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T.A. Cassidy  R.E. Johnson 《Icarus》2010,209(2):696-703
We describe a direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) model of Enceladus’ neutral cloud and compare its results to observations of OH and O orbiting Saturn. The OH and O are observed far from Enceladus (at 3.95 RS), as far out as 25 RS for O. Previous DSMC models attributed this breadth primarily to ion/neutral scattering (including charge exchange) and molecular dissociation. However, the newly reported O observations and a reinterpretation of the OH observations (Melin, H., Shemansky, D.E., Liu, X. [2009] Planet. Space Sci., 57, 1743-1753, PS&S) showed that the cloud is broader than previously thought. We conclude that the addition of neutral/neutral scattering (Farmer, A.J. [2009] Icarus, 202, 280-286), which was underestimated by previous models, brings the model results in line with the new observations. Neutral/neutral collisions primarily happen in the densest part of the cloud, near Enceladus’ orbit, but contribute to the spreading by pumping up orbital eccentricity. Based on the cloud model presented here Enceladus maybe the ultimate source of oxygen for the upper atmospheres of Titan and Saturn. We also predict that large quantities of OH, O and H2O bombard Saturn’s icy satellites.  相似文献   

The discovery of plumes of H2O vapor and ice particles erupting from the south pole of Enceladus, the tiny frigid satellite of Saturn, sparked controversy over whether these plumes are produced by boiling, or by sublimation with subsequent recondensation of the sublimated vapor [Porco, C.C., Helfenstein, P., Thomas, P.C., Ingersoll, A.P., Wisdom, J., West, R., Neukum, G., Denk, T., Wagner, R., Roatsch, T., Kieffer, S., Turtle, E., McEwen, A., Johnson, T.V., Rathbun, J., Veverka, J., Wilson, D., Perry, J., Spitale, J., Brahic, A., Burns, J.A., DelGenio, A.D., Dones, L., Murray, C.D., Squyres, S., 2006. Science 311, 1393-1401]. Porco et al.’s analysis that the masses of ice (I) and vapor (V) in the plume were comparable was taken to argue against the occurrence of sublimation and recondensation, leading to the hypothesis that the reservoir was boiling water, possibly as close as 7 m to the surface. Thus, it has been advocated that Enceladus should be a target for astrobiology exploration. Here we show, with recalculations using the original data and methodologies, as well as with new sensitivity studies, that the mass of ice in the column is significantly less than the mass of water vapor, and that by considering three additional effects, I/V is likely to be <0.2-0.1. This means that the plume is dominated by vapor that the thermodynamics permits to be easily produced by sublimation with recondensation. The low I/V ratio provides no compelling criterion for consideration of a liquid water reservoir. The uncertainties on the I/V ratio have not previously been discussed in the literature. Although the I/V ratio is sensitive to particle sizes and size distributions, the masses of ice (I) and vapor (V) are not comparable in any scenario constrained by available observations. We thus discuss the implications of sublimation from a thermodynamic point of view in a context that has not been presented previously. Constraints on I/V ratio from future spacecraft measurements of the plume, in conjunction with consideration of the total plume composition and multicomponent analysis, can help constrain source conditions for the plume.  相似文献   

In this paper we present two methods to derive electron fluid parameters from the CAPS–ELS spectrometer on board the Cassini spacecraft currently in orbit around Saturn. In the first part of the paper we give a basic overview of the instrument and describe the challenges inherent in the derivation of density and temperature values using these techniques. We then describe a method to calculate electron moments by integrating the particle distribution function. We also describe a second technique in which we fit the electron energy spectrum with a Gaussian curve and use the peak energy of this curve to derive density and temperature values. We then compare the two methods with particular emphasis on their application to Cassini SOI observations in the saturnian environment and point out the limitations of the two techniques. We will show that results from the two very different methods are in agreement when the physical properties of the environment and of the observed electron populations have been inferred from inspection of the raw data. Finally we will suggest future developments that will remove these limitations.  相似文献   

