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Our objective is to understand general causes of different river channel patterns. In this paper we compare an empirical stream power‐based classification and a physics‐based bar pattern predictor. We present a careful selection of data from the literature that contains rivers with discharge and median bed particle size ranging over several orders of magnitude with various channel patterns and bar types, but no obvious eroding or aggrading tendency. Empirically a continuum is found for increasing specific stream power, here calculated with pattern‐independent variables: mean annual flood, valley gradient and channel width predicted with a hydraulic geometry relation. ‘Thresholds’, above which certain patterns emerge, were identified as a function of bed sediment size. Bar theory predicts nature and presence of bars and bar mode, here converted to active braiding index (Bi). The most important variables are actual width–depth ratio and nonlinearity of bed sediment transport. Results agree reasonably well with data. Empirical predictions are somewhat better than bar theory predictions, because the bank strength is indirectly included in the empirical prediction. In combination, empirical and theoretical prediction provide partial explanations for bar and channel patterns. Increasing potential‐specific stream power implies more energy to erode banks and indeed correlates to channels with high width–depth ratio. Bar theory predicts that such rivers develop more bars across the width (higher Bi). At the transition from meandering to braiding, weakly braided rivers and meandering rivers with chutes are found. Rivers with extremely low stream power and width–depth ratios hardly develop bars or dynamic meandering and may be straight or sinuous or, in case of disequilibrium sediment feed, anastomosing. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The structure and dynamics of vegetation in valley bottoms are both strongly associated with fluvial processes and landform dynamics. All of these associations are disrupted by the installation of engineering control works. We use survey and analysis methods developed previously to investigate the impact of the installation of check‐dams within the confined headwaters of steep seasonally‐flowing streams (fiumaras) in Calabria, southern Italy, on active channel form, sediment calibre, and the richness, cover and development of riparian vegetation. Based on detailed field measurements along transects across the active channel, estimates of indices of vegetation extent (GCC), development (WCH) and their cross‐sectional variability (coefficients of variation of both indices at each survey site CVGCC, CVWCH), the number of species present (Ns), channel shape (w/d – the width/depth ratio), cross‐sectional area (CSA), downstream gradient (slope), surface bed sediment calibre (D50) and subsurface fine sediment content (percentage less than 250 µm by weight) were obtained for 60 transects located immediately upstream (U), downstream (D) and at intermediate sites (I) around 20 check‐dams located in four different headwater catchments. Analysis of this data set suggests that statistically significant changes in channel form and sediment calibre upstream of check‐dams are associated with more consistent vegetation development across the active channel, including an increase in species richness relative to other transects, but notable increases in vegetation cover and development only arise where the physical characteristics of the channel are notably different from intermediate and downstream channels. Because of the naturally steep profile of the study torrents, intermediate sections between check‐dams tend to be more similar in form to channels located immediately downstream of check‐dams than those located upstream, leading to similar structural properties in the riparian vegetation. The intermediate transects support considerably more species than downstream reaches, but the conditions upstream of the check‐dams appear to be so favourable for riparian vegetation development that species richness exceeds that found in intermediate reaches. Despite the confined headwater locations, these contrasts in form, sediment and vegetation development around check‐dams are strong and consistent across the study catchments, over‐riding more subtle contrasts in species richness and sediment calibre between catchments. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The discharge hydrograph estimation in rivers based on reverse routing modeling and using only water level data at two gauged sections is here extended to the most general case of significant lateral flow contribution, without needing to deploy rainfall–runoff procedures. The proposed methodology solves the Saint‐Venant equations in diffusive form also involving the lateral contribution using a “head‐driven” modeling approach where lateral inflow is assumed to be function of the water level at the tributary junction. The procedure allows to assess the discharge hydrograph at ends of a selected river reach with significant lateral inflow, starting from the stage recorded there and without needing rainfall data. Specifically, the MAST 1D hydraulic model is applied to solve the diffusive wave equation using the observed stage hydrograph at the upstream section as upstream boundary condition. The other required data are (a) the observed stage hydrograph at the downstream section, as benchmark for the parameter calibration, and (b) the bathymetry of the river reach, from the upstream section to a short distance after the downstream gauged section. The method is validated with different flood events observed in two river reaches with a significant intermediate basin, where reliable rating curves were available, selected along the Tiber River, in central Italy, and the Alzette River, in Luxembourg. Very good performance indices are found for the computed discharge hydrographs at both the channel ends and along the tributaries. The mean Nash‐Sutcliffe value (NSq) at the channel ends of two rivers is found equal to 0.99 and 0.86 for the upstream and downstream sites, respectively. The procedure is also validated on a longer stretch of the Tiber River including three tributaries for which appreciable results are obtained in terms of NSq for the computed discharge hydrographs at both the channel ends for three investigated flood events.  相似文献   

