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The microtextures of stishovite and coesite in shocked non-porous lithic clasts from suevite of the Ries impact structure were studied in transmitted light and under the scanning electron microscope. Both high-pressure silica phases were identified in situ by laser-Raman spectroscopy. They formed from silica melt as well as by solid-state transformation. In weakly shocked rocks (stage I), fine-grained stishovite (≤1.8 μm) occurs in thin pseudotachylite veins of quartz-rich rocks, where it obviously nucleated from high-pressure frictional melts. Generally no stishovite was found in planar deformation features (PDFs) within grains of rock-forming quartz. The single exception is a highly shocked quartz grain, trapped between a pseudotachylite vein and a large ilmenite grain, in which stishovite occurs within two sets of lamellae. It is assumed that in this case the small stishovite grains formed by the interplay of conductive heating and shock reverberation. In strongly shocked rocks (stages Ib–III, above ∼30 GPa), grains of former quartz typically contain abundant and variably sized stishovite (<6 μm) embedded within a dense amorphous silica phase in the interstices between PDFs. The formation of transparent diaplectic glass in adjacent domains results from the breakdown of stishovite and the transformation of the dense amorphous phase and PDFs to diaplectic glass in the solid state. Coesite formed during unloading occurs in two textural varieties. Granular micrometre-sized coesite occurs embedded in silica melt glass along former fractures and grain boundaries. These former high-pressure melt pockets are surrounded by diaplectic glass or by domains consisting of microcrystalline coesite and earlier formed stishovite. The latter is mostly replaced by amorphous silica.  相似文献   

Space weathering by micrometeoroid bombardment is a cosmic phenomenon on atmosphere-free celestial bodies, a process that is expected to particularly overprint planetesimals and cosmic dust in debris discs. We reproduced micrometeoroid impact craters by femtosecond pulsed laser irradiation on oriented enstatite single crystals (En93Fs7) to investigate the deformation behavior and its orientation dependence. All microcraters show typical bowl shaped morphologies, a glass surface layer with splash like ejecta material and subsurface layering. Although we could reproduce melting and vaporization as typical space weathering effects in the enstatite experiments, there is no formation of agglutinate particles or metallic nanoparticles (npFe0). The shock effects in the deformation layer consist of planar structures like microfractures and cleavages, amorphous lamellae, stacking faults and clinoenstatite lamellae. Their activation and/or orientation depends on the shock direction. In special orientations we observe the activation of glide systems along specific low indexed crystallographic planes. Due to the short timescale and the high strain rates, the most prominent effect is the failure of enstatite by microfracturing along non-rational crystallographic planes. Common deformation mechanisms reported in meteorites like the formation of clinoenstatite lamellae via shearing along [001] (100) occur less frequently. Shear is apparently the dominant mechanism in the formation of the above-mentioned effects and causes also their modification by frictional heating. The wide-spread formation of amorphous lamellae is, for example, interpreted to be the result of this shear heating along planar structures. We interpret this unconventional deformation behavior as a consequence of the small spatial and temporal scale of the experiments, resulting in a short-lived spherical shock wave with high deviatoric stresses in contrast to a long pressure pulse and quasi-hydrostatic compression in large scale impacts that produce typical shock features.  相似文献   

Two moderately shocked rock samples collected from the Ries Crater, West Germany (granite—gneiss sample RC-647-29 and biotite-granite sample RP-627-55) and two weakly shocked pegmatite samples (Lj-711-12 and Lj-711-5) taken from Lake Lappajarvi, Finland, have been optically studied to establish the variation range of optical constants and distribution characteristics of shock lamellae in shocked quartz. It has been found that sample RC-647-29 contains shocked quartz grains with the average refractive index ranging from 1.4612 to 1.5331, and sample RP-627-55 from 1.5002 to 1.4669, i.e., they cover a wide range of shock pressures. As for the larger quartz grains in samples Lj-711-12 and Lj-711-5, the variation range of the average refractive indices are smaller than those of samples from the Ries Crater. Hence the estimation of degree of shock must est with the investigation of a set of representative shocked quartz crystals from a single shocked rock sample. The optical data on shocked quartz indicate that the degree of shock is highly independent of the number of shock lamellae sets and their orientations; the most sensitive optical indicator is the index of refraction. On the basis of TEM investigations of single crystal grains of shocked quartz differing in refractive index, three mechanisms of formation of shock lamellae have been established: host quartz crystals with lamellae having closely spaced dislocations; host quartz crystals with lamellae of randomly oriented fine grains of quartz; and host quartz crystals or their residual fragments with lamellae of silica glass.  相似文献   

