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由中国地理信息系统协会主办,中国地理信息系统协会教育与科普专业委员会、ESRI中国(北京)有限公司、ESRI中国(北京)培训中心协办的“第三届高校ArcGIS地理信息系统应用开发竞赛”的报名工作已经结束。共收到报名参赛作品100个,涉及人数超过350人,其中本科生占60%,研究生占35%,博士生占5%。从报名情况看,本科生参赛人数大大超过往届,这说明高校竞赛的影响力正在逐渐扩大,吸引更多低年级的学生参与、尝试与实践。目前,竞赛软件已经全部发送完毕,参赛选手可以登陆竞赛论坛网站进行技术咨询(http://www.arcgisworld.com/forum/list.asp?bo…  相似文献   

2011年11月6日至8日,笔者带领伊春市国土资源局有关科室人员,在天津梅江会展中心参加了2011(第十三届)中国国际矿业大会暨展览会。这次大会,以“加强国际合作,加快找矿突破”为主题,包括高峰论坛、行业展览和专题活动三部分内容,是一个集会议、展览和专题活动于一身的矿业界对话、交流、合作的重要年度盛会。作为首次参加中国国际矿业大会的国土资源管理者,笔者一行人对此次空前盛会有着非比寻常的体会和感受:  相似文献   

Accessibility is a factor affecting national park visitation. However, the effect of accessibility on national park visitation is not fully understood. This paper examines the relationship between U.S.national park visitation and accessibility. First, the global and local accessibility indexes of each park unit are computed based on an accessibility model that takes into account the surrounding population and its proximity to the park unit. Integrated in the model is a distance decay coefficient that is derived from U.S.national park visitor surveys and therefore pertinent to the case of study. Then correlation analysis is performed between park visitation and accessibility based on park types, regions, and visitation types.Results show that total visitation is positively related to accessibility in National Memorials, Military Parks and Battlefield Parks/Sites but negatively related to accessibility in national parks and national monuments. However, recreational overnight stay visits are commonly negatively correlated to accessibility for almost all park types. Moreover, local accessibility index displays enhanced correlation coefficients with improved significance levels in many categories of analysis. Results suggest that historical/cultural national parks which often show positive correlations tend to attract more local visitors,but nature-based parks which mainly show negative correlations tend to attract more distant visitors.  相似文献   

日前,2010年北京市政务地理空间信息资源共享应用研讨会在北京隆重举行.来自北京市38个委局的相关领导、专家及全国各省的国土、测绘、信息等单位的400多名代表出席了此次会议.作为国产GIS企业的代表,超图软件出席会议并就地理信息共享应用与创新与参会者进行了深入交流.  相似文献   

The spectacular scenery of Glacier National Park is the result of glacial erosion as well as post-glacial mass wasting processes. Debris flow magnitude and frequency have been established through extensive fieldwork across seven separate drainage basins in the eastern portion of the park. This paper summarizes the investigation of the hypotheses that debris flow distribution in the Glacier National Park, east of the Continental Divide is (a) not random; and Co) concentrated adjacent to the Continental Divide. The location of 2317 debris flows were identified and mapped from sixty-three 1-m resolution Digital Orthophoto Quarter Quadrangles and their spatial distribution was then analyzed using ArcView Spatial Analyst GIS software. The GIS analysis showed that the debris flows are not randomly distributed nor are they concentrated directly adjacent to the Divide. While the Continental Divide provides orographic enhancement of precipitation directly adjacent to the Divide, the debris flows are not concentrated there due to a lack of available weathered regolith. The most recent Little Ice Age glaciation removed the debris directly adjacent to the Divide, and without an adequate debris supply, these steep slopes experience few debris flows. Both abundant water and an adequate debris supply are necessary to initiate slope failure, resulting in a clustering of debris flows at the break in slope where valley walls contact talus slopes. A variety of summer storm and antecedent moisture conditions initiate slope failures in the Glacier National Park, with no distinct meteorological threshold. With over two million visitorsevery year, and millions of dollars of park infrastructure at risk, identifying the hazard of debris flows is essential to future park management plans.  相似文献   

