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The San Jorge porphyry copper deposit (SJPCD) is hosted by Carboniferous clastic sedimentary rocks and Permian intrusions located within the Permo-Triassic belt of Chile and Argentina. Its hypogene mineralization and alteration are products of superposed orthomagmatic and hydrothermal events that were strongly fault controlled. Copper related to orthomagmatic processes includes disseminated chalcopyrite in the matrix of porphyritic granodiorite and andesite, and chalcopyrite with tourmaline and quartz in breccias, both of which have accompanying potassic alteration. Soon thereafter, disseminated chalcopyrite is associated with a structurally controlled silicification of the sedimentary sequence. Finally, multiple episodes of hydrofracturing, probably driven by a deep-seated intrusion, deposited sulfide minerals in veinlets throughout the sedimentary sequence; the centers of these systems are characterized by potassic alteration. Total sulfides, which include chalcopyrite, pyrite, arsenopyrite, and pyrrhotite, and pyrite:chalcopyrite form a linear NNE trend, parallel to the main faults. Quartz–sericite is the dominant alteration and is ubiquitous. Zones of potassic alteration can be delineated even though phyllic alteration can be superposed. Much of the system evolved under reducing conditions. Despite uplift along a reverse fault during the Tertiary, and subsequent erosion, the system is preserved at high levels. Supergene processes redistributed copper in secondary oxides and sulfides. These processes were more effective where the deposit is covered by unconsolidated alluvial sediments. The unique history of the San Jorge deposit renders it an important variation of porphyry copper-style mineralization.  相似文献   

Rocks and structures in the southwest Precordillera terrane, located in western Argentina, constrain the Paleozoic distribution of continents and the development of the western margin of Gondwana. Detailed mapping of an area in the southwest Precordillera allowed identification of several pre-Carboniferous rock units formed in distinct tectonic environments and were later tectonically juxtaposed. The pre-Carboniferous rock units comprise carbonate metasiltstone, metasandstone, massive diabase, and quartzo-feldspathic gneiss intruded by ultramafic rocks and layered gabbro. Preliminary structural analysis indicates that the present distribution of units is due to two contractional deformation episodes, an east-directed Devonian ductile event and a west-directed Tertiary brittle event. The metasedimentary rocks, which form the structural base of the area and are part of the western Precordilleran passive margin sequence, were juxtaposed along minor ductile shear zones early in the ductile event. Their contact was then folded during continued ductile deformation; at this time the ultramafic/layered gabbro complex and the massive diabase were emplaced over the metasedimentary units along narrow ductile shear zones. Brittle deformation, associated with the Andean orogeny, involved open folding, thrust faulting, and reactivation of some ductile features.  相似文献   

The Cerro Punta Blanca, Cerro Bayo and Cerro Punta Negra stocks, parts of the Cordillera Frontal Composite Batholith, cropping out in the Cordón del Portillo, records the Gondwana magmatic development of the Cordillera Frontal of Mendoza, in western Argentina. In this area, the San Rafael Orogenic phase, that represents the closure of the Late Carboniferous–Early Permian marine basins, begins at 284 Ma, and ceased before 276 Ma. The Cerro Punta Blanca, Cerro Bayo and Cerro Punta Negra stocks represent a post-orogenic magmatism and are equivalents to the Choiyoi Group. The Gondwana magmatic activity in the Cordón del Portillo area can be divided into two stages. The Cerro Punta Blanca stock (c.a. 276 Ma) represents an early post-orogenic, subduction-related magmatism similar to the basic-intermediate section of the Choiyoi Group (c.a. 277 Ma). The late post-orogenic second event was recorded by the Cerro Bayo (262 Ma) and Cerro Punta Negra stocks which represent a transition between subduction-related and intra-plate magmatism. This event represents the intrusive counterpart of the acidic facies of the upper section of the Choiyoi Group (c.a. 273 Ma). This extensional condition continued during the Triassic when the Cacheuta basin developed.  相似文献   

