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2008年3月20-22日,东亚VLBI研讨会(East Asia VLBI Workshop)在中国科学院上海天文台召开.共76位代表注册参加了会议,他们分别来自澳大利亚(1人)、韩国(10人)、日本(19人)和中国(46人).  相似文献   

将不同波段的星表、特别是巡天项目产生的大型星表进行交叉证认,一直是进行多波段天文学研究,尤其是数据挖掘、统计分析研究的瓶颈.本文开发和实现了一个不依赖于特定数据库的海量星表融合系统(简称为XMaS_VO),用户能够方便地使用此系统的服务进行星表的上传及自动入库、交叉证认等工作.此外,XMaS_VO具备可移植性,如果用户需要进行很大数量的或者大型星表的交叉证认服务,可以自己建立数据库,方便地将此工具移植到自己的服务器上,自己使用或者开放服务给他人.随着该系统的进一步发展和应用.天文学家将可以轻松自如地获得他们需要的多波段融合数据,自由地选取参数和匹配的结果.从而可以更加有效地从事海量数据处理和分析工作.  相似文献   

针对前身星模型Ws15M⊙,采用程序WLYW89数值模拟了超新星瞬时爆发过程;数值结果表明,在不增大压强的前提下,适当调节坍缩和反弹阶段的压强梯度,超新星瞬时爆发是可以获得成功的.在有限的引力释放能量的情况下,压强梯度的调整增加了对流传能机制,可以缩短瞬时爆发所用的时间,提高爆发能量,使得瞬时强爆炸能够成功.  相似文献   

一种扩大FAST视场的方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
所有的大口径射电望远镜都存在这样一个问题:在其分辨率和灵敏度提高的同时,视场变小.而且口径越大,视场越小.这成为大口径望远镜不可回避的矛盾.要解决这个矛盾,可以在望远镜的焦平面上放置Ⅳ个分立馈源.让它们同时工作,这样可以看作把视场扩大了Ⅳ倍.望远镜的工作效率提高Ⅳ倍.但是这样做的缺点是——视场不连续.且馈源数目Ⅳ受到望远镜焦比(F/D)的限制.采用致密焦面阵(dense focal plane array)就可以很好地解决这个问题.致密焦面阵的单元不是喇叭口天线,而是无方向性的Vivaldi天线(Vivaldi antenna).要把Vivaldi阵列应用到望远镜上,需要对单个Vivaldi天线和Vivaldi阵列的电性能有清楚的认识,并能根据需要来设计照明方向图.还要知道大望远镜的焦面上电磁场的分布情况,借此判断能否应用Vivaldi阵列,以及给出Vivaldi单元的分路赋权网络.主要给出了FAST的焦面场的分布情况.并说明应用Vivaldi阵列的可能性.  相似文献   

1摘要中文摘要每篇论文前应附有对文章内容准确概括而不加注释或评论的简要陈述,其内容应包括:研究目的、方法、结果和结论.摘要一般应写成报道性文摘,也可写成报道/指示性文摘.一般不用图、表、化学结构式和非公用的符号或述语,也不宜引用正文中的图、表、公式.摘要采用第三人称的写法,不使用"本文"、"作者"等作为主语.中文摘要的篇幅一般以200字左右为宜.  相似文献   

高电子迁移率晶体管(HEMT)目前被广泛应用于高灵敏度(低噪声)射电天文接收机中. 在低温制冷环境下,其低噪声性能更佳,但对偏置供电系统要求很高,只有在特定的偏置条件下才能得到最佳的低噪声、高增益、高稳定性.本文提供了一套可调试、高稳定、高可靠性、带远程监控功能的可供多级低温制冷HEMT管的偏置电源的设计思路、方法和制作,使在低温制冷状态下的HEMT管能够稳定、安全、可靠地工作在最佳状态.  相似文献   

