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Seismic surveys were conducted and bathymetric data obtained from four alpine lakes in Switzerland. The curvature of the delta slopes was analysed with mathematical equations. Linear or exponential profiles are observed, representing planar or concave morphologies respectively. Planar profiles are interpreted to represent sediment that rests at the angle-of-repose. The slope angle of these profiles shows a correlation with sediment calibre. Exponential profiles do not show a clear correlation between sediment calibre and slope angle; they do not rest at the angle-of-repose, and different kinds of sediment can rest at the same slope angle. At the transition from lower slope to toe- of-slope, the exponential equation fails to predict the present-day morphology. The toe-of-slope lies above the predicted trend. This is attributed to a drastic increase in turbidite deposition that provides additional sediment and raises the basin-floor profile above the predicted trend. The breaks between delta plain and slope are sharp, reflecting an abrupt change from transport by river flow and waves to gravity-driven transport. In these lakes, the base-level fluctuations relative to supply are small and insufficient to alter this sharp topographic break. The absence of sigmoidal profiles on the Swiss deltas is attributed to the high rate of progradation coupled with small fluctuations in base level.  相似文献   

Onshore tsunami deposits may consist of inflow and backflow deposits. Grain sizes can range from clay to boulders of several metres in diameter. Grain‐size distributions reflect the mode of deposition and may be used to explore the hydrodynamic conditions of transport. The absence of unique sedimentary features identifying tsunami deposits makes it difficult in some cases to distinguish inflow from backflow deposits. On Isla Mocha off central Chile, the 27 February 2010 tsunami left behind inflow and backflow deposits of highly variable character. Tsunami inflow entrained sands, gravels and boulders in the upper shoreface, beach, and along coastal terraces. Boulders of up to 12 t were transported up to 300 m inland and 13 m above sea‐level. Thin veneers of coarse sand were found up to the maximum runup at 600 m inland and 19 m above sea‐level. Backflow re‐mobilized most of the sands and gravels deposited during inflow. The orientation of erosional structures indicates that significant volumes of sediment were entrained also during backflow. A major feature of the backflow deposits are widespread prograding fans of coarse sediment developed downcurrent of terrace steps. Fan sediments are mostly structureless but include cross‐bedding, imbrication and ripples, indicating deposition from bedload traction currents. The sediments are poorly sorted, grain sizes range between medium to coarse sand to gravel and pebbles. An assessment of the backflow transport conditions of this mixed material suggests that bedload transport at Rouse numbers >2·5 was achieved by supercritical flows, whereas deposition occurred when currents had decelerated sufficiently on the low‐gradient lower coastal plain. The sedimentary record of the February 2010 tsunami at Isla Mocha consists of backflow deposits to more than 90%. Due to the lack of sedimentary structures, many previous studies of modern tsunami sediments found that most of the detritus was deposited during inflow. This study demonstrates that an uncritical use of this assumption may lead to erroneous interpretations of palaeotsunami magnitudes and sedimentary processes if unknowingly applied to backflow deposits.  相似文献   

Lago Puyehue is a glacigenic lake in the Chilean Lake District (40°S) with a complex deglaciation history. A detailed seismic–stratigraphic study of its sedimentary infill indicates a much earlier retreat of the glacier from the Lago Puyehue basin than the neighbouring glacier from the Lago Rupanco basin. Because of their close proximity, Rupanco meltwater streams played an important part in the depositional processes of Lago Puyehue. A timing discrepancy between the in‐lake ages of a sediment core and the outer‐lake ages of moraine deposits (re)opens the discussion on the timing of deglaciation in the Southern Hemisphere. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Both seismic and tsunami hazards design criteria are essential input to the rehabilitation and long-term development of city of Banda Aceh Post Sumatra 2004 (M w=9.3) disaster. A case study to develop design criteria for future disaster mitigation of the area is presented. The pilot study consists of probabilistic seismic and tsunami hazard analysis. Results of the probabilistic seismic hazard analysis indicates that peak ground acceleration at baserock for 10 and 2% probability of exceedance in 50 years is 0.3 and 0.55 g, respectively. The analysis also provides spectral values at short (T=0.2 s) and long period (T=1.0 s) motions. Some non-linear time-domain earthquake response analyses for soft, medium, and hard site-class were conducted to recommend design response spectra for each site-class. In addition, tsunami inundation maps generated from probabilistic tsunami hazard analysis were developed through tsunami wave propagation analysis and run-up numerical modeling associated with its probability of tsunamigenic earthquake source potential. Both the seismic and tsunami hazard curve and design criteria are recommended as contribution of this study for design criteria, as part of the disaster mitigation effort in the development process of the city. The methodology developed herein could be applied to other seismic and tsunami disaster potential areas.  相似文献   

