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The MIPAS instrument on board Envisat, in Earth orbit, the PFS and OMEGA instruments on Mars Express, and VIRTIS on board Venus Express are currently providing a dataset of limb measurements of the CO2 atmospheric fluorescence emission at 4.3‐μm from the upper atmosphere of the three planets. These measurements represent an excellent dataset to perform comparative studies between the terrestrial planets’ upper atmospheres, and also to test our theoretical understanding of these emissions. In order to exploit these datasets, we apply a set of non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (non-LTE) models developed at the IAA/CSIC, in Granada, Spain, to a selection of data. In general, the models can explain the main spectral features of the measurements, and also the altitude and solar zenith angle variations. However, the simulations for Mars and Venus give an incorrect ratio of the emissions at two wavelengths, 4.4 and . In order to explain this deficiency, a revision of the most uncertain non-LTE energy transfer parameters has been performed. The quenching rate of ν3 quanta of high-energy CO2 states by CO2 itself could reduce the model-data discrepancy if increased by a factor 2-4, still within its current uncertainty range. This factor, however, is subject to the uncertainty in the thermal structure. A number of simulations with the non-LTE models were also used to study and compare the role of radiative transfer in this spectral region in the three terrestrial planets. Sensitivity studies of density and temperature are also presented, and they permit an analysis of how the differences between the planets and between the three instruments affect their sounding capabilities.  相似文献   

Imaging spectroscopic observations of the Venus 1.27-μm O2 airglow were carried out with ground-based telescopes from 2002 to 2007. Spectral image cubes were taken with the Okayama Astrophysical Observatory/infrared imaging spectrometer (superOASIS), the Gunma Astronomical Observatory/near-infrared camera and NASA's Infrared Telescope Facility/cryogenic echelle spectrograph (CSHELL). The rotational temperature shows weak positive correlation with the airglow intensity. However, there are some regions that have almost same intensities but different temperatures. The intensities tend to decrease from the anti-solar point to the terminator besides local features. These results indicate that there are local strong downward flows superimposed on the subsolar-to-antisolar circulation.  相似文献   

Ten-micrometer spectra of the North Tropical Zone, North Equatorial Belt, and Great Red Spot at a spectral resolution of 1.1 cm?1 are compared to synthetic spectra. These ground-based spectra were obtained simultaneously with the Voyager 1 encounter with Jupiter in March, 1979. The NH3 vertical distribution is found to decrease with altitude significantly faster than the saturated vapor pressure curve and is different for the three observed regions. Spatial variability in the NH3 mixing ratio could be caused by changes in the amount of NH3 condensation or in the degree of the NH3 photolysis. The C2H6 emission at 12 μm has approximately the same strength at the North Tropical Zone and North Equatorial Belt, but it is 30% weaker at the Great Red Spot. A cooler temperature inversion or a smaller abundance of C2H6 could explain the lower C2H6 emission over the Great Red Spot.  相似文献   

