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Summary Amphibole and mica lamprophyres and related dykes of Tertiary age from the Kreuzeck Mountains, Central Alps, Austria, have been investigated petrographically and geochemically. They intrude a sequence of early Palaeozoic metapelites, greenstones and amphibolites to the north of the Cretaceous Periadriatic Lineament, a major suture zone of 700 km E-W extent. The dykes are spatially associated with Sb, W, Hg, and Cu-Ag-Au deposits.Most lamprophyres are characterized by primitive chemistry (mg-numbers > 60 and Cr > 200 ppm) and have high contents of LIL elements (K, Rb, Sr and Ba). Geochemically, five different subgroups of calcalkaline/shoshonitic to alkaline affinity can be distinguished. These are: Group 1, amphibole-bearing shoshonitic lamprophyres (0.5–1.0 wt% Ti02, Zr < 150 ppm, Nb < 13 ppm, Ba/Rb < 10); Group 2, mica-bearing shoshonitic lamprophyres (1–1.5 wt% TiO2, Zr 180 ppm, Nb < 17 ppm, Ba/Rb > 20); Group 3, alkaline lamprophyres (1.5–2.1 wt% TiO2, Zr > 250 ppm, Nb > 30 ppm, Ba/Rb 10–25); Group 4, low-MgO alkaline lamprophyres ( 2.5 wt% TiO2, mg-number < 57, Nb 20 ppm, Ba/Rb 20); Group 5, calc-alkaline basaltic dykes ( 2.2 wt% TiO2, mg-number <55, Nb < 10 ppm, Ba/Rb < 10). Group 2,3 and 4 dykes have NE-SW orientations and are of Oligocene age (K-Ar age 27–32 Ma); Group 1 and 5 dykes are of Lower Oligocene age (K-Ar age 36 Ma) but have mostly E-W orientations.The Kreuzeck lamprophyres were generated in post-collisional magmatic events, which were probably linked to extensional tectonics following oblique continent-continent collision between the African and Eurasian Plates during the Eocene. Group 1, 2 and 5 dyke rocks have typical calc-alkaline geochemical signatures indicating that they represent partial melting products of subduction-modified lithosphere. Group 3 and 4 alkaline lamprophyres have geochemical features transitional between calc-alkaline and within-plate alkaline igneous rocks (e.g. Ba/Nb 30–70) indicating that their mantle source-region includes both subduction-modified lithospheric and OIB-type asthenospheric components.There is no apparent relationship between mineralization in the Kreuzeck region, thought to be of Ordovician-Devonian age, and much later lamprophyre intrusion. Alteration of the dykes by late-magmatic fluids has resulted in the formation of secondary minerals, and has occasionally led to increased Au and PGE values in the 10–35 ppb range particularly in close proximity to Cu-Ag-Au deposits.
Shoshonitische und alkalische Lamprophyre mit erhöhten Au- und PGE-Gehalten aus der Kreuzeckgruppe, Ostalpen, Österreich
Zusammenfassung Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht die Petrographie und Geochemie tertiärer Lamprophyre und genetisch verwandter Ganggesteine aus der zentralalpinen Kreuzeckgruppe, nördlich des Periadriatischen Lineamentes, in Kärnten, Österreich. Die Ganggesteine durchschlagen die altpaläozoischen Metapelite, Grünsteine und Amphibolite des Altkristallins diskordant und stehen in räumlichem Zusammenhang mit Sb, W, Hg und Cu-Ag-Au Lagerstätten, die bereits seit dem Mittelalter abgebaut wurden.Die meisten Lamprophyre zeigen primitiven Charakter (Mg-Zahlen >60 und Cr > 200 ppm) und besitzen hohe Gehalte an LILE (K, Rb, Sr und Ba). Geochemisch lassen sich fünf verschiedeneGruppen mit kalkalkalisch/shoshonitischem bis alkalischem Charakter unterscheiden: Gruppe 1, Amphibol-führende shoshonitische Lamprophyre (0.5–1.0 Gew% TiO2, Zr < 150 ppm, Nb < 13 ppm, Ba/Rb < 10);Gruppe 2, Glimmer-führende shoshonitische Lamprophyre (1–1.5 Gew% TiO2, Zr 180 ppm, Nb < 17 ppm, Ba/Rb > 20); Gruppe 3, alkalische Lamprophyre (1.5–2.1 Gew% TiO2, Zr > 250 ppm, Nb > 30ppm, Ba/Rb 10–25); Gruppe 4, alkalische Lamprophyre mit geringen MgO-Anteil ( 2.5 Gew% TiO2, Mg-Zahl < 57, Nb 20 ppm, Ba/Rb 20); Gruppe 5, kalkalkalisch basaltische Ganggesteine ( 2.2 Gew% TiO2, Mg-Zahl < 55, Nb < 10 ppm, Ba/Rb < 10). Die Lamprophyre der Gruppen 2, 3 und 4 zeigen nordöstliches Streichen und oligozänes Intrusionsalter (K-Ar Alter 27–32 Ma), während die Ganggesteine der Gruppen 1 und 5 überwiegend östliches Streichen und UnterOligozänes Intrusionsalter (K-Ar Alter 36 Ma) aufweisen.Die Intrusionen erfolgten während einer tektonischen Dilatationsphaseim Oligozän nach der Kontinent-Kontinent Kollision zwischen derAfrikanischen und der Eurasischen Platte im unteren Eozän. Ganggesteine der Gruppen 1, 2 und 5 besitzen typisch kalkalkalischen Charakter und stellen vermutlich Produktevon aufgeschmolzener, subduzierter Lithosphäre dar. Die Geochemie der alkalischen Lamprophyre derGruppen 3 und 4 (e.g. Ba/Nb 30–70) deutet auf ihre genetische Zwischenstellung zwischen subduction-related und within-plate regime.Zwischen den tertiären Gangintrusionen und den vermutlich paläozoischen Vererzungen der Kreuzeckgruppe besteht kein genetischer Zusammenhang. Die Alteration der Ganggesteine durch postmagmatische Lösungen hat jedoch zur Bildung von sekundären Mineralen und teilweise zu überdurchschnittlich erhöhten Au und PGE Gehalten von bis zu 35 ppb geführt.

