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1960年以来太湖水生植被演变   总被引:4,自引:5,他引:4  
太湖的富营养化污染日益严重,针对太湖水生植被的研究工作非常重要,然而全面的太湖水生植被调查已经有将近二十年未见报道.基于2014年夏季全湖水生植被调查结果,结合历史资料,比较分析1960年以来太湖水生植被演变情况.结果表明,1960年以来,共有23种水生植物从太湖消失,其中1981、1997和2014年分别消失7、4和12种.从分布区面积来看,1960年以来太湖水生植被总体呈北部湖区水生植被消失,东北部、东部及南部湖区水生植被分布区面积持续扩张的态势,1981年全湖水生植被分布区面积占8%,到2014年已经有33.82%的水面有水生植被分布.从生物量组成来看,太湖水生植被先升后降,从1960年的10×104 t,持续上升到1988年的44.72×104 t,1997年下降到36×104 t,2014年进一步下降到29.09×104 t.但挺水植被以外的水生植被,尤其是浮叶植被的生物量一直保持上升态势.总生物量的下降与东太湖挺水植被大面积消失有关,到2014年全湖挺水植被生物量比重仅占5.15%,东太湖沼泽化问题已不复存在.从群落组成变化情况来看,苦草(Vallisneria natans)群落分布区面积锐减,马来眼子菜(Potamogeton malaianus)和荇菜(Nymphoides peltatum)分布区持续扩张.目前太湖水生植被管理面临的主要问题是北部湖区水生植被恢复和东部湖区水生植被过量生长.  相似文献   

易雨君  唐彩红  张尚弘 《湖泊科学》2020,32(6):1827-1836
浅水湖泊沉积物再悬浮过程促进了沉积物内源性物质的释放,造成湖泊水体内源污染,加剧湖泊水质污染与生态恶化.开展刚性植被不同分布格局下的沉积物再悬浮水槽试验,能为浅水草型湖泊、滨海湿地等水环境治理与生态修复提供理论参考.本研究通过开展实验室波浪水槽试验,检验了3种直径12种密度的刚性模型植被对波浪扰动白洋淀沉积物再悬浮的影响,通过测定不同植被情景不同波浪条件下的瞬时速度和沉积物再悬浮浓度,详细阐述了植被产生的紊动能对沉积物再悬浮临界状态的影响,构建并验证了沉积物再悬浮植被紊流模型,预测了沉积物再悬浮的临界速度,为湿地生态恢复与保护提供参考.结果表明:1)植被的存在能有效增加近床面的紊动能;2)紊动能是控制沉积物再悬浮的关键性因素;3)沉积物再悬浮的临界波速与植被的固相体积分数相关.  相似文献   

太湖贡湖湾水生植被分布现状(2012年)   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
贡湖湾是无锡和苏州两市的重要水源地,随着近些年太湖水质的急速恶化,贡湖湾蓝藻暴发现象日益严重,危及饮水安全.为提供贡湖湾水资源管理的理论依据,于2012年开展贡湖湾水生植被野外调查.对8个断面进行为期5天的调查,结果表明:(1)共记录贡湖湾水生植物20科27属34种,单子叶植物和沉水植物分别为优势分类群和生态型;(2)贡湖湾水生植被分布区面积占总水域面积的45.35%,为典型半草型湖泊;(3)共有8种水生植物群落分布,其中马来眼子菜群落分布区面积和生物量最大;(4)贡湖湾水生植被总体表现出北部无水生植被分布,东部生物量高、群落及物种组成复杂,其他区域生物量小、群落组成单一的分布格局.水质恶化和插网捕鱼对贡湖湾水生植被分布现状存在影响,过度清淤可能是造成北部水域裸露的原因.结合贡湖湾水生植被分布现状分析结果,建议在贡湖湾水生植被管理中要开展北部裸水区植被修复,促进湾口区域马来眼子菜群落生长,加强对"引江济太"工程上游来水和贡湖湾水质的监测,并注重外来入侵植物尤其是水盾草群落的监测.  相似文献   

为削减东太湖养殖污染,改善湖泊水质,苏州市于2018年底基本完成东太湖养殖围网拆除工作.围网拆除后,湖泊生态环境对此如何响应,已成为学者及相关管理部门关注的重点.水生植被在维持湖泊生态系统平衡、物质循环和净化水质方面发挥着重要的作用,是诊断湖泊生态系统健康状态的关键指标.本研究基于Sentinel-2卫星数据,利用分类...  相似文献   

