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L.S. Crumpler  J.C. Aubele 《Icarus》1978,34(3):496-511
Analysis of Viking Orbiter data suggests that Arsia Mons, Pavonis Mons, and Ascreus Mons, three large shield volcanoes of the Tharsis volcanoes of Mars, have had similar evolutionary trends. Arsia Mons appears to have developed in the following sequence: (1) construction of a main shield volcano, (2) outbreak of parasitic eruption centers on the northeast and southwest flanks, (3) volcano-tectonic subsidence of the summit and formation of concentric fractures and grabens, possibly by evacuation of an underlying magma chamber during eruption of copious lavas from parasitic eruption centers on the northeast and southwest flanks, and (4) continued volcanism along a fissure or rift bisecting the main shield, resulting in flooding of the floor of the volcano-tectonic depression and inundation of the northeast and southwest flanks by voluminous lavas locally forming parasitic shields. In terms of this sequence Pavonis Mons has developed to stage (3) and Ascreus Mons has evolved to stage (2). This interpretation is supported by crater frequency-diameter distributions in the 0.1? to 3.0 km-diameter range.  相似文献   

HiRISE has imaged a graben wall on the western flank of Arsia Mons volcano, Mars. This graben is ∼3×16 km in plan-view size and is oriented almost perpendicular to the general volcano slope. We have identified 1318 individual sub-horizontal layers, which we interpret to be lava flows, in the 885 m high, nearly vertical, eastern wall of this graben. The average and median outcrop widths of each layer are 149 and 85 m, respectively. No layers extend >1.72 km across the width of the section, arguing against these being either areally-extensive ash or paleo-glacial deposits, which has implications for the reoccurrence interval of glacial events and/or the long-term magma production rate of the volcano. Measurements (N=118) made at a 100-m spacing across the width of the section reveal that there are, on average, 17.3 layers at each location. This implies an average layer thickness of ∼51 m. Locally, however, as many as 7 layers can be counted within a 70 m-high part of the section, implying, if these layers are indeed lava flows, that Arsia Mons occasionally erupted flows that were only ∼10 m thick.  相似文献   

Slope streaks are a form of gravity-driven mass-movements that frequently occur on Mars today. The cause of slope streak formation remains unclear; both, dry and wet processes have been suggested. Here, we observationally constrain the time of the year during which slope streaks form. Imagery from four Mars-orbiting cameras is mined to identify locations that have been imaged repeatedly, and the overlapping images are surveyed for streak activity. A search algorithm automatically finds the locations on the surface that have been imaged most often based on a graph representation. Dark slope streaks are found to form sporadically throughout the Mars year. At one study site in the Olympus Mons Aureole, observations constrain slope streak formation to at least five distinct time intervals within a single Mars year. New slope streaks form spatially isolated or in small groups within a few kilometers of one another. The observations suggest that slope streak triggering is unrelated to season and not caused by any large regional events. Most slope streaks are caused by sporadic events of small spatial extent.  相似文献   

Throughout the recorded history of Mars, liquid water has distinctly shaped its landscape, including the prominent circum-Chryse and the northwestern slope valleys outflow channel systems, and the extremely flat northern plains topography at the distal reaches of these outflow channel systems. Paleotopographic reconstructions of the Tharsis magmatic complex reveal the existence of an Europe-sized Noachian drainage basin and subsequent aquifer system in eastern Tharsis. This basin is proposed to have sourced outburst floodwaters that sculpted the outflow channels, and ponded to form various hypothesized oceans, seas, and lakes episodically through time. These floodwaters decreased in volume with time due to inadequate groundwater recharge of the Tharsis aquifer system. Martian topography, as observed from the Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter, corresponds well to these ancient flood inundations, including the approximated shorelines that have been proposed for the northern plains. Stratigraphy, geomorphology, and topography record at least one great Noachian-Early Hesperian northern plains ocean, a Late Hesperian sea inset within the margin of the high water marks of the previous ocean, and a number of widely distributed minor lakes that may represent a reduced Late Hesperian sea, or ponded waters in the deepest reaches of the northern plains related to minor Tharsis- and Elysium-induced Amazonian flooding.  相似文献   

