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High PT experiments were performed in the range 2.5–19 GPa and 800–1,500°C using a synthetic peridotite doped with trace elements and OH-apatite or with Cl-apatite + phlogopite. The aim of the study was (1) to investigate the stability and phase relations of apatite and its high PT breakdown products, (2) to study the compositional evolution with P and T of phosphate and coexisting silicate phases and (3) to measure the Cl-OH partitioning between apatite and coexisting calcic amphibole, phlogopite and K-richterite. Apatite is stable in a garnet-lherzolite assemblage in the range 2.5–8.7 GPa and 800–1,100°C. The high-P breakdown product of apatite is tuite γ-Ca3 (PO4)2, which is stable in the range 8–15 GPa and 1,100–1,300°C. Coexisting apatite and tuite were observed at 8 GPa/1,050°C and 8.7 GPa/1,000°C. MgO in apatite increases with P from 0.8 wt% at 2.5 GPa to 3.2 wt% at 8.7 GPa. Both apatite and tuite may contain significant Na, Sr and REE with a correlation indicating 2 Ca2+=Na+ + REE3+. Tuite has always higher Sr and REE and lower Fe and Mg than apatite. Phosphorus in the peridotite phases decreases in the order Pmelt ≫ Pgrt ≫ PMg2SiO4 > Pcpx > Popx. The phosphate-saturated P2O5 content of garnet increases from 0.07 wt% at 2.5 GPa to 1.5 wt% at 12.8 GPa. Due to the low bulk Na content of the peridotite, [8]Na[4]P[8]M2+ −1 [4]Si−1 only plays a minor role in controlling the phosphorus content of garnet. Instead, element correlations indicate a major contribution of [6]M2+[4]P[6]M3+ −1 [4]Si−1. Pyroxenes contain ~200–500 ppm P and olivine has 0.14–0.23 wt% P2O5 in the P range 4–8.7 GPa without correlation with P, T or XMg. At ≥12.7 GPa, all Mg2SiO4 polymorphs have <200 ppm P. Coexisting olivine and wadsleyite show an equal preference for phosphorus. In case of coexisting wadsleyite and ringwoodite, the latter fractionates phosphorus. Although garnet shows by far the highest phosphorus concentrations of any peridotite silicate phase, olivine is no less important as phosphorus carrier and could store the entire bulk phosphorus budget of primitive mantle. In the Cl-apatite + phlogopite-doped peridotite, apatite contains 0.65–1.35 wt% Cl in the PT range 2.5–8.7 GPa/800–1,000°C. Apatite coexists with calcic amphibole at 2.5 GPa, phlogopite at 2.5–5 GPa and K-richterite at 7 GPa, and all silicates contain between 0.2 and 0.6 wt% Cl. No solid potassic phase is stable between 5 and 8.7 GPa. Cl strongly increases the solubility of K in hydrous fluids. This may lead to the breakdown of phlogopite and give rise to the local presence in the mantle of fluids strongly enriched in K, Cl, P and incompatible trace elements. Such fluids may get trapped as micro-inclusions in diamonds and provide bulk compositions suitable for the formation of unusual phases such as KCl or hypersilicic Cl-rich mica.  相似文献   

The stability and equation of state for the cotunnite phase in TiO2 were investigated up to a pressure of about 70 GPa by high-pressure in situ X-ray diffraction measurements using a laser-heated diamond anvil cell. The transition sequence under high pressure was rutile → α-PbO2 phase → baddeleyite phase → OI phase → cotunnite phase with increasing pressure. The cotunnite phase was the most stable phase at pressures from 40 GPa to at least 70 GPa. The equation of state parameters for the cotunnite phase were established on the platinum scale using the volume data at pressures of 37–68 GPa after laser annealing, in which the St value, an indicator of the magnitude of the uniaxial stress component in the samples, indicates that these measurements were performed under quasi-hydrostatic conditions. The third-order Birch-Murnaghan equation of state at K 0′ = 4.25 yields V 0 = 15.14(5) cm3/mol and K 0 = 294(9), and the second-order Birch-Murnaghan equation of state yields V 0 = 15.11(5) cm3/mol and K 0 = 306(9). Therefore, we conclude that the bulk modulus for the cotunnite phase is not comparable to that of diamond.  相似文献   