With 6 Figures  相似文献   

Kyanite-rich and quartz-rich eclogites occur as lenses within amphibolite-facies quartzo-feldspathic gneisses in the Pohorje Mountains, Northern Slovenia, that form the easternmost Austroalpine basement. Major and trace elements indicate that the kyanite-rich eclogites were derived from plagioclase-rich gabbroic cumulates, whereas the quartz-rich eclogites represent more fractionated basaltic compositions. Both varieties are characterized by a LREE-depleted N-MORB type REE signature. Geothermobarometry and P-T pseudosections indicate that eclogites equilibrated at 1.8-2.5 GPa and 630-700 °C, consistently with the lack of coesite and with equilibration conditions of the chemically similar eclogites from the adjacent basement units at Koralpe and Saualpe type localities. Decompression reaction textures include (i) clinopyroxene-plagioclase intergrowths after omphacite, (ii) replacement of kyanite by corundum-plagioclase-spinel±sapphirine symplectites, (iii) breakdown of phengite to biotite-plagioclase sapphirine symplectites. The results of this study indicate that Koralpe, Saualpe and Pohorje high-pressure rocks represent former MORB-type oceanic crust that was subducted in the course of the late Cretaceous (approximately 100 Ma ago) collision between the European and the Apulian plates.  相似文献   

In polymetamorphic pelites of the Rappold complex in the Wölz crystalline basement (Eastern Alps) reaction rim garnets at staurolite-quartz interfaces (type I) and single grain garnets along previous staurolite-white mica interfaces (type II) were formed. The garnet reaction rims were formed during the Cretaceous amphibolite facies metamorphic overprint of the pre-existing mineral assemblages comprising garnet, staurolite, and kyanite from an amphibolite facies metamorphic event probably of Variscian age. The newly formed garnet may take the form of reaction rims along the margins of large pre-existing staurolite blasts. The initial growth increments of garnet have low grossular content, and reaction rim growth was controlled by the transfer of Fe, Mg and Mn components from the staurolite-garnet interface to the quartz-garnet interface. Later garnet growth increments have relatively high grossular content due to consumption of matrix plagioclase, which was destabilized by successive pressure increase. The grossular content of newly formed garnet shows systematic increase towards sites where plagioclase breaks down indicating that transport of calcium through the matrix was sluggish. On the basis of reaction microstructures it is demonstrated that the mineral assemblage garnet?+?kyanite?+?biotite?+?paragonite was formed at the conditions of eo-alpine amphibolite facies overprint while staurolite and plagioclase broke down successively with increasing pressure.  相似文献   

