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Analysis of pulsar timing data sets may provide the first direct detection of gravitational waves. This paper, the third in a series describing the mathematical framework implemented into the tempo2 pulsar timing package, reports on using tempo2 to simulate the timing residuals induced by gravitational waves. The tempo2 simulations can be used to provide upper bounds on the amplitude of an isotropic, stochastic, gravitational wave background in our Galaxy and to determine the sensitivity of a given pulsar timing experiment to individual, supermassive, binary black hole systems.  相似文献   

We present the Fourier Transform of a continuous gravitational wave. We have analysed the data set for a 1-d observation time and our analysis is applicable for an arbitrary location of detector and source. We have taken into account the effects arising due to the rotational as well as orbital motions of the Earth.  相似文献   

In this paper we obtain the Fourier Transform of a continuous gravitational wave. We have analysed the data set for (i) a 1-yr observation time and (ii) an arbitrary observation time, for an arbitrary location of detector and source, taking into account the effects arising due to the rotational as well as orbital motion of the Earth. As an application of the transform we considered spin-down and N -component signal analysis.  相似文献   

We present a new algorithm, Eclipsing Binary Automated Solver (EBAS), to analyse light curves of eclipsing binaries. The algorithm is designed to analyse large numbers of light curves, and is therefore based on the relatively fast ebop code. To facilitate the search for the best solution, EBAS uses two parameter transformations. Instead of the radii of the two stellar components, EBAS uses the sum of radii and their ratio, while the inclination is transformed into the impact parameter. To replace human visual assessment, we introduce a new 'alarm' goodness-of-fit statistic that takes into account correlation between neighbouring residuals. We perform extensive tests and simulations that show that our algorithm converges well, finds a good set of parameters and provides reasonable error estimation.  相似文献   

A search for gravitational waves from the millisecond pulsar PSR 0437-4715 has been initiated using the bar detector NIOBE which is located at the University of Western Australia. We present a detailed report on the data analysis algorithm, called phase plane rotation , which will be used in this search. A discussion of the actual implementation of the algorithm is presented. The data analysis algorithm mentioned above has the advantage that it requires minimal changes to the already-existing data acquisition facility of NIOBE but, at the same time, it is as efficient as optimal filtering in detecting a signal. This search involves a very long coherent integration of the bar output which may stretch over a few years. With some planned improvements in the detector, a three-year integration should be able to put an upper limit of h  ∼ 10−26 on the signal amplitude.  相似文献   

We present the discovery and follow-up observations of 142 pulsars found in the Parkes 20-cm multibeam pulsar survey of the Galactic plane. These new discoveries bring the total number of pulsars found by the survey to 742. In addition to tabulating spin and astrometric parameters, along with pulse width and flux density information, we present orbital characteristics for 13 binary pulsars which form part of the new sample. Combining these results from another recent Parkes multibeam survey at high Galactic latitudes, we have a sample of 1008 normal pulsars which we use to carry out a determination of their Galactic distribution and birth rate. We infer a total Galactic population of  30 000 ± 1100  potentially detectable pulsars (i.e. those beaming towards us) having 1.4-GHz luminosities above 0.1 mJy kpc2. Adopting the Tauris & Manchester beaming model, this translates to a total of  155 000 ± 6000  active radio pulsars in the Galaxy above this luminosity limit. Using a pulsar current analysis, we derive the birth rate of this population to be  1.4 ± 0.2  pulsars per century. An important conclusion from our work is that the inferred radial density function of pulsars depends strongly on the assumed distribution of free electrons in the Galaxy. As a result, any analyses using the most recent electron model of Cordes & Lazio predict a dearth of pulsars in the inner Galaxy. We show that this model can also bias the inferred pulsar scaleheight with respect to the Galactic plane. Combining our results with other Parkes multibeam surveys we find that the population is best described by an exponential distribution with a scaleheight of 330 pc. Surveys underway at Parkes and Arecibo are expected to improve the knowledge of the radial distribution outside the solar circle, and to discover several hundred new pulsars in the inner Galaxy.  相似文献   

Searches for radio pulsars are becoming increasingly difficult because of a rise in impulsive man-made terrestrial radio-frequency interference. Here, we present a new technique, zero dispersion measure filtering, which can significantly reduce the effects of such signals in pulsar search data. The technique has already been applied to a small portion of the data from the Parkes multi-beam pulsar survey, resulting in the discovery of four new pulsars, so illustrating its efficacy.  相似文献   