I. Romeo  R. Capote  R. Lunar  N. Cayzer   《Tectonophysics》2007,444(1-4):45-62
Electron Back-Scatter Diffraction (EBSD), which provides an easy way of acquiring large numbers of individual crystallographic orientation data from different phases, has been applied to the study of magmatic fabrics. Using this technique, the crystallographic preferred orientation (CPO) of plagioclase, biotite, orthopyroxene, hornblende and quartz in natural tonalites and quartzdiorites (from the Santa Olalla Igneous Complex, SW Iberia) deformed during the magmatic stage have been determined. Plagioclase is the coarser phase defining the main fabric in each sample, whereas biotite can display either the same fabric as plagioclase or a completely different one. The differences between these two phases occur because: (1) smaller phases interact with the larger ones to produce more random orientations, (2) under simple shear, finer phases can completely rotate giving a girdle included in the XZ plane, (3) finer phases can more easily preserve relict fabrics, while the coarser phases are completely reoriented by the last stress tensor. The last phases to crystallize show weak to completely random CPOs (hornblende) or completely random distributions (quartz). The study was completed with a shape preferred orientation analysis using the Intercept Method in order to detect weak magmatic lineations, and numerical modelling simulations of theoretically equivalent simple shear situations for each sample.  相似文献   

Mineral exploration drilling 60 km west of Leonora in 2008 intersected >95 m of poorly consolidated granitoid-dominated breccia at the base of a Cenozoic paleochannel beneath Lake Raeside. The breccia, initially interpreted as a kimberlite, is composed of poorly consolidated fragments of granitic gneiss, felsite and metamorphosed mafic rock within a matrix of fine to medium-grained breccia. Microscopic examination revealed quartz grains displaying well-developed planar deformation features (PDFs) dominated by the ω? {1013} planar set, diaplectic silica glass and diaplectic plagioclase glass. These features constitute the diagnostic hallmarks of shock metamorphism owing to high-velocity impact of a large meteorite or asteroid. The PDFs in quartz grains of the breccia are distinctly different from metamorphic deformation lamellae produced tectonically or in diatremes. Airborne total magnetic intensity data suggest an outline of an 11 km-diameter crater, consistent with the significant thickness of the shock-metamorphosed breccia at >95 m, suggestive of the existence of a large impact structure.  相似文献   

The behaviour of quartz during metamorphism is studied based on two case studies from the Barrovian terrains of Sulitjelma in arctic Scandinavia and Loch Tay in the Central Highlands Dalradian of Scotland. Both terrains preserve evidence for metamorphism in pelites involving nucleation and growth of garnet at different times in the deformation history. Data are presented on the size, shape and crystallographic orientation of quartz preserved as inclusions in garnet and as grains in the surrounding matrix. While quartz-grains remain small and dispersed between mica grains, deformation appears to be dominated by grain-boundary sliding accommodated by dissolution–precipitation. At amphibolite facies, textural coarsening occurs by dissolution of small quartz grains and growth of larger quartz grains, coupled with segregation of quartz from mica. As a result, quartz deforms by dislocation creep, developing crystallographic preferred orientations (CPO) consistent with both coaxial and non-coaxial strain. Quartz CPOs with <0001> axes lying parallel to foliation and stretching direction are commonly developed, and best explained by mechanical rotation of inequant (detrital?) quartz grains. There is no evidence for selective entrapment of quartz inclusions in garnet on the basis of quartz crystallographic orientation.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》1994,9(5):479-490
Natural radionuclide migration in Miocene sedimentary rocks has been studied at the Tono U deposit in Japan, which is a potentially useful analogue of radioactive waste isolation in geological environments.Uranium series disequilibrium studies have revealed that natural radionuclides have been redistributed during the past 3.5 × 105 a in the U-mineralized zone. Permeability tests using core samples of the U-mineralized zone have shown that the microfabrics of sedimentary rocks, such as the connectivity of pores which control the groundwater movement, directly influence the redistribution of nuclides.Detailed observations using cathodoluminescence (CL) and electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) were carried out after a dye-impregnation test in order to improve the understanding of the importance of microfabrics in relation to nuclide migration. Results of the observations show that U has migrated within detrital grains, such as biotite and quartz, as well as between these grains. Uranium-series disequilibrium studies of each detrital quartz and biotite grain have been shown that these detrital minerals behave differently in respect of the migration of U, owing to their different textural properties. The detrital biotite flakes, especially along the (001)-cleavage planes, appear to have fixed U for a long period of time, whereas the U has remained mobile within the microfractures in detrital quartz grains.  相似文献   