The seismic hazard model used in the PEGASOS project for assessing earth-quake hazard at four NPP sites was a composite of four sub-models, each produced by a team of three experts. In this paper, one of these models is described in detail by the authors. A criticism sometimes levelled at probabilistic seismic hazard studies is that the process by which seismic source zones are arrived at is obscure, subjective and inconsistent. Here, we attempt to recount the stages by which the model evolved, and the decisions made along the way. In particular, a macro-to-micro approach was used, in which three main stages can be described. The first was the characterisation of the overall kinematic model, the “big picture” of regional seismogenesis. Secondly, this was refined to a more detailed seismotectonic model. Lastly, this was used as the basis of individual sources, for which parameters can be assessed. Some basic questions had also to be answered about aspects of the approach to modelling to be used: for instance, is spatial smoothing an appropriate tool to apply? Should individual fault sources be modelled in an intraplate environment? Also, the extent to which alternative modelling decisions should be expressed in a logic tree structure has to be considered.  相似文献   

The mechanism of formation of lacustrine deposits within stable orogenic belts and their potential for shale oil and gas exploration are frontier themes of challenge in the fields of sedimentology and petro-leum exploration.Orogenic belts witness strong tectonic activities and normally cannot host stable lacus-trine basins and deep shale formations.Therefore,basins in orogenic belts are considered to have no potential to form shale hydrocarbon reservoirs.Here we investigate the Luanping Basin located in the Yanshan orogenic belt where previous studies regarded rivers and fan deltas as the major main Mesozoic deposits.Based on detailed field exploration and scientific drilling,we report the finding of a large number of lacustrine shale continental deep-water deposits in the Mesozoic strata.Our finding of the occurrence of active shale oil and gas also in this basin also subvert the previous perceptions.We report SHRIMP zircon U-Pb age that define the bottom boundary of the target interval as 127.6±1.7 Ma belonging to the early Cretaceous strata.Tectonics and climate are considered to be the main factors that controlled the deep-water sedimentation during this period.The drill cores revealed evidence of shale gas and the TOC of shale is 0.33%-3.60%,with an average value of 1.39%and Ro is 0.84%-1.21%,with an average value of 1.002%.The brittleness index of shale is between 52.7%and 100%.After vertical well fracturing,the daily gas production is more than 1000 m3.Our findings show that the basin has consid-erable potential for shale oil and gas.The geological resources of the shale gas in the Xiguayuan Fm.are estimated as 1110.12 × 108 m3,with shale oil geological resources of 3340.152×104t.Our findings indi-cate that the Yanshan orogenic belt has potential exploration prospect.This work not only redefines the Luanping Basin as a rift deep-water Mesozoic Lake Basin,but also rules out the previous notion that the basin is dominated by shallow water sediments.The discovery of shale oil and gas also provides an important reference for subsequent petroleum exploration and development in this basin.Our study shows that shale oil and gas reservoirs can be found in the lacustrine basins of orogenic belts which were strongly influenced by volcanism.These results have significant implications for the sedimentology and oil exploration in the Qinling and Xingmeng Orogenic Belts of China,as well as those in other terranes of the world including the New England Orogenic Belt in Australia.  相似文献   

The study of mass movements in lake sediments provides insights into past natural hazards at historic and prehistoric timescales. Sediments from the deep basin of Lake Geneva reveal a succession of six large‐scale (volumes of 22 × 106 to 250 × 106 m3) mass‐transport deposits, associated with five mass‐movement events within 2600 years (4000 cal bp to 563 ad ). The mass‐transport deposits result from: (i) lateral slope failures (mass‐transport deposit B at 3895 ± 225 cal bp and mass‐transport deposits A and C at 3683 ± 128 cal bp ); and (ii) Rhône delta collapses (mass‐transport deposits D to G dated at 2650 ± 150 cal bp , 2185 ± 85 cal bp , 1920 ± 120 cal bp and 563 ad , respectively). Mass‐transport deposits A and C were most probably triggered by an earthquake, whereas the Rhône delta collapses were likely to be due to sediment overload with a rockfall as the external trigger (mass‐transport deposit G, the Tauredunum event in 563 ad known from historical records), an earthquake (mass‐transport deposit E) or unknown external triggers (mass‐transport deposits D and F). Independent of their origin and trigger mechanisms, numerical simulations show that all of these recorded mass‐transport deposits are large enough to have generated at least metre‐scale tsunamis during mass movement initiation. Since the Tauredunum event in 563 ad , two small‐scale (volumes of 1 to 2 × 106 m3) mass‐transport deposits (H and I) are present in the seismic record, both of which are associated with small lateral slope failures. Mass‐transport deposits H and I might be related to earthquakes in Lausanne/Geneva (possibly) 1322 ad and Aigle 1584 ad , respectively. The sedimentary record of the deep basin of Lake Geneva, in combination with the historical record, show that during the past 3695 years, at least six tsunamis were generated by mass movements, indicating that the tsunami hazard in the Lake Geneva region should not be neglected, although such events are not frequent with a recurrence time of 0·0016 yr?1.  相似文献   

