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African cities contain a range of low-income ethnic and cultural enclaves that defy conventional ‘slum’ typecasts and intervention guidelines. Further, new forms of urbanization (e.g. gated communities and informal settlements) have received heavy emphasis in recent urban geographic research. Such research emphases have many unintended consequences; one of which is that traditional indigenous neighborhoods in the older city are glossed over. This paper focuses on urban downgrading in Korle Gonno, a prominent and established indigenous community in Accra, Ghana. Using mixed-method data (including surveys), the results illustrate that a traditional neighborhood encounters many of the same dimensions of urban poverty as the more famed slums in the city, yet it experiences different poverty trajectories. We argue that the prevailing slum profiling techniques fall short of capturing these trajectories; more nuanced approaches that capture continuity and discontinuity with past and present socioeconomic processes are necessary. Attention must be rebalanced toward understanding the deterioration of these neighborhoods if policymakers, planners and urban theorists are to obtain a comprehensive picture of poverty dynamics and appropriate interventions in African cities.  相似文献   

Like many countries in sub-Saharan Africa, Ghana lacks well-engineered sanitary landfill sites. Increased urbanization and concomitant real estate growth lead landfills to compete with residential land use, resulting in closer proximity between landfill sites and residential neighborhoods. The effects of landfills on the property values of nearby residential communities have been the subject of much debate in the developed world, where state-of-the-art and environmentally well-engineered landfills are common. However, academic and other research is inconclusive on the effects of landfills on property values in the developed countries. This paper addresses this knowledge gap by exploring the effects of landfills on residential property values in Ghana, using the Oblogo and Mallam landfills in Accra as a case study. Our analysis indicates that while landfills do depress nearby residential property values, the effects are contingent on property location relative to the level of urbanization in a community, and year of completion and total costs of property development.  相似文献   

Correspondence: What ever happened to Development Geography?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Environmental or land quality indicators are being developed internationally as a means whereby the ‘State of the Environment’ (SoE) can be assessed and trends monitored. In Australia, the use of indicators in SoE reporting is in its early stages of development. Indicators have been developed, in relation to agriculture, for flora and fauna, soil, chemical contamination, surface waters and groundwater. Internationally, the World Bank has listed ‘indicators of pressure’ on the land, ‘indicators of state and impact’, and ‘indicators of response’ for each of seven major issues of land degradation. Late in 1996, an ‘indicators of catchment health’ workshop in Australia identified a relatively small number of key indicators relating to farm productivity, soil health, water quality and ‘landscape integrity’, later adding social indicators, and also distinguishing between indicators at farm and catchment scales. A broad range of other indicators was also considered by various participants in the workshop, which concluded by supporting a nationally co‐ordinated effort and the establishment of a national steering committee. Although most indicators are static measures, those from which predictions can be made require a greater emphasis on the functioning of the system. This implies that indicators are only one aspect of system modelling, and that environmental or land assessment needs to progress further than the search for quality indicators. Since this involves both biophysical and human processes, geographers should be playing a central role.  相似文献   

The controls on an earthquake's size are examined in a heterogeneous cellular automaton that includes stress concentrations which scale with rupture size. Large events only occur when stress is highly correlated with strength over the entire fault. Although the largest events occur when this correlation is the highest, the magnitude of the correlation has no predictive value as events of all magnitudes occur during times of high stress/strength correlation. Rather, the size of any particular event depends on the local stress heterogeneity encountered by the growing rupture. Patterns of energy release with time for individual ruptures reflect this heterogeneity and many show nucleation-type behaviour, although there is no relation between the duration of nucleation phase and the size of the event. These results support the view that earthquake size is determined by complex interactions between previous event history and dynamic stress concentrations and suggest that deterministic earthquake prediction based on monitoring nucleation zones will not be possible.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on Hutu refugees from Burundi who, as a consequence of the mass killings in Burundi in 1993, were forced into Tanzanian exile. The actors in the study are the refugee teachers who have participated in the development of the educational programme in Lukole refugee camp in Ngara, Tanzania. The aim of the research was to explore Burundian Hutu refugees' experiences of exclusion from education in Burundi, and how this in turn has motivated education in Tanzanian exile. Before this could be accomplished, the need was recognized to investigate socio-political causes of the refugee situation, with special reference to education. As an illustration of how societies develop disasters like those witnessed in Burundi, a 'disaster model' is presented. What is revealed is that the Hutu majority has been systematically discriminated against and excluded from any post-primary education. The educational system in Burundi has, furthermore, been the arena for ethnical-political tension that has repeatedly escalated into violence. As a consequence, sending Burundian Hutu children to school was in many cases seen as a 'risk'. Given the testimonies of the refugee teachers, this fact also affected the refugee community in Tanzania and their willingness to send their children to school in the camp.  相似文献   