Deformation experiments have been carried out to investigate the effect of dynamic recrystallisation on crystallographic preferred orientation (CPO) development. Cylindrical samples of natural single crystals of quartz were axially deformed together with 1 vol.% of added water and 20 mg of Mn2O3 powder in a Griggs solid medium deformation apparatus in different crystallographic orientations with compression direction: (i) parallel to <c>, (ii) at 45° to <c> and 45° to <a> and (iii) parallel to <a>. The experiments were performed at a temperature of 800 °C, a confining pressure of 1.2 GPa, a strain rate of  10− 6 s− 1, to bulk finite strains of  14–36%. The deformed samples were analysed in detail using optical microscopy, electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Two different microstructural domains were distinguished in the deformed samples: (i) domains with undulatory extinction and deformation lamellae, and (ii) domains with new recrystallised grains. Within the domains of undulatory extinction, crystal-plastic deformation caused gradual rotations of the crystal lattice up to  30° away from the host orientation. New recrystallised grains show a strong CPO with c-axis maxima at  45° to the compression direction. This is the case in all experiments, irrespective of the initial crystallographic orientation. The results show that c-axes are not continuously rotated towards the new maxima. The new grains thus developed through a mechanism different from subgrain rotation recrystallisation. New grains have a subeuhedral shape and numerous microcavities, voids, fluid channels and fluid inclusions at their grain boundaries. No host control is recorded in misorientation axes across their large angle grain boundaries. New grains might have been created by nucleation from solution in the μm-scale voids and microfractures. The CPO most likely developed due to preferred growth of the freshly precipitated grains with orientations suitable for intracrystalline deformation at the imposed experimental conditions.  相似文献   

岫岩陨石坑石英的冲击变质特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈鸣 《矿物学报》2011,31(2):161-165
直径1.8 km的岫岩陨石坑位于辽宁省岫岩县苏子沟镇。坑区基岩为下元古界变质岩,由变粒岩、片麻岩、角闪岩、透闪岩和大理岩等岩石组成。坑内充填的撞击角砾岩石英颗粒呈现典型的冲击变质特征,其中包括沿着石英(0001)、{10 11}、{10 12}和{10 13}等方向发育的多组面状变形页理,以及石英发生相转变形成二氧化硅玻璃和柯石英。产出在二氧化硅玻璃中的针状和粒状柯石英表明从二氧化硅熔体中结晶形成。石英面状变形页理的发育特点限定冲击压力高达35 GPa,而二氧化硅熔体玻璃的存在表明冲击压力高达50 GPa。当压力释放和温度升高,二氧化硅熔体首先被形成。随着压力进一步释放到2.5~13 GPa,柯石英从二氧化硅熔体中结晶析出。岫岩陨石坑中石英面状变形页理和柯石英的存在提供了矿物冲击变质的诊断性证据。  相似文献   