Vanadium has multiple oxidation states in silicate melts and minerals, a property that also promotes fractionation of its isotopes. As a result, vanadium isotopes vary during magmatic differentiation, and can be powerful indicators of redox processes at high temperatures if their partitioning behaviour can be determined. To quantify the partitioning and isotope fractionation factor of V between magnetite and melt, piston cylinder experiments were performed in which magnetite and a hydrous, haplogranitic melt were equilibrated at 800 °C and 0.5 GPa over a range of oxygen fugacities (\({f_{{{\text{O}}_{\text{2}}}}}\)), bracketing those of terrestrial magmas. Magnetite is isotopically light with respect to the coexisting melt, a tendency ascribed to the VI-fold V3+ and V4+ in magnetite, and a mixture of IV- and VI-fold V5+ and V4+ in the melt. The magnitude of the fractionation factor systematically increases with increasing log\({f_{{{\text{O}}_{\text{2}}}}}\) relative to the Fayalite–Magnetite–Quartz buffer (FMQ), from ?51Vmag-gl = ? 0.63?±?0.09‰ at FMQ ? 1 to ? 0.92?±?0.11‰ (SD) at ≈?FMQ?+?5, reflecting constant V3+/V4+ in magnetite but increasing V5+/V4+ in the melt with increasing log\({f_{{{\text{O}}_{\text{2}}}}}\). These first mineral-melt measurements of V isotope fractionation factors underline the importance of both oxidation state and co-ordination environment in controlling isotopic fractionation. The fractionation factors determined experimentally are in excellent agreement with those needed to explain natural isotope variations in magmatic suites. Furthermore, these experiments provide a useful framework in which to interpret vanadium isotope variations in natural rocks and magnetites, and may be used as a potential fingerprint the redox state of the magma from which they crystallise.  相似文献   

High-pressure in situ X-ray diffraction experiment of Fe- and Al-bearing phase D (Mg0.89Fe0.14Al0.25Si1.56H2.93O6) has been carried out to 30.5 GPa at room temperature using multianvil apparatus. Fitting a third-order Birch–Murnaghan equation of state to the P–V data yields values of V 0 = 86.10 ± 0.05 Å3; K 0 = 136.5 ± 3.3 GPa and K′ = 6.32 ± 0.30. If K′ is fixed at 4.0 K 0 = 157.0 ± 0.7 GPa, which is 6% smaller than Fe–Al free phase D reported previously. Analysis of axial compressibilities reveals that the c-axis is almost twice as compressible (K c  = 93.6 ± 1.1 GPa) as the a-axis (K a  = 173.8 ± 2.2 GPa). Above 25 GPa the c/a ratio becomes pressure independent. No compressibility anomalies related to the structural transitions of H-atoms were observed in the pressure range to 30 GPa. The density reduction of hydrated subducting slab would be significant if the modal amount of phase D exceeds 10%.  相似文献   

Experimental studies of the element distribution between carbonatite melts and hydrous fluids are hampered by the fact that neither the fluid nor the melt can be isochemically quenched in conventional high-pressure vessels. In order to overcome this problem, we used a double-capsule technique to separate immiscible fluid and melt phases during and after the runs. The inner platinum capsules were charged with carbonate mixtures (CaCO3, MgCO3 and Na2CO3) and placed inside the outer capsules charged with distilled water and diamond powder. The latter was used as an inert trap for solids precipitating from the fluid on quenching. Carbonate melt and hydrous fluid equilibrated through a small hole left in the upper end of the inner capsule. The runs were performed in rapid-quench cold-seal pressure vessels at 0.1–0.2 GPa and 700–900 °C in the two-phase (fluid + melt) stability region. Both quenched melt and quenched fluid were dissolved in dilute HCl and analysed by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy. The results show that under all conditions investigated, fluid/melt partition coefficients for Ca and Mg are similar and several times smaller than those for Na. At 0.1 GPa and a water/carbonatite ratio of 1 (by weight), the partition coefficients are DNa = 0.35 ± 0.02, DCa = 0.09 ± 0.02, and DMg = 0.13 ± 0.01. Between 700 and 900 °C, the effect of temperature on partitioning is negligible. However, DNa increases significantly with decreasing water/carbonatite ratio in the system. Our data show that the release of a hydrous fluid enriched in sodium and simultaneous crystallisation of calcite can transform an alkaline, vapour-saturated carbonatite melt into a body of pure calcite surrounded by zones of sodium metasomatism. Thus, it is quite possible that carbonate magmas with substantial amounts of alkalies were common parental liquids of plutonic carbonatites. Received: 6 May 1999 / Accepted: 31 August 1999  相似文献   