热亚矮星以其独特的性质受到人们日益关注.它们是年老椭圆星系中良好的紫外源,系统地研究热亚矮星的观测特征和形成机制可以帮助我们理解恒星演化、椭圆星系中"紫外超"现象的起源和球状星团的动力学演化.热亚矮星的形成模型主要包括单星模型和双星模型.双星模型包含三种渠道:公共包层抛射渠道、稳定的洛希瓣物质交流渠道和双氦白矮星并合渠道.该文系统地总结了热亚矮星的观测特征,并简要介绍了它们的形成机制.  相似文献   

云南天文台1m红外太阳望远镜是多功能、多波段的太阳望远镜,望远镜使用过程中主镜的热变形直接关系这系统的光学精度,建立光学系统的光机热结合的分析方法,可以直观的得到热辐射对光学系统的影响结果,使得望远镜的设计阶段就能评估热变形对系统的精度影响,确定光学元件是否满足要求.  相似文献   

We present results from our Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope(GMRT)HⅠ,Himalayan Chandra Telescope(HCT)Hα,1 m Sampurnanand Telescope(ST)and 1.3 m Devasthal Fast Optical Telescope(DFOT)deep optical observations of the NGC 7805/6(Arp 112)system to test KUG 2359+311’s tidal dwarf galaxy(TDG)candidacy and explore the properties of the interacting system.Our GMRT HⅠmap shows no HⅠdetection associated with KUG 2359+311,nor any HⅠtail or bridge-like structure connecting KUG 2359+311 to the NGC 7805/6 system.Our HCT Hαimage,on the other hand,displays strong detections in KUG 2359+311,with net SFR0.035±0.009 Myr-1.The Hαdata constrain the redshift of KUG 2359+311 to 0.00≤z≤0.043,compared to the redshift of NGC 7806 of0.015.TDGs detected to date have all been HⅠrich,and displayed HⅠ,ionised gas and stellar tidal debris trails(bridges or tails)linking them to their parent systems.However,neither our HⅠdata nor our optical imaging,while three magnitudes deeper than SDSS,reveals a tidal trail connecting KUG 2359+311 to NGC 7805/6.Lack of HⅠ,presence of an old stellar population,ongoing star formation and reasonably high SFR compared to normal dwarf galaxies suggest that KUG 2359+311 may not be an Arp 112 TDG.It is most likely a case of a regular gas-rich dwarf galaxy undergoing a morphological transformation after having lost its entire gas content to an interaction with the Arp 112 system.Redshift and metallicity from future spectroscopic observations of KUG 2359+311 would help clarify the nature of this enigmatic structure.  相似文献   

历法从起源到发展成熟完善的过程,首先是建立纪日制度,进而确立规范的纪月法,最后完成的才是纪年法.从3个少数民族历法发展的形态看,这种历法发展进程的模式,虽不能断言都必然如此,但至少这是一种发展模式.  相似文献   

Solar filaments are discussed in terms of two contrasting paradigms. The standard paradigm is that filaments are formed by condensation of coronal plasma into magnetic fields that are twisted or dimpled as a consequence of motions of the fields’ sources in the photosphere. According to a new paradigm, filaments form in rising, twisted flux ropes and are a necessary intermediate stage in the transfer to interplanetary space of dynamo-generated magnetic flux. It is argued that the accumulation of magnetic helicity in filaments and their coronal surroundings leads to filament eruptions and coronal mass ejections. These ejections relieve the Sun of the flux generated by the dynamo and make way for the flux of the next cycle.  相似文献   

The very nature of the solar chromosphere, its structuring and dynamics, remains far from being properly understood, in spite of intensive research. Here we point out the potential of chromospheric observations at millimeter wavelengths to resolve this long-standing problem. Computations carried out with a sophisticated dynamic model of the solar chromosphere due to Carlsson and Stein demonstrate that millimeter emission is extremely sensitive to dynamic processes in the chromosphere and the appropriate wavelengths to look for dynamic signatures are in the range 0.8–5.0 mm. The model also suggests that high resolution observations at mm wavelengths, as will be provided by ALMA, will have the unique property of reacting to both the hot and the cool gas, and thus will have the potential of distinguishing between rival models of the solar atmosphere. Thus, initial results obtained from the observations of the quiet Sun at 3.5 mm with the BIMA array (resolution of 12″) reveal significant oscillations with amplitudes of 50–150 K and frequencies of 1.5–8 mHz with a tendency toward short-period oscillations in internetwork and longer periods in network regions. However higher spatial resolution, such as that provided by ALMA, is required for a clean separation between the features within the solar atmosphere and for an adequate comparison with the output of the comprehensive dynamic simulations.  相似文献   