Analyses of coexisting garnets, clinopyroxenes and plagioclases from eclogites and high pressure granulitic gneisses in the Kristiansund area within the west Norwegian basal gneiss region are used to establish the P-T conditions for the metamorphic peak for these rocks. Based on the distribution of Fe and Mg between coexisting garnet and clinopyroxene in both eclogite and granulites, equilibrium temperatures are estimated to 750 °±50 ° C. Pressures are derived from the absence of orthopyroxenes in the granulites, and from the assemblage clinopyroxene +plagioclase+quartz present in the gneisses. Equilibrium pressures are estimated to 18.5±3.0 kilobars, and these equilibrium conditions are thus compatible with equilibrium conditions derived for both orthopyroxene-free and most orthopyroxene-bearing country-rock eclogites from adjacent areas.  相似文献   

Petrographic, chemical and mineralogical data are presented on the Oetztal eclogites and their co-existing minerals. The available evidence indicates that they constitute the metamorphic derivates of an original gabbroic rock, the plagioclase and clinopyroxene of which reacted to form the garnet, omphacite and kyanite components of the eclogites. According to the available subsolidus experimental data these reactions are believed to have taken place in a 6–10 kb pressure range at about 550°–750° C.  相似文献   

Strata-bound antimony, mercury, tungsten and massive sulfide mineralization occurs within a metamorphosed Paleozoic volcanosedimentary sequence in the Kreuzeck Mountains, Austria. Amphibolites are a significant constituent of that sequence; on the basis of stable trace element data, they can be classified as metamorphic equivalents of recent olivine tholeiites. In the ore environment of strata-bound mineralization, intensive alteration associated with submarine hydrothermal activity has affected the wall rocks. This includes depletion in SiO2, a change in the oxidation stage of iron and pronounced enrichment in Na, Sr, Ba and CO2. Microprobe analyses reveal lower MgO content in chlorites and higher Na2O content in feldspars in rocks from the ore environment. Hydrothermal halos are thus documented by changes in mineral and whole-rock compositions and represent guides to exploration.  相似文献   

Gregurek  D.  Abart  R.  Hoinkes  G. 《Mineralogy and Petrology》1997,60(1-2):61-80
Summary The Koralpe crystalline complex and the Plankogel unit represent two lithologically distinct units within the Koralpe region of the southeastemmost Austroalpine crystalline basement. The Eoalpine P-T evolution of these two units is derived from new petrographical data. The Plankogel unit and the Koralpe crystalline complex show markedly different P-T evolutions during the early stages of the Eoalpine event. The rocks of the Koralpe crystalline complex experienced eclogite facies conditions with minimum pressures in the range of 15–16 kbar and temperatures in excess of 700°C. At the same time the Plankogel unit resided in a shallower environment at pressures of 10–11 kbar and temperatures of less than 600°C. The tectonic emplacement of the Plankogel unit into its present position on top of the Koralpe crystalline complex took place after the eclogite facies event in a relatively shallow crustal level. After their juxtaposition the Koralpe crystalline complex and the Plankogel unit were affected by a common amphibolite facies metamorphic overprint. The distinctly different P-T evolution during the early stages of the Eoalpine event and a common history at later stages imply that major tectonic processes were operative in this part of the Austroalpine crystalline basement during the Cretaceous. Such processes may have involved subduction of oceanic and continental lithosphere which may have lead to significant crustal shortening within the Austroalpine basement.
Unterschiedliche Eoalpine P-T Entwicklungen in der Südlichen Koralpe, Ostalpen
Zusammenfassung Das Koralpenkristallin und die Plankogelserie stellen zwei unterschiedliche lithologische Einheiten in der südlichen Koralpe des ostalpinen Kristallins dar. Die P-T Entwicklung dieser beiden Einheiten während der Eoalpinen Metamorphose wurde anhand neuer petrographischer Daten abgeleitet. Das Koralpenkristallin und die Plankogelserie zeigen deutlich unterschiedliche P-T Entwicklungen in einem frühen Stadium der Eoalpinen Metamorphose. Die Gesteine des Koralpenkristallins waren eklogitfaziellen Bedingungen mit Mindestdrucken im Bereich von 15 bis 16 kbar und Temperaturen von über 700°C ausgesetzt. Die Plankogelserie verweilte zur gleichen Zeit in einem relativ seichten Niveau bei Drucken von 10 bis 11 kbar und Temperaturen unterhalb 600°C. Die Platznahme der Plankogelserie in ihrer heutigen Position im tektonisch Hangenden des Koralpenkristallins erfolgte nach dem eklogitfaziellen Ereignis in einem relativ seichten Krustenniveau. Nach ihrer Vereinigung erfuhren die beiden Einheiten eine gemeinsame amphibolitfazielle Überprägung. Die markant unterschiedlichen P-T Entwicklungen in einem frühen Stadium der eoalpinen Orogenese und die gemeinsame Entwicklung in einem späteren Stadium können als Hinweis auf eine umfangreiche tektonische Aktivität in diesem Teil des ostalpinen Grundgebirges in kretazischer Zeit gewertet werden. Diese Tektonik bestand eventuell in einer Subduktion von ozeanischer und kontinentaler Lithosphäre, und kann zu einer signifikanten Krustenverkürzung im Ostalpinen Kristallin geführt haben.