The new ESA Venus Express orbiter is the first mission applying the probing technique of solar and stellar occultation to the atmosphere of Venus, with the SPICAV/SOIR instrument. SOIR is a new type of spectrometer used for solar occultations in the range 2.2-4.3 μm. Thanks to a high spectral resolving power R∼15,000-20,000 (unprecedented in planetary space exploration), a new gaseous absorption band was soon detected in the atmospheric transmission spectra around 2982 cm−1, showing a structure resembling an unresolved Q branch and a number of isolated lines with a regular wave number pattern. This absorption could not be matched to any species contained in HITRAN or GEISA databases, but was found very similar to an absorption pattern observed by a US team in the spectrum of solar light reflected by the ground of Mars [Villanueva, G.L., Mumma, M.J., Novak, R.E., Hewagama, T., 2008. Icarus 195 (1), 34-44]. This team then suggested to us that the absorption was due to an uncatalogued transition of the 16O12C18O molecule. The possible existence of this band was soon confirmed from theoretical considerations by Perevalov and Tashkun. Some SOIR observations of the atmospheric transmission are presented around 2982 cm−1, and rough calculations of line strengths of the Q branch are produced, based on the isotopic ratio measured earlier in the lower atmosphere of Venus. This discovery emphasizes the role of isotopologues of CO2 (as well as H2O and HDO) as important greenhouse gases in the atmosphere of Venus.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the P6, P8, and P10 lines in the 0.7820 μm CO2 band of Venus using a scattering model. Our new results compare favorably with previous results from the 1.05 μm CO2 band. We considered nonabsorbing and absorbing clouds. We found that the anisotropic scattering mean free path for both models at the 0.2atm level is between 0.55 and 0.73km, a range close to the value of 1 km for terrestrial hazes. We used our scattering models to synthesize the 0.8226 μm H2O line, assuming that the clouds are composed of sulfuric acid drops, and found our nonabsorbing cloud required a sulfuric acid concentration of 82% by weight, while our thicker absorbing cloud required a concentration of 89%. A comparison of the variation of optical depth with height for our cloud models with the variation reported by Prinn (1973, Science182, 1132–1134) showed that, within a factor of 2, the variation for Prinn's thinnest cloud agreed with ours. Whitehill and Hansen (1973, Icarus20, 146–152) have recently confirmed the work of Regas et al. (1973a, J. Quant. Spectry. Radiative Transfer13, 461–463) which showed that two cloud layers are not required to explain the CO2 phase variation of Venus. Prinn's recent photochemical study of sulfuric acid clouds further supports a single, continuous cloud layer in the line formation region instead of two cloud layers with an extensive clear region between. The single layer model appears more likely because the maximum particle density in Prinn's cloud occurs in the clear region between the two layers in the models of Hunt (1972, J. Quant. Spectry. Radiative Transfer12, 405–419) and Carleton and Traub (1972, Bull. Amer. Astron. Soc.4, 362.).  相似文献   

Ground-based observations of Venus were made with a 5-cm drive Michelson interferometer during December 1970 and December 1973. The thermal emission spectrum of the central portion of the apparent disk was recorded from 450–1250 cm?1 with an apodized spectral resolution of 0.25 cm?1. All statistically significant sharp line absorption features in the spectrum have been identified with gaseous CO2. Comparison between the observed spectrum and a synthetic spectrum computed from a model atmosphere, assuming gaseous CO2 and a sulfuric acid haze as opacity sources, indicates good agreement. A broad diffuse absorption feature associated with the sulfuric acid haze is evident in the 870- to 930 cm?1 region. With the exception of the rotational lines of the 927-cm?1 CO2 band, the above feature appears as a continuum down to 0.25 cm?1 resolution. In the 750- to 1250-cm?1 range, the spectrum exhibits moderate thermal contrast with maximum brightness temperatures of 234–238°K occurring near 825 cm?1. These temperatures are in general agreement with previous measurements.  相似文献   

We present radiative transfer modelling of thermal emission from the nightside of Venus in two ‘spectral window’ regions at 1.51 and 1.55 μm. The first discovery of these windows, reported by Erard et al. [Erard, S., Drossart, P., Piccioni, G., 2009. J. Geophys. Res. Planets 114, doi:10.1029/2008JE003116. E00B27], was achieved using a principal component analysis of data from the VIRTIS instrument on Venus Express. These windows are spectrally narrow, with a full-width at half-maximum of ∼20 nm, and less bright than the well-known 1.7 and 2.3 μm spectral windows by two orders of magnitude.In this note we present the first radiative transfer analysis of these windows. We conclude that the radiation in these windows originates at an altitude of 20-35 km. As is the case for the other infrared window regions, the brightness of the windows is affected primarily by the optical depth of the overlying clouds; in addition, the 1.51 μm radiance shows a very weak sensitivity to water vapour abundance.  相似文献   

