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Submillimeter lightcurves of Vesta   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Thermal lightcurves of Asteroid Vesta with significant amplitude have been observed at 870 μm (345 GHz) using the MPIfR 19-channel bolometer of the Heinrich–Hertz Submillimeter Telescope. Shape and albedo are not sufficient to explain the magnitude of this variation, which we relate to global variations in thermal inertia and/or other thermophysical parameters. Vesta's lightcurve has been observed over several epochs with the same general shape. However, there are some changes in morphology that may in part be related to viewing geometry and/or asteroid season. Inconsistent night-to-night variations exhibit the inherent difficulties in photometry at this wavelength. We are able to match the observed brightness temperatures with a relatively simple thermal model that integrates beneath the surface and assumes reasonable values of thermal inertia, loss tangent and refractive index, and without having to assume low values of emissivity in the submillimeter. High flux portions of the submillimeter lightcurve are found to correspond to regions with weak mafic bands observed in Hubble Space Telescope images.  相似文献   

Makhmutov  V.S.  Raulin  J.-P.  Giménez de Castro  C.G.  Kaufmann  P.  Correia  E. 《Solar physics》2003,218(1-2):211-220
We present the results of wavelet decomposition of fast-time structures during four solar flares observed by the Solar Submillimeter-wave Telescope at 212 GHz. The result of the analysis shows (1) observational evidence on the existence of submm-emission time variations in the range from a few tens of millisecond up to few seconds during solar flares, and (2) that when a solar flare is in progress the time scales reduce as the bulk of the emission flux time variations is increasing.  相似文献   

We report the first successful ground-based observations of any asteroid at submillimeter wave-lengths. Observations of the asteroid 10 Hygiea at 370 and 770 μm are combined with observations in the near and thermal infrared (2.2, 10.6, and 21 μm) to study the thermal properties of Hygiea's regolith. The “standard” (nonrotating) thermal model is consistent with the entire data set, although a rotating thermophysical model with a “lunarlike” thermal inertia cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   

Together with C+ and CO, C is an important reservoir of carbon in the interstellar medium. We present recent results on the ground state transition of atomic carbon at 492 GHz, and on submillimeter CO lines in nearby galaxies. We show that atomic carbon is a good tracer of molecular gas in spiral galaxy disks. It has also a contribution to the molecular gas cooling: the cooling due to C and CO are of the same order of magnitude, and amounts typically to 4× 10-5 of the FIR continuum. C and CO cooling becomes significant in ULIRG galaxies like Arp220.It is possible to use CI measurements to diagnose the physical conditions in galaxies. Together with CII/CI, the emissivity ratio CI/FIR can be used as a measure of the non-ionizing UV radiation field in galaxies.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the limits of ground-based interferometry for differential astrometry as well as ground-based interferometry for direct detection of exo-planets and exo-zodi dust levels. For direct detection, ground-based interferometry at near IR wavelengths using large telescopes with adaptive optics offers a significant advantage over single telescopes with adaptive optics. Ground-based differential astrometry for exo-planet detection is extremely accurate with sufficient accuracy to detect Neptune mass planets around 400–600 nearby stars. Ground-based interferometry using large (>6m) telescopes is also capable of detecting the 10 m emission of the zodiacal light around nearby stars with zodi levels similar to our solar system  相似文献   

使用移动式亚毫米波望远镜(POST)在位于青藏高原海拔3200米的紫金山天文台德令哈射电天文观测站址测量地球大气492GHz频率处天顶方向的不透明度(τ0)的结果.在1999—2000年冬季和2000—2001年冬季的两个观测季节内累计共进行了约870个小时的测量,取得了25842组τ0的有效数据.对数据的统计表明,观测季节内τ0值主要分布在1.5—3.0之间.观测时段内大气不透明度τ0≤1.0的时间比例约占3%.在给出实测资料的基础上,将所测量的亚毫米波不透明度与国际现有亚毫米波台址的不透明度进行了初步比较.  相似文献   

We present subarcsecond thermal infrared imaging of HD 98800, a young quadruple system composed of a pair of low-mass spectroscopic binaries separated by 0&farcs;8 (38 AU), each with a K-dwarf primary. Images at wavelengths ranging from 5 to 24.5 μm show unequivocally that the optically fainter binary, HD 98800B, is the sole source of a comparatively large infrared excess on which a silicate emission feature is superposed. The excess is detected only at wavelengths of 7.9 μm and longer, peaks at 25 μm, and has a best-fit blackbody temperature of 150 K, indicating that most of the dust lies at distances greater than the orbital separation of the spectroscopic binary. We estimate the radial extent of the dust with a disk model that approximates radiation from the spectroscopic binary as a single source of equivalent luminosity. Given the data, the most likely values of disk properties in the ranges considered are Rin=5.0+/-2.5 AU, DeltaR=13+/-8 AU, lambda0=2+4-1.5 μm, gamma=0+/-2.5, and sigmatotal=16+/-3 AU2, where Rin is the inner radius, DeltaR is the radial extent of the disk, lambda0 is the effective grain size, gamma is the radial power-law exponent of the optical depth tau, and sigmatotal is the total cross section of the grains. The range of implied disk masses is 0.001-0.1 times that of the Moon. These results show that, for a wide range of possible disk properties, a circumbinary disk is far more likely than a narrow ring.  相似文献   