We investigate a new dynamical mechanism for producing Halley-type comets from the scattered disk of comets. Levison and Duncan [Levison, H., Duncan, M., 1997. Icarus 127, 13-32] and Duncan and Levison [Duncan, M., Levison, H., 1997. Science 276, 1670-1672] showed that a significant number of objects leave the scattered disk by evolving to semi-major axes greater than 1000 AU. We find that once these objects reach semi-major axes on the order of 104 AU, a significant fraction immediately have their perihelia driven inward by the galactic tides. Approximately 0.01% of the objects that reach 104 AU then evolve onto orbits similar to the observed Halley-like comets due to gravitational interactions with the giant planets. The orbital element distribution resulting from this process is statistically consistent with observations. We discuss the implications of this model for the number of objects in the scattered disk in the text. The model predicts a temporal variation in the influx of HTCs with a period of ∼118 Myr. At the peak, the model predicts that there should be roughly 10 times as many HTCs as currently observed (i.e., there should be weak HTC showers). However, the model may inflate the importance of these showers because it does not include the effects of passing stars and giant molecular clouds.  相似文献   

We have studied the solar wind-magnetosphere interaction using a 3-D electromagnetic particle code. The results for an unmagnetized solar wind plasma streaming past a dipole magnetic field show the formation of a magnetopause and a magnetotail, the penetration of energetic particles into cusps and radiation belt and dawn-dusk asymmetries. The effects of interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) have been investigated in a similar way as done by MHD simulations. The simulation results with a southward IMF show the shrunk magnetosphere with great particle entry into the cusps and nightside magnetosphere. This is a signature of a magnetic reconnection at the dayside magnetopause. After a quasi-stable state is established with an unmagnetized solar wind we switched on a solar wind with an northward IMF. In this case the significant changes take place in the magnetotail. The waving motion was seen in the magnetotail and its length was shortened. This phenomena are consistent with the reconnections which occur at the high latitude magnetopause. In our simulations kinetic effects will determine the self-consistent anomalous resistivity in the magnetopause that causes reconnections.Deceased January 24, 1993; R. Bunemanet al. 1993.  相似文献   

The influence of solar EUV and solar wind conditions on ion escape at Mars is investigated using ion data from the Aspera-3 instrument on Mars Express, combined with solar wind proxy data obtained from the Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) spacecraft. A solar EUV flux proxy based on data from the Earth position, scaled and shifted in time for Mars, is used to study relatively long time scale changes related to solar EUV variability. Data from May 2004 until November 2005 has been used. A clear dependence on the strength of the subsolar magnetic field as inferred from MGS measurements is seen in the ion data. The region of significant heavy ion flows is compressed and the heavy ion flux density is higher for high subsolar magnetic field strength. Because of the difference in outflow area, the difference in estimated total outflow is somewhat less than the difference in average flux density. We confirm previous findings that escaping planetary ions are mainly seen in the hemisphere into which the solar wind electric field is pointed. The effect is more pronounced for the high subsolar magnetic field case.The average ion motion has a consistent bias towards the direction of the solar wind electric field, but the main motion is in the antisunward direction. The antisunward flow velocity increases with tailward distance, reaching above at 2 to 3 martian radii downtail from Mars for O+ ions. Different ion species reach approximately the same bulk flow energy. We did not find any clear correlation between the solar EUV flux and the ion escape distribution or rate, probably because the variation of the solar EUV flux over our study interval was too small. The results indicate that the solar wind and its magnetic field directly interacts with the ionosphere of Mars, removing more ions for high subsolar magnetic field strength. The interaction region and the tail heavy ion flow region are not perfectly shielded from the solar wind electric field, which accelerates particles over relatively large tail distances.  相似文献   

