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It is shown that for certain definite conditions of symmetry imposed on the permitting magnetic field geometry for an isothermal case in Kippenhahn and Schlüter's (1957) model of a quiescent prominence, any irrotational velocity field would quickly get converted to rotational.  相似文献   

Hildner  E. 《Solar physics》1974,35(1):123-136
We model the formation of solar quiescent prominences by solving numerically the non-linear, time-dependent, magnetohydrodynamic equations governing the condensation of the corona. A two-dimensional geometry is used. Gravitational and magnetic fields are included, but thermal conduction is neglected. The coronal fluid is assumed to cool by radiation and to be heated by the dissipation of mechanical energy carried by shock waves. A small, isobaric perturbation of the initial thermal and mechanical equilibrium is introduced and the fluid is allowed to relax. Because the corona with the given energy sources is thermally unstable, cooling and condensation result.When magnetic and gravitational fields are absent, condensation occurs isotropically with a strongly time-dependent growth rate, and achieves a density 18 times the initial density in 3.5 × 104 s. The rapidity of condensation is limited by hydrodynamical considerations, in contrast to the treatment of Raju (1968). When both magnetic and gravitational fields are included, the rate of condensation is inhibited and denser material falls.We conclude that: (1) condensation of coronal material due to thermal instability is possible if thermal conduction is inhibited; (2) hydrodynamical processes determine, in large part, the rate of condensation; (3) condensation can occur on a time scale compatible with the observed times of formation of quiescent prominences.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

The stability properties of two prominence models are investigated by considering bounds on the marginal stability conditions. It is shown that Low's (1981) model is unstable to localized disturbances and the Hood and Anzer (1990) model is only stable for sufficiently low prominences. The latter result may be modified by including magnetic shear. It is shown that magnetic shear stabilizes coronal loops against Rayleigh-Taylor instabilities and may help to stabilize prominence models as well.  相似文献   

A. W. Hood  U. Anzer 《Solar physics》1990,126(1):117-133
A class of 2-D models of solar quiescent prominences, with normal polarity, is presented. These represent an extension to the Kippenhahn-Schlüter model for which the prominence configuration matches smoothly onto an external non-potential coronal solution of a constant field. Using typical prominence values a model is constructed which also matches the coronal conditions. It is found that the magnetic field component along the prominence influences the internal structure of the prominence. A simple extension to the basic models is indicated as a means of taking a lower boundary of the prominence and eliminating parasitic polarities in the photosphere.  相似文献   

In some quiescent prominences, areas are found where the H emission profiles are centrally reversed. By combining good spatial, spectral, and temporal resolution, the detailed behavior of these reversal regions has been investigated. Many of the regions show a growth and subsequent decay in the affected area, peak intensity, line width, and depth of the central reversal. Lifetimes of the time-varying reversal features range from 10 to more than 60 min, and they are found near the edges of the prominence fine structure. These events are similar to the impulsive events that the authors discussed in an earlier paper, and may share a common cause. The detailed behavior of the H line profiles is consistent with these reversal features being true self-reversal of the line, indicating unusually high column masses in these areas. Some models of condensation of coronal material to the prominence state predict temporary regions of high density, perhaps high enough to produce the observed reversal. This implies that reversal features are the result of on-going condensation of coronal material into already formed prominences, a result which impacts models of prominence formation and stability.Visiting Astronomer, National Solar Observatory (Sacramento Peak) of National Optical Astronomy Observatories, operated by Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. under contract with the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

A study has been made of fine structure wavelength shift in the K line spectra from quiescent prominences. A persistent small scale motion is found in the prominence main body. In places where we see the characteristic thread like fine structure in the accompanying H filtergrams the average line-of-sight velocity amplitude is about 1 km s–1. A higher velocity ( 4 km s–1) is associated with a slightly coarser, mottled prominence fine structure. In the low lying regions, connecting the prominence body and the chromosphere, we do not detect any fine structure line shift (v 1/2 km s–1).  相似文献   