The northeast margin of the Tibetan Plateau, a particularly important area to understand the mechanism of plateau formation, is characterized by large transpressional arcuate faults. There is debate on the amount of Quaternary sinistral displacement on the major Haiyuan Fault. Previously unrecognized systemic asymmetrical valleys have developed between the Haiyuan and Xiangshan faults. Southeast tilting and sinistral displacement on the northeast side of the Haiyuan Fault resulted in southeast migration of large rivers and asymmetrical widening of their valleys, leaving a systematic distribution of tilted strath terraces along their northwest sides. Where asymmetrical widening created by tilting kept pace with sinistral displacement, rivers have not been deflected, and the increase in valley width downstream from the fault should equate to total lateral displacement since river formation (e.g. Yuan River, a 7 km asymmetrical valley with a c. 2.2 Ma paleomagnetic age). Where river deflection and asymmetrical valley growth are coeval, valley width is less than total horizontal displacement (e.g. Hebao River, a c. 2.1 km asymmetrical valley with c. 2 km deflection). All rivers north of the Haiyuan Fault converge to cut across the Xiangshan Mountains as a gorge. Northeast thrusting of the upthrown side of the Xiangshan Fault has resulted in degradation and related strath terrace formation as the valleys asymmetrically widened. A probable earthquake‐induced landslide caused by movement on the Xiangshan Fault in latest Pleistocene blocked the gorge causing aggradation along all rivers and their tributaries. Deposition terraces were formed after the landslide dam was breached. Together with previous research on the Xiangshan Fault, it is concluded that there has been c. 7 km of Quaternary sinistral displacement on the Haiyuan and Xiangshan faults along the northeast margin of the Tibetan Plateau since the formation of rivers that intersect them. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Xunhong Chen 《水文研究》2011,25(2):278-287
Characterization of streambed hydraulic conductivity from the channel surface to a great depth below the channel surface can provide needed information for the determination of stream‐aquifer hydrologic connectedness, and it is also important to river restoration. However, knowledge on the streambed hydraulic conductivity for sediments 1 m below the channel surface is scarce. This study describes a method that was used to determine the distribution patterns of streambed hydraulic conductivity for sediments from channel surface to a depth of 15 m below. The method includes Geoprobe's direct‐push techniques and Permeameter tests. Direct‐push techniques were used to generate the electrical conductivity (EC) logs and to collect sequences of continuous sediment cores from river channels, as well as from the alluvial aquifer connected to the river. Permeameter tests on these sediment cores give the profiles of vertical hydraulic conductivity (Kv) of the channel sediments and the aquifer materials. This method was applied to produce Kv profiles for a streambed and an alluvial aquifer in the Platte River Valley of Nebraska, USA. Comparison and statistical analysis of the Kv profiles from the river channel and from the proximate alluvial aquifer indicates a special pattern of Kv in the channel sediments. This depth‐dependent pattern of Kv distribution for the channel sediments is considered to be produced by hyporheic processes. This Kv‐distribution pattern implied that the effect of hyporheic processes on streambed hydraulic conductivity can reach the sediments about 9 m below the channel surface. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Instream flow science and management requires identification of characteristic hydrological, ecological, and geomorphological attributes of stream reaches. This study approaches this problem by identifying geomorphic transition zones along the lower Sabine River, Texas and Louisiana. Boundaries were delineated along the lower Sabine River valley based on surficial geology, valley width, valley confinement, network characteristics (divergent versus convergent), sinuousity, slope, paleomeanders, and point bars. The coincidence of multiple boundaries reveals five key transition zones separating six reaches of distinct hydrological and geomorphological characteristics. Geologic controls and gross valley morphology play a major role as geomorphic controls, as does an upstream‐to‐downstream gradient in the importance of pulsed dam releases, and a down‐to‐upstream gradient in coastal backwater effects. Geomorphic history, both in the sense of the legacy of Quaternary sea level changes, and the effects of specific events such as avulsions and captures, are also critical. The transition zones delineate reaches with distinct hydrological characteristics in terms of the relative importance of dam releases and coastal backwater effects, single versus multi‐channel flow patterns, frequency of overbank flow, and channel‐floodplain connectivity. The transitional areas also represent sensitive zones which can be expected to be bellwethers in terms of responses to future environmental changes. