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Relict eclogites and associated high-pressure rocks are present in the Eastern Segment of the SW Swedish gneiss region (the tectonic counterpart of the Parautochthonous Belt of the Canadian Grenville). These rocks give evidence of Sveconorwegian eclogite facies metamorphism and subsequent pervasive reworking and deformation at granulite and amphibolite facies conditions. The best-preserved eclogite relics suggest a clockwise PT t history, beginning in the amphibolite facies, progressing through the eclogite facies, decompressing and partially reequilibrating through the high- and medium-pressure granulite facies, before cooling through the amphibolite facies. Textures demonstrate the former coexistence of the plagioclase-free assemblages garnet+clinopyroxene+quartz+rutile+ilmenite, garnet+clinopyroxene+ kyanite+rutile, and garnet+kyanite+quartz+rutile. The former existence of omphacite is evidenced by up to 45 vol.% plagioclase expelled as small grains within large clinopyroxene. Matrix plagioclase is secondary and occurs expelled from clinopyroxene or in fine-grained, granulite facies reaction domains formed during resorption of garnet and kyanite. Garnet shows preserved prograde growth zoning with rimward increasing pyrope content, decreasing spessartine content and decreasing Fe/(Fe+Mg) ratio, but is partly resorbed and reequilibrated at the rims. PT estimates from microdomains with clinopyroxene+plagioclase+quartz+garnet indicate pressures of 9.5–12 kbar and temperatures of 705–795 °C for a stage of the granulite facies decompression. The preservation of the prograde zoning suggests that the rocks did not reside at these high temperatures for more than a few million years, and chemical disequilibrium and ‘frozen’ reaction textures indicate heterogeneous reaction progress and overstepping of reactions during the decompression through the granulite facies. Together these features suggest a rapid tectonic exhumation. The eclogite relics occur within a high-grade deformation zone with WNW–ESE stretching and associated oblique normal-sense, top-to-the-east (sensu lato) displacement, suggesting that extension was a main cause for the decompression and exhumation. Probable tectonic scenarios for this deformation are Sveconorwegian late-orogenic gravitational collapse or overall WNW–ESE extension.  相似文献   

Conditions of the prograde, peak‐pressure and part of the decompressional P–T path of two Precambrian eclogites in the eastern Sveconorwegian orogen have been determined using the pseudosection approach. Cores of garnet from a Fe–Ti‐rich eclogite record a first prograde and syn‐deformational stage along a Barrovian gradient from ~670 °C and 7 kbar to 710 °C and 8.5 kbar. Garnet rims grew during further burial to 16.5–19 kbar at ~850–900 °C, along a steep dP/dT gradient. The pseudosection model of a kyanite‐bearing eclogite sample of more magnesian bulk composition confirms the peak conditions. Matrix reequilibration associated with subsequent near‐isothermal decompression and partial exhumation produced plagioclase‐bearing symplectites replacing kyanite and clinopyroxene at an estimated 850–870 °C and 10–11 kbar. The validity of the pseudosections is discussed in detail. It is shown that in pseudosection modelling the fractionation of FeO in accessory sulphides may cause a significant shift of field boundaries (here displaced by up to 1.5 kbar and 70 °C) and must not be neglected. Fast burial, exhumation and subsequent cooling are supported by the steepness of both the prograde and the decompressional P–T paths as well as the preservation of garnet growth zoning and the symplectitic reaction textures. These features are compatible with deep tectonic burial of the eclogite‐bearing continental crust as part of the underthrusting plate (Eastern Segment, continent Baltica) in a collisional setting that led to an effectively doubled crustal thickness and subsequent exhumation of the eclogites through tectonic extrusion. Our results are in accordance with regional structural and petrological relationships, which demonstrate foreland‐vergent partial exhumation of the eclogite‐bearing nappe along a basal thrust zone and support a major collisional stage at c. 1 Ga. We argue that the similarities between Sveconorwegian and Himalayan eclogite occurrences emphasize the modern style of Grenvillian‐aged tectonics.  相似文献   