The crystallography and geometry of high-angle grain boundaries from dynamically recrystallized quartz have been studied. On the basis of combined electron backscatter diffraction and universal stage measurements, the complete crystallographic orientation of the grain boundaries could be calculated. The u-stage rotation of the grain boundaries to a vertical position reveals that they are never curved but always consist of straight segments. Our results show that these segments preferentially occupy rhombohedral, trapezohedral and bipyramidal orientations, i.e., orientations in a  25–50° girdle to the c-axis. A specific, albeit low, number of segments with special crystallographic orientation, with respect to a neighbouring quartz grain, often shows another special orientation with respect to the other neighbouring grain. Preferred combinations of grain boundary orientations related to both neighbouring grains are (i) low-index rhombohedral and high index trapezohedral, (ii) low-index bipyramidal and low-index trapezohedral or high-index rhombohedral, and (iii) low-index trapezohedral and low or high index trapezohedral. In certain cases, such as at triple junctions, the boundaries occupy specific trapezohedral orientations with a constant angle to the c-axis. This argues for energy isotropy of trapezohedral planes with the same angle to the quartz c-axis. In general, good match coincidence site lattice (CSL) orientations are not preferentially occupied so that most of the studied grain boundaries represent general boundaries. The formation of straight segments in special crystallographic orientations indicates the crystallographic control and implies an energy reduction of certain general boundaries.  相似文献   

Intense primary biologic productivity in the surface waters of the Benguela upwelling system provides a high supply of organic matter to the sea floor at the continental slope off Namibia and sustains extreme concentrations of magnetite producing bacteria in the top sediment layers. Biogenic magnetite is thus by far the dominant carrier of the magnetic signal in these deposits also because of a very minor input of terrigenous ferrimagnetic minerals. Reducing conditions in the sediment column cause a selective dissolution of the bacterial magnetite fraction just a few centimeters below the main mineralization horizon. This diagenetic process is documented in detail by high-resolution rock magnetic analyses and transmission electron microscopy. Concentration dependent and grain-size sensitive magnetic parameters, such as susceptibility, laboratory imparted remanences, and hysteresis data, reveal a significant drop in ferrimagnetic mineral content within the upper 10 cm of the sediments accompanied by a gradual downward coarsening of the ferrimagnetic mineral assemblage from primarily magnetic single-domain particles in the top centimeters to multi-domain grains in deeper strata. Electron microscope observations enable both an unequivocal identification of bacterial magnetite on the basis of shape and grain-size and to trace dissolution effects on the biogenic magnetic mineral component to depth. Received: 9 November 1998 / Accepted: 10 October 1999  相似文献   

Garnet (10 vol.%; pyrope contents 34–44 mol.%) hosted in quartzofeldspathic rocks within a large vertical shear zone of south Madagascar shows a strong grain‐size reduction (from a few cm to ~300 μm). Electron back‐scattered diffraction, transmission electron microscopy and scanning electron microscope imaging coupled with quantitative analysis of digitized images (PolyLX software) have been used in order to understand the deformation mechanisms associated with this grain‐size evolution. The garnet grain‐size reduction trend has been summarized in a typological evolution (from Type I to Type IV). Type I, the original porphyroblasts, form cm‐sized elongated grains that crystallized upon multiple nucleation and coalescence following biotite breakdown: biotite + sillimanite + quartz = garnet + alkali feldspar + rutile + melt. These large garnet grains contain quartz ribbons and sillimanite inclusions. Type I garnet is sheared along preferential planes (sillimanite layers, quartz ribbons and/or suitably oriented garnet crystallographic planes) producing highly elongated Type II garnet grains marked by a single crystallographic orientation. Further deformation leads to the development of a crystallographic misorientation, subgrains and new grains resulting in Type III garnet. Associated grain‐size reduction occurs via subgrain rotation recrystallization accompanied by fast diffusion‐assisted dislocation glide. This plastic deformation of garnet is associated with efficient recovery as shown by the very low dislocation densities (1010 m?3 or lower). The rounded Type III garnet experiences rigid body rotation in fine‐grained matrix. In the highly deformed samples, the deformation mechanisms in garnet are grain‐size‐ and shape‐dependent: dislocation creep is dominant for the few large grains left (>1 mm; Type II garnet), rigid body rotation is typical for the smaller rounded grains (300 μm or less; Type III garnet) whereas diffusion creep may affect more elliptic garnet (Type IV garnet). The P–T conditions of garnet plasticity in the continental crust (≥950 °C; 11 kbar) have been identified using two‐feldspar thermometry and GASP conventional barometry. The garnet microstructural and deformation mechanisms evolution, coupled with grain‐size decrease in a fine‐grained steady‐state microstructure of quartz, alkali feldspar and plagioclase, suggests a separate mechanical evolution of garnet with respect to felsic minerals within the shear zone.  相似文献   

