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The morphology of pyrites from the Proterozoic, auriferous and uraniferous conglomerates of the Upper Witwatersrand System of the Klerksdorp Goldfield (South Africa) was studied by means of scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The pyrite particles were recovered by hydrofluoric acid leaching, thus making a three-dimensional SEM examination possible. According to morphological criteria the pyrites were classified into three types. Trace-element analysis by atomic absorption spetrophotometry (Au, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Pb, Mn, As) and the statistical evaluation of the results confirmed the morphological classification:
  • Type 1: Authigenic, idiomorphic to hypidiomorphic pyrites or pyrite accumulations, which were formed in the conglomerates during diagenesis or metamorphism.
  • Type 2: Allogenic, rounded, compact pyrites. This type was eroded from primary deposits in the hinterland of the Witwatersrand basin and deposited with the Witwatersrand sediments. It shows the closest trace-element affinity to pyrites from the Barberton Mountain Land, the source area model for the Witwatersrand sediments. The recognition of this pyrite type from the Klerksdorp Goldfield is in agreement with observations on detrital compact pyrites described from other goldfields of the Witwatersrand.
  • Type 3: Allogenic, rounded, porous pyrites. These were formed from pyritic muds and iron sulfide gels existing on the surface of the alluvial fan, and later were reworked as mud balls or fragments and deposited with the conglomerates. Indentations with radial fracture patterns point to transport partly in a plastic state. The occurrence of colloform pyrites among this type supports the postulation of pyritic muds or iron sulfide gels. Only in this type of pyrite various inclusions such as gold, quartz, silicates, brannerite, copper- and titanium-bearing minerals were found. It is suggested that these inclusions were trapped as dust-like particles in the pyritic muds or iron sulfide gels on the surface of the alluvial fan. Only the presence of the allogenic, porous pyrites could be correlated with high gold values in the conglomerates.
  • The three-dimensional SEM examination of the pyrites has shown that the pyrite types described by previous authors from the Witwatersrand System can be classified into the three types of pyrite given here.  相似文献   

    The English geologist, Frederick Henry Hatch (1864–1932), today mainly recalled for a textbook on igneous petrology, emigrated to South Africa, where, in the years between 1892 and 1906, he became one of the pioneers of the geology of the Transvaal and the Witwatersrand Goldfield. This article reviews his life and, in particular, his work during this period which led to his becoming a mining geologist with connections to many of the world's goldfields, set against the political background of the Boer War which influenced the course of his work.  相似文献   

