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《Urban geography》2013,34(3):370-400
This field-based case study examines recent changes in the built fabric of St. Petersburg, its urban planning system, and conservation management. The integral and highly regulated historical center, an important component of St. Petersburg's cultural landscape, has become a ground for (re)development and hence controversy. This study argues that mainly post-socialist forces (specifically, a persistent influence of the Soviet planning tradition combined with current entrepreneurial practices) have led to the current transformation of the built fabric of St. Petersburg. An examination of the processes underlying this transformation reveals that St. Petersburg is experiencing a sharpening dilemma between (re)development and conservation.  相似文献   

圣彼得堡土地利用格局现状特征及形成机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以圣彼得堡市为例,依据1948、1987和2016年土地利用数据计算居住、工业和商业用地的区位熵值并分析其变化,基于统计小区、圈层式及扇形分布3个视角,运用GIS分析计划与市场经济影响下的城市用地空间分布特征。研究结果表明,居住、工业和商业用地的空间分布规律不同: 3类用地在城市整体空间分布中均表现出一定的分散特征,其中,居住用地空间分布表现最为分散,工业用地呈现出分区域性布局特征,相比而言商业用地空间聚集程度最高; 商业用地在核心圈层处于主导地位,工业用地在老城区圈层为主导地位,居住用地在近郊区圈层为主导地位,远郊区圈层仍处于初步发展阶段,城市景观发展尚未成熟;对比圈层式和象限式结构各类用地区位熵值分布结果,提出圣彼得堡市3类用地空间分布扇形结构特征明显,说明沿主要交通线路是现代城市用地空间扩展主要方式,其中工业用地在城市空间分布中占据更为有利的交通区位优势,居住用地次之,商业用地在城市中心区域中分布不足。圣彼得堡城市用地空间分布形成主要机制总结为以下5个方面:前苏联时期城市用地空间结构主要框架的保持;行政区划调整为城市用地结构改善提供了路径;市场经济下住房体制改革推进了城市居住郊区化;土地市场对土地功能置换进程作用较弱;产业转型缓慢导致老城区仍主要为生产中心。  相似文献   

Palaeomagnetic data are presented from Mid-Silurian (Homerian, Upper Wenlock, ~425 Ma) sediments from the Dingle Peninsula, SW Ireland, which forms part of the northern margin of the Palaeozoic microcontinent of Avalonia. Three remanence components were recognized. After removal of a low-temperature component ('L'), oriented parallel to the present Earth field at the sampling area, two higher-stability components were isolated: an intermediate-unblocking-temperature component ('I') with mean in situ D = 196.9°, I = 11.0°, α 95 = 10.8, with a corresponding palaeopole at 330.0°E, 30.6°S ( dp = 5.6, dm = 11.0), and a high-unblocking-temperature component ('H') with mean tilt-corrected D = 218.6°, I = 22.1°, α 95 = 7.9, with a corresponding palaeopole at 309.5°E, 18.3°S ( dp = 4.4, dm = 8.4). A primary (Wenlock) age is indicated for the 'H'-component by a positive intraformational conglomerate test, whereas the 'I'-component is thought to be a secondary mid-Carboniferous partial remagnetization.
These data confirm that the sector of the Iapetus Ocean between Avalonia and Laurentia was essentially closed, within the limits of palaeomagnetic resolution, by the Wenlock. There is still, however, a discrepancy between the declinations recorded by similar-aged sequences to the north and south of the Iapetus Suture. These point to either an approximately 30° clockwise rotation of the entire Avalonian microcontinent relative to Laurentia during closure, or local vertical axis rotations of the sampling sites in southern Britain.  相似文献   

We report on the palaeomagnetism of the gabbroic Cape St Mary's sills of the Avalon Peninsula of Newfoundland, which have previously yielded a 441±2  Ma U–Pb baddeleyite age (latest Ordovician or earliest Silurian). At 12 of 19 sites, stepwise alternating-field or thermal demagnetization isolated a stable characteristic remanence carried by magnetite. This remanence is shown to pre-date Early Devonian folding of the sills. Although a baked-contact test was inconclusive, the positive fold test and the low grade of metamorphism of the sills (prehnite–pumpellyite facies) make it likely that the characteristic remanence is primary. The tilt-corrected site-mean characteristic remanence has a declination of 343° and an inclination of −51° ( k =25, α 95=9°), yielding a ∼440  Ma palaeopole at 10°N, 140°E ( dm =12°, dp =8°) for West (North American) Avalonia. The corresponding ∼440  Ma palaeolatitude for the Avalon Peninsula is 32°S±8°. The only other West Avalonian palaeolatitude determination from rocks that could be of similar age is from the Dunn Point volcanics of Nova Scotia; their more southerly palaeolatitude of 41°S±5° suggests that they are significantly older than 440  Ma, a possibility that we recommend testing with U–Pb dating. Although no ∼440  Ma palaeolatitude determinations are available for East Avalonia (parts of southern Britain and Ireland), interpolating between mid-Ordovician and mid-Silurian determinations gives an estimate of ∼25°S. This is consistent with our Cape St Mary's result and, if the Iapetus Ocean closed orthogonally, with a narrow (∼1000  km) Iapetus Ocean of approximately east–west orientation between Avalonia and Laurentia by 440  Ma.  相似文献   