With 7 Figures  相似文献   

Summary The formation of cummingtonite in two Ca and Al-poor and Mg-rich amphibolites from the Austroalpine Schneeberg complex occurred at a maximum temperature of about 550°C (5 kb). This is a result of the amphibolite facies Alpine overprint in this part of the Eastern Alps.Textural and chemical relations suggest (Mg–1Si–1Al2)-continuous reactions in the bivariant CMASH-assemblageCam-Cum-Chl * followed by the discontinuous reactionCam+Chl+Qu=Cum+Plg+H2O to be responsible for the formation of cummingtonite in these samples.The Mg–Fe distribution coefficient with values of 0.6–0.7 is similar to cummingtonite-Ca-amphibole pairs from amphibolites with oligoclase+quartz reported in the literature. The Mg/(Mg+Fe) ratio of the calcic amphiboles is lower (0.539–0.555) than the coexisting cummingtonites (0.648–0.662).
Koexistierende Cummingtonite und Hornblenden in Amphiboliten des Schneeberger Zuges, Tirol, Österreich
Zusammenfassung In zwei Ca- und Al-armen Amphiboliten des nördlichen Schneebergerzuges (Rotmoostal) bildete sich Cummingtonit bei Maximaltemperaturen von 550°C (5 kb) bei der Altalpidschen Metamorphose.Texturelle und chemische Beziehungen lassen vermuten, daß sich Cummingtonite sowohl nach kontinuierlichen Reaktionen (in bezug auf den Tschermak-Vektor Mg–1Si–1Al2) gebildet hat, als auch aus Hornblende und Chlorit nach der diskontinuierlichen ACF-ReaktionCam+Chl+Qu=Cum+Plg+H2O hervorgegangen ist.Der Mg–Fe-Verteilungskoeffizient zwischen Hornblende und Cummingtonit entspricht den aus der Literatur bekannten Werten. Er beträgt zwischen 0.6–0.7 für die beginnende Amphibolitfazies. Die Mg/(Mg+Fe)-Verhältnisse sind höher in Cummingtonit (0.648–0.662) als in der koexistierenden Hornblende (0.539–0.555).

With 4 Figures  相似文献   

The Austroalpine basement complex has a complicated pre-Alpidic history which begins with the Caledonian era. In the late Precambrian (?) and early Paleozoic a magmatic-sedimentary rock sequence is formed presumably in an island-arc or active continental margin environment. Subduction with eclogite formation is followed by collision, high-grade metamorphism and anatexis in the Ordovician. This Caledonian basement is preserved in parts of the Austroalpine crystalline mass. The post-Caledonian deposits are mainly shelf type sediments with intercalated volcanics, although there is evidence for an oceanic basin to the south. The Variscan facies zones are arranged in SW-NE direction, oblique to the Alpidic trend. In a first stage of Variscan orogeny in the Carboniferous, south(east)-vergent decollement nappes, syntectonic flysch deposits, and granitoids are formed along with regional metamorphism. This is followed by a second stage in the Permian with north(west)-vergent thrusting, renewed granite formation, and metamorphism. The Variscan nappe pile is today exposed in a deeper level in the west or northwest than in the east or southeast.  相似文献   