浅型富营养湖泊的生态恢复——五里湖水生植被重建实验   总被引:26,自引:4,他引:26  
李文朝 《湖泊科学》1996,8(Z1):1-10
依据浅型湖泊生态系统的多稳定态理论,在富营养湖泊治理过程中,当外来污染得到有效控制时,通过人工重建水生植被可以加速湖泊的生态恢复。在五里湖中,挺水植物和浮叶植物都能很好地生长,水底光照不足是沉水植物难以生长的主要原因。在自然条件下建成了永久性挺水植物群落和浮叶植物群落,在人工控制的围隔环境中改善了水底光照条件,建成了沉水植物群落。但这些沉水植物仍不能渡过夏季,主要原因是湖水过深和水温较高,降低水位和建造人工浅滩可为五里湖沉水植被恢复创造有利条件。本研究可为富营养水体的水质控制和植被恢复提供多种实用技术,但在水生植被的结构与环境功能等方面仍需开展深入的定量研究。  相似文献   

乌梁素海沉水植物群落光谱特征及冠层水深影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沉水植物对于改善富营养化水体和重建水生生态系统起着至关重要的作用.应用遥感技术可以实时、大面积监测沉水植物的分布和生长情况,而冠层水深直接影响沉水植物在湖泊、河流中的准确遥感解译.本研究基于实测光谱数据,分析了乌梁素海沉水植物光谱特征,并研究了冠层水深对乌梁素海沉水植物反射光谱的影响,建立了乌梁素海沉水植物冠层水深反演模型.结果表明:1)挺水植物在短波红外1662 nm和2223 nm附近分别有一个反射峰,这是挺水植物区别于沉水植物和漂浮藻类的重要波段; 0深度沉水植物(WDC=0)与漂浮藻类的光谱反射率非常接近,但是在绿波段(550~690 nm)有明显差异,因此,可以利用绿波段和短波红外波段的光谱特征来区分挺水植物、沉水植物和漂浮藻类.2)沉水植物群落的光谱反射率随冠层水深的增加而降低,在700~900 nm波段范围内变化最为明显,且在700~735 nm波段附近,沉水植物群落光谱反射率与冠层水深呈显著负相关.3)在建立的单波段/波段比沉水植物冠层水深反演模型中,波段比反演模型要优于单波段反演模型,波段比反演模型的决定系数R2> 0.70,均方根误差<13.70 cm,...  相似文献   

于1993-19954上对武汉东湖的布和网围受控生态系统中的植被恢复,结构优化及水质进行了初步研究。结果表明;在受控生态系统中,水生维管束植物生物量明显增加,控制养殖规模是恢复水生植被的前提,自然恢复的水生植被,结构较简单,通过选种优良植物,可优化植被结构,加速植被恢复进程;恢复水生植被时,应以沉水植物为主体。生长良好的水生维管束能使水中N,P浓度明显降低,浮游植物生物量减小;莲,芦苇,苦草,狐尾  相似文献   

This paper contributes a field study of suspended sediment transport through aquatic vegetation. The study was run over a 3 month period which was selected to coincide with scheduled weed cutting activities. This provided the opportunity to obtain data points with no vegetation cover, as well as to investigate the effects of weed cutting on Suspended Sediment Concentrations (SSC), particle size distributions and river hydraulics. Aquatic vegetation cover was quantified through remote sensing with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and biomass estimated from ground truth sampling. SSC was highly dependent on aquatic vegetation abundance, and the distance upstream that had been cleared of aquatic vegetation. The data indicates that fine sediment was being trapped and stored by aquatic vegetation, then likely remobilised after vegetation removal. Investigation of suspended sediment spatial dynamics illustrated changes in particle size distribution due to preferential settling of coarse particles within aquatic vegetation, for example D50 decreased from 36.08 μm to 15.64 μm after suspended sediment travelled 304.2 m downstream and passed ~3700 kg of aquatic vegetation biomass. Hydraulic resistance in the study reach (parameterized by Manning's n) dropped by over 70% following vegetation cutting. Prior to cutting hydraulic resistance was discharge dependent (likely due to vegetation pronating at higher flows), while post cutting hydraulic resistance was approximately invariant of discharge. Aerial surveying captured interesting changes in aquatic vegetation cover prior to vegetation cutting, where some very dense regions of aquatic vegetation were naturally removed (without any high flow events) leaving behind unvegetated riverbed and fine sediment. The weed cutting boat had a lower impact on SSC than was originally expected, which indicates that it may offer a less damaging solution to aquatic vegetation removal in rivers than some other approaches such as mechanical excavation. This paper contributes valuable field data (which are generally scarce) on the research topic of flow-vegetation-sediment interactions, to supplement laboratory and numerical studies.  相似文献   