It is hypothesized that self-defined mixed-race persons live in residentially mixed areas in the largest metropolitan areas in California. The hypothesis is tested by examining the distribution of mixed-race persons among ethnically and racially diverse and nondiverse neighborhoods in the San Francisco and Los Angeles Metropolitan Areas. The research confirmed that mixed-race individuals are more likely to live in areas with ethnic diversity and that the tendency is greater for the mixed-race population in the San Francisco–Oakland Metropolitan Areas than in the Los Angeles Metropolitan Area. Mixed-race individuals live in neighborhoods which are diverse with mixes of all four major ethnic and racial groups, and in “well-off” (but not the most affluent) neighborhoods. The study also shows that the mixed-race population is youthful. The association of mixed-race individuals and racially integrated neighborhoods will have important implications for the evolving nature of spatial integration in California specifically, and the United States more generally.  相似文献   

In southeastern Brazil, the Serra do Mar coastal mountain range blocks the sediment influx from arriving at a ca. 1,500 km long continental margin comprising Santos and Pelotas basins. Despite this deprivation, the margin accumulated a ca. 1 km thick sedimentary succession since the Mid-Miocene. Examination of seismic reflection and oceanographic data indicates that shelf-margin clinoform formation exhibits a regional variability, with major sigmoidal clinoforms developed in the transitional area between both basins. Laterally, poorly developed oblique clinoforms constitute isolated depocenters along the shelf margin. The continuous clinoform development in the transitional area is attributed to the major influence on sediment transport patterns of several ocean bottom currents flowing along the margin, such as the Brazil Coastal Current, the Brazil Current and the Intermediate Water Brazil Current. These currents erode, transport and distribute sediments across the shelf break and upper slope from distant sediment sources located either north or south of the study area. The progressive southward strengthening of the Brazil Current could be responsible for a major southward sediment redistribution from the northern Campos Basin, and/or for sediment entrainment from northward-induced transport by the Brazil Coastal Current, originally derived from the De la Plata Estuary. In the transition between Santos and Pelotas basins, the Intermediate Water Brazil Current splits forming the Santos Bifurcation, allowing for a continuous depositional process and clinoform generation. We suggest that ocean bottom currents may shape other shelf-edge ‘contouritic clinoforms’ in continental margins mainly constructed by along-strike sediment transport largely driven by long-term geostrophic currents.  相似文献   

Two cores from Trout Lake, northern Yukon, yielded quantitative estimates of summer air temperatures using fossil midge larvae. Warming began around 14,400?cal?yr BP, with inferred mean July air temperatures reaching values warmer than present by 12,800?cal?yr BP. A 1?°C cooling from 12,200 to 11,200?cal?yr BP closely corresponds with the Younger Dryas chronozone. A broad temperature maximum occurred between 10,800 and 9,800?cal?yr BP, with mean July air temperature about 2.2?°C warmer than present. This represents an early Holocene thermal maximum and coincides with increased organic content of the sediment. Both the shallow- and deep-water cores show similar temperature trends for their overlapping periods. The inferred rise in mean July air temperature at 14,200?cal?yr BP coincides with a shift in vegetation from an herb- to shrub-dominated landscape. In contrast, the increase in Alnus pollen at 6,400?cal?yr BP does not coincide with a change in temperature, but may be a response to a rise in precipitation.  相似文献   

