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The Kalol oilfield in the Cambay graben, Gujarat. western India, is known to contain thick seams of lignite in the Kalol Formation (Middle Eocene), overlying the oil-bearing Cambay Black Shale (Lower Eocene), at depths between 1110 m and 1500 m. The Kalol Formation occurs in the northern portion of the Cambay Basin as a wedge-shaped sequence of regressive and transgressive marine environments, the lignite being confined to the former phase.Chemically, the Kalol lignite is characteristically low in moisture (4.45–4.64%), quite low in ash (1.67-10.82%) and high in volatiles (43.56–55.25%). C is 72.39–77.18%, H is 4.47–5.93%, N is 1.16–1.58%, O is 15.73–18.62%, and S is 0.32–0.86%. According to Seyler's classification, the Kalol lignite can be classified as belonging to rank (a) lower than lignitous, (b) perlignitous, (c) ortholignitous, (d) metalignitous, and (e) bituminous. According to North American (ASTM) classification, utilising data on volatiles and Rm oil, the lignite belongs to lignite, sub-bituminous C and low volatile bituminous rank.Petrographically, the Kalol lignite is composed of huminite (50–81%), liptinite (1–16%), and inertinite (6–32%). Inertinite comprises mainly sclerotinite as plectenchyma, fusinite being absent. Exsudatinite is quite common. On the basis of microlithotype, the lignite comprises textile (1–13%), detrite (19–69%), liptitextite (1–10%), liptidetrite (4–16%), inertidetrite (1–25%), detrinertite (3–21%), and inertite (5–26%), with shale (5–12%). Rm oil varies from 0.30 to 0.40. The bituminous coal sample is high in shaly matter (53%) and composed of vitrinite (16%) and sclerotinite (29%), the former showing Rm 1.80.These studies indicate that the chemical and petrographic constitution of the lignite is favourable for underground gasification.  相似文献   

松辽盆地层序地层特征及油气聚集规律   总被引:13,自引:9,他引:13  
根据野外露头、钻井岩心、测井和地震资料,建立松辽盆地各级层序的识别标志和层序地层格架,将松辽盆地地层划分为白垩纪裂谷盆地巨层序和第三纪裂谷盆地巨层序,并将白垩纪裂谷盆地巨层序进一步划分为3个超层序组,7个超层序和19个层序.松辽盆地构造演化经历了断陷期、坳陷期和萎缩期3个阶段,断陷湖盆与坳陷湖盆成因机制不同.因此,层序地层内部特征及充填序列有较大差别.通过对层序地层格架内各体系域生储盖层发育特征、组合规律和油气聚集规律研究认为:水退体系域是储集砂体最发育、油气资源量最多的层段,其次为低水位和水进体系域,高水位体系域含油气较差.  相似文献   