Back-arc volcanism was active in central-western Argentina (provinces of Mendoza and La Pampa) from the Miocene through historic times. The rocks of 39 monogenetic volcanoes located in this area were studied in order to define their geochemical characteristics. The dominant rock texture is porphyritic, with intergranular, pilotaxitic and hyalophitic groundmasses. The most frequent phenocrysts are olivine followed by olivine–plagioclase–clinopyroxene. Their SiO2 content varies between 42.3 and 51.2 wt.%, the most abundant rocks are trachybasalts, followed by basalts and basanites, all of them alkaline. The rocks display enrichment of incompatible elements that varies according to the geographic location and age. There is an increase in incompatible element concentrations from the southern and central to the northern zones. Also, in the northern part of the study area, the behavior of incompatible elements varies with time; the incompatible element ratios of the Plio–Pleistocene rocks show arc signature, while the rocks of the Miocene De la Laguna volcano show intraplate affinity. We conclude for this sector that the mantle source region was modified after the generation of Miocene magmas by subduction-related fluids. These fluids are related to a late Miocene episode of subhorizontal subduction, i.e., after the generation of the rocks of De la Laguna volcano.  相似文献   

The San Rafael Block(SRB)is part of one of the main retroarc volcanic provinces in southern Central Andes in Mendoza,Argentina.This block is located in the Andean foothills between the orogenic front and foreland basement uplifts of late Miocene age.In order to analyze the geochronological evolution of the Quaternary volcanism in the region,several geologic and geophysical studies have been conducted.Nevertheless,the crust,where the SRB is located,has not been well characterized yet.Based on gravimetric and magnetic data,together with isostatic and elastic thickness analyses,we modeled the crustal structure of the area.Information obtained has allowed us to understand the crust where the SRB and the Payenia volcanic province are located.Bouguer anomalies indicate that the SRB presents higher densities to the North of Cerro Nevado and Moho calculations suggest depths for this block between 40 and 50 km.Determinations of elastic thickness would indicate that the crust supporting the San Rafael Block presents values of approximately 10 km,being enough to support the block loading.However,in the Payenia region,elastic thickness values are close to zero due to the regional temperature increase.  相似文献   

The urban growth of the southern neighborhoods of Mar del Plata City provoked significant changes in the groundwater balance of the loessic sequences. These regional loessic levels with a significant portion of volcanic ash layers were reported subject to fluoride and nitrate concentrations. Residential houses pump from sands located 70 m depth and withdraw the sewages to depths less than 5 m. These effects cause significant local and seasonal (summer) increments of the water table outcropping via springs at certain unconformities of the coastal cliffs. A mathematical model was applied to analyze the water level lowering at the productive levels, while there is a decrease in the quality of the upper levels subject to waste discharges. Much of this groundwater flow is concentrated in unconformities between different types of sediments. Human activities have affected the aquifer dynamics increasing the groundwater pumping rates and the return velocity of the sewages. This should be considered in the management strategies of coastal hydric resources.  相似文献   

Sedimentological and structural geological data from two sites in southwest Ireland and Antarctica provide evidence for the formation of subglacial till by the brecciation and crushing of bedrock rafts. Up-sequence transitions, from undisturbed bedrock, to deformed bedrock, to crushed and brecciated bedrock, to massive matrix-supported till with far-travelled erratics, represent a process-form continuum of till production. Initially, bedrock fragments and rafts up to several metres in length are liberated from the substrate by glacitectonic thrusting and plucking. These rafts are then crushed to produce the matrix of a till. Such products are commonly referred to as comminution tills, although the original definition focused primarily on the second phase of the process (crushing of bedrock rafts and fragments) as well as abrasion of bedrock. Data from Ireland and Antarctica indicate that rafting of bedrock is an essential part of the process of till formation. This process is facilitated by weak sedimentary bedrock, which can be displaced along joints and bedding planes to form rafts that are then incorporated into the 'proto-till' prior to being crushed subglacially. Our field data suggest that bedrock failure and displacement of such rafts can occur to depths of 3 m. The occurrence of erratics in the uppermost part of the till demonstrates that the glacier effectively mixes far-travelled and local materials.  相似文献   