The compression behavior of natural adamite [Zn2AsO4OH] has been investigated up to 11.07 GPa at room temperature utilizing in situ angle-dispersive X-ray diffraction and a diamond anvil cell. No phase transition has been observed within the pressure range investigated. A third-order Birch–Murnaghan equation of state fitted to all of the data points yielded V 0 = 430.1(4) Å3, K 0 = 80(3) GPa, K′ 0 = 1.9(5). The K 0 was obtained as 69(1) GPa when K′ 0 was fixed at 4. Analysis of axial compressible moduli shows the intense compression anisotropy of adamite: K a0 = 37(3) GPa, K b0 = 153(6) GPa, K c0 = 168(8) GPa; hence, a axis is the most compressible and the compressibility of b and c axis is comparable. Furthermore, the comparisons among the compressional properties of adamite, libethenite (Cu2PO4OH, also belongs to olivenite group), and andalusite (Al2SiO4O has the similar structure with adamite) at high pressure were made.  相似文献   

We report the crystal structures determined under ambient condition for two Zn2SiO4 polymorphs synthesized at 6.5 GPa and 1,273 K (phase III) and 8 GPa and 1,273 K (phase IV) and also compare their 29Si MAS NMR spectroscopic characteristics with those of other Zn2SiO4 polymorphs (phases I, II and V). Electron microprobe analysis revealed that both of phases III and IV are stoichiometric like the lower-pressure polymorphs (phases I and II), contrary to previous report. The crystal structures were solved using an ab initio structure determination technique from synchrotron powder X-ray diffraction data utilizing local structural information from 29Si MAS NMR as constraints and were further refined with the Rietveld technique. Phase III is orthorhombic (Pnma) with a = 10.2897(5), b = 6.6711(3), c = 5.0691(2) Å. It is isostructural with the high-temperature (Zn1.1Li0.6Si0.3)SiO4 phase and may be regarded as a ‘tetrahedral olivine’ type that resembles the ‘octahedral olivine’ structure in the (approximately hexagonally close packed) oxygen arrangement and tetrahedral Si positions, but has Zn in tetrahedral, rather than octahedral coordination. Phase IV is orthorhombic (Pbca) with a = 10.9179(4), b = 9.6728(4), c = 6.1184(2) Å. It also consists of tetrahedrally coordinated Zn and Si and features unique edge-shared Zn2O6 dimers. The volumes per formula under ambient condition for phases III and IV are both somewhat larger than that of the lower-pressure polymorph, phase II, suggesting that the two phases may have undergone structural changes during temperature quench and/or pressure release.  相似文献   

