   

Summary The world-class Paleoproterozoic Vergenoeg fluorite deposit in South Africa is hosted in a breccia pipe comprising units with varying proportions of pegmatoidal fayalite, magnetite, fluorite and siderite. The adjacent A-type Bushveld granites also have associated fluorite deposits containing fluorite with similar REE patterns, fluid inclusion and Sr isotope compositions to those at Vergenoeg, leading to the proposal that there is a genetic relationship. This is despite the silica-undersaturated nature (SiO2<30%) of the Pipe and its extreme enrichment in Ca, F, Fe, Nb, P and REE compared to granites. Both liquid immiscibility from a granitic melt and granitic magmato-hydrothermal activity have been proposed as genetic mechanisms to explain this exotic composition. However, the Vergenoeg Pipe shows greater similarities to alkaline rocks, in particular the Phalaborwa carbonatite of similar age, including: i) size and shape, ii) associated maars, iii) mineralogical zoning, iv) geochemical, radiogenic and stable isotope composition, and v) presence of both high-T and low-T fluid inclusions. This suggests an alternative genetic relationship with alkaline magmas, in which some geochemical and radiogenic isotopic similarities to Bushveld granites are the consequence of broadly contemporaneous development in the same tectonic setting within the same lithosphere, whereas others may be due to hydrothermal overprinting. Similarities with Phalaborwa and also with Bayan Obo, Mongolia, indicate that the Vergenoeg pegmatoid pipe could be an extreme carbonatite-associated member of the Fe-oxide Cu–Au (±REE±P) group of deposits.Supplementary material to this paper is available in electronic form at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00710-003-0012-6Tables 1-4 available as electronic supplementary material  相似文献   

Das  Usha  Ghosh  Souvik 《Natural Hazards》2020,102(3):1419-1434
Natural Hazards - Climate and its inevitable symptoms of change are now becoming a part of people’s life. They have realised the related potential threats and magnitude of skewed pace of...  相似文献   

Groundwater conditions in a 75- km2 coastal area around the town of Telde in eastern Gran Canaria island have been studied. Pliocene to Recent volcanic materials are found, with an intercalated detrital formation (LPDF), which is a characteristic of the area. Groundwater development has become intensive since the 1950s, mostly for intensive agricultural irrigation and municipal water supply. The LPDF is one order of magnitude more transmissive and permeable than the underlying Phonolitic Formation when median values are compared (150 and 15 m2 day–1; 5 and 0.5 m day–1, respectively). These two formations are highly heterogeneous and the ranges of expected well productivities partly overlap. The overlying recent basalts constituted a good aquifer several decades ago but now are mostly drained, except in the southern areas. Average values of drainable porosity (specific yield) seem to be about 0.03 to 0.04, or higher. Groundwater development has produced a conspicuous strip where the watertable has been drawn down as much as 40 m in 20 years, although the inland watertable elevation is much less affected. Groundwater reserve depletion contributes only about 5% of abstracted water, and more than 60% of this is transmitted from inland areas. Groundwater discharge into the sea may still be significant, perhaps 30% of total inflow to the area is discharged to the sea although this value is very uncertain.
Resumen Se ha llevado a cabo un estudio detallado de una zona costera de 75 km2 situada en la costa del Municipio de Telde, al Este de la isla de Gran Canaria, en el Archipiélago Canario. En ella se encuentran materiales volcánicos de edad Pliocena a Reciente, con una formación detrítica intercalada (FDLP), que constituye la máxima singularidad del área. La explotación de las aguas subterráneas ha sido intensiva a partir de la década de 1950, fundamentalmente para el riego de cultivos intensivos y para el suministro a la población. Comparando las medianas de los valores de transmisividad y permeabilidad entre la FDLP y la Formación Fonolítica que está debajo (140 a 15 m2/día y 5 a 0,5 m/día respectivamente) se comprueba que la primera es un orden de magnitud más transmisiva y permeable que la segunda, aunque ambas formaciones son muy heterogéneas y los rangos de productividad esperables en los pozos se solapan entre sí. Los Basaltos Recientes que están encima fueron un buen acuífero hace algunas décadas, pero en la actualidad han sido drenados casi en su totalidad, excepto en el sector Sur. Los valores medios de la porosidad drenable (eficaz) parecen estar alrededor de 0,03 a 0,04, o más. La explotación de las aguas subterráneas ha producido una franja con un destacado descenso de los niveles piezométricos, que alcanza los 40 m en 20 años, aunque la superficie piezométrica hacia el centro de la isla está menos afectada. El descenso calculado en la reserva de aguas subterráneas alcanza solamente un 5% del agua extraída y más de un 60% se transmite desde las cumbres de la isla. La descarga al mar puede ser aún significativa, quizás el 30% de las entradas totales, aunque esta cifra es muy incierta.

