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There are limited homogeneous instrumental observations of the sunspot magnetic fields, but the Earth is a sort of a probe reacting to interplanetary disturbances which are manifestation of the solar magnetic fields. We find correlations between some parameters of geomagnetic activity (the geomagnetic activity “floor”—the minimum value under which the geomagnetic activity cannot fall in a sunspot cycle, and the rate of increase of the geomagnetic activity with increasing sunspot number), and sunspot magnetic fields (the sunspot magnetic field in the cycle minimum, and the rate of increase of the sunspot magnetic field from cycle minimum to cycle maximum). Based on these correlations we are able to reconstruct the sunspot magnetic fields in sunspot minima and maxima since sunspot cycle 9 (mid 19th century).  相似文献   

Based on the Nimbus-7 (1978–1992) data and the parameters of solar activity (Wolf numbers W, solar radioemission F 10.7) and the ionosphere (f 2 index of the critical frequency of the ionospheric F 2 layer normalized to noon), the fractal dimension (FD) of the variations in the solar total irradiance (L) has been determined on the moving annual interval using the Higuchi technique. It has been established that FD estimates substantially vary in time. Quasibiennial variations (QBVs), which similarly manifest themselves in all considered processes, are detected in these variations. It is interesting that all fractal QBVs are in phase with QBVs of solar irradiance (L) and are almost in antiphase with QBVs of initial (filtered) W, F 10.7, and f 2 indices. The presence of QBVs in the solar processes and in their FD and noncoincidence of the former with the latter in phase indicate that QBVs have a two-component structure. The obtained results also indicate that an analysis of the annual FD estimates of the solar and ionospheric processes in studying variations in these processes is reliable.  相似文献   

Total solar irradiance has been monitored from space for nearly two decades. These space-borne observations have established conclusively that total solar irradiance changes over a wide range of periodicities—from minutes to the 11-year solar cycle. Since the total energy flux of the Sun is the principal driver for all Earths atmospheric phenomena, the accurate knowledge of the solar radiation received by the Earth and its variations is an extremely important issue. In this paper we review the long-term variations of total solar irradiance during solar cycles 21 and 22. We conclude that, within the current accuracy and precision of the measurements, the minimum level of total solar irradiance is about the same for both solar cycles 21 and 22.  相似文献   

We present results of a classical global induction analysis of the geomagnetic variation data in the range of daily Sq variations, as well as for long period variations within the period range of about 8 to 400 days. The Sq data from 88 to 94 world observatories are processed in two ways, first by constructing and analyzing average monthly daily variations for the whole months of the International Quiet Sun Year (IQSY) 1995, and second by analyzing the individual, especially quiet Q* daily records from the same year. The electrical images of the Sq response functions obtained via the Schmucker’s ρ* — z* procedure show a good fit with results of other induction studies, though especially our global impedance phases show a larger scatter than two other published data sets used for comparison.  相似文献   

Summary After the removal of the eleven-year periodicity, long-term patterns of the aa indices of geomagnetic activity and of Wolf's sunspot numbers are defined. The positions of maxima and minima exhibit the same regularities as the secular variations of the geomagnetic filed components. This result is associated with the motion of the Sun round the barycentre of the solar system.Presented at symposium Planet 88, Tihany, September 1988.  相似文献   

We propose a simple model to describe the behaviour of solar quiet geomagnetic variations Sq over a long time. We assume that Sq variations can be expressed through 24-h components and their harmonics subject to three modulations: 1 year, 11 years and several tens years. We started from the observation that the spectral lines of 30-year geomagnetic data series are split in accordance with yearly modulation. Our model gives good approximation of Sq variations and discloses a striking correlation of amplitudes and phases of modulating functions with the sunspot number and 2.8 GHz solar radio emission. It is also a tool for monitoring the Sq variations.  相似文献   

Geomagnetic activity in each phase of the solar cycle consists of 3 parts: (1) a “floor” below which the geomagnetic activity cannot fall even in the absence of sunspots, related to moderate graduate commencement storms; (2) sunspot-related activity due to sudden commencement storms caused by coronal mass ejections; (3) graduate commencement storms due to high speed solar wind from solar coronal holes. We find that the changes in the “floor” depend on the global magnetic moment of the Sun, and on the other side, from the height of the “floor” we can judge about the amplitude of the sunspot cycle.  相似文献   

