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Morphological characteristics and microstructures of magnetic minerals extracted from Chinese loess and paleosols were investigated using powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM). Our results indicate that maghemite in loess–paleosol sequences was transformed from magnetite through oxidation of magnetite. Maghemite transformed from eolian magnetite during chemical weathering has low-angle grain boundaries among maghemite nano-crystals. Some nano-crystalline maghemites with nanoporous texture resulted from microbe-induced precipitation of magnetite or transformation of poorly crystalline ferric Fe (oxy)hydroxides in presence of Fe-reducing bacteria. Aggregates of euhedral maghemite nano-crystals were transformed from magnetite magnetosomes. Both microbe-induced nanoporous magnetite and microbe-produced magnetite magnetosomes are directly related to microbial activities and pedogenesis of the paleosols. It is proposed that the formation of nano-crystalline maghemite with superparamagnetic property in paleosol results in the enhancement of magnetic susceptibility, although the total amount (weight percent) of magnetic minerals in both paleosol and loess units is similar. Our results also show that nano-crystalline and nanoporous magnetite grains prefer to transform into maghemite in semi-arid soil environments instead of hematite, although hematite is a thermodynamically stable phase. This result also indicates that a decrease in crystal size will increase stability of maghemite. It is also inferred that surface energy of maghemite is lower than that of hematite.  相似文献   

The similarity between loess palaeo- environment and geographic distribution of modem bioclimatic zones is taken as a starting point; the relationship between the environmental aridization and soil water in loess ia discussed from the point view of the soil water energy status and their soil water physical characteristics of modem lcessial soils on the Loess Plateau. The soil water content becomes less and less from southeast to northwest, which not only provides favorable conditions for dust production by wind of loess origin, but also reveals that there is obviously a directional change in the environmental drought intensity of the Loess Plateau. Project supported by the key pmject (KZ951-B1-211) of ecological and environmental study of the Chinese Academy of Sciences  相似文献   

The underlying pre‐existing paleotopography directly influences the loess deposition process and shapes the morphology of current loess landforms. An understanding of the controlling effects of the underlying paleotopography on loess deposition is critical to revealing the mechanism of loess‐landform formation. However, these controlling effects exhibit spatial variation as well as uncertainty, depending on a study's data sources, methodologies and particular research scope. In this study, the geological history of a study area in the Loess Plateau of China that is subject to severe soil erosion is investigated using detailed geological information and digital elevation models (DEMs), and an underlying paleotopographic model of the area is constructed. Based on the models of modern terrain and paleotopography, we introduce a watershed hierarchy method to investigate the spatial variation of the loess‐landform inheritance relationship and reveal the loess deposition process over different scales of drainage. The landform inheritance relationships were characterized using a terrain‐relief change index (TRCI) and a bedrock terrain controllability index (BTCI). The results show that the TRCI appears to have an inverse relationship with increasing research scope, indicating that, compared with the paleotopography of the region, modern terrain has lower topographic relief over the entire area, while it has higher topographic relief in the smaller, local areas. The BTCI strengthens with increasing drainage area, which demonstrates a strong controlling effect over the entire study area, but a weak effect in the smaller, local areas because of the effect of paleotopography on modern terrain. The results provide for an understanding of the spatial variation of loess deposition in relation to paleotopography and contribute to the development of a process‐based loess‐landform evolution model. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

利用铜川市地震小区划项目的大量典型土样动三轴试验结果,采用双曲线模型拟合得到了铜川新区黄土和古土壤在8个典型应变下的动剪切模量比和阻尼比值。根据不同沉积年代和不同土层深度2种方法对黄土、古土壤动剪切模量比和阻尼比随剪应变变化情况进行了统计和对比分析。研究发现:同一剪应变下,黄土、古土壤动剪切模量比随沉积年代和土层深度的增加而增加。二者对黄土动剪切模量比的影响较为显著。  相似文献   

In recent years, with the increase of traffic construction in mountainous areas in China, road slope traffic accidents have become more and more common. In addition, natural disasters such as landslides, collapses and subgrade settlements caused by rainfall, driving load, seasonal variation and groundwater distribution are frequent. In particular, rainfall is one of the most common factors leading to slope instability (landslide). Therefore, this paper proposes the seep module based on the application software Geo-studio, and analyzes the slope soil parameters and slope stability under five types of rainfall conditions:light rain (10 mm/d), moderate rain (25 mm/d), heavy rain (50 mm/d), rainstorm(100 mm/d), and torrential rain (250 mm/d). The critical safety factor under rainfall intensity is fitted with nonlinear curve by sine function. The results show that the fitting curve of rainfall intensity and safety factor on the upper slope is excellent. The residual points are evenly distributed in the belt area of±0.1, and the data basically conform to the nonlinear sine model, indicating that the curve plays an essential role in slope health diagnosis.  相似文献   

