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国内外对海上阵风的研究并不多,且大多集中在阵风预报和应用研究方面,对于海洋阵风数据的获取技术未见文献系统论述。本文利用HY-2B卫星雷达高度计观测的后向散射系数,结合校正微波辐射计观测的亮度温度信息,提出联合反演阵风风速的方法。两个遥感载荷联合反演得到的阵风风速与2019–2021年美国国家浮标数据中心(NDBC)浮标数据进行真实性检验,结果显示:阵风风速均方根误差(RMSE)为0.98 m/s,相关系数为0.82;基于本方法利用国外同类卫星Jason-3得到的阵风风速与2016–2018年NDBC浮标数据的RMSE为0.96 m/s,相关系数为0.88。本文在HY-2B卫星雷达高度计海面风速观测的基础上,纳入同一卫星平台校正微波辐射计的同步观测信息联合实现了海面阵风的观测,数据的比对结果证明文中方法具有较高的观测精度。同时,该方法对于具有相同观测体制的国内外卫星也适用。  相似文献   

Maps are useful scientific tools for presenting environmental information, but the statistical techniques necessary to prepare scientifically rigorous maps have primarily focused on terrestrial habitats. This study compares three popular techniques (triangulation, kriging, and co-kriging) to map sediment grain size in Santa Monica Bay, California. Two grain size data sets, one collected in 1994 (79 sites) and one collected in 1997 and 1998 (149 sites) were used for model development. A bathymetric data set collected in 1997 was used as a model covariate. A third grain size data set (40 sites) collected in 1996 from independent sites was used for model evaluation. Predictions were compared to validation data by average difference, prediction mean square error (PMSE), and a goodness-of-prediction measure, G. The average difference between prediction and truth was similar for all methods, but the PMSE for triangulation was more than twice that for kriging or co-kriging, which were similar. The G measure also shows triangulation to be a far worse predictor than kriging and co-kriging. Small-scale differences were observed between kriging and co-kriging at steep depth contours, where co-kriging predicted values commensurate with the expected depth-defined grain size.  相似文献   

Open coast storm surge water levels consist of wind setup due to wind shear at the water surface; a wave setup component caused by wind induced waves transferring momentum to the water column; an atmospheric pressure head component due to the atmospheric pressure deficit over the spatial extent of the storm system; a Coriolis forced setup or setdown component due to the effects of the rotation of the earth acting on the wind driven alongshore current at the coast; a possible seiche component due to resonance effects initiated by moving wind system, and, if astronomical tides are present, an astronomical tide component (although the tide is typically considered to be a forced astronomical event and not really a direct part of the external wind-driven meteorological component of storm surge). Typically the most important component of a storm surge is the wind setup component, especially on the U.S. East Coast and the Gulf of Mexico shorelines. In many approaches to storm surge modeling, a constant depth approximation is invoked over a limited step size in the computational domain. The use of a constant depth approximation has received little attention in the literature although can be very important to the resulting magnitude of the computed storm surge. The importance of discrete step size to the wind setup storm surge component is considered herein with a simple case computation of the wind setup component on a linear slope offshore profile. The present study findings show that the constant depth approximation to wind setup storm surge estimation is biased on the low side (except in extremely shallow water depths) and can provide large errors if discrete step size is not sufficiently resolved. Guidance has been provided on the error that one might encounter for various step sizes on different slopes.  相似文献   

Agglutinated tubes of the polychaete Owenia fusiformis Delle Chiaje and their adjacent sediment were analyzed with respect to grain size, particle composition and tube structure to assess whether these parameters reflect a specific relationship between tube and adjacent sediment. Tubes and sediments were sampled southwest off Helgoland Island (southeastern North Sea) in water depth of 35–37 m. Particle selection was studied using settling velocity and component analysis. Both methods clearly showed that O. fusiformis actively selects coarse particles for tube building. The ability for size selection seems to be fully developed immediately after the transition from pelagic to benthic life, as considerable differences in the composition of tube and adjacent sediments occurred over the whole sampled sediment depth. In both tube and surface sediments quartz was the dominating component (>80%). In contrast, heavy minerals, the second frequent component of the surface sediments, were used less frequently for tube building. Biogenic components (e.g. shell material, echinoid fragments, foraminifera) occurring rarely in the sediment are nevertheless preferred as components for tube building. As underlying selection criteria a combination of size and the existence of at least one flattened surface that can be attached to the tube may be assumed.  相似文献   

利用某系列船2000~2007年秋冬季(11月~翌年3月)在东海北部海区的气象观测资料,来检验Hsu等(1981)动力计算模式和辛宝恒等(1987)的热力订正方法,并利用某系列船实际观测资料确定出该海区的计算参数。结果表明利用Hsu动力模式作基础再加上热力订正的办法,由陆上资料可以较好地推算海上风速,有一定的实际应用价值。  相似文献   