U/Pb isotopic data for two zircon suites are presented:
  1. a pre D 1 tonalite gneiss gives an age of 443 ± 16 13 m.y.
  2. a post D 1 leucogranite gneiss gives 427 ± 11 10 m.y.
Both zircon suites contain a minor inherited pre-Cambrian component. The data confirm a lower Palaeozoic age for the major, fabric-forming D 1 event. Hercynian metamorphism which was sufficient to reset muscovite K/Ar ages to ca. 290 m.y. had little effect on the zircons. The possible importance of lower Palaeozoic orogeny in southern Europe and the uncertainties in regional palaeogeography are emphasised.  相似文献   

Pre-Alpine eclogites in the Pennine Basement Complex of the Eastern Alps   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An occurrence of quartz-eclogite is described from the Inner Schieferhülle unit of the Pennine Basement Complex in the SE Tauern Window, Austria.
Field relations strongly suggest a pre-Alpine age for the primary eclogitic mineral assemblage (garnet + omphacite + quartz + rutile). This implies that there was no connection between the formation of these eclogites and the late Cretaceous and Tertiary tectonic evolution of the Eastern Alps. The quartz-eclogite mineral assemblage crystallized under conditions of 620 ± 100°C and at pressures in excess of 12 kbar, and suffered amphibolitic overprinting of Alpine and possibly Hercynian age.
A four-stage polymetamorphic history is proposed for the Inner Schieferhülle:  相似文献   

Five detrital white mica concentrates from very low-grade, metaclastic sequences within pre-Variscan basement and post-Variscan cover units of the Upper Austroalpine Nappe Complex (Eastern Alps) have been dated with 40Ar/39Ar incremental heating techniques to constrain the age of tectonothermal events in their respective source areas. Two samples from early Palaeozoic sandstone exposed within the same Alpine nappe record slightly discordant age spectra. The maximum age recorded in one is 562.2±0.7?Ma, whereas the other yielded a 40Ar/39Ar plateau age of 607.3±0.3?Ma. These results indicate a source area affected by Cadomian tectonothermal activity. Three detrital muscovite concentrates from post-Variscan, Late Carboniferous and Permian cover sequences exposed within three different Alpine nappes yielded 40Ar/39Ar plateau ages of 359.6?±?1.1?Ma, 310.5±1.2?Ma, and 303.3±0.2?Ma. The contrasting detrital white mica ages are interpreted to reflect different source areas. Detrital muscovite from a post-Variscan Carboniferous molasse-type sequence and from a Permian Verrucano-type sequence record ages which indicate “late” Variscan (e.g. 330–300?Ma) metamorphic sources. By contrast, detrital white mica from another Permian Verrucano-type sequence suggests a source area affected by “early” Variscan (e.g. 400–360?Ma) metamorphism. These results help clarify palinspastic relationships and tectonic correlations between pre-Late Carboniferous metamorphic basement sequences and Carboniferous to Permian cover sequences.  相似文献   

Olivine-rich rocks containing olivine + orthopyroxene + spinel+ Ca-amphibole ± clinopyroxene ± garnet are presentin the central Ötztal–Stubai crystalline basementassociated with eclogites of tholeiitic affinity. These rockscontain centimetre-sized garnet layers and lenses with garnet+ clinopyroxene ± corundum. Protoliths of the olivine-richrocks are thought to be olivine + orthopyroxene + spinel dominatedcumulates generated from an already differentiated Fe-rich () tholeiitic magma that was emplaced into shallowcontinental crust. Protoliths of the garnet-rich rocks are interpretedas layers enriched in plagioclase and spinel intercalated ina cumulate rock sequence that is devoid of, or poor in, plagioclase.U–Pb sensitive high-resolution ion microprobe dating ofzircons from a garnet layer indicates that emplacement of thecumulates took place no later than 517 ± 7 Myr ago. Aftertheir emplacement, the cumulates were subjected to progressivemetamorphism, reaching eclogite-facies conditions around 800°Cand >2 GPa during a Variscan metamorphic event between 350and 360 Ma. Progressive high-P metamorphism induced breakdownof spinel to form garnet in the olivine-rich rocks and of plagioclase+ spinel to form garnet + clinopyroxene ± corundum inthe garnet layers. Retrogressive metamorphism at T 650–680°Cled to the formation of Ca-amphibole, chlorite and talc in theolivine-rich rocks. In the garnet layers, högbomite formedfrom corundum + spinel along with Al-rich spinel, Ca-amphibole,chlorite, aspidolite–preiswerkite, magnetite, ilmeniteand apatite at the interface between olivine-rich rocks andgarnet layers at P < 0·8 GPa. Progressive desiccationof retrogade fluids through crystallization of hydrous phasesled to a local formation of saline brines in the garnet layers.The presence of these brines resulted in a late-stage formationof Fe- and K-rich Ca-amphibole and Sr-rich apatite, both characterizedby extremely high Cl contents of up to 3·5 and 6·5wt % Cl, respectively. KEY WORDS: cumulates; Variscan metamorphism; SHRIMP dating; högbomite; saline brines  相似文献   

