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Environmental flow (e-flow) assessment is essential for the ecological protection and restoration of lake-marsh systems. Previous studies on e-flow assessment for lake-marsh systems focused on lake-marsh systems with natural seasonal hydrological patterns (i.e., low water level in winter and high water level in summer). However, they have not considered lake-marsh systems with reverse seasonal hydrological patterns (i.e., high water level in winter and low water level in summer). The reverse seasonal hydrological patterns impose seriously negative impacts on waterbirds, because the hydrological patterns could lead to limited plant germination in spring and massive plant death in summer, leaving few plants available as food for waterbirds in winter, and could consequently reduce the sheltering and forageable areas for waterbirds. This study took Hongze Lake Wetland National Nature Reserve in China as the study area. Based on the habitat requirements of waterbirds, the sheltering and forageable areas for waterbirds under different water-depth and aquatic plant distribution scenarios were calculated. By exploring the impacts of reverse seasonal hydrological processes on waterbird habitats, we determined the necessary e-flows for lake-marsh systems with reverse seasonal hydrological patterns to meet the needs of waterbird habitat. The results showed that the water level of Hongze Lake should be controlled to 13.0–13.1 m in March, 12.5–12.6 m in July, and 12.9–13.0 m in October, which can meet the needs of waterbirds for both shelter and foraging.  相似文献   

Many large rivers around the world no longer flow to their deltas, due to ever greater water withdrawals and diversions for human needs. However, the importance of riparian ecosystems is drawing increasing recognition, leading to the allocation of environmental flows to restore river processes. Accurate estimates of riparian plant evapotranspiration (ET) are needed to understand how the riverine system responds to these rare events and achieve the goals of environmental flows. In 2014, historic environmental flows were released into the Lower Colorado River at Morelos Dam (Mexico); this once perennial but now dry reach is the final stretch to the mighty Colorado River Delta. One of the primary goals was to supply native vegetation restoration sites along the reach with water to help seedlings establish and boost groundwater levels to foster the planted saplings. Patterns in ET before, during, and after the flows are useful for evaluating whether this goal was met and understanding the role that ET plays in this now ephemeral river system. Here, diurnal fluctuations in groundwater levels and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) data were used to compare estimates of ET specifically at 3 native vegetation restoration sites during 2014 planned flow events, and MODIS data were used to evaluate long‐term (2002–2016) ET responses to restoration efforts at these sites. Overall, ET was generally 0–10 mm d?1 across sites, and although daily ET values from groundwater data were highly variable, weekly averaged estimates were highly correlated with MODIS‐derived estimates at most sites. The influence of the 2014 flow events was not immediately apparent in the results, although the process of clearing vegetation and planting native vegetation at the restoration sites was clearly visible in the results.  相似文献   

Linked hydrologic, hydraulic, and ecological models can facilitate planning and implementing water releases from reservoirs to achieve ecological objectives along rivers. We applied a flow-ecology model, the Ecosystem Functions Model (HEC-EFM), to the Bill Williams River in southwestern USA to estimate areas suitable for recruitment of riparian tree seedlings in the context of managing flow releases from a large dam for riparian restoration. Ecological variables in the model included timing of seed dispersal, tolerable rates of flow recession, and tolerable duration of inundation following germination and early seedling establishment for native Fremont cottonwood and Goodding's willow, and non-native tamarisk. Hydrological variables included peak flow timing, rate of flow recession following the peak, and duration of inundation. A one-dimensional hydraulic model was applied to estimate stage-discharge relationships along ~58 river kilometres. We then used HEC-EFM to apply relationships between seedling ecology and streamflow to link hydrological dynamics with ecological response. We developed and validated HEC-EFM based on an examination of seedling recruitment following an experimental flow release from Alamo Dam in spring 2006. The model predicted the largest area of potential recruitment for cottonwood (280–481 ha), with smaller areas predicted for willow (174–188 ha) and tamarisk (59–60 ha). Correlations between observed and predicted patches with successful seedling recruitment for areas within 40 m of the main channel ranged from 0.66 to 0.94. Finally, we examined arrays of hydrographs to identify which are most conducive to seedling recruitment along the river, given different combinations of peak flow, recession rate, and water volume released. Similar application of this model could be useful for informing reservoir management in the context of riparian restoration along other rivers facing similar challenges.  相似文献   