Metabasites from the northern Adula Nappe Complex (ANC) display a complex microstructural evolution recording episodes of deformation and metamorphic re‐equilibration that were obliterated in the surrounding phengite‐bearing schists. Pre‐D1 and D1 deformation episodes are preserved as mineral inclusions within garnet cores of some amphibole‐bearing eclogites and record high‐temperature greenschist‐/amphibolite‐facies conditions. D2 produced an eclogite‐facies foliation which developed at 580 ± 70°C and 19 ± 3 kbar. D3 was a composite deformation episode which can be divided into three sub‐episodes D3m, D3a and D3b which occurred as the metamorphism evolved from post‐eclogitic high‐pressure and low‐temperature conditions through to amphibolite‐facies conditions at 590 ± 30°C and 11.7 ± 1.3 kbar. The D3 deformation episode was responsible for the development of the S3 regional‐scale foliation in the surrounding schists, whilst D4 caused the development of an S4 greenschist foliation. The composite nature of the D3 episode indicates that rocks of the northern ANC experienced a protracted post‐eclogitic structural reworking and that the current structure of this part of the Alps is a late‐Alpine feature. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A layer of relict, high-temperature, prograde eclogite has been discovered within felsic granulite of the Gföhl Nappe, which is the uppermost tectonic unit in the Moldanubian Zone of the Bohemian Massif, the easternmost of the European Variscan massifs. Pressure-temperature conditions for eclogite (≥890  °C, 18.0  kbar) and felsic granulite ( c . 1000  °C, 16  kbar) place early metamorphism of the polymetamorphic Gföhl crustal rocks within the eclogite facies, and preservation of prograde compositional zoning in small garnet grains in high-temperature eclogite requires very rapid heating, as well as cooling. Mantle-derived garnet and spinel–garnet peridotites are associated with the high temperature-high pressure crustal rocks in the Gföhl Nappe, and this distinctive lithological suite appears to be unique among European Phanerozoic orogenic belts, implying that tectonic processes during the late stages in evolution of the Variscan belt were different from those in the Caledonian and Alpine belts. The unusually high temperatures and pressures in Gföhl crustal rocks, mineralogical evidence for rapid heating and cooling, juxtaposition of lithospheric and asthenospheric mantle with crustal rocks, and widespread production of late-stage granites indicate that culmination of the Variscan Orogeny may have been driven by lithospheric delamination and asthenospheric upwelling.  相似文献   