    Summary The maximum metamorphic grade in West Rand Group shales from three boreholes to the east and south of the Vredefort Dome is lower greenschist facies. In most samples the peak metamorphic assemblage consists of quartz + muscovite + chlorite, with the phyllosilicates defining a tectonic cleavage. In many of the samples more coarsely crystalline alteration zones that clearly crosscut both bedding and the tectonic cleavage overprint this assemblage. The alteration zones are localized around minor faults and shears where fluid ingress has occurred. Muscovite was not observed in these zones and the cleaved matrix assemblages has been replaced by assemblages consisting of pyrite + quartz ± chlorite ± stilpnomelane ± calcite ± carbonaceous matter ± Mn-garnet ± epidote ± chalcopyrite. In some of the alteration zones stilpnomelane is a very common product and appears to arise through the breakdown of chlorite + muscovite. K and Fe metasomatism are indicated during this reaction, as well as the obvious mobility of S, Cu and C. Assays on small samples indicate gold introduction into the shales during the alteration event. Chlorite thermometry was used to estimate the equilibration temperature of chlorite from the cleaved matrix and the alteration zones. Temperatures close to 300°C are indicated for both chlorite varieties, and for all three boreholes. These results, and the petrographic data, imply that fluid influx post-dated the formation of the tectonic cleavage, but occurred close to the peak of metamorphism. Comparison between the chlorite thermometry data from this study with those from similar studies in the goldfields indicates very similar peak metamorphic grades in both areas, suggesting that these metamorphic conditions may be typical of almost the entire basin. The one exception is obviously the amphibolite facies metamorphism exposed in the northwestern sector of the collar of the Vredefort Dome. Several recent studies have suggested that this metamorphism is representative of a widespread zone of higher grade metamorphism within the central portions of the basin. The results of this study indicate that this is unlikely to be the case and suggest that these amphibolite facies rocks are probably unique to the northern portions of the dome.
    Die Metamorphose- und Alterationsgeschichte von Peliten der West Rand Group im distalen Bereich des Witwatersrand Beckens
    Zusammenfassung Dieser Artikel dokumentiert die Metamorphose und Alteration einiger Tonschiefer der West Rand Group, welche in drei Bohrkernen östlich und südlich des Vredefort Domes aufgeschlossen sind. In allen untersuchten Proben entspricht der maximale Metamorphosegrad der unteren Grünschiefer Fazies. Die maximalen metamorphen Bedingungen sind häufig durch die Mineralparagenese Quarz + Muscovit + Chlorit charakterisiert, wobei die Schichtsilikate eine ausgeprägte Schieferung definieren. Viele der Proben zeichnen sich durch gröber kristalline Bereiche intensiver Alteration aus, die sowohl die Schieferung als auch die Schichtung deutlich schneiden und in denen die metamorphe Mineralparagenese überprägt ist. Diese Alterationszonen befinden sich im Bereich von kleineren Störungen und Scherzonen, entlang derer Fluide eingedrungen sind. Muscovit fehlt in diesen Bereichen und die Matrixminerale sind durch die Paragenese Pyrit ± Quarz ± Chlorit ± Stilpnomelan ± Kalzit ± Kohlenstoff-haltiges Material ± Mn-Granat ± Epidot ± Kupferkies verdrängt worden. In einigen Alterationszonen findet man häufig Stilpnomelan, welcher möglicherweise auf Kosten von Muscovit und Chlorit gewachsen ist. Versuche, diese Reaktion mit Hilfe von gemessenen Mineralzusammensetzungen unter Annahme eines isochemischen Systems auszugleichen, scheiterten. Dies ist wahrscheinlich auf die Mobilität von K und Fe, sowie S, Cu and C zurückzuführen. Untersuchungen an kleinen Proben deuten darauf hin, daß die Alteration mit einer Goldanreicherung verbunden war. Die Abschätzung der Gleichgewichtstemperaturen von Chlorit der geschieferten Matrix sowie der Alterationszone mit Hilfe von Chlorit-Thermometrie ergab Temperaturen um 300°C für beide Chlorit-Varietäten aus allen drei Bohrkernen, Diese thermometrischen und petrographischen Daten sprechen dafür, daß die Fluidinfiltration nach Anlegung der Schieferung nahe dem Metamorphosehöhepunkt erfolgte. Ein Vergleich der Daten aus der Chlorit-Thermometrie dieser Studie mit den Ergebnissen ähnlicher Studien in den Goldfeldern ergibt sehr ähnliche metamporphe Bedingungen, was möglicherweise dafür spricht, daß diese Bedingungen typisch für das ganze Becken sind. Die einzige Ausnahme bildet offensichtlich die amphibolitfazielle Metamorphose in den nordwestlichen Randbereichen des Vredefort Domes. Einige neuere Studien spekulieren, daß diese Metamorphose eventuell für eine breite Zone höhergradiger Metamorphose im zentralen Teil des Beckens repräsentativ ist. Unsere Resultate deuten jedoch eher darauf hin, daß diese amphibolitfaziellen Gesteine auf den nördlichen Teil des Domes beschränkt sind.

    Examination of columnar carbonaceous material or thucholite from gold-bearing conglomerate revealed internal structures morphologically resembling filamentous, branched and apparently septate cells of obvious biological origin partially encrusted with gold, as well as silicified structures which could be identified as primitive fungi. The columnar structures could be part of a differentiated, apparently symbiotic organism which formed carpet-like colonies of up to several square metres in extent. On the basis of the chemical composition and the apparent ability of the suggested organism to assimilate gold and other inorganic material, the apparent presence of a symbiotic alga and the assumed nature of the Precambrian environment, an organism is proposed that has many morphological similarities with lichens but has otherwise no known living equivalent.  相似文献   

    Carbon seams in the Witwatersrand System of South Africa host some of the richest gold concentrations in the world. A study of the microscopic characteristics in thin sections and acid residues, and of the chemical and physical nature of the carbon-bearing phases, was undertaken to gain some understanding of the biological precursors and thermal changes that have occurred since the seams were buried.The HCl---HF acid-resistant organic tissues in this Early Proterozoic coal are filamentous and spherical, which are typical morphologies for microorganisms. The tissues are carbonized black as would be expected for metamorphic rocks, so usual palynological techniques were of limited use. Therefore, the chemical and physical nature of the organic remains was studied by ratios, X-ray diffraction (XRD), 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), reductive chemistry, crosspolarization/magic angle spinning NMR (CP/MAS), and electron spin resonance (ESR).The ratios of the samples examined are similar to those of semi-anthracite and petroleum cokes from delayed cokers. XRD shows graphite is not present and that the gold is in elemental form, not chemically bound or intercalated between carbon planes. NMR shows that both aromatic and paraffinic carbons are present. Integration of the carbon NMR spectra suggests that 80% of the carbon is sp2-hybridized and 20% is sp3-hybridized. Reductive chemistry shows that the benzenoid entities are larger than common polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons such as perylene and decacyclene. Dipolar dephasing CP/MAS NMR suggests the presence of two types of paraffinic carbons, a rigid methylene group and a rotating methyl group. The narrowing of the ESR linewidth between room temperature and 300°C shows that the materials examined have not previously been subjected to temperatures as high as 300°C.  相似文献   