Eric Bird  Paolo Fabbri 《GeoJournal》1993,29(4):428-429
A preliminary investigation of the geomorphological evolution of the small delta of the Argentina river (Riviera di Ponente, Italy) shows that it has largely been affected by anthropic processes. Erosion is undermining land and structural developments not only in the delta, but also along the nearby shores and a thorough knowledge of them seems necessary prior to management applications. In fact, processes affecting the evolution of the investigated area could well be regarded as a good example of the evolution of many other deltaic areas in the Northern Mediterranean.  相似文献   

Gomez  Maria Laura  Hoke  G.  D&#;Ambrosio  S.  Moreiras  S.  Castro  A. 《Hydrogeology Journal》2022,30(3):725-750
Hydrogeology Journal - In the drylands of Northern Mendoza, Argentina, water supply depends on rivers and groundwater. Climate change makes this region vulnerable due to the snow-glacial-melt...  相似文献   

Studied samples include eight Gondwanan species of the Dicroidium flora: seed ferns (3), conifer (1), cycad-related (1), unknown affinity gymnosperms (2), and one undetermined axis from two Middle to Upper Triassic localities (Cacheuta, Mendoza, central western Argentina). Based on differing preservation states and sample treatments, four sample forms are established: (1) compressions, (2) cuticles, (3) cuticle-free coalified layers, and (4) associated coal samples. The purpose of the study is firstly to analyze the sample forms using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectrometry, contributing to filling an existing gap of chemical information for Gondwanan pant fossil remains. Secondly, semi-quantitative chemical parameters, calculated by area integration of infrared spectra, are treated using principal component analysis to infer statistical groupings as a function of chemical structures (functional groups). From the initial two-component solution, based on the 8 × 41 data matrix, a subset matrix (4 × 29) could be isolated which also yielded a two-component solution (in each case, cumulative explained variance is at least 89%). Results include the distinction between the coaly forms (1) compressions and (3) cuticle-free coalified layers mainly based on the carbonyl contents and branching and length of the hydrocarbon side chains. The highly aliphatic nature of cuticles, which is indicative of biomacromolecules (cutin), is noted. Similarities in functional groups are recorded with types of kerogen and coal macerals. The result enables us to postulate that the functional groups characterizing the different modes of preservation of our fossil remains are likely related to the propensity to generate oil and gas/condensate from the kerogen. Our data have the potential for future studies with implications for chemotaxonomy, molecular taphonomy, and paleoclimatology.  相似文献   

《Quaternary International》2006,142(1):110-121
The frequency of debris flows and rockfalls was estimated by temporal distribution of these events during the last 50 years. This parameter was expressed by annual probability of occurrence and mean interval of recurrence of historical events. More recurrent events in this sector of the Central Andes are associated with the Guido locality and tunnels situated along International road No. 7. Furthermore, these events are more frequent in Cordillera Frontal where the mean recurrence interval was lower than in Precordillera. The maximum interval of recurrence is rarely greater than 20 years, showing the activity of these events on human lives and infrastructure in this region. The accuracy of the determined recurrence frequency is discussed. A future scenario indicates that landslides will be probably more frequent under global climate change. As a consequence, those most vulnerable elements in the region, the international access routes, may be severely damaged in the future, implying an adverse impact in our regional economy.  相似文献   