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Predicting the geometry of channels and alluvial rivers is of primary importance in river engineering science. Appropriately designing channels and predicting stable river cross‐sections can decrease costs and prevent the destruction of installations and agricultural land by rivers. Consequently, researchers have applied different empirical and regression methods to achieve relations for predicting stable channel and river geometry. In this study, Group Method of Data Handling ]GMDH) models are used to predict three geometric variables of stable channels, namely width (w), depth (h) and slope (s). The effect of different input parameters, such discharge (Q), median grain size (d50) and the Shields parameter (τ*) on the GMDH models is assessed with regard to predicting stable channel geometry. The results indicate that the GMDH model with mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) of 5.53%, 4.05% and 4.89% for channel width, depth and slope prediction respectively, exhibits good accuracy. Moreover, a comparison of the GMDH models with previous theoretical equations (based on regression analysis) indicates the superiority of GMDH model performance, with error reductions of one‐fifth, one‐eighth and one‐sixth compared with the regression equations for channel width, depth and slope prediction, respectively. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Mountain rivers can be subject to strong constraints imposed by changes in gradient and grain size supplied by processes such as glaciation and rockfall. Nonetheless, adjustments in the channel geometry and hydraulics of mountain rivers at the reach scale can produce discernible patterns analogous to those in fully alluvial rivers. Mountain rivers can differ in that imposed reach‐scale gradient is an especially important control on reach‐scale channel characteristics, as indicated by examination of North St Vrain Creek in Colorado. North St Vrain Creek drains 250 km2 of the Rocky Mountains. We used 25 study reaches within the basin to examine controls on reach‐scale channel geometry. Variables measured included channel geometry, large woody debris, grain size, and mean velocity. Drainage area at the study reaches ranged from 2·2 to 245 km2, and gradient from 0·013 to 0·147 m m?1. We examined correlations among (1) potential reach‐scale response variables describing channel bankfull dimension and shape, hydraulics, bedform wavelength and amplitude, grain size, ?ow resistance, standard deviation of hydraulic radius, and volume of large woody debris, and (2) potential control variables that change progressively downstream (drainage area, discharge) or that are likely to re?ect a reach‐speci?c control (bed gradient). We tested the hypothesis that response variables correlate most strongly with local bed gradient because of the segmented nature of mountain channels. Results from simple linear regression analyses indicate that most response variables correlate best with gradient, although channel width and width/depth ratio correlate best with discharge. Multiple regression analyses using Mallow's Cp selection criterion and log‐transformation of all variables produced similar results in that most response variables correlate strongly with gradient. These results suggest that the hypothesis is partially supported: channel bed gradient is likely to be a good predictor for many reach‐scale response variables along mountain rivers, but discharge is also an important predictor for some response variables. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study investigated the influence of the regional flow on the streambed vertical hydraulic conductivity (Kv) within the hyporheic zone in three stream reaches of the Weihe River in July 2016. The streambed Kv with two connected depths was investigated at each test reach. Based on the sediment characteristics, the three test reaches could be divided into three categories: a sandy streambed without continuous silt and clay layer, a sandy streambed with continuous silt and clay layer, and a silt–clay streambed. The results demonstrate that the streambed Kv mainly decreases with the depth at the sandy streambed (without continuous silt and clay layer) and increases with the depth at the other two test reaches. At the sandy streambed (with continuous silt and clay layer) where streambed Kv mainly decreases with the depth, the regional upward flux can suspend fine particles and enhance the pore spacing, resulting in the elevated Kv in the upper sediment layers. At another sandy streambed, the continuous silt and clay layer is the main factor that influences the vertical distribution of fine particles and streambed Kv. An increase in streambed Kv with the depth at the silt/clay streambed is attributed to the regional downward movement of water within the sediments that may lead to more fine particles deposited in the pores in the upper sediment layers. The streambed Kv is very close to the bank in the sandy streambed without continuous silt and clay layer and the channel centre in the other two test reaches. Differences in grain size distribution of the sediments at each test reach exercise a strong controlling influence on the streambed Kv. This study promotes the understanding of dynamics influencing the interactions between groundwater and surface water and provides guidelines to scientific water resources management for rivers.  相似文献   

