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利用1951-2010年全国台站冬季降水观测资料、Hadley环流中心逐月海表温度资料以及NCEP/NCAR再分析月平均资料,探讨了西太平洋暖池与我国华南地区冬季降水的关系。结果表明,西太平洋暖池与我国华南冬季降水的年际关系在1972年发生了明显的年代际转折,20世纪70年代前两者弱的负相关未通过信度检验,而70年代后两者相关系数达到-0.5~-0.6。回归分析显示,70年代前,暖池对产生华南冬季降水的水汽条件以及动力条件等的影响不显著,因此其与华南冬季降水的关系不明显。70年代后,暖池偏暖时,在菲律宾海区域激发出一个显著的气旋性环流,该环流西北侧的偏北风不利于南海地区水汽向我国华南地区输送,华南地区水汽辐散增强,而且南支槽地区对流减弱,南支扰动不活跃且扰动不能向下游地区传播,华南地区扰动活动减弱,此外暖池偏暖使北半球经向环流显著增强,且下沉支位于我国华南地区,加强了华南地区的下沉运动,因而华南地区冬季降水显著偏少;暖池偏冷时,情况相反。  相似文献   

罗喜平 《贵州气象》2003,27(1):14-15
利用 1951~ 2 0 0 1年贵州省 32个代表站冬季 (12~ 2月 )温度资料 ,对冷暖冬年进行划分 ,并分析其环流因子 ,发现冷冬年西风带亚洲地区以经向环流为主 ,低纬度西太平洋副热带高压偏弱 ,位置偏东 ,暖冬年则相反。冷暖冬年与来年春季总降水量、温度都有较好的关系 ,对短期气候预测有很好的参考价值。  相似文献   

江苏省冬季气温、降水年代际异常及相关分析   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
傅云燕  杨修群  沈伟 《气象科学》2013,33(2):178-183
利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料和江苏省冬季气温、降水资料,运用带通滤波、经验正交分解(EOF)和相关分析等方法,分析了江苏省冬季气候年代际异常及同期气温与降水的相关特征.结果表明:江苏省冬季气候的年代际变化具有很好的空间一致性,表现为全省整体偏暖(偏冷)和偏涝(偏旱)的趋势;冬季气候存在明显的年代际突变,时间在1980s中期前后,平均气温从偏冷时期向偏暖时期转换,降水由偏少期向偏多时期转换.通过冬季同期降水和气温的相关分析发现,降水和气温具有一定的正相关性,而他们的年代际分量的正相关性更为显著,这与冬季大气环流场和海温场的年代际变化有密切的关系.  相似文献   

The analyzed relations between the summer precipitation totals and precipitation totals of the previous winter periods of 1974–2008 based on the data from three weather stations of the Khabarovsk Territory showed that in 80% of cases the low precipitation total of the winter months is followed by a low precipitation total in summer, and, vice versa, in the case of a high (above a multiyear mean) precipitation total in winter, the precipitation total in summer is also above a multiyear mean. There is no relation between the precipitation total in summer and the precipitation total in the subsequent winter periods. It means that the change in the distribution of precipitation between the winter and subsequent summer seasons occurs in the winter months, which must allow forecasting the precipitation total in summer from the precipitation total in the previous winter period, for example, for assessing the fire danger in forests from the weather conditions.  相似文献   

印度洋和南海海温与长江中下游夏季降水的相关分析   总被引:43,自引:8,他引:43       下载免费PDF全文
一、前言 长江中下游地域广阔,位置重要,该区夏季降水的异常变化,涉及千百万人的生命财产和经济建设。因此,此区夏季降水预报,尤其是旱涝的长期预报,历来是人们重视的问题。近几十年来,随着海洋观测资料的增加和计算技术的发展,海洋和大气相互作用,在长期预报中已越来越为人们所重视。我国许多气象工作者也积极开展了太平洋地区海气  相似文献   

