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Organic-rich sediment from Lake Louise, a dystrophic sinkhole lake in south Georgia, displays variations in C, N, P, C/N, δ13C, δ15N, biogenic silica (BSi) and diatom flora that document changes in trophic state over the past ~9,500 years. The lake initially was oligotrophic and moderately productive, but by the middle Holocene a rising regional water table, driven by eustatic sea level rise, caused expansion of wetlands around the lake and a shift to humic waters. Low rates of sediment accumulation, low C contents, rising C/N, and light δ13C and δ15N indicate this was a time of low productivity, more anoxic bottom waters and extensive recycling of littoral organic matter. These conditions persisted until ~1800 AD when a physical disturbance to the watershed, probably the Great Hurricane of 1780, resulted in a dramatic increase in productivity that has continued to the present day. We attribute this shift, recorded by a >tenfold increase in sediment accumulation rate, higher C, P, and δ15N, and lower BSi, to establishment of an inflow stream that increased nutrient delivery to the lake, raised water level, and expanded the wetland area around the lake. Since ~1930, logging, farming, and highway construction have impacted the lake, further accelerating biological productivity as well as the delivery of terrigenous sediment. Results of this study illustrate the potential of a single, catastrophic event to permanently alter the hydrology and chemistry of a lacustrine system and confirm that dystrophic lakes can be highly productive and therefore promising targets for paleolimnological study.  相似文献   

赵俊琳 《极地研究》1997,8(1):29-34
ClimaticchangesintheregionsofAntarcticGreatWalSta┐tion,SouthernChileandSouthGeorgiaIslandZhaoJunlin(赵俊琳)InstituteofEnvironme...  相似文献   

刘旺  胡松 《极地研究》2018,30(1):42-49
南乔治亚岛大风天气较为频繁, 天气形势复杂多变。通过对2016 年冬季的随船观测, 结合地面天气 图分析得出, 随船观测期间所有大风天气都由气旋直接或间接造成, 共归纳出3 种造成南乔治亚岛大风的 天气形势: 单一气旋型, 北高南低型和西高东低型。单一气旋型持续时间较短。北高南低型持续时间较长, 对南极磷虾渔船作业影响最大。西高东低型持续时间最短, 往往是鞍型气压场东移造成, 风急浪大, 且风向 与常年西风不同, 需特别注意渔船避风避浪方式。  相似文献   

MicrobesintheareaoftheSouthShetlandIslandsChenHaowen(陈皓文)andSongQingyun(宋庆云)(FirstInstituteofOceanography,SOA,Qingdao266003,C...  相似文献   

Relict eolian dunes on the Georgia Coastal Plain line the north and east sides of many SE-trending streams and contain important paleoenvironmental information. A detailed analysis of four dune fields characterizes dune geomorphology, stratigraphy, sedimentology and soils. Georgia's inland dunes range from parabolic to infilled parabolic to irregular in form, typically merge to form long chains that parallel source streams and can occur as distinct bands. Typically, the dunes are composed of >95% quartz sand grains, with more than half the sand falling in the medium sand fraction. Dunes overlie flood plain and pointbar sands, backswamp and peat deposits, fluvial terraces and other dunes. In places, organic deposits occur on top of dunes. Cross-bedding is observable in dunes more than about 4 m thick and indicates eastward dune migration. Paleosols found within some dunes indicate Holocene reworking. Conditions favoring dune formation likely included at least seasonal aridity. Postdepositional modification of the dunes includes a smoothing of the dune surface, a clay increase in the C horizon, spodic horizon development, bioturbation, removal of weatherable minerals and fluvial incision.  相似文献   

李清  殷勇 《地理研究》2013,32(10):1843-1855
11DT02孔位于南黄海辐射沙脊群东北部里磕脚沙脊南坡,通过沉积相分析、粒度统计,结合年代地层数据,重建晚更新世以来里磕脚沙脊的长周期环境演化,分析沙脊成因、厘定沙脊发育年代。研究表明:里磕脚沙脊从下至上由潮滩相、硬黏土相、潮滩相和潮流沙脊相组成。潮流沙脊和潮滩由粉砂、细砂和少量黏土组成,两者均成正偏态分布。潮流沙脊和潮滩在概率累积曲线上分别表现为三段式和四段式分布,以跳跃次总体为主,并呈双跳跃特点。研究区晚更新世经历海平面下降发育潮滩环境,到完全暴露形成标志性的“硬黏土”层;全新世初期经历海侵,研究区复又开始潮滩沉积,随后被海水完全淹没,潮流作用渐强,改造下伏潮滩和“硬黏土”,逐渐堆积成高差最大达30 m的脊槽地形。  相似文献   

Undiscovered petroleum resources may be assessed using a computer program that simulates drilling each trap in a play and estimates the size of each potential discovery by multiplying together estimates of area of closure (A cles) and resources per unit area (V A ). There are several ways of determining values forA cles andV A so that the method can be widely applied. As an example, the sales gas potential of part of the Cooper Basin in South Australia is assessed using statistical projections of loglinear models to determine values forA cles andV A . A discontinuity in these particular data appears to result from an improvement in the quality and density of the seismic surveying, demonstrating that an assessment based on widely spaced or poor-quality seismic surveys can underestimate sales gas potential.  相似文献   