We study the thermal fields over Olympus Mons separating seasons (northern spring and summer against southern spring and summer) and local time observations (day side versus night side). Temperature vertical profiles retrieved from Planetary Fourier Spectrometer on board Mars Express (PFS-MEX) data have been used. In many orbits (running north to south along a meridian) passing over the top of the volcano there is evidence of a hot air on top of the volcano, of two enhancement of the air temperature both north and south of it and in between a collar of air that is colder than nearby at low altitudes, and warmer than nearby at high altitudes. Mapping together many orbits passing over or near the volcano we find that the hot air has the tendency to form an hot ring around it. This hot structure occurs mostly between LT = 10.00 and 15.00 and during the northern summer. Distance of the hot structure from the top of the volcano is about 600 km (10° of latitude). The hot atmospheric region is 300-420 km (5-7°) wide. Hot ring temperature contrasts of about 40 K occur at 2 km above the surface and decrease to 20 K at 5 km and to 10 K at 10 km. The atmospheric circulation over an area of 40° × 40° (latitudes and longitudes) is affected by the topography and the presence of Olympus Mons (−133°W, 18°N). We discuss also the thermal stability of the atmosphere over the selected area using the potential temperatures. The temperature field over the top of the volcano shows unstable atmosphere within 10 km from the surface. Finally, we interpret the hot temperatures around volcano as an adiabatic compression of down-welling branch coming from over the top of volcano.Different air temperature profiles are observed in the same seasons during the night, or in different seasons. In northern spring-summer during the night the isothermal contours do not show the presence of the volcano until we reach close to the surface very much, where a thermal inversion is observed. The surface temperature shows higher values (by 10 K) in correspondence of the scarp (an abrupt altimetry variation of roughly 5 km) on south (6°N) and north (30°N) sides of volcano. During the southern spring-summer, on the contrary the isothermal curves run parallel to the surface even on top the volcano, just like the GCM have predicted.  相似文献   

Slope steaks are one of the most intriguing modern phenomena observed on Mars. They have been mostly interpreted as some specific type of granular flow. We propose another mechanism for slope streak formation on Mars. It involves natural seasonal formation of a modest amount of highly concentrated chloride brines within a seasonal thermal skin, and runaway propagation of percolation fronts. Given the current state of knowledge of temperature regimes and the composition and structure of the surface layer in the slope streak regions, this mechanism is consistent with the observational constraints; it requires an assumption that a significant part of the observed chlorine to be in form of calcium and ferric chloride, and a small part of the observed hydrogen to be in form of water ice. This “wet” mechanism has a number of appealing advantages in comparison to the widely accepted “dry” granular flow mechanism. Potential tests for the “wet” mechanism include better modeling of the temperature regime and observations of the seasonality of streak formation.  相似文献   

P.C Thomas  P Gierasch  D.S Miller  B Cantor 《Icarus》2003,162(2):242-258
Variable surface albedo features on Mars are likely caused by the entrainment and deposition of dust by the wind. Most discrete markings are associated with topographic forms or with regional slopes that serve to alter the effective wind shear stress on the surface. Some of the largest variable features, here termed mesoscale linear streaks, are up to 400 km in length and repeatedly occur in one of the smoothest regions of Mars: Amazonis Planitia. Their orientations and apparent season of variability as observed by Viking and Mars Orbiter cameras indicate linear streak formation by enhanced surface wind stresses during regional or local dust storms and during the initial stages of global dust storms. They provide an example of the ability of large-scale winds, without significant local enhancement, to initiate dust motion on Mars. The sizes and spacing of the linear streaks may be controlled by boundary layer rolls. The repetitive formation of these streaks, over a span of more than 11 Mars years, gives one measure of the stability of Mars’ eolian processes.  相似文献   

In this paper we report about a small region on the northern scarp of Olympus Mons showing an increase of the 3 μm hydration band in the OMEGA spectra, together with low superficial temperatures. Although water ice clouds can occurs on the flank of big martian volcanoes, radiative transfer modeling indicates that atmospheric water ice alone cannot justify the shape of the observed band. A fit of the 1.9–3 μm absorption features is obtained by hypothesizing that the study region consists of a mixture of dust and water ice covered by an optically thin (τ=0.08 at 3 μm) layer of dust. Thermal modeling also suggests that water ice in this region may be stable during most of the martian year due to the saturation of the atmosphere. If water ice is responsible for the observed spectral behavior, it might consist of a number of ice or snow patches possibly deposited in small depressions.  相似文献   

Suspended dust is a dominant component of the Martian environment. It has a major influence on atmospheric circulation and it is deposited widely over the planetary surface causing a serious hazard to instrumentation. In order to study dust transport, quantification of the wind flow and dust concentration are vital. A simple laser-based anemometer system is presented that is able to measure suspended dust grain velocity and turbulence from a landed spacecraft. This system has advantages over other techniques of wind speed determination in being insensitive to contamination or atmospheric conditions such as temperature, pressure or composition. For the first time it would allow direct measurement of the suspended dust concentration on Mars. A prototype instrument has been constructed and successfully tested in a wind tunnel facility under simulated Martian conditions. The optics are simple in design, light weight and the instrument has low power consumption. It is also robust and the output signal is easily interpreted, producing only a small data volume. Future improvements will be discussed, specifically modification to measure wind direction, the possibility of obtaining information about dust grain size and the construction of a flight model.  相似文献   