Résumé Les conditions de gisement de leau souterraine dune région de 75 km2 de la côte Est de lîle de la Grande Canarie (archipel des Canaries), dans le secteur de Telde, ont été étudiées, en utilisant seulement les données fournies par les puits dexploitation existants. Les matériaux volcaniques, dâge Pliocène à sub-actuel, sont séparés par une formation détritique (FDLP), qui constitue la principale singularité de cette région. Lexploitation de leau souterraine est devenue intensive à partir de 1950, principalement pour des besoins dirrigation (agriculture intensive) et dalimentation en eau des zones urbaines. La comparaison des valeurs médianes montre que la FDLP est dun ordre de grandeur plus transmissive et perméable que les formations volcaniques phonolitiques au-dessous (respectivement 150 et 15 m2/jour ; 5 et 0,5 m/jour). Néanmoins, ces deux formations sont très hétérogènes et les deux gammes de valeurs de productivité des puits se recouvrent. Les Basaltes récents au-dessus qui constituaient, il y a encore quelques décades, un bon aquifère, sont presque entièrement desaturés à lheure actuelle, a exception faite de la partie sud. Les valeurs moyennes de porosité drainable (efficace) sont de lordre de 0,03 à 0,04, voire localement plus élevées. Lexploitation des eaux souterraines a induit de forts rebattements au long dune zone littorale (denviron 40 m au cours des 20 dernières années), alors que la surface piézométrique est moins affectée en amont vers le centre de lîle. La diminution de la réserve des eaux souterraines dans la zone étudiée représente seulement 5% des volumes deau extraits. Plus de 60% proviennent du centre de lîle. Les écoulements vers la mer peuvent être significatifs, (environ 30% des entrées totales) bien que cette estimation soit sujeté à une très forte incertitude.

For petrological calculations, including geothermobarometry and the calculation of phase diagrams (for example, PT petrogenetic grids and pseudosections), it is necessary to be able to express the activity–composition (ax) relations of minerals, melt and fluid in multicomponent systems. Although the symmetric formalism—a macroscopic regular model approach to ax relations—is an easy-to-formulate, general way of doing this, the energetic relationships are a symmetric function of composition. We allow asymmetric energetics to be accommodated via a simple extension to the symmetric formalism which turns it into a macroscopic van Laar formulation. We term this the asymmetric formalism (ASF). In the symmetric formalism, the ax relations are specified by an interaction energy for each of the constituent binaries amongst the independent set of end members used to represent the phase. In the asymmetric formalism, there is additionally a "size parameter" for each of the end members in the independent set, with size parameter differences between end members accounting for asymmetry. In the case of fluid mixtures, for example, H2O–CO2, the volumes of the end members as a function of pressure and temperature serve as the size parameters, providing an excellent fit to the ax relations. In the case of minerals and silicate liquid, the size parameters are empirical parameters to be determined along with the interaction energies as part of the calibration of the ax relations. In this way, we determine the ax relations for feldspars in the systems KAlSi3O8–NaAlSi3O8 and KAlSi3O8–NaAlSi3O8–CaAl2Si2O8, for carbonates in the system CaCO3–MgCO3, for melt in the melting relationships involving forsterite, protoenstatite and cristobalite in the system Mg2SiO4–SiO2, as well as for fluids in the system H2O–CO2. In each case the ax relations allow the corresponding, experimentally determined phase diagrams to be reproduced faithfully. The asymmetric formalism provides a powerful and flexible way of handling ax relations of complex phases in multicomponent systems for petrological calculations.  相似文献   