Using statistically downscaled atmospheric forcing, we performed a numerical investigation to evaluate future climate's impact on storm surges along the Gulf of Mexico and U.S. east coast. The focus is on the impact of climatic changes in wind pattern and surface pressure while neglecting sea level rise and other factors. We adapted the regional ocean model system(ROMS) to the study region with a mesh grid size of 7–10 km in horizontal and 18 vertical layers. The model was validated by a hindcast of the coastal sea levels in the winter of 2008. Model's robustness was confirmed by the good agreement between model-simulated and observed sea levels at 37 tidal gages. Two 10-year forecasts, one for the IPCC Pre-Industry(PI) and the other for the A1 FI scenario, were conducted. The differences in model-simulated surge heights under the two climate scenarios were analyzed. We identified three types of responses in extreme surge heights to future climate: a clear decrease in Middle Atlantic Bight, an increase in the western Gulf of Mexico, and non-significant response for the remaining area. Such spatial pattern is also consistent with previous projections of sea surface winds and ocean wave heights.  相似文献   

Uargathy Inlet is a small natural tidal inlet in the northern region ol the Virginia Darner island chain. It is 100 m wide with a throat cross-sectional area of 384m2 and an average tidal prism of 6.47 x 106 m3. The inside drainage system is 7.8 km long and 2.2km wide. The main channels comprise 5.8% of the area, shallow lagoons 19.8%, and Spartina marshes 74.4% in 1970. Over the period 1851 - 1989 the inlet narrowed and migrated northward while maintaining a weakening downdrift offset. The nearby barrier island coastline's rapid retreat (average rate 4.78m /a, 138 years retreat 660 m) was accompanied by back barrier channel and lagoon filling and a decrease in intertidal water volume which was probably the main reason for the entrance narrowing. The northward migration of the inlet was related to the dredging of the Inside Passage (before 1949) and the breaching of southern Metompkin Island (since 1957) connected with the inlet system. This altered the interior tidal circulation and likely shifted nort  相似文献   

"The study of plateau lake's ancient limnology in lime stone region of central Yunnan"is a program subsidized by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, practied bySong Xueliang in Yunnan Institute of Geology. After the program had been authorized, inorder to have the program carried out successfully,the National Natural Science Founda-tion of China subsidized the researchers to cooperate with relative American institutes.  相似文献   

新中国的发展是与地质工作密不可分的.可以说,没有地质工作者的付出,就没有新中国的工业化.在纪念新中国地质工作50周年之际,我们专访了原地矿部部长朱训同志,他深情地回顾了献身地质的经历,以及对未来地质工作的期待.从老部长的悠悠回忆中,我们似乎看到了那些为新中国的发展而手执地质锤、放大镜和指南针等简单工具在深山大川中不倦探索、艰苦跋涉和无私奉献的数以万计的地质工作者的身影,并被他们那种崇高的精神境界深深感动.  相似文献   

1 前言据我国地震台网测定 ,1999年 10月 16日北京时间 17h46 min在美国加利福尼亚州的洛杉矶东部 (34 .5°N,116 .3°W)发生了 7.4级强烈地震。浙江省宁波地震台记录到了非常明显的地倾斜临震异常信息。通过检查、分析 ,没有发现人为原因或周围环境干扰以及仪器本身不稳定因素 ,认为观测到的短临前兆是可靠的。本文对此作分析讨论。2 观测基本条件宁波地震台位于杭州湾南岸、宁波盆地的北部山区与平原交界处 (2 9°5 8′N,12 1°31′E) ,距东海海岸约 16 km。台基为上侏罗统火山岩 ,岩性致密坚硬 ,整体性好。周围无干扰 ,是一个环境条…  相似文献   

Glacier recession is a globally occurring trend. Although a rich body of work has documented glacial response to climate warming, few studies have assessed vegetation cover change in recently deglaciated areas, especially using geospatial technologies. Here, vegetation change at two glacier forefronts in Glacier National Park, Montana, U.S.A.was quantified through remote sensing analysis,fieldwork validation, and statistical modeling.Specifically, we assessed the spatial and temporal patterns of landcover change at the two glacier forefronts in Glacier National Park and determined the role of selected biophysical terrain factors(elevation, slope, aspect, solar radiation, flow accumulation, topographic wetness index, and surficial geology) on vegetation change(from nonvegetated to vegetated cover) at the deglaciated areas.Landsat imagery of the study locations in 1991, 2003,and 2015 were classified and validated using visual interpretation. Model results revealed geographic differences in biophysical correlates of vegetation change between the study areas, suggesting that terrain variation is a key factor affecting spatialtemporal patterns of vegetation change. At Jackson Glacier forefront, increases in vegetation over some portion or all of the study period were negatively associated with elevation, slope angle, and consolidated bedrock. At Grinnell Glacier forefront,increases in vegetation associated negatively with elevation and positively with solar radiation.Integrated geospatial and field approaches to the study of vegetation change in recently deglaciated terrain are recommended to understand and monitor processes and patterns of ongoing habitat change in rapidly changing mountain environments.  相似文献   

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