We have made narrowband photometric measurements of Uranus and Neptune covering the wavelength range from 0.35 to 3.3 mm. The observations provide accurate comparative radiometry of these planets. Absolute calibration was referenced to Mars, and to Jupiter as a secondary standard. The results establish Uranus and Neptune as reliable secondary calibrators in their own right. We have combined our observations with other measurements made in the period 1978 through 1984 in the spectral range of 17 μm through 3 mm to form models for atmospheric temperature structure in the vertical range from 100 mbar to 8 bar. The simplest models imply that the tropospheres of both planets are consistent with “frozen” equilibrium H2 and a mixing ratio of CH4 of about 2% by volume in the deep atmosphere. There is some evidence in the Uranus data which implies the presence of discrete spectral lines. These could be due to CH4 pure rotational or dimer transitions or to minor constituents such as CO, which remain uncondensed even at the cold temperatures in the atmosphere of Uranus.  相似文献   

We present the development of a correlator module intended for space borne high resolution heterodyne spectroscopy. Our attention has been focused on power consumption reduction (few mW per channel needed), while looking for a high clock frequency (few hundreds of MHz) to cover wide bandwidths. The module proposed, which may be the base of an hybrid analog/digital spectrometer, is composed of two full custom Very Low Scale Integration (VLSI) circuits using two different technologies: a high speed MEtal Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor (MESFET) on Gallium Arsenide substrate (GaAs) and a low power Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) on Silicon substrate (Si). A 0.8 m GaAs prototype circuit has been built and tested. It shows a correct global operation up to 242 MHz – and for marginal functions up to 611 MHz –, and a power consumption as expected by the simulations (less than 2 W). Expected improvements of the technology, together with some modifications developed here, demonstrate that a high frequency correlator module, meeting spatial requirements (many hundreds of channels and few mW per resolution point), should be feasible.  相似文献   

Asteroseismology provides us with a unique opportunity to improve our understanding of stellar structure and evolution. Recent developments, including the first systematic studies of solar-like pulsators, have boosted the impact of this field of research within astrophysics and have led to a significant increase in the size of the research community. In the present paper we start by reviewing the basic observational and theoretical properties of classical and solar-like pulsators and present results from some of the most recent and outstanding studies of these stars. We centre our review on those classes of pulsators for which interferometric studies are expected to provide a significant input. We discuss current limitations to asteroseismic studies, including difficulties in mode identification and in the accurate determination of global parameters of pulsating stars, and, after a brief review of those aspects of interferometry that are most relevant in this context, anticipate how interferometric observations may contribute to overcome these limitations. Moreover, we present results of recent pilot studies of pulsating stars involving both asteroseismic and interferometric constraints and look into the future, summarizing ongoing efforts concerning the development of future instruments and satellite missions which are expected to have an impact in this field of research.  相似文献   

A method of obtaining an objective prism spectrum of a stellar object with diffraction-limited spatial resolution is described.Paper presented at the Symposium on the JNLT and Related Engineering Developments, Tokyo, November 29–December 2, 1988.  相似文献   

We report submillimeter CO(6-5) observations around 15 nearby young stellar objects of low mass. The correlation between linewidth and peak temperature indicates shock heating of dense gas, presumably at the origin of molecular outflows.  相似文献   

Through the continuing development of improved detectors and detector arrays, far-infrared/submillimeter astronomical space missions have had enormous successes in recent years. Despite these advances, the diffraction-limited angular resolving power has remained virtually constant. The advent of telescopes with apertures of several meters will improve this capability, but will still leave image resolution many orders of magnitude poorer than in most other spectral ranges. Here we point out that the only foreseeable way to improve image quality to rival that of modern optical telescopes will be with interferometers whose light collectors are connected by tethers. After making the scientific case for high spatial resolution far-infrared/submillimeter imaging and the use of interferometry as the most immediate way of producing results, we discuss recent advances in dynamic analysis and control of tethered formations, and argue that the further development and testing of tethers in space is a first step toward providing improved far-infrared/submillimeter angular resolution and astronomical image quality.  相似文献   