To understand partitioning of hydrogen between hydrous basaltic and andesitic liquids and coexisting clinopyroxene and garnet, experiments using a mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) + 6 wt.% H2O were conducted at 3 GPa and 1,150–1,325°C. These included both isothermal and controlled cooling rate crystallization experiments, as crystals from the former were too small for ion microprobe (SIMS) analyses. Three runs at lower bulk water content are also reported. H2O was measured in minerals by SIMS and in glasses by SIMS, Fourier Transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and from oxide totals of electron microprobe (EMP) analyses. At 3 GPa, the liquidus for MORB with 6 wt.% H2O is between 1,300 and 1,325°C. In the temperature interval investigated, the melt proportion varies from 100 to 45% and the modes of garnet and clinopyroxene are nearly equal. Liquid composition varies from basaltic to andesitic. The crystallization experiments starting from above the liquidus failed to nucleate garnets, but those starting from below the liquidus crystallized both garnet and clinopyroxene. SIMS analyses of glasses with >7 wt.% H2O yield spuriously low concentrations, perhaps owing to hydrogen degassing in the ultra-high vacuum of the ion microprobe sample chamber. FTIR and EMP analyses show that the glasses have 3.4 to 11.9 wt.% water, whilst SIMS analyses indicate that clinopyroxenes have 1,340–2,330 ppm and garnets have 98–209 ppm H2O. D H cpx−gt is 11 ± 3, D H cpx−melt is 0.023 ± 0.005 and D H gt−melt is 0.0018 ± 0.0006. Most garnet/melt pairs have low values of D H gt−melt, but D H gt−melt increases with TiO2 in the garnet. As also found by previous studies, values of D H cpx−melt increase with Al2O3 of the crystal. For garnet pyroxenite, estimated values of D H pyroxenite−melt decrease from 0.015 at 2.5 GPa to 0.0089 at 5 GPa. Hydration will increase the depth interval between pyroxenite and peridotite solidi for mantle upwelling beneath ridges or oceanic islands. This is partly because the greater pyroxene/olivine ratio in pyroxenite will tend to enhance the H2O concentration of pyroxenite, assuming that neighboring pyroxenite and peridotite bodies have similar H2O in their pyroxenes. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Partitioning of oxygen and silicon between molten iron and (Mg,Fe)SiO3 perovskite was investigated by a combination of laser-heated diamond-anvil cell (LHDAC) and analytical transmission electron microscope (TEM) to 146 GPa and 3,500 K. The chemical compositions of co-existing quenched molten iron and perovskite were determined quantitatively with energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDS) and electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS). The results demonstrate that the quenched liquid iron in contact with perovskite contained substantial amounts of oxygen and silicon at such high pressure and temperature (P–T). The chemical equilibrium between perovskite, ferropericlase, and molten iron at the P–T conditions of the core–mantle boundary (CMB) was calculated in Mg–Fe–Si–O system from these experimental results and previous data on partitioning of oxygen between molten iron and ferropericlase. We found that molten iron should include oxygen and silicon more than required to account for the core density deficit (<10%) when co-existing with both perovskite and ferropericlase at the CMB. This suggests that the very bottom of the mantle may consist of either one of perovskite or ferropericlase. Alternatively, it is also possible that the bulk outer core liquid is not in direct contact with the mantle. Seismological observations of a small P-wave velocity reduction in the topmost core suggest the presence of chemically-distinct buoyant liquid layer. Such layer physically separates the mantle from the bulk outer core liquid, hindering the chemical reaction between them.  相似文献   

We performed an experimental study, designed to reproduce the formation of an unusual merwinite?+?olivine-bearing mantle assemblage recently described as a part of a Ca-rich suite of inclusions in sublithospheric diamonds, through the interaction of peridotite with an alkali-rich Ca-carbonatite melt, derived from deeply subducted oceanic crust. In the first set of experiments, we studied the reaction between powdered Mg-silicates, olivine and orthopyroxene, and a model Ca-carbonate melt (molar Na:K:Ca?=?1:1:2), in a homogeneous mixture, at 3.1 and 6.5 GPa. In these equilibration experiments, we observed the formation of a merwinite?+?olivine-bearing assemblage at 3.1 GPa and 1200 °C and at 6.5 GPa and 1300–1400 °C. The melts coexisting with this assemblage have a low Si and high Ca content (Ca#?=?molar 100?×?Ca/(Ca?+?Mg)?>?0.57). In the second set of experiments, we investigated reaction rims produced by interaction of the same Ca-carbonate melt (molar Na:K:Ca?=?1:1:2) with Mg-silicate, olivine and orthopyroxene, single crystals at 3.1 GPa and 1300 °C and at 6.5 GPa and 1400 °C. The interaction of the Ca-carbonate melt with olivine leads to merwinite formation through the expected reaction: 2Mg2SiO4 (olivine)?+?6CaCO3 (liquid)?=?Ca3MgSi2O8 (merwinite)?+?3CaMg(CO3)2 (liquid). Thus, our experiments confirm the idea that merwinite in the upper mantle may originate via interaction of peridotite with Ca-rich carbonatite melt, and that diamonds hosting merwinite may have a metasomatic origin. It is remarkable that the interaction of the Ca-carbonate melt with orthopyroxene crystals does not produce merwinite both at 3.1 and 6.5 GPa. This indicates that olivine grain boundaries are preferable for merwinite formation in the upper mantle.  相似文献   

