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The results obtained using the object-based image analysis approach for remote sensing image analysis depend strongly on the quality of the segmentation step. In this paper, to optimize the scale parameter in a multiresolution segmentation, we analyse a high-resolution image of a large and heterogeneous agricultural area. This approach is based on using a set of agricultural plots extracted from official maps as uniform spatial units. The scale parameter is then optimized in each uniform spatial unit. Intra-object and inter-object heterogeneity measurements are used to evaluate each segmentation. To avoid subsegmentation, some oversegmentation is allowed, but is attenuated in a second step using the spectral difference segmentation algorithm. The statistical distribution of the scale parameter is not equal in all land uses, indicating the soundness of this local approach. A quantitative assessment of the results was also conducted for the different land covers. The results indicate that the spectral contrast between objects is larger with the local approach than with the global approach. These differences were statistically significant in all land uses except irrigated fruit trees and greenhouses. In the absence of subsegmentation, this suggests that the objects will be placed far apart in the space of variables, even if they are very close in the physical space. This is an obvious advantage in a subsequent classification of the objects. 相似文献
精密EDM三角高程测量中的折光改正实用方法 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
大气折光是影响精密EDM三角高程测量精度的主要因素,其对观测结果的影响必须通过利用折光系数进行折光改正的方式予以削减。本文介绍一种求折光系数的实用方法—综合反演法,可以直接利用对向EDM三角高程测量结果计算往测和返测的折光系数。 相似文献
Image segmentation is one of key steps in object based image analysis of very high resolution images. Selecting the appropriate scale parameter becomes a particularly important task in image segmentation. In this study, an unsupervised multi-band approach is proposed for scale parameter selection in the multi-scale image segmentation process, which uses spectral angle to measure the spectral homogeneity of segments. With the increasing scale parameter, spectral homogeneity of segments decreases until they match the objects in the real world. The index of spectral homogeneity is thus used to determine multiple appropriate scale parameters. The performance of the proposed method is compared to a single-band based method through qualitative visual interpretation and quantitative discrepancy measures. Both methods are applied for segmenting two images: a QuickBird scene of an urban area within Beijing, China and a Woldview-2 scene of a suburban area in Kashiwa, Japan. The proposed multi-band based segmentation scale parameter selection method outperforms the single-band based method with the better recognition for diverse land cover objects in different urban landscapes. 相似文献
针对线性最小二乘法处理非线性模型产生模型误差的问题,文章将高斯牛顿迭代法引入测角网坐标平差模型中,给出测角网坐标平差模型的高斯牛顿迭代法计算过程.考虑到非线性平差模型的参数估计值是有偏估计,结合Bootstrap重采样方法对参数估值进行改善,提出测角网坐标平差模型的Bootstrap参数估计方法,并给出详细的迭代流程图.针对等精度与不等精度角度观测数据,设计两个测角网案例.实验结果表明,测角网坐标平差模型的高斯牛顿迭代解法能够削弱线性近似带来的模型误差影响,其参数估值优于传统的线性近似方法;而测角网坐标平差模型的Bootstrap参数估计方法比高斯牛顿迭代解法在提高测角网坐标平差参数估值质量方面更加有效.实验证明将高斯牛顿迭代解法应用于测角网坐标平差模型的必要性与实用性,也证明将Bootstrap重采样参数估计方法与高斯牛顿迭代解法结合并用于测角网坐标平差的可行性与有效性. 相似文献
在星载干涉合成孔径雷达中,干涉参数的准确性对高程精度起着至关重要的作用。传统干涉测量检校方法往往将影响量级不同的干涉参数组合在一起解算,无法精确获得每项干涉参数的修正量。针对此问题,本文提出一种利用参数独立分解的干涉测量检校方法。首先,根据三维重建模型,确定与干涉SAR测高有关的参数;随后,在确保几何参数精度的前提下,对干涉参数的敏感度进行定量分析;最后,采用独立检校算法解算每一项干涉参数误差,完成干涉测量检校模型的建立。本文选择陕西渭南区域4对TerraSAR-X/TanDEM-X数据进行了试验分析。结果表明,对于该试验数据,采用本文提出的参数独立分解方法,干涉测量检校后干涉结果的高程精度优于2.54 m,平原地区获取DEM的绝对高程精度优于1.21 m,山地地区获取DEM的绝对高程精度优于3.11 m,验证了本文方法的有效性和正确性,为我国平原及山区1∶25 000比例尺的干涉SAR地形图测绘提供了技术基础。 相似文献
大比例尺数字测图质量控制方法探讨 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
大比例尺数字测图正以其测图精度高、成图速度快等优势逐步取代传统的以平板为主的模拟测图.与传统的模拟测图相比,数字测图的质量控制关键点更多、内容与方法更为复杂.结合厦门市西北部测区2003年大比例尺数字图测绘工程的实施情况,就如何在数字测图的各个环节实施质量控制,确保最终数字测绘产品成果(DLG)的数据质量,进行探讨. 相似文献
利用最优正则化方法确定Tikhonov正则化参数 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
基于均方误差最小意义下运用最优正则化方法确定正则参数,推导了计算最优正则参数的公式,并结合算例分析比较了求解病态方程的L-曲线法、GCV法等常用的方法,算例表明,基于最小均方误差的Tikhonov正则化参数优化选取方法是一种可行有效的方法。 相似文献
The social interaction potential (SIP) metric measures urban structural constraints on social interaction opportunities of a metropolitan region based on the time geographic concept of joint accessibility. Previous implementations of the metric used an interaction surface based on census tracts and the locations of their centroids. This has been shown to be a shortcoming, as the metric strongly depends on the scale of the zoning system in the region, making it difficult to compare the SIP metric between metropolitan regions. This research explores the role of spatial representation in the SIP metric and identifies a suitable grid-based representation that allows for comparison between regions while retaining cost-effectiveness with respect to computational burden. We also report on findings from an extensive sensitivity analysis investigating the SIP metric’s input parameters such as a travel flow congestion factor and the length of the allowable time budget for social activities. The results provide new insights on the role of the modifiable areal unit problem in the computation of time geographic measures of accessibility. 相似文献
章迈 《武汉大学学报(信息科学版)》1987,12(1):116-128
本文讨论用秩亏自由网平差方法监测红外测距仪参数的漂移。首先证明以全组合法检测仪器参数的平差问题属亏秩平差范畴,然后讨论两种平差方法及相应的漂移显著性检验,并以算例说明具体实施步骤。结论是:只要充分注意监测精度,可以起到监测参数漂移的作用,从而减少例行的去专用基线场检测的各种耗费。 相似文献
The causes which prevent an increase in the accuracy of the refractive indices for high-precision electronic distance measurements
are described. It is shown that there is a large number of molecular resonances in the visible and IR spectrum which are due
to practically all atmospheric components and not just the trace gases. It is also shown that in such conditions the Rayleigh,
Lorentz-Lorenz and Sellmeier formulae need to be corrected. Methods for the correction and experimental testing are proposed.
Received: 16 July 1996 / Accepted: 27 March 1997 相似文献
本文研究了用EDM(电子测距)边长的精度估算方法;用等权代替法估算界址点最弱点的点位中误差;由坐标解析法界址点与面积的误差传播关系、导出了面积精度估算的具体计算公式。对于实际的房产面积精度的合理估算具有一定的现实意义和指导作用。 相似文献
测距检定工作的开展涉及众多因素,本文结合成都标准基线场日常测距检定工作中遇到的一些问题,介绍了处理方法。并对如何进一步提升测距检定工作水平,以适应时代发展的要求,谈了一些思路。 相似文献