太湖五里湖生态重建示范工程—大型围隔试验   总被引:30,自引:5,他引:30  
五里湖是太湖北部富营养化程度最为严重的一湖湾.从2004年1月起,为了改善水质,重建五里湖生态环境,在五里湖南岸建立了一个面积为10×104m2示范工程试验区,采用多技术措施集成应用,开展湖泊生态重建技术研究.经过近2年的生态重建研究与实践,在示范工程试验区内建立了挺水植物、浮叶植物和沉水植物群丛23个,水生植物种类从生态重建前的零上升至15科、22属、32种,水生植物的多样性指数(Shannon-Wieher index)达到2.33,覆盖度达到40%- 55%.水质监测结果表明,示范工程区内水体的TN、TP、NH4-N、NO3-N、NO2-N及PO4-P的平均值分别比示范工程区外下降了20.7%、23.8%、35.2%、21.1%、45.6%和54.0%,TN、TP分别下降至2.50mg/L、0.080mg/L以下,水质得到明显改善,达到或低于“浅水湖泊稳态转换理论”指出的向“稳定清水态”转换的临界值,水体透明度(SD)平均值也有较大幅度提高,平均从0.39m提高至0.70m;初步实现湖泊水体从藻类占优势浊水态向大型水生植物占优势的清水态转变.因此重建与恢复湖泊生态系统要从沿岸带着手,首先重建湖滨带结构与功能,通过湖滨带水生生物一系列反馈机制, 逐步改善湖泊水质,最终实现沉水植被恢复;湖泊敞水区应主要采用生物操纵技术措施来实现湖泊生态恢复.  相似文献   


Multidisciplinary models are useful for integrating different disciplines when addressing water planning and management problems. We combine water resources management, water quality and habitat analysis tools that were developed with the decision support system AQUATOOL at the basin scale. The water management model solves the allocation problem through network flow optimization and considers the environmental flows in some river stretches. Once volumes and flows are estimated, the water quality model is applied. Furthermore, the flows are evaluated from an ecological perspective using time series of aquatic species habitat indicators. This approach was applied in the Tormes River Water System, where agricultural demands jeopardize the environmental needs of the river ecosystem. Additionally, water quality problems in the lower part of the river result from wastewater loading and agricultural pollution. Our methodological framework can be used to define water management rules that maintain water supply, aquatic ecosystem and legal standards of water quality. The integration of ecological and water management criteria in a software platform with objective criteria and heuristic optimization procedures allows realistic assessment and application of environmental flows to be made. Here, we improve the general methodological framework by assessing the hydrological alteration of selected environmental flow regime scenarios.
Editor D. Koutsoyiannis; Guest editor M. Acreman

Citation Paredes-Arquiola, J., Solera, A., Martinez-Capel, F., Momblanch, A., and Andreu, J., 2014. Integrating water management, habitat modelling and water quality at the basin scale and environmental flow assessment: case study of the Tormes River, Spain. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 59 (3–4), 878–889.  相似文献   

A formal mathematical model is developed to ascertain the effectiveness of a reporting system for improving the enforcement of environmental laws and regulations when reports are costly. To model realistic enforcement problems arising over environmental issues such as compliance to water and air quality standards, a formal enforcement model is constructed using concepts from probability and statistics, non-cooperative game theory, and economics. In order to demonstrate clearly the benefits gained when an environmental agency takes advantage of a reporting system, a formal enforcement model with a costly reporting system is rigorously compared to one with no reporting system. The calculation and comparison of Nash equilibria for a range of values of model parameters indicates under what conditions a reporting system can be truly effective. Overall, it is found that a reporting system, such as whistle-blowing, can be helpful for reducing violations of environmental standards, thereby maintaining better environmental quality.  相似文献   