The sedimentary sequence containing lignite deposits in Gurha quarry of the Bikaner-Nagaur Basin(Rajasthan)has been investigated.The samples from lignite and allied shale horizons were evaluated for petrographical,palynological,palynofacies and organic geochemical inferences,to depict the source flora and to reconstruct the palaeodepositional conditions prevailed during the sedimentation.An assessment for the hydrocarbon generation potential of these deposits has also been made.The results revealed the dominance of huminite macerals and phytoclasts organic matter(OM) indicating the existence of forested vegetation in the vicinity of the depositional site.A relatively high terrigenous/aquatic ratio(TAR) and the carbon preference index(CPI) are also suggesting the contribution of higher plants in the peat formation.However,the n-alkane distributions,maximizing at n-C17 and n-C29,showed inputs from the algal communities along with the higher plant derived organic matters.Recovered palynomorphs of the families Onagraceae,Meliaceae,Arecaceae,Rhizophoraceae,Rubiaceae,Ctenolophonaceae, etc.together with oleanene and ursane types of triterpenoids suggest the contribution from angiosperms source vegetation.Interestingly,the presence of Araucareaceae and Podocarpaceae pollen grains shows the existence of gymnosperms vegetation.Further,the presence of tetracyclic diterpanes;demethylated entbeyerane,sandaracopimarane,pimarane,and Kaurane type of compounds confirms the contribution of conifers.The variation in the values of the coefficient of non-equality(H:0.68%-7.56%),the standard deviation(8:0.04%-0.16%) and the coefficient of variability(V:16.10%-46.47%),also shows the heterogeneity in the source organic matter.The various petrographical indices,palynological entities,and geochemical parameters indicate that the peatforming vegetation was accumulated under a mixed environment and fluctuating hydrological settings.The interpretation of palynofacies data on APP(Amorphous organic matter-Phytoclast-Palynomorphs) diagram suggests that the accumulation of organic matter occurred in a dysoxic-suboxic condition in a proximal(to land)setting with the shift to an anoxic condition in distal setting towards the termination of sedimentation.The huminite(ulminite) reflectance(R_r) values(av.0.28%) showed a good relationship with average T_(max) value(414℃),suggesting the immaturity.The TOC content ranges of 13-59 wt.%,and HI values vary between 101 and 546 mg HC/g TOC in the studied samples.Collectively,the studied lignite and shale samples have the admixed kerogens(Type Ⅲ-Ⅱ) and exhibit the ability to generate the gaseous to oil hydrocarbons upon maturation.  相似文献   

Tulsishyam thermal springs are located in the Saurashtra region of Gujarat, India with discharge temperatures varying from 39 to 42 °C. The pH of these thermal springs varies from 7.1 to 7.4, indicating neutral character. Though these thermal springs propagate through the near surface layer of Deccan basalt, detailed geochemical analysis of the thermal waters using Piper diagram suggests that the water is interacting with the granitic basement rock. Silica and cation geothermometry estimates have reservoir temperature in the range of 138 to 207 °C categorizing it into a low to moderate enthalpy geothermal system. Furthermore, the area has high heat flow values of 53–90 mW/m2 because of shallow Moho depth. The prevailing conditions suggest that the geothermal energy can potentially be exploited through an enhanced geothermal system (EGS). The study also indicates different mineral phases that may precipitate out of water during exploitation of geothermal energy and it should be taken into account while designing an EGS for the area.  相似文献   

张海龙  王敬 《吉林地质》2003,22(4):4-10
羊草沟盆地位于松辽盆地东南缘,其地层可与松辽盆地地层对比。羊草沟盆地层序(三级)地层应与松辽盆地Ⅰ~Ⅹ层序(火石岭组、沙河子组、营城组、登娄库组和泉头组)地层相对应。羊草沟盆地地层应该划分为侏罗系上统火石岭组(J3h);白垩系下统沙河子组(K1sh)、营城组(K1y)、大羊草沟组(K1d)和泉头组(K1q);第四系(Q)。主要可采工业煤层产在大羊草沟组。  相似文献   

This paper entails the results of the investigations undertaken to assess the oil potential of two lignite deposits, Rajpardi and Vastan, from Gujarat, western India. They are ‘Low rank B’ type lignite. Petrographically, they are enriched in huminite and are low in liptinite and inertinite. Their elevated hydrogen content, in relation to carbon, has probably made them perhydrous in nature and oil prone. The reactivity of these coals during liquefaction has also been discussed in the light of petrofactor. Good correlation has been noticed between oil yield and conversion (r2 = 0.999) in both the lignite deposits. The VRr (0.24–0.35% in both lignites), H/C atomic ratio (0.11–1.39 in Rajpardi and 1.09–1.88 in Vastan), reactive maceral content (91.6–99.8 vol % mmf in Rajpardi lignite and 75.5–99.7 vol % in Vastan lignite) and VMdaf (64.8–67.9 wt % in Rajpardi lignite and 42.1–80.0 wt % in Vastan lignite) of these lignites have a favourable range required for a coal to generate oil. Huminite is seen to play a vital role in conversion and maintains a good correlation with it. The calculations show that these lignites have a high conversion (> 95%) and oil yield (> 65%).  相似文献   