The Mallee Bore area in the northern Harts Range of central Australia underwent high-temperature, medium- to high-pressure granulite facies metamorphism. Individual geothermometers and geobarometers and average P–T  calculations using the program Thermocalc suggest that peak metamorphic conditions were 705–810 °C and 8–12 kbar. Partial melting of both metasedimentary and meta-igneous rocks, forming garnet-bearing restites, occurred under peak metamorphic conditions. Comparison with partial melting experiments suggests that vapour-absent melting in metabasic and metapelitic rocks with compositions close to those of rocks in the Mallee Bore area occurs at 800–875 °C and >9–10 kbar. The lower temperatures obtained from geothermometry imply that mineral compositions were reset during cooling. Following the metamorphic peak, the rocks underwent local mylonitization at 680–730 °C and 5.8–7.7 kbar. After mylonitization ceased, garnet retrogressed locally to biotite, which was probably caused by fluids exsolving from crystallizing melts. These three events are interpreted as different stages of a single, continuous, clockwise P–T  path. The metamorphism at Mallee Bore probably occurred during the 1745–1730 Ma Late Strangways Orogeny, and the area escaped significant crustal reworking during the Anmatjira and Alice Springs events that locally reached amphibolite facies conditions elsewhere in the Harts Ranges.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Thermobarometric studies on various granulite facies areas along the Prydz Bay coast, East Antarctica (73°-79°E, 68°-70°S), show that, at around 1100 Ma, during a late Proterozoic orogeny, the rocks of the Larsemann Hills suffered a lower pressure metamorphic peak than the surrounding areas. Along the Prydz Bay coast, the rocks affected by this event include parts of the Vestfold Hills block plus all of the Rauer Group, the Larsemann Hills and the Munro Kerr Mountains. The dykes in the south-west corner of the Vestfold Hills were recrystallized during this event with little deformation at temperatures not quite as high as in the areas further south-west (650°C, 6.5 kbar) (Collerson et al., 1983), the Rauer Group was metamorphosed at 800°C and 7.5 kbar (Harley, 1987a), the Larsemann Hills at 750°C and 4.5 kbar, and the Munro Kerr Mountains probably at around 850°C and 5 kbar. Retrograde equilibration in the different areas occurred during decompression to about 10 km depth in all areas, followed by isobaric cooling at this depth. This paper shows that the peak metamorphism in the Larsemann Hills occurred at a pressure which is too low to have been the consequence of thermal relaxation of overthickened crust with normal mantle heat flow. Although other areas in Prydz Bay were metamorphosed at sufficiently high pressures so that their decompression paths are not inconsistent with a continental collision model, the inferred pre-metamorphic peak histories and the requirement of consistency with the Larsemann Hills, make it unlikely that collision followed by erosion-driven decompression is an appropriate model. We suggest that the thermal regime of the crust in the Larsemann Hills region was controlled by a perturbation in the asthenosphere, with magma invasion of the crust. We suggest that the 500 Ma event, represented in Prydz Bay by granitic outcrops at Landing Bluff and by several K/Ar ages from the Larsemann Hills area, was responsible for the final excavation of the terrane.  相似文献   

Granulites from Huangtuling in the North Dabie metamorphic core complex in eastern China preserve rare mineralogical and mineral chemical evidence for multistage metamorphism related to Palaeoproterozoic metamorphic processes, Triassic continental subduction‐collision and Cretaceous collapse of the Dabie Orogen. Six stages of metamorphism are resolved, based on detailed mineralogical and petrological studies: (I) amphibolite facies (6.3–7.0 kbar, 520–550 °C); (II) high‐pressure/high‐temperature granulite facies (12–15.5 kbar, 920–980 °C); (III) cooling and decompression (4.8–6.0 kbar, 630–700 °C); (IV) medium‐pressure granulite facies (7.7–9.0 kbar, 690–790 °C); (V) low‐pressure/high‐temperature granulite facies (4.0–4.7 kbar, 860–920 °C); (VI) retrograde greenschist facies overprint (1–2 kbar, 340–370 °C). The PT history derived in this study and existing geochronological data indicate that the Huangtuling granulite records two cycles of orogenic crustal thickening events. The earlier three stages of metamorphism define a clockwise PT path, implying crustal thickening and thinning events, possibly related to the assembly and breakup of the Columbia Supercontinent at c. 2000 Ma. Stage IV metamorphism indicates another crustal thickening event, which is attributed to Triassic subduction/collision between the Yangtze and Sino‐Korean Cratons. The dry lower crustal granulite persisted metastably during the Triassic subduction/collision because of the lack of hydrous fluid and deformation. Stage V metamorphism records the Cretaceous collapse of the Dabie Orogen, possibly due to asthenosphere upwelling or removal of the lithospheric mantle resulting in heating of the granulite and partial melting of the North Dabie metamorphic core complex. Comparison of the Huangtuling granulite in North Dabie and the high‐pressure–ultrahigh‐pressure metamorphic rocks in South Dabie indicates that the subducted upper (South Dabie) and lower (North Dabie) continental crusts underwent contrasting tectonometamorphic evolution during continental subduction‐collision and orogenic collapse.  相似文献   