    Commercial gold mining of the Witwatersrand Supergroup in the Far West Rand goldfields of South Africa started early in the previous century and produced U as a by-product. Grades of up to 1000 mg/kg, was achieved between 1952 and 1991. Before and after this period large amounts of U brought to the surface as part of the gold ore-material were deposited as solid-water-mixtures (sludge) on slimes dams. Tailings of gold mines in the Witwatersrand basin therefore contain elevated levels of radioactive and chemo-toxic heavy metals. Mining for gold occurs at great depths below the Transvaal Supergroup dolomite. The inflow of water from the overlying dolomite aquifers resulted in substantial volumes being pumped continuously from the mine void to prevent flooding. Since large-scale dewatering of the dolomite compartments was allowed for mining, extensive sinkhole formation occurred. Between 1960 and 2000, these sinkholes and other subsidence features were back:filled as part of rehabilitation program, using a mixture of mine tailings and cement. Many of the gold mines are reaching the end of their economic viability and will close down in the next few years. Dewatering of the dolomite water compartments will come to an end resulting in a gradual rise in the water table. The uncontrolled rise of the water table to pre-mining levels will not only result in further land degradation due to renewed ground instability but also may also lead to uncontrolled pollution and acid mine drainage imminent from slimes filled sinkholes and cavities Furthermore, gold tailings facilities were placed on well-drained dolomite, resulting in seepage of dissolved U from tailing deposits into the dolomitic aquifer. The majority of the studies into mining-related pollution conducted thus far focused either on point-discharges of mining effluents into surface streams or on erosion of tailing particles from slime dams as contamination sources. This paper investigates the magnitude of land degradation and pollution potential of the sinkholes filled by tailings and cement. A combination of LIDAR and Aerial magnetic and radiometric techniques are used to localize sinkholes, structures such as dykes and faults along which polluted water will be transported from slimes and tailings into the aquifer.  相似文献   

    Summary The Vredefort Dome represents an area of significant ( 10 km) structural uplift within the central parts of the economically important Witwatersrand Basin. Its rocks experienced higher grades of metamorphism than the equivalent stratigraphic horizons exposed around the periphery of the basin. Recent studies of this medium- to high-grade metamorphism, as well as new evidence concerning the origin of the dome, have contributed to a metamorphic model for the Witwatersrand Basin as a whole. This evidence shows that the gold-bearing strata experienced at least two metamorphic events at ca. 2 Ga. The unusually high strain rate and shock deformation features exposed in the rocks of the dome rule out an endogenous origin by tectonic or diapiric processes. Recent work on these features has shown that the dome is best explained as the central uplift of a large, 250–300 km diameter, 2023±44 Ma old meteorite impact structure, the extent of which closely correlates with the present-day limits of the Witwatersrand Basin. Impact-related deformation features in the Vredefort rocks facilitate the separation of metamorphic textures developed during a pre-impact event associated with the 2.05–2.06 Ga Bushveld magmatism, and textures developed during a slightly lower-grade, post-impact, static overprint. The post-impact overprint decreases in intensity outwards from the dome. It is attributed to the massive disturbance of the thermal structure of the crust by impact-induced exhumation, and to shock heating of the rocks as a consequence of the impact event.
    Die Bedeutung des Vredefort-Domes für die thermische und strukturelle Entwicklung des Witwatersrand-Beckens, Südafrika
    Zusammenfassung Der Vredefort Dom ist ein Gebiet von signifikantem (ca. 10 km), strukturellem Uplift im Zentralbereich des wirtschaftlich bedeutungsvollen Witwatersrand-Beckens. Die Ges-teine des Doms haben höhere Metamorphosebedingungen erfahren als die stratigraphisch äquivalenten Lagen, die im Randbereich des Beckens aufgeschlossen sind. Kürzlich durchgeführte Untersuchungen dieser mittel-bis hochgradigen Metamorphose und neueste Ergebnisse zur Entstehung des Domes haben einen Beitrag zu einem Metamorphose-Modell für das gesamte Witwatersrand-Becken geleistet. Diese neuen Befunde zeigen, daß die Gold-hältigen Gesteinsschichten zumindest zwei metamorphe Ereignisse vor ca. 2 Ga erfahren haben. Die ungewöhnlich hohen Beanspruchungsraten und die Stoßwellendeformationsstrukturen, die in den Gesteinen des Doms belegt sind, sprechen gegen einen endogenen Ursprung durch tektonische oder diapirische Prozesse. Neuere Arbeiten an diesen Phänomenen haben gezeigt, daß der Dom am besten als die zentrale Struktureinheit (Zentralberg) einer sehr grossen, 250–300 km weiten und 2023±4 Ma alten Meteoriteneinschlagsstruktur verstanden werden kann, deren Ausmaß eng mit den jetzigen Grenzen des Witwatersrand-Beckens übereinstimmt. Die Gegenwart von Impakt-bezogenen Deformationsstrukturen in Vredefort-Gesteinen erlaubt es, die metamorphen Texturen, die während eines hochgradigen, mit dem 2.05–2.06 Ga Bushveld Magmatismus korrelierten, metamorphen Stadiums vor dem Impaktereignis entstanden sind, von den Texturen zu trennen, die ein statisch metamorphes Ereignis von etwas geringerer Stärke, das nach dem Impakt stattfand, produzierte. Die Spuren des post-Impakt Ereignisses nehmen in ihrer Stärke zum Rand des Domes ab. Dieser Effekt wird durch eine massive Störung der thermischen Krusten-Struktur erklärt, die als Resultat einer Kombination von Impakt-induzierter Exhumierung, von Schock-Aufheizung der Krustengesteine, und von Erwärmung durch einen gewaltigen, jetzt erodierten Impaktschmelzgesteinskörper gesehen wird.