An extension of the Grey Fuzzy Waste Load Allocation Model (GFWLAM) developed in an earlier work is presented here to address the problem of multiple solutions. Formulation of GFWLAM is based on the approach for solving fuzzy multiple objective optimization problems with max–min as the operator, which usually may not result in a unique solution. The multiple solutions of fuzzy multiobjective optimization model should be obtained as parametric equations or equations that represent a subspace. A two-phase optimization technique, two-phase GFWLAM, is developed to capture all alternative or multiple solutions of GFWLAM. The optimization model in Phase 1 is exactly same as the optimization model described in GFWLAM. The optimization model in Phase 2 maximizes the upper bounds of fractional removal levels of pollutants and minimizes the lower bounds of fractional removal levels of pollutants keeping the value of goal fulfillment level same as obtained from Phase 1. The widths of the interval-valued fractional removal levels play an important role in decision-making as these can be adjusted within their intervals by the decision-maker considering technical and economic feasibility in the final decision scheme. Two-phase GFWLAM widens the widths of interval-valued removal levels of pollutants, thus enhancing the flexibility in decision-making. The methodology is demonstrated with a case study of the Tunga-Bhadra river system in India.  相似文献   

Instream flows are essential determinants of channel morphology, riparian and aquatic flora and fauna, water quality estuarine inflow and stream load transport. The ecological and environmental instream flow requirements (EEIFR) should be estimated to make the exploitation and utilization of water resources in a highly efficient and sustainable way and maintain the river ecosystem good health. As the largest tributary of the Yellow River, the Wei River is the ‘Mother River’ of Guanzhong region in Shaanxi province. It plays a great role in the development of West China and the health of the ecosystem of the Yellow River. The objective of this study is to estimate the EEIFR for improving the Wei River's ecological and environmental condition and develop the river healthily. Concerning the main ecological and environmental functions of the Wei River in Shaanxi Province, the EEIFR for each section of the Wei River including minimum instream flow requirements (IFR) for aquicolous biotopes maintenance, IFR for channel seepage, channel evaporation, stream self‐purification and sediment transportation were estimated in this paper. The methods to estimate the instream flow requirements for stream self‐purification and instream flow requirements for sediment transportation were proposed. The temporal scale of typical years include the year with the probability 25% of occurrence (high‐flow year), the year with the probability 50% (normal‐flow year) and the year with the probability 75% (low‐flow year). The results show that the EEIFR for the Wei River mainly include instream flow requirements for self‐purification and sediment transportation in each typical year. From high‐flow year to low‐flow year, the annual EEIFR for each reach decrease, except those for the reach from Linjiacun to Weijiabao, and from Linjiacun at the upper reaches to Huaxian at the lower reaches, and the annual reach EEIFR decrease in a sequence. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A major task in developing a management strategy for the Baltic Sea will be the establishment of a program that adheres to the philosophy of sustainable use and is capable of implementation. For many nations this has proven to be a very difficult task marked with successes and failures. This paper discusses North Carolina's attempts to move toward sustainability in its Albemarle and Pamlico estuaries. The paper concludes with some lessons learned that could be helpful to the Baltic region as it strives for sustainability.  相似文献   


Groundwater is an important water resource and its management is vital for integrated water resources development in semiarid catchments. The River Shiyang catchment in the semiarid area of northwestern China was studied to determine a sustainable multi-objective management plan of water resources. A multi-objective optimization model was developed which incorporated water supplies, groundwater quality, ecology, environment and economics on spatial and temporal scales under various detailed constraints. A calibrated groundwater flow model was supplemented by grey simulation of groundwater quality, thus providing two lines of evidence to use in the multi-objective water management. The response matrix method was used to link the groundwater simulation models and the optimization model. Multi-phase linear programming was used to minimize and compromise the objectives for the multi-period, conjunctive water use optimization model. Based on current water demands, this water use optimization management plan was able to meet ecological, environmental and economic objectives, but did not find a final solution to reduce the overall water deficit within the catchment.  相似文献   