The eastern Central Alps consist of several Pennine nappes with different tectonometamorphic histories. The tectonically uppermost units (oceanic Avers Bündnerschiefer, continental Suretta and Tambo nappes, oceanic Vals Bündnerschiefer) show Cretaceous/early Tertiary W-directed thrusting with associated blueschist facies metamorphism related to subduction of the Pennine units beneath the Austroalpine continental crust. This event caused eclogite facies metamorphism in the underlying continental Adula nappe. The gross effect was crustal thickening. The tectonically lower, continental Simano nappe is devoid of any imprint from this event. In the course of continent-continent collision, high- T metamorphism and N-directed movements occurred. Both affected the whole nappe pile more or less continuously from amphibolite to greenschist facies conditions. Crustal thinning commenced during the regional temperature peak. A final phase is related to differential uplift under retrograde P–T conditions. Further thinning of the crust was accommodated by E- to NE-directed extensional deformation.  相似文献   

在西藏拉萨地块的东部,从松多到加兴,在晚古生代石英岩和碳酸岩地层中分布着一条近东西走向的榴辉岩带。尽管受到不同程度的海水蚀变和后期流体/岩浆渗滤的影响,多数松多榴辉岩保存了类似于N-MORB的微量元素地球化学特征,这也与榴辉岩的Sr-Nd同位素系统特征一致。这些榴辉岩经历了压力约为2.6GPa、温度约为650℃的高压变质作用。石榴石-绿辉石-全岩Sm-Nd等时线给出(239±3.5)Ma的等时线年龄,表明在早中生代,拉萨地块内部至少发生过一期洋壳俯冲事件。以松多榴辉岩为代表的洋壳俯冲事件同时表明带状基墨里大陆的形成有可能是一系列微陆块碰撞拼贴而成。  相似文献   


This paper describes the tectono-metamorphic evolution of a segment of the Precambrian deep crust, in the southern Madagascar island. This crust corresponds to an Archaean basement reworked by a widespread, late panAfrican event (550–580 Ma) during the formation of the Mozambican belt. The finite geometry and associated metamorphism are depicted by satellite imaging, field mapping and P-T estimations using both conventional thermobarometric methods and TWEEQ software program with internally consistent thermodynamic data and uniform set of solution models. The structural pattern developed during high-grade metamorphism shows the juxtaposition of domains with complex fold geometries separated by a 15 km wide ductile shear zone. Within the folded domains, kilometre scale interference patterns associated with strongly dipping metamorphic stretching lineations can be described as superposed folding (F1 and F2 folds). The tight and upright F2 folds result from East-West horizontal shortening. The shear zone is defined by homogeneous orientations of steep foliations, sub-horizontal stretching lineations, and kilometre scale strain gradient. Within the shear zone, we observe dominant non-coaxial criteria at various scales that are consistent with a sinistral strike-slip system during D2 deformation stage. Nevertheless, we have also found in the shear zone, geometries typical of a horizontal shortening. Such a strain pattern is characteristic of transpression tectonics.

The synkinematic metamorphic conditions are estimated on mafic garnetiferous metabasites. Results show that regional transpression tectonics has developed under very high and constant thermal regime (about 800°C). A pressure gap, of about 3 kbar between the domains separated by the shear zone is identified. This implies tectonic coupling of two different structural levels during tranpressive tectonic.  相似文献   

苏北榴辉岩经历5期以上变质变形作用,其中至少有两期以上为高压变质变形作用,p—t轨迹呈顺时针方向旋转。榴辉岩形成后,随着地体的反弹、推覆,于印支期末迅速回返到中地壳,再经燕山期—喜山期区域隆升和拉伸折返,最终剥露于现代侵蚀面。苏胶造山带至少经历了晋宁期、印支期和燕山期3次以上的造陆或造山运动  相似文献   