For stable equilibrium, prominences must be supported with magnetic lines of force leaning upon the photosphere and concave in their tops; however the general structure may be more complicated. If such a field appears in the corona, the heating of the gas near the upper pit should be low, because Alfvén and slow waves do not propagate across magnetic lines and fast mode waves attenuate because of refraction. The gas of the corona, distributed along the magnetic lines tube, cannot keep balance, it should flow down in the pit, condense there and fall down into the chromosphere in some places. The prominence, therefore, originates in the matter of the chromosphere which is situated at the other end of the magnetic lines and flows through the corona under the effect of a siphon-type mechanism. A similar mechanism for chromospheric structures was earlier suggested by Meyer and Schmidt. A stationary stream along the tube has been calculated with allowance for the heat conductivity and radiative cooling of the corona gas. The stream is subsonic and is about 1015 cm−2 sec−1 which corresponds to the prominence formation time of the order of a day.  相似文献   

On the basis of Kippenhahn and Schlüter's magnetohydrostatic model of a quiescent prominence we have attempted to study the effect of a rotational velocity field in it. We find that a physically plausible solution is not possible in the vertical plane. A possibility, however, is shown in the horizontal plane, with certain assumptions to get equal velocity contours.  相似文献   

B. C. Low 《Solar physics》1982,75(1-2):119-131
We present a simple magnetostatic theory of the thin vertical filaments that make up the quiescent prominence plasma as revealed by fine spatial resolution H photographs. A class of exact equilibrium solutions is obtained describing a horizontal row of long vertical filaments whose weights are supported by bowed magnetic field lines. A free function is available to generate different assortments of filament sizes and spacings, as well as different density and temperature variations. The classic Kippenhahn-Schlüter solution for a long sheet without filamentary structures is a particular member of this class of solutions. The role of the magnetic field in supporting and thermally shielding the filament plasma is illustrated. It is found that the filament can have a sharp transition perpendicular to the local field, whereas the transition in the direction of the local field is necessarily diffuse. A consequence of the filamentary structure is that its support by the Lorentz force requires the electric current to have a component along the magnetic field. This electric current flowing into the rarefied region around the prominence can contain substantial energy stored in the form of force-free magnetic fields. This novel feature has implications for the heating and the disruption of prominences.  相似文献   

We analyse the magnetic support of solar prominences in two-dimensional linear force-free fields. A line current is added to model a helical configuration, well suited to trap dense plasma in its bottom part. The prominence is modeled as a vertical mass-loaded current sheet in equilibrium between gravity and magnetic forces.We use a finite difference numerical technique which incorporates both vertical photospheric and horizontal prominence magnetic field measurements. The solution of this mixed boundary problem generally presents singularities at both the bottom and top of the model prominence. The removal of the singularities is achieved by superposition of solutions. Together with the line current equilibrium, these three conditions determine the amplitude of the magnetic field in the prominence, the flux below the prominence and the current intensity, for a given height of the line current. A numerical check of accuracy in the removal of singularities, is done by using known analytical solutions in the potential limit.We have investigated both bipolar and quadrupolar photospheric regions. In this mixed boundary problem the polarity of the field component orthogonal to the prominence is mainly fixed by the imposed height of the line current. For bipolar regions above (respectively below) a critical height the configuration is inverse (respectively normal). For quadrupolar regions the polarity is reversed if we refer the prominence polarity to the closest photospheric polarities. We introduce the polarity of the component parallel to the prominence axis with reference to a sheared arcade. Increasing the shear with fixed boundary conditions can increase or decrease the mass supported depending on the configuration.  相似文献   

Earlier studies of quiescent prominences claim that there is a systematic downward directed motion of the small-scale structure. Disk observations, on the other hand, have detected mass motions both upwards and downwards. The earlier high-resolution observations of limb prominences have been re-examined using local cross-correlation techniques for measurements of motion perpendicular to the line of sight. The new measurements reveal flow speeds and directions that are in good agreement with current Doppler measurements on the disk.  相似文献   

We present measurements of the middle Balmer decrement (n = 10–22) in a number of quiescent prominences. The average decrement continues smoothly the trend of the decrement determined in our previous work on the earlier Balmer lines. The range of T ex is found to be 3450–11 000 K, consistent with the generally accepted range of values for T e. In addition, some values for the hydrogen-to-metal (Fe, Ti+) integrated line intensities are given.  相似文献   

A model for horizontal oscillations of prominences is presented. It is found that the model of a freely oscillating prominence surrounded by coronal matter explains satisfactorily the observed periods and damping times, as well as the changes in the prominence shape.On leave from the Astronomical Institute of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Ondejov.  相似文献   