The worldwide availability of digital elevation models (DEMs) has enabled rapid (semi-)automated mapping of earth surface landforms. In this paper, we first present an approach for delineating valley bottom extent across a large catchment using only publicly available, coarse-resolution DEM input. We assess the sensitivity of our results to variable DEM resolution and find that coarse-resolution datasets (90 m resolution) provide superior results. We also find that LiDAR-derived DEMs produce more realistic results than satellite-derived DEMs across the full range of topographic settings tested. Satellite-derived DEMs perform more effectively in moderate topographic settings, but fail to capture the subtleties of valley bottom extent in mild gradient, low-lying topography and in narrow headwater reaches. Second, we present a semi-automated technique within ArcGIS for delineating valley bottom segments using DEM-derived network scale metrics of valley bottom width and slope. We use an unsupervised machine-learning technique based on the k-means clustering algorithm to solve a conundrum in GIS-based geomorphic analysis of rivers: the delineation of valley bottom segments of variable length. The delineation of valley bottom segments provides a coarse-scale entry point into automated geomorphic analysis and characterization of river systems. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Google Earth provides potential for exploiting an enormous reservoir of freely-available remotely sensed data to support river science and management. In this paper, we consider how the platform can support investigation of river physical forms and processes by developing an empirically-based reach-scale classification of semi-natural European single thread to transitional rivers. Using strict reach and image selection criteria, we identified 194 reaches of 68 rivers for analysis. Measurements of channel dimensions and counts of in-channel and floodplain features, standardised for reach length and channel width where necessary, were used to derive a series of geomorphologically-relevant process indicators. A suite of multivariate analyses were then applied to this data set, resulting in the discrimination of five river types: laterally stable, laterally active sinuous-meandering; transitional (near-braided); bedrock; and cascade/step dominated. The results of the classification were tested by examining the characteristics and distribution of the river classes in relation to known independent controls of river form including reach-scale energy and valley confinement conditions. Our results show that if methods of data extraction are carefully developed, physically meaningful river reach discrimination can be achieved using Google Earth. Although there are limits to the types of information that can be extracted such that field investigations cannot always be avoided, there is enormous potential to mine Google Earth across different space and time scales, supporting the assembly of large, reliable data sets relevant to river forms and processes in a very cost-effective way. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Among braided rivers developed on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau of China at very high elevations(>3,500 m),the middle and lower reaches of the Lhasa River have been affected by comprehensive human activities mainly involving dam construction,urbanization,farming,afforestation,and mining.In the current study,the impacts of these human activities on hydrology and morphology of the four braided reaches downstream of a cascaded of two dams are investigated.The study period was divided into 1985-2006(...  相似文献   

Least action principle (LAP) in rivers is demonstrated by maximum flow efficiency (MFE) and is the foundation of variational mechanics based on energy and work rather than Newtonian force and momentum. Empirical evidence shows it to be the primary control for the adjustment of alluvial channels. Because most rivers flow with imposed water and sediment loads down valley gradients they have largely inherited, they self‐regulate energy expenditure to match the work they are required to do to remain stable. Overpowered systems develop a variety of channel patterns to expend excess energy and remain stable. Australia offers an opportunity to study low‐energy rivers closely adjusted to very low continental gradients. The anabranching Marshall and single‐thread Plenty Rivers flow down nearly straight channels with average H numbers [ratio between excess bed shear and width/depth (W/D) ratio] close to the optimum of 0.3 for stationary equilibrium. Ridge‐form divisions of the original channel width create anabranches that radically alter W/D ratios relative to bed shear, the same being true for short‐wide islands on the large low‐gradient Yangtze River in China. In contrast, Mount Chambers Creek in Australia's tectonically more active Flinders Ranges is accreting an alluvial fan with unstable distributary channels exhibiting H numbers well below the optimum. LAP also explains profound biases in Earth's stratigraphic record. Because meandering is an energy‐shedding mechanism, sinuous rivers sequester relatively little sediment resulting in all sequences being just a few tens of metres thick. In contrast, low‐energy braided disequilibrium systems can sequester sediment piles over a kilometre in thickness and tens of kilometres wide. LAP provides a new paradigm for river research by identifying the attractor state controlling river channel evolution. It links advances in theoretical physics to fluvial geomorphology, stratigraphy and hydraulic engineering and opens opportunities for diverse investigations in Earth system science. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A dataset of 21 study reaches in the Porter and Kowai rivers (eastern side of the South Island), and 13 study reaches in Camp Creek and adjacent catchments (western side of the South Island) was used to examine downstream hydraulic geometry of mountain streams in New Zealand. Streams in the eastern and western regions both exhibit well-developed downstream hydraulic geometry, as indicated by strong correlations between channel top width, bankfull depth, mean velocity, and bankfull discharge. Exponents for the hydraulic geometry relations are similar to average values for rivers worldwide. Factors such as colluvial sediment input to the channels, colluvial processes along the channels, tectonic uplift, and discontinuous bedrock exposure along the channels might be expected to complicate adjustment of channel geometry to downstream increases in discharge. The presence of well-developed downstream hydraulic geometry relations despite these complicating factors is interpreted to indicate that the ratio of hydraulic driving forces to substrate resisting forces is sufficiently large to permit channel adjustment to relatively frequent discharges.  相似文献   

Sediment mining in rivers may have a major impact on river geomorphology and research is required to quantify these impacts. In this research, experimental studies were conducted to analyse the morphological changes of channel bed and the turbulent characteristics of flow in the presence of mining. The channel bed profile shows erosion at the bank of the pit and that the erosion expands to the whole width of the channel and propagates downstream with time. The deposition of sediment occurs along the upstream edge of the pit and the depth of the pit decreases with time. Velocity reversal occurs at the central bottom of the pit related to a recirculation zone. Reynolds shear stress and the turbulent intensities become higher in the mining pit region and downstream of it as compared to the upstream section, causing a more rapid movement of bed particles. Analysis of the bursting phenomenon shows that the contribution of sweep and ejection events to the total Reynolds shear stress is more dominant over outward and inward interaction events. The dominance of the sweep event over ejection is observed at the near‐bed region for all the sections, but the depth range of dominance of sweep events in the pit and downstream of the pit is found to be more than the upstream. The increase in thickness is responsible for the increase in bed material transport. The increased sediment transport capacity at the mining pit and downstream of it caused the deformation and lowering of channel bed downstream. An empirical formulation of bedload transport for mining induced channels is derived from two different sized uniform bed materials. Copyright © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Channel change to regulated flows along large lowland rivers with cohesive bank materials has been investigated on the lower Welsh Dee, including the tidally influenced reach. Reduction of channel width has involved the formation of a 5–40m wide discontinuous bench, often linking ‘point’ and ‘concave’ locations. Map evidence shows that wide benches occur where historically the channel had migrated laterally; narrow benches were found at stable channel locations. Auger cores of the bench deposits clearly differentiated the two contrasting depositional environments within meandering rivers: ‘point bench’ and ‘concave bench’. Around an individual bend a morphologically continuous bench showed a gradient in sediment characteristics from coarser sediments (point locations) to finer organic deposits (concave locations); it also showed a topographic gradient, gaining 0.5m in elevation around the bend suggesting that bench accretion at concave locations is faster than at point locations in fluvially dominated reaches. Such patterns are suggested to have important implications for riparian ecosystems. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Walker Creek in Marin County, California is a coastal stream draining to Tomales Bay, which lies in the San Andreas Rift Zone. Its valley contains an alluvial fill with a basal gravel dated at 5000 years BP. In upstream parts of the watershed, channels are incised arroyo-like in the fill leaving the valley floor standing as a high terrace averaging 5·5 m (18 ft) high. Below this terrace is an inner terrace of historic age that stands 2·4 m (8 ft) above the streambed. The stratigraphy and morphology of this valley are seen in others nearby, and indicate that in the last half of Holocene time in this region a single episode of valley alluviation was followed by two episodes of valley cutting. The second episode of valley cutting is occurring in the present time. During the last 60 years the flow has become seasonal, the stream has incised 1·5 m (5 ft) below the inner terrace in upstream reaches, aggraded 1·2 m (4 ft) in downstream reaches, and extended its estuary. Incision upstream has begun to re-expose the bedrock valley floor and is associated with aggradation downstream that has caused the flood plain to overtop both terraces. This has decreased the stream's gradient. Using a stream that is currently effecting major changes in its valley and channel morphology, two aspects of hydraulic adjustment in fluvial systems are examined. The changes in the average slope of the longitudinal profile are small but measureable. Profile concavity has not changed measurably. The various profiles that have existed in Holocene time show that stream gradient can be, but is not necessarily, slightly adjusted during valley filling and cutting. Flow measurements at a high discharge show that the channel has begun to assume the hydraulic geometry of an ephemeral channel. Adjustments of depth, velocity, and roughness appear to be hydraulic adjustments in response to changing watershed conditions.  相似文献   