The Sundqvist parameterization for warm rain production by autoconversion processes as the function of cloud liquid water mixing ratio m is tested by defining a realistic ‘driving’ profile m(z) for a maritime low, warm stratocumulus cloud, and comparing with various recent observations. The results show that the parameterization is acceptable, especially after tuning its rain collection constant C1. It is somewhat sensitive to the vertical resolution of the host model, though. Extending the calculations by considering typical cloud and raindrop size spectra, extra variables such as drizzle amounts and droplet effective radii (forced by the bulk Sundqvist rain rates) could be estimated by numerical integration. Also, these seem to agree fairly well with the available observations.  相似文献   

The dominant mode of coupled variability over the South Atlantic Ocean is known as “South Atlantic Dipole” (SAD) and is characterized by a dipole in sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies with centers over the tropical and the extratropical South Atlantic. Previous studies have shown that variations in SST related to SAD modulate large-scale patterns of precipitation over the Atlantic Ocean. Here we show that variations in the South Atlantic SST are associated with changes in daily precipitation over eastern South America. Rain gauge precipitation, satellite derived sea surface temperature and reanalysis data are used to investigate the variability of the subtropical and tropical South Atlantic and impacts on precipitation. SAD phases are assessed by performing Singular value decomposition analysis of sea level pressure and SST anomalies. We show that during neutral El Niño Southern Oscillation events, SAD plays an important role in modulating cyclogenesis and the characteristics of the South Atlantic Convergence Zone. Positive SST anomalies over the extratropical South Atlantic (SAD negative phase) are related to increased cyclogenesis near southeast Brazil as well as the migration of extratropical cyclones further north. As a consequence, these systems organize convection and increase precipitation over eastern South America.  相似文献   

Considered are synoptic mechanisms of the formation of abnormally warm weather and high anticyclones in the Russian Arctic as well as the generation of the series of cold cyclones in the middle troposphere over southern Europe in January–February 2012. Obtained are the typical schemes of thermobaric fields of the macro-scale reconstruction of atmospheric circulation and of the set-in of the eastern air transport from Siberia to the central and southern areas of the European part of Russia and to the Mediterranean countries. Proposed is an algorithm for predicting processes of atmospheric blocking with the help of quantitative criteria that enable to assess the existence, intensity, and lifetime of the circulation impeding the westerlies.  相似文献   

南海及周边地区云量分布及低云量与南海海温的关系   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
张亚洲 《气象科学》2012,32(3):260-268
利用国际卫星云气候计划提供的月平均云气候资料集,分析了南海及周边地区云量的分布特征,并进一步研究了低云量与南海海温的关系。结果表明:(1)南海及周边地区总云量分布存在显著的季节性差异特征。(2)低云主要分布在南海海区,中云为华南地区,而高云则主要位于靠近赤道区域。(3)低云受海表温度影响较大,而中高云则主要与强对流相对应。低云主要分布于南海海表冷水中心南侧的暖水区内的温度梯度区,其高值区分布与海表温度梯度分布基本一致,海表温度梯度的大小与高值中心的低云量成正比。(4)低云量高值中心位置与水平海温梯度区两侧基本一致,高温暖水受西边界强迫上升在海表层辐合,有利于低云的生成。  相似文献   

Using coral data, sea surface temperature (SST) reanalysis data, and Climate Model Intercomparison Project III (CMIP3) data, we analyze 20th-century and future warm pool and cold tongue SST trends. For the last 100?years, a broad La Nina-like SST trend, in which the warming trend of the warm pool SST is greater than that of the cold tongue SST, has appeared in reanalysis SST data sets, 20C scenario experiments of the CMIP3 data and less significantly in coral records. However, most Coupled General Circulation Models subjected to scenarios of future high greenhouse gas concentrations produce larger SST warming trends in cold tongues than in warm pools, resembling El Nino-like SST patterns. In other words, warmer tropical climate conditions correspond to stronger El Nino-like response. Heat budget analyses further verify that warmer tropical climates diminish the role of the ocean’s dynamic thermostat, which currently regulates cold tongue temperatures. Therefore, the thermodynamic thermostat, whose efficiency depends on the mean temperature, becomes the main regulator (particularly via evaporative cooling) of both warm pool and cold tongue temperatures in future warm climate conditions. Thus, the warming tendency of the cold tongue SST may lead that of the warm pool SST in near future.  相似文献   


