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辽宁宽甸新生代火山岩和地幔包体He-Ar同位素组成   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
宽甸新生代碱性玄武岩、地幔包体及辉石巨晶的稀有气体同位素组成和流体含量分析表明,不同岩性稀有气体含量的差异反映了岩浆作用过程中轻、重稀有气体的分馏特性,较轻的稀有气体(He、Ne)比较重的稀有气体(Kr、Xe)具有更高的活动性和不相容性;该地区上地幔源区具有典型的MORB型源区特征,以辉石巨晶为代表;地幔包体的3^He/^4He值较低,可能与地幔上隆过程中富集地幔流体的交代作用或地幔塑性变形作用丢失了部分原始He有关;大陆碱性玄武岩具有与大洋玄武岩截然不同的He同位素组成,反映了大陆区地幔岩浆上升过程中受到了陆壳物质混染。地幔源区^40Ar/^36Ar值为350左右,二辉橄榄岩和碱性火山岩的^40Ar/^36Ar值比大气略高,可能有大气组分的混入。部分样品中有^21Ne、^22Ne、^129Xe、^134Xe和^136Xe相对于大气的过剩现象。  相似文献   

通过对宽甸新生代碱性玄武岩、地幔包体及辉石巨晶的稀有气体同位素组成的分析,认为不同岩性稀有气体含量的差异反映了岩浆作用过程中轻、重稀有气体的分馏特性,较轻的稀有气体(He、Ne)比较重的稀有气体(Kr、xe)具有更高的活动性和不相容性;该地区上地幔源区具有典型的MORB型源区特征,以辉石巨晶为代表;地幔包体的^3He/^4He值较低,可能是地幔流体交代作用造成的;大陆碱性玄武岩具有与大洋玄武岩截然不同的He同位素组成,反映了大陆区地幔岩浆上升过程中受到了陆壳物质混染。地幔源区^40Ar/^36Ar值为350左右,二辉橄榄岩和碱性火山岩的^40Ar/^36Ar值比大气略高,可能有大气组分的混合。部分样品中有^21Ne、^22Ne、^129Xe、^134Xe和^136Xe相对于大气的过剩现象,是核成因造成的。  相似文献   

The fluid compositions of Cenozoic alkali basalts in eastern China have been determined by the pyrolysis-MS method,meanwhile the carbon and oxygen isotopic compositions of CO2 released from these samples at different heating temperatures have been analyzed by the vacuum step-heating method.The data show the volatiole heterogeneity in upper-mantle sources and different evolution trends of alkali basaltic magmas in eastern China,and these alkali basaltic magmas may be generated in the oxidizing milieu,as compared with mantle-derived xenoliths in these alkali basalts,and exotic volatile components were mixed into these magmas in the process of their formation and development.  相似文献   

董振信  陈立辉 《岩石学报》1999,15(4):607-615
通过对我国东部北起黑龙江省南至海南省31个产地的新生代碱性玄武岩中橄榄岩类 (纯橄岩、方辉橄榄岩及二辉橄榄岩) 包体和辉石岩类包体中的160 多个尖晶石电子探针分析数据, 论述了尖晶石的Cr-Al, Fe-Mg, Ni-Mg 主元素及有关比值和端员组分之间的关系, 分析研究了不同岩类包体中尖晶石的颜色、成分及成因之间的联系。并利用所分析的有关橄榄石、斜方辉石、单斜辉石共生矿物的电子探针分析数据, 采用新的、较合理的Brey-Kohler温度计及Kohler-Brey 压力计和Ballhaus etal. 氧逸度计算方法进行了计算, 探讨了尖晶石成分与其形成温度、压力和氧逸度状态的关系, 指出了尖晶石成分所反映的地幔亏损程度及部分熔融程度的变化规律及尖晶石 (相) 稳定的温度、压力和氧逸度范围。  相似文献   

江苏六合新生代玄武岩中地幔捕虏体的硫化物相研究   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:10  
徐九华  储雪蕾 《岩石学报》2000,16(4):492-498
江苏六合一带碱性玄武岩中的出露有以尖晶石二辉橄榄岩为主的地幔捕虏体,这些地幔矿物中普遍有硫化物相出现:(1)被寄主矿物捕获的早期硫化物颗粒。(2)产于矿物晶粒边界或次生裂隙充填物,(3)硫化物包裹体,包括单相硫的包裹体、硫化物-玻璃两相熔体包裹体和CO/2-硫化物-玻璃(含硅酸盐子矿物)的多相包裹体,电子探针分析表明,硫化物包裹体比例隙中硫化物具有更高的相对Fe和S含量,较低的Ni含量。硫化物包裹  相似文献   