For two different zonations of the Calabro-Sicilian region the macroseismic intensity attenuation parameters are computed using the Grandori model.Some modifications to this relation are proposed here in order to allow its applicability also to those cases in which the data set available for each source zone does not present three successive epicentral intensity levels (I 0) as required for its application.Maps of theoretical distribution of maximum expected intensities were plotted for both zonations adopted, in order to test the reliability, also using other attenuation models.The results of the analysis show how the proposed modifications to the Grandori relation allow the macroseismic intensity attenuation modelling even in cases in which only one intensity level is available.Finally, the comparison of theoretical maximum expected intensity distribution maps, computed for different attenuation models and seismogenic zonations, shows that the maps plotted using the Grandori model and the zonation adopted by G.N.D.T. (Gruppo Nazionale Difesa dai Terremoti - C.N.R. Italy) are more reliable.  相似文献   

The general philosophy of seismic hazard evaluation described here is appropriate for selection of seismic input to regional earthquake engineering codes prior to detailed on-site inspections and geotechnical assessments. Some probabilistic seismic hazard methodologies which can be applied in areas of low and high seismicity, are briefly described to emphasise the main equations with specimen results. Three aspects of hazard assessment are explored by different pathways. These include the analysis of regional earthquake catalogues to obtain magnitude recurrence, particularly using Gumbel extreme value statistics. This is extended to assess ground shaking hazard which is usually sought by earthquake engineers. Thirdly, the concept of earthquake perceptibility is developed, leading to the identification of an earthquake magnitude or type which is characteristic of a region. This most perceptible earthquake is most likely to be felt at any site in a region and provides an earthquake selection criterion which can be used in aseismic design of noncritical structures. Because there are several methods of seismic hazard evaluation, the view is expressed that it is sensible for practical purposes to seek results from different methods or different pathways to the hazard evaluation.Paper presented at the Commission of the European Communities' School on Earthquake Hazard Evaluation, Athens, and at the 21st General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission, held in Sofia, 1988.Now at School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia, University Plain, Norwich NR4 7TJ, U.K.  相似文献   

Several Pb-Zn deposits and occurrences within Iran are hosted by Mesozoic–Tertiary-aged sedimentary and igneous rocks. This study reports new Pb isotope analyses for galena from 14 Pb-Zn deposits in the Alborz and Central Iran structural zones. In general, Pb isotope ratios are extremely variable with data plotting between the upper crustal and orogenic curves in a plumbotectonic diagram. The latter may be attributed to Pb inputs from crustal and mantle end-members. Most of the galena samples are characterized by high 207Pb/204Pb ratios, suggesting significant input of Pb from old continental crust or pelagic sediment. Pb isotope data also indicate that some of the deposits, which are hosted by sedimentary rocks in Central Iran and Alborz, have similar Pb isotopic compositions and hence suggest similar source regions. Most of the galenas yield Pb model ‘ages’ that vary between ~140 and ~250 Ma, indicating that mineralization resulted from the extraction of ore-bearing fluids from Upper Triassic–Lower Jurassic sequences. The similarity in Pb isotope ratios for the Pb-Zn deposits located within these zones suggests analogous crustal evolution histories. Our preferred interpretation is that Pb-Zn mineralization within the sedimentary and igneous rocks of the Central Iran and Alborz tectonic regions occurred following a Late Cretaceous–Tertiary accretionary stage of crustal thickening in Iran.  相似文献   