利用2009—2013年天津地区205个自动气象站的逐时降水资料, 分析了天津地区降水的基本空间分布和日变化特征。结果表明: (1)天津地区降水小时数及小时平均降水强度空间差异明显, 高值区分别位于蓟县北部山区、市区西北侧、滨海新区中南部; (2)天津中北部地区累积降水量峰值主要出现在23—03时, 南部地区则出现在17—19时和04—08时, 降水频次峰值基本都出现在00—09时, 降水强度峰值与累积降水量峰值出现时间类似, 11时为降水强度低谷出现时间; (3)全市傍晚至午夜的降水频次明显较凌晨偏少, 长持续时间(10 h以上)的最大降水易出现在凌晨至清晨, 短时降水(1~4 h)的最大降水易出现在傍晚至午夜; 13—24时多数时次, 无论降水量、频次还是降水强度市区均较其周边地区和沿海地区偏多偏强, 而凌晨多数时次, 市区则以偏少偏弱为主; (4)始于下午至傍晚的降水多为短时降水, 而始于傍晚至凌晨的降水持续时间普遍较长。


华东冬季异常冷暖与大气环流和海温的关系   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:2  
利用1951-2007年华东地区14个代表站冬季(12-2月)温度资料和北半球500 hPa高度及北太平洋海温资料,通过合成分析、相关分析等方法,研究了华东地区冬季气温的气候变化及其与北半球500 hPa高度场、北太平洋海温场的关系.结果表明:华东地区冬季气温具有明显的年代际气候变化特征;前期夏季北半球500 hPa高度距平场和前期春季北太平洋海温距平场分布可作为华东冬季异常冷暖年的前兆信号;夏季北太平洋中部地区500 hPa高度场变化及前期10月西太平洋副高强弱变化,对华东地区冬季气温变化具有很好的指示性;春季南赤道海流区和西风漂流区海温异常变化,对华东地区冬季气温变化也具有很好的指示意义.  相似文献   


利用高密度地面自动站逐小时降水观测资料,分析了河南省2010-2015年雨季(5-9月)短时强降水(flash heavyrain,FHR)的时空分布特征。主要结果如下:河南省FHR集中发生在7、8月,其中7月最多,8月次之;河南雨季FHR量、降水贡献和发生频率的局地差异明显,主要存在4个大值区,即豫北黄河以北地区、豫东商丘地区、豫西南伏牛山以南以东地区、豫南沿淮及其以南地区;地形对降水的增幅作用显著,且主要是通过增加FHR发生频次实现的;FHR频次日变化呈明显的双峰结构,傍晚至凌晨的前半夜为FHR频发时段;4个大值区内FHR频次日变化差异明显,如黄河以北地区其日变化幅度较大、呈单峰型,而沿淮及其以南地区其日变化幅度较小、呈持续活跃型;大部分FHR前后都伴随着连续降水,降水过程的持续时间主要在1~8 h之间,持续时间大于等于3 h的过程主要位于两个与地形密切相关的高频集中区,即伏牛山以东支脉的喇叭口地形区和沿淮及其以南地区。