    Summary Pseudotachylitic breccias, associated with either bedding-parallel or normal faults, are abundant in the northern and northwestern parts of the gold- and uranium-rich Witwatersrand Basin in South Africa. They are particularly abundant in a zone tangential to the Vredefort Dome, a structure which is now widely accepted to be the eroded remnant of the central uplift of the originally 250 to 300 km wide Vredefort impact structure.Several of these fault zones were sampled along vertical traverses that included both fault breccias and host rocks. Geochemical analyses were undertaken to investigate the processes involved in fault rock formation. In addition, the temporal relationships of fault activity to regional geological events was studied. Detailed petrographic analysis shows evidence for strong hydrothermal overprints of the faults related to breccia formation (thus termed autometasomatism), as well as post-formational alteration. Mixing between two or more precursor lithologies and fluid alteration affected both the fault zones and their wall-rocks. A wide spectrum of trace elements, including Au and U, has been locally mobilised and redeposited by these processes.These fault zones, some of which are of basin-wide significance, were important channels for fluids that also modified the distribution of base metals in the Witwatersrand Basin. The regionally separated locations of our study areas suggest that these processes affected at least a major part of the basin. However, as the chemical characteristics determined for the fault zones differ from site to site, it is likely that the metals were only locally remobilised in the vicinity of fault zones or to previously hydrothermally altered country rock. Subsequent redeposition of metals was limited to the regimes in and around such fault zones.
    Pseudotachylitische Brekzien aus Störungszonen des Witwatersrand-Beckens: Hinweise auf Autometasomatose und Alteration nach der Brekzienbildung
    Zusammenfassung Pseudotachylitische Brekzien, entweder an schicht-parallelen oder normalen Verwerfungen, kommen häufig im nördlichen und nordwestlichen Teil des Gold- und Uranreichen Witwatersrand Beckens in Südafrika vor. Man hat sie hauptsächlich von einem tangentialen Bereich um den Vredefort Dom beschrieben. Der Dom ist der tieferodierte Rest der zentralen Aufwölbung der Vredefort Impaktstruktur, die ursprünglich linen Durchmesser von mindestens 250 Km hatte.Einige dieser Verwerfungszonen wurden entlang von Traversen beprobt, die Verwerfungsbrekzien sowie deren Nebengesteine beinhalteten, und geochemisch mit dem Ziel untersucht, die Prozesse bei der Brekzien-Bildung und die zeitlichen Verhältnisse von Verwerfungen und regionalgeologischen Ereignissen zu erfassen. Petrographische Analysen zeigten, daß die Verwerfungszonen im Zusammenhang mit der Brekzierungsphase stark hydrothermal überprägt wurden (ein Prozess, der daher als Autometasomatose bezeichnet wird) und eine zweite Überprägungsphase erfahren haben, die nach der Brekzierung stattfand. Es wird gezeigt, daß sowohl Mischung von wenigstens zwei Mutter-Gesteinskomponenten und Flüssigkeitsüberprägung, die Verwerfungszonen und Nebengesteine betraf, wichtige Rollen in der Bestimmung der chemischen Charakteristiken der untersuchten Zonen spielten. Viele Elemente, darunter Gold und Uran, wurden durch diese Prozesse lokal mobilisiert und wieder abgelagert.Diese Verwerfungszonen, von denen einige eine beckenweite Bedeutung besitzen, agierten als wichtige Kanäle für Flüssigkeiten, die die Verbreitung von wichtigen Metallen im Witwatersrand Becken modifizieren konnten. Da unsere Untersuchungsorte weit voneinander getrennt liegen, muß angenommen werden, daß diese Prozesse wenigstens weite Teile des Beckens beeinflußten. Da jedoch die chemischen Charakteristika der untersuchten Zonen von Fall zu Fall unterschiedlich sind, liegt die Vermutung nahe, daß Metalle höchstens lokal mobilisiert und umgelagert wurden und daß dies vermutlich im wesentlichen in der Nähe von existierenden Reefs stattfand. Es ist ferner klar, daß die Umlagerung von Metallen auf die unmittelbaren Bereiche dieser Verwerfungszonen beschränkt war.