The mylonitization of the Pankenushi gabbro in the Hidaka metamorphic belt of central Hokkaido, Japan, occurred along its western margin at ≈600 MPa and 660–700 °C through dynamic recrystallization of plagioclase and a retrograde reaction from granulite facies to amphibolite facies (orthopyroxene + clinopyroxene + plagioclase + H2O = hornblende + quartz). The reaction produced a fine-grained (≤100 μm) polymineralic aggregate composed of orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, quartz, hornblende, biotite and ilmenite, into which strain is localized. The dynamic recrystallization of plagioclase occurred by grain boundary migration, and produced a monomineralic aggregate of grains whose crystallographic orientations are mostly unrelated to those of porphyroclasts. The monomineralic plagioclase aggregates and the fine-grained polymineralic aggregates are interlayered and define the mylonitic foliation, while the latter is also mixed into the former by grain boundary sliding to form a rather homogeneous polymineralic matrix in ultramylonites. However in both mylonite and ultramylonite, plagioclase aggregates form a stress-supporting framework, and therefore controlled the rock rheology. Crystal plastic deformation of pyroxenes and plagioclase with dominant (100)[001] and (001)1/2 slip systems, respectively, produced distinct shape- and crystallographic-preferred orientations of pyroxene porphyroclasts and dynamically recrystallized plagioclase grains in both mylonite and ultramylonite. Euhedral to subhedral growth of hornblende in pyroxene porphyroclast tails during the reaction and its subsequent rigid rotation in the fine-grained polymineralic aggregate or matrix produced clear shape- and crystallographic-preferred orientations of hornblende grains in both mylonite and ultramylonite. In contrast, the dominant grain boundary sliding of pyroxene and quartz grains in the fine-grained polymineralic aggregate of the mylonite resulted in their very weak shape- and crystallographic-preferred orientations. In the fine-grained polymineralic matrix of the ultramylonite, however, pyroxene and quartz grains became scattered and isolated in the plagioclase aggregate so that they were crystal-plastically deformed leading to stronger shape- and crystallographic-preferred orientations than those seen in the mylonite.  相似文献   

In the suevite breccia of the Ries impact crater, Germany, glasses occur as bombs, and small particles in the groundmass. These glasses were formed from melt produced by shock fusion of crystalline basement rocks. Ejection from the crater resulted in the formation of aerodynamically shaped bombs, a few homogeneous spherules and a large mass of small glass particles which were deposited in the suevite breccia. Bombs and small particles included within chilled bottom and top layers of suevite deposits have been preserved in vitreous state, whereas glasses within the interior of the suevite devitrified, due to slower cooling rates.This paper summarizes the results of petrographical and chemical investigations of suevite glasses and their devitrification products. Conclusions are derived on origin and history of bombs and glass particles.Vitreous bombs and glass particles consist of schlieren-rich glass, mineral fragments (mainly quartz), rock fragments and vesicles. Wet chemical, trace element and microprobe analyses reveal that a primary melt was formed by shock fusion of a basement complex, consisting of about 80% biotite granite and 20% amphibolite. The, originally, more than 1800° C hot melt then incorporated shocked and desintegrated rocks of outer zones of the impact. Partial fusion of the rock debris resulted in a polyphase mixture consisting of melts, different in composition, accumulations of refractory mineral fragments and vesicles.Devitrified bombs and glass particles which are found in the interior of suevite deposits show alterations of texture and composition, due to microcrystallite growth and action of hydrothermal and weathering solutions. Incipient devitrification is indicated by brown staining of the glasses, originating, probably, by exsolution of minute magnetite particles. By optical microscopy and X-ray analysis, plagioclase and pyroxenes have been identified as main devitrification products. Shapes and textures of microcrystallites indicate fast crystal growth in a viscous and supercooled medium. Hot fluids permeating the suevite deposited microcrystalline quartz in vesicles and cracks. Later, montmorillonite was precipitated by solutions corroding the glass. Action of solutions on glasses which were weakened in coherence by devitrification resulted in oxidation of iron, leaching of iron and magnesium, and enrichment in alkalis.  相似文献   