Dust is a major environmental factor on the surface and in the atmosphere of Mars. Knowing the electrical charge state of this dust would be of both scientific interest and important for the safety of instruments on the Martian surface. In this study the first measurements have been performed of dust electrification using suspended Mars analogue material. This has been achieved by attracting suspended dust onto electrodes placed inside a Mars simulation wind tunnel. The Mars analogue used was from Salten Skov in Denmark, this contained a high concentration of ferric oxide precipitate. Once suspended, this dust was found to consist of almost equal quantities of negatively (46±6%) and positively (44±15%) charged grains.These grains were estimated to typically carry a net charge of around 105e, this is sufficient to dominate the processes of adhesion and cohesion of this suspended dust. Evidence is presented for electrostatic aggregation of the dust while in suspension. Development of a simple instrument for measuring electrical charging of the suspended dust on Mars will be discussed.  相似文献   

During the past 4 Mars years, Mars Orbiter Camera imaging capabilities have been used to document occurrence of seasonal patches of frost at latitudes as low as 33° S, and even 24° S. Monitoring reveals bright patches on pole-facing slopes; these appear in early southern winter and disappear in mid winter. The frost forms annually. Thermal Emission Spectrometer and daytime Thermal Emission Imaging System observations show surface temperatures on and near pole facing slopes reach the condensation temperature of CO2, indicating the patches consist of carbon dioxide rather than water frost. For several months, temperatures on pole-facing crater walls are so low that even carbon dioxide condenses on them, although the slopes are illuminated by the Sun every day. Thermal model calculations show slopes accumulate a several centimeter thick layer of CO2 frost. The frost becomes visible only months after it has begun to form, and has an orientational preference which is due to illumination bias at the time of observation. H2O condenses at higher temperatures and water frost must therefore also be present. Potential opportunities to observe seasonal water frost at low latitudes are also described.  相似文献   

Using images from the Mars Orbiter Camera, we have identified several linear ridges located 10-60 km north of the volcano Olympus Mons, Mars, at the edge of the Olympus Mons aureole materials. These ridges appear to be made of unconsolidated material by virtue of the many dust avalanche scars seen on their upper slopes. Based upon their morphology (several ridges have crater-like central depressions) and superposition relationships, the ridges appear to have formed very recently and post-date the formation of the youngest lava flows spilling over the northern escarpment of Olympus Mons. Several possible origins for the ridges, including an eolian, periglacial, or depositional origin have been considered, but we favor a ridge origin by a series of small explosive eruptions initiated by the intrusion of a dike into a volatile-rich substrate. To explore this process, we develop a numerical model for dike intrusion into a volatile-rich substrate that yields plausible dike widths between 2.4-3.5 m. The total volume of a single ridge system is ∼65×106 m3, and we calculate that it may have taken only a few minutes to form. Viable solutions only exist when the thicknesses of the ice-rich layer is less than ∼1000-2000 m. This strongly suggests that the ice-rich region is limited in its vertical extent to a value of this order.  相似文献   

We use Viking and new MGS and Odyssey data to characterize the lobate deposits superimposed on aureole deposits along the west and northwest flanks of Olympus Mons, Mars. These features have previously been interpreted variously as landslide, pyroclastic, lava flow or glacial features on the basis of Viking images. The advent of multiple high-resolution image and topography data sets from recent spacecraft missions allow us to revisit these features and assess their origins. On the basis of these new data, we interpret these features as glacial deposits and the remnants of cold-based debris-covered glaciers that underwent multiple episodes of advance and retreat, occasionally interacting with extrusive volcanism from higher on the slopes of Olympus Mons. We subdivide the deposits into fifteen distinctive lobes. Typical lobes begin at a theater-like alcove in the escarpment at the base of Olympus Mons, interpreted to be former ice-accumulation zones, and extend outward as a tongue-shaped or fan-shaped deposit. The surface of a typical lobe contains (moving outward from the basal escarpment): a chaotic facies of disorganized hillocks, interpreted as sublimation till in the accumulation zone; arcuate-ridged facies characterized by regular, subparallel ridges and interpreted as the ridges of surface debris formed by the flow of underlying ice; and marginal ridges interpreted as local terminal moraines. Several lobes also contain a hummocky facies toward their margins that is interpreted as a distinctive type of sublimation till shaped by structural dislocations and preferential loss of ice. Blocky units are found extending from the escarpment onto several lobes; these units are interpreted as evidence of lava-ice interaction and imply that ice was present at a time of eruptive volcanic activity higher on the slopes of Olympus Mons. Other than minor channel-like features in association with lava-ice interactions, we find no evidence for the flow of liquid water in association with these lobate features that might suggest: (1) near-surface groundwater as a source for ice in the alcoves in the lobe source region at the base of the scarp, or (2) basal melting and drainage emanating from the lobes that might indicate wet-based glacial conditions. Instead, the array of features is consistent with cold-based glacial processes. The glacial interpretations outlined here are consistent with recent geological evidence for low-latitude ice-rich features at similar positions on the Tharsis Montes as well as with orbital dynamic and climate models indicating extensive snow and ice accumulation associated with episodes of increased obliquity during the Late Amazonian period of the history of Mars.  相似文献   