The Sr–Nd–Hf isotopic compositions of both saprolites and parent rocks of a profile of intensively weathered Neogene basalt in Hainan, South China are reported in this paper to investigate changes of isotopic systematics with high masses. The results indicate that all these isotopic systematics show significant changes in saprolites compared to those in corresponding parent rocks. The 87Sr/86Sr system was more seriously affected by weathering processes than other isotope systems, with εSr drifts 30 to 70 away from those of the parent rocks. In the upper profile (> 2.2 m), the Sr isotopes of the saprolites show an upward increasing trend with εSr changing from ~ 50 at 2.2 m to ~ 70 at 0.5 m, accompanying a upward increasing of Sr concentrations, from ~ 10 μg/g to ~ 25 μg/g. As nearly all the Sr of the parent rock has been removed during intensive weathering in this profile, the upward increasing of Sr concentrations in the upper profile suggests import of extraneous Sr. Rainwater in this region, which enriches in Sr (up to 139 μg/L) from seawater, may be the important extraneous source. Thus, the Sr isotopes of the saprolites in the upper profile may be mainly influenced by import of extraneous materials, and the Sr isotopic characteristics may not be retained. In contrast, the εNd and εHf of the saprolites drift only 0–2.6 and 0–3.7 away from the parent rocks, respectively. The negative drifts of the εNd and εHf are coupled with Nd and Hf losses in the saprolites; i.e., larger proportions of Nd and Hf loss correspond to lower εNd and εHf. Compared with the relative high Nd and Hf concentrations of the saprolites, the contributions of extraneous Nd and Hf both from wet and dry deposits of aeolian input are negligible. Thus, the εNd and εHf changes in the profile are mainly resulted from consecutive removal of the Nd and Hf. Calculation indicates that the 143Nd/144Nd and 176Hf/177Hf ratios in saprolites are all significantly lower than their initial values in the parent rock. Simply removing part of the Nd and Hf by incongruent decomposing some of the minerals may not account for this. Fractionation should be happen, which 143Nd and 176Hf may be preferentially removed from the profile relative to 144Nd and 177Hf during intensive chemical weathering, resulting in lower 143Nd/144Nd and 176Hf/177Hf ratios in saprolites relative to the parent rock, even though details for this process is not known. A positive correlation is observed between the εNd and εHf of the saprolites. Interestingly, the saprolites with a net loss of Nd and Hf in the upper profile show good positive correlation, and the regression line parallels the terrestrial array. By contrast, saprolites with a net gain of Nd and Hf in the lower profile generally show higher εHf values at a given εNd value, and the regression line between these εNd and εHf appears to parallel the seawater array. This supports the hypothesis that the contribution of continental Hf from chemical weathering release is the key to the obliquity of the seawater array away from the terrestrial array of the global εNd and εHf correlation. Our results also indicate that caution is needed when using εSr, εNd, and εHf to trace provenances for sediments and soils.  相似文献   

We performed comparative study of phase relations in Fe1−x Ni x (0.10 ≤ x ≤ 0.22 atomic fraction) and Fe0.90Ni0.10−x C x (0.1 ≤ x ≤ 0.5 atomic fraction) systems at pressures to 45 GPa and temperatures to 2,600 K using laser-heated diamond anvil cell and large-volume press (LVP) techniques. We show that laser heating of Fe,Ni alloys in DAC even to relatively low temperatures can lead to the contamination of the sample with the carbon coming from diamond anvils, which results in the decomposition of the alloy into iron- and nickel-rich phases. Based on the results of LVP experiments with Fe–Ni–C system (at pressures up to 20 GPa and temperatures to 2,300 K) we demonstrate decrease of carbon solubility in Fe,Ni alloy with pressure.  相似文献   