The second-order elastic constants up to 30 GPa, which encompass the stability field of the spinel forms, their pressure derivatives and the third-order elastic constants of both hydrous and anhydrous -Mg2SiO4 have been obtained theoretically. A combination of deformation theory and finite strain elasticity theory has been employed to arrive at the expressions for second-order and third-order elastic constants from the strain energy of the lattice. The strain energy is calculated by taking into account the interactions up to second nearest neighbours in the -Mg2SiO4 lattice. This is then compared with the strain-dependent lattice energy from continuum model approximation to obtain the expression of elastic constants. The second-order elastic constants Cij compare favourably with the measurements in the case of anhydrous as well as hydrous -Mg2SiO4 and with other calculations on the anhydrous phase. All the third-order elastic constants of both the compounds are negative. The third-order elastic constant C144(–52.41 and –45.07 GPa for anhydrous and hydrous -Mg2SiO4, respectively) representing the anisotropy of shear mode has a smaller value than C111 (–2443.94 and –2101.25 GPa for anhydrous and hydrous phases, respectively), which corresponds to the longitudinal mode. The pressure-induced variations in the longitudinal elastic constants (i.e.,dC11/dp) are relatively large (4.08 and 4.09 for dry and hydrous ringwoodite, respectively) compared with those for the shear (0.22 and 0.32 for dry and hydrous ringwoodite, respectively) and off-diagonal constants (1.40 and 1.41 for dry and hydrous ringwoodite, respectively). The variation of the shear moduli Cs and anisotropy factor A with pressure have also been studied. The average value of elastic anisotropy is 0.835 in the case of anhydrous -Mg2SiO4 and 0.830 in the hydrous phase. The reversal of sign of the Cauchy pressure C12 – C44, which describes the angular character of atomic bonding in metals and other compounds, at around 21 GPa for both the compounds may be a precursor to the phase transition from ringwoodite to periclase and perovskite at an elevated temperature. The aggregate elastic properties like the adiabatic bulk modulus K (175.4 and 150.2 GPa for anhydrous and hydrous phases, respectively), and the isotropic compressional (P) and shear (S) wave velocities were calculated and the mode Grüneisen Parameters (GPs) of the acoustic waves were determined based on the quasi-harmonic approximation. The low temperature limit of both hydrous and anhydrous phases of -Mg2SiO4 are positive (1.69 and 1.78, respectively, for hydrous and anhydrous phases) and hence we expect the thermal expansion to be positive down to absolute zero. The Anderson–Grüneisen parameter obtained for hydrous as well as anhydrous phases of -Mg2SiO4 from the second-order and third-order elastic constants are 2.30 and 2.29, respectively.  相似文献   

Cross-wavelet transform (XWT) is proposed as a data analysis technique for geological time-series. XWT permits the detection of cross-magnitude, phase differences (= lag time), nonstationarity, and coherency between signals from different paleoclimate records that may exhibit large stratigraphic uncertainties and noise levels. The approach presented herein utilizes a continuous XWT technique with Morlet wavelet as the mother function, allows for variable scaling factors for time and scale sampling, and the automatic extraction of the most significant periodic signals. XWT and cross-spectral analysis is applied on computer generated time-series as well as two independently sampled proxy records (CO2 content approximated from plant cuticles and paleotemperature derived from δ 18O from marine fossil carbonate) of the last 290 Ma. The influence of nonstationarities in the paleoclimate records that are introduced by stratigraphic uncertainties were a particular focus of this study. The XWT outputs of the computer-models indicate that a potential causal relationship can be distorted if different geological time-scale and/or large stratigraphic uncertainties have been used. XWT detect strong cross-amplitudes (∼200 ppm ‰) between the CO2 and δ 18O record in the 20–50 Myr waveband, however, fluctuating phase differences prevent a statistical conclusion on causal relationship at this waveband.  相似文献   