We report the results of searches for outer satellites of Pluto and Mars, carried out with the Hale 5-m telescope in 1999 and 2001, respectively. No new satellites were found down to limiting magnitudes of mR=25.0 at Pluto and mV∼22 at Mars, corresponding to diameters of 35 and 1 km, respectively, for an assumed geometric albedo of 0.07. A faint trans-neptunian object, 1999 LB37, was discovered in the Pluto fields; given the depth of our survey, discovery of one such object in the background Kuiper belt is in reasonable agreement with expectations.  相似文献   

D. Möhlmann  K. Thomsen 《Icarus》2011,212(1):123-377
Brines, i.e. aqueous salty solutions, increasingly play a role in a better understanding of physics and chemistry (and eventually also putative biology) of the upper surface of Mars. Results of physico-chemical modeling and experimentally determined data to characterize properties of cryobrines of potential interest with respect to Mars are described. Eutectic diagrams, the related numerical eutectic values of composition and temperature, the water activity of Mars-relevant brines of sulfates, chlorides, perchlorides and carbonates, including related deliquescence relative humidity, are parameters and properties, which are described here in some detail. The results characterize conditions for liquid low-temperature brines (“cryobrines”) to evolve and to exist, at least temporarily, on present Mars.  相似文献   

Scalloped depressions are a unique martian surface morphology found in the northern and southern hemisphere latitude-dependent dust and ice-rich surface mantles. These features exhibit a distinct asymmetric north-south slope profile, characterized by steep pole-facing scarps, flat floors and gentle equator-facing slopes. We examined High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC) images of the southern hemisphere to determine their longitudinal distribution, which revealed that a majority of scalloped terrain is located in the region of the southern wall of the Hellas Basin and northern Malea Planum. A detailed map of this area was produced where scallops were found to contour the southern wall of the basin, and where the ice-rich mantle was seen to be thickest. Scalloped terrain is concentrated along the topographic highs near the Amphitrites and Peneus Paterae and areal extent and depth decreases with increasing depth into the basin. We also examined existing hypothesis for the formation and evolution of scalloped depressions using High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) images and data from the Thermal Emission Imaging System-Infrared (THEMIS-IR) and the Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES). Our approach provides regional context for the development of scalloped terrains within the southern hemisphere, and offers detailed evidence of scallop depressions forming around small cracks, presumably caused by thermal contraction. Morphometric measurements show that scalloped depressions can be as much as 40 m deep, with typical depths of between 10 and 20 m. Our observations of scallop formation and development in the southern hemisphere support a solar-insolation model proposed by previous researchers (e.g. [Morgenstern, A., Hauber, E., Reiss, D., van Gasselt, S., Grosse, G., Schirrmeister, L., 2007. J. Geophys. Res. 112, CiteID E06010; Lefort, A., Russell, P.S., Thomas, N., McEwen, A.S., Dundas, C.M., Kirk, R.L., 2009a. J. Geophys. Res. 114, E04005; Lefort, A., Russell, P.S., Thomas, N., 2009b. Icarus, in press]). Observations made using HiRISE images suggest that scalloped depressions most likely form from small cracks in the mantle, which become larger and deeper through sublimation of interstitial ice from within the mantle. Sublimation is likely enhanced on equator-facing slopes because of increased solar insolation, which accounts for the asymmetric slope profile and hemispherical orientation and is demonstrated by THEMIS-IR images. We suggest that sublimation lag deposits can possibly be removed by dust devils or strong slope winds related to the Hellas Basin, offering an explanation as to why scalloped terrain is so abundant only in this area of the southern hemisphere. Daytime maximum summer temperatures suggest that sublimation in the study area of Malea Planum is possible under current conditions if the sublimation lag is removed. While it cannot be ruled out that scalloped terrain in Malea Planum is presently evolving, we attribute the extensive distribution to geologically recent obliquity excursions when conditions were more conducive to mesoscale modification of the ice-rich mantle.  相似文献   