This study examines environmental change in the upper montane zone of the Australian Eastern Highlands during the late Holocene, by analysing vegetation, fire and erosion records contained within a small fen located in a frost hollow. Differences in environmental parameters across the prehistoric—historic boundary were particularly investigated in an attempt to characterise better the changes associated with the imposition of European land‐use practices. Decreases in arboreal pollen and an increased charcoal concentration near the base of the analysed sequence, interpreted to be about 1600 y BP until about 1300 y BP, are suggestive of reduced moisture availability. After this, a period of relative stability continued to the close of the prehistoric period. The arrival of Europeans in the region triggered changes in the sediment record, including an increase in the accumulation of sediment by an order of magnitude, and changes in the surrounding vegetation. Saturated isothermal remnant magnetism (SIRM) was found to be significantly higher in the historic period compared to the analysed prehistoric period, suggesting an alteration in the erosional processes within the catchment. The concentration of charcoal was comparable between the prehistoric and historic periods; however, the increased sedimentation rate of the historic period infers an increased accumulation of charcoal. Fire did not appear to be related to the vegetation changes evident in the historic period, perhaps due to the use of cool fires by the pastoralists.  相似文献   

This paper addresses questions of ethnography in geographic fieldwork through research conducted on globalisation and work in Tiruppur, an industrial boomtown in South India. During the last two decades of the twentieth century, Tiruppur town in western Tamilnad State became India's centrepiece in the export of garments made of knitted cloth. This industrial boom has been organised through networks of small firms integrated through intricate subcontracting arrangements controlled by local capital of Gounders from modest agrarian and working‐class origins. In effect, the whole town works like a decentralised factory for the global economy, but with local capital of peasant‐worker origins at the helm. My research explores the historical geographic trajectories linking agrarian and industrial work, and the ways in which these histories are used in the present. In these uses of the past in remaking self and place, I interrogate the self‐presentations of Tiruppur's entrepreneurs, as these “self‐made men” hinge their retrospective narratives of class mobility and industrial success on their propensity to “toil”. This paper explores questions of ethnographic method emerging from a political‐economic context in which globalisation has worked by turning “toil” into capital.  相似文献   

This paper describes the development of a regressive-to-transgressive shoreline wedge within the Middle Jurassic Tarbert Formation in the Oseberg South area (northern North Sea), as interpreted from core and log data from more than hundred wells. The wedge is described in terms of four facies associations (FA1–FA4). The lower, regressive portion of the wedge (FA1–FA2) contains both coarsening upward wave/storm-dominated shoreline deposits as well as coal-bearing paralic deposits, and was deposited during ascending regression. The upper, transgressive portion of the wedge (FA3–FA4) is characterised by wave-dominated estuarine deposits, exhibiting an upward change from inner to central to outer estuarine deposits. In contrast to some earlier studies, it is argued that this part was deposited during accretionary transgression. The present study documents an estuarine system that developed without any preceding fall of relative sea level and valley incision. It is argued that differential fault-induced subsidence created a broad gentle sag wherein one or several estuarine systems developed as the depositional system became transgressive. The subtle fault-induced subsidence is related to the tectonic evolution in the North Sea Basin.  相似文献   

We examine the acid deposition monitoring results (2000–2010) for the southern territory of East Siberia (the Irkutsk-Angarsk industrial center). It is established that acid deposition events are most frequently recorded in the area of South Baikal (70–100 km south-east of the Irkutsk-Angarsk industrial center), with the acidity of precipitation continuing to increase. Atmospheric precipitation acidity data are compared with long-term monitoring results for Europe.  相似文献   

The Caatinga (dryland) biome of Brazil is experiencing accentuated desertification due to deforestation and inappropriate uses of its natural resources. Studies examining the diversity of filamentous fungi in Caatinga soils are still scarce and the present work was designed to isolate and identify the soil fungi of this biome in the semiarid region of northeastern Brazil. Soil samples were taken at five random sites during the dry and rainy seasons from the soil surface and at depths of 20 cm. A total of 85 species of filamentous fungi were identified, including species of anamorphic fungi (71 species), Zygomycota (8) and Ascomycota (6). The most abundant genera were Aspergillus (28) and Penicillium (18). No significant differences were observed in the numbers of colony forming units in samples taken during either the rainy or dry seasons, or from surface or subsurface soils. Most of the fungi species isolated from caatinga soils were classified as rare. Our results indicate that anamorphic fungi dominate the soil mycobiota in the Brazilian semiarid region, with species of Aspergillus and Penicillium being most common.  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(4-5):177-191

The “ideal-typical” sequence model of transportation development has been widely referenced, but its application outside of its original African context has not been well tested. A graphical analysis is employed to evaluate the utility of the concept in explanation of the evolution of the transportation network in the Piedmont and Coastal Plain sections of Georgia and the Carolinas from the mid-eighteenth century to the late nineteenth century. The historical geography of transport expansion in this area appears to support the general parameters of the ideal-typical sequence and provides useful material for instruction related to the national standards for geographic education.  相似文献   

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