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In 1903 the Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL started its first forest hydrology measurements with the aim to deliver a sound scientific basis for the implementation of new forest legislation introduced in Switzerland in 1876. This legislation was triggered by several large floods that occurred in Switzerland, for which a major cause was widely seen as the poor condition of forests at that time. Consequently, hydrologic research at WSL first focused on the influence of forests on floods. In the second half of the 20th century, other hydrological issues such as water quality, snow hydrology and sediment transport complemented the hydrologic research at WSL. Some recent results of this work are presented in three papers joining this introductory paper to mark the 100th anniversary of hydrologic research at WSL. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This analysis compares decreases in soil moisture (SM) at Utah snow telemetry (SNOTEL) sites during the summer months with discharge at nearby stream gauging locations using data from water years 2008–2012. The following characteristics were evaluated: (1) the influence of the SM loss at mid‐depths (20 cm) on hydrograph recession, (2) the influence of moisture loss from deeper portions of the soil (50 cm) on late‐season baseflow and (3) the timing of this transition. Thirty‐four pairings were used between SNOTEL sites and nearby stream gauges in select locations throughout Utah, for 3–5 years each depending on data quality, to generate 143 total comparisons of soil moisture loss and stream discharge. Regressions were fairly strong (r2 > 0.8) where the SNOTEL site was in a location with slow meltout rates, ample infiltration and minimal summer precipitation. In a few cases, the correlation was remarkably strong (r2 > 0.95), even for SNOTEL sites located far from respective stream gauges (e.g. >30‐km, >1000‐m elevation difference for the best pairing). At such sites, transition timing in 2013 (between predominantly 20‐ vs 50‐cm SM loss) was well predicted from 2012 data given the similarity in water years, with discharges at the transition point less than 30% different than observed values in 2013. An index of the robustness of each pairing was generated to determine where this type of analysis might be most successful; however, results suggest that identification of high‐quality pairings may need to be site by site. Published 2015. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA.  相似文献   