为了进一步了解海岛岬湾海岸表层沉积物粒度的时空分布特征和形成机制,作者以福建东山岛乌礁湾为典型研究区,通过秋、春、夏3个不同季节海滩表层沉积物的采集和点位测量,综合应用激光法和筛析法进行粒度测定。结果表明,东山乌礁湾海滩表层沉积物以0.16~0.50 mm之间的中、细砂为主,并含有少量的粗砂和细砾,这与区域砂质沉积背景有关;湾内从南到北剖面沉积物粒径由粗砂到细砂逐渐变细,主要受剖面地形、局地物源、季节性风浪作用和近岸往复水动力的影响。时间变化上,各取样站位表现出沉积物粒径粗、细不同程度的多种变化趋势,以秋季为参考,整体上表现为由南到北粒级的变小、增大和稳定,这与东北、南南西季风影响下的浪、潮作用以及沿岸流系格局变化下的水动力环境有关。  相似文献   

Zooplankton samples were collected using 505, 160 and 77 μm mesh nets around a power plant during four seasons in 2011. We measured total length of zooplankton and divided zooplankton into seven size classes in order to explore how zooplankton community size-structure might be altered by thermal discharge from power plant. The total length of zooplankton varied from 93.7 to 40 074.7 μm. The spatial distribution of mesozooplankton(200-2 000 μm) populations were rarely affected by thermal discharge, while macro-(2 000-10 000 μm)and megalo-zooplankton(10 000 μm) had an obvious tendency to migrate away from the outfall of power plant.Thus, zooplankton community tended to become smaller and biodiversity reduced close to power plant.Moreover, we compared the zooplankton communities in three different mesh size nets. Species richness,abundance, evenness index and Shannon-Wiener diversity index of the 505 μm mesh size were significantly lower than those recorded from the 160 and 77 μm mesh size. Average zooplankton abundance was highest in the 77 μm mesh net((27 690.0±1 633.7) ind./m~3), followed by 160 μm mesh net((9 531.1±1 079.5) ind./m~3), and lowest in 505 μm mesh net((494.4±104.7) ind./m~3). The ANOSIM and SIMPER tests confirmed that these differences were mainly due to small zooplankton and early developmental stages of zooplankton. It is the first time to use the 77 μm mesh net to sample zooplankton in such an environment. The 77 μm mesh net had the overwhelming abundance of the copepod genus Oithona, as an order of magnitude greater than recorded for 160 μm mesh net and 100% loss through the 505 μm mesh net. These results indicate that the use of a small or even multiple sampling net is necessary to accurately quantify entire zooplankton community around coastal power plant.  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal variability and size fractionation of chlorophyll a(Chl a) were investigated in the tropical and subtropical Pacific Ocean during four survey cruises from 2005 to 2009.The surface Chl a(S-Chl a) concentration ranged from 0.002 to 0.497 mg/m 3 and was obviously higher in the eastern Pacific than in the western and central Pacific.The vertical distribution of Chl a displayed a single peak pattern,and the maximum Chl a layer(MCL) was observed at a shallower depth in the eastern Pacific than in the western Pacific.All three size fractions of Chl a measurements in the surface water showed a similar distribution to total Chl a and were found in higher concentrations in the eastern Pacific than in the western and central Pacific.Picoplankton dominated the phytoplankton in the surveyed tropical and subtropical Pacific Ocean.Furthermore,pico-Chl a(0.2-2 μm) accounted for a larger percentage of the total Chl a in the central Pacific than it did in the western Pacific and eastern Pacific.In the western Pacific,there seemed to be a latitudinal variability in the phytoplankton community composition where small-sized phytoplankton(<2 μm) were more dominant in the tropical than in the subtropical western Pacific.The spatial and temporal variability and size fractionation of Chl a were controlled by hydrological and chemical characteristics and climate events,such as El Nin o and La Nin a.  相似文献   

A study of characteristics and distribution of sediment along Waikelo Beach, Sumba, Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT), Indonesia has been conducted using grain size train analysis. Grain size train analysis aims to determine physical properties and textural parameters such as mean, sorting, skewness, and kurtosis. Samples were taken from several locations on the beach that represent high-tide, transition, and low-tide areas. The observation of two physical characteristics has concluded two points: (1) changing in textural pattern that shows physical differences of sediments is a result of interaction between deposition process and marine activities; (2) the abundance of coarse to medium sand demonstrates general process of sediment deposition along Waikelo Beach deposited at moderate to low energy. Linear discriminate function indicates aeolian, shallow marine, and fluvial environments. CM diagram (C?=?one percentile in micron, M?=?median in micron) describes the mechanism of sediment deposition on the beach in rolling and ground suspension. These all conditions are supported by the plotting results in the Stewart diagram that shows the influence of current either from waves or from river.  相似文献   