‘Lower crustal’ suite xenoliths in basaltic and kimberlitic magmas are dominated by mafic granulites and may also include eclogites and garnet pyroxenites. Pressures of up to 25 kbar obtained from such xenoliths are well in excess of an upper value of c. 12 kbar for exposed granulite terranes. Palaeogeotherms constructed from xenoliths for the lower crust beneath the Phanerozoic fold belts of eastern Australia (SEA) and beneath the eastern margin of the Australian craton (EMAC) indicate two distinct thermal regimes. The two geotherms have similar form, with the EMAC curve displaced c. 150°C to lower temperatures. Reaction microstructures show the partial re-equilibration of primary igneous assemblages to granulite and eclogite assemblages and are interpreted to reflect the cooling from magmatic temperatures. Variations in mineral compositions and zoning are used to constrain further the history of several EMAC xenoliths to near-isobaric trajectories. Detailed graphical models are constructed to predict compositional changes for isobaric P–T paths (at 7, 14 & 21 kbar) to transform an SEA-type geotherm to a cratonic geotherm. The models show that for the assemblage grt + cpx ± ky + plag + qtz, the changes associated with falling temperature in Xgr, Xjd (increase) and Xan (decrease) will be greater at higher pressures. These results indicate that discernible zoning is more likely to be preserved in the higher pressure xenoliths. The zoning recorded in clinopyroxene from mafic granulite xenoliths over the pressure range c. 12–22 kbar suggests isobaric cooling of a large crustal thickness (30–35 km). An isobaric cooling path is consistent with magma accretion models for the transition of a crust–mantle boundary from an SEA-type geotherm to a cratonic geotherm. The coexistence of granulite and eclogite over the depth range 35–75 km beneath the EMAC indicates that the granulite to eclogite transition in the lower crust is controlled by P–T conditions, bulk chemistry and kinetic factors. At shallower crustal levels, typified by exposed granulite terranes, isobaric cooling may not result in the transition to eclogite.  相似文献   

The Petermann Orogeny is a late Neoproterozoic to Cambrian ( c . 560–520  Ma) intracratonic event that affected the Musgrave Block and south-western Amadeus Basin in central Australia. In the Mann Ranges, within the central Musgrave Block, Mesoproterozoic granulite facies gneisses, granites and mafic dykes have been substantially reworked by deep crustal non-coaxial strain of late Neoproterozoic to early Cambrian age. Dolerite dykes have recrystallized to garnet granulite facies assemblages, associated with the development of a mylonitic fabric at P =12–13  kbar and T  =700–750 °C. Migmatization is restricted to discrete shear zones, which represent conduits for hydrous fluids during metamorphism. Peak metamorphism was followed by decompression to c . 7  kbar, reflecting exhumation of the terrane along the south-dipping Woodroffe Thrust. In scattered outcrops north of the Mann Ranges, peak metamorphism occurred at P =9–10  kbar and T  = c . 700 °C. The Woodroffe Thrust separates these deep crustal mylonites from granites that were metamorphosed during the Petermann Orogeny at P = c . 6–7  kbar and T  = c . 650 °C. The similarity in peak temperatures at different crustal levels implies an unusual thermal regime during this event. The existence of a relatively elevated geotherm corresponding with Th- and K-enriched granites that were in the mid-crust during the Petermann Orogeny suggests that radiogenic heat production may have substantially contributed to the thermal regime during metamorphism. This potentially has implications for the mechanisms by which intra-plate strain was localized during this event.  相似文献   