T. H. Brikowski 《水文研究》2015,29(7):1746-1756
Adaptation and mitigation efforts related to global trends in climate and water scarcity must often be implemented at the local, single‐catchment scale. A key requirement is understanding the impact of local climate and watershed characteristics coupled with these regional trends. For surface water, determination of multi‐parameter runoff elasticities is a promising tool for achieving such understanding, as explored here for two surface‐water dependent basins in Texas. The first basin is the water supply for Dallas‐Ft. Worth (DFW), and exhibits relatively high precipitation elasticity (proportional change in runoff to change in precipitation) εP = 2.64, and temperature elasticity εT = ? 0.41. Standard precipitation–temperature elasticity diagrams exhibit unusual concave contours of runoff change, indicating influence of additional parameters, which can be isolated using multi‐parameter approaches. The most influential local parameter in DFW is unexpected reduced runoff fraction in cooler wetter years. Those years exhibit increased summer (JJA) precipitation fraction, but predominant cracking soils in DFW minimize JJA runoff, yielding negative . A comparative basin near Houston shows positive , reflecting the local impact of tropical cyclones and lesser abundance of cracking soils. Both basins exhibit positive elasticity to 1‐year previous precipitation (e.g. DFW εP ? 1 = 1.24), reflecting the influence of soil moisture storage. Only DFW exhibits negative elasticity to 2‐year previous precipitation (εP ? 2 = ? 0.65), reflecting multi‐year influence of vegetation growth and increased evapotranspiration. Using these elasticities, analysis of historical multi‐decadal climate departures for DFW indicates the 80% decrease in runoff during the 1950–1957 drought of record was primarily caused by reduced precipitation. Runoff 56% above‐normal during an unprecedented 1986–1998 wet period was primarily caused by increased precipitation. Since 2000, despite precipitation slightly above normal, runoff has decreased 20%, primarily in response to ~ 1°C warming. Future precipitation droughts superimposed on this new drier normal are likely to be much more severe than historical experience would indicate. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In glacier‐fed rivers, melting of glacier ice sustains streamflow during the driest times of the year, especially during drought years. Anthropogenic and ecologic systems that rely on this glacial buffering of low flows are vulnerable to glacier recession as temperatures rise. We demonstrate the evolution of glacier melt contribution in watershed hydrology over the course of a 184‐year period from 1916 to 2099 through the application of a coupled hydrological and glacier dynamics model to the Hood River basin in Northwest Oregon, USA. We performed continuous simulations of glaciological processes (mass accumulation and ablation, lateral flow of ice and heat conduction through supra‐glacial debris), which are directly linked with seasonal snow dynamics as well as other key hydrologic processes (e.g. evapotranspiration and subsurface flow). Our simulations show that historically, the contribution of glacier melt to basin water supply was up to 79% at upland water management locations. We also show that supraglacial debris cover on the Hood River glaciers modulates the rate of glacier recession and progression of dry season flow at upland stream locations with debris‐covered glaciers. Our model results indicate that dry season (July to September) discharge sourced from glacier melt started to decline early in the 21st century following glacier recession that started early in the 20th century. Changes in climate over the course of the current century will lead to 14–63% (18–78%) reductions in dry season discharge across the basin for IPCC emission pathway RCP4.5 (RCP8.5). The largest losses will be at upland drainage locations of water diversions that were dominated historically by glacier melt and seasonal snowmelt. The contribution of glacier melt varies greatly not only in space but also in time. It displays a strong decadal scale fluctuations that are super‐imposed on the effects of a long‐term climatic warming trend. This decadal variability results in reversals in trends in glacier melt, which underscore the importance of long‐time series of glacio‐hydrologic analyses for evaluating the hydrological response to glacier recession. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The US Army ERDC CRREL and the US Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service developed a square electronic snow water equivalent (e‐SWE) sensor as an alternative to using fluid‐filled snow pillows to measure SWE. The sensors consist of a centre panel to measure SWE and eight outer panels to buffer edge stress concentrations. Seven 3 m square e‐SWE sensors were installed in five different climate zones. During the 2011–2012 winter, 1.8 and 1.2 m square e‐SWE sensors were installed and operated in Oregon. With the exception of New York State and Newfoundland, the e‐SWE sensors accurately measured SWE, with R2 values between the sensor and manual SWE measurements of between 0.86 and 0.98. The e‐SWE sensor at Hogg Pass, Oregon, accurately measured SWE during the past 8 years of operations. In the thin, icy snow of New York during midwinter 2008–2009, the e‐SWE sensors overmeasured SWE because of edge stress concentrations associated with strong icy layers and a shallow snow cover. The New York e‐SWE sensors' measurement accuracy improved in spring 2009 and further improved during the 2011–2012 winter with operating experience. At Santiam Junction, measured SWE from the 1.8 and 1.2 m square e‐SWE sensors agreed well with the snow pillow, 3 m square e‐SWE sensor, and manual SWE measurements until February 2013, when dust and gravel blew onto the testing area resulting in anomalous measurements. © 2014 The Authors. Hydrological Processes published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   

This study aims to assess watershed‐scale impacts of changing climate on sediment, phosphorus, nitrogen and pesticide (atrazine) fluxes over the 21st century at the watershed scale. In particular, changes in dissolved and particulate forms of water quality constituents in response to climate change are investigated. The hydrologic model Soil and Water Assessment Tool was calibrated and evaluated in a primarily agricultural watershed in the Midwestern United States to simulate hydrologic and water quality processes on a daily basis over the 2015–2099 time horizon. The model was then driven with 112 distinct statistically downscaled climate projections representing Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (IPCC SRES) low, moderate and high greenhouse gas emission scenarios. Projected hydrologic and water quality responses were categorized according to the three IPCC SRES emission scenarios for summarizing and synthesizing results over early‐century (2015–2034), mid‐century (2045–2064) and late‐century (2080–2099) assessment. Results revealed clear warming trends in the study area, whereas small increases in precipitation were predicted. Streamflow, sediment and total nutrient loads did not differ noticeably between assessment periods. However, the proportion of dissolved to total nutrients increased significantly from early‐century to late‐century periods. With the exception of total atrazine in the mid‐century period, predicted pollutant loads for a given assessment period did not differ between emission pathways for a given assessment period. Changes in pollutant fluxes showed pronounced monthly variability. The projected increase in readily available forms of nutrients has important implications for the ecological health of water systems and management of drinking water supplies. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


