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To evaluate the influence of hydrological processes on dissolved organic carbon (DOC) dynamics in a forested headwater catchment, DOC concentration was observed along the flow path from rainfall to stream water via throughfall, soil water, groundwater, and spring water for 4 years, and DOC flux through the catchment was calculated. The spatial and temporal variations in DOC concentration and flux were compared with physical hydrological observations and the mean residence time of water. In the upslope soil layer, DOC concentrations were not significantly correlated with water fluxes, suggesting that DOC concentrations were not strictly controlled by water fluxes. In the upslope perennial groundwater, DOC concentration was affected by the change in the amount of microbial degradation of DOC produced by changes in the mean residence time of water. In stream water, the temporal variation in DOC concentration was usually affected by changes in DOC concentration of the inflow component via vertical infiltration from above the perennial groundwater. During dry periods, however, the component from inflow via vertical infiltration was negligible and DOC in the upslope perennial groundwater became the major component of stream water DOC. The temporal variation in stream water DOC concentration during baseflow was affected by rainfall patterns over several preceding months. Therefore, records of rainfall over several preceding months are one of the most important factors for predicting changes in DOC concentration on a catchment scale. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We examined the contributions of bedrock groundwater to the upscaling of storm‐runoff generation processes in weathered granitic headwater catchments by conducting detailed hydrochemical observations in five catchments that ranged from zero to second order. End‐member mixing analysis (EMMA) was performed to identify the geographical sources of stream water. Throughfall, hillslope groundwater, shallow bedrock groundwater, and deep bedrock groundwater were identified as end members. The contribution of each end member to storm runoff differed among the catchments because of the differing quantities of riparian groundwater, which was recharged by the bedrock groundwater prior to rainfall events. Among the five catchments, the contribution of throughfall was highest during both baseflow and storm flow in a zero‐order catchment with little contribution from the bedrock groundwater to the riparian reservoir. In zero‐order catchments with some contribution from bedrock groundwater, stream water was dominated by shallow bedrock groundwater during baseflow, but it was significantly influenced by hillslope groundwater during storms. In the first‐order catchment, stream water was dominated by shallow bedrock groundwater during storms as well as baseflow periods. In the second‐order catchment, deeper bedrock groundwater than that found in the zero‐order and first‐order catchments contributed to stream water in all periods, except during large storm events. These results suggest that bedrock groundwater influences the upscaling of storm‐runoff generation processes by affecting the linkages of geomorphic units such as hillslopes, riparian zones, and stream channels. Our results highlight the need for a three‐dimensional approach that considers bedrock groundwater flow when studying the upscaling of storm‐runoff generation processes. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The relationship between stream water DOC concentrations and soil organic C pools was investigated at a range of spatial scales in subcatchments of the River Dee system in north‐east Scotland. Catchment percentage peat cover and soil C pools, calculated using local, national and international soils databases, were related to mean DOC concentrations in streams draining small‐ (<5 km2), medium‐ (12–38 km2) and large‐scale (56–150 km2) catchments. The results show that, whilst soil C pool is a good predictor of stream water DOC concentration at all three scales, the strongest relationships were found in the small‐scale catchments. In addition, in both the small‐ and large‐scale catchments, percentage peat cover was as a good predictor of stream water DOC concentration as catchment soil C pool. The data also showed that, for a given soil C pool, streams draining lowland (<700 m) catchments had higher DOC concentrations than those draining upland (>700 m) catchments, suggesting that disturbance and land use may have a small effect on DOC concentration. Our results therefore suggest that the relationship between stream water DOC concentration and catchment soil C pools exists at a range of spatial scales and this relationship appears to be sufficiently robust to be used to predict the effects of changes in catchment soil C storage on stream water DOC concentration. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