    Concentrations and isotopic ratios of dissolved noble gases, 36Cl, δD and δ18O in water samples from the ultra-deep gold mines (0.718 to 3.3 km below the surface) in the Witwatersrand Basin, South Africa, were investigated to quantify the dynamics of these ultra deep crustal fluids. The mining activity has a significant impact on the concentrations of dissolved gases, as the associated pressure release causes the degassing of the fissure water. The observed under saturation of the atmospheric noble gases in the fissure water samples (70-98%, normalized to ASW at 20°C and 1013 mbar) is reproduced by a model that considers diffusive degassing and solubility equilibration with a gas phase at sampling temperature. Corrections for degassing result in 4He concentrations as high as 1.55 · 10−1cm3STP4He g−1, 40Ar/36Ar ranging between 806 and 10331, and 134Xe/132Xe and 136Xe/132Xe ratios above 0.46 and 0.44, respectively. Corrected 134(136)Xe/132Xe and 134(136)Xe/4He-ratios are consistent with their production ratios, whereas the nucleogenic 4He/40Ar, and 134(136)Xe/40Ar ratios generally indicate that these gases are produced in an environment with an average [U + Th]/K-content 2-3 times above that of crustal average. In two scenarios, one considering only accumulation of in situ produced noble gases, the other additionally crustal flux components, the model ages for 14 individual water samples range from 13 to 168 Ma and from 1 to 23 Ma, respectively.The low 36Cl-ratios of (4-37) · 10−15 and comparatively high 36Cl-concentrations of (8-350) · 10−15 atoms 36Cl l−1 reflect subsurface production in secular equilibrium indicating an age in excess of 1.5 Ma or 5 times the half-life of 36Cl.In combination, the results suggest residence times of the fluids in fissures in this region (up to 3.3 km depth) are of the order of 1-100 Ma. We cannot exclude the possibility of mixing and that small quantities of younger water have been mixed with the very old bulk.  相似文献   

    BRYAN KRAPEZ 《Sedimentology》1985,32(2):223-234
    Five local varieties of the Ventersdorp Contact placer at the East Driefontein Gold Mine, Carletonville, are distinguished by clast-type assemblage, reflecting discrete provenances. The placer further comprises six lithofacies which are not restricted to specific provenance-varieties. The six lithofacies are: massive, matrix-supported conglomerate (facies Gms): massive, or crudely bedded, clast-supported conglomerate (facies Gm); channel-based conglomerate (facies Gt); single clast layers (facies Glag); horizontally stratified sandstone (facies Sh); and trough cross-stratified sandstone (facies St). Facies Gms represents debris-flow deposits, whereas the other facies are stream deposits. Lithofacies and provenance-varieties are complexly interrelated in local environments, which are themselves complexly related to geomorphic elements of a degradation surface. The maximum thickness of the placer is 7 m. The placer was deposited on a hard, i.e. non-alluvial, bedrock surface, suggesting that it is a pediment mantle. It owes its preservation to a capping of conformably overlying basalts. Economic gold mineralization is present in all the conglomerate facies and all the provenance-varieties. Gold concentrations are high in gravel-bar deposits and channel fills but are not restricted to these environments. A major feature of gold concentration is its variability between provenance-controlled varieties. The gold concentration of a specific primary source is interpreted to be a major control on gold concentration in the final deposit. The origin of the placer as a pediment mantle, and its subsequent preservation by lava-flows, suggests that there was little potential for selective reworking of heavy minerals. Nevertheless, the Ventersdorp Contact placer on the Carletonville Goldfield is one of the richest gold placers in the Witwatersrand Basin.  相似文献   

    The Kimberley Reef is a Proterozoic gold-uranium-placer which was deposited during the Kimberley stage of the Upper Witwatersrand System, approximately 2.7 × 109 years ago. The investigated site at Marievale GMC. is located towards the fanbase of the East Rand Goldfield. Geological, sedimentological, and geochemical parameters show that the placer formed in a fluviatil depositional environment (ca. 40 cm water depth) with a small-scale meandering stream pattern. Gold anomalies are elongated and frequently arcuate-shaped with sinuosities of ±1.5; their orientation reveals a high degree of variability on the scale of a few metres to tens of metres. They formed at the inside of meandering channel curves next to and alongside elongated conglomerate bodies which correspond to point bars. Concentrations of other heavy minerals formed according to their decreasing specific gravity at the outer, convex side and the downstream part of gold anomalies roughly in the order uraninite — pyrite and chromite — zircon. This sedimentary-controlled gold and heavy mineral distribution pattern was complicated by lateral channel migrations and frequent bed changes of streams, as well as subsequent faulting which had a depletioning effect on gold.  相似文献   