中国台湾中央山脉东部出露的玉里变质带作为板块构造的缝合带,拼接了欧亚大陆板块、俯冲的南海板块、未俯冲的弧前基底和菲律宾海板块(吕宋岛弧),是认识台湾造山运动地球动力学重建的关键。玉里变质带出露含蓝片岩相的铁镁质—超铁镁质变质火成岩块体,这些块体在构造上被以绿片岩相为主的多期变形的云母石英片岩所包围。而玉里带东南侧发育了以云母石英片岩、千枚岩为主的初来组地层,初来组地层是否属于玉里带近年来仍然存在争议。为了解决这一问题,本文对台湾玉里带及其周缘地区的构造演化重新研究,针对中央山脉东部玉里带和初来组地层分别采样,利用碳质物质拉曼光谱温度计(RSCM)计算出变质片岩峰值变质温度的均值。结果表明:玉里带的峰值变质温度范围在400 ℃~550 ℃之间,比台湾地区的其它次级构造单元温度高;玉里带内,峰值变质温度高于500 ℃的地区毗邻玉里带的3个最大的高压变质火成岩块体,说明高压变质块体可能存在与围岩之间的交代变质作用;初来组地层的峰值变质温度约为360 ℃,与玉里带的温差达100 ℃以上,说明初来组地层与玉里带是两个不同的次级单元,在中央山脉东南缘二者之间很可能是断层接触,在台湾造山带向东的反冲褶皱逆冲带变形之后,这两个单元可能经历了相同的形变历史。本次更新的峰值变质温度集合了台湾地区的所有已发表的RSCM数据,显示出横跨台湾东部中央山脉热演化的系统性空间展布,重新修正了台湾中央山脉东部地质图。


The island of Seram, part of the northern limb of the Banda Arc in eastern Indonesia, exposes an extensive Mio‐Pliocene granulite facies migmatite complex (the Kobipoto Complex) comprising voluminous leucosome‐rich diatexites and scarcer Al–Fe‐rich residual granulites. The migmatites are intimately associated with ultramafic rocks of predominantly lherzolitic composition that were exhumed by substantial lithospheric extension beneath low‐angle detachment faults; heat supplied by the lherzolites was evidently a major driver for the granulite facies metamorphism and accompanying anatexis. Residual garnet–sillimanite granulites sampled from the Kobipoto Mountains, central Seram, contain scarce garnet‐hosted inclusions of hercynite spinel (~1.5 wt% ZnO) + quartz (± ilmenite) in direct grain‐boundary contact – an assemblage potentially indicative of metamorphism under ultrahigh‐temperature (UHT) conditions. thermocalc ‘Average PT’ reactions and melanosome‐specific thermocalc , TMO, and PT pseudosections in the Na2O–CaO–K2O–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O–TiO2–Fe2O3 (NCKFMASHTO) chemical system, supported by Ti‐in‐garnet thermobarometry, are permissive of the rock having experienced a clockwise PT path peaking at 925 °C and 9 kbar – thus narrowly reaching UHT conditions – before undergoing near‐isothermal decompression to ~750 °C and ~4 kbar. Spinel + quartz assemblages are interpreted to have formed at or just after the metamorphic peak from localized reactions between sillimanite, ilmenite and surrounding garnet. Further decompression of the rock resulted in the formation of complex reaction microstructures comprising cordierite ± plagioclase coronae around garnet, and symplectic intergrowths of cordierite + spinel + ilmenite around sillimanite. Small grains of sapphirine + corundum developed subsequently within spinel by localized quartz‐absent reactions. The post‐peak evolution of the granulites may be related to previously published U–Pb zircon and 40Ar/39Ar ages of c. 16 Ma, further substantiating the claim for the Kobipoto Complex granulites having recorded Earth's youngest‐identified episode of UHT metamorphism, albeit at slightly lower temperature and higher pressure than previously inferred. The Kobipoto Complex granulites demonstrate how UHT conditions may be achieved in the ‘modern’ Earth by extreme lithospheric extension, which, in this instance, was driven by slab rollback of the Banda Arc.  相似文献   