A modelling study was undertaken to quantify effects that the climate likely to prevail in the 2050s might have on water quality in two contrasting UK rivers. In so doing, it pinpointed the extent to which time series of climate model output, for some variables derived following bias correction, are fit for purpose when used as a basis for projecting future water quality. Working at daily time step, the method involved linking regional climate model (HadRM3-PPE) projections, Future Flows Hydrology (rainfall–runoff modelling) and the QUESTOR river network water quality model. In the River Thames, the number of days when temperature, dissolved oxygen, biochemical oxygen demand and phytoplankton exceeded undesirable values (>25°C, <6 mg L?1, >4 mg L?1 and >0.03 mg L?1, respectively) was estimated to increase by 4.1–26.7 days per year. The changes do not reflect impacts of any possible change in land use or land management. In the River Ure, smaller increases in occurrence of undesirable water quality are likely to occur in the future (by 1.0–11.5 days per year) and some scenarios suggested no change. Results from 11 scenarios of the hydroclimatic inputs revealed considerable uncertainty around the levels of change, which prompted analysis of the sensitivity of the QUESTOR model to simulations of current climate and hydrology. Hydrological model errors were deemed of less significance than those associated with the derivation and downscaling of driving climatic variables (rainfall, air temperature and solar radiation). Errors associated with incomplete understanding of river water quality interactions with the aquatic ecosystem were found likely to be more substantial than those associated with hydrology, but less than those related to climate model inputs. These errors are largely a manifestation of uncertainty concerning the extent to which phytoplankton biomass is controlled by invertebrate grazers, particularly in mid-summer; and the degree to which this varies from year to year. The quality of data from climate models for generating flows and defining driving variables at the extremes of their distributions has been highlighted as the major source of uncertainty in water quality model outputs.
EDITOR A. Castellarin; ASSOCIATE EDITOR X. Fang  相似文献   

Climate change is one of the main drivers of river warming worldwide. However, the response of river temperature to climate change differs with the hydrology and landscape properties, making it difficult to generalize the strength and the direction, of river temperature trends across large spatial scales and various river types. Additionally, there is a lack of long‐term and large‐scale trend studies in Europe as well as globally. In this study, we investigated the long‐term (25 years; 132 sites) and the short‐term (10 years; 475 sites) river temperature trends, patterns and underlying drivers within the period 1985–2010 in seven river basins of Germany. The majority of the sites underwent significant river warming during 1985–2010 (mean warming trend: 0.03 °C year?1, SE = 0.003), with a faster warming observed during individual decades (1985–1995 and 2000–2010) within this period. Seasonal analyses showed that, while rivers warmed in all seasons, the fastest warming had occurred during summer. Among all the considered hydro‐climatological variables, air temperature change, which is a response to climate forcing, was the main driver of river temperature change because it had the strongest correlation with river temperature, irrespective of the period. Hydrological variables, such as average flow and baseflow, had a considerable influence on river temperature variability rather than on the overall trend direction. However, decreasing flow probably assisted in a faster river temperature increase in summer and in rivers in NE basins (such as the Elbe basin). The North Atlantic Oscillation Index had a greater significant influence on the winter river temperature variability than on the overall variability. Landscape and basin variables, such as altitude, ecoregion and catchment area, induced spatially variable river temperature trends via affecting the thermal sensitivity of rivers, with the rivers in large catchments and in lowland areas being most sensitive. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Hydrologic modelling has been applied to assess the impacts of projected climate change within three study areas in the Peace, Campbell and Columbia River watersheds of British Columbia, Canada. These study areas include interior nival (two sites) and coastal hybrid nival–pluvial (one site) hydro‐climatic regimes. Projections were based on a suite of eight global climate models driven by three emission scenarios to project potential climate responses for the 2050s period (2041–2070). Climate projections were statistically downscaled and used to drive a macro‐scale hydrology model at high spatial resolution. This methodology covers a large range of potential future climates for British Columbia and explicitly addresses both emissions and global climate model uncertainty in the final hydrologic projections. Snow water equivalent is projected to decline throughout the Peace and Campbell and at low elevations within the Columbia. At high elevations within the Columbia, snow water equivalent is projected to increase with increased winter precipitation. Streamflow projections indicate timing shifts in all three watersheds, predominantly because of changes in the dynamics of snow accumulation and melt. The coastal hybrid site shows the largest sensitivity, shifting to more rainfall‐dominated system by mid‐century. The two interior sites are projected to retain the characteristics of a nival regime by mid‐century, although streamflow‐timing shifts result from increased mid‐winter rainfall and snowmelt, and earlier freshet onset. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The warming of the Earth's atmosphere system is likely to change temperature and precipitation, which may affect the climate, hydrology and water resources at the river basins over the world. The importance of temperature change becomes even greater in snow or glacier dominated basins where it controls the snowmelt processes during the late‐winter, spring and summer months. In this study hydrologic responses of streamflow in the Pyanj and Vaksh River basins to climate change are analysed with a watershed hydrology model, based on the downscaled atmospheric data as input, in order to assess the regional climate change impact for the snowfed and glacierfed river basins in the Republic of Tajikistan. As a result of this analysis, it was found that the annual mean river discharge is increasing in the future at snow and glacier dominated areas due to the air temperature increase and the consequent increase in snow/ice melt rates until about 2060. Then the annual mean flow discharge starts to decrease from about 2080 onward because the small glaciers start to disappear in the glacier areas. It was also found that there is a gradual change in the hydrologic flow regime throughout a year, with the high flows occuring earlier in the hydrologic year, due to the warmer climate in the future. Furthermore, significant increases in annual maximum daily flows, including the 100‐year return period flows, at the Pyanj and Vaksh River basins toward the end of the 21st century can be inferred from flood frequency analysis results. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The intensity of cosmic ray neutrons is inversely correlated with the amount of water present in the surrounding environment. This effect is already employed by around 50 neutron sensors in the COSMOS-UK network to provide daily estimates of soil moisture across the UK. Here, these same sensors are used to automatically provide estimates of snow water equivalent (SWE). Lying snow is typically ephemeral and of shallow depth for most parts of the UK. Moreover, soil moisture is usually high and variable, which acts to increase uncertainties in the SWE estimate. Nevertheless, even under such challenging conditions, both above ground and buried cosmic ray neutron sensors are still able to produce potentially useful SWE estimates. Triple collocation analysis suggests typical uncertainties of less than around 4 mm under UK snow conditions.  相似文献   