Infrared radiation spectra of Mars which can be measured by an orbiting Planetary Fourier Spectrometer (PFS) have been simulated in the spectral region from 1 to 50 μm. The radiative transfer simulation technique considers absorption, emission and multiple scattering by molecular (CO2, H2O, CO) and particulate (palagonite) species. It is shown that the contribution from atmospheric dust extinction and surface reflectance can be separated in the region of the CO2 bands at 2.0 and 2.7 μm. Quantitative results of simultaneous surface pressure, reflectance and aerosol optical depth retrievals are discussed.  相似文献   

Forty-seven well exposed photographic plates of Venus which show the spectrum of the carbon dioxide band at 7820Å were obtained at Table Mountain Observatory in September and October 1972. These spectra showed a semiregular four-day variation in the CO2 abundance over the disk of the planet (Young et al., 1974). We also find evidence for temporal variations in the rotational temperature of this band and temperature variations over the disk. The two quantities, CO2 abundance and temperature, do not show any obvious relationship; however, an increase in the temperature usually is accompanied by a decrease in the abundance of CO2. The average temperature, found from a curve-of-growth analysis assuming a constant CO2 line width, is 249±1.4K (one standard deviation). This temperature is noticeably higher than the rotational temperature of 242±2K found for this same band in 1967 (Schorn et al., 1969) and of 242±1.2K in 1968–1969 (Young et al., 1971).  相似文献   

Spectra of Venus in the 925- to 980-cm−1 spectral range were recorded in January 1985 at a resolution of 0.06 cm−1. Several lines from the ν3ν1 bands of 13CO2 and 12C16O18O were observed for the first time. Synthetic spectra, which include absorption from CO2 bands and from sulfuric acid clouds, are compared to the observations. Taking into account measurement noise as well as systematic errors, the analysis yields 12C/13C=86±12 and 16O/18O=500±80, in agreement with the terrestrial ratios. The results are consistent with previous ground-based near-infrared studies and with in situ mass spectrometer measurements.  相似文献   

A spectral analysis of the fluctuations of the infrared sky radiance at 10m was made at the ESO-site of La Silla in Northern Chile. The data are compared to literature. The consequences of the results on infrared observing for future large telescopes are discussed: our data suggest that in order to achieve background noise limited performance in the 10m atmospheric window chopping with frequencies of 8 Hz and amplitudes of 10 arcsec is mandatory.based on observations obtained at the European Southern Observatory, La Silla, Chile  相似文献   

After molecular nitrogen, methane is the most abundant species in Titan’s atmosphere and plays a major role in its energy budget and its chemistry. Methane has strong bands at 3.3 μm emitting mainly at daytime after absorption of solar radiation. This emission is strongly affected by non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (non-LTE) in Titan’s upper atmosphere and, hence, an accurate modeling of the non-LTE populations of the emitting vibrational levels is necessary for its analysis. We present a sophisticated and extensive non-LTE model which considers 22 CH4 levels and takes into account all known excitation mechanisms in which they take part. Solar absorption is the major excitation process controlling the population of the v3-quanta levels above 1000 km whereas the distribution of the vibrational energy within levels of similar energy through collisions with N2 is also of importance below that altitude. CH4-CH4 vibrational exchange of v4-quanta affects their population below 500 km. We found that the ν3 → ground band dominates Titan’s 3.3 μm daytime limb radiance above 750 km whereas the ν3 + ν4 → ν4 band does below that altitude and down to 300 km. The ν3 + ν2 → ν2, the 2ν3 → ν3, and the 13CH4ν3 → ground bands each contribute from 5% to 8% at regions below 800 km. The ν3 + 2ν4 → 2ν4and ν2 + ν3 + ν4 → ν2 + ν4 bands each contribute from 2% to 5% below 650 km. Contributions from other CH4 bands are negligible. We have used the non-LTE model to retrieve the CH4 abundance from 500 to 1100 km in the southern hemisphere from Cassini-VIMS daytime measurements near 3.3 μm. Our retrievals show good agreement with previous measurements and model results, supporting a weak deviation from well mixed values from the lower atmosphere up to 1000 km.  相似文献   