桐柏山地区低温榴辉岩变质作用的P-T轨迹   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:11  
桐柏山地区发育南、北两条低温高压榴辉岩带,中间被桐柏山高级变质杂岩所分隔。本文对两条带内的4个保存完好的榴辉岩体及其退变产物进行了详细的岩石学研究和P—T条件估算。结果表明,北带榴辉岩的形成温压条件较高,为530~6100C、1.7~2.0GPa,南带榴辉岩较低,为470~5200C、1.3~1.7GPa,说明两条榴辉岩带不属于同一个高压岩片。实际上,二者分别对应于西大别地区的浒湾榴辉岩带(Ⅰ带)和七角山榴辉岩带(Ⅴ带)。电子探针分析发现,所有榴辉岩中的石榴石都展示了进变质环带,而退变榴辉岩的成分环带更为复杂,即保留了早期的进变环带,也显示了晚期的低温取代以及后期相对高温条件下的再生长,由此为榴辉岩的变质作用推导出一个“发卡式”演化轨迹。这种轨迹表明,榴辉岩先是在降温条件下缓慢向上回返的,这与目前已建立的多数高压、超高压岩石的快速抬升模式有所差异,而后在其进入到中地壳后又在相对较高的地温梯度下遭受退变质作用的改造。  相似文献   

In the Speik Complex (Eastern Alps, Austria), highly melt-depleted,metamorphosed harzburgites with abundant pods and layers ofchromitite are interlayered with a suite of metamorphosed orthopyroxenites,clinopyroxenites and gabbros. Coarse-grained orthopyroxenitesoccur as centimetre- to metre-wide veinlets and pods, but alsoas intrusive plugs several tens of metres wide. Intimately associatedmetaclinopyroxenite and metagabbro are present as bodies upto several metres thick at a distinct stratigraphic level withinthe complex. In the ultramafic rocks, relict magmatic olivine,orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene and spinel have been overprintedby a metamorphic assemblage of forsterite, diopside, tremolite,anthophyllite, chlorite, serpentine, talc and Cr–Fe-richspinel. Hornblende, epidote, zoisite and chlorite dominate themetamorphic paragenesis in metagabbros, in addition to rarerelicts of clinopyroxene and two phases of Ca-rich garnet. Thepolymetamorphic evolution of the Speik Complex includes rarelypreserved pre-Variscan (400 Ma) eclogite-facies conditions,Variscan (330 Ma) amphibolite-facies conditions (600–700°C,>5 kbar) and Eoalpine (100 Ma) greenschist- to amphibolite-faciesconditions reaching 550°C and 7–10 kbar. Orthopyroxenitesare characterized by high concentrations of SiO2, MgO and Cr,and by U-shaped chondrite-normalized rare earth element (REE)patterns similar to those of their harzburgite hosts. The REEpatterns of the clinopyroxenites are flat to slightly enrichedin light REE. Metagabbro compositions are variable, but generallycharacterized by low SiO2 and high mg-numbers (61–78).Their REE patterns all have GdN/YbN > 1; some samples havelarge positive Eu anomalies implying the original presence ofcumulus plagioclase. In the orthopyroxenites, clinopyroxenitesand some peridotites, Pt, Pd and Re are distinctly enrichedcompared with Os, Ir and Ru, whereas most harzburgites haveunfractionated to slightly fractionated platinum-group element(PGE) patterns with respect to average upper mantle. The Re–Osisotope compositions of the pyroxenites define an errorchronat 550 ± 17 Ma and a supra-chondritic 187Os/188Os of0·179 ± 0·003. An isochron age of 554 ±37 Ma with Nd(i) +0·7 is indicated by the Sm–Ndisotope compositions of whole-rock pyroxenite and gabbro samples,whereas the harzburgites plot on an errorchron of 745 ±45 Ma and Nd(i) +6. The pyroxenites and gabbros probably representa cogenetic suite of magmatic dykes intruded into uppermost,highly depleted, suboceanic mantle below the crust–mantletransition zone in an oceanic basin close to the northwesternmargin of Gondwana. KEY WORDS: pyroxenite; metagabbro; geochemistry; Re–Os isotopes; Sm–Nd isotopes  相似文献   

