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水温是重要的水文指标。气候变化和人类活动加剧背景下,水温变化已成为威胁全球水生态系统的重要因素。长江上游开发了世界上规模最大的梯级水库群,然而目前关于梯级水库和气候变化对下游水温及水生态的耦合影响仍不清楚。本文基于长江宜宾-重庆段长序列水温和气象资料,解析了气象因子和金沙江梯级水库对下游水温的影响,评估了长江上游珍稀特有鱼类国家级自然保护区重要鱼类适宜产卵时间对水温变化的响应,结果表明:研究河段近30年年平均水温显著增高,增幅约为0.5~1.1℃;向家坝-溪洛渡水库蓄水后向家坝站、朱沱站和寸滩站年水温过程平均滞后约36、13和7 d,蓄水后下游河段春季“滞冷”效应明显,秋冬季“滞热”效应明显,各水文站旬平均水温最大增加和降低幅度分别为1.8~3.7℃和1.3~3.6℃,“滞热”程度大于“滞冷”程度;年内不同月份水温变化主要由梯级水库蓄水引起,年际间平均水温变化主要由气候变化引起;蓄水后向家坝站附近水温达到重要鱼类适宜产卵水温时间延迟了30~40 d,蓄水对达到重要鱼类适宜产卵水温的时间延迟程度为:黑尾近红鲌>长薄鳅、圆口铜鱼、岩原鲤>中华金沙鳅>长江鲟>胭脂鱼,...  相似文献   

In order to assess and compare the ecological impacts of channelization and shallow lowland reservoirs, macroinvertebrate communities of a lowland metapotamal river below reservoirs with epilimnial release were studied. The study was carried out in the Dyje River (Czech Republic) at five sites located from 1.5 to 22.5 km downstream of the reservoir outfall. The five sites differed in the degree of channel modification from natural muddy banks to riprap regulation. Seven samples were collected during the years 1998 and 1999 at each site using a semiquantitative method. The data were processed using multivariate analyses and methods for assessing the ecological and functional structure of communities. Altogether, 261 species of benthic macroinvertebrates were recorded including several rare and threatened taxa. Based on the results of principal component analysis (PCA), most of the variability within the species data (the first PCA axis) was explained by the degree of channel modification, from natural muddy banks with aquatic vegetation to a man-made riprap. The second axis was strongly correlated with current velocity. The sites differed in species richness, total abundances, proportion of individual functional feeding groups, pattern of the distribution of the current preference groups, and values of several biotic indexes, all of which also corresponded to the degree of channel modification. Thus, the morphological man-made modifications of the river channel were found to be the main factor affecting lowland river macroinvertebrates and their biodiversity. Our results suggest that the biggest threat to benthic macroinvertebrate diversity of lowland rivers comes from channelization. The impact of reservoirs can be completely overwhelmed by the impact of channelization, especially when muddy banks with aquatic vegetation present a substantial part of habitat diversity and significantly contribute to the total species pool.  相似文献   

金沙江下游4个梯级水电站总装机容量相当于两座三峡水库,是“西电东送”中部地区的源头工程,工程效益发挥对经济社会发展意义重大。2012年以来,向家坝、溪洛渡、乌东德和白鹤滩电站等陆续蓄水运行,层层拦截金沙江的泥沙,2013—2020年向家坝出库年输沙量均值下降至152万t,减幅超过99%。大量泥沙淤积在梯级水库内,同时向家坝以下河道发生长距离冲刷。本文以自金沙江下游工程筹建以来的观测资料为基础,针对梯级水库的泥沙淤积和坝下游河道冲刷规律开展研究,结果表明:金沙江下游四个梯级电站自建成运行至2020年底,累计淤积泥沙约5.98亿m3,其中溪洛渡库区淤积量占比达92.5%,2013-2020年溪洛渡和向家坝水库排沙比分别为2.64%和22.2%,其水库泥沙主要淤积在常年回水区的干流河道内,以死库容内淤积为主,侵占有效库容的比例小于1.3%。金沙江下游库区干流河道的峡谷特征明显,淤积多表现为主河槽的平铺式淤高。溪洛渡和向家坝库区淤积的泥沙沿程分选特征明显,越靠近坝前,中数粒径减小、细颗粒泥沙沙量百分数增加,极细颗粒泥沙会在库区一定范围内大量沉积。向家坝下游河床普遍冲刷,但...  相似文献   