为了研究湘西北龙山-永顺地区上奥陶统五峰组-下志留统龙马溪组页岩气资源勘探潜力,利用野外典型露头地质剖面资料,通过对典型剖面页岩样品的系统观测、采样、利用有机地球化学和矿物组成特征研究,评价研究区目标地层页岩的成烃成藏物质基础。研究结果表明,研究区五峰-龙马溪组黑色泥页岩普遍具有有机碳含量高、残留可溶有机质氯仿沥青"A"低、生烃潜能S1+S2指数略低。分子生物标志化合物分析显示,正构烷烃无明显奇偶优势,受一定程度的微生物降解影响,多表现为双峰型(C18/C25),∑C21-/∑C22+值为0.45~1.11,显示轻烃组分缺失,重烃组分占绝对优势;Pr/Ph值范围在0.27~0.44,具有植烷优势,显示原始有机质发育于较强还原沉积环境。烃源岩样品饱和烃组成相对丰度五环三萜烷 > 三环萜烷 > 四环萜烷,三环萜烷中C21、C23、C24呈倒V字形分布,Ts/Tm为0.39~0.66。C27规则甾烷含量略大于C29规则甾烷,显示沉积母质以浮游生物及海洋型自养菌为主,亦含有部分藻类为主的有机质输入。镜质组反射率Ro均在2.57%~3.01%,普遍小于3%,已经达到了过成熟阶段。全岩矿物组成成分分析显示,页岩中脆性矿物为主要组成成分,其次为黏土矿物。综合页岩有机和无机物质组成分析结果,提出研究区湘西北五峰-龙马溪组页岩具备页岩气成烃成藏的物质条件基础,有机质含量高、热演化程度适中、脆性和吸附性较好,为深入开展页岩气勘探目标区优选奠定了工作基础。  相似文献   

During the Jurassic and Cretaceous, the Pieniny Klippen Belt units of the Outer Western Carpathians were situated on the edge of the Paleoeuropean shelf rimming the northermost margin of the Mediterranean Tethys. During the late early Aptian humid event, Lower Cretaceous pelagic carbonate (Maiolica) sedimentation was interrupted by terrigenous input as a consequence of the first major mid-Cretaceous climate perturbations. The fluctuation of radiolarian abundance indicated an expansion of the oxygen-minimum zone due to upwelling conditions and salinity changes. Foraminifera, radiolarians, non-calcareous dinocysts, and calcareous nannofossils encountered in the West Carpathian Rochovica section enable a comparison of the black shales of the upper lower Aptian Koňhora Formation with the well-known Selli Event. Subsequent anoxia patterns (depositional, productive, and stagnant) have taken part in the depositional regime. Early Aptian climate perturbations both in the Outer Western Carpathians, Swiss Prealps (situated in a similar position on the distal southern edge of the former Paleoeuropean shelf) and/or in other parts of the world are traceable with sedimentological, biological, and chemical proxies.  相似文献   

A palynofloral assemblage has been recorded from the intertrappean bed exposed at a new locality, near Naredi, on Naliya-Narayan Sarovar Road in western Kutch, Gujarat. This intertrappean bed (ca. 0.6 m thick) of grey laminated clay is underlain and overlain by the volcanic traps. The assemblage recovered from this bed includes algal and fungal remains, pteridophytic spores, angiospermous pollen as well as cuticles of terrestrial plants. Important palynotaxa recovered are Azolla sp., Lygodiumsporites lakiensis, Polypodiaceaesporites intrapunctatus, Compositoipollenites argutus, C. conicus, Graminidites media, Ladakhipollenites minutus, Lakiapollis ovatus, Matanomadhiasulcites sp., etc. Besides, a variety of fungal remains belonging to the genera Dictyosporites, Frasnacritetrus (Tetraploa), Kutchiathyrites, Palaeomycites (VAM fungi), Papulosporonites, Parmathyrites, Phragmothyrites, Polycellaesporonites (Alternaria), etc have been recorded. It has been deduced that this intertrappean bed was deposited in a shallow depression over the trap during short interval of quiescence in a tropical-subtropical climate. The age of the intertrappean bed is suggested as Early Palaeocene.  相似文献   