The population of Saturn's outermost tenuous E-ring is dominated by tiny water ice particles. Active volcanism on the moon Enceladus, embedded in the E-ring, has since late 2005 been known to be a major source of particles replenishing the ring. Therefore particles in the vicinity of Enceladus may provide crucial information about the dynamical and chemical processes occurring below the moon's icy surface. Here we present a statistical evaluation of more than 2000 impact ionisation mass spectra of Saturn's E-ring particles, with sizes predominantly below 1 μm, detected by the Cosmic Dust Analyser onboard the Cassini spacecraft. We focus on the identification of non-water features in spectra otherwise dominated by water ice signatures. Here we specify the categorisation of two different spectrum types, which probably represent two particle populations. Type I spectra imply pure water ice particles, whereas in Type II spectra organic compounds and/or silicate minerals are identified as impurities within the icy particles. This finding supports the hypothesis of a dynamic interaction of Enceladus' rocky core with liquid water.  相似文献   

As on Earth, Titan’s atmosphere plays a major role in the cooling of heated surfaces. We have assessed the mechanisms by which Titan’s atmosphere, dominantly N2 at a surface pressure of 1.5 × 105 Pa, cools a warm or heated surface. These heated areas can be caused by impacts generating melt sheets and (possibly) by endogenic processes emplacing cryolavas (a low-temperature liquid that freezes on the surface). We find that for a cooling cryolava flow, lava lake, or impact melt body, heat loss is mainly driven by atmospheric convection. Radiative heat loss, a dominant heat loss mechanism with terrestrial silicate lava flows, plays only a minor role on Titan. Long-term cooling and solidification are dependent on melt sheet or flow thickness, and also local climate, because persistent winds will speed cooling. Relatively rapid cooling caused by winds reduces the detectability of these thermal events by instruments measuring surface thermal emission. Because surface temperature drops by ≈50% within ≈1 day of emplacement, fresh flows or impact melt may be difficult to detect via thermal emission unless an active eruption is directly observed. Cooling of flow or impact melt surfaces are orders of magnitude faster on Titan than on airless moons (e.g., Enceladus or Europa).Although upper surfaces cool fast, the internal cooling and solidification process is relatively slow. Cryolava flow lengths are, therefore, more likely to be volume (effusion) limited, rather than cooling-limited. More detailed modeling awaits constraints on the thermophysical properties of the likely cryomagmas and surface materials.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of a modest redshift survey carried out, at generally low Galactic latitudes, in the vicinity of the South Celestial Pole. Target galaxies were selected as a 'representative' sample of underlying large-scale structures. Dimensions, approximate magnitudes and radial velocity measurements, are reported for 336 galaxies. Two obvious Seyfert 1 galaxies, one probably Seyfert 1 and three Seyfert 2 galaxies have been discovered. The redshifts are used to supplement existing data and serve to map southern voids and features out to 25 000 km s−1 in the region  270° < l < 330°, 0° > b > −45°  . Three distinct superclusters and twenty apparent voids are tentatively identified. One Void, at   l = 300°, b =−20°, cz = 16 000 km s−1  , with a diameter of 6000 km s−1, is as large as any yet mapped. It appears as part of a general underdense region.  相似文献   

To be able to simulate the interaction of extrasolar planets with the stellar wind, a number of planetary parameters are required. Some of these (like planetary mass and radius) can be obtained directly from observational data. Other properties are not known very precisely. For example, up to now, there is no observation providing information on the strength of planetary magnetic moments. However, there is good reason to expect only very small magnetic moments for planets in very close orbits around their stars (like HD 209458 b and OGLE-TR-56 b). Thus, as a first step towards a more complete treatment, it seems reasonable to treat the interaction of the stellar wind with an unmagnetized planet. Calculations were performed for a nonconducting as well as for a weakly conducting planet. The interaction with the stellar wind and the resulting induced magnetosphere was simulated using a three dimensional hybrid code as well as in the drift-kinetic approximation. The effect of a interplanetary magnetic field oriented perpendicular to the incoming stellar wind was included. In the case of a weakly conducting body an asymmetrical Mach cone is formed, whereas for a nonconducting body no Mach cone is observed. These investigations will serve as the first step in the search for particular effects occurring at extrasolar planets, which could possibly lead to observable effects, e.g. radio emission. The results are also relevant for plasma structures near weakly conducting, unmagnetized bodies like the Earth's moon.  相似文献   

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