Loess tunnels are a common geo-hazard in the Loess Plateau and not only cause considerable soil and water loss, but also aggravate and even induce the occurrence and development of other disasters such as ground fissures, mudflows, collapses, and landslides. To date, research on the hydrological characteristics and erosion behaviour of loess tunnel systems has focused on field investigation data and limited river basin observation data, whereas field test information and data are very scarce. In this study, field surveys, observations, field scouring experiments, and laboratory-based sediment percentage tests were conducted to analyse the erosion characteristics, spatial distribution, and hydrological characteristics of a large-scale loess tunnel system in the hilly Loess Plateau southeast region of northern China. The results showed that the loess tunnel erosion exhibited periodicity. Tunnel erosion in each period shows a similar erosion process, that is, thin-layer water flow erosion and lateral expansion, tunnel wall collapse and deposit due to the loss of support from the lateral erosion, and erosion and transport of deposits by water flow. Waterfall erosion, lateral erosion, headward erosion, and the resulting collapses were the main forms of tunnel erosion. Besides this, the base level of erosion significantly affects the erosion characteristics of the loess tunnel. The hydrological characteristics during field scouring experiments exhibited three different stages: a lag effect, attributed to the temporary loss of water velocity in the first stage; small water flow fluctuations in the second stage; and an increase in total seepage loss with increased water injection flow in the third stage. The erosion rate was positively correlated with the flow quantity. The results of this study not only provide valuable reference data for research on the mechanism and velocity of erosion events in loess, but also provide a theoretical basis for the prevention of loess tunnel disasters in engineering construction. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The use of the sulphate mass balance (SMB) between precipitation and soil water as a supplementary method to estimate the diffuse recharge rate assumes that the sulphate in soil water originated entirely from atmospheric deposition; however, the origin of sulphate in soil and groundwater is often unclear, especially in loess aquifers. This study analysed the sulphur (δ34S-SO4) and oxygen (δ18O-SO4) isotopes of sulphate in precipitation, water-extractable soil water, and shallow groundwater samples and used these data along with hydrochemical data to determine the sources of sulphate in the thick unsaturated zone and groundwater of a loess aquifer. The results suggest that sulphate in groundwater mainly originated from old precipitation. When precipitation percolates through the unsaturated zone to recharge groundwater, sulphates were rarely dissolved due to the formation of CaCO3 film on the surface of sulphate minerals. The water-extractable sulphate in the deep unsaturated zone (>10 m) was mainly derived from the dissolution of evaporite minerals and there was no oxidation of sulphide minerals during the extraction of soil water by elutriating soil samples with deionized water. The water-extractable concentration of SO4 was not representative of the actual SO4 concentration in mobile soil water. Therefore, the recharge rate cannot be estimated by the SMB method using the water-extractable concentration of SO4 in the loess areas. This study is important for identifying sulphate sources and clarifying the proper method for estimating the recharge rate in loess aquifers.  相似文献   

Soil hydraulic properties (SHPs) including the soil water retention curve and saturated soil hydraulic conductivity (Ks) are crucial input data for simulations of soil water and solute transport in the Earth's critical zone. However, obtaining direct measurements of SHPs at a wide range of scales is time consuming and expensive. Pedotransfer functions (PTFs) are employed as an alternative method for indirectly estimating these parameters based on readily measured soil properties. However, PTFs for SHPs for the deep soil layer in the Earth's critical zone are lacking. In this study, we developed new PTFs in the deep soil profile for Ks and soil water retention curve on the Loess Plateau, China, which were fitted with the van Genuchten equation. In total, 206 data sets comprising the hydraulic and basic soil properties were obtained from three typical sites. Samples were collected from the top of the soil profile to the bedrock by soil core drilling. PTFs were developed between the SHPs and basic soil properties using stepwise multiple linear regression. The PTFs obtained the best predictions for Ks (Radj2 = 0.561) and the worst for van Genuchten α (Radj2 = 0.474). The bulk density and sand content were important input variables for predicting Ks, α, and θs, and bulk density, clay content, and soil organic carbon were important for n. The PTFs developed in this study performed better than existing PTFs. This study contains the first set of PTFs of SHPs to be developed for the deep profile on the Loess Plateau, and they may be applicable to other regions.  相似文献   