全球主要河流已成为受梯级水库控制的人工调节系统.河流鱼类作为淡水生态系统的重要组成部分,在人类对河流水能资源开发利用的进程中,面临着种群退化、多样性丧失的巨大胁迫.水库生态调度是在鱼类关键生命期人为营造满足鱼类需求的水文水动力条件,减缓水库不利生态影响的一种生态环保措施.然而,在生态调度的实践过程中,受水库不同运行方式...  相似文献   

珠江干流梯级开发对鱼类的影响与减缓对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2013年6—7月对珠江龙滩库尾至长洲坝下江段干支流鱼类进行了调查,共采集到鱼类6418尾,隶属于10目23科82属122种.分析了渔获物的种类组成与分布、生态类型、珍稀濒危特有鱼类采样情况、各江段群落相似度和鱼类多样性等,并与该区域鱼类历史记录进行了对比分析.总体来看,珠江干流梯级开发后,由于大坝阻隔、水文情势改变等,鱼类资源发生了较大变化,河海洄游性鱼类和河口鱼类受大坝阻隔影响分布范围变窄;珍稀濒危特有鱼类由于生境破坏,种群规模变小,濒危程度加剧;库中江段流水性鱼类种类数和资源量显著下降,静缓流鱼类成为优势种;外来鱼类种类多、分布广.对导致珠江干流鱼类资源衰退的其他原因进行了分析,主要包括过度捕捞、生境破坏、水污染和外来鱼类入侵等.针对珠江干流梯级开发及鱼类资源现状,提出了栖息地保护、河流连通性恢复、鱼类增殖放流站建设、生态调度、渔政管理和生态补偿等措施建议.  相似文献   

Water temperature is a key abiotic variable that modulates both water chemistry and aquatic life in rivers and streams. For this reason, numerous water temperature models have been developed in recent years. In this paper, a k‐nearest neighbour model (KNN) is proposed and validated to simulate and eventually produce a one‐day forecast of mean water temperature on the Moisie River, a watercourse with an important salmon population in eastern Canada. Numerous KNN model configurations were compared by selecting different attributes and testing different weight combinations for neighbours. It was found that the best model uses attributes that include water temperature from the two previous days and an indicator of seasonality (day of the year) to select nearest neighbours. Three neighbours were used to calculate the estimated temperature, and the weighting combination that yielded the best results was an equal weight on all three nearest neighbours. This nonparametric model provided lower Root Mean Square Errors (RMSE = 1·57 °C), Higher Nash coefficient (NTD = 0·93) and lower Relative Bias (RB = ? 1·5%) than a nonlinear regression model (RMSE = 2·45 °C, NTD = 0·83, RB = ? 3%). The k‐nearest neighbour model appears to be a promising tool to simulate of forecast water temperature where long time series are available. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Large dams and reservoirs alter not only the natural flow regimes of streams and rivers but also their flooding cycles and flood magnitudes. Although the effect of dams and reservoirs has been reported for some vulnerable locations, the understanding of the inner-basin variation with respect to the effects remains limited. In this study, we analyse the Three Gorges Dam (TGD) built on the Changjiang mainstream (Yangtze River) to investigate the dam effect variations in the system of interconnected water bodies located downstream. We investigated the effect of flow alterations along the downstream river network using discharge time series at different gauging stations. The river–lake interactions (referring to the interactions between the Changjiang mainstream and its tributary lakes i.e. the Dongting and Poyang lakes) and their roles in modifying the TGD effect intensity were also investigated in the large-scale river–lake system. The results show that the water storage of the tributary lakes decreased after the activation of the TGD. Severe droughts occurred in the lakes, weakening their ability to recharge the Changjiang mainstream. As a consequence, the effect of the TGD on the Changjiang flow increase during the dry season diminished quickly downstream of the dam, whereas its impact on the flow decrease during the wet season gradually exacerbated along the mainstream, especially at sites located downstream of the lake outlets. Therefore, when assessing dam-induced hydrological changes, special attention should be paid to the changes in the storage of tributary lakes and the associated effects in the mainstream. This is of high importance for managing the water resource trade-offs between different water bodies in dam-affected riverine systems.  相似文献   