奥地利东阿尔卑斯山地区Austroalpine杂砂岩带中的石炭纪Veitsch逆冲推覆体是"Veitsch型"晶质菱镁矿化的典型地区。几十年来,对其成因的解释一直是人们争论的焦点。为了解决这一长久以来的问题,本文对Veitsch推覆体的地质学、矿物学和地球化学制约条件进行了论述。菱镁矿仅仅存在于Veitsch推覆体之中,而其它推覆体中的碳酸盐岩岩层中则无菱镁矿。赋存于Veitsch推覆体中的碳酸盐岩石中的菱镁矿以不规则的岩株状、透镜状和层状产出。块状和厚层状的菱镁矿总是被白云岩包裹。在Veitsch推覆体中,沉积作用开始于晚维宪期的后造山的类磨拉石海相建造,并晚于内部基底带的变形和变质作用("Bretonic期")形成,该基底带位于现代的东阿尔卑斯山地区。沉积序列研究表明,演化从浅海大陆架开始,有时还穿插有高盐度的泻湖和透镜状生物礁,发展到海退的海岸线伴随有发育强烈的三角洲沉积的分支海湾和河流。由于成矿作用有好几个期次,所以对地球化学数据的解释相当复杂。 在Hohentauern/Sunk矿床中,石膏和硬石膏层在菱镁矿质沉积主岩中互层,其δ34S值分别为 17.6±0.2‰和 17.2±0.2‰,表现出石炭纪海水的特征。白云岩和菱镁矿的REE浓度要高于石灰质主岩。在Hohentauern/Sunk矿床中,球形白云岩中的白云岩球体和白云质基质  相似文献   

The Bleiberg Pb-Zn deposit in the Drau Range is the type locality of Alpine-type carbonate-hosted Pb-Zn deposits. Its origin has been the subject of on-going controversy with two contrasting genetic models proposed: (1) the SEDEX model, with ore forming contemporaneously with sedimentation of the Triassic host rocks at about 220 Ma vs. (2) the epigenetic MVT model, with ores forming after host rock sedimentation at about 200 Ma or later. Both models assume that, on a deposit or even district scale, a fixed paragenetic sequence of ore minerals can be established. The results of our detailed petrographic, chemical and sulfur isotope study of two key ore-samples from two major ore horizons in the Wetterstein Formation at Bleiberg (EHK02 Erzkalk horizon and Blb17 Maxer Bänke horizon) demonstrate that there is no fixed paragenetic sequence of ore minerals. Small-scale non-systematic variations are recorded in textures, sphalerite chemistry and δ34S. In each sample, texturally different sphalerite types (colloform schalenblende, fine- and coarse-grained crystalline sphalerite) co-occur on a millimeter to centimeter scale. These sphalerites represent multiple mineralization stages/pulses since they differ in their trace element inventory and in their δ34S. Nonetheless, there is some correspondence of sphalerite micro-textures, sulfur isotope and chemical composition between the two samples, with microcrystalline colloform schalenblende being Fe-rich, having high Fe/Cd (15 and 9, respectively) and a light sulfur isotope composition (δ34S −26.0 to −16.2‰). Cadmium-rich and Fe-poor sphalerite in both samples has relatively heavier sulfur isotope composition: in sample EHK02 this sphalerite has Fe/Cd of ∼0.5 and δ34S from −6.6 to −4.6‰; in sample Blb17 Fe/Cd is ∼0.1 and δ34S ranges from −15.0 to −1.5‰. Barite, which is restricted to sample EHK02, has δ34S ≈ 17‰. The large variations in δ34S recorded on the mm to cm-scale is consistent with variable contributions of reduced sulfur from two different sulfur reservoirs. The dominant reservoir with δ34S values <−20‰ likely results from local bacteriogenic sulfate reduction (BSR), whereas the second reservoir, with δ34S about −5‰ suggests a hydrothermal source likely linked with thermochemical sulfate reduction (TSR). Based on this small- to micro-scale study, no simple, deposit-wide paragenetic and sulfur isotope evolution with time can be established. In the Erzkalk ore (sample EHK02) an earlier Pb-Zn-Ba stage, characterized by heavy sulfur isotope values, is succeeded by a light δ34S-dominated Zn-Pb-F stage. In contrast, the several mineralization pulses identified in the stratiform Zn-Pb-F Maxer Bänke ore (sample Blb17) define a broad trend to heavier sulfur isotope values with time. The interaction documented in these samples between two sulfur reservoirs is considered a key mechanism of ore formation.  相似文献   