W. Xie  H. Zhang  H. Wang 《Solar physics》2009,254(2):271-283
In this paper, we present a study of the correlation between the speed of flare ribbon separation and the magnetic flux density during the 10 April 2001 solar flare. The study includes the section of the neutral line containing the flare core and its peripheral area. This event shows clear two-ribbon structure and inhomogeneous magnetic fields along the ribbons, so the spatial correlation and distribution of the flare and magnetic parameters can be studied. A weak negative correlation is found between the ribbon separation speed (V r) and the longitudinal magnetic flux density (B z ). This correlation is the weakest around the peak of the flare. Spatially, the correlation is also weakest at the positions of the hard X-ray (HXR) sources. In addition, we estimate the magnetic reconnection rate (electric field strength in the reconnection region E rec) by combining the speed of flare ribbons and the longitudinal magnetic flux density. During flare evolution, the time profiles of the magnetic reconnection rate are similar to that of the ribbon separation speed, and the speeds of ribbon separation are relatively slow in the strong magnetic fields (i.e., V r is negatively correlated with B z ). However, along the flare ribbons, E rec fluctuates in a small range except near the HXR source. A localized enhancement of the reconnection rate corresponds to the position of the HXR source.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an explanation for the Pioneer anomaly: an unexplained Sunward acceleration of 8.74 ± 1.33 × 10−10 m s−2 seen in the behaviour of the Pioneer probes. Two hypotheses are made. (1) Inertia is a reaction to Unruh radiation and (2) this reaction is weaker for low accelerations because some wavelengths in the Unruh spectrum do not fit within a limiting scale (twice the Hubble distance) and are disallowed: a process similar to the Casimir effect. When these ideas are used to model the Pioneer crafts' trajectories, there is a slight reduction in their inertial mass, causing an anomalous Sunward acceleration of 6.9 ± 3.5 × 10−10 m s−2 which agrees within error bars with the observed Pioneer anomaly beyond 10 au from the Sun. This new scheme is appealingly simple and does not require adjustable parameters. However, it also predicts an anomaly within 10 au of the Sun, which has not been observed. Various observational tests for the idea are proposed.  相似文献   

A scenario is presented whereby CMEs and interplanetary shocks are consequences of a large scale rearrangement of the coronal magnetic field induced by the disconnection of field lines from the solar surface due to the emergence of flux with opposite polarity. In this scenario the CME is the mass released from the previously closed structure and the interplanetary shock is formed by the injection of faster solar wind from an extended or newly created coronal hole which results from the opening of the field lines. Here CMEs and interplanetary shocks are associated events, but not cause-effect related. Observational and computational evidence supporting this view is provided.  相似文献   

The main goal of this paper is to revisit the lost siblings of the Sun candidates within 100 pc. The solar siblings should have some similar characteristics as their ages, chemical compositions and kinematics properties. Considering their chemical compositions, age and kinematics properties only three potential candidates have been found in the literature: HD28676, HD83423 and HD175740. The first two stars are mentioned by [Brown et al., 2010] and [Bobylev et al., 2011], respectively. HD175740 is, to our knowledge, the first giant to be proposed as potential candidate.  相似文献   

A comparison between the two tracers of magnetic field mirror asymmetry in solar active regions – twist and current helicity – is presented. It is shown that for individual active regions these tracers do not possess visible similarity but averaging by time over the solar cycle, or by latitude, reveals similarities in their behavior. The main property of the data set is antisymmetry over the solar equator. Considering the evolution of helical properties over the solar cycle we find signatures of a possible sign change at the beginning of the cycle, though more systematic observational data are required for a definite confirmation. We discuss the role of both tracers in the context of solar dynamo theory.  相似文献   

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