Long sediment cores were collected in spring 2006 from Lake Petén Itzá, northern Guatemala, in water depths ranging from 30 to 150 m, as part of an International Continental Scientific Drilling Program project. The sediment records from deep water consist mainly of alternating clay, gypsum and carbonate units and, in at least two drill sites, extend back >200 kyr. Most of the lithostratigraphic units are traceable throughout the basin along seismic reflections that serve as seismic stratigraphic boundaries and suggest that the lithostratigraphy can be used to infer regional palaeoenvironmental changes. A revised seismic stratigraphy was established on the basis of integrated lithological and seismic reflection data from the basin. From ca 200 to ca 85 ka, sediments are dominated by carbonate‐clay silt, often interbedded with sandy turbidites, indicating a sediment regime dominated by detrital sedimentation in a relatively humid climate. At ca 85 ka, an exposure horizon consisting of gravels, coarse sand and terrestrial gastropods marks a lake lowstand or partial basin desiccation, indicating dry climate conditions. From ca 85 to ca 48 ka, transgressive carbonate‐clay sediments, overlain by deep‐water clays, suggest a lake level rise and subsequent stabilization at high stage. From ca 48 ka to present, the lithology is characterized by alternating clay and gypsum units. Gypsum deposition correlates with Heinrich Events (i.e. dry climate), whereas clay units coincide with more humid interstadials.  相似文献   

Seismic hazard analysis is based on data and models, which both are imprecise and uncertain. Especially the interpretation of historical information into earthquake parameters, e.g. earthquake size and location, yields ambiguous and imprecise data. Models based on probability distributions have been developed in order to quantify and represent these uncertainties. Nevertheless, the majority of the procedures applied in seismic hazard assessment do not take into account these uncertainties, nor do they show the variance of the results. Therefore, a procedure based on Bayesian statistics was developed to estimate return periods for different ground motion intensities (MSK scale).Bayesian techniques provide a mathematical model to estimate the distribution of random variables in presence of uncertainties. The developed method estimates the probability distribution of the number of occurrences in a Poisson process described by the parameter . The input data are the historical occurrences of intensities for a particular site, represented by a discrete probability distribution for each earthquake. The calculation of these historical occurrences requires a careful preparation of all input parameters, i.e. a modelling of their uncertainties. The obtained results show that the variance of the recurrence rate is smaller in regions with higher seismic activity than in less active regions. It can also be demonstrated that long return periods cannot be estimated with confidence, because the time period of observation is too short. This indicates that the long return periods obtained by seismic source methods only reflects the delineated seismic sources and the chosen earthquake size distribution law.  相似文献   

松辽坳陷深水湖盆层序界面特征及低位域沉积模式   总被引:20,自引:8,他引:20  
白垩系青山口组到嫩江组沉积时期,松辽盆地为深水坳陷湖盆,沿长轴方向为缓坡,而在短轴方向为陡坡。缓坡条件下,三级层序界面表现为沉积相带的迁移,地震剖面上的超削反射终止特征不明显,陡坡条件下,三级层序界面不仅表现为沉积相带的迁移,而且在地震剖面上的超削反射终止特征十分明显。在层序内部均可识别出低位域、水进域和高位域。在层序的低位域,沿盆地长轴方向,三角洲水下分流河道十分发育,在河口的前方形成分布较广、相对较薄的河口坝、远砂坝沉积及湖底扇;沿短轴方向,三角洲水下分流河道不发育,而发育河口坝和远砂坝,向湖区方向,过渡为前三角洲和深湖沉积,在前三角洲和深湖沉积区发育大量重力流成因的湖底扇。  相似文献   

Active faults play the key role in the formation of the morphological structures and control the seismicity in the Olekma-Stanovoi seismic zone. The detailed geological-structural and morphotectonic studies of fault zones made it possible to estimate the kinematics of the active faults and their activity degree in the Holocene (the last 10 000 years). The latter include old faults such as, for example, the Stanovoi Suture of the Proterozoic age. Most of these faults are the Late Mesozoic and Cenozoic in age. The studies were aimed at reconstructing the past seismogeological processes and were accompanied by trenching across morphological structures that are presumably associated with zones of active tectonic fractures preliminarily studied by geophysical methods. The applied approach allowed us to substantially specify the available information on the seismotectonics and the potential seismic hazard in the region.  相似文献   

Macroscopic charcoal records from a thermokarst lake deposit in central Yakutia, eastern Siberia, were used to reconstruct the history of forest fires and investigate its relationship to thermokarst initiation. High accumulation rates of charcoal and pollen were coincident in the basal deposits of the thermokarst lake, which suggests that both were initially deposited on the forest floor and subsequently reworked and accumulated in the thermokarst depression. High charcoal and pollen accumulation rates in the basal deposits, dating to 11,000-9000 cal yr BP, also indicate that the thermokarst topography developed during the early Holocene. A lower charcoal accumulation rate after ca. 9000 cal yr BP suggests that thermokarst development has been inhibited since this time. It also indicates that a surface-fire regime has been predominant at least since ca. 9000 cal yr BP in central Yakutia.  相似文献   

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