西南天山哈布腾苏河沿岸的含石墨的石榴石多硅白云母石英片岩中出露一套若干大小不等的布丁状变基性岩块,产状与区域面理一致。本文对其中保存完好的榴辉岩体进行了较为细致的岩石学研究和温压演化条件计算。根据主要矿物的含量,将该套榴辉岩大致分为两类一角闪榴辉岩和钠云母榴辉岩,二者的主要矿物均为Grt+Omp+Na—Ca-Amp+Pg+Dol/Cal+Rt±Qtz。石榴石变斑晶两阶段生长明显,从核部到边部XMn和XFe降低,XMg和XCa升高,指示了升温降压的变质过程。根据石榴石核部和边部的包体组合特征,确立了两期榴辉岩相变质作用:前一阶段经历了高压但较低温的硬柱石.硬绿泥石(仅见假象)榴辉岩相,变质温度为400~5000C,压力不低于1.8~1.9GPa,表明早期经历了快速俯冲过程;后一阶段的变质温度为570±300C,压力为2.0~2.5GPa。在退变质绿帘角闪岩相阶段,形成低压脉体(矿物组合为Ab4-Di+Na—Ca—Amp+Ep/Czo+Cal)和一系列退变质反应结构.如Dol的Cal增生边.Omp的Di+Ab后成合晶结构。利用Dol—Cal分溶温度计和Di的Jd分子含量得到该阶段的温度约500—530℃,压力小于0.9~1.1GPa,表明其退变质经历的是降温降压过程。这与利用Thermocale 3.1在NCFMASH体系下计算的PT视剖面图是一致的。  相似文献   

In the Eastern Alps Alpine eclogites are generally associated with rocks of continental lithosphere, while eclogites that are associated with oceanic assemblages are restricted to minor exposures. Such eclogites are exposed both in the Penninic unit of the Tauern Window and in the Austroalpine nappe complex. (1) In the central southern part of the Tauern Window (Eclogite Zone) eclogites and associated high pressure metasediments of a distal continental margin are intercalated between Penninic basement units. A mylonitic eclogitic foliation and stretching lineation are contemporaneous to the high pressure metamorphism and are related to the subduction of distal Penninic continental margin sequences. Continuous subduction of cool lithosphere resulted in blueschist facies overprint of the whole Penninic nappe pile. (2) Within the Middle-AustroAlpine Koralm/Saualm region most eclogites are eclogitic mylonites documenting plastic deformation of omphacite and garnet. The meso- and macroscale structures indicate an overall extensional regime possibly related to a large-scale SE-directed ductile low-angle normal shear zone. The eclogites are associated with migmatite-like structures and are intruded by pegmatites. This indicates decreasing pressure, but isothermal or even increasing temperature conditions during exhumation.These relationships argue for the subduction of Penninic continental lithosphere in the foot-wall of the Austroalpine unit at the time of exhumation of the Koralm/Saualm eclogites. Formation of the Austroalpine eclogites is explained by subduction of continental lithosphere, and subsequent, rapid exhumation in an upper plate tectonic position within an extensional regime.  相似文献   

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