This study is essentially based on coupling macrostructures, microstructures and metamorphic petrology in polymetamorphic mafic rocks from the Swiss Eastern Alps (Suretta nappe, Penninic domain). Petrographic criteria are used in conjunction with structural analysis and microprobe work to define crystallization/deformation relationships and to establish a relative but precise sequence of tectono-metamorphic events. A first eclogite facies overprint and related exhumation occurred before emplacement of late Palaeozoic intrusives. During the Alpine cycle, the Suretta nappe was part of the thinned European continental margin. The Tertiary burial due to subduction and collision is responsible for D1 ductile thrusting and blueschist facies metamorphism. Late deformation phases, related to exhumation, are responsible for the development of extensional structures under greenschist facies conditions. Quantitative metamorphic petrology based on Gibbs free energy minimization (DOMINO by de Capitani) gives a constraint on the P–T  conditions during the polymetamorphic and polycyclic evolution. The first high- P metamorphic event related to pre-Alpine structures occurred at c . 700  °C and at least 2.0  GPa. These conditions are compatible with pre-Alpine high- P re-equilibration already described in several Alpine units. The Alpine high- P metamorphism occurred under blueschist facies conditions at c . 400–450  °C and 1.0  GPa. Similar high- P , low- T  conditions have already been described in the Mesozoic and Permian rock types. The two high- P events are clearly related to two different geothermal regimes and geodynamic environments.  相似文献   

Petrological investigations supported by multi‐scale structural analysis of eclogitized serpentinite in the Zermatt–Saas Zone of the Western Alps allows for the determination of mineral assemblages related to successive fabrics, upon which the P–T–d–t path of these hydrated mantle rocks can be inferred. Serpentinites of the upper Valtournanche, with lenses and dykes of metagabbro and meta‐rodingite, display an Alpine polyphase metamorphic evolution from eclogite to epidote‐amphibolite facies conditions associated with three successive foliations having different parageneses in these rocks. Serpentinite mainly consists of serpentine with minor magnetite; however, where S1 and S2 foliations are pervasive, metamorphic olivine, together with Ti‐clinohumite and clinopyroxene, are also found. The mineral assemblage associated with D1 includes serpentine1, clinopyroxene1, opaque minerals, titanite ± olivine1, Ti‐clinohumite1 and ilmenite; the D2 assemblage is the same (±chlorite) but minerals have different compositions. The assemblage associated with D3 comprises serpentine3, opaque minerals, ±chlorite3, ilmenite and amphibole3. Ti‐clinohumite is associated with veins that are older than D2 and pre‐date D3. Veins that post‐date D3 are characterized by amphibole + chlorite or by serpentine. PT conditions for S2 parageneses evaluated using two pseudosections for different bulk compositions suggest that these rocks experienced pressures >2.5 ± 0.3 GPa at temperatures slightly higher than 600 °C. The late epidote–amphibolite facies re‐equilibration associated with D3 and D4 developed during late syn‐exhumation deformation related to folding and testifies to a small temperature decrease. These results, which were integrated in the regional framework, suggest that different portions of the Zermatt–Saas Zone registered different PT peak conditions and underwent different exhumation paths. In addition, the inferred PTdt path suggests that the Valtournanche serpentinites re‐equilibrated close to the UHP conditions registered by the Cignana meta‐cherts. These results imply that tectonic slices exhumed after UHP metamorphism might be wider than previously reported or that small‐size UHP units, tectonically sampled during the Alpine convergence, are more abundant than those that have been detected to date.  相似文献   

Early Precambrian rock units in the Urals are present in several polymetamorphic complexes, which are exposed in the Urals in the form of small (<1500 km2) tectonic blocks. Their ages are Archaean (as old as 3.5 Ga) and Palaeoproterozoic. During the formation of these complexes in the early Precambrian, two stages of ultra-high-temperature (granulite) metamorphism occurred. The maximum age of the early Neoarchaean stage of metamorphism is 2.79 Ga. Evidence of this metamorphic event includes the dating of the Taratash gneiss-granulite complex of the South Urals. Gneiss-migmatite complexes, which dominate the lower Precambrian section of the Urals, were formed in the Palaeoproterozoic during the sequential appearance of granulite facies metamorphism followed by amphibolite facies metamorphism and accompanying granitization. The maximum age of the Palaeoproterozoic stage of granulite metamorphism in the Alexandrov gneiss-migmatite complex, the most well-studied complex in the South Urals, is 2.08 Ga.  相似文献   