Burgess  & Moresi 《Basin Research》1999,11(4):305-314
Dynamic topography formed over subducting oceanic lithosphere has been proposed as a mechanism to explain certain otherwise anomalous long-wavelength patterns of subsidence inferred from ancient strata. Forward modelling of mantle flow in response to a subducting slab predicts amplitudes and distributions of dynamic topography that may occur due to various subducting slab geometries and histories. Plotting calculated dynamic topographies at a point against time produces tectonic subsidence curves. These subsidence curves show features such as evolution from convex to concave shape, amplitudes up to ~2000 m, subsidence rates up to ~220 m Myr−1, and a general decrease in subsidence amplitude away from the subduction zone, over a distance of ~2000 km. On many convergent continental margins, dynamic topography is likely to be superimposed on other subsidence mechanisms. In back-arc basins, subsidence due to dynamic topography should be distinguishable from that due to extensional tectonics based simply on the temporal subsidence evolution expressed in the subsidence curve shapes. In a foreland basin setting, comparing dynamic topography models with forward models of flexural loading suggest the two processes can generate similar temporal subsidence patterns, but that dynamic topography causes subsidence over significantly greater wavelengths. Matches between calculated subsidence due to dynamic topography and backstripped subsidence patterns from Upper Cretaceous strata of the Western Interior Basin, USA, support the hypothesis that a long-wavelength 'background subsidence' was caused by dynamic topography.  相似文献   

How representative of the whole-lake fossil assemblage are analyses from a single sediment core taken in the centre of a small lake? This question was addressed in five shallow Norwegian lakes that ranged in location from low-altitude, boreal-deciduous forest to mid-alpine environments. Surface-sediment samples were taken from the deepest part of each lake and in two transects running from the lake centre to shore, and analysed for mites, chironomids, and plant remains. Ordination techniques summarised patterns of variation between and within lakes. Correlations between whole-lake assemblages and water depth and sediment organic content (loss-on-ignition) were investigated. Representativeness of each sample of the whole-lake assemblage was determined by comparing Principal Components Analysis scores of the original data with those of Monte Carlo-simulated data sets, using the actual data as constraints in the simulations. The majority of samples are representative of the whole-lake assemblages. Littoral samples, however, are most frequently unrepresentative or poorly representative samples. Water depth is an important controlling variable. A sediment core from the lake centre has the highest probability of representing the whole-lake assemblage. It may, however, also yield the lowest concentrations of terrestrial remains. A sediment core from the slope is slightly more likely to be unrepresentative of the total plant macrofossil assemblage, but generally has higher concentrations of terrestrial remains. These site differences should be considered when choosing a core location. Overall, the three fossil types are deposited in similar patterns. Therefore they can be satisfactorily analysed using a single core.  相似文献   

Fossil diatoms from lake sediments have been used to infer both past trophic state and climate conditions. In Europe, climate reconstructions focused on northern and alpine regions because these areas are climatically sensitive and anthropogenic impact was low. In contrast, anthropogenic impact was often high in the central European lowlands, such as northern Germany, beginning in the Neolithic Age, ~3700 BC. Since that time, trophic state change was the main factor that affected diatom assemblages in central European lowland lakes. Therefore, it was considered difficult or impossible to identify climate changes in the region using sedimented diatoms. We used diatom assemblage changes, diatom-inferred total phosphorus concentrations and the relative abundance of planktonic diatoms from sediments of three lakes that differ in their location, size, morphology, catchment area and current trophic state to test whether we could distinguish between trophic state and climate signals over the past 5,000 years in northern Germany. In this study, changes in trophic state and climate were well differentiated. In the study lakes, relative abundance of planktonic diatoms seems to be linked to the length of lake mixing phases. Planktonic diatom abundance decreased during years with shorter mixing duration, and these shorter mixing times probably reflect colder winters. The diatom-inferred periods of short mixing phases from 1000 BC to AD 500 and from AD 1300 to 1800 coincide well with two known cooling phases in Europe and the North Atlantic region.  相似文献   

The coupling of humans and nature differs in terms of distribution and intensity, thus producing a gradient of synthetic geographical environments. Within this variety of gradients, the transitional zone represents a complex space where dynamic processes and unstable conditions are observed. Based on the concepts of ecotone and transitional zone, we propose a conceptual framework for the transitional geospace of coupled human and natural systems and a quantitative identification method for the z...  相似文献   

Natural Resources Research - Organofacies analysis, a fundamental component within source rock appraisal based on the study of kerogen within a source rock, is typically produced from microscopy...  相似文献   

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