We have constructed photoionization models of five galactic bulge planetary nebulae using our automatic method, which enables a fully self-consistent determination of the physical parameters of a planetary nebula. The models are constrained using the spectrum, the IRAS and radio fluxes and the angular diameter of the nebula. We also conducted a literature search for physical parameters determined with classical methods for these nebulae. Comparison of the distance-independent physical parameters with published data shows that the stellar temperatures generally are in good agreement and can be considered reliable. The literature data for the electron temperature, electron density and also for the abundances show a large spread, indicating that the use of line diagnostics is not reliable and that the accuracy of these methods needs to be improved. Comparison of the various abundance determinations indicates that the uncertainty in the electron temperature is the main source of uncertainty in the abundance determination. The stellar magnitudes predicted by the photoionization models are in good agreement with observed values.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a detailed hydrodynamical study of the properties of the flow produced by the collision of a pulsar wind with the surrounding in a binary system. This work is the first attempt to simulate interaction of the ultrarelativistic flow (pulsar wind) with the non-relativistic stellar wind. Obtained results show that the wind collision could result in the formation of an 'unclosed' (at spatial scales comparable to the binary system size) pulsar wind termination shock even when the stellar wind ram pressure exceeds significantly the pulsar wind kinetic pressure. Moreover, the post-shock flow propagates in a rather narrow region, with very high bulk Lorentz factor (γ∼ 100). This flow acceleration is related to adiabatic losses which are purely hydrodynamical effects. Interestingly, in this particular case, no magnetic field is required for formation of the ultrarelativistic bulk outflow. The obtained results provide a new interpretation for the orbital variability of radio, X-ray and gamma-ray signals detected from binary pulsar system PSR B1259−63/SS2883.  相似文献   

The theory of low-order linear stochastic differential equations is reviewed. Solutions to these equations give the continuous time analogues of discrete time autoregressive time-series. Explicit forms for the power spectra and covariance functions of first- and second-order forms are given. A conceptually simple method is described for fitting continuous time autoregressive models to data. Formulae giving the standard errors of the parameter estimates are derived. Simulated data are used to verify the performance of the methods. Irregularly spaced observations of the two hydrogen-deficient stars FQ Aqr and NO Ser are analysed. In the case of FQ Aqr the best-fitting model is of second order, and describes a quasi-periodicity of about 20 d with an e-folding time of 3.7 d. The NO Ser data are best fitted by a first-order model with an e-folding time of 7.2 d.  相似文献   

The importance of producing the pulsar standard pulse profile is discussed. By analyzing the classical pulse superposition method, a novel pulse profile accumulation method based on the wavelet-modulus-maxima information is proposed. First, the original observed data are divided into groups according to the pulse periods, and by making separately the wavelet decomposition, the wavelet coefficients characterizing the pulse peaks on coarse scales are obtained. Secondly, selecting a group of coefficients with a high SNR as the reference data and making correlations respectively with the other groups of coefficients, the relative time delays of pulse peaks are determined. Finally, the grouped original data are added up according to the relative time delays to obtain the pulse profile. With a prior estimation of the background noise and the smoothing processing of the signal, a normalized standard profile with a rather high SNR can be obtained. Practical experiments and comparison with the template correlation method indicate that this method is simple, effective, free of the necessity of designing an approximate template, and insensitive to noise type. It should be valuable for engineering applications.  相似文献   

We study the structure of a stationary and axisymmetric charge-deficient region (or potential gap) in the outer magnetosphere of a spinning neutron star. Assuming the existence of global current flow patterns in the magnetosphere, the charge depletion causes a large electric field along the magnetic field lines. This longitudinal electric field accelerates migratory electrons and/or positrons to ultrarelativistic energies. These relativistic electrons/positrons radiate γ -ray photons by curvature radiation. These γ -rays, in turn, produce yet more radiating particles by colliding with ambient X-ray photons, leading to a pair production cascade in the gap. The replenished charges partially screen the longitudinal electric field, which is self-consistently solved together with the distribution of e± and γ -ray photons. We find the voltage drop in the gap as a function of the soft photon luminosity. It is demonstrated that the voltage drop is less than 3×1013 V when the background X-ray radiation is as luminous as Vela . However, this value increases with decreasing X-ray luminosity and attains 3×1015 V when the X-ray luminosity is as low as L X=1031 erg s−1.  相似文献   

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