Environmental flow standards are a management tool that can help to protect the ecosystem services sustained by rivers. Although environmental flow requirements can be assessed using a variety of methods, most of these methods require establishing relationships between flow and habitat of species of concern. Here, we conducted a synthesis of past flow–ecology studies in the southeast USA. For each state or interstate river basin, we used the published data to determine the flow metrics that resulted in the greatest changes in ecological metrics, and the ecological metrics that were most sensitive to hydrologic alteration. The flow metrics that were most important in preserving ecological metrics were high-flow duration and frequency, 3-day maximum and minimum, and number of reversals. The ecological metrics most sensitive to hydrologic alteration were mostly related to presence or absence of key indicator species.  相似文献   

The restoration of meadowland using the pond and plug technique of gully elimination was performed in a 9‐mile segment along Last Chance Creek, Feather River Basin, California, in order to rehabilitate floodplain functions such as mitigating floods, retaining groundwater, and reducing sediment yield associated with bank erosion and to significantly alter the hydrologic regime. However, because the atmospheric and hydrological conditions have evolved over the restoration period, it was difficult to obtain a comprehensible evaluation of the impact of restoration activities by means of field measurements. In this paper, a new use of physically based models for environmental assessment is described. The atmospheric conditions over the sparsely gauged Last Chance Creek watershed (which does not have any precipitation or weather stations) during the combined historical critical dry and wet period (1982–1993) were reconstructed over the whole watershed using the atmospheric fifth‐generation mesoscale model driven with the US National Center for Atmospheric Research and US National Center for Environmental Prediction reanalysis data. Using the downscaled atmospheric data as its input, the watershed environmental hydrology (WEHY) model was applied to this watershed. All physical parameters of the WEHY model were derived from the existing geographic information system and satellite‐driven data sets. By comparing the prerestoration and postrestoration simulation results under the identical atmospheric conditions, a more complete environmental assessment of the restoration project was made. Model results indicate that the flood peak may be reduced by 10–20% during the wet year and the baseflow may be enhanced by 10–20% during the following dry seasons (summer to fall) in the postrestoration condition. The model results also showed that the hydrologic impact of the land management associated with the restoration mitigates bank erosion and sediment discharge during winter storm events. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

East Fork Poplar Creek (EFPC) is a mercury (Hg) contaminated creek in east Tennessee, USA. Stream restoration activities included the initiation of a flow management programme in 1996 in which water from a nearby lake was pumped to the head of the creek. We conducted regular water sampling for 2 years along the length of EFPC during active flow management and for 5 years after flow management stopped. Total Hg and total monomethylmercury (MMHg) concentration and flux decreased in the uppermost reaches of EFPC that were closest to the point of water addition. Most water quality parameters, including DOC concentration, remained unchanged after flow management termination. Nevertheless, SUVA254, a measure of dissolved organic matter (DOM) composition, increased and coincided with increased dissolved Hg (HgD) concentration and flux and decreased Hg solid-water partitioning coefficients throughout EFPC. Higher SUVA254 and HgD concentration have potential implications for bioavailability and MMHg production. Total and dissolved MMHg concentrations increased in lower reaches of EFPC after the end of flow management and these increases were most pronounced during spring and early summer when biota are more susceptible to exposure and uptake. A general warming trend in the creek after active flow management ended likely acted in concert with higher HgD concentration to promote higher MMHg concentration. Total and dissolved MMHg concentrations were positively correlated with water temperature above a threshold value of 10°C. Concentration changes for Hg and MMHg could not be accounted for by changes in creek discharge that accompanied the cessation of flow management. In addition to the changing DOM composition in-stream, other watershed-scale factors likely contributed to the observed patterns, as these changes occurred over months rather than instantaneously after flow management stopped. Nevertheless, similar changes in MMHg have not been observed in a tributary to EFPC.  相似文献   

Little is known about the distribution and risk levels of nutrients and organic matter(OM) in the surface sediment of shallow submerged macrophyte-dominated lakes. In the current study, sixty surface sediment samples were collected from Xukou Bay, a typical submerged macrophyte-dominated zone in Lake Taihu, China. A 60-day degradation experiment of Potamogeton malaianus, a dominant species in the bay,was done in the laboratory. The results demonstrated that the ranges of total nitrogen(TN) and t...  相似文献   

