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利用线性分析方法,对沾益1951~2005年间的气温与降水资料进行分析,发现沾益气温变化与全国大部分地区气候变暖、增温趋势存在非同步性。且有弱下降趋势。各个季节气温变化具有非同步性。冬季气温有上升趋势,但升幅小于全国大部分地区。春季气温有下降趋势。旱季降水量有明显增多趋势,雨季降水量和年降水量有逐渐减少趋势。在此基础上,进一步分析了沾益1951年以来严重冷、暖冬事件;多雨、少雨年出现的规律与特征。  相似文献   

伊犁河流域降水和气温的若干特征   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
本文详细分析了天山山区伊犁河流中低山区降水和气温的变化规律。结果表明,夏季中低山带的降水和气温与其对应高度的关系较好,且梯度值较大;不同年份降水量越大,降水梯度值亦越大,在此基础上结合邻近地区高山区观测资料,获取了伊犁河流域高山区的降水和气温。  相似文献   

祁连山大野口流域气温、降水、河川径流特征分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
水库底层深入基岩层,无地下潜流等优势可准确地测得流域河川径流量。通过大野口流域气温、降水和流域河川径流18 a(1994-2011)的长期监测,采用特征值参数计算、回归分析、线性倾向分析、百分比排位等方法对其数据进行处理和分析,结果表明:(1)从特征参数看,气温年际变异最大、河川径流次之,年降水最小;年均气温、年降水量和年河川径流量分别在1.16~2.08℃、307.43~440.69 mm、129.04~204.42 mm区间内变动的年份占68%左右,大气降水的44.57%形成了河川径流。(2)从回归模型看,如年均气温1.62℃、年降水量为374.06 mm,则流域年河川径流量的估计值为165.47 mm。(3)从线性倾向分析法,气温、降水和河川径流均呈波动性上升趋势,其中气温,平均趋势变化率约为0.23℃·(10 a)-1、降水和流域河川径流平均趋势变化率均为18 mm·(10 a)-1左右。(4)从月份相关函数分析,气温、降水和河川径流在1月份最小,平均值分别为-11.91℃、2.74 mm和0.32 mm;7月份最大,平均值分别为14.38℃、82.48 mm、37.48 mm。通过研究,可为中等流域尺度上进一步揭示水源涵养功能机理及其流域产流机制提供参考和科学依据。  相似文献   

丰满流域汛期降水变化特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高峰  孙力  苏丽欣  刘实  沈柏竹 《地理科学》2012,(10):1282-1288
利用丰满流域水文站1936~2008年降水资料、1948~2008年美国国家环境预报中心(NCEP)再分析资料,通过线性趋势分析、小波分析、M-K检验分析和最大熵谱分析对该流域汛期降水量变化特征进行了分析。结果表明:丰满流域汛期降水量与年降水量均呈减少趋势,特别是近20 a和30 a降水量减少较明显,汛期降水量下降趋势倾向值在1989~2008年达到-39.2mm/10a;年降水量下降倾向值在1979~2008年达到-26.5mm/10a,汛期降水量的减少较年降水量减少的明显。汛期6月、7月降水量下降的不明显,8月、9月降水量减少相对明显。最大熵谱分析和Morlet小波分析结果表明,丰满流域汛期降水量的周期变化存在着一个8~9 a左右的降水相对短周期和一个28 a的降水长周期;利用1948~2008年NCEP再分析资料对多雨、少雨的7月、8月200 hPa、700 hPa环流形势场、850 hPa风场进行了分析,以分析流域汛期降水减少的可能原因。丰满流域降水减少的可能原因是汛期影响该流域的台风次数减少、冷涡影响天数的减少,副高偏南、偏西不利于水汽向北输送和南支系统北上的影响。  相似文献   