Metamorphic xenoliths within the Nushan alkali basalt of northeastern Anhui (NEA),China ,are from the middle-lower crust.They could be divided into two end-members:basic and acid.Interme-diate xenoliths are scarcely found.Basic two-pyroxene granulites(pyriclasites) were formed at 720-810℃ and 7-8kb.Petrological and geochemical studies indicate that the primary magma of the protoliths of basic granulites was derived from the metasomatized upper mantle, while the pa-rental magma of the acid end-member was probably produced by partial melting of the basic rocks. The protoliths of charnockites and grey gneisses represent respectively the early and late crystallization products of the granitic magma.The Nushan granulites are much different in many aspects from the granulites exposed in the northern part of North China ,which implies the inhomogeneity regarding to the early evolution of the North China terranc.  相似文献   

中国东部新生代碱性玄武岩及幔源捕虏体中的流体组成   总被引:18,自引:3,他引:18  
张铭杰  王先彬 《地质学报》1999,73(2):162-166
中国东部新生代碱性玄武岩及其幔源二辉橄榄岩捕虏体中的流体组分存在差异,幔源二辉橄榄岩形成于以H2,CO等还原性气体为主的流体环境中,其流体组分以含H2高,挥发性气体总量低为特征;碱性玄武岩中流体组分以CO2,SO2和挥发性气体总量高为特征,在其形成演化过程中有SO2等氧化性气体的流体加入。  相似文献   

We have analyzed the gold content of 65 samples of mantle-derived xenoliths and their host rocks from eastern China, which is found to be inhomogeneous, falling in the ranges of 1.0×109-8.2×109 (averaging 3.8 ×10-9) and 0.2×10-9-5.3×10-9 (averaging 2.7×10-9) in the mantle-derived xenoliths and the host basalts respectively. Except the samples from Wanquan County of Hebei Province and Anding County of Hainan Province, the gold content is the highest on the margins of the North China platform and decreases spatially towards the north and south, and temporally the samples of the Tertiary have a higher gold content than those of the Quaternary. The gold content of the mantle-derived xenoliths and the host Paleozoic kimberlites is 3.8×10-9-180×109and 0.1×10-9-38.0×10-9 respectively, which are higher than that in the mantle-derived xenoliths in basalt and the host Cenozoic basalts. The mantle-derived xenoliths have a higher gold content than the host rocks, but their relativity is not very clear, su  相似文献   

Nine pieces of gabbroic xenoliths from Hannuoba were examined for their major and trace elements and Nd,Sr and Pb isotopes.The results show that the gab-broic xenoliths are of more mafic basaltic composition .Their abundances show narrow variations in major elements.The trace element contents are highly variable in contrast with those of host basalts and lherzolite xenoliths.The gabbroic xenoliths are rich in Nd(0.51159-0.51249),Sr(0.70491-0.70768) and low in radiogenic Pb(16.283-17.046, 15.191-15.381 and 36.999-37.476),significantly different from basalts and lherzolites in isotopic space.The calculated Nd and Pb model ages are about 3.0-3.5 Ga.The rocks have relatively low equilibrium T(-850℃) and P(0.8-0.9 Gpa).They could be inter-preted to be the product of upper mantle melting at the boundary between the lower crust and the upper mantle.Their chemical and isotopic variations can be ascribed to different degrees of melting,segregation and long-term evolution.  相似文献   

冀北地区金矿床He、Ar、Pb同位素组成及其成矿物质来源   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
成矿物质来源一直是成矿理论研究和找矿实践的焦点问题。选择了冀北地区3个幔枝构造金矿集中区11个金矿床黄铁矿及部分围岩进行了He、Ar同位素测定。研究表明,冀北地区主要金矿的3He/4He的值域为(0.93~7.30)×10-6,平均3.55×10-6;R/Ra=0.66~4.93,平均2.53;40Ar/36Ar=426~2073,40Ar平均为8.20×10-7cm3/g,4He/40Ar平均为2.17。矿区外围片麻岩和花岗岩的3He/4He值仅为(0.001~0.55)×10-6,反映来源上有明显差别。3He和4He在He同位素浓度图上落于地幔区附近。64个Pb同位素数据表现为矿质以幔源为主,确有部分壳源物质加入。研究认为,本区成矿物质应源于地球深部,随地幔柱多级演化,深部成矿流体由地球深部迁移到浅部,期间不可避免地存在壳幔流体的混合作用,故其值域往往界于地幔和地壳之间。  相似文献   