The infrared emission observed for dust in the Trapezium nebula over the waveband 8–40 m cannot be explained on the basis of a simple silicate model involving either terrestrial or lunar silicates. Laboratory measurements were carried out to determine the opacity coefficient of finely crushed Murchison meteorite material. Murchison material (including organics within it) provides a better fit to the Trapezium data than any known silicate, but the agreement is inferior to that obtained for a diatom model.  相似文献   

Computations of the equivalent widths of absorption lines as a function of planetary phase angle are made for a homogeneous cloud with particles having the properties (shape, refractive index, and size distribution) deduced from polarimetry of Venus. The computed equivalent widths show an “inverse phase effect” comparable to that which is observed for CO2 lines on Venus. This result verifies a recent suggestion of Regas et al. that the existence of an inverse phase effect does not by itself imply the presence of multiple layers of scattering particles in the atmosphere of Venus.  相似文献   

F. Altieri  L. Zasova  G. Bellucci  B. Gondet 《Icarus》2009,204(2):499-511
We present a method to derive the 2D maps of the O2 (a1Δg) airglow emission at 1.27 μm from the OMEGA/MEx nadir observations. The OMEGA imaging capabilities allow monitoring the 2D distribution, daily and seasonal variation of the O2 emission intensities with a detection limit of 4 MR. The highest values, of the order of ∼31 MR, are found on the south pole for 11 h < LT < 13 h, during the early spring (186° < Ls < 192°) of martian year (MY) 27, according to the Mars Year numbering scheme of Clancy et al. [Clancy, R.T., Wolff, M.J., Christensen, P.R., 2003. Mars aerosol studies with the MGS TES emission phase function observations: Optical depths, particle sizes, and ice cloud types versus latitude and solar longitude. J. Geophys. Res. 108. doi: 10.1029/2003JE002058]. In the polar regions the day-by-day variability, associated with polar vortex turbulences, is obtained of the order of 30-50% as predicted by the model [Lefévre, F., Lebonnois, S., Montmessin, F., Forget, F., 2004. Three-dimensional modeling of ozone on Mars. J. Geophys. Res. 109, E07004. doi: 10.1029/2004JE002268] and found by SPICAM [Perrier, S., Bertaux, J.-L., Lebonnois, S., Korablev, O., Fedorova, A., 2006. Global distribution of total ozone on Mars from SPICAM/MEX UV measurements. J. Geophys. Res. 111, E09S06. doi: 10.1029/2006JE002681]. In the considered set of data a maximum of the O2 emission is observed between 11 h and 15 h LT in the latitude range 70-85° during early spring on both hemispheres, while for the southern autumn-winter season a maximum is found between 50° and 60° in the southern hemisphere for MY28. Increase of intensity of the O2 emission observed from Ls 130° to 160° at southern high latitudes may be explained by increase of solar illumination conditions in the maps acquired during the considered period.Atmospheric waves crossing the terminator on the southern polar regions are observed for the first time during the MY28 early spring. The spatial scale of the waves ranges from 100 to 130 km, and the intensity fluctuations are of the order of 4MR.This study confirms the high potentiality of O2 (a1Δg) day glow as a passive tracer of the martian atmosphere dynamics at high latitudes.  相似文献   

We report the detection of the (H2)2dimer in the atmospheres of Saturn and Neptune based on spectra of the fundamentalS1(1) collision-induced band of H2. The lines of this dimer are potentially useful for probing the (H2)2ortho–para ratio and its implications for atmospheric dynamical processes. We also report the detection of the (1–0)S1(1) quadrupole absorption line of monomeric H2in these spectra.  相似文献   