To predict future river flows, empirical trend projection (ETP) analyses and extends historic trends, while hydroclimatic modelling (HCM) incorporates regional downscaling from global circulation model (GCM) outputs. We applied both approaches to the extensively allocated Oldman River Basin that drains the North American Rocky Mountains and provides an international focus for water sharing. For ETP, we analysed monthly discharges from 1912 to 2008 with non‐parametric regression, and extrapolated changes to 2055. For modelling, we refined the physical models MTCLIM and SNOPAC to provide water inputs into RIVRQ (river discharge), a model that assesses the streamflow regime as involving dynamic peaks superimposed on stable baseflow. After parameterization with 1960–1989 data, we assessed climate forecasts from six GCMs: CGCM1‐A, HadCM3, NCAR‐CCM3, ECHAM4 and 5 and GCM2. Modelling reasonably reconstructed monthly hydrographs (R2 about 0·7), and averaging over three decades closely reconstructed the monthly pattern (R2 = 0·94). When applied to the GCM forecasts, the model predicted that summer flows would decline considerably, while winter and early spring flows would increase, producing a slight decline in the annual discharge (?3%, 2005–2055). The ETP predicted similarly decreased summer flows but slight change in winter flows and greater annual flow reduction (?9%). The partial convergence of the seasonal flow projections increases confidence in a composite analysis and we thus predict further declines in summer (about ? 15%) and annual flows (about ? 5%). This composite projection indicates a more modest change than had been anticipated based on earlier GCM analyses or trend projections that considered only three or four decades. For other river basins, we recommend the utilization of ETP based on the longest available streamflow records, and HCM with multiple GCMs. The degree of correspondence from these two independent approaches would provide a basis for assessing the confidence in projections for future river flows and surface water supplies. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