The results of optical, radio, and gamma-ray observations of the blazar AO 0235+16 are presented, including photometric (BV RIJHK) and polarimetric (R)monitoring carried out at St. Petersburg State University and the Central (Pulkovo) Astronomical Observatory in 2007–2015, 43 GHz Very Long Baseline Interferometry radio observations processed at Boston University, and a gamma-ray light curve based on observationswith the Fermi space observatory are presented. Two strong outbursts were detected. The relative spectral energy distributions of the variable components responsible for the outbursts are determined; these follow power laws, but with different spectral indices. The degree of polarization was high in both outbursts; only an average relationship between the brightness and polarization can be found. There was no time lag between the variations in the optical and gamma-ray, suggesting that the sources of the radiation in the optical and gamma-ray are located in the same region of the jet.  相似文献   

Freeze–thaw action is a complex moisture–heat-mechanics interaction process, which has caused prevailing and severe damages to canals in seasonally frozen regions. Up to now, the detailed frost damage mechanism has not been well disclosed. To explore the freeze–thaw damage mechanism of the canal in cold regions, a numerical moisture–heat-mechanics model is established and corresponding computer program is written. Then, a representative canal in the northeast of China is taken as an example to simulate the freeze–thaw damage process. Meanwhile, the robustness of the numerical model and program is tested by some in situ data. Lastly, the numerical results show that there are dramatic water migration and redistribution in the seasonal freeze–thaw variation layer, causing repetitive frost heave and thaw settlement, and tension–compression stresses. Therefore, the strengths of soil are reduced after several freeze–thaw cycles. Further, the heavy denudation damage and downslope movement of the canal slope would be quite likely triggered in seasonally frozen regions. These zones should be monitored closely to ensure safe operation. As a preliminary study, the numerical model and results in this paper may be a reference for design, maintenance, and research on other canals in seasonally frozen regions.  相似文献   