The thermo-elastic behavior of a natural epidote [Ca1.925 Fe0.745Al2.265Ti0.004Si3.037O12(OH)] has been investigated up to 1,200 K (at 0.0001 GPa) and 10 GPa (at 298 K) by means of in situ synchrotron powder diffraction. No phase transition has been observed within the temperature and pressure range investigated. PV data fitted with a third-order Birch–Murnaghan equation of state (BM-EoS) give V 0 = 458.8(1)Å3, K T0 = 111(3) GPa, and K′ = 7.6(7). The confidence ellipse from the variance–covariance matrix of K T0 and K′ from the least-square procedure is strongly elongated with negative slope. The evolution of the “Eulerian finite strain” vs “normalized stress” yields Fe(0) = 114(1) GPa as intercept values, and the slope of the regression line gives K′ = 7.0(4). The evolution of the lattice parameters with pressure is slightly anisotropic. The elastic parameters calculated with a linearized BM-EoS are: a 0 = 8.8877(7) Å, K T0(a) = 117(2) GPa, and K′(a) = 3.7(4) for the a-axis; b 0 = 5.6271(7) Å, K T0(b) = 126(3) GPa, and K′(b) = 12(1) for the b-axis; and c 0 = 10.1527(7) Å, K T0(c) = 90(1) GPa, and K’(c) = 8.1(4) for the c-axis [K T0(a):K T0(b):K T0(c) = 1.30:1.40:1]. The β angle decreases with pressure, βP(°) = βP0 −0.0286(9)P +0.00134(9)P 2 (P in GPa). The evolution of axial and volume thermal expansion coefficient, α, with T was described by the polynomial function: α(T) = α0 + α1 T −1/2. The refined parameters for epidote are: α0 = 5.1(2) × 10−5 K−1 and α1 = −5.1(6) × 10−4 K1/2 for the unit-cell volume, α0(a) = 1.21(7) × 10−5 K−1 and α1(a) = −1.2(2) × 10−4 K1/2 for the a-axis, α0(b) = 1.88(7) × 10−5 K−1 and α1(b) = −1.7(2) × 10−4 K1/2 for the b-axis, and α0(c) = 2.14(9) × 10−5 K−1 and α1(c) = −2.0(2) × 10−4 K1/2 for the c-axis. The thermo-elastic anisotropy can be described, at a first approximation, by α0(a): α0(b): α0(c) = 1 : 1.55 : 1.77. The β angle increases continuously with T, with βT(°) = βT0 + 2.5(1) × 10−4 T + 1.3(7) × 10−8 T 2. A comparison between the thermo-elastic parameters of epidote and clinozoisite is carried out.  相似文献   