Abundant evidence exists for glaciation being an important geomorphic process in the mid-latitude regions of both hemispheres of Mars, as well as in specific environments at near-equatorial latitudes, such as along the western flanks of the major Tharsis volcanoes. Detailed analyses of glacial landforms (lobate-debris aprons, lineated valley fill, concentric crater fill, viscous flow features) have suggested that this glaciation was predominantly cold-based. This is consistent with the view that the Amazonian has been continuously cold and dry, similar to conditions today. We present new data based on a survey of images from the Context Camera (CTX) on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter that some of these glaciers experienced limited surface melting, leading to the formation of small glaciofluvial valleys. Some of these valleys show evidence for proglacial erosion (eroding the region immediately in front of or adjacent to a glacier), while others are supraglacial (eroding a glacier’s surface). These valleys formed during the Amazonian, consistent with the inferred timing of glacial features based on both crater counts and stratigraphic constraints. The small scale of the features interpreted to be of glaciofluvial origin hindered earlier recognition, although their scale is similar to glaciofluvial counterparts on Earth. These valleys appear qualitatively different from valley networks formed in the Noachian, which can be much longer and often formed integrated networks and large lakes. The valleys we describe here are also morphologically distinct from gullies, which are very recent fluvial landforms formed during the last several million years and on much steeper slopes (∼20-30° for gullies versus ?10° for the valleys we describe). These small valleys represent a distinct class of fluvial features on the surface of Mars (glaciofluvial); their presence shows that the hydrology of Amazonian Mars is more diverse than previously thought.  相似文献   

We characterize the lithospheric structure of Isidis Planitia on Mars by analyzing Mars Global Surveyor and Mars Odyssey gravity and topography data using a flexural model of a thin elastic shell including bending and membrane stresses. Isidis Planitia is a circular, relatively flat plain formed near the end of the Early Noachian, at the edge of the highlands-lowlands boundary and the site of a large free-air gravity anomaly, features consistent with modification and filling of an impact basin. Our results suggest that the bulk density of the fill material inside Isidis must be more than 2600 kg m−3 and higher densities are probable. A comparison of the faulting observed at Nili Fossae to the predicted zone of extensional strain northwest of Isidis constrains the thickness of the elastic lithosphere to be 100-180 km thick beneath the basin at the time of loading. We also find that loads outside of the basin play a significant role in the interpretation of the tectonics; simplified models tend to overestimate the lithospheric thickness. We place relatively narrow bounds on the thermal gradient (3.4-6.5 K km−1) and heat flux (13.6-26 mW m−2) at Isidis at the time of loading.  相似文献   

Data from the Ion Mass Analyzer (IMA) sensor of the ASPERA-3 instrument suite on Mars Express have been analyzed to determine the mass composition of the escaping ion species at Mars. We have examined 77 different ion-beam events and we present the results in terms of flux ratios between the following ion species: CO+2/O+ and O+2/O+. The following ratios averaged over all events and energies were identified: CO+2/O+ = 0.2 and O+2/O+ = 0.9. The values measured are significantly higher, by a factor of 10 for O+2/O+, than a contemporary modeled ratio for the maximum fluxes which the martian ionosphere can supply. The most abundant ion species was found to be O+, followed by O+2 and CO+2. We estimate the loss of CO+2 to be by using the previous measurements of Phobos-2 in our calculations. The dependence of the ion ratios in relation to their energy ranges we studied, 0.3-3.0 keV, indicated that no clear correlation was found.  相似文献   

In order to assess the possibility of meteoroid streams detectable from the surface of Mars as meteor showers we have derived minimum distances and associated velocities for a large sample of small body orbits relative to the orbits of Mars and the Earth. The population ratio for objects approaching to within 0.2 AU of these two planets is found to be approximately 2:1. The smaller relative velocities in the case of Mars appears to be the main impediment to the detection of meteors in the upper atmosphere of that planet. We identify five bodies, including the unusual object (5335) Damocles and periodic comet 1P/Halley, with relative orbital parameters most suitable to produce prominent meteor showers. We identify specific epochs at which showers related to these bodies are expected to occur. An overview of possible detection methods taking into account the unique characteristics of the Martian environment is presented. We pay particular attention on the effects of such streams on the dust rings believed to be present around Mars.  相似文献   

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