地磁太阳黑子周变化起源的讨论   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为了避开60年代末和70年代末Jerk(H)、Jerk(Z)的影响,分析了1979~1998年西欧4个台和1979~1999年亚洲东部6个台的H、Z资料,结果表明各台间H(或X)分量的太阳黑子周变化一致性较好.但Z分量的太阳黑子周变化显示出非常特别的现象,Z变化的相位随台站经度变化而变化,东亚地区的Z变化几乎与西欧地区的变化反向.因此,东亚地区的Z变化与H变化的关系不符合P01模式的假设,外源场之说似乎不能解释.  相似文献   

Summary Mean hourly values of magnetic declination, horizontal intensity and vertical intensity observed at Toolangi during two ten year periods (1924–1933 and 1949–1958) have been analysed to determine their solar and luni-solar diurnal components. The results, showing the variations of the first four harmonic components with season, degree of magnetic activity and annual sunspot number, are tabulated and discussed. It is shown that there are marked differences in the dependence ofS andL on the various parameters and a tentative explanation of this phenomenon is given.  相似文献   

In view of the actual question regarding the effect of a solar-wind pressure jump on disturbances in the Earth’s magnetosphere, events with high velocity and density gradients are of special interest. In this work, we consider the response of the current at the dayside magnetopause to these events and the corresponding strengthening of the geomagnetic field in the low-latitude magnetosphere. A transient process is studied that accompanies reconfiguration of the magnetosphere under the effect of disturbances of solar wind parameters. An analytical equation is received for estimation of an increase in the northern component of low-latitude magnetic field of the magnetosphere in a transient current system (transient ring current) versus initial values of the solar-wind velocity and density and their disturbances.  相似文献   

The direct impact of solar activity on climate has been widely studied through Total Solar Irradiance (TSI). Biological processes also impact climate and are deeply affected by TSI. Marine phytoplankton emissions into the atmosphere have been proposed to change cloud albedo through cloud formation. In this work, we use wavelet analysis to investigate the decadal relation between high-latitude concentrations of methane sulphonic acid, a product of seawater algae, and TSI. We found that some of the methane sulphonic acid main periodicities coincide with periods of solar activity periods.  相似文献   

近年地磁场的长期变特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
利用红山、后土桥等台近30年的的地磁绝对观测资料,对F、H、Z各分量进行了分析,对Z分量的年速率进行了研究。结果:1999年和2000年F总场和Z分量长期变相继出现了转折,结束了逐年上升的变化趋势,但局部地区近两年有所回升。而H分量趋势没有变化,依照原来的趋势在下降;Z分量年速率的减缓变化往往与华北地区较强地震有关。  相似文献   

基于神经网络的地磁观测数据重构研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文

在距离数据缺失台站一定范围内选取参考台作为输入,构建非线性BP神经网络并进行地磁观测数据重构研究.数据仿真结果显示,重构数据和原始记录数据吻合程度较高,重构残差较小,磁静日重构平均残差仅为0.11 nT,磁扰日平均重构残差为0.23 nT.重点对磁场活动最剧烈时段内的数据进行了短时重构,平均残差由0.4 nT降低到0.2 nT,重构效果得到较大改进.计算了原始数据与重构数据的功率谱密度,除部分高频信号外,二者变化特征基本相同,相关性高达1.0.从时域和频域验证了BP神经网络在地磁相对记录数据重构上的有效性,并将其运用于实际缺失数据重构,取得较好效果.