基于印度河流域及周围54个地面气象站气温、降水资料,结合CRU气温和GPCC降水全球格点化陆面再分析资料,通过插值构建了一套0.5°×0.5°分辨率1980—2016年逐月格点数据集。采用Thornthwaite方法计算了潜在蒸散发,基于标准化降水蒸散指数(SPEI),探讨了印度河流域气候变化及干旱演变特征。结果表明:(1)1980—2016年,印度河流域年平均气温以0.30℃·(10 a)-1的速率呈显著上升趋势,21世纪初增温幅度最大;干季(11月~次年4月)升温速率较快,达0.36℃·(10 a)-1,湿季(5~10月)增速0.25℃·(10 a)-1。年降水量呈现少雨—多雨—少雨—多雨年代际振荡。伴随着持续升温,年和各季的潜在蒸发量增加显著。干季干旱频率较多,但湿季干旱强度高,各季干旱频率与降水呈现较一致的年代际波动;干旱的影响面积在干季呈现微弱地增加趋势,湿季却略有减少趋势。(2)空间上,除西北局部,流域其他区域的年和季平均气温、潜在蒸发量增加趋势显著,均达到95%置信水平。其中南部平原和东北山区升温幅度较高,...  相似文献   

红河流域气温变化的气候特征分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用红河流域及其周边地区23个气象站1961年~2005年的年平均气温资料,对红河流域的气温变化特征进行诊断分析,结果表明:近45年来,红河流域气温呈现明显的增暖趋势,无论是整个流域还是上游、中游地区其增温速度均高于全球增温速度。并且,红河流域的气温变化还存在明显的区域差异和季节差异,中游地区增温幅度大于整个流域和上游地区,全流域及上游、中游地区都表现为冬半年增温趋势和幅度大于夏半年。红河流域增温突变出现在20世纪80年代,显著性增温出现在90年代后,特别是1998年以后更为明显。  相似文献   

柴达木盆地气温、降水突变与周期特征分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用柴达木盆地6个站1954—2003年逐月气温、降水量资料,分析其近50年来气温、降水突变和周期特征。结果表明,盆地年气温与夏、秋、冬季气温增加趋势超过0.01显著性水平临界值,春季气温增加和年较差减小趋势达到0.05显著性水平。降水序列中,只有年降水与夏季降水增加达到0.10显著性水平。盆地各气温序列均有突变发生,年气温在20世纪80年代前期发生极显著暖突变,秋、冬季气温突变较春、夏季显著,冬季气温突变时间较其他季节偏早,在各气温序列中年较差突变时间最早。年降水在1976年发生突变,四季降水中只有春、夏季有突变。周期分析显示,盆地年气温变化的主周期按强弱依次为12 a、7 a和3 a,年降水主周期则依次为9 a和4 a。  相似文献   

树木年轮记录的天山北坡中部过去338 a降水变化   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
 利用位于天山北坡中部9个气象站的降水资料与采自该地区的21个树木年轮年表序列进行分析。结果表明,9个气象站上年8月到当年7月的平均降水量与树木年轮标准化年表具有很好的相关性,最高单相关达到0.612(P<0.0001)。分析发现,生长季前期及春材形成期的降水变化对天山山区树木年轮径向生长量起着决定性作用。用四工河东白杨沟、呼图壁河赛热克巴依萨依、呼图壁河希热克久热特、四工河西白杨沟、奎屯河兰能果尔南5个标准化年表较好地重建了天山北坡中部近338 a来上年8月到当年7月的降水量,重建方程的方差解释量达到60.0%,经过统计检验和历史资料验证,表明重建序列是可靠的。对过去338 a天山北坡中部降水变化的特征分析表明,近338 a间,天山北坡中部降水大体经历了8个偏干和8个偏湿阶段,偏湿年份与偏干年份基本持平。最长的偏干阶段是1705—1750年,最干旱的阶段为1960—1989年,最干旱年份是1796年、1944年和1974年,降水偏少程度均大于27%;最长的偏湿阶段是1917—1959年,1690—1904年间为降水最为丰沛的时期。天山北坡中部338 a降水具有两年左右的变化准周期,在1751年发生了明显的由少到多的突变,在1958年前后发生了明显的由多到少的突变。  相似文献   