We determined the melting phase relations, melt compositions, and melting reactions of carbonated peridotite on two carbonate-bearing peridotite compositions (ACP: alkali-rich peridotite + 5.0 wt % CO2 and PERC: fertile peridotite + 2.5 wt % CO2) at 10–20 GPa and 1,500–2,100 °C and constrain isopleths of the CO2 contents in the silicate melts in the deep mantle. At 10–20 GPa, near-solidus (ACP: 1,400–1,630 °C) carbonatitic melts with < 10 wt % SiO2 and > 40 wt % CO2 gradually change to carbonated silicate melts with > 25 wt % SiO2 and < 25 wt % CO2 between 1,480 and 1,670 °C in the presence of residual majorite garnet, olivine/wadsleyite, and clinoenstatite/clinopyroxene. With increasing degrees of melting, the melt composition changes to an alkali- and CO2-rich silicate melt (Mg# = 83.7–91.6; ~ 26–36 wt % MgO; ~ 24–43 wt % SiO2; ~ 4–13 wt % CaO; ~ 0.6–3.1 wt % Na2O; and ~ 0.5–3.2 wt % K2O; ~ 6.4–38.4 wt % CO2). The temperature of the first appearance of CO2-rich silicate melt at 10–20 GPa is ~ 440–470 °C lower than the solidus of volatile-free peridotite. Garnet + wadsleyite + clinoenstatite + carbonatitic melt controls initial carbonated silicate melting at a pressure < 15 GPa, whereas garnet + wadsleyite/ringwoodite + carbonatitic melt dominates at pressure > 15 GPa. Similar to hydrous peridotite, majorite garnet is a liquidus phase in carbonated peridotites (ACP and PERC) at 10–20 GPa. The liquidus is likely to be at ~ 2,050 °C or higher at pressures of the present study, which gives a melting interval of more than 670 °C in carbonated peridotite systems. Alkali-rich carbonated silicate melts may thus be produced through partial melting of carbonated peridotite to 20 GPa at near mantle adiabat or even at plume temperature. These alkali- and CO2-rich silicate melts can percolate upward and may react with volatile-rich materials accumulate at the top of transition zone near 410-km depth. If these refertilized domains migrate upward and convect out of the zone of metal saturation, CO2 and H2O flux melting can take place and kimberlite parental magmas can be generated. These mechanisms might be important for mantle dynamics and are potentially effective metasomatic processes in the deep mantle.  相似文献   

The structural evolution at high pressure of a natural 2M 1-phengite [(K0.98Na0.02)Σ=1.00(Al1.55Mg0.24Fe0.21Ti0.02)Σ=2.01(Si3.38Al0.62)O10(OH)2; a = 5.228(2), b = 9.057(3), c = 19.971(6)Å, β = 95.76(2)°; space group: C2/c] from the metamorphic complex of Cima Pal (Sesia Zone, Western Alps, Italy) was studied by single-crystal X-ray diffraction with a diamond anvil cell under hydrostatic conditions up to ~11 GPa. A series of 12 structure refinements were performed at selected pressures within the P range investigated. The compressional behaviour of the same phengite sample was previously studied up to ~25 GPa by synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction, showing an irreversible transformation with a drastic decrease of the crystallinity at P > 15–17 GPa. The elastic behaviour between 0.0001 and 17 GPa was modelled by a third-order Birch–Murnaghan Equation of State (BM-EoS), yielding to K T0 = 57.3(10) GPa and K′ = ?K T0/?P = 6.97(24). The single-crystal structure refinements showed that the significant elastic anisotropy of the 2M 1-phengite (with β(a):β(b):β(c) = 1:1.17:4.60) is mainly controlled by the anisotropic compression of the K-polyhedra. The evolution of the volume of the inter-layer K-polyhedron as a function of P shows a negative slope, Fitting the PV(K-polyhedron) data with a truncated second-order BM-EoS we obtain a bulk modulus value of K T0(K-polyhedron) = 26(1) GPa. Tetrahedra and octahedra are significantly stiffer than the K-polyhedron. Tetrahedra behave as quasi-rigid units within the P range investigated. In contrast, a monotonic decrease is observed for the octahedron volume, with K T0 = 120(10) GPa derived by a BM-EoS. The anisotropic response to pressure of the K-polyhedron affects the P-induced deformation mechanism on the tetrahedral sheet, consisting in a cooperative rotation of the tetrahedra and producing a significant ditrigonalization of the six-membered rings. The volume of the K-polyhedron and the value of the ditrigonal rotation parameter (α) show a high negative correlation (about 93%), though a slight discontinuity is observed at P >8 GPa. α increases linearly with P up to 7–8 GPa (with ?α/?P ≈ 0.7°/GPa), whereas at higher Ps a “saturation plateau” is visible. A comparison between the main deformation mechanisms as a function of pressure observed in 2M 1- and 3T-phengite is discussed.  相似文献   