为了探讨洞庭湖和鄱阳湖水体细菌的群落组成、空间分布特征及其驱动机制,于2017年9月,采用高通量测序技术、基于16S rRNA分子标记进行单分子测序,分别对两湖共57个位点的水体细菌群落组成进行了研究,同步监测了水体的理化指标。结果表明:洞庭湖和鄱阳湖共发现水体细菌20门42纲93目191科533属,在门水平上,洞庭湖和鄱阳湖的水体细菌组成均以放线菌门、蓝细菌门和变形菌门为主;主成分分析结果表明,两湖水环境条件有显著性差异,鄱阳湖的空间差异性大于洞庭湖;Mantel分析表明显著影响蓝细菌类群和其他类群组成的因素较为一致,在洞庭湖以物理环境因子和营养盐因子为主,而鄱阳湖以物理环境因子为主;零模型分析结果显示随机性过程为两湖水体细菌的群落构建机制的主要成分,占比分别为58.8%和79.7%。总体来说,鄱阳湖水环境空间异质性更高,水体细菌受到一些水文水动力学因子介导的物理环境因子影响,且其群落构建机制由随机性过程主导;洞庭湖水环境空间异质性较低,水体细菌受到物理环境因子和营养盐因子的共同影响,其群落构建机制由随机性过程和确定性过程共同决定。认识两湖水体细菌在空间上的分布及影响因素差异,对两湖...  相似文献   

O. Yagci  M. S. Kabdasli 《水文研究》2008,22(21):4310-4321
In this experimental study, measurements were conducted to explore the impacts of different forms of individual natural vegetative elements within the flow domain on velocity and turbulence characteristics. All the experiments were performed in a flume measuring 26 m in length, 0·98 m in width and 0·85 m in depth, and real tree saplings were utilized to represent the vegetation element. In order to analyse this commonly observed nature phenomenon in floodplains, trees with wide trunks were classified into three groups on the basis of their volume versus height relation. Throughout the velocity measurements three acoustic Doppler velocimeters were employed. Time‐averaged velocity, streamwise and vertical turbulence intensities and turbulent kinetic energy parameters were examined. Additionally, a formulation that gives the velocity profile at a certain distance downstream of vegetation was introduced and the validity of the proposed formulation was checked with experimental data. It is seen that despite their porous structures, the presence of vegetation considerably disturbs the flow field and dissipates a remarkable amount of energy by turbulence. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In wetlands wind-induced turbulence significantly affects the bottom boundary, and the interaction between turbulence and plant canopies is therefore particularly important. The aim of this study is to advance understanding of the impact of this interaction in submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV)1 on vertical mixing in a fluid dominated by turbulence. Wind-generated turbulence was simulated in the laboratory using an oscillating grid. We quantify the vertical distribution of turbulent kinetic energy (TKE)2 above and within different types of vegetation, measured by an acoustic Doppler velocimeter. Experimental conditions are analysed in two canopy models (rigid and semi-rigid) with seven solid plant fractions (SPFs)3, three stem diameters (d)4 and three oscillation grid frequencies (f)5 and four natural SAVs (Cladium mariscus, Potamogeton nodosus, Myriophyllum verticillatum and Ruppia maritima).  相似文献   

洱海湖滨带植被特征及其影响因素分析   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
2009年5至12月对洱海湖滨带植被进行了3次调查,共鉴定出维管植物47科108属145种,其中乔灌木15种、湿生草本植物75种、挺水植物15种、浮叶和漂浮植物各7种、沉水植物26种;有红柳(Salix cavaleriei)、菰(Zizania latifolia)、菱(Trapa natans)和黄丝草(Potam...  相似文献   

湿地植物群落结构及其动态变化特征是反映湿地生态系统健康状况的重要指标,对预测湿地生态系统演变方向和生态恢复至关重要。本文基于融合Landsat和MODIS数据获得的30 m、8 d分辨率的NDVI数据集,结合物候特征构建决策树分类方法,解译了2000 2020年鄱阳湖洪泛湿地植被空间分布格局,分析不同植物群落时空动态特征及转移变化过程。结果表明:遥感时空融合为鄱阳湖湿地植被精细化分类提供了良好的数据基础,基于物候特征的决策树分类方法将研究区解译为水体、泥滩、浮叶植物群落、蓼子草(Polygonum hydropiper)-虉草(Phalaris arundinacea)群落、苔草(Carex cinerascens)群落、芦荻(Phragmites australis-Triarrhena lutarioriparia)群落、蒌蒿(Artemisia selengensis)群落和林地8种景观,总体分类精度达89.36%。从全湖范围来看,湿地植被总面积虽有波动,但整体呈显著增加趋势,其中蓼子草-虉草群落的增加最为明显,而分布最广的苔草群落先增加后有微弱减小,次优势种的芦荻群落面积在30...  相似文献   