利用玉溪市9个代表站1960~2010年50年的气温观测资料,使用数理统计和空间分析的方法,对玉溪50年来气温变化的基本特征进行了分析。结果表明:玉溪平均气温的变化有3种类型,即:"U型"、后段上升型和波动型。50年来气温变化总体呈上升趋势,而其中又以红塔区升温趋势最为明显。各站点50年年平均气温变化幅度小,气温偏离平均状态的程度不大。年平均气温异常共出现29站次,占记录总站年数的6.4%,出现气温异常的概率较小。  相似文献   

To reveal the changing trend and annual distribution of the surface water hydrology and the local climate in the Bayanbuluk alpine-cold wetlands in the past 50 years, we used temperature, precipitation, different rank precipitation days, evaporation, water vapor pressure, relative humidity, dust storm days and snow depth to analyze their temporal variations. We conclude that there were no distinct changes in annual mean temperature, and no obvious changes in the maximum or minimum temperatures. Precipitation in warm season was the main water source in the wetlands of the study area and accounted for 92.0% of the annual total. Precipitation dropped to the lowest in the mid-1980s in the past 50 years and then increased gradually. The runoff of the Kaidu River has increased since 1987 which has a good linear response to the annual precipitation and mean temperature in Bayanbuluk alpine-cold wetland. Climate change also affected ecosystems in this area due to its direct relations to the surface water environment.  相似文献   

开都河流域气候变化对地表水的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1IntroductionWetlands, forests and oceans are the three main ecosystems with the highest ecological values in the world. According to the data of United Nations Environment Programme in 2002, the annual production value of the wetland ecosystems per hecta…  相似文献   

黄河流域近50年降水变化趋势分析   总被引:95,自引:5,他引:95  
徐宗学  张楠 《地理研究》2006,25(1):27-34
本文简要分析了黄河流域降水空间分布规律,用非参数检验方法(Mann-Kendall法)对流域内77个气象站近50年的降水资料进行了年月降水序列趋势检验,并用线性回归方法与其进行了比较。结果表明,对于年降水序列,有65个气象台站呈现下降趋势,典型月(包括1月、4月、7月、10月)中4月、7月和10月对年降水下降趋势贡献较大,但其趋势空间分布情况存在差异。对于所有月降水序列,全年45月以及712月降水呈现下降趋势。而其趋势空间分布,黄河上游北纬35°以南地区除79月外其余月份降水呈现增长趋势。渭河上游及呼和浩特地区降水趋势随月份时有变化,流域内其他地区降水则呈减少趋势。对比两种方法,Mann-Kendall方法在冬季(12月至次年2月)的检验结果中无变化趋势气象站数明显多于线性回归方法,且后者估计出的趋势变化幅度略大于Mann-Kendall方法所估计出的结果。  相似文献   

Automated image classification and visual interpretation of Landsat imagery were used to extract the glacier boundary in the Nujiang-Salween River Basin (NSRB) around the years 1975, 2000, and 2020. The spatiotemporal characteristics of glacier area changes in the NSRB were determined and the reasons for the spatial heterogeneity in glacier area changes were discussed, based on comparative analyses of temperature and precipitation data from meteorological stations around the NSRB. The results indicate that 1) the total glacier area in the NSRB decreased by 477.78 km² (28.17%) at a rate of -0.62%/a in 1975-2020. Most shrinkage occurred at low and mid altitudes, with the most severe occurring at 5290-5540 m, accounting for 40% of the total shrinkage. Considering other river basins in China, the relative glacier area change rate in the NSRB was similar to that for typical inland river basins in northwest China but lower than that for other transboundary river basins in the southeastern Tibetan Plateau. 2) These areal changes in the NSRB presented obvious regional differences. The glaciers in the Hengduan Mountains retreated significantly, followed by those in the Nyainqentanglha Mountains, with relatively low shrinkage observed in the Tanggula Mountains. The number of cold and hot spots indicating areal changes increased after 2000, along with their spatial heterogeneity. 3) The glacier shrinkage rate over different time intervals was positively correlated with temperature. Thus, spatial heterogeneity of climate change effects could elucidate differences in the glacier area change rate in different regions of the NSRB. The temperature rise was determined as the primary reason for the significant glacial retreat over the past 45 years. As the significant warming trend continues, the glacier area in the NSRB is likely to shrink further.  相似文献   