为了重构或恢复存在严重干扰或数据缺失的台站观测数据,本文基于周边已有台站的高质量观测数据采用XGBoost机器学习方法重构地磁日变数据.仿真试验结果显示,无论是磁静日还是磁扰日,地磁场分量的绝对残差均值均低于0.1 nT.试验统计数据及重构结果残差曲线的对比分析表明,地磁日变重构精度与地磁活动性和待重构信号的时变剧烈程...  相似文献   

An artificial feed-forward neural network with one hidden layer and error back-propagation learning is used to predict the geomagnetic activity index (Dst) one hour in advance. The Bz-component and Bz, the density, and the velocity of the solar wind are used as input to the network. The network is trained on data covering a total of 8700 h, extracted from the 25-year period from 1963 to 1987, taken from the NSSDC data base. The performance of the network is examined with test data, not included in the training set, which covers 386 h and includes four different storms. Whilst the network predicts the initial and main phase well, the recovery phase is not modelled correctly, implying that a single hidden layer error back-propagation network is not enough, if the measured Dst is not available instantaneously. The performance of the network is independent of whether the raw parameters are used, or the electric field and square root of the dynamical pressure.  相似文献   

Summary The Sun's motion round the barycentre of the solar system was found to consist of two basic alternately repeating elements of the noose and of the arc. The mean time for solar motion around each of these elements was found to be 9.93 yr. The relation between solar motion and solar variability was determined as follows: Approximately coincident periodicities ranging from 60 to 2200 yr were traced in both phenomena and a coincidence of all prolonged minima in solar activity with the epochs of the highest deviations from the Jupiter—Saturn order was found over a time interval of 3100 yr.
ma, m ¶rt;uu a ma mmu um mum u ¶rt; , n nmu m — u nmu u u au. uu a a¶rt; u mu m ¶rt;um ¶rt; 9.93¶rt;a. am a maa ¶rt; ¶rt;uu a u au amumu: a mu m n¶rt;anum—am a aa nuuum maa u¶rt;um ¶rt;uuu a n¶rt;ea 60–2200 m, a u amumu, a mu umaa ¶rt;umm 3100 m a¶rt; n na¶rt;u ¶rt; uu amumu nu¶rt;au aua mu m n¶rt;a — u am.

本文利用极化方法,提取和分析新疆区域2008—2017年拥有秒采样数据的乌鲁木齐、喀什、且末、温泉4个台站的垂直幅度极化值,分析极化值异常与新疆及其邻区2008年以来6级以上地震的关系.地磁场观测较容易受到高空电流体系等外源场的影响,为了分析外源场对极化值的影响,统计了2008—2017年共计64次磁暴期间的极化值,4个台站磁暴期间极化值都非常小,除了温泉台有1次大于2倍均方差之外,其余全部都小于各个台站的2倍均方差(极化值异常初始阈值为3倍均方差),同时通过计算出的极化值与Kp指数的相关系数可以看出,4个台站的相关系数都非常小(小于0.2),基本可以判断极化值在磁场扰动时应该表现为低值,而大量研究表明地震之前极化值会出现高值异常,因此基本排除了外源场对极化值的影响.2008—2017年共计93次5级以上地震,因各个台站背景噪声和仪器噪声以及构造背景差别较大,计算出的极化值幅度差别较大,各个台站极化值之间不具有可比性.结果表明:当各个台站的震中距相当时,震级越大,异常幅度越大.喀什台由于与多国交界,地质构造环境更为复杂,异常幅度等显示出更为复杂的特性,因此漏报等情...  相似文献   

对成都地磁台两年多(2002~2004年)的地磁总强度数字与模拟观资料进行了对比分析,结果表明:由于数字观测资料与模拟观测资料取数的个数不同,两者的曲线变化形态不同。模拟地磁总强度的形态为近直线型,而数字化地磁总强度则有显著的日动态变化。但数字观测资料经过平均处理后产生的日均值与模拟观测日值大致相同。据现有资料,数字化地磁总强度的映震能力优于模拟地磁总强度。  相似文献   

This paper describes a new method for reconstructing the polarity of the interplanetary magnetic field. The technique is based on the Svalgaard-Mansurov effect. We ause geomagnetic data of high-latitude stations with a long observation period, including the presatellite era. This method is designed to improve the quality and accuracy of reconstructed polarity, complementing the results of previous methods of Svalgaard (1975) and Vennerstr?m et al. (2001). For the large presatellite period from 1926, the accuracy of the method is estimated to be around 89% of overlaps with the interplanetary magnetic field polarity determined from satellite data.  相似文献   

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