Water temperature dynamics in High Arctic river basins   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Despite the high sensitivity of polar regions to climate change and the strong influence of temperature upon ecosystem processes, contemporary understanding of water temperature dynamics in Arctic river systems is limited. This research gap was addressed by exploring high‐resolution water column thermal regimes for glacier‐fed and non‐glacial rivers at eight sites across Svalbard during the 2010 melt season. Mean water column temperatures in glacier‐fed rivers (0.3–3.2 °C) were lowest and least variable near the glacier terminus but increased downstream (0.7–2.3 °C km–1). Non‐glacial rivers, where discharge was sourced primarily from snowmelt runoff, were warmer (mean: 2.9–5.7 °C) and more variable, indicating increased water residence times in shallow alluvial zones and increased potential for atmospheric influence. Mean summer water temperature and the magnitude of daily thermal variation were similar to those of some Alaskan Arctic rivers but low at all sites when compared with alpine glacierized environments at lower latitudes. Thermal regimes were correlated strongly (p < 0.01) with incoming short‐wave radiation, air temperature, and river discharge. Principal drivers of thermal variability were inferred to be (i) water source (i.e. glacier melt, snowmelt, groundwater); (ii) exposure time to the atmosphere; (iii) prevailing meteorological conditions; (iv) river discharge; (v) runoff interaction with permafrost and buried ice; and (vi) basin‐specific geomorphological features (e.g. channel morphology). These results provide insight into the potential changes in high‐latitude river systems in the context of projected warming in polar regions. We hypothesize that warmer and more variable temperature regimes may prevail in the future as the proportion of bulk discharge sourced from glacial meltwater declines and rivers undergo a progressive shift towards snow water and groundwater sources. Importantly, such changes could have implications for aquatic species diversity and abundance and influence rates of ecosystem functioning in high‐latitude river systems. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

筑坝改变河流生源要素迁移转化过程及浮游植物群落分布特征,影响河流生态系统结构与功能。为探究梯级筑坝河流浮游植物群落结构特征及其关键驱动因子,2016年丰水期、2018和2021年丰、枯水期在澜沧江开展了浮游植物群落及相关环境要素的调研。本文重点对比分析了丰水期自然河道段和水库浮游植物间的差异,基于广义相加模型(GAM)建立浮游植物与环境要素间的关系,研究发现:丰水期浮游植物生物量显著高于枯水期,丰、枯水期浮游植物群落结构均呈现上游以硅藻门为主,中下游以绿藻门、蓝藻门为主的变化特征。营养盐和水库的水力停留时间(HRT)是导致上、下游浮游植物生物量差异的关键环境要素;总磷、水温和HRT是影响浮游植物群落多样性指数的主要环境要素;总磷、氨氮是影响丰富度指数的关键环境要素。本研究结果有助于深化理解梯级筑坝河流生态环境效应。  相似文献   

喀斯特地区梯级水库建造对水化学分布的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为深入了解河流梯级筑坝对喀斯特地区河流水化学分布的影响,于2017年1、4、7和10月别对乌江干流洪家渡水库(多年调节)、乌江渡水库(季调节)和索风营水库(日调节) 3个具有不同滞留时间的水库进行水样采集,分析入库水、坝前剖面水和下泄水的水化学特征,探讨河流梯级筑坝对水化学分布及风化速率估算的影响.研究结果表明:3个水库深层水比表层水HCO3-浓度分别高12.9%、5.5%和8.0%,Ca2+浓度分别高15.9%、2.4%和8.5%.河流梯级筑坝一定程度上改变了水体水化学组成,从而影响碳酸盐岩风化速率估算.整体上,洪家渡水库、索风营水库和乌江渡水库的全年风化速率变化范围分别为:-1.7%~15.4%、-5.6%~1.1%和-0.3%~3.4%.河流筑坝作用对风化速率估算及主量离子浓度的影响:HCO3-与Ca2+浓度分布均为:洪家水库>乌江渡水库>索风营水库,这与水体滞留时间长短规律一致,表明水体滞留时间影响着水化学的组成分布.同时水体离子浓度表现出明显的季节性差异,丰水期各水库变化率明显...  相似文献   