The Vakhsh and Pyandj rivers, main tributaries of the Amu Darya River in the mountainous region of the Pamir Alay, play an important role in the water resources of the Aral Sea basin (Central Asia). In this region, the glaciers and snow cover significantly influence the water cycle and flow regime, which could be strongly modified by climate change. The present study, part of a project funded by the European Commission, analyses the hydrological situation in six benchmark basins covering areas of between 1800 and 8400 km2, essentially located in Tajikistan, with a variety of topographical situations, precipitation amounts and glacierized areas. Four types of parameter are discussed: temperature, glaciation, snow cover and river flows. The study is based mainly on a long-time series that ended in the 1990s (with the collapse of the Soviet Union) and on field observations and data collection. In addition, a short, more recent period (May 2000 to May 2002) was examined to better understand the role of snow cover, using scarce monitored data and satellite information. The results confirm the overall homogeneous trend of temperature increase in the mountain range and its impacts on the surface water regime. Concerning the snow cover, significant differences are noted in the location, elevation, orientation and morphology of snow cover in the respective basins. The changes in the river flow regime are regulated by the combination of the snow cover dynamics and the increasing trend of the air temperature.
Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz  相似文献   

Urban river systems are particularly sensitive to precipitation‐driven water temperature surges and fluctuations. These result from rapid heat transfer from low‐specific heat capacity surfaces to precipitation, which can cause thermally polluted surface run‐off to enter urban streams. This can lead to additional ecological stress on these already precarious ecosystems. Although precipitation is a first‐order driver of hydrological response, water temperature studies rarely characterize rain event dynamics and typically rely on single gauge data that yield only partial estimates of catchment precipitation. This paper examines three precipitation measuring methods (a statutory automatic weather station, citizen science gauges, and radar estimates) and investigates relationships between estimated rainfall inputs and subhourly surges and diurnal fluctuations in urban river water temperature. Water temperatures were monitored at 12 sites in summer 2016 in the River Rea, in Birmingham, UK. Generalized additive models were used to model the relationship between subhourly water temperature surges and precipitation intensity and subsequently the relationship between daily precipitation totals and standardized mean water temperature. The different precipitation measurement sources give highly variable precipitation estimates that relate differently to water temperature fluctuations. The radar catchment‐averaged method produced the best model fit (generalized cross‐validation score [GCV] = 0.30) and was the only model to show a significant relationship between water temperature surges and precipitation intensity (P < 0.001, R2 = 0.69). With respect to daily metrics, catchment‐averaged precipitation estimates from citizen science data yielded the best model fit (GCV score = 0.20). All precipitation measurement and calculation methods successfully modelled the relationship between standardized mean water temperature and daily precipitation (P < 0.001). This research highlights the potential for the use of alternative precipitation datasets to enhance understanding of event‐based variability in water quality studies. We conclude by recommending the use of spatially distributed precipitation data operating at high spatial (<1 km2) and temporal (<15 min) resolutions to improve the analysis of event‐based water temperature and water quality studies.  相似文献   


The 1911–2010 variability in monthly runoff and the effect of 1995–2005 summer water temperatures in a highly productive salmon system, the Fraser River Basin (FRB) of British Columbia, Canada are explored. Hydrometric data from 141 FRB gauges provide variations in monthly runoff including their extremes and months of occurrences, as well as trends in their variability. Stream temperatures and their relationships to runoff are also assessed. There is a gradual increase of monthly runoff ranges from the central plateau of the FRB towards higher altitudes with maxima in glacier-fed alpine streams. Maximum and minimum monthly runoff across the FRB typically occur during May–June and February, respectively. There is a tendency towards greater FRB variability in July runoff. Water temperatures show high variability in the unregulated North and South Thompson rivers and low variability in the regulated Nechako River. FRB low flows are associated with higher water temperatures, while high flows are associated with cooler ones, both of which may have a negative impact on salmon.
Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz; Associate editor S. Yue  相似文献   