吉林省蛟河市境内大石河新生代玄武岩中含有丰富的地幔橄榄岩包体,详细的岩石学与矿物学研究显示,这些包体的主要岩石类型为尖晶石二辉橄榄岩-方辉橄榄岩,未发现石榴石橄榄岩.岩相学及地球化学资料显示它们都是经历过熔体抽取而形成的岩石圈地幔残留.矿物平衡温度计算发现,本区的这些地幔橄榄岩包体来自地下40~60km深度,且下部以二辉橄榄岩为主,而上部以贫单斜辉石的二辉橄榄岩和方辉橄榄岩为主,显示明显的岩石圈地幔分层现象.Sr-Nd-Hf同位素资料反映这些地幔包体均表现为亏损性质,而Re-Os同位素资料确定上述岩石圈地幔形成于中元古代,明显老于上覆地壳的新元古宙时代,反映壳幔年龄上的解耦.因此我们推测,该区曾经历过华北克拉通类似的早期岩石圈地幔的整体丢失事件,然后形成于其它地区的中元古宙岩石圈地幔在本区增生.  相似文献   

内蒙古包头市哈达门沟金矿床是华北陆块北缘乌拉山-大青山地区的大型金矿床,矿床赋存于新太古界乌拉山群黑云角闪斜长片麻岩、角闪黑云二长片麻岩和含石榴石黑云斜长片麻岩中,成矿流体性质不明。文章对哈达门沟金矿主要载金矿物黄铁矿开展了流体包裹体中的He、Ar同位素组成研究。研究表明,赋存于黄铁矿流体包裹体中的4He含量为(83.92~606.46)×10-8cm3STP/g,n(3He)/n(4He)值为0.19~0.91Ra,幔源He的含量为2.62%~13.73%,平均为9.95%,表明成矿流体中的He主要来源于地壳,大约10%来源于地幔。~(40)Ar含量为(71.22~308.22)×10~(-8)cm~3STP/g,~(40)Ar/~(36)Ar比值变化于2793.6~7253.5之间,在n(~(40)Ar)/n(~(36)Ar)与R/Ra图解和n(~(40)Ar*)/n(4He)与R/Ra图解中,显示地壳氩和地幔氩的混合来源特征。结合已有的氢、氧、硫同位素研究,认为哈达门沟金矿成矿流体主体为地壳来源,但幔源流体的加入清晰可辨,乌拉特前旗-呼和浩特山前断裂很可能为富钾质壳幔混合流体的运移提供了通道和动力。  相似文献   

The Longquanzhan gold deposit hosted in granitic cataclasites with mylontization of the foot wall of the main Yishui-Tangtou fault. 3He/4He ratios in fluid inclusions range from 0. 14 to 0. 24 R/Ra,close to those of the crust-source helium. 40Ar/36Ar ratios were measured to be 289-1811, slightly higher than those of atmospheric argon. The results of analysis of helium and argon isotopes suggested that ore-forming fluids were derived chiefly from the crust. The δ18O values of fluid inclusions from vein quartz range from -1.78‰ to 4.07‰, and the δD values of the fluid inclusions vary between -74‰ and -77‰. The hydrogen and oxygen isotope data indicated that the ore-forming fluid for the Longquanzhan gold deposit had mixed with meteoric water in the process of mineralization. This is consistent with the conclusion from the helium and argon isotope data.  相似文献   

黑龙江五大连池科洛和辽宁宽甸的碱性玄武岩中地幔包体的惰性气体同位素的地球化学特征研究表明,东北地区表现了地幔的不均匀性。五大连池地区的地幔包体中的^3He/^4He比为4.5~5.3RA,明显低于MORB的值,具有被交代的大陆富集地幔特征。氩同位素^40Ar/^36Ar比的变化在557~4005。结合玄武岩和地幔包体的矿物学特征和微量元素地球化学特征,显示五大连池地区的岩浆源区可能遭受过来自壳源物质或和古俯冲事件有关的富H2O—CO2流体的交代作用。辽宁宽甸黄椅山的样品^3He/^4He比为7.30~7.52RA,氩同位素^40Ar/^36Ar比的范围在1496~7677。宽甸黄椅山地区的则显示了具亏损地幔MORB的特点,反映了未经地壳组分改造的大陆地幔的特征。本文通过对两种不同类型的地幔岩的研究,认为东北地区大陆地幔存在MORB型亏损地幔和交代型地幔两种类型,反映了各自不同的演化机理。  相似文献   