The origin of the Vredefort structure in South Africa is still debated. Several causes have been discussed, namely asteroid impact, internal gas explosion or tectonic processes. Evidence of dynamic rock deformation is pervasive in the form of planar features in quartz grains, shatter cones, veins of pseudotachylite and occurrence of coesite and stishovite (high-pressure quartz polymorphs). A number of these characteristics is widely believed to support an impact origin. However, the planar features in quartz, which are generally considered as one of the strongest indicators of impact, are in the Vredefort case considered as anomalous when compared with those from accepted impact structures.

We have investigated by optical and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) the defect microstructures in quartz grains from different lithologies sampled at various places at the Vredefort structure. Whatever the locality, only thin mechanical Brazil twin lamellae in the basal plane are observed by TEM. So far, such defects have only been found in quartz from impact sites, but always associated with sets of thin glass lamellae in rhombohedral planes 10−1n with n = 1, 2, 3, and 4. At the scale of the optical microscope, Brazil twins in (0001) are easily detected in Vredefort quartz grains because of the numerous tiny fluid inclusions which decorate them. Similar alignments of tiny fluid inclusions parallel to other planes are also detected optically, but at the TEM scale no specific shock defects are detected along their traces. If these inclusion alignments initially were shock features, they are now so severely weathered that they can no longer be recognized as unambiguous shock lamellae. Fine-grained coesite was detected in the vicinity of narrow pseudotachylite veinlets in a quartzite specimen, but stishovite was not found, even in areas where its occurrence was previously reported. Finally, definite evidence of high-temperature annealing was observed in all the samples. These observations lead us to the conclusion that our findings regarding microdeformation in quartz are consistent with an impact origin for the Vredefort structure. Most of the original shock defects are now overprinted by an intense post-shock annealing episode. Only the thin mechanical twin lamellae in the basal plane have survived.  相似文献   

《Journal of Structural Geology》2002,24(6-7):1125-1137
Dynamically recrystallized and sutured quartz grains from metamorphic rocks with different strain intensities and temperature conditions ranging from ca. 350°C to ca. 700°C have been studied. Universal-stage measurements on quartz–quartz high-angle grain boundaries show that they are never curved but always consist of straight segments which preferentially occupy specific crystallographic orientations in relation to both neighboring crystals. With increasing temperature the segments preferentially concentrate in a decreasing number of orientations, mainly near the rhombohedral {101&#x0304;1} planes. The crystallographic data and the observations on grain boundary geometries suggest that: (i) grain boundary orientations are strongly crystallographically controlled, (ii) this control is the main factor on the textural equilibration of quartz–quartz grain boundaries in metamorphic rocks, and (iii) grain boundaries from dynamically recrystallized quartz should be regarded as annealed and equilibrated fabrics that are stable against subsequent annealing as long as the material is not re-deformed.  相似文献   

Crystalline rocks from breccias of the Ries basin, Germany, contain highly deformed quartz. Various planar deformation structures could be observed and classified into five different types: (1) Decorated planar elements, (2) Non-decorated planar elements, (3) Homogeneous lamellae, (4) Filled lamellae, (5) Planar fractures. All these structures are parallel to crystallographic planes: {10¯13}, {10¯12}, {10¯11}, {0001},{11¯21}, {11¯22}, {21¯31}, {51¯61}, {10¯10}. The most typical and most abundant planar structures are decorated and nondecorated planar elements parallel to {10¯13} and {10¯12}. Planar fractures are parallel to {0001} and {10¯11} and form at lower stress levels, probably earlier than the planar elements.Quartz containing planar elements, especially of the non-decorated type, has lower density, index of refraction and birefringence than normal quartz. This quartz is apparently a mixture of an amorphous phase and crystalline quartz, the amount of which can be calculated using average density or refractive index.Comparison of planar quartz structures found in tectonites and those produced artificially under static or dynamic high pressure conditions demonstrates that Ries quartz closely resembles deformed quartz recovered from shock wave experiments. The planar structures found in Ries quartz have been formed by shock wave actions with peak pressures in the 100–400 kbar range.Planar elements are explained to be traces of gliding processes during shock loading visible due to the fact that a high pressure phase (stishovite and/or a stishovite-like glass phase) has been produced along the glide planes. Upon pressure release most of the high pressure phase was transformed into an SiO2-glass (diaplectic glass).In comparison with experimental data the amount of residual crystalline quartz as well as type and orientation of planar structures in the quartz grains are clues to estimate the peak pressures responsible for these deformations. Shock waves with peak pressures exceeding about 400 kbar completely transform quartz into diaplectic SiO2-glass.  相似文献   