There has been a great deal of research interest regarding changes in flow path/runoff source with increases in catchment area. However, there have been very few quantitative studies taking subscale variability and convergence of flow path/runoff source into account, especially in relation to headwater catchments. This study was performed to elucidate how the contributions and discharge rates of subsurface water (water in the soil layer) and groundwater (water in fractured bedrock) aggregate and change with catchment area increase, and to elucidate whether the spatial variability of the discharge rate of groundwater determines the spatial variability of stream discharge or groundwater contribution. The study area was a 5‐km2 forested headwater catchment in Japan. We measured stream discharge at 113 points and water chemistry at 159 points under base flow conditions. End‐member mixing analysis was used to separate stream water into subsurface water and groundwater. The contributions of both subsurface water and groundwater had large variability below 1 km2. The contribution of subsurface water decreased markedly, while that of groundwater increased markedly, with increases in catchment area. The specific discharge of subsurface water showed a large degree of variability and decreased with catchment area below 0.1 km2, becoming almost constant above 0.1 km2. The specific discharge of groundwater showed large variability below 1 km2 and increased with catchment area. These results indicated that the variabilities of stream discharge and groundwater contribution corresponded well with the variability of the discharge rate of groundwater. However, below 0.1 km2, it was necessary to consider variations in the discharge rates of both subsurface water and groundwater. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Stream water chemistry is routinely measured over time at fixed and sparse sites, which provides a coarse image of spatial variability. Here, we measured nitrate, dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and several chemical proxies for water flowpaths, catchment residence time and biogeochemical transformations, every 50–100 m along 13 km of streams in six agricultural headwater catchments (1.1–3.5km2). The objective was to examine controls on longitudinal nitrate profiles at a high spatial resolution during four seasons: rewetting of the catchments in autumn, winter high-flow, spring recession and summer low-flow. Our results showed monotonic trends in longitudinal profiles for nitrate and DOC, which were opposite for the two solutes. Spatial trends in water-chemistry profiles persisted across seasons, which suggests time-invariant controls on the spatial variations in concentrations. Four catchments exhibited decreasing nitrate and increasing DOC from upstream to downstream, while two catchments exhibited increasing nitrate and decreasing DOC. These smooth gradients did not reflect a longitudinal land-use gradient, but rather an increase in the proportion of groundwater inflows when moving downstream, as suggested by the chemical proxies and punctual discharge measurements. Water chemistry also changed abruptly at confluences, at a farm point source and at a localized groundwater inflow zone.  相似文献   

The role of bedrock groundwater in rainfall–runoff processes is poorly understood. Hydrometric, tracer and subsurface water potential observations were conducted to study the role of bedrock groundwater and subsurface flow in the rainfall–runoff process in a small headwater catchment in Shiranui, Kumamoto prefecture, south‐west Japan. The catchment bedrock consists of a strongly weathered, fractured andesite layer and a relatively fresh continuous layer. Major chemical constituents and stable isotopic ratios of δ18O and δD were analysed for spring water, rainwater, soil water and bedrock groundwater. Temporal and spatial variation in SiO2 showed that stream flow under the base flow condition was maintained by bedrock groundwater. Time series of three components of the rainstorm hydrograph (rainwater, soil water and bedrock groundwater) separated by end member mixing analysis showed that each component fluctuated during rainstorm, and their patterns and magnitudes differed between events. During a typical mid‐magnitude storm event, a delayed secondary runoff peak with 1·0 l s−1 was caused by increase in the bedrock groundwater component, whereas during a large rainstorm event the bedrock groundwater component increased to ≈ 2·5 l s−1. This research shows that the contribution of bedrock groundwater and soil water depends strongly on the location of the groundwater table, i.e. whether or not it rises above the soil–bedrock interface. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Springs are the point of origin for most headwater streams and are important regulators of their chemical composition. We analysed solute concentrations of water emerging from 57 springs within the 3 km2 Fool Creek catchment at the Fraser Experimental Forest and considered sources of spatial variation among them and their influence on the chemical composition of downstream water. On average, calcium and acid neutralizing capacity (bicarbonate-ANC) comprised 50 and 90% of the cation and anion charge respectively, in both spring and stream water. Variation in inorganic chemical composition among springs reflected distinct groundwater sources and catchment geology. Springs emerging through glacial deposits in the upper portion of the catchment were the most dilute and similar to snowmelt, whereas lower elevation springs were more concentrated in cations and ANC. Water emerging from a handful of springs in a geologically faulted portion of the catchment were more concentrated than all others and had a predominant effect on downstream ion concentrations. Chemical similarity indicated that these springs were linked along surface and subsurface flowpaths. This survey shows that springwater chemistry is influenced at nested spatial scales including broad geologic conditions, elevational and spatial attributes and isolated local features. Our results highlight the role of overlapping factors on solute export from headwater catchments.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of source areas and associated residence times of water in the catchment are significant factors controlling the annual cycles of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentration in Deer Creek (Summit County, Colorado). During spring snowmelt (April–August 1992), stream DOC concentrations increased with the rising limb of the hydrograph, peaked before maximum discharge, then declined rapidly as melting continued. We investigated catchment sources of DOC to streamflow, measuring DOC in tension lysimeters, groundwater wells, snow and streamflow. Lysimeter data indicate that near-surface soil horizons are a primary contributor of DOC to streamflow during spring snowmelt. Concentrations of DOC in the lysimeters decrease rapidly during the melt period, supporting the hypothesis that hydrological flushing of catchment soils is the primary mechanism affecting the temporal variation of DOC in Deer Creek. Time constants of DOC flushing, characterizing the exponential decay of DOC concentration in the upper soil horizon, ranged from 10 to 30 days for the 10 lysimeter sites. Differences in the rate of flushing are influenced by topographical position, with near-stream riparian soils flushed more quickly than soils located further upslope. Variation in the amount of distribution of accumulated snow, and asynchronous melting of the snowpack across the landscape, staggered the onset of the spring flush throughout the catchment, prolonging the period of increased concentrations of DOC in the stream. Streamflow integrates the catchment-scale flushing responses, yielding a time constant associated with the recession of DOC in the stream channel (84 days) that is significantly longer than the time constants observed for particular locations in the upper soil. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

During the last decades, increasing exports of both dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and iron were observed from peat catchments in North America and Europe with potential consequences for water quality of streamwater and carbon storages of soils. As mobilisation and transport processes of DOC and iron in peat catchments are only partly understood, the purpose of this study was to elucidate these processes in an intensively monitored and studied system. Specifically, it was hypothesised that dissimilatory iron reduction in riparian peatland soils mobilises DOC initially adsorbed to iron minerals. During stormflow conditions, both DOC and iron will be transported into the stream network. Ferrous iron may be reoxidised at redox interfaces on its way to the stream, and subsequently, ferric iron could be transported together with DOC as complexes. To test these hypotheses, generalised additive models (GAMs) were applied to 14 years of weekly time series of discharge and concentrations of selected solutes measured in a German headwater stream called Lehstenbach. This stream drains a 4.19‐km2 forested mountain catchment; one third of which is covered by riparian peatland soils. We interpreted results of different types of GAM in the way that (a) iron reduction drove the mobilisation of DOC from peatland soils and that (b) both iron and DOC were transported as complexes after their joint mobilisation to and within the steam. It was speculated that low nitrate availability in the uppermost wetland soil layer, particularly during the growing season, promoted iron reduction and thus the mobilisation of DOC. However, the influence of nitrate on the DOC mobilisation remains relatively uncertain. This influence could be further investigated using methods similar to the GAM analysis conducted here for other catchments with long‐term data as well as detailed measurements of the relevant species in riparian wetland soils and the adjacent stream network.  相似文献   