We present new partition coefficients for various trace elements including Cl between olivine, pyroxenes, amphibole and coexisting chlorine-bearing aqueous fluid in a series of high-pressure experiments at 2 GPa between 900 and 1,300 °C in natural and synthetic systems. Diamond aggregates were added to the experimental capsule set-up in order to separate the fluid from the solid residue and enable in situ analysis of the quenched solute by LA–ICP–MS. The chlorine and fluorine contents in mantle minerals were measured by electron microprobe, and the nature of OH defects was investigated by infrared spectroscopy. Furthermore, a fluorine-rich olivine from one selected sample was investigated by TEM. Results reveal average Cl concentrations in olivine and pyroxenes around 20 ppm and up to 900 ppm F in olivine, making olivine an important repository of halogens in the mantle. Chlorine is always incompatible with Cl partition coefficients D Cl olivine/fluid varying between 10?5 and 10?3, whereas D Cl orthopyroxene/fluid and D Cl clinopyroxene/fluid are ~10?4 and D Cl amphibole/fluid is ~5 × 10?3. Furthermore, partitioning results for incompatible trace element show that compatibilities of trace elements are generally ordered as D amph/fluid ≈ D cpx/fluid > D opx/fluid > D ol/fluid but that D mineral/fluid for Li and P is very similar for all observed silicate phases. Infrared spectra of olivine synthesized in a F-free Ti-bearing system show absorption bands at 3,525 and ~3,570 cm?1. In F ± TiO2-bearing systems, additional absorption bands appear at ~3,535, ~3,595, 3,640 and 3,670 cm?1. Absorption bands at ~3,530 and ~3,570 cm?1, previously assigned to humite-like point defects, profit from low synthesis temperatures and the presence of F. The presence of planar defects could not be proved by TEM investigations, but dislocations in the olivine lattice were observed and are suggested to be an important site for halogen incorporation in olivine.  相似文献   

We conducted melting experiments on a low-alkali tholeiite (SiO2 ~52 wt%, MgO ~6.5 wt%, CaO/Na2O~4.4, Al2O3/SiO2 ~0.33) under both H2O-undersaturated and H2O-saturated conditions to investigate the effect of H2O on the Ca–Na partitioning between plagioclase and melt. Experiments were performed in the temperature and pressure ranges of 1,000–1,300°C and 1–5 kbar, respectively, with varying H2O contents of 0–12wt%. Redox condition was 0–2 log unit above NNO (nickel–nickel oxide) buffer. Temperature-bulk H2O diagrams for the low-alkali tholeiite are constructed at 1, 2, and 5 kbar, and compositions of near-liquidus plagioclase and coexisting melt are determined. To exclude the effect of melt composition (CaO/Na2O and Al2O3/SiO2 ratios) on plagioclase composition and to reveal the effect of H2O on An (=100×Ca/(Ca+Na)) content and (=(Ca/Na)pl/(Ca/Na)melt), we focused on the composition of near-liquidus plagioclases which crystallized from melts with nearly constant CaO/Na2O and Al2O3/SiO2 ratios. Our experimental results show that, at each experimental pressure, An content of the near-liquidus plagioclase and the KDCa-Na almost linearly increases as H2O content in melt increases. Each of the An content and the variations in a low-alkali tholeiitic system (CaO/Na2O~4.0–4.5, Al2O3/SiO2 ~0.27–0.33) can be described by one equation using temperature, pressure, and melt H2O content as parameters. An content and of liquidus plagioclase increases with increasing melt H2O and with decreasing pressure, elucidating that nearly H2O-saturated conditions of 2–3 kbar is optimal for the crystallization of the most An-rich plagioclase (>An88). We suggest this pressure condition of 2–3 kbar, corresponding to depth of 7–11 km, plays an important role for the origin of An-rich plagioclase in H2O-rich low-alkali tholeiite. At pressures more than ca. 4 kbar, crystallization of liquidus Ca-rich clinopyroxene decreases the CaO/Na2O ratio of liquid, thus prohibiting the crystallization of high-An plagioclase from hydrous tholeiite.  相似文献   

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