The mineralogy and geochemical studies of the coal-mine shale collected from the Tirap opencast coal-mine (Makum coalfield, Northeast India) are reported in this paper. Thermo-chemical conversion (pyrolysis) of coal-mine shale has been studied to see its hydrocarbon potential. A combined approach using X-Ray diffraction (LTA-XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) equipped with an energy-dispersive X-ray spectrophotometer (EDS), X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF), thermogravimetry-derivative and differential thermogravimetric (TG-DTG and DTA) analysis is made to obtain new information on the mineralogical and geochemical studies of a coal-mine shale (CMS) sample. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis is performed to evaluate the quality of the liquid fraction (tar) obtained after pyrolysis at 600°C. The shale sample is dominated by quartz, clay minerals (kaolinite and illite), sulphate bearing phase like gypsum with minor proportion of anatase, probably as artifacts of the plasma-ashing process. GC-MS analysis illustrates the presence of highly oxygenated organic components (M.W. around 94-108) and high molecular weight (M.W. 256) cyclic sulphur (e.g. octathiocane with molecular formula S8) compounds along with the complex N-containing organic sulphur compounds (M.W. around 255-486) in the tar produced.  相似文献   

任战利  祁凯 《地质科学》2018,53(3):959-971
渭北隆起发育多套烃源岩,是寻找油气的重要战略区。对渭北隆起不同层位烃源岩的热演化程度变化规律及热演化历史缺乏深入研究。本文利用大量反射率测试资料及裂变径迹分析资料,确定了研究区不同层位热演化程度及变化规律,在恢复剥蚀厚度及埋藏史的基础上,恢复了渭北隆起的构造热—演化史及生烃史。研究结果表明:渭北隆起上三叠统延长组处于生油阶段、石炭—二叠系、奥陶系处于生气阶段,不同层位热演化程度总体上具有北高南低、西高东低的特点。渭北隆起不同层位镜质体反射率与深度关系为似线型,镜质体反射率随深度增加而增加。渭北隆起自早白垩世末以来经历了大规模抬升冷却,具有南早北晚的特点,40 Ma以来,研究区整体快速抬升冷却。热演化史研究表明渭北隆起不同层位最高热演化程度是在早白垩世达到的,从寒武纪到侏罗纪,地温梯度总体较低;中生代晚期早白垩世,受构造热事件影响,古地温梯度最高可达46.0 ℃/km;晚白垩世以来,由于地温梯度降低及地层大规模抬升剥蚀,地层温度明显降低。渭北隆起奥陶系、石炭—二叠系烃源岩天然气生气高峰期、上三叠统延长组烃源岩生油高峰期均在早白垩世,生油、生气高峰期受中生代晚期高地温梯度、构造热事件的控制。新生代以来渭北隆起大规模抬升剥蚀,地层快速抬升冷却,地层温度明显降低,烃源岩生烃过程停止。  相似文献   

The Tarija Basin, shared by Bolivia and Argentina, was subjected to glacial conditions during the Late Carboniferous and Early Permian. The Macharetí and Mandiyutí groups deposited during these times record in their facies advances and retreats of the Gondwanan ice cap. The lithostratigraphic subdivision of these groups presents stages with minor glacial influence in the basal formations of each group (Tupambi and Escarpment formations), whereas in the upper units, glacially related deposition prevails (Tarija and San Telmo formations). Typical facies deposited in relation to glacial settings are diamictites and mudstones mainly related to proglacial, lacustrine environments. During the stages of main ice retreat, deposition was dominated by fluvial and deltaic sandstones. Significant erosion and deep valley incision characterize the basal surfaces of both groups. Conversely, the stratigraphic surface that separates the sandy formations from the overlying diamictites tends to be rather flat. The dynamics of the glacial cap are not only reflected in the facies distribution but also were a key factor in creating accommodation space; the changes in the glacial-driven subsidence linked to the advance and retreat of the ice were its main control.  相似文献   