Recently, an unidentified 3.3-3.4 μm feature found in the solar occultation spectra of the atmosphere of Titan observed by Cassini/VIMS was tentatively attributed to the C-H stretching mode of aliphatic hydrocarbon chains attached to large organic molecules, but without properly extracting the feature from adjacent influences of strong CH4 and weak C2H6 absorptions (Bellucci et al., 2009). In this work, we retrieve the detailed spectral feature using a radiative transfer program including absorption and fluorescent emission of both molecules, as well as absorption and scattering by haze particles. The spectral features of the haze retrieved from the VIMS data at various altitudes are similar to each other, indicating relatively uniform spectral properties of the haze with altitude. However, slight deviations observed near 127 km and above 300 km suggest inhomogeneity at these altitudes. We find that the positions of the major spectral peaks occur at 3.33-3.37 μm, which are somewhat different from the typical 3.3 μm aromatic or 3.4 μm aliphatic C-H stretches usually seen in the spectra of dust particles of the interstellar medium and comets. The peaks, however, coincide with those of the solid state spectra of C2H6, CH4, and CH3CN; and a broad shoulder from 3.37 to 3.50 μm coincides with those of C5H12 and C6H12 as well as those of typical aliphatic C-H stretches. This result combined with high-altitude (∼1000 km) haze formation process recently reported by Waite et al. (2007) opens a new question on the chemical composition of the haze particles. We discuss the possibility that the 3 μm feature may be due to the solid state absorption bands of these molecules (or some other molecules) and we advocate additional laboratory measurements for the ices of hydrocarbon and nitrogen-bearing molecules present in Titan's atmosphere for the identification of this 3 μm feature.  相似文献   

We present an analysis of VIRTIS-M-IR observations of 1.74 μm emission from the nightside of Venus. The 1.74 μm window in the near infrared spectrum of Venus is an ideal proxy for investigating the evolution of middle and lower cloud deck opacity of Venus because it exhibits good signal to noise due to its brightness, good contrast between bright and dark regions, and few additional sources of extinction beside the clouds themselves. We have analyzed the data from the first 407 orbits (equivalent to 407 Earth days) of the Venus Express mission to determine the magnitude of variability in the 1.74 μm radiance. We have also performed an analysis of the evolution of individual features over a span of roughly 5–6 h on two successive orbits of Venus Express. We find that the overall 1.74 μm brightness of Venus has been increasing through the first 407 days of the mission, indicating a gradual diminishing of the cloud coverage and/or thickness, and that the lower latitudes exhibited more variability and more brightening than higher latitudes. We find that individual features evolve with a time scale of about 30 h, consistent with our previous analysis. Analysis of the evolution and motion of the clouds can be used to estimate the mesoscale dynamics within the clouds of Venus. We find that advection alone cannot explain the observed evolution of the features. The measured vorticity and divergence in the vicinity of the features are consistent with evolution under the influence of significant vertical motions likely driven by a radiative dynamical feedback. We measure a zonal wind speed of around 65 m/s, and a meridional wind speed around 2.5 m/s by tracking the motion of the central region of the features. But we also find that the measured wind speeds depend strongly on the points chosen for the wind speed analysis.  相似文献   

For 22 infrared sources showing the 10-m silicate absorption band, the optical depths, dust temperatures and equivalent widths have been calculated for two assumed simple models.  相似文献   

Between November 23 and 28, 2007, the Cologne Tuneable Heterodyne Infrared Spectrometer THIS was installed at the McMath-Pierce Solar Telescope (Kitt Peak, Arizona, USA) to determine zonal wind velocities and to estimate the subsolar-to-antisolar flow. We investigate dynamics in the upper atmosphere of Venus by measuring the Doppler shift of fully-resolved non-LTE CO2 emission lines at 959.3917 cm?1 (10.423 μm), which probe a narrow altitude region in Venus’ atmosphere around 110 ± 10 km (~1 μbar). The results show no significant zonal wind velocity at the equator. An increase with latitude up to 43 ± 13 m/s at a latitude of 33°N was observed. This confirms the deduction of a minor influence of Venus superrotation at an altitude of 110 km from previous measurements in May 2007 (Sornig et al., 2008). The specific observing geometry enables estimating the maximum cross terminator velocity of the subsolar-to-antisolar flow at 72 ± 47 m/s.  相似文献   

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