Logjams that span the bankfull channel strongly influence hydraulics and downstream fluxes of diverse materials. Several studies quantify the longitudinal distribution of channel-spanning logjams, but fewer studies examine changes in longitudinal distribution in response to disturbances such as floods. We use 10 years of annual surveys of a population of channel-spanning logjams along mountain streams in the Southern Rocky Mountains. Surveys from 2010 to 2019 bracket substantial interannual variability in the snowmelt peak flow as well as a rainfall flood in 2013. We characterised the number of logjams per unit length of valley (logjam distribution density) within and between reaches designated based on longitudinally consistent channel and valley geometry. Our primary objectives are to evaluate the influences on logjam distribution density of (i) spatial variations in valley and channel geometry and (ii) temporal variations in peak annual flow. We hypothesized that logjam distribution densities are resilient to disturbance at both spatial scales. At the creek scale, logjam distribution density correlates significantly with increasing ratio of floodplain width to channel width and wood piece length to channel width. Wide, low gradient reaches with greater distribution density exhibit greater interannual variation in distribution density. These reaches lost jams during the 2013 flood but returned to pre-flood distribution density values by the end of the study. The pattern of greater logjam distribution density in unconfined reaches relative to confined and partially confined reaches is also consistent over the period of the study. We interpret these results as indicating the resilience of logjam distributions to disturbance. The persistence of greater numbers of logjams in wide, low gradient reaches suggests that river restoration employing engineered logjams and wood reintroduction can focus most effectively on these reaches.  相似文献   

Floodplains and terraces in river valleys play important roles in the transport dynamics of water and sediment. While flat areas in river valleys can be identified from LiDAR data, directly characterizing them as either floodplain or terraces is not yet possible. To address this challenge, we hypothesize that, since geomorphic features are strongly coupled to hydrological and hydraulic dynamics and their associated variability, there exists a return frequency, or possibly a narrow band of return frequencies, of flow that is associated with floodplain formation; and this association can provide a distinctive signature for distinguishing them from terraces. Based on this hypothesis we develop a novel approach for distinguishing between floodplains and terraces that involves transforming the transverse cross‐sectional geometry of a river valley into a curve, named a river valley hypsometric (RVH) curve, and linking hydraulic inundation frequency with the features of this curve. Our approach establishes that the demarcation between floodplains and terraces can be established from the structure of steps and risers in the RVH curves which can be obtained from the DEM data. Further, it shows that these transitions may themselves be shaped by floods with 10‐ to 100‐year recurrence. We additionally show that, when floodplain width and height (above channel bottom) are normalized by bankfull width and depth, the ratio lies in a narrow range independent of the scale of the river valley. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

G. Kaless  L. Mao  M. A. Lenzi 《水文研究》2014,28(4):2348-2360
Downstream hydraulic geometry relationships describe the shape of alluvial channels in terms of bankfull width, flow depth, flow velocity, and channel slope. Recent investigations have stressed the difference in spatial scales associated with these variables and thus the time span required for their adjustment after a disturbance. The aim of this study is to explore the consequences in regime models considering the hypothesis that while channel width and depth adjust quickly to changes in water and sediment supply, reach slope requires a longer time span. Three theoretical models were applied. One model incorporates an extremal hypothesis (Millar RG. 2005. Theoretical regime equations for mobile gravel‐bed rivers with stable banks. Geomorphology 64 : 207–220), and the other two are fully physically based (Ikeda S, Parker G, Kimura Y. 1988. Stable width and depth of straight gravel rivers with heterogeneous bed materials. Water Resources Research 24 : 713–722; Parker G, Wilcock PR, Paola C, Dietrich W, Pitlick J. 2007. Physical basis for quasi universal relations describing bankfull hydraulic geometry of single‐thread gravel‐bed rivers. Journal of Geophysical Research 112 , DOI: 10.1029/2006JF000549). In order to evaluate the performance of models introducing the slope as an independent variable, we propose two modifications to previous models. The performance of regime models was tested against published data from 142 river reaches and new hydraulic geometry data from gravel‐bed rivers in Patagonia (Argentina) and north‐eastern Italy. Models that assume slope as a control (Ikeda et al., 1988; or Millar, 2005) predict channel depth and width reasonably well. Parker et al.'s (2007) model improved predictions because it filters the scatter in slope data with a relation slope–discharge. The extremal hypothesis model of Millar (2005) predicts comparably to the other physically based models. Millar's model was chosen to describe the recent changes in the Piave and Brenta rivers due to human intervention – mainly in‐channel gravel mining. The change in sediment supply and recovery was estimated for these rivers. This study supports the interpretation that sediment supply is the key factor guiding morphological changes in these rivers. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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