Distinctive lithological associations and geological relationships, and initial geochronological results indicate the presence of an areally extensive region of reworked Archaean basement containing polymetamorphic granulites in the Rauer Group, East Antarctica.
Structurally early metapelites from within this reworked region preserve complex and varied metamorphic histories which largely pre-date and bear no relation to a Late Proterozoic metamorphism generally recognized in this part of East Antarctica. In particular, magnesian metapelite rafts from Long Point record extreme peak P–T conditions of 10–12 kbar and 100–1050°C, and an initial decompression to 8 kbar at temperatures of greater than 900°C. Initial garnet–orthopyroxene–sillimanite assemblages contain the most magnesian (and pyrope-rich) garnets ( X Mg= 0.71) yet found in granulite facies rocks. A high-temperature decompressional P–T history is consistent with reaction textures in which the phase assemblages produced through garnet breakdown vary systematically with the initial garnet X Mg composition, reflecting the intersection of different divariant reactions in rocks of varied composition as pressures decreased. This history is thought to relate to Archaean events, whereas a lower-temperature ( c. 750–800°C) decompression to 5 kbar reflects Late Proterozoic reworking of these relict assemblages.
The major Late Proterozoic ( c. 1000 Ma) granulite facies metamorphism is recorded in a suite of younger Fe-rich metapelites and associated paragneisses in which syn- to post-deformational decompression, through 2–4 kbar from maximum recorded P–T conditions of 7–9 kbar and 800–850°C, is constrained by geothermobarometry and reaction textures. This P–T evolution is thought to reflect rapid tectonic collapse of crust previously thickened through collision.  相似文献   

Phase relationships in the model mafic system and geothermobarometry allow discrimination of four main groups of high-P rocks in the nappes of the Western Alps: very high-P eclogite-facies (including kyanite eclogites and coesite-pyrope assemblages), eclogite-facies (paragonite-zoisite eclogites), high-T blueschist-facies (glaucophane-garnet ± lawsonite assemblages) and low-T blueschist-facies (glaucophane-lawsonite ± pumpellyite assemblages). The blueschist-facies-eclogite-facies transition is promoted chiefly by increasing T, low bulk XMg and relatively low μH2O. The variety of assemblages and the heterogeneous approach to equilibrium observed in the Alpine rocks are not only constrained by the intersection of the reaction surfaces in P-T-X space, but also by the effect and timing of the processes which control kinetics (i.e. pervasive deformation and fluid infiltration). The faster rate of dehydration reactions relative to hydration reactions along with the fact that different bulk compositions crossed the reaction curves at different temperatures (and times), all may have induced μH2O gradients and contributed to the heterogeneous distribution of deformation through a process of reaction-enhanced ductility. Also mass-transfer may have been an effective process in determining the type of high-P assemblage in particular rock volumes. As regards the P-T-t paths, only the post-climax histories are recorded well in the Alpine nappes. Post-eclogitic exhumation paths at decreasing temperatures characterize structurally higher nappes which were first subducted during the early-Alpine (Cretaceous) event. In contrast, more or less isothermal decompression paths characterize structurally deeper nappes formed by westward propagation of the underthrust surfaces during the early-Alpine event and the subsequent meso-Alpine (Palaeogene) collision between the ‘European’and ‘African’plates. In the Western Alps, prevalent eclogite-facies conditions were attained during the metamorphic climax of the early-Alpine subduction, while blueschist-facies recrystallization characterizes the early-Alpine exhumation of the eclogitized units and the subsequent intracontinental underthrusts linked to the meso-Alpine continental collision.  相似文献   

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