Measurements made in the past few decades undeniably indicate change in the climate. The most visible sign of global climate change is air temperature, while less visible indicators include changes in river water temperatures. Changes in river temperature can significantly affect the environment, primarily the biosphere. The physical, biological and chemical characteristics of the river are directly affected by water temperature, although estimation of this relationship presents a complex problem. Although river temperature is influenced by hydrological and meteorological factors, the purpose of this study is to model daily water temperature using only one known parameter, mean air temperature. The relationship between the daily mean air and daily water temperature of the River Drava in Croatia is analysed using linear regression, stochastic modelling or nonlinear regression and multilayer perceptron (MLP) feed-forward neural networks. The results indicate that the MLP models are much better models which can be used for the estimation and prediction of daily mean river temperature.
Editor D. Koutsoyiannis; Associate editor M. Acreman  相似文献   

Identification of the most sensitive hydrological regions to a changing climate is essential to target adaptive management strategies. This study presents a quantitative assessment of spatial patterns, inter‐annual variability and climatic sensitivity of the shape (form) and magnitude (size) of annual river/stream water temperature regimes across England and Wales. Classification of long‐term average (1989–2006) annual river (air) temperature regime dynamics at 88 (38) stations within England and Wales identified spatially differentiable regions. Emergent river temperature regions were used to structure detailed hydroclimatological analyses of a subset of 38 paired river and air temperature stations. The shape and magnitude of air and water temperature regimes were classified for individual station‐years; and a sensitivity index (SI, based on conditional probability) was used to quantify the strength of associations between river and air temperature regimes. The nature and strength of air–river temperature regime links differed between regions. River basin properties considered to be static over the timescale of the study were used to infer modification of air–river temperature links by basin hydrological processes. The strongest links were observed in regions where groundwater contributions to runoff (estimated by basin permeability) were smallest and water exposure time to the atmosphere (estimated by basin area) was greatest. These findings provide a new large‐scale perspective on the hydroclimatological controls driving river thermal dynamics and, thus, yield a scientific basis for informed management and regulatory decisions concerning river temperature within England and Wales. © 2013 The Authors. Hydrological Processes published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A methodology for planning an optimized river water temperature monitoring network is presented. The methodology is based on sampling of the physio-climatic variability of the region to be monitored. Physio-climatic metrics are selected to describe the study region, based on principal component analysis. The sites to be monitored are then identified based on a k-means clustering in the multidimensional space defined by the selected metrics. The methodology is validated on an existing dense water temperature network in Haute-Savoie, France. Different configurations of more or less dense network scenarios are evaluated by assessing their ability to estimate water temperature indices at ungauged locations. An optimized network containing 83 sites is found to provide satisfactory estimations for seven ecologically and biologically meaningful thermal indices defined to characterize brown trout thermal habitat.  相似文献   

水库建设改变了河流水文情势及物质迁移转化过程,从而影响水环境质量。为探究梯级筑坝影响下河流氮、磷的空间分布特征及其形成机制,以澜沧江为研究对象,于2016年和2021年分别开展了沿程水环境监测,对比分析水体中氮、磷及其形态浓度在水库建成前后的变化及沿程分布特征,探究氮、磷变化及其沿程分布的主控因子和影响机制。结果表明:由于河流建库蓄水淹没的土地释放大量土壤有机氮,新建水库段(2021年)水体总氮(TN)浓度相比于建库前(2016年)显著上升;由于建库后水流流速减缓而促进颗粒态磷沉降,水体总磷(TP)浓度显著下降。此外,河流建库蓄水后原自然河道的水环境特征改变且利于沉积物磷的释放,筑坝后水体磷酸盐(PO43--P)占生物可利用磷(Bio-P)的比例显著上升。受沿程土地利用的影响,从上游到下游水体TN浓度总体上逐渐升高,而水体TP浓度由于水库的截留效应逐渐降低。筑坝增加的水力停留时间为水库氮、磷转化提供了有利条件,主要表现为溶解性无机氮以硝态氮为主转变为以氨氮为主;同时,Bio-P中PO43--P的占比...  相似文献   