基于随机森林模型的太湖水生植被遥感信息提取   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
水生植被作为太湖湿地的重要组分,其数量和范围变化影响着湖泊生态系统的平衡,故利用遥感技术对水生植被的空间分布开展研究有助于太湖湿地生态系统的保护.以Landsat 8多光谱遥感影像为主要数据源,利用光谱指数和图像变换方法构建多个特征变量,结合随机森林(RF)模型,提取太湖水生植被的空间分布.结果表明:(1)通过对比分析训练样本特征值的平均值、标准差和变异系数,NDVI、NDWIF、SR等指数更易于区分开敞水域和沉水植被、浮叶植被和挺水植被;(2)当设置1000棵分类树和4个分割节点的随机变量时,RF分类模型的袋外误分率小于6%,误分主要受SR、MNDWI和NDVI等特征变量影响;(3)通过验证分析,基于RF模型获得的2014年7月太湖水生植被覆盖面积约为306.0km2,分类精度为88.56%(Kappa系数为0.88),主要分布在湖体的东部和南部,以沉水和浮叶植被为主,两者占水生植被覆盖总面积的84.9%.  相似文献   

鄱阳湖国家级自然保护区湿地植被的干旱响应及影响因素   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
近年来鄱阳湖干旱事件频发,干旱导致的气象水文要素变化直接影响植被生长状况,尤其是对于地上植被生物量的影响极为显著.研究鄱阳湖干旱事件对于湿地植被的影响,对于保护鸟类栖息地,认识湿地生态功能和结构的变化具有重要的现实意义.利用长期卫星遥感数据,结合植被生物量野外调查,以2003和2006年极端干旱年份为出发点,从湿地植被面积、生物量密度和总生物量的角度分析了鄱阳湖湿地植被生物量对于极端干旱的响应.研究表明:湿地植被面积、生物量密度以及总生物量均呈现双峰分布特征,在4和11月分别达到上、下半年的峰值.2003年植被生物量与多年均值一致,2006年下半年植被面积、生物量密度以及总生物量均明显超出多年均值.影响湿地植被面积的主要因素为鄱阳湖水位变化;而影响植被生物量密度的主要因素为气温和水位,退水时间提前对于生物量密度影响最大;总生物量同时受到植被面积与植被生物量密度的综合影响,其中植被面积的影响更大,植被面积对于总生物量的影响在2006年表现得比2003年更加显著.总之,2006年湿地植被对水文干旱的响应要比气象干旱强烈得多.  相似文献   

Vegetation dynamics and hydrological processes are major components of terrestrial ecosystems, and they interact strongly with each other. Studies of hydrological responses to vegetation dynamics are usually conducted on a long-term scale, whereas the hydrological responses within a single year have rarely been studied. In the present study, Poyang Lake runoff (PYL-R) model, a new hydrological model coupled with leaf area index (LAI) remote sensing products, was established and applied to simulate the runoff process in the Poyang Lake Watershed. The simulation results obtained in three sub-watersheds of the Poyang Lake Watershed (Ganjiang Watershed, Xinjiang Watershed, and Fuhe Watershed) agreed well with the observations (Nash efficiency coefficient values and R values exceeded 0.6 and 0.9, respectively). The PYL-R experiment (PYL-R-E) model was designed as a contrast model without considering the impact of LAI. The simulated monthly runoff results obtained using the PYL-R and PYL-R-E models were compared, and the within-year changes in the differences between the two results were analysed to evaluate and quantify the impact of vegetation dynamic on runoff. From January to July, when LAI values increased by around 2.6 m2 m−2, monthly runoff depth differences between PYL-R and PYL-R-E results increased by 35.25, 27.98, and 29.14 mm in the Ganjiang, Xinjiang, and Fuhe watersheds, respectively. Dense vegetation caused high interception and evapotranspiration during summer, which largely reduced runoff. By contrast, during winter, the effect of vegetation was weaker on runoff process whereas the impacts of other factors (e.g., precipitation) were higher. The sensitivity of monthly runoff to vegetation dynamics varied greatly throughout the whole year. In particular, during August and September, the LAI-caused runoff changes were very high, accounting for 28–42% of monthly runoff in the sub-watersheds. Our findings clarify the effects of changes in vegetation on hydrological processes over short time scales, thereby providing insights into the effects of scale on eco-hydrological processes.  相似文献   