A detailed rock magnetic investigation of loess/palaeosol samples from the section at Lingtai on the central Chinese Loess Plateau (CLP) is presented. Thermal demagnetisation of isothermal remanent magnetisation (IRM) and Curie temperature measurements suggest the presence of magnetite, maghemite and hematite as remanence carrying components. Bulk and grain size fractionated samples have been analysed using coercivity spectra of remanence acquisition/demagnetisation curves, which identify four main remanence carriers in different grain size fractions of loesses and palaeosols. A linear source mixing model quantifies the contribution of the four components which have been experimentally derived as dominating endmembers in specific grain size fractions. Up to two thirds of the total IRM of the palaeosols are due to slightly oxidised pedogenic magnetite. Two detrital components dominate up to 90% of the IRM of the loess samples and are ascribed to maghemite of different oxidation degree. Detrital hematite is present in all samples and contributes up to 10% of the IRM. The iron content of the grain size fractions gives evidence that iron in pedogenically grown remanence carriers does not originate from the detrital iron oxides, but rather from iron-bearing clays and mafic silicates. The contribution of pedogenic magnetite to the bulk IRM increases with the increasing degree of pedogenesis, which depends in turn on climate change.  相似文献   

Soil moisture is essential for vegetation restoration in arid and semi-arid regions. Ascertaining the vertical distribution and transportation of soil moisture under different vegetation types has a profound effect on the ecological construction. In this study, the soil moisture at a depth of 500 cm for four typical vegetation types, including Robinia pseudoacacia, Caragana korshinskii, Stipa bungeana, and corn, were investigated and compared in the Zhifanggou watershed of the Loess plateau. Additionally, hydrogen and oxygen stable isotopes were detected to identify the transport mechanism of soil moisture. The results showed vertical distribution and transportation of soil moisture were different under different vegetation types. Depth-averaged soil moisture under S. bungeana and corn generally increased along the profile, while C. korshinskii and R. pseudoacacia showed weakly increasing and relatively stable after an obvious decreasing trend (0–40 cm). The soil moisture under R. pseudoacacia was lower than that under other vegetation types, especially in deep layer. However, the effect of R. pseudoacacia on soil moisture in the topsoil (< 30 cm) could be positive. For R. pseudoacacia (160–500 cm), C. korshinskii (0–500 cm), and S. bungeana (0–100 cm), the soil moisture declined with increased in vegetation age. Planting arbor species such as R. pseudoacacia intensified the decline of soil moisture on the Loess Plateau. The capacity of evaporation fractionation of soil moisture followed the sequence: corn > S. bungeana > R. pseudoacacia > C. korshinskii. The δ18O values in soil water fluctuated across the profile. The δ18O values changed sharply in upper layer and generally remained stable in deep layer. However, in middle layer, the vertical distribution characteristics of the δ18O values were different under different vegetation types. We estimated that piston flow was the main mode of precipitation infiltration, and the occurrence of preferential flow was related to vegetation types. These results were helpful to improve the understanding of the response of deep soil moisture to vegetation restoration and inform practices for sustainable water management.  相似文献   

本文对黄土高原和天山黄土区表土进行系统的岩石磁学和粒度测试分析,探讨了表土磁性特征及其环境意义,结果表明表土中的强磁性矿物均为磁铁矿和磁赤铁矿,弱磁性矿物为赤铁矿和纤铁矿或针铁矿,黄土高原黄土地层中的磁赤铁矿至少有部分属于风积成因.黄土高原表土中磁化率与频率磁化率呈良好的正相关,气候作用是主导黄土高原表上磁化率增强的主...  相似文献   