Climate change is causing drastic landscape changes in the Arctic, but how these changes modify stream biogeochemistry is not clear yet. We examined how catchment properties influence stream nitrogen (N) and dissolved organic carbon concentrations (DOC) in a high-Arctic environment. We sampled two contrasting headwater streams (10–15 stations over 4.8 and 6.8 km, respectively) in Northeast Greenland (74°N). We characterized the geomorphology (i.e., bedrock, solifluction and alluvial types) and the vegetation (i.e., barren, fell field, grassland and tundra types) cover of each subcatchment area draining into each sampling station and collected water samples for hydrochemistry characterization. The two sampled streams differed in geomorphology and vegetation cover in the catchment. Aucellaelv catchment was mostly covered by a ‘bedrock’ geomorphology (71%) and ‘fellfield’ vegetation (51%), whereas Kæerelv was mostly covered by ‘alluvial’ geomorphology (65%) and ‘grassland’ and ‘tundra’ vegetation (42% and 41% respectively). Hydrochemistry also differed between the two study streams, with higher concentrations of inorganic N forms in Aucellaelv and lower DOC concentrations, compared to Kærelv. The results from the linear mixed model selection showed that vegetation and geomorphology had contrasting effects on stream hydrochemistry. Subcatchments with higher solifluction sheets and limited vegetation had higher nitrate concentrations but lower DOC concentrations. Interestingly, we also found high variability on the production and removal of nitrate across subcatchments. These results indicate landscape controls to nutrient and organic matter exports via flow paths, soil organic matter stocks and nutrient retention via terrestrial vegetation. Moreover, the results suggest that climate change induced alterations to vegetation cover and soil physical disturbance in high-Arctic catchments will affect stream hydrochemistry, with potential effects in stream productivity, trophic relations as well as change of solute export to downstream coastal areas.  相似文献   

Waterborne carbon (C) export from terrestrial ecosystems is a potentially important flux for the net catchment C balance and links the biogeochemical C cycling of terrestrial ecosystems to their downstream aquatic ecosystems. We have monitored hydrology and stream chemistry over 3 years in ten nested catchments (0.6–15.1 km2) with variable peatland cover (0%–22%) and groundwater influence in subarctic Sweden. Total waterborne C export, including dissolved and particulate organic carbon (DOC and POC) and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), ranged between 2.8 and 7.3 g m–2 year–1, representing ~10%–30% of catchment net ecosystem exchange of CO2. Several characteristics of catchment waterborne C export were affected by interacting effects of peatland cover and groundwater influence, including magnitude and timing, partitioning into DOC, POC, and DIC and chemical composition of the exported DOC. Waterborne C export was greater during the wetter years, equivalent to an average change in export of ~2 g m–2 year–1 per 100 mm of precipitation. Wetter years led to a greater relative increase in DIC export than DOC export due to an inferred relative shift in dominance from shallow organic flow pathways to groundwater sources. Indices of DOC composition (SUVA254 and a250/a365) indicated that DOC aromaticity and average molecular weight increased with catchment peatland cover and decreased with increased groundwater influence. Our results provide examples on how waterborne C export and DOC composition might be affected by climate change. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The dominance of ‘old’ pre‐event water in headwater storm runoff has been recorded in numerous upland catchment studies; however, the mechanisms by which this pre‐event water enters the stream channel are poorly understood. Understanding these processes is fundamental to determining the controls on surface water quality and associated impacts on stream ecology. Previous studies in the upland forested catchment of the Afon Hafren (River Severn) at Plynlimon, mid‐Wales, identified an active bedrock groundwater system that was discharging into the stream channel during storm response. Detailed analysis showed that these discharges were small and could not account for the majority of pre‐event storm water response identified at this site; pre‐event storm runoff had to be sourced predominantly from further upstream. An intensive stream survey was used to determine the spatial nature of groundwater–surface water (GW–SW) interactions in the Hafren Catchment. Detailed physico‐chemical in‐stream profiling identified a marked change in water quality indicating a significant discrete point of bedrock groundwater discharge upstream of the Hafren Transect study site. The in‐stream profiling showed the importance of high spatial resolution sampling as a key to understanding processes of GW–SW interaction and how quick and cost‐effective measurements of specific electrical conductance of stream waters could be used to highlight in‐stream heterogeneity. This approach is recommended for use in headwater catchments for initial characterisation of the stream channel in order to better locate instrumentation and to determine more effective targeted sampling protocols in upland catchment research. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this research the dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) loadings from direct precipitation, stream flow and groundwater discharge to two small estuaries located in Prince Edward Island (PEI), Canada, were quantified over a 2‐year period. The two estuaries, like many around the world, exhibit deteriorating conditions that are believed to be related to excessive nitrogen transport from adjacent catchments. The significance of the groundwater transport pathway and the temporal variability of the loadings have not been previously investigated. The wet fraction of the atmospheric loading was quantified using available precipitation and DIN concentration records. Stream water entering the estuaries and the discharge from numerous shoreline springs, the predominate form of groundwater discharge, were monitored periodically during the study. The annual DIN loads delivered to both estuaries were dominated by streams, although groundwater discharge provided significant contributions of approximately 15–18%. Temporal variability of DIN loading was large, with monthly loads varying by a factor of 5; this variability was found to be primarily related to the variability of freshwater discharge. Concentrations of nitrate in stream water discharging to the estuaries and shoreline groundwater springs were similar in each catchment, suggesting that there was minimal differential attenuation during transport via these two pathways. The McIntyre Creek estuary had one of the highest normalized loads reported in the literature (1700 kg NO3‐N/ha estuary/year), more than four‐fold that of the Trout River estuary, and this result appears to be related to the larger percentage of land area used for potato production in the catchment. This study demonstrates that direct groundwater discharge to estuaries in PEI should not be ignored and that seasonal variations in loading may be important for managing DIN delivery to such estuaries. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Stream chemistry is often used to infer catchment‐scale biogeochemical processes. However, biogeochemical cycling in the near‐stream zone or hydrologically connected areas may exert a stronger influence on stream chemistry compared with cycling processes occurring in more distal parts of the catchment, particularly in dry seasons and in dry years. In this study, we tested the hypotheses that near‐stream wetland proportion is a better predictor of seasonal (winter, spring, summer, and fall) stream chemistry compared with whole‐catchment averages and that these relationships are stronger in dryer periods with lower hydrologic connectivity. We evaluated relationships between catchment wetland proportion and 16‐year average seasonal flow‐weighted concentrations of both biogeochemically active nutrients, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), nitrate (NO3‐N), total phosphorus (TP), as well as weathering products, calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), at ten headwater (<200 ha) forested catchments in south‐central Ontario, Canada. Wetland proportion across the entire catchment was the best predictor of DOC and TP in all seasons and years, whereas predictions of NO3‐N concentrations improved when only the proportion of wetland within the near‐stream zone was considered. This was particularly the case during dry years and dry seasons such as summer. In contrast, Ca and Mg showed no relationship with catchment wetland proportion at any scale or in any season. In forested headwater catchments, variable hydrologic connectivity of source areas to streams alters the role of the near‐stream zone environment, particularly during dry periods. The results also suggest that extent of riparian zone control may vary under changing patterns of hydrological connectivity. Predictions of biogeochemically active nutrients, particularly NO3‐N, can be improved by including near‐stream zone catchment morphology in landscape models.  相似文献   

Hydrological events transport large proportions of annual or seasonal dissolved organic carbon (DOC) loads from catchments to streams. The timing, magnitude and intensity of these events are very sensitive to changes in temperature and precipitation patterns, particularly across the boreal region where snowpacks are declining and summer droughts are increasing. It is important to understand how landscape characteristics modulate event-scale DOC dynamics in order to scale up predictions from sites across regions, and to understand how climatic changes will influence DOC dynamics across the boreal forest. The goal of this study was to assess variability in DOC concentrations in boreal headwater streams across catchments with varying physiographic characteristics (e.g., size, proportion of wetland) during a range of hydrological events (e.g., spring snowmelt, summer/fall storm events). From 2016 to 2017, continuous discharge and sub-daily chemistry grab samples were collected from three adjacent study catchments located at the International Institute for Sustainable Development-Experimental Lakes Area in northwestern Ontario, Canada. Catchment differences were more apparent in summer and fall events and less apparent during early spring melt events. Hysteresis analysis suggested that DOC sources were proximal to the stream for all events at a catchment dominated by a large wetland near the outlet, but distal from the stream at the catchments that lacked significant wetland coverage during the summer and fall. Wetland coverage also influenced responses of DOC export to antecedent moisture; at the wetland-dominated catchment, there were consistent negative relationships between DOC concentrations and antecedent moisture, while at the catchments without large wetlands, the relationships were positive or not significant. These results emphasize the utility of sub-daily sampling for inferring catchment DOC transport processes, and the importance of considering catchment-specific factors when predicting event-scale DOC behaviour.  相似文献   