The regional influence of the Madden–Julian oscillation (MJO) on South America is described. Maps of probability of weekly-averaged rainfall exceeding the upper tercile were computed for all seasons and related statistically with the phase of the MJO as characterized by the Wheeler–Hendon real-time multivariate MJO (RMM) index and with the OLR MJO Index. The accompanying surface air temperature and circulation anomalies were also calculated. The influence of the MJO on regional scales along with their marked seasonal variations was documented. During December–February when the South American monsoon system is active, chances of enhanced rainfall are observed in southeastern South America (SESA) region mainly during RMM phases 3 and 4, accompanied by cold anomalies in the extratropics, while enhanced rainfall in the South Atlantic Convergence Zone (SACZ) region is observed in phases 8 and 1. The SESA (SACZ) signal is characterized by upper-level convergence (divergence) over tropical South America and a cyclonic (anticyclonic) anomaly near the southern tip of the continent. Impacts during March–May are similar, but attenuated in the extratropics. Conversely, in June–November, reduced rainfall and cold anomalies are observed near the coast of the SACZ region during phases 4 and 5, favored by upper-level convergence over tropical South America and an anticyclonic anomaly over southern South America. In September–November, enhanced rainfall and upper-level divergence are observed in the SACZ region during phases 7 and 8. These signals are generated primarily through the propagation of Rossby wave energy generated in the region of anomalous heating associated with the MJO.  相似文献   

王晓青  刘健  王志远  刘斌 《气象学报》2020,78(2):237-249
利用通用地球系统模式开展的过去1500年气候模拟全强迫试验和对照试验结果,在验证模式模拟性能的基础上,采用多变量经验正交函数分解等方法,对比分析了典型暖期东亚夏季风年代际变化特征及其成因机制。结果表明,两个典型暖期东亚夏季风变化的主周期均为准10 a和准20 a。中世纪暖期黄河流域至日本南部一带降水偏多,长江流域以南和西北太平洋一带降水偏少;现代暖期东亚夏季风降水表现为"南涝北旱"型分布特征。内部变率是影响典型暖期东亚夏季风变化的主控因子之一,其中太平洋年代际振荡起决定性作用。当太平洋年代际振荡处于正位相时,热带西太平洋(东亚大陆)变暖(变冷),东亚地区海、陆热力差减小,对应弱的东亚夏季风。另外,中世纪暖期海平面气压的动态变化对应850 hPa风场在西北太平洋(日本海)一带均出现了经向排列的异常反气旋(气旋),从而导致中国南部(北部)降水偏多(偏少)。  相似文献   

Summary Previous studies on precipitation over South America that strongly support the existence of links between precipitation and SST anomalies in the Pacific Ocean have identified specific regions where the ENSO signal is particularly stronger. Northeast of Brazil and some parts of southern South America are examples of these regions. However, the same attention was not taken to identify which regions in the Central and East Pacific ocean are better correlated with the South America precipitation during extreme ENSO events, and also which are the transition regions of the precipitation signal over South America during these events. Coincident periods of ENSO events for both SST over the tropical Pacific ocean and monthly precipitation sums from many observational stations over South America were selected and analyzed. Two statistical methods were used for the data analysis: Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) and Simple Linear Correlation (SLC). The SVD results for warmer events in the Pacific corroborate previous ones and also clearly identified a transition region between the drier conditions in the Northeast of Brazil and the wetter conditions in the Southeast/South of Brazil. Transition regions were also determined over Peru and central Amazon. The SLC results indicated that the SST anomalies in the tropical east Pacific ocean has the strongest influence in the South American precipitation during El Ni?o events. During La Ni?a events the central area of the Pacific, around 180°, has shown a more significant influence. Received August 10, 2000 Revised August 22, 2001  相似文献   

The relationship between air temperature, precipitation, and circulation intensity in extratropical cyclones at subsequent stages of their evolution is studied. The cyclones observed in the Atlantic and Pacific sectors in winters from 1991 to 2000 are considered. The NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data, GPCP database, and cyclone trajectory archive of the Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences, are used. It is demonstrated that there are significant connections between circulation intensity, air temperature, and precipitation in cyclones. The intensity of circulation along the cyclone contour reflects both the precipitation fall in the cyclone center and a synoptic structure of frontal precipitation. It was concluded that speed circulation along the cyclone contour can be recommended as a characteristic of cyclone intensity together with the currently used pressure in the cyclone center.  相似文献   

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