Whether the critical state friction angle of granular materials depends on grading is a fundamental question of both academic and practical interest. The present study attempts to address this question through a specifically designed experimental program where the influence of particle grading was carefully isolated from other influencing factors. The laboratory experiments show that under otherwise similar conditions, the angle of friction at critical state is a constant independent of grading, but, for a given grading, the angle of friction at critical state is highly dependent on particle shape. This finding suggests that the commonly adopted practice of separately allowing for the effect of particle shape and the effect of grading on critical state friction angle is conceptually inappropriate and, hence, should be taken with caution in geotechnical design to avoid the risk of underestimating safety requirements. The study also reveals that varying particle gradation can impose a marked impact on liquefaction susceptibility of granular soils: Under the same post-consolidation state in terms of void ratio and confining pressure, a well-graded soil tends to be more susceptible to liquefaction than a uniformly graded soil. This variation of liquefaction susceptibility is shown to be consistent with the variation of location of the critical state locus in the compression space and is explainable by the critical state theory.  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2013,24(4):1402-1428
The formation of collisional orogens is a prominent feature in convergent plate margins. It is generally a complex process involving multistage tectonism of compression and extension due to continental subduction and collision. The Paleozoic convergence between the South China Block (SCB) and the North China Block (NCB) is associated with a series of tectonic processes such as oceanic subduction, terrane accretion and continental collision, resulting in the Qinling–Tongbai–Hong'an–Dabie–Sulu orogenic belt. While the arc–continent collision orogeny is significant during the Paleozoic in the Qinling–Tongbai–Hong'an orogens of central China, the continent–continent collision orogeny is prominent during the early Mesozoic in the Dabie–Sulu orogens of east-central China. This article presents an overview of regional geology, geochronology and geochemistry for the composite orogenic belt. The Qinling–Tongbai–Hong'an orogens exhibit the early Paleozoic HP–UHP metamorphism, the Carboniferous HP metamorphism and the Paleozoic arc-type magmatism, but the three tectonothermal events are absent in the Dabie–Sulu orogens. The Triassic UHP metamorphism is prominent in the Dabie–Sulu orogens, but it is absent in the Qinling–Tongbai orogens. The Hong'an orogen records both the HP and UHP metamorphism of Triassic age, and collided continental margins contain both the juvenile and ancient crustal rocks. So do in the Qinling and Tongbai orogens. In contrast, only ancient crustal rocks were involved in the UHP metamorphism in the Dabie–Sulu orogenic belt, without involvement of the juvenile arc crust. On the other hand, the deformed and low-grade metamorphosed accretionary wedge was developed on the passive continental margin during subduction in the late Permian to early Triassic along the northern margin of the Dabie–Sulu orogenic belt, and it was developed on the passive oceanic margin during subduction in the early Paleozoic along the northern margin of the Qinling orogen.Three episodes of arc–continent collision are suggested to occur during the Paleozoic continental convergence between the SCB and NCB. The first episode of arc–continent collision is caused by northward subduction of the North Qinling unit beneath the Erlangping unit, resulting in UHP metamorphism at ca. 480–490 Ma and the accretion of the North Qinling unit to the NCB. The second episode of arc–continent collision is caused by northward subduction of the Prototethyan oceanic crust beneath an Andes-type continental arc, leading to granulite-facies metamorphism at ca. 420–430 Ma and the accretion of the Shangdan arc terrane to the NCB and reworking of the North Qinling, Erlangping and Kuanping units. The third episode of arc–continent collision is caused by northward subduction of the Paleotethyan oceanic crust, resulting in the HP eclogite-facies metamorphism at ca. 310 Ma in the Hong'an orogen and low-P metamorphism in the Qinling–Tongbai orogens as well as crustal accretion to the NCB. The closure of backarc basins is also associated with the arc–continent collision processes, with the possible cause for granulite-facies metamorphism. The massive continental subduction of the SCB beneath the NCB took place in the Triassic with the final continent–continent collision and UHP metamorphism at ca. 225–240 Ma. Therefore, the Qinling–Tongbai–Hong'an–Dabie–Sulu orogenic belt records the development of plate tectonics from oceanic subduction and arc-type magmatism to arc–continent and continent–continent collision.  相似文献   

The challenge of sustainability is not about producing more or better managerial knowledge. It is in fact a transformation of the systems and structures that perpetuate environmental problems that is emerging as the key sustainability goal. In this paper we show the relevance of this argument, by using wildfires as symptoms of the challenges posed by global change to western societies, where wildfires are becoming increasingly problematic. Climate change, land abandonment, exurban expansion and fire suppression schemes are some of the main reasons behind this. Tackling the increasing intensity and complexity of wildfires is consequently emerging as an important research and policy topic. A central question in the literature is how to achieve a more sustainable coexistence with wildfire. Fuel reduction treatments, fire restoration, the reform of current suppression policies and adaptive institutional arrangements have all been debated. However, the social-ecological transformations needed to effectively implement these management options are not sufficiently understood. This paper looks at the efforts of the Catalan wildfire management system to cope with wildfire risk over the last decades. In particular, the emergence of GRAF, a group of wildfire fighting specialists in the Fire Department, is described. Emphasizing the need to understand wildfires as an inherent part of Mediterranean ecosystems, the expansion of GRAF highlights how learning to coexist with wildfire in Catalonia has triggered a set of transformative processes in institutional arrangements and power relationships of the wildfire management system. Our data also illustrate how coexisting with wildfire entails a dramatic social-ecological transformation in terms of land-uses, settlement patterns, energy supply systems and social values about wildfires. Moreover, we warn that in the absence of such systemic changes, management improvements might paradoxically reinforce risk. We conclude that wildfire researchers and practitioners should link the proposed management options to a deeper debate on how to produce alternative, less flammable landscapes, as agents of a broader social-ecological transformation to sustainability.  相似文献   

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