三峡水库香溪河流域梯级水库浮游植物群落结构特征   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
于2005年10月、2006年1、4、7月对三峡水库香溪河流域3座水库(古洞口一级水库、古洞口二级水库和香溪河库湾)组成的梯级水库的浮游植物种类组成、优势种、群落结构、密度和生物多样性指数进行了周年调查研究.共鉴定出浮游植物7门58属121种(含变种),以绿藻和硅藻种类最多,绿藻有26属49种,占40.50%;硅藻14属41种,占33.88%;其次是甲藻,3属11种,占9.09%;蓝藻5属7种,占5.79%;隐藻3属7种,占5.79%;其它藻类仅占4.96%.浮游植物在古洞口一级水库共有25属31种,古洞口二级水库29属40种,香溪河库湾46属81种.优势度分析显示:古洞口一级水库藻类优势类群为硅藻门、绿藻门,古洞口二级水库为硅藻门、隐藻门和甲藻门,香溪河库湾为绿藻门、硅藻门、甲藻门和隐藻门.3座水库浮游植物年均密度分别为1.110×106、4.837×105和1.734×106 cells/L;其中,最高密度出现在香溪河库湾(4.87×106 cells/L),最低密度出现在古洞口二级水库(5.76×105 cells/L).运用主成分分析对梯级水库进行水质分析,表明沿着水库的梯度水质逐渐恶化.Shannon-Wiener多样性指数和Pielou均匀度指数在3座水库间无明显差异,而香溪河库湾Margalef丰富度指数显著大于古洞口一级、二级水库.前两个指数与浮游植物优势种的评价结果显示,香溪河流域梯级水库处于中污染状态.  相似文献   

2018年金沙江上游白格滑坡造成了近百年来最为严重的干流堵江事件,堰塞湖的形成和溃决给下游金沙江干流河道的水沙条件及梯级水电站运行造成影响.本文依据堰塞湖附近临时观测和金沙江干流河道控制性水文站的相关资料,研究堰塞体泄流对下游河道水沙输移的影响,同时结合梯级水库调度情况,计算了梯级水库的拦沙量.结果表明,堰塞湖溃决在金沙江中游形成了超历史的水沙过程,金沙江中游梯级电站开展应急调度后,堰塞湖溃决造成的特大洪水被削减为一般洪水.金沙江中游梯级梨园、阿海和金安桥电站累积拦截泥沙约1400万t,龙开口、鲁地拉和观音岩电站共计拦截泥沙约43万t,滑坡体产生的泥沙仍有约74%滞留在堰塞体附近.若滑坡体泥沙全部输移至金沙江中游梯级水库内,梨园电站的有效库容极有可能不满足水库所需调节库容的要求.  相似文献   

气候变化对湖库水环境的潜在影响研究进展   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
本文着重归纳气候变化对湖库热力特性、冰期、溶解氧、营养盐、浮游植物和水生植物等方面的影响规律,探讨气候变化对湖库水环境潜在影响的区域差异,讨论现有研究方法的优缺点和发展前景.研究表明,气候变暖对湖库物理过程的影响最为显著;热带草原气候和温带海洋性气候对于气候变暖和降雨变化的响应较其他气候类型突出;气候变化对湖库水环境的影响效果具有两面性.通过分析各气候类型中气候变暖对磷水平的潜在影响差异表明,亚热带季风气候的湖库更可能受气候变暖的影响趋于富营养状态.在今后研究中,建议深入开展各气候类型中区域性气候变化对湖库水环境影响的实例研究.  相似文献   