We consider a mechanism for sand-particle separation by wind. A computational experiment has been conducted to find the possible characteristics of the structure of the mutual location of particles. We consider some scenarios for particle separation from the surface: the direct separation of particles by wind (without primary rotation) and the rolling of particles over the surface and separation after rolling. The critical wind velocities calculated for these two scenarios have made it possible to describe the probable states of surface particles as a function of wind velocity at the surface.  相似文献   

据赤道经向风剖面及热带西太平洋岛屿站测风资料来诊断厄尔尼诺(ElNino)事件,试图从观测事实方面来跟踪与预测ElNino的发生。分析结果得出:气候监测公报中850hPa风指数对监测、诊断已发生的ElNino事件较好,但不能用来预测ElNino事件的发生,而热带西太平洋岛屿站月平均纬向风对ElNino事件的发生有一定的指示意义。从越赤道气流的演变特征进一步证明,ElNino事件对应于弱季风,而拉尼娜(LaNina)事件对应于强季风。  相似文献   

The relationship between the intensity of surface wind waves and near-water wind is analyzed. The data of measuring wind waves and near-water wind under natural conditions in the Black Sea (July 2004) and Norwegian Sea (June 2003, 16th cruise of the R/V Akademik Sergei Vavilov) are used. A phenomenon of negative correlations has been found between the intensity of wind waves and near-water wind in regions of substantial restructuring of wind waves in the field of inhomogeneous flows: wind-wave amplification during wind decay and vice versa. Examples of such observations are presented, a theoretical model is constructed for the observed phenomenon, and a good agreement is obtained between theory and experiment.  相似文献   

The grouping characteristics of sea waves in the Shijiu Port   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A review concerning the methods of studying and describing wave groups is presented in this paper. After analysing 78 field records collected in the Shijiu Port, China, the measured parameters of wave groups and some factors describing wave groupness and their variations are given. Moreover, these results are compared with those of theory.  相似文献   

海面风不仅是驱动上层海洋运动的主要动力, 其能量也是维持海洋表层流动的主要机械能来源。为了分析南海表层流风能输入的变化, 用SODA(Simple Ocean Data Assimilation)(1901—2010)资料估算了风向南海表层流(表层地转流+表层非地转流)的能量输入。结果表明, 风向南海表层流、表层地转流和表层非地转流输入的能量总体均呈减少趋势, 110年间分别减小了约56%、65%和49%。导致风能输入减小的最主要因素是风应力的减弱(减小了35%)。由于南海受季风系统的控制, 风向表层流及其各成分输入的能量呈现出显著的季节性变化。冬季风能输入最强, 高值区位于南海西部及北部区域, 呈一个显著的“回力镖”状结构。这些结果对深入认识南海环流具有理论意义。  相似文献   

As one of the most serious natural disasters,many typhoons affect southeastern China every year.Taking Shenzhen,a coastal city in southeast China as an example,we employed a Monte-Carlo simulation to generate a large number of virtual typhoons for wind hazard analysis.By analyzing 67-year historical typhoons data from 1949 to 2015 using the Best Track Dataset for Tropical Cyclones over the Western North Pacific recorded by the Shanghai Typhoon Institute,China Meteorological Administration(CMASTI),typhoon characteristic parameters were extracted and optimal statistical distributions established for the parameters in relation to Shenzhen.We employed the Monte-Carlo method to sample each distribution to generate the characteristic parameters of virtual typhoons.In addition,the Yah Meng(YM)wind field model was introduced,and the sensitivity of the YM model to several parameters discussed.Using the YM wind field model,extreme wind speeds were extracted from the virtual typhoons.The extreme wind speeds for different return periods were predicted and compared with the current structural code to provide improved wind load information for wind-resistant structural design.  相似文献   

The sea surface wind speed (SSWS) derived by a microwave radiometer can be contaminated by changes of the brightness temperature owing to the angle between the sensor azimuth and the wind direction (Relative Wind Direction effect: RWD effect). We attempt to apply the method proposed by Konda and Shibata (2004) to the SSWS derived by Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer (AMSR) on Advanced Earth Observing Satellite II (ADEOS-II), in order to correct for the RWD effect. The improvement of accuracy of the SSWS estimation amounts to roughly 60% of the error caused by the RWD effect. Comparison with in situ observation at the Tropical Atmosphere Ocean (TAO) array shows that the root mean square error of the corrected SSWS is 1.1 ms−1. It is found that the impact of the RWD effect on the estimation of the latent heat flux can amount to about 30 Wm−2 on average. We applied the method to the SSWS derived by AMSR for Earth Observing System (AMSR-E) and obtained a similar result.  相似文献   

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