This paper draws on recent optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating to evaluate the long‐held assumption that dust accumulation rates in the Loess Plateau and the extent of active aeolian sand in the dunefields to the north have varied together over time, because both are controlled by the strength of the Asian monsoons and also possibly because the dunefields are proximal loess sources. The results show there is little evidence that high rates of loess accumulation coincided with well‐dated episodes of extensive dune activity in the Mu Us, Otindag, and Horqin dunefields, at 11–8 ka and 1–0 ka. Explanations for the apparent lack of coupling include local variation in the trapping of dust and post‐depositional preservation of the loess and dune sediments, in response to varying local environmental conditions. In addition, a substantial portion of the loess may be transported directly from source areas where dust emission has somewhat different climatic and geomorphic controls than aeolian sand activity within the dunefields. The results of this study cast doubt on the use of loess accumulation rate as a palaeoclimatic proxy at millennial timescale. The dunefield and loess stratigraphic records are interpreted as primarily recording changes in effective moisture at a local scale, but the timing of late Quaternary dune activity, along with a variety of other evidence, indicates that moisture changes in many of the drylands of northern China may not be in phase with precipitation in core regions of the Asian monsoons. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Critical path analysis (CPA) is a method for estimating macroscopic transport coefficients of heterogeneous materials that are highly disordered at the micro-scale. Developed originally to model conduction in semiconductors, numerous researchers have noted that CPA might also have relevance to flow and transport processes in porous media. However, the results of several numerical investigations of critical path analysis on pore network models raise questions about the applicability of CPA to porous media. Among other things, these studies found that (i) in well-connected 3D networks, CPA predictions were inaccurate and became worse when heterogeneity was increased; and (ii) CPA could not fully explain the transport properties of 2D networks. To better understand the applicability of CPA to porous media, we made numerical computations of permeability and electrical conductivity on 2D and 3D networks with differing pore-size distributions and geometries. A new CPA model for the relationship between the permeability and electrical conductivity was found to be in good agreement with numerical data, and to be a significant improvement over a classical CPA model. In sufficiently disordered 3D networks, the new CPA prediction was within ±20% of the true value, and was nearly optimal in terms of minimizing the squared prediction errors across differing network configurations. The agreement of CPA predictions with 2D network computations was similarly good, although 2D networks are in general not well-suited for evaluating CPA. Numerical transport coefficients derived for regular 3D networks of slit-shaped pores were found to be in better agreement with experimental data from rock samples than were coefficients derived for networks of cylindrical pores.  相似文献   

Simulation of soil moisture content requires effective soil hydraulic parameters that are valid at the modelling scale. This study investigates how these parameters can be estimated by inverse modelling using soil moisture measurements at 25 locations at three different depths (at the surface, at 30 and 60 cm depth) on an 80 by 20 m hillslope. The study presents two global sensitivity analyses to investigate the sensitivity in simulated soil moisture content of the different hydraulic parameters used in a one‐dimensional unsaturated zone model based on Richards' equation. For estimation of the effective parameters the shuffled complex evolution algorithm is applied. These estimated parameters are compared to their measured laboratory and in situ equivalents. Soil hydraulic functions were estimated in the laboratory on 100 cm3 undisturbed soil cores collected at 115 locations situated in two horizons in three profile pits along the hillslope. Furthermore, in situ field saturated hydraulic conductivity was estimated at 120 locations using single‐ring pressure infiltrometer measurements. The sensitivity analysis of 13 soil physical parameters (saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks), saturated moisture content (θs), residual moisture content (θr), inverse of the air‐entry value (α), van Genuchten shape parameter (n), Averjanov shape parameter (N) for both horizons, and depth (d) from surface to B horizon) in a two‐layer single column model showed that the parameter N is the least sensitive parameter. Ks of both horizons, θs of the A horizon and d were found to be the most sensitive parameters. Distributions over all locations of the effective parameters and the distributions of the estimated soil physical parameters from the undisturbed soil samples and the single‐ring pressure infiltrometer estimates were found significantly different at a 5% level for all parameters except for α of the A horizon and Ks and θs of the B horizon. Different reasons are discussed to explain these large differences. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

There are many problems for the reclaimed soil in opencast‐mining areas of the Loess Plateau of China such as poor soil structure and extreme poverty in soil nutrients and so on. For the sake of finding a better way to improve soil quality, the current study was to apply the weathered coal for repairing soil media and investigate the physicochemical properties of the reclaimed soil and the changes in enzyme activities after planting Robinia pseucdoacacia. The results showed that the application of the weathered coal significantly improved the quality of soil aggregates, increased the content of water stable aggregates, and the organic matter, humus, and the cation exchange capacity of topsoil were significantly improved, but it did not have a significant effect on soil pH. Planting R. pseucdoacacia significantly enhanced the activities of soil catalase, urease, and invertase, but the application of the weathered coal inhibited the activity of catalase. Although the application of appropriate weathered coal was able to significantly increase urease activity, the activities of catalase, urease, or invertase had a close link with the soil profile levels and time. This study suggests that applying weathered coals could improve the physicochemical properties and soil enzyme activities of the reclaimed soil in opencast‐mining areas of the Loess Plateau of China and the optimum applied amount of the weathered coal for reclaimed soil remediation is about 27 000 kg hm?2.  相似文献   