    对南非兰德砾岩型金矿床的研究成果进行总结,概括了绍斯迪普金矿床的区域地质背景、岩石地层划分,较为系统地分析了矿床的地质特征和矿床成因。 得出如下结论:①金的主要来源可能与太古宙含金花岗绿岩带有密切关系;②金矿体主要受太古宙文特斯多普砾岩地层和中兰德群中的Turffontein亚群埃尔斯伯格组砾岩地层控制;③金矿床可能经历了早期沉积成岩成矿阶段—后期改造富集多个(Klipriviersberg火山活动作用时期和与2050Ma布什维尔德杂岩体有关的变质作用高峰时期)阶段,为复合成因的层控改造型矿床。研究结果对该类矿床的深入研究和走出去的中国企业有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

    对南非兰德砾岩型金矿床的研究成果进行总结,概括了绍斯迪普金矿床的区域地质背景、岩石地层划分,较为系统地分析了矿床的地质特征和矿床成因。得出如下结论:1金的主要来源可能与太古宙含金花岗绿岩带有密切关系;2金矿体主要受太古宙文特斯多普砾岩地层和中兰德群中的Turffontein亚群埃尔斯伯格组砾岩地层控制;3金矿床可能经历了早期沉积成岩成矿阶段—后期改造富集多个(Klipriviersberg火山活动作用时期和与2050Ma布什维尔德杂岩体有关的变质作用高峰时期)阶段,为复合成因的层控改造型矿床。研究结果对该类矿床的深入研究和走出去的中国企业有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

    In this study a new geochemical reaction modelling methodology is used to shed light on the geochemical processes within Witwatersrand tailings impoundments and the evaluation of the geochemical impacts for future mining projects is evaluated. Information from international and local studies on tailings sulphidic tailings impoundments is used to develop a conceptual understanding on a typical Witwatersrand gold tailings impoundment. The tailings impoundments consist of 3 distinct geochemical zones: Oxidation Zone (OZ), a Transition Zone (TZ) and a Reduction Zone (RZ). Individual reaction models are developed for each of the 3 zones. The output of one model is used as an input to the next in spatial order. The results of the final model represent the tailings basal seepage characteristics, which indicate the most likely impacts on groundwater resources. The model results agree with existing information on AMD in the Witwatersrand. The results indicate that the tailings basal seepage is likely to be acidic (pH of ∼3.5), containing elevated concentrations of SO4 and trace metals (Al, Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Zn and U). Predicted Fe concentrations are low, due to the low fO2 in the TZ and RZ and the buffering effect of the precipitation of K-jarosite in the OZ and TZ. This study therefore indicates that the methodology employed produces results that can be correlated to existing information and can thus be used as a methodology in the assessments of impacts from sulphidic tailings material for future mining projects.  相似文献   

    With a few exceptions, shales from the Archean Witwatersrand Supergroup (~2800 Ma) in South Africa are depleted in Na, Ca, LILE, REE and HFSE compared to Phanerozoic shales. Cr, Co and Ni are enriched in all Witwatersrand shales and Fe and Mg are high in shales from the West Rand Groups (WRG) and lower Central Rand Group (CRG). Shales from the CRG and uppermost WRG are enriched in Na, Al, LILE, REE, HFSE and transition metals relative to shales from the lower WRG. Chondrite-normalized REE patterns for all Witwatersrand shales are enriched in light-REE and exhibit small to moderate negative Eu anomalies. A positive correlation of REE and Al2O3 contents in the shales suggests that REE are contained principally in clay minerals.Relative to shales from the CRG, shales from the WRG exhibit depletions of Na, Ca and Sr, a feature probably reflecting intense chemical weathering of their source rocks. CIA indices in Witwatersrand shales are variable (chiefly 70–98), even within the same shale unit. Such variations reflect chiefly variable climatic zones or rates of tectonic uplift in source areas with perhaps some contribution from provenance and element remobilization during metamorphism.Compared to present-day upper continental crust, all but the Orange Grove, Roodepoort, and K8 shales appear to have been derived from continental sources depleted in LILE, REE, and HFSE and enriched in transition metals. Computer mixing models based on six relatively immobile elements (Th, Hf, Yb, La, Sc, Co) and four source rocks indicate that the relative proportions of granite, basalt and komatiite increased with time in sediment source areas at the expense of tonalite. The contributions of basalt and komatiite appear to reach a maximum during deposition of the Booysens shale, and granite during deposition of the K8 shales and possibly during deposition of the Orange Grove shales.  相似文献   