Increasing river temperatures are a threat to cold water species including ecologically and economically important freshwater fish, such as Atlantic salmon. In 2018, ca. 70% of Scottish rivers experienced temperatures which cause thermal stress in juvenile salmon, a situation expected to become increasingly common under climate change. Management of riparian woodlands is proven to protect cold water habitats. However, creation of new riparian woodlands can be costly and logistically challenging. It is therefore important that planting can be prioritized to areas where it is most needed and can be most effective in reducing river temperatures. The effects of riparian woodland on channel shading depend on complex interactions between channel width, orientation, aspect, gradient, tree height and solar geometry. Subsequent effects on river temperature are influenced by water volume and residence time. This study developed a deterministic river temperature model, driven by energy gains from solar radiation that are modified by water volume and residence time. The resulting output is a planting prioritization metric that compares potential warming between scenarios with and without riparian woodland. The prioritization metric has a reach scale spatial resolution, but can be mapped at large spatial scales using information obtained from a digital river network. The results indicate that water volume and residence time, as represented by river order, are a dominant control on the effectiveness of riparian woodland in reducing river temperature. Ignoring these effects could result in a sub-optimal prioritization process and inappropriate resource allocation. Within river order, effectiveness of riparian shading depends on interactions between channel and landscape characteristics. Given the complexity and interacting nature of controls, the use of simple universal planting criteria is not appropriate. Instead, managers should be provided with maps that translate complex models into readily useable tools to prioritize riparian tree planting to mitigate the impacts of high river temperatures.  相似文献   

River water temperature is a common target of water quality models at the watershed scale, owing to its principal role in shaping biogeochemical processes and in stream ecology. Usually, models include physically‐based, deterministic formulations to calculate water temperatures from detailed meteorological information, which usually comes from meteorological stations located far from the river reaches. However, alternative empirical approaches have been proposed, that usually depend on air temperature as master variable. This study explored the performance of a semidistributed water quality application modelling river water temperature in a Mediterranean watershed, using three different approaches. First, a deterministic approach was used accounting for the different heat exchange components usually considered in water temperature models. Second, an empirical approximation was applied using the equilibrium temperature concept, assuming a linear relationship with air temperature. And third, a hybrid approach was constructed, in which the temperature equilibrium concept and the deterministic approach were combined. Results showed that the hybrid approach gave the best results, followed by the empirical approximation. The deterministic formulation gave the worst results. The hybrid approach not only fitted daily river water temperatures, but also adequately modelled the daily temperature range (maximum–minimum daily temperature). Other river water features directly dependent on water temperature, such as river intrusion depth in lentic systems (i.e. the depth at which the river inflow plunges to equilibrate density differences with lake water), were also correctly modelled even at hourly time steps. However, results for the different heat fluxes between river and atmosphere were very unrealistic. Although direct evidence of discrepancies between meteorological drivers measured at the meteorological stations and the actual river microclimate was not found, the use of models including empirical or hybrid formulations depending mainly on air temperature is recommended if only meteorological data from locations far from the river reaches are available. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

潜流湿地中微生物对三峡库区微污染水净化效果的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
刘明  黄磊  高旭  马晓霞  杜刚 《湖泊科学》2012,24(5):687-692
为了探讨潜流湿地对三峡库区微污染河水的净化效果,在野外构建芦竹、菖蒲、空心菜和无植物(空白)水平潜流人工湿地,研究人工湿地系统中微生物基本菌群和功能菌群数量分布,探讨污染物去除与微生物菌群种类和数量的相关性.结果表明:实验湿地系统运行情况良好,植物湿地系统对各污染物指标的去除效果优于空白湿地系统;芦竹、菖蒲、空心菜和空白湿地系统的微生物数量均随温度的降低而减少,其中,植物湿地系统的微生物数量高于空白系统;各湿地系统的微生物数量与水质指标去除率之间的相关性较强,在夏季,不同人工湿地系统的细菌总数与CODMn的去除率之间存在着显著的正相关,真菌、亚硝酸细菌总数与铵氮去除率之间均存在着显著的正相关,在冬季,不同人工湿地系统的反硝化细菌总数与总氮去除率之间存在着显著的正相关.  相似文献   

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