The Tarija Basin, shared by Bolivia and Argentina, was subjected to glacial conditions during the Late Carboniferous and Early Permian. The Macharetí and Mandiyutí groups deposited during these times record in their facies advances and retreats of the Gondwanan ice cap. The lithostratigraphic subdivision of these groups presents stages with minor glacial influence in the basal formations of each group (Tupambi and Escarpment formations), whereas in the upper units, glacially related deposition prevails (Tarija and San Telmo formations). Typical facies deposited in relation to glacial settings are diamictites and mudstones mainly related to proglacial, lacustrine environments. During the stages of main ice retreat, deposition was dominated by fluvial and deltaic sandstones. Significant erosion and deep valley incision characterize the basal surfaces of both groups. Conversely, the stratigraphic surface that separates the sandy formations from the overlying diamictites tends to be rather flat. The dynamics of the glacial cap are not only reflected in the facies distribution but also were a key factor in creating accommodation space; the changes in the glacial-driven subsidence linked to the advance and retreat of the ice were its main control.  相似文献   

The thermal maturity and source-rock potential of the Upper Palaeozoic and Mesozoic sediments in the Hecla field, Melville Island, Arctic Canada, have been studied using reflected-light microscopy and Rock-Eval pyrolysis. Approximately 250 polished whole-rock samples were examined and their reflectance (% R0, random) measured. In addition, approximately 100 samples were subjected to Rock-Eval/TOC analyses.Hydrogen-rich organic matter in the Schei Point Group sediments is dominated by alginite (Tasmanales), dinoflagellate cysts with minor amounts of sporinite, cutinite, resinite and liptodetrinite in an amorphous fluorescing matrix. Vitrinite reflectance in Cretaceous sediments ranges from 0.41 to 0.54%; in Jurassic sediments it ranges from 0.43 to 0.64% and in Triassic sediments from 0.50 to 0.65%. The Triassic Schei Point Group calcareous shales and marlstones contain organic matter mainly of marine origin, whereas the predominantly terrestially-derived organic matter present in the Jameson Bay (Lower Jurassic) and in the Upper Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous Deer Bay formations have ower TOC. Only the Ringnes Formation has a TOC content of equivalent to or greater than Schei Point source rocks. Within the Schei Point Group, the Cape Richards and Eden Bay members of the Hoyle Bay Formation are slightly richer in TOC than the Murray Harbour Formation (Cape Caledonia Member). Higher average TOC contents (>3.0%) have been reported in the Cape Richards and Eden Bay members in almost all Hecla drillholes.Variations in the level of thermal maturity of Mesozoic sediments in the Hecla field are a function of burial depth. The stratigraphic succession thickens towards the main Sverdrup Basin depocentre located in a N-NE direction. The pattern of the isoreflectance contours at the top of the Triassic (Barrow Formation) is similar to that of formation boundary lines of the same formations, an indication that present-day maturation levels are largely controlled by basin subsidence.  相似文献   

根据层序界面的特点、凝缩段的组成,思茅盆地二叠系可分为2个Ⅱ级层序、9个Ⅲ级层序。在此基础上,探讨了层序格架与油气生储盖的关系可分为2个二级层序界面为一构造侵蚀不整合层序界面,是极好的储集场所。此时西部盆地中沉积物已经变质,与生储盖关系不大;而东部地区以开阔碳酸盐台地为主,低位体系域、海侵体系域和高位体系域以形成储集层为主。第2个二级层序由海侵-高位体系域所构成。海侵体系域由龙潭组下部所组成,在普洱西部崖子以西为深水盆地(含斜坡)环境,以东为浅海环境,邻近东部古陆区为滨海环境。无论盆地或浅海,岩性以深灰—灰黑色泥岩为主,生烃性能极好。高位体系域可以分为早期高位体系域和晚期高位体系域。早期高位体系域由龙潭组上部层位组成,西为浅海相砂岩、火山岩等,可作储层;东为滨海平原,下部以深灰、灰黑色泥岩为主,是很好的生油岩,上部以砂岩为主夹火山岩,可作为储集层。晚期高位体系域西部为长兴组灰岩、白云质灰岩、白云岩,可作为储层之用。  相似文献   