    Xenotime (YPO4) of detrital, diagenetic, and hydrothermal origin within siliciclastic rocks of the Archaean Witwatersrand Basin, South Africa, has been identified on the basis of petrography and in situ ion microprobe (SHRIMP) age data. The chemical composition of xenotime, determined by in situ electron microprobe analysis, can be correlated with its origin. This allows the origin of any xenotime grain to be assessed by a non-destructive microanalytical method prior to ion microprobe geochronology. The main chemical discriminators are MREE-HREE abundance, normalised HREE slope and Eu anomaly, and, in some cases, U and Th contents. Igneous-detrital xenotime (> 2800 Ma) is distinguished from diagenetic (∼2780 Ma) and hydrothermal (< 2780 Ma) xenotime in having lower Eu, Dy, and Gd concentrations and a distinctively lower Gd/Yb ratio. Hydrothermal xenotime has distinctively lower U and Th concentrations when compared to igneous-detrital and diagenetic xenotime. Three separate hydrothermal fluid events and episodes of post-diagenetic xenotime growth are recognised in the geochemical and geochronological data, which correspond in time to the extrusion of the Ventersdorp lavas at ∼2720 Ma, the emplacement of the Bushveld Igneous Complex at ∼2061 Ma, and an event of unknown affinity at ∼2210 Ma. Although geochemical discrimination of the xenotime types from the Witwatersrand Basin, in combination with careful petrography, appears achievable, universal application of these discriminators to xenotime in other sedimentary basins remains untested.  相似文献   

    Summary White micas from metamorphosed and hydrothermally-altered basaltic lavas, conglomerates, quartzites and shales in and around the Ventersdorp Contact Reef of the Witwatersrand Basin, South Africa, were dated by the K-Ar method to constrain post-depositional thermal and mineralization processes. The minerals were separated into various grain sizes between < 0.4 and 10m, and characterized in terms of composition, paragenetic sequence and texture, by XRD, SEM and TEM techniques. The K-Ar isochron of all white micas in the basaltic lavas suggests an age of 1994 ± 60 Ma, and that of the smaller mica particles (< 2m) in the quartzites defines a younger age of 1917 ± 66 Ma. This range is considered to reflect the timing of long-lived hydrothermal alteration in the Ventersdorp Contact Reef. The older age is slightly younger than the intrusion of the Bushveld Complex (2060–2054 Ma) and the Vredefort catastrophism (2020 Ma), which are well-documented events that were superimposed onto the Witwatersrand Basin. The younger age may be associated with the Eburnian orogenesis along the western edge of the Kaapvaal Craton resulting in continental-scale fluid migration and hydrothermal activity that extended throughout the Griqualand Basin and even into the Witwatersrand Basin. The K-Ar ages obtained here for the white mica fractions of the Ventersdorp Contact Reef in the Witwatersrand Basin confirm that the period between 2.0 and 1.9 Ga was significant, as far as alteration, and possibly also gold mobilization, was concerned.
    K-Ar Datierung von Hellglimmern aus dem hentersdorp Contact Reef des Witwatersrand Beckens, Südafrika: die zeitliche Eingrenzung der nach der Sedimentablagerung erfolgten Alteration
    Zusammenfassung Hellglimmer von metamorph und hydrothermal überprägtem Basalt, Konglomerat, Quarzit und Pelit aus dem Ventersdorp Contact Reef im Witwatersrand Becken, Südafrika, wurden mittels der K-Ar Methode datiert, um das Alter der postsedimentären thermischen Überprägung einzugrenzen. Mineralkörner wurden in einzelne Fraktionen zwischen < 0.4 und 10m separiert und auf deren Zusammensetzung, Paragenese und Textur mittels Röntgendiffraktometrie und Elektronenmikroskopie untersucht. Das Isochronenalter für alle Hellglimmerproben aus dem Metabasalt liegt bei 1994 ± 60 Ma, jenes für die Glimmer mit einer Korngröße < 2m im Quarzit bei 1917 ± 66 Ma. Diese Altersspanne wird als Ausdruck einer lang anhaltenden hydrothermalen Veränderung des Ventersdorp Contact Reef interpretiert. Das ältere Alter ist etwas jünger als die Intrusion des Bushveld Komplex (2060–2054 Ma) und die Vredefort Katastrophe (2020 Ma) - zwei gut dokumentierte Ereignisse, die das Witwatersrand Becken erfaßten. Das jüngere Alter könnte mit der eburnischen Orogenese entlang des Westrandes des Kaapvaal Kratons in Zusammenhang stehen, während der es zu Fluid Migration und hydrothermaler Aktivität quer über den Kontinent vom Griqualand Becken bis in das Witwatersrand Becken kam. Die neuen K-Ar Alter bestätigen somit, daß die Zeitspanne von 2.0–1.9 Ga wesentlich für die Alteration und möglicherweise auch für die Mobilisierung von Gold im Witwatersrand Becken war.