过去50年内蒙古极端气候事件时空格局特征   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
为了掌握内蒙古极端气候事件的发生趋势与时空格局,本文运用内蒙古自治区境内46个国家级气象站点的日值记录数据,计算与植被生长的水热条件及寒旱灾害直接相关的极端气候事件指数,分析过去50年内蒙古温度和降水气候事件的时空演变特征。研究结果表明,研究区极端温度事件的发生频率与持续时间迅速变化发生于20世纪90年代以来,60年代至80年代末呈平稳态势。表征低温事件的霜日日数(FD0)、冷昼日数(TX10p)、冷夜日数(TN10p)、冷持续指数(CSDI)等指数均呈现下降趋势,同时表征高温事件的夏日指数(SU25)、作物生长期(GSL)、暖昼日数(TX90p)、暖夜日数(TN90p)、热持续指数(WSDI)则均呈上升趋势。与极端高温事件发生频率的加剧在90年代初开始凸显不同,表征强降水事件发生频率和强度的极端降水指标的显著变化发生在近10年。研究区极端温度指数过去50年的变化过程几乎没有明显的空间分异特征,但是在位于农牧交错区的部分站点的强降水事件呈现出与大多数站点不同的特征,最近10年的强降水事件高于前一时段,而其他多数站点最近10年的极端降水指数均低于前一时段。  相似文献   

近50年南海西沙地区的气候变化特征研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
采用西沙台站1958~2005年基本气象观测资料,系统分析西沙地区近50a来主要气象要素(温度、降水、风速、日照和云量)变化特征。结果表明,近50a来年均地面气温增暖幅度约1.0℃,增温速率0.19℃/(10a),与全国平均的增温率接近。四季的平均气温也都呈上升趋势,其中冬季和春季的上升趋势最明显,秋季次之,夏季的变化最小。降水的波动性很大,年降水量变化趋势不明显,四季中只有春季降水呈明显增加趋势。地面风速主要呈减小的趋势,特别是在近30a年平均风速比常年值明显偏小。四季风速均减小,尤其在秋、冬季。年日照时数、总云量均呈显著下降趋势,而低云量略有增加。  相似文献   

Ba  Wulong  Du  Pengfei  Liu  Tie  Bao  Anming  Chen  Xi  Liu  Jiao  Qin  Chengxin 《地理学报(英文版)》2020,30(1):164-176

In the context of climate change and over-exploitation of water resources, water shortage and water pollution in arid regions have become major constraints to local sustainable development. In this study, we established a Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model for simulating non-point source (NPS) pollution in the irrigation area of the lower reaches of the Kaidu River Basin, based on spatial and attribute data (2010–2014). Four climate change scenarios (2040–2044) and two agricultural management scenarios were input into the SWAT model to quantify the effects of climate change and agricultural management on solvents and solutes of pollutants in the study area. The simulation results show that compared to the reference period (2010–2014), with a decline in streamflow from the Kaidu River, the average annual irrigation water consumption is expected to decrease by 3.84x108 m3 or 8.87% during the period of 2040–2044. Meanwhile, the average annual total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) in agricultural drainage canals will also increase by 10.50% and 30.06%, respectively. Through the implementation of agricultural management measures, the TN and TP in farmland drainage can be reduced by 14.49% and 16.03%, respectively, reaching 661.56 t and 12.99 t, accordingly, and the increasing water efficiency can save irrigation water consumption by 4.41 x108 m3 or 4.77%. The results indicate that although the water environment in the irrigation area in the lower reaches of the Kaidu River Basin is deteriorating, the situation can be improved by implementing appropriate agricultural production methods. The quantitative analysis results of NPS pollutants in the irrigation area under different scenarios provide a scientific basis for water environmental management in the Kaidu River Basin.