车拐地区二叠系储层岩岩性单一,储集空间发育较好。夏子街组(P2x)碎屑岩中,自生沸石类矿物溶蚀孔发育,是油气主要储集空间,镜下证实至少有过两次油气运移;佳木河组(P1j)火山岩和火山碎屑岩主要储集空间为气孔溶孔和构造裂缝,油气运移也有明显的期次。相比而言,佳木河组具有更为有利的储集性能  相似文献   

The Chari arenites of the Jurassic rocks of Central Kutch form a real transition in the orthoquartzite—carbonate facies. The arenites pose a classificatory problem due to the presence of a good amount of reworked biogenic constituents. In order to get a correct picture, a new classification is proposed to classify these arenites in a meaningful manner, with quartz + rock fragments, felspar, and biogenic constituents as the three poles of the triangle.The petrographic characteristics of the arenites with a brief account of heavy-mineral and mechanical composition, is given. It is concluded that these arenites form a part of the orthoquartzite—carbonate facies.  相似文献   

A study on the sedimentary facies characterization and depositional environment interpretations for the K#Field (K-Oil Field) in Cambay petroleum basin of western onshore, India was conducted based on the sub-surface data from drilled wells, including well logs, borehole images, cores and the regional knowledge of the basin. In this work, an effort is made to integrate the current data from seismics and well logging, to study and analyze its depositional environments and establish the petroleum systems. The study regions for the present work are K45 and K48 blocks. The target strata includes 2 oil-bearing formations of Paleogene, which is about 3600 ft; they are M#Fm (M-Formation) of the Eocene and N#Fm (N-Formation) of Oligocene, subdivided into 11 zones. The sediment fill is mostly of Tertiary. The research attempts to decipher the oil - depositional source correlation problems of the basin. Sedimentary models were established referring to the core analysis, core photographs and well logs. Reservoir and heterogeneity study included reservoir lithology features, physical properties and pore structure features.Well facies analysis of oil well WELL-0297 and WELL-0129 was done and the results were analyzed for further drilling of new wells for oil and gas exploration. The study found that the Eocene, Oligocene, Miocene and Paleogene are fluviatile facies sand and mud interbed sediment with the thickness 2000-4000 ft, which are main oil-bearing formations in these areas. Studies concluded that the fluvial reservoirs of the K#Field are characterized by large variations from laterally extensive bodies with good interconnectedness and high net-to-gross ratios, multi-storey ribbon bodies with poor interconnections and low net-to-gross ratios.  相似文献   

The oldest Asian record of alpheid shrimps, assigned to genus Alpheus, based on snapping claw fingertips from the Miocene Khari Nadi Formation in the Kutch Basin, western India reported herein, extends the fossil record of the family Alpheidae from Asia by ~22 million years. An early Miocene (Aquitanian) age is estimated based on the associated assemblage of calcareous nannofossils, Sphenolithus disbelemnos, Cyclicargolithus floridanus, and Reticulofenestra haqii. The co-occurring microbiota includes bony fish otolith remains, identified as “genus Gobiidarum”, isolated teeth of Dasyatis rays, Sphyrna sharks, and teleosts, ctenoid and placoid scales, ostracods, belonging to the genera Paractinocythereis, Alocopocythere, Ruggieria? Aglaiocypris, Bairdoppilata, and echinoid spines. Taken together, the microfossil assemblage and data from chemical analyses using Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy, X-Ray Diffraction and Wavelength Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence of host and associated lithologies suggests prevalence of a shallow (neritic) to coastal marine (intertidal) depositional paleoenvironment.  相似文献   

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