Stepwise hydrochemical and isotope-based methodology was adopted to identify mineralization processes, assess the impact of resources overexploitation and flood irrigation, and conceptualize groundwater hydrodynamics in the Djérid aquifer system, Tunisia. The study demonstrates that the main processes controlling groundwater geochemistry are dissolution of evaporates and phosphate-bearing rocks, cation exchange, mixing between high and low TDS end-members, and irrigation return flow. Interpretation of isotope data demonstrates that the deep aquifer was mostly recharged by late Pleistocene palaeowater, while the shallow aquifer is entirely recharged by return flow. The intermediate aquifer groundwater is actually a mixing of early to middle Holocene palaeowater, late Pleistocene deep aquifer palaeowater and return flow waters. The established conceptual model shows that deep and shallow groundwater leakages into the intermediate aquifer are enhanced by the presence of deep faults, the high hydraulic head of the deep aquifer, the overexploitation of the intermediate aquifer, and the long-term flood irrigation.  相似文献   

The deeply buried river‐connected Xishan karst aquifer (XKA) in western Beijing, China, has been suffering from diminishing recharge for several decades, which in turn leads to the disappearing of spring water outflows and continuously lowering of groundwater level in the area. Thus, it is important to correctly recognize the groundwater recharge and flow paths for the sustainable development of the XKA. To investigate these issues, the hydrochemical and isotopic compositions are analysed for both surface water and groundwater samples collected over an area of about 280 km2. Results show that (a) the river water is characterized by high Na contents; (b) the δ2H and δ18O values in the river water are distinctively higher than those of groundwater samples, after experiencing the long‐time evaporative enrichment in the upstream reservoir; (c) the Sr concentrations and 87Sr/86Sr ratios of groundwater clearly indicated the interaction between water and carbonate minerals but excluded the water–silicate interaction; and (d) the groundwater samples in the direct recharge area of the XKA have the lowest Na concentrations and the δ2H and δ18O values. Based on the large differences in the Na contents and 18O values of groundwater and surface water, a simple two‐component mixing model is developed for the study area and the fractions of the river water are estimated for groundwater samples. We find that the distribution pattern of the river water fractions in the XKA clearly shows a change of directions in the preferential flow path of the groundwater from its source zone to the discharge area. Overall, our results suggest that the recharged surface water can be a useful evidence for delineating the groundwater flow path in river‐connected karst aquifer. This study improves our understanding of the heterogeneity in karst groundwater systems.  相似文献   

Plant water use plays a crucial part in the soil–plant-atmosphere continuum. However, in karst regions, plants frequently suffer from water shortages due to low soil water storage capacity. Therefore, it is necessary to understand plant water consumption (as determined by sap flow) and seasonal variation of water sources to improve water management in karst catchments. In this study, thermal dissipation probes (TDP), calibrated using empirical equations, were used to measure the sap flow of three typical woody vegetations, including Coriaria nepalensis (sparse-shrub), Toona sinensis (secondary forest) and Populus adenopoda (shrub-grass). Oxygen and hydrogen stable isotopes were used to analyze seasonal variation of plant water sources. The results showed that: (1) T. Sinensis (3.89 ± 3.87 L·day−1) had significantly higher daily sap flow than C. nepalensis (0.33 ± 0.37 L·day−1) and P. adenopoda (0.09 ± 0.12 L·day−1); (2) daily sap flow was closely correlated to photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and vapour pressure deficit (VPD); (3) over the entire study period, plants mainly used water from the surface soil horizons; and (4) a greater proportion of epikarst water was used for C. nepalensis than by T. sinensis and P. adenopoda over the whole growth stage, and more epikarst water was used in early and mid-growth stages compared to the late stage for the three species. This study contributes to a deeper understanding of the plant water use strategies in karst regions, and is helpful for ecosystem management.  相似文献   