Throughout Earth??s history, all volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS)-hosting environments are associated with specific assemblages of mafic and felsic rocks with distinct petrochemistry (petrochemical assemblages) indicative of formation at anomalously high temperatures within extensional geodynamic environments. In mafic-dominated (juvenile/ophiolitic) VMS environments, there is a preferential association with mafic rocks with boninite and low-Ti tholeiite, mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB), and/or back-arc basin basalt affinities representing forearc rifting or back-arc initiation, mid-ocean ridges or back-arc basin spreading, or back-arc basins, respectively. Felsic rocks in juvenile oceanic arc environments in Archean terrains are high field strength element (HFSE) and rare earth element (REE) enriched. In post-Archean juvenile oceanic arc terrains, felsic rocks are commonly HFSE and REE depleted and have boninite like to tholeiitic signatures. In VMS environments that are associated with continental crust (i.e., continental arc and back-arc) and dominated by felsic volcanic and/or sedimentary rocks (evolved environments), felsic rocks are the dominant hosts to mineralization and are generally HFSE and REE enriched with calc-alkalic, A-type, and/or peralkalic affinities, representing continental arc rifts, continental back-arcs, and continental back-arcs to continental rifts, respectively. Coeval mafic rocks in evolved environments have alkalic (within-plate/ocean island basalt like) and MORB signatures that represent arc to back-arc rift versus back-arc spreading, respectively. The high-temperature magmatic activity in VMS environments is directly related to the upwelling of mafic magma beneath rifts in extensional geodynamic environments (e.g., mid-ocean ridges, back-arc basins, and intra-arc rifts). Underplated basaltic magma provides the heat required to drive hydrothermal circulation. Extensional geodynamic activity also provides accommodation space at the base of the lithosphere that allows for the underplated basalt to drive hydrothermal circulation and induce crustal melting, the latter leading to the formation of VMS-associated rhyolites in felsic-dominated and bimodal VMS environments. Rifts also provide extensional faults and the permeability and porosity required for recharge and discharge of VMS-related hydrothermal fluids. Rifts are also critical in creating environments conducive to preservation of VMS mineralization, either through shielding massive sulfides from seafloor weathering and mass wasting or by creating environments conducive to the precipitation of subseafloor replacement-style mineralization in sedimented rifts. Subvolcanic intrusions are also products of the elevated heat flow regime common to VMS-forming environments. Shallow-level intrusive complexes (i.e., within 1?C3?km of the seafloor) may not be the main drivers of VMS-related hydrothermal circulation, but are likely the manifestation of deeper-seated mantle-derived heat (i.e., ~3?C10?km depth) that drives hydrothermal circulation. These shallower intrusive complexes are commonly long-lived (i.e., millions of years), and reflect a sustained thermally anomalous geodynamic environment. Such a thermally anomalous environment has the potential to drive significant hydrothermal circulation, and, therefore multi-phase, long-lived subvolcanic intrusive complexes are excellent indicators of a potentially fertile VMS environment. The absence of intrusive complexes, however, does not indicate an area of low potential, as they may have been moved or removed due to post-VMS tectonic activity. In some cases, shallow-level intrusive systems contribute metals to the VMS-hydrothermal system.  相似文献   

The present study analysed the taphonomic characteristics of small mammal bone accumulations produced by small felids in an area from the central Monte Desert (Mendoza, Argentina). In order to provide criteria to identify the role that these predators had in the formation of zooarchaeological assemblages, the anatomical representation, bone breakage patterns and degrees of digestive corrosion were evaluated. The main taphonomic results are: low average values for the relative abundance of skeletal elements; greater representation of mandibles, maxillae, isolated incisors, humeri and femora than the remaining elements; preponderance of cranial elements with high proportion of isolated teeth; elevated frequencies of proximal limb bones compared with distal parts; high degree of breakage in all skeletal elements and digestive corrosion on almost all diagnostic bones (mainly moderate and heavy). The values of the studied taphonomic variables indicate that small felids in this area made severe alterations to the bones of their prey (mainly rodents), attributable to the category of extreme modifier, while preserving enough skeletal elements to allow their taphonomic characterization. Tooth marks or grooves on bone surfaces produced by scratching and chewing were not detected. The low relative abundance of skeletal elements, the high degree of breakage and the elevated frequency of elements with digestion traces represent general taphonomic patterns that fall within those reported for other South American small carnivores.  相似文献   