The presence of aquatic vegetation in riverine and lacustrine environments alters the mean and turbulent flow structure and thus impacts the fate and transport of sediment and contaminants. Turbulent flows through Vallisneria natans (V. natans) and Potamogeton malaianus (P. malaianus) were investigated in a laboratory flume. The impact of plant morphology on mean velocity profile and turbulence distribution was analysed and discrepancies in flow alteration caused by different types of macrophyte were highlighted. Results show that a dense canopy of submerged macrophyte leads to a velocity profile featuring a counter velocity gradient in the lower part of the canopy. Negative Reynolds stress and its local maximum were observed there. Discrepancies in flow structure caused by different morphologies of both tested plants were further identified. With smaller frontal area in the lower part of the canopy, P. malaianus causes a much bigger gradient and local maximum in the velocity profile, and thus a larger local stress maximum than V. natans. The mean velocity gradient around the top of canopy, the Reynolds stress and the turbulence kinetic energy at the canopy interface are smaller than for the flow through the V. natans canopy. Larger reduction of the mean velocity within the V. natans canopy makes the suspended sediment of fine particles more easily deposited than in the P. malaianus canopy.  相似文献   

The potential for rapid coastline modification in the face of sea-level rise or other stressors is alarming, since coasts are often densely populated and support valuable infrastructure. In addition to coastal submergence, nutrient-related water pollution is a growing concern for coastal wetlands. Previous studies found that the Suspended Sediment Concentration (SSC) of coastal wetlands acts as a first-order control of their sustainability, but SSC dynamics are poorly understood. Our study focuses on the Virginia Coast Reserve (VCR) Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) site, a shallow multiple tidal inlet system in the USA. We apply numerical modelling (Delft3D-SWAN) and subsequent analyses to determine SSC dynamics within the VCR. In particular, we consider two important controls on SSC in the system: vegetation (seagrass and salt marsh) and offshore waves. Our results show that vegetation colonies and increased wave energy lengthen water residence time. The reduction in the tidal prism decreases SSC export from the bay via tidal inlets, leading to increased sediment retention in the bay. We found that alongshore currents can enhance lagoon SSC by importing fine sediments from an adjacent inlet along the coastline. Our numerical experiments on vegetation seasonality can improve the understanding of wave climate impact on coastal bay sediment budget. Offshore waves increase sediment export from coastal bays, particularly during winter seasons with low vegetation density. Therefore, our study can help managers and stakeholders to understand how to implement restoration strategies for the VCR. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

连续6年对星湖仙女湖区水生植被种类、分布、生物量、水体状况进行了调查研究;共采集到水生植物24种,隶属于18科23属,可分为挺水植被、漂浮植被、浮叶植被和沉水植被4种生活型和8个植物群丛,其中苦草群丛占水生植被生物量70%以上,密齿苦草为绝对优势种;2004年与1999年比较,星湖仙女湖水体叶绿素a增加142%,透明度下降54%,水生植被盖度和生物量减少99%,水生植被群落结构趋于简化、多样性下降;星湖仙女湖水生植被发生逆向演替的主要原因是水体污染负荷增加和渔业生产的影响,削减污染负荷和控制渔业生产是促进星湖仙女湖水生植被恢复的重要途径.  相似文献   

邓焕广  张智博  刘涛  殷山红  董杰  张菊  姚昕 《湖泊科学》2019,31(4):1055-1063
为了解城市湖泊不同水生植被区水体温室气体的溶存浓度及其影响因素,于2015年4-11月按每月2次的频率采用顶空平衡法对聊城市铃铛湖典型植被区——菹草区、莲藕区和睡莲区表层水中CO2、CH4和N2O的溶存浓度进行监测,计算水中温室气体的饱和度和排放通量,并测定水温(T)、pH、溶解氧(DO)、叶绿素a及营养盐浓度等理化指标,以探究水体环境因子对温室气体溶存浓度的影响.结果表明,铃铛湖各植被区水体温室气体均处于过饱和状态,是大气温室气体的"源";莲藕区CH4浓度、饱和度和排放通量均显著高于菹草区,而各植被区N2O和CO2均无显著性差异;不同植被区湖水中DO、总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)和硝态氮(NO3--N)浓度具有显著差异,其中DO、TN和NO3--N浓度均表现为菹草区最高,莲藕区最低,而TP浓度则正好相反;各植被区温室气体浓度和水环境参数间的相关分析和多元回归分析的结果表明,水生植物可通过影响水体的理化性质对温室气体的产生和排放产生显著差异影响,在菹草区亚硝态氮(NO2--N)、NO3--N、T和DO是控制水体温室气体浓度的主要因子;睡莲区为TP和pH;莲藕区则为pH、NO2--N和DO.  相似文献   

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