利用电子探针检测安徽凤阳石英岩中的含铁矿物,测量由相同矿区的石英岩加工而成的不同粒度石英砂的Fe2O3质量分数(w(Fe2O3))与磁化率。结果表明:石英岩中有磁铁矿、黄铁矿、黑云母与白云母等多种含铁矿物。这些含铁矿物主要充填在石英颗粒孔隙中,粒度大多小于0.1 mm。而石英砂中的w(Fe2O3)普遍很低(小于0.1%),其磁化率主要受磁铁矿控制。并且不同粒度的石英砂中w(Fe2O3)与磁化率存在较大差异,当石英砂中的w(Fe2O3)大于0.01%时,由Fe2+、Fe3+磁性离子含量决定磁化率大小,两者存在强正相关关系。这也反映出了石英岩的铁含量与磁化率之间的关系。因此,磁化率可作为石英岩铁含量的替代性指标。  相似文献   

Optical microscopy, secondary electron microscopy and analytical electron microscopy were used to characterize crystallographic orientation relationships between oriented mineral inclusions and clinopyroxene (Cpx) host from the Hujialing garnet clinopyroxenite within the Sulu ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) terrane, eastern China. One garnet clinopyroxenite sample (2HJ-2C) and one megacrystic garnet-bearing garnet clinopyroxenite (RZ-11D) were studied. Porphyroblastic clinopyroxene from sample 2HJ-2C contains oriented inclusions of ilmenite (Ilm), spinel (Spl), magnetite and garnet, whereas clinopyroxene inclusions within megacrystic garnet from sample RZ-11D contain oriented inclusions of ilmenite and amphibole. Specific crystallographic relationships were observed between ilmenite/spinel plates and host clinopyroxene in sample 2HJ-2C and between ilmenite plates and host clinopyroxene in sample RZ-11D, i.e. [1[`1]00 1\bar{1}00 ]Ilm//[0[`1]0 0\bar{1}0 ]Cpx (0001)Ilm//(100)Cpx; and [110]Spl//[0[`1]0 0\bar{1}0 ]Cpx ([`1]11 \bar{1}11 )Spl//(100)Cpx. These inclusions are suggested to be primary precipitates via solid-state exsolutions. Most of the needle-like magnetite/spinel inclusions generally occur at the rims or along fractures of clinopyroxene within sample 2HJ-2C. Despite the epitaxial relation with host clinopyroxene, these magnetite/spinel needles would have resulted from fluid/melt infiltrations. Non-epitaxial garnet lamellae in clinopyroxene of sample 2HJ-2C were formed via fluid infiltration-deposition primarily along (010) and subordinately along (100) partings. Epitaxial amphibole plates (with a thickness <1 μm) and lamellae (with a thickness = 1–10 μm) in host clinopyroxene of sample RZ-11D were probably results of hydration processes, although amphibole plates could otherwise be interpreted as exsolution products. Temporal relations between mineral inclusions in each sample can be established, and a semi-quantitative P–T path for this garnet clinopyroxenite body was derived accordingly. The present results show that the Hujialing garnet clinopyroxenite may not have subducted to mantle depths as deep as 250 km during UHP metamorphism as suggested by previous studies. This study demonstrates that the crystallographic and temporal/spatial relationships between aligned inclusions and host minerals are essential to a correct genetic interpretation of metamorphic rocks.  相似文献   

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