Almost 90% of 39 m of core material recovered from Scoresby Sund and the adjacent East Greenland shelf is massive diamicton, interpreted to be formed predominantly by the release of iceberg rafted debris and reworking by iceberg scouring. There is also likely to be a contribution from suspension settling of fines derived from glaciofluvial sources. Model calculations suggest that the 14C derived Holocene sedimentation rate of 0.1-0.3 m 1000 yr−1 in Scoresby Sund can be accounted for mainly by iceberg rafting of debris. A further 4% of core material is of gravel or coarse sand lenses, interpreted to reflect iceberg dumping of debris. Intensive iceberg scouring, which reworks sea floor sediments, is observed on acoustic records from over 30 000 km2 of the Scoresby Sund fiord system and the adjacent East Greenland shelf (69-72°N and 75°N). The rate of iceberg production from Greenland Ice Sheet outlet glaciers, and iceberg drift tracks on the shelf, suggests that iceberg rafting and scouring may be important over a significant proportion of the 500 000 km2 area above the shelf break. The relatively extensive modern occurrence of massive diamicton, formed by iceberg rafting and scouring, together with suspension settling of fines, suggests that it may also be a significant facies in the glacier-influenced geological record. The recognition in the geological record of the massive diamicton facies described above may also indicate the former presence of fast flowing ice sheet outlet glaciers.  相似文献   

自然界中,火山的喷发样式常因岩浆或周围环境的变化而发生转换。为了探索沉积盆地古地理环境对古代火山喷发样式的可能影响,文中利用地震、钻测井及岩心资料,厘定准噶尔盆地玛湖凹陷东部下二叠统风城组古地理环境及火山岩的分布;利用岩心和薄片观察、扫描电镜、元素地球化学、电子探针等技术,对取心段火山岩岩石类型、岩石组合和地球化学特征开展了研究。结果表明:(1)取心段火山岩发育4种岩石类型和3种岩石组合,射气岩浆喷发和岩浆喷发2种火山喷发样式类型;(2)射气岩浆喷发以发育熔积岩,具面包皮结构、熔结结构、熔结珍珠结构的熔结凝灰岩和增生火山砾为特征,而岩浆喷发以胶结增生火山砾而形成含增生火山砾熔岩为特征;(3)火山口古地理环境的演化控制着火山喷发样式的类型及其转换,进而影响喷发产物的特征:古地理环境为水下环境时,足量的水和上升的高温岩浆相互作用发生射气岩浆喷发;古地理环境变为陆上时,岩浆发生溢流式岩浆喷发。取心段古地理环境变化的主要原因可能是喷发产物在火山口附近的堆积或季节性气候变化引起的湖平面变化;(4)古地理环境对古代火山喷发的样式类型、喷发过程、喷发产物特征具有重要影响,这可以为盆地中火山岩成因分析和喷发过程重建提供新的视角,为火山岩油气藏的精细勘探开发提供新的思路。  相似文献   