The mountain watersheds of Kaidu River and Urumqi River, which separately originate from the south and north-side of the Tianshan Mountains in Xinjiang, are selected as the study area. The characteristics and trends on variation of temperature, precipitation and runoff, and the correlativity between temperature, precipitation, and runoff were analyzed based on the past 40 years of observational data from the correlative hydrological and weather stations in the study areas. Various weather scene combinations are assumed and the response models of runoff to climate change are established in order to evaluate the sensitivity of runoff to climate change in the study areas based on the foregoing analysis. Results show that all variations of temperature, precipitation, and runoff overall present an oscillating and increasing trend since the 1960s and this increase are quite evident after 1990. There is a markedly positive correlation between mountain runoff, temperature, and precipitation while there are obvious regional differences of responding degree to precipitation and temperature between mountain runoff of Urumqi River and Kaidu River Basins. Also, mountain runoff of Urumqi River Basin is more sensitive to precipitation change than that of Kaidu River Basin, and mountain runoff of Kaidu River Basin is more sensitive to temperature change than that of Urumqi River Basin.  相似文献   

Based on the hydrological data in the headwater region of the Kaidu River during 1972–2011, the multifractal process of runoff fluctuation was analyzed. Results indicated that, in the past 40 years, the overall runoff of the Kaidu River in Xinjiang has shown significant multifractal behavior. Its singular curve lnχ_q(ε)–ln(ε) verified a favorable scale invariance over the entire time scale. τ(q)–q proved that evolution of the runoff time series presented multifractal characteristics. Moreover,the multifractal spectrum f(α)–α curve was hooklike leftward which indicated that, compared to relatively large runoff events. And Δf0 indicated that these relatively small events took the leading role; B0 explained the Kaidu River's daily-runoff ascending tendency presented during 1972–2011. Besides that, the multifractal behavior of the Kaidu River's runoff variability over four decades was also analyzed. Generally speaking, by decades, their four corresponding spectrum variations were not noticeable. These Δα values showed larger runoff events occupied the leading position with some local values falling. During the 1970 s to the 1990 s, Δf0 illustrated the probability of the daily runoff at the lowest point is always larger than that of the highest during three continuous decades. At the beginning of the 21 st century, for Δf0 the trend presented was contrary from the 1970 s to the 1990 s. B values suggested an overall trend of increases during1972–2011. Until the 21 st century, the runoff with a slightly descending tendency on the whole explained these relatively large runoff events taking the leading role for the Kaidu River; but sometimes, some small events also played the dominant role.  相似文献   

 乌鲁木齐河源区径流是供给中下游地区和乌鲁木齐市的重要水源。通过对河源区3个水文断面(1号冰川、空冰斗和总控)有观测记录以来的径流变化研究,一方面提供径流观测的最新资料,使人们对乌鲁木齐河源区径流近期变化有新的认识;另一方面通过对气候、冰川变化的综合分析,揭示乌鲁木齐河源区径流近50 a变化事实和可能的原因。结果表明:河源区3个水文断面径流自有观测记录以来整体上呈增加趋势,其中总控水文断面径流虽有增加,但不显著。影响3个水文断面径流变化的因素不同,1号冰川水文断面径流变化受控于冰川区热量条件,当消融期气温大于2 ℃时,径流呈加速增长。1号冰川径流不仅包含了冰川对气候变化的瞬时响应,也包含了冰川对气候变化的滞后响应,由冰川物质平衡和面积计算的冰川体积损失量变化较好地验证了径流变化。对于空冰斗融雪径流,降水量多寡是导致径流变化的主导因素,但冰斗区固态降水多,气温亦起着不可忽视的作用。总控水文断面径流大小与气温和降水关系比较复杂,表现为近年来气温和降水增加,径流却有下降趋势,这可能与河源区实际蒸散增强、冰川快速退缩导致径流峰值已经出现、大范围冻土消融导致的地下渗漏量增多等原因有关。  相似文献   

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