The galactic and Extragalactic photodissociation regions are primarily heated by photoelectrons ejected from the surface of interstellar dust grains by Far-ultraviolet (FUV) photons. But there is no direct mechanism to measure the photoelectric heating efficiency. To understand the role of dust grains in processing the Interstellar Radiation Field (ISRF) and heating the gas, we compare the intensities I CII, I CO and I FIR for (2 P 3/22 P 1/2) & (J = 1→ 0) line emission of CII & CO at 158 μm & 2.6 mm and integrated far-infrared from number of photodissociation regions, HII regions, planetary nebulae, reflection nebulae and high latitude translucent clouds (HLCs). It is found that I CII is linearly correlated with I FIR. In the cold medium where cloud is exposed to weak radiations temperature is low and most of the cooling is due to [CII] emissions. As a result the ratio of I CII/I FIR provide indirect method to evaluate the photoelectric heating efficiency. For the neutral cold medium it is evaluated to be ∼0.028. The FUV radiation field G 0 are estimated through the model calculation of I CII and I CO for different galactic and photodissociation regions. The intensity of FIR radiation I FIR are well represented as 1.23×10−4 G 0(ergs cm−2 s−1 sr−1) almost same as estimated for HLCs by Ingalls et al (2002). Hydrogen density for each source has also been estimated.  相似文献   

Solar maps at 212 and 405 GHz obtained by the Solar Submillimetric Telescope (SST) show regions of enhanced brightness temperature, which coincide with the location of active regions. A statistical study of the radio emission from these active regions was performed for the first time at such high frequencies during 23 days on June and July 2002, when the atmospheric opacity was low. The brightest regions on the maps were chosen for this study, where the brightness excess observed varies from 3 to 20% above quiet Sun levels (i.e., 200–1000 K) at both wavelengths. Sizes of the regions of enhanced emission calculated at half the maximum value were estimated to be between 2′ and 7′. These sizes agree with observed sizes of active regions at other wavelengths such as Hα and ultraviolet. An important result is that the flux density spectra of all sources increase toward submillimeter frequencies, yielding flux density spectral index with an average value of 2.0. The flux density of the active region sources were complemented with that from maps at 17 and 34 GHz from the Nobeyama Radio Heliograph. The resulting spectra at all four frequencies were fit considering the flux density to be due to thermal bremsstrahlung from the active region. In the calculations, the source radius was assumed to be the mean of the measured values at 212 and 405 K. The effective temperatures of the radio emitting source, assumed homogeneous, obtained from this fit were 0.6–2.9 × 104 K, for source diameters of 2′–7′.  相似文献   

Photometry and thermal lightcurves of six large asteroids (1-Ceres, 2-Pallas, 3-Juno, 12-Victoria, 85-Io and 511-Davida) have been observed at 870 μm (345 GHz) using the MPIfR 19-Channel Bolometer of the Heinrich-Hertz Submillimeter Telescope. Only Ceres displayed a lightcurve with an amplitude (∼50%, peak to peak) that was significantly greater than the uncertainty in the observations. When thermal fluxes and brightness temperatures are corrected for heliocentric distance and albedo, there is a significant relation with the sub-solar latitude of the asteroid, or the local season of the asteroid. No such trend can be found between observations with solar phase angle. These results are evidence that most of the submillimeter thermal radiation is emitted from below the diurnal thermal wave. Comparing the observed trend with model output suggests that the submillimeter radiation from all the asteroids we observed is best modeled by surface material with low thermal inertia (<15 J m−2 s−0.5 K−1, consistent with mid-infrared observations of large main-belt asteroids) and a refractive index closer to unity relative to densities inferred from radar experiments, implying a veneer of material over the asteroid surface with a density less than 1000 kg m−3. More data with better signal-to-noise and aspect coverage could improve these models and constrain physical properties of asteroid surface materials. This would also allow asteroids to be used as calibration sources with accurately known and stable, broadband fluxes at long wavelengths.  相似文献   

We report the detection of linear polarization from Sgr A* at 750, 850, 1350, and 2000 μm which confirms the contribution of synchrotron radiation. From the lack of polarization at longer wavelengths, it appears to arise in the millimeter/submillimeter excess. There are large position angle changes between the millimeter and submillimeter results, and these are discussed in terms of a polarized dust contribution in the submillimeter and various synchrotron models. In the model that best explains the data, the synchrotron radiation from the excess is self-absorbed in the millimeter region and becomes optically thin in the submillimeter. This implies that the excess arises in an extremely compact source of approximately 2 Schwarzschild radii.  相似文献   

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