Jun Xiao  Fei Zhang  Zhangdong Jin 《水文研究》2016,30(25):4855-4869
Hydrochemistry methods were used to decipher the weathering and geochemical processes controlling solute acquisition of river waters in the dry season in the middle Loess Plateau (MLP), one of the most severely eroded areas and turbid riverine systems in the world. River waters were neutral to slightly alkaline with pH varying from 7.6 to 9.6. The total dissolved solids decreased from northwest to southeast with a mean value of 804 mg/l, much higher than the global average and other large rivers in China. Ternary diagram showed that river waters were dominated by Na+, HCO3?, and Cl? with the main water‐type of HCO3?–Cl?–Na+. Saturation index values, Mg2+, Ca2+, and HCO3? analyses indicated the preferential Ca2+ removal by calcite precipitation. Gibbs plots and stoichiometry plots indicated that the dissolved solutes were mainly derived from rock weathering with minor anthropogenic and atmospheric inputs. Samples in the northwestern basin are also influenced by evaporation. A forward model of mass budget calculation showed that, owing to high soluble characteristics, evaporite dissolution was a major feature of river waters and contributed 41% to the total dissolved cations on average, while carbonate and silicate weathering contributed 28%,and 25% on average, respectively. Besides evaporite dissolution, cation exchange is also responsible for the high concentrations of Na+ in river water. Spatial variations showed that evaporite dissolution and silicate weathering were higher in the northern basin, whereas carbonate weathering was higher in the southern basin. Different from most rivers in the world, the physical erosion rates (varying from 117.7 to 4116.6 t/km2y) are much higher than the chemical weathering rates (varying from 3.54 to 6.76 t/km2y) in the MLP because of the loose structure of loess and poor vegetation in the basin. In the future, studies on comparison of water geochemistry in different seasons and on influence of different types of land use and soil salinization on water geochemistry, denudation rates, and water quality should be strengthened in the MLP. These results shed some lights on processes responsible for modern loess weathering and also indicate the importance of time‐series sampling strategy for river water chemistry. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Biocrust effects on soil infiltration have attracted increasing attention in dryland ecosystems, but their seasonal variations in infiltrability have not yet been well understood. On the Chinese Loess Plateau, soil infiltrability indicated by saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) of biocrusts and bare soil, both on aeolian sand and loess soil, was determined by disc infiltrometer in late spring (SPR), midsummer (SUM), and early fall (FAL). Then their correlations with soil biological and physiochemical properties and water repellency index (RI) were analysed. The results showed that the biocrusts significantly decreased Ks both on sand during SPR, SUM, and FAL (by 43%, 66%, and 35%, respectively; P < .05) and on loess (by 42%, 92%, and 10%, respectively; P <.05). As compared with the bare soil, the decreased Ks in the biocrusted surfaces was mostly attributed to the microorganism biomass and also to the increasing content of fine particles and organic matter. Most importantly, both the biocrusts and bare soil exhibited significant (F ≥ 11.89, P ≤ .003) seasonal variations in Ks, but their patterns were quite different. Specifically, the Ks of bare soil gradually decreased from SPR to SUM (32% and 42% for sand and loess, respectively) and FAL (29% and 39%); the Ks of biocrusts also decreased from SPR to SUM (59% and 92%) but then increased in FAL (36% and 588%). Whereas the seasonal variations in Ks of the biocrusts were closely correlated with the seasonal variations in RI, the RI values were not high enough to point at hydrophobicity. Instead of that, the seasonal variations of Ks were principally explained by the changes in the crust biomass and possibly by the microbial exopolysaccharides. We conclude that the biocrusts significantly decreased soil infiltrability and exhibited a different seasonal variation pattern, which should be carefully considered in future analyses of hydropedological processes.  相似文献   

The profile characteristics and the temporal dynamics of soil moisture variation were studied at 26 locations in Da Nangou catchment (3.5 km2) in the loess area of China. Soil moisture measurements were performed biweekly at five depths in the soil profile (0–5, 10–15, 20–25, 40–45 and 70–75 cm) from May to October 1998 using Delta-T theta probe. Soil moisture profile type and temporal variation type and their relationship to topography and land use were identified by detrended canonical correspondence analysis (DCCA) and correlation analysis. The profile distribution of time-averaged soil moisture content can be classified into three types i.e. decreasing-type, waving-type and increasing-type. The profile features of soil moisture (e.g. profile gradient and profile variability) are influenced by different environmental factors. The profile type of soil moisture is only attributed to land use while profile gradient and profile variability of soil moisture is mainly related to land use and topography (e.g. landform type and slope). The temporal dynamics of layer-averaged soil moisture content is grouped into three types including three-peak type, synchro-four-peak type and lagged-four-peak type. These types are controlled by topography rather than by land use. The temporal dynamic type of soil moisture shows significant correlation with relative elevation, slope, aspect, while temporal variance displays significant relation with slope shape. The mean soil moisture is related to both the profile and dynamics features of soil moisture and is controlled by both land use and topography (e.g. aspect, position, slope and relative elevation). The spatial variability of soil moisture across landscape varies with both soil depths and temporal evolution.  相似文献   

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