Irrigation return flow coefficients, i.e. the ratio between the quantity of water returned from the cultivated area to the groundwater system and the amount of abstraction, vary by more than 50% for rice cultivation using standing water irrigation to 0% in the case of drip irrigation technique. This component of the groundwater budget plays an important role, particularly in intensively irrigated areas. Thus, to avoid any inaccurate aquifer budgeting, modelling and consequently any erroneous watershed management, this component needs to be accurately assessed for a particular time‐step (e.g. weekly, seasonally) onto the studied area. The present paper proposes a cost‐effective and useful methodology for assessing irrigation return flow coefficients (Cf = irrigation return flow/pumping flow) based on (i) basic crops field survey and meteorological data and (ii) the use of a simple hydraulic model that combines both water balance technique and unsaturated/saturated flow theory. An attempt to estimate the uncertainty of irrigation return flow coefficient estimates based on the uncertainty introduced by the pumping and the natural spatial variability of the soil characteristics is also proposed. Results have been compared to real field conditions and allow us to (i) estimate the uncertainty and (ii) validate and demonstrate the robustness of the applied methodology. The proposed methodology allows relatively good estimates of the irrigation return flow coefficients at watershed and seasonal scale. The irrigation return flow coefficients are calculated as: 51 ± 8% in rainy season (Kharif) and 48 ± 4% in summer (Rabi) for rice; 26 ± 11% in rainy season and 24 ± 4% in summer for vegetables; 13 ± 8% in rainy season and 11 ± 3% in summer for flowers. These results were found to be consistent with the existing literature. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A negotiation support system (NSS) was developed to solve groundwater conflicts that arose during land-use management. It was set up in cooperation with the stakeholders involved to provide information on the impact of land use, e.g., agriculture, nature (forested areas), recreation, and urban areas, on the quality of both infiltrating and abstracted groundwater. This NSS combined simulation programs that calculate (1) the concentrations of nitrate in shallow groundwater for each land-use area and (2) the transport of nitrate in the groundwater-saturated zone. The user interface of the NSS enabled scenario analyses. The NSS was validated at a drinking-water abstraction near Holten (the Netherlands) using a spatial planning process aimed at sustainable land-use and groundwater-resource management. Two land-use scenarios were considered: a base scenario reflecting the autonomous development and an adapted land-use scenario. The calculated results for shallow groundwater provided an explicit spatial overview of the impact of historical land use and N application on the quality of abstracted groundwater as well as insight into the impact of changes in land use and N application. Visualization of the conflicting interests of agriculture and the drinking-water abstraction helped all stakeholders accept the necessary changes in land use identified by the adapted land-use scenario of the NSS. These changes were included in the preferred land-use management option in the regional planning process, which has since been formalized. The NSS provided system insight, scoping analyses, and education, in addition to generating quantitative information on the impact of land-use functions on groundwater quality.  相似文献   

The south western lake district is a part of the boezem, a system of interconnected lakes and canals in the province of Friesland. The lake district has open boundaries with the other part of the boezem system. However, discharges in the boundary canals are unknown. These discharges are needed for modelling the phosphorus dynamics in the study area. Incidental water flow measurements gave a good indication of the complex water transport in the study area, but continuous water flow recording was not possible. Consequently, discharges could not be measured directly. In order to quantify the discharges, the water transport in the area was modelled by the application of a detailed wind-driven hydrodynamic model. In the model hourly mean values of wind data and water levels at the boundary locations were used as forcing functions. Model tuning was done by comparing observed and computed water levels of three stations within the system. This approach is new in surface water systems in The Netherlands. Therefore, a sensitivity analysis was done and it was verified whether the model results were reliable.The sensitivity analysis showed that the sensitivity was low for modifications of the wind exponent value and rather high for the bottom roughness coefficient. Simulations with daily or weekly mean wind and water level data resulted in an undesirable loss of detail. The sensitivity for noise at the imposed water levels at the boundary locations was moderate. The calculated discharges were used as forcing functions for a chloride mass balance model. Calculated chloride concentrations coincided with measured concentrations in three lakes, during three periods. From this it was concluded that the discharges were reliable. The simulations also lead to the quantification of the water balance and water residence times in the lakes.  相似文献   

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