A theory of pressure sensor response in snow is derived and used to examine the sources of measurement errors in snow water equivalent (SWE) pressure sensors. Measurement errors in SWE are caused by differences in the compressibility of the pressure sensor and the adjacent snow layer, which produces a shear stress along the perimeter of the sensor. When the temperature at the base of the snow cover equals 0 °C, differences in the snowmelt rate between the snow–SWE sensor interface and the adjacent snow–soil interface may also produce a shear stress along the sensor's perimeter. This shear stress perturbs the pressure field over the sensor, producing SWE measurement errors. Snow creep acts to reduce shear stresses along the SWE sensor's perimeter at a rate that is inversely proportional to the snow viscosity. For sustained periods of differential snowmelt, a difference in the mass of snow over the sensor compared with the surrounding soil will develop, producing additional permanent errors in SWE measurements. The theory indicates that SWE pressure sensor performance can be improved by designing a sensor with a high Young's modulus (low compressibility), low aspect ratio, large diameter and thermal properties that match those of the surrounding soil. Simulations of SWE pressure sensor errors using the theory are in close agreement with observed errors and may provide a means to correct historical SWE measurements for use in hydrological hindcast or climate studies. Published in 2003 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Snow variability is an integrated indicator of climate change, and it has important impacts on runoff regimes and water availability in high‐altitude catchments. Remote sensing techniques can make it possible to quantitatively detect the snow cover changes and associated hydrological effects in those poorly gauged regions. In this study, the spatial–temporal variations of snow cover and snow melting time in the Tuotuo River basin, which is the headwater of the Yangtze River, were evaluated based on satellite information from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer snow cover product, and the snow melting equivalent and its contribution to the total runoff and baseflow were estimated by using degree–day model. The results showed that the snow cover percentage and the tendency of snow cover variability increased with rising altitude. From 2000 to 2012, warmer and wetter climate change resulted in an increase of the snow cover area. Since the 1960s, the start time for snow melt has become earlier by 0.9–3 days/10a and the end time of snow melt has become later by 0.6–2.3 days/10a. Under the control of snow cover and snow melting time, the equivalent of snow melting runoff in the Tuotuo River basin has been fluctuating. The average contributions of snowmelt to baseflow and total runoff were 19.6% and 6.8%, respectively. Findings from this study will serve as a reference for future research in areas where observational data are deficient and for planning of future water management strategies for the source region of the Yangtze River. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This scientific briefing announces the availability of a new multi‐element high‐frequency water quality data set that is openly accessible to the research community. The data set comprises up to 2 years of 7‐hourly water quality data for two streams and one rainfall site in the Upper Severn catchment at Plynlimon in Mid‐Wales. The measurements cover 50 analytes ranging from H+ to U and spanning six orders of magnitude in concentration, including major, minor and trace elements as well as nutrients, and they complement decades of weekly measurements of the same analytes at the Upper Severn. Together, the weekly and 7‐hourly time series provide a unique data set for studying both long‐term trends and short‐term dynamics. The data show complex behaviour over a wide range of timescales, challenging our understanding of catchment processes and informing future modelling efforts. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

As the climate warms, snow-dominated regions are increasingly susceptible to precipitation phase changes and earlier snowmelt. In alpine catchments, snowmelt is the majority of runoff, governed by heterogeneous interactions among snowfall, wind, topography and vegetation. The role of the alpine snowpack in delaying the downstream release of accumulated snowfall remains understudied, despite its fundamental role in sustaining lower-elevation ecosystems and populations. We evaluated fine-scale changes in the magnitude and duration of alpine snow water storage and release by comparing effective precipitation seasonality to that of surface water inputs using a Snow Storage Index (SSI). We forced the Distributed Hydrology Soil Vegetation Model with historical climate conditions and an end-of-century warming signal down-scaled from a 4-km regional climate model, to simulate future changes in snow water storage and partitioning of precipitation to runoff and evapotranspiration. The hydrological modelling was conducted on a 2-m spatial grid to resolve fine scale processes over a 0.6-km2 headwater catchment within the Niwot Ridge Long-Term Ecological Research site located in the Rocky Mountains, Colorado, USA. Proportionally more rainfall, reduced snowpack size and extent, and earlier snowmelt occurred in the future scenario with decreased catchment average SSI and thus snow water storing capabilities, with inordinately large decreases occurring in areas of the catchment with reconstructed snowdrifts (−57% average and −100% maximum). Using the Budyko framework to evaluate annual hydrologic partitioning, precipitation inputs to streamflow increased by a maximum 10% in large SSI regions with snowdrifts under warming conditions, signifying a potential buffer for total catchment and annual streamflow loss in a future climate. The fine-scale analysis of hydrologic sensitivities to warming presented herein are important because climate conditions are expected to further reduce alpine snow water storage, alter hydrologic partitioning, and runoff generation for ecosystems and people living downstream.  相似文献   

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