四川大渡河金矿田位于扬子地台西缘金成矿带北段,受大渡河剪切带控制。本文以该矿田黄金坪、白金台子、黑金台子金矿为例,根据对黄铁矿流体包裹体氦氩同位素、黄铁矿硫同位素以及与黄铁矿共生的石英流体包裹体的氢氧同位素组成测定,讨论了大渡河金矿田成矿流体的来源。结果显示,该金矿田黄铁矿流体包裹体中的~3He/~4He变化较小,为0.16~0.86Ra,而~(40)Ar/~(36)Ar的变化较大,为298~3288;而黄铁矿δ~(34)S同位素变化范围较窄,一般为0.7‰~4.2‰,集中于2.5‰~3‰,显示硫地幔来源的特点;石英流体包裹体的氢、氧同位素分别为-2.6‰~ 3.64‰和-39.13‰~-108.23‰,说明成矿流体为岩浆水和大气降水的混合流体。本文认为大渡河金矿田成矿流体是地幔流体与地壳流体的混合作用的结果,而以地壳流体占主导地位。其中,地幔流体为与下伏隐伏岩体有关的岩浆水,而地壳流体端元则是含有一定放射成因Ar的大气降水,并且温度小于200℃。  相似文献   

雅鲁藏布江蛇绿岩的氦、氩同位素组成分别是:蛇绿岩中变质橄榄岩的^3He/^4He比值为1.104-3.384Ra,平均为2.383Ra;玄武岩的He同位素组成比较均一,^3He/^4He平均值为5.359 Ra;辉绿岩的^3He/^4He比值变化较大,为1—5Ra。由于各岩石样品有不同程度的蚀变,造成放射性成因He的加入,因此大多数样品He同位素组成比低于亏损地幔大洋中脊玄武岩的值(MORB≈8Ra),不能真实反映源区特征。而采自吉定的辉绿岩样品^3He/^4He比值平均高达31.57Ra,与夏威夷发现的热点地幔源区的样品比值接近;分步加热法进一步测试,其高比值的He是在低温区段释放的。这种高^3He/^4He比值He的捕获,表明雅鲁藏布江蛇绿岩形成时存在地幔柱型富集地幔岩浆作用。  相似文献   

对该地区新生代玄武岩中幔源包体和高压巨晶的氦同位素进行了初步研究。幔源包体中橄榄石的3 He 4 He值为 (0 .15~ 7.4)× 10 - 6,较MORB值明显偏低 ,甚至低于大气的值 ,说明该地区曾发生过强烈的地幔交代作用。高压巨晶辉石和石榴子石的氦同位素组成与此明显不同 ,其3 He 4 He值为 (5 .7~ 2 4.3)× 10 - 6。提出幔源包体和高压巨晶不是同源的 ,二者可能与寄主玄武岩均无必然成因联系。在汉诺坝地区一件石榴子石巨晶中还发现了异常高的3 He 4 He值。  相似文献   

We report new analytical data regarding major and trace element geochemistry, Sr-Nd isotopic composition, and zircon LA-ICP-MS U-Pb analysis from the Kaiyuan alkaline basalts of Yunnan Province, along the southern margin of the Emeishan Large Igneous Province (ELIP). Zircon U-Pb ages and bulk-rock geochemistry indicate that the mafic lavas erupted at 248 ± 6 Ma with OIB-like trace element and isotope ratios similar to the Emeishan high-Ti basalts. These characters suggest that the Kaiyuan alkaline basalts are the products of the post-ELIP magmatism, involving remelting of the plume head after the main ELIP phase. By analogy with the Neogene Red Sea rift system, the Kaiyuan alkaline basalts may have been caused by a Red Sea-like extension along the southwestern margin of the Yangzte during the Early Triassic, during which the hypothesized rift system experienced plate–boundary forces that vanished quickly in the Late Triassic period.  相似文献   

1. Introduction The depth of source of Cenozoic basalts and the genesis of mantle xenoliths in eastern China have been widely discussed by many geoscientists. There were basically two main opinions: one was that the relationship of basalts and the peridotite xenoliths are melt and residues (Cong et al, 1982; Liu et al, 1985; Qiu et al, 1986; E et al, 1987; Chi et al, 1988; Deng et al, 1988), and pyroxenite and gabrro enclaves are accumulation of fractional crystallization (Qiu et al, 1986;…  相似文献   

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