The dominance of isotropic hummocky cross‐stratification, recording deposition solely by oscillatory flows, in many ancient storm‐dominated shoreface–shelf successions is enigmatic. Based on conventional sedimentological investigations, this study shows that storm deposits in three different and stratigraphically separated siliciclastic sediment wedges within the Lower Cretaceous succession in Svalbard record various depositional processes and principally contrasting sequence stratigraphic architectures. The lower wedge is characterized by low, but comparatively steeper, depositional dips than the middle and upper wedges, and records a change from storm‐dominated offshore transition – lower shoreface to storm‐dominated prodelta – distal delta front deposits. The occurrence of anisotropic hummocky cross‐stratification sandstone beds, scour‐and‐fill features of possible hyperpycnal‐flow origin, and wave‐modified turbidites within this part of the wedge suggests that the proximity to a fluvio‐deltaic system influenced the observed storm‐bed variability. The mudstone‐dominated part of the lower wedge records offshore shelf deposition below storm‐wave base. In the middle wedge, scours, gutter casts and anisotropic hummocky cross‐stratified storm beds occur in inferred distal settings in association with bathymetric steps situated across the platform break of retrogradationally stacked parasequences. These steps gave rise to localized, steeper‐gradient depositional dips which promoted the generation of basinward‐directed flows that occasionally scoured into the underlying seafloor. Storm‐wave and tidal current interaction promoted the development and migration of large‐scale, compound bedforms and smaller‐scale hummocky bedforms preserved as anisotropic hummocky cross‐stratification. The upper wedge consists of thick, seaward‐stepping successions of isotropic hummocky cross‐stratification‐bearing sandstone beds attributed to progradation across a shallow, gently dipping ramp‐type shelf. The associated distal facies are characterized by abundant lenticular, wave ripple cross‐laminated sandstone, suggesting that the basin floor was predominantly positioned above, but near, storm‐wave base. Consequently, shelf morphology and physiography, and the nature of the feeder system (for example, proximity to deltaic systems) are inferred to exert some control on storm‐bed variability and the resulting stratigraphic architecture.  相似文献   

An investigation into the late Pleistocene sediments exposed at Afton Lodge has helped to clarify the glacial history of western central Scotland. The sequence includes several allochthonous bodies of ‘shelly clay’ (Afton Lodge Clay Formation) associated with Late Devensian (Weichselian) age diamict. The shelly clay contains abundant marine macro- and microfauna, as well as palynomorphs consistent with its deposition within a shallow marine to estuarine environment. Faunal changes within the main body of marine clay record at least one, millennial-scale cycle of Arctic-Boreal, to Boreal, and back to Arctic-Boreal climatic conditions. A radiocarbon date of over 41 ka 14C BP obtained from the foraminifera indicates that the marine clays are older than the surrounding till. Afton Lodge is thus one of a suite of ‘high-level’ shelly clay occurrences around the Scottish coasts that are now considered to be glacially transported. Together with closely associated ‘shelly tills’, the rafts were emplaced during an early phase of the last glaciation by ice flowing from the western Grampian Highlands of Scotland through the topographically-confined Firth of Clyde basin. The blocks of marine sediment were detached subglacially, unfrozen, and carried at least 10 km by ice that splayed out onshore against reversed slopes favouring raft emplacement and the creation of closely associated ribbed moraine. Transport of the rafts was facilitated by water-lubricated décollement surfaces and their accretion was accompanied by dewatering. The shelly tills were formed mainly by the attenuation and crushing of rafts of shelly clay during their transport within the subglacial deforming bed.  相似文献   

Evidence from shoreline and deep-lake sediments show Laguna Cari-Laufquén, located at 41°S in central Argentina, rose and fell repeatedly during the late Quaternary. Our results show that a deep (> 38 m above modern lake level) lake persisted from no later than 28 ka to 19 ka, with the deepest lake phase from 27 to 22 ka. No evidence of highstands is found after 19 ka until the lake rose briefly in the last millennia to 12 m above the modern lake, before regressing to present levels. Laguna Cari-Laufquén broadly matches other regional records in showing last glacial maximum (LGM) highstands, but contrasts with sub-tropical lake records in South America where the hydrologic maximum occurred during deglaciation (17–10 ka). Our lake record from Cari-Laufquén mimics that of high-latitude records from the Northern Hemisphere. This points to a common cause for lake expansions, likely involving some combination of temperature depression and intensification of storminess in the westerlies belt of both hemispheres during the LGM.  相似文献   

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