Amount and composition of dissolved organic matter (DOM) were evaluated for multiple, nested stream locations in a forested watershed to investigate the role of hydrologic flow paths, wetlands and drainage scale. Sampling was performed over a 4‐year period (2008–2011) for five locations with drainage areas of 0.62, 3.5, 4.5, 12 and 79 ha. Hydrologic flow paths were characterized using an end‐member mixing model. DOM composition was determined using a suite of spectrofluorometric indices and a site‐specific parallel factor analysis model. Dissolved organic carbon (DOC), humic‐like DOM and fluorescence index were most sensitive to changes with drainage scale, whereas dissolved organic nitrogen, specific UV absorbance, Sr and protein‐like DOM were least sensitive. DOM concentrations and humic‐like DOM constituents were highest during both baseflow and stormflow for a 3.5‐ha catchment with a wetland near the catchment outlet. Whereas storm‐event concentrations of DOC and humic DOM constituents declined, the mass exports of DOC increased with increasing catchment scale. A pronounced dilution in storm‐event DOC concentration was observed at peak stream discharge for the 12‐ha drainage location, which was not as apparent at the 79‐ha scale, suggesting key differences in supply and transport of DOM. Our observations indicate that hydrologic flow paths, especially during storms, and the location and extent of wetlands in the catchment are key determinants of DOM concentration and composition. This study furthers our understanding of changes in DOM with drainage scale and the controls on DOM in headwater, forested catchments. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The process of water delivery to a headwater stream in a hypermaritime rainforest was examined using a variety of physical techniques and tracing with dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and the stable isotopes of water. Headwater swamps, often the major discharge zones for water draining off steep forest slopes, strongly affect the physical and chemical character of streamflow in the region. The headwater swamp selected for detailed investigation was sustained by relatively constant groundwater input from the steep colluvial slopes that maintained the water table above the ground surface. During significant storm events the water table rose quickly and the swamp expanded to engulf marginal pools that developed rapidly on the adjacent ground surfaces. The corresponding release of surface water directly to the stream typically comprised up to 95% of total stream discharge. The proportion of groundwater seepage to the stream by matrix flow (<1%) and via macropore‐fed springs (up to 73%) increased during the recession period, but could not be sustained over the longer term. In more protracted drying periods, deep groundwater contributions to the stream were routed first to the headwater swamp. Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in the stream, measured daily or more frequently during storm events, was found to be directly proportional to discharge, owing to the domination of DOC‐rich headwater‐swamp water sources. Although δ18O and δ2H composition of rainwater, groundwater and stream flow were found to be similar, deuterium excess (d ? δ2H ? 8δ18O) of water components was often found to be distinct, and suggested short water residence times of roughly 12 days for one event. Overall, observations of a typical headwater swamp reveal that the groundwater regime is dominated by rapid infiltration and short, emergent flow paths. With a relatively short turnover time, potential disturbances to the system by harvesting of upslope areas can be expected to occur rapidly. Forest managers can mitigate some of the harmful effects of logging operations by respecting the integrity of headwater wetland systems. The nature and magnitude of such perturbations will require further study. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Non-perennial streams comprise over half of the global stream network and impact downstream water quality. Although aridity is a primary driver of stream drying globally, surface flow permanence varies spatially and temporally within many headwater streams, suggesting that these complex drying patterns may be driven by topographic and subsurface factors. Indeed, these factors affect shallow groundwater flows in perennial systems, but there has been only limited characterisation of shallow groundwater residence times and groundwater contributions to intermittent streams. Here, we asked how groundwater residence times, shallow groundwater contributions to streamflow, and topography interact to control stream drying in headwater streams. We evaluated this overarching question in eight semi-arid headwater catchments based on surface flow observations during the low-flow period, coupled with tracer-based groundwater residence times. For one headwater catchment, we analysed stream drying during the seasonal flow recession and rewetting period using a sensor network that was interspersed between groundwater monitoring locations, and linked drying patterns to groundwater inputs and topography. We found a poor relationship between groundwater residence times and flowing network extent (R2 < 0.24). Although groundwater residence times indicated that old groundwater was present in all headwater streams, surface drying also occurred in each of them, suggesting old, deep flowpaths are insufficient to sustain surface flows. Indeed, the timing of stream drying at any given point typically coincided with a decrease in the contribution from near-surface sources and an increased relative contribution of groundwater to streamflow at that location, whereas the spatial pattern of drying within the stream network typically correlated with locations where groundwater inputs were most seasonally variable. Topographic metrics only explained ~30% of the variability in seasonal flow permanence, and surprisingly, we found no correlation with seasonal drying and down-valley subsurface storage area. Because we found complex spatial patterns, future studies should pair dense spatial observations of subsurface properties, such as hydraulic conductivity and transmissivity, to observations of seasonal flow permanence.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the relation between water chemistry and functional landscape elements, spatial data sets of characteristics for 68 small (0·2–1·5 km2) boreal forest catchments in western central Sweden were analysed in a geographical information system (GIS). The geographic data used were extracted from official topographic maps. Water sampled four times at different flow situations was analysed chemically. This paper focuses on one phenomenon that has an important influence on headwater quality in boreal, coniferous forest streams: generation and export of dissolved organic carbon (DOC). It is known that wetland cover (bogs and fens) in the catchment is a major source of DOC. In this study, a comparison was made between a large number of headwater catchments with varying spatial locations and areas of wetlands. How this variation, together with a number of other spatial variables, influences the DOC flux in the streamwater was analysed by statistical methods. There were significant, but not strong, correlations between the total percentages of wetland area and DOC flux measured at a medium flow situation, but not at high flow. Neither were there any significant correlations between the percentage of wetland area connected to streams, nor the percentage of wetland area within a zone 50 m from the stream and the DOC flux. There were, however, correlations between catchment mean slope and the DOC flux in all but one flow situations. This study showed that, considering geographical data retrieved from official sources, the topography of a catchment better explains the variation in DOC flux than the percentage and locations of distinct wetland areas. This emphasizes the need for high‐resolution elevation models accurate enough to reveal the sources of DOC found in headwater streams. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The relationship between stream water mean transit time (MTT), catchment geology, and landscape structure is still poorly characterized. Here, we present a new simple index that builds on the Jackson, Bitew, and Du (2014) index that focuses specifically on permeability contrasts at the soil–bedrock interface and digital elevation model-based physical flow path measurements to identify broad landscape trends of moisture redistribution in the subsurface of steep wet headwater catchments. We use this index to explore the relationship between geology, landscape structure, and water transit time through the lens of landscape anisotropy. We hypothesize that catchments with a greater tendency to shed water laterally will correlate with younger stream water MTT and catchments with a greater tendency to infiltrate water vertically will correlate with older stream water MTT. We tested the new index at eight geologically diverse Pacific Rim catchments in Oregon, Japan, and New Zealand. The new index explained 77% of the variability in measured stream water MTT across these varied sites. These findings suggest that critical zone anisotropy and catchment form are first-order controls on the time scales over which catchments store and release their water and that a simple index may usefully capture this relationship.  相似文献   

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