We have measured the longitudinal component, B, of the magnetic field in quiescent prominences and obtained a relationship between B and , where is the angle between the long axis of the prominence and the north-south direction on the sun. From this relationship we deduce a distribution function for the magnetic field vector in quiescent prominences in terms of the angle between the field and the long axis of the prominence. The mean angle, , for our data is small, - 15°, indicating that the magnetic field traverses quiescent prominences under a small, but finite angle.On leave from Max-Planck Institut für Physik und Astrophysik, München.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

On the basis of Kippenhahn and Schlüter's magnetohydrostatic model of a quiescent prominence, an attempt has been made to study the effect of irrotational motion existing in the prominences on the magnetic field pattern in it, introducing an irrotational velocity field. It is found that, under such a condition, the magnetic field geometry in the model does not change.  相似文献   

The observed structural periodicities in quiescent prominences and filaments are examined in terms of the instability of a plasma supported by a magnetic field against gravity. It is suggested that the spacing of arch-like structures may be identified with the most unstable wavelength of the interface between the prominence and the supporting magnetic field. The results of analysis further suggest that the observed spacing of periodic structures corresponds to the supporting magnetic field which lies at an angle 90° to 60° with respect to the long axis of the prominence.  相似文献   

With thespectro-coronagraph and themultichannel subtractive double pass spectrograph (MSDP) at the Pic du Midi Observatory two quiescent prominences were observed simultaneously. From the spectro-coronagraph observations 2D maps of Hei 10830 , Fexiii 10798 and 10747 line intensities were obtained. In addition, we obtained 2D maps of the ratioR of the two iron lines. This ratio is used as a diagnostic for determining the density of the hot coronal plasma surrounding prominences. We found that the electron density is higher at the location of the prominences than in the corona, whereas small regions (40) of lower electron density are unevenly distributed around the prominences indicating that the surrounding corona is highly inhomogeneous. The density of the cavity is reduced by a factor 1.5 compared to the density of the prominence environment (5 × 108 cm–3). We discuss the existence of cavities around these prominences according to the orientation of their axes relative to the line of sight and according to the velocity field inside the prominences. Constraints on models for prominence formation are derived.  相似文献   

We discuss the longitudinal component of the magnetic field, B , based on data from about 135 quiescent prominences observed at Climax during the period 1968–1969. The measurements are obtained with the magnetograph which records the Zeeman effect on hydrogen, helium and metal lines. Use of the following lines, H; Hei, D3, Hei, 4471 Å; Nai, Di and D2, leads to the same value for the observed magnetic field component in these prominences. For more than half of the prominences their mean field, B , satisfy the inequalities 3 G B 8 G, and the overall mean value for all the prominences is 7.3 G. As a rule, the magnetic field enters the prominence on one side and exits on the other, but in traversing the prominence material, the field tends to run along the long axis of the prominence.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

Observations of the Ca ii H, K, and infrared triplet lines are compared with theoretical predictions from the slab models of Heasley and Milkey (1976). While the theoretical models describe the hydrogen and helium emission spectra of quiescent prominences satisfactorily the predicted Ca ii lines are systematically too bright. The most likely reason for the discrepancy is the inapplicability of the symmetric slab prominence model for lines which become even moderately optically thick in prominences.Operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under contract with the National Science Foundation.Visiting scientist at Kitt Peak National Observatory.  相似文献   

Eberhart Jensen 《Solar physics》1982,77(1-2):109-119
Three quiescent prominences were observed in the Ca ii K-line and a fourth one also in the H-line at Oslo Solar Observatory, Harestua, and reduced by Rustad (1974) and by Engvold et al. (1980). These data are used to study the distribution of the line-of-sight velocity component, N(u 0). It is pointed out that in a stationary and isotropic case, N(u 0) should be a gaussian distribution. For each of the sets of measurements gaussians were therefore fitted by a least square procedure. The range in observed velocities varies considerably between the prominences. For the best observed prominence more than 70% of the kinetic energy is in the supersonic range. In the other cases none or only an insignificant part of the observations exceed the velocity of sound. Considerable deviations from gaussian distributions are apparent for the smallest velocities. This distortion shows up conspicuously in the slope of the energy spectrum, a parameter that may be used as a rough measure of spectral resolution.If it is assumed that we have to do with MHD-turbulence as described by Kraichnan (1965), a characteristic relationship should exist between velocity and eddy size. When supersonic velocities are present, compressibility effects may severely alter this relationship. The possibility of observational confirmation is discussed.If a turbulent velocity field is indeed present, the heat conductivity and other transport coefficients may be significantly altered as compared to the atomic values.  相似文献   

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