Study of Lake Pepin and Lake St. Croix began more than a century ago, but new information has permitted a closer look at the geologic history of these two riverine lakes located on the upper Mississippi River system. Drainages from large proglacial lakes Agassiz and Duluth at the end of the last glaciation helped shape the current valleys. As high-discharge outlet waters receded, tributary streams deposited fans of sediment in the incised river valleys. These tributary fans dammed the main river, forming riverine lakes. Lake Pepin was previously thought to be a single long continuous lake, extending for 80 km from its dam at the Chippewa River fan all the way up to St. Paul, with an arm extending up the St. Croix valley. Recent borings taken at bridge and dam locations show more than a single section of lake sediments, indicating a more complex history. The Minnesota and Mississippi Rivers did not always follow their current paths. Valleys cut into bedrock but now buried by glacial sediment indicate former river courses, with the most recent of these from the last interglacial period marked at the surface by chains of lakes. The morphology of the Mississippi valley bottom, and thus the morphology of Lake Pepin as it filled the valley, is reflect in part by the existence of these old valleys but also by the presence of glacial outwash terraces and the alluvial fans of tributary streams. A sediment core taken in Lake Pepin near Lake City had a piece of wood in gravels just below lake sediments that dated to 10.3 ka cal. BP, indicating that the lake formed as the Chippewa River fan grew shortly after the floodwaters of Lakes Agassiz and Duluth receded. Data from new borings indicate small lakes were dammed behind several tributary fans in the Mississippi River valley between the modern Lake Pepin and St. Paul. One tributary lake, here called Early Lake Vermillion, may have hydraulically dammed the St. Croix River, creating an incipient Lake St. Croix. The tributary fans from the Vermillion River, the Cannon River, and the Chippewa River all served to segment the main river valley into a series of riverine lakes. Later the growth of the Chippewa fan surpassed that of the Vermillion and Cannon fans to create a single large lake, here called late Lake Pepin, which extended upstream to St. Paul. Sediment cores taken from Lake Pepin did not have significant organic matter to develop a chronology from radiocarbon dating. Rather, magnetic features were matched with those from a Lake St. Croix core, which did have a known radiocarbon chronology. The Pepin delta migration rate was then estimated by projecting the elevations of the top of the buried lake sediments to the dated Lake Pepin core, using an estimated slope of 10 cm/km, the current slope of Lake Pepin sediment surface. By these approximations, the Lake Pepin delta prograded past Hastings 6.0 ka cal BP and Red Wing 1.4 ka cal BP. This is one of eight papers dedicated to the “Recent Environmental History of the Upper Mississippi River” published in this special issue of the Journal of Paleolimnology. D. R. Engstrom served as guest editor of the special issue.  相似文献   

Continental red sandstone and siltstone rocks of the Dewey Lake (Quartermaster) Formation at Maroon Cliffs, near Carlsbad, New Mexico, are characterized by two components of magnetization with partially overlapping laboratory unblocking temperature spectra. Both magnetizations display high coercivities (>100 mT), probably residing in haematite. A north-directed magnetization with steep positive inclination unblocks between 100 and 650 °C, isolating a predominantly northwest-directed magnetization, with shallow inclination, of near uniform normal polarity and maximum unblocking temperatures of 680 °C.
We collected samples from 24 palaeomagnetic sites (i.e. individual beds) from a ~60 m thick section of flat-lying strata disconformably overlying carbonate and evaporite rocks of the Rustler Formation. The upper member of the Rustler Formation contains a Late Permian (early Changxingian) marine invertebrate and conodont fauna. Of the sampled sites, four yield only steep magnetizations, interpreted to be recent overprints. Eight sites did not yield well-grouped site means and were excluded from the final calculations. The formation mean (dec = 337.7°, inc = 9.2°; k = 31.6, α 95 = 7.8°, N = 12 sites) defines a palaeomagnetic pole located at 55.2°N, 117.5°E, in good agreement with other Late Permian North American cratonic poles.
Correlation of the short polarity sequence of this section of Dewey Lake strata is unambiguous. Compared with the polarity stratigraphy of marine sections in Asia, and supported by isotopic age determinations on a widespread bentonite bed in Dewey Lake strata in west Texas (approximately 251 Ma) and fossil data for the underlying Rustler Formation, the magnetostratigraphy is consistent with deposition of the Dewey Lake Formation during the latest Changxingian (Late Permian) stage.  相似文献   

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