    The columnar form of carbonaceous layers in some Precambrian Witwatersrand conglomerates after detailed SEM examination has been shown to be a primary plant structure. By oxidation of the organic components at about 500° C a skeleton of length-orientated interconnected filaments is obtained which consist mainly of uranium oxide, lead oxide and gold. Some of the filaments preserved the original microbiological structures in detail.Brief heating of the columns causes a separation into different types of tissue thus making the reconstruction of the original plant possible. A comparison of the inner and outer structure and the probable metabolism with recent plants showed a definite resemblance to certain types of lichens. Following the presently used term of thucholite for the carbonaceous material the name ofThuchomyces lichenoides is suggested for the fossilized plant. A probably parasitic, filamentous fossilized microorganism which occurs in the Basal Reef together with Thuchomyces was namedWitwatersrand conidiophorus. Both fossils are described and their possible environment discussed.
    Zusammenfassung Die säulige Form von kohligen Lagen in den präkambrischen Witwatersrand Konglomeraten wurde durch detaillierte Untersuchungen im REM als primäre pflanzliche Struktur erkannt. Durch Oxydation der organischen Komponenten bei etwa 500° C erhält man ein Skelett aus längsorientierten und einander verknüpften mineralischen Filamenten (meist Uranoxyd, Bleioxyd und Gold), die zum Teil die ursprünglichen mikrobiologischen Formen bewahrt haben. Kurzes Erhitzen der Säulen bewirkt eine Aufspaltung in verschiedene Gewebearten wodurch eine Rekonstruktion der ursprünglichen Pflanze möglich wurde. Vergleiche des inneren und äußeren Aufbaus mit rezenten Pflanzen zeigt deutliche Ähnlichkeiten mit bestimmten Flechtenarten. In Anlehnung an die bisher gebräuchliche Bezeichnung Thucholith für die kohlige Substanz wirdThuchomyces lichenoides als Name für die fossile Pflanze vorgeschlagen. Ein wahrscheinlich parasitärer, fadenförmiger, fossiler Mikroorganismus, der im Basal Reef zusammen mit Thuchomyces vorkommt, wurdeWitwateromyces conidiophorus benannt.Die beiden Fossilien werden beschrieben und ihre mögliche Umwelt diskutiert.

    Résumé L'étude détaillée, au microscope électronique à balayage, de la forme colonnaire de couches charbonneuses de certains conglomérats Précambriens du Witwatersrand, a permis d'y reconnaître une structure végétale primaire. Par l'oxydation des composants organiques a environ 500°, on obtient un squelette de filaments reliés entre eux et orientés dans le sens de la longueur, principalement à base d'oxyde d'uranium, d'oxyde de plomb, et d'or. Quelques-uns de ces filaments ont conservé leurs structures microbiologiques originelles dans tous leurs détails.Un bref réchauffement des colonnes cause la séparation des différentes sortes de tissus à partir desquels il est possible de reconstituer la plante originelle. Une comparaison de la structure interne et externe et du métabolisme probable avec des plantes récentes indique une ressemblance indéniable avec certaines sortes de lichens. Compte tenu de la désignation de thucholite pour la substance charbonneuse, le nom deThuchomyces lichenoides est suggéré pour cette plante fossile.Un autre micro-organisme filamenteux, probablement parasitaire, découvert dans le Basal Reef, avec Thuchomyces, a reçu le nom deWitwateromyces conidiophorus. Les deux fossiles sont décrits et leur environnement probable, discuté.

    . 600° C — . . , —, . , . . «Thucholit» «Thuchomyces lichenoides», , , — «Witwateremyces conidiophorus». .

    While medical geographers have generally ignored medical pluralism in developing countries, a small but significant geographical literature on traditional medicine has emerged. Progress for research by geographers on traditional medicine lies through a broader contextualisation of medical pluralism sensitive to the socio-economic and political context of health and disease. In this paper, a brief overview of medical pluralism in South Africa is presented. Issues surrounding the changing geography of traditional medicine are illustrated with reference to urban herbalism on the Witwatersrand.  相似文献   

    The contents of silver and mercury in 323 spots on gold grains from seven localities of the Witwatersrand palaeo-placer and Archaean vein deposits from Barberton were measured using an electron microprobe. The objective was to obtain information on the extent of gold alteration during fluvial transport and post-depositional geological processes. The results, however, show that Ag and Hg are distributed homogeneously in the gold grains studied. No indications were found that the gold was transported in solution nor that leaching took place in an oxidizing fluvial environment. This strongly suggests that the Ag and Hg contents in Witwatersrand gold grains represent geochemical ‘fingerprints’ inherited from their eroded primary sources. Combined analysis for Ag and Hg in Witwatersrand gold grains by electron microprobe can therefore